I Only Wanted You Pt. 03


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My face must have lit right up, because she grinned and gave me a sly wink.

"Well, I suppose that'll be all right," I said.

She giggled. "We haven't had sex in a week, we've both been so busy. I had to trade for every shift I could to make room in the schedule for this trip, and you were so busy you forgot to call me."

"I did not forget to call you, I just remembered it too late."

She snorted. "Ooh, someone is gonna get it when we get to the hotel room."

I pulled her close. "God, I hope so. Twice."

She laughed out loud, but the twinkle in her eye said she liked it.

We made it to our hotel with a minimum of fuss, though once we were in our room, I gave an exaggerated shudder. "I have spent too much of my recent life living in hotel rooms for this to be any fun."

Natalie looked around. "What's the problem? This is nice."

I snorted. "I'm just being a whiner. This is a nice room. Anyway, what's our itinerary for the wedding?"

"Ash, Brooke, and I are meeting up with Monica for lunch tomorrow, and then the wedding is in the afternoon."

I waited, but she was done. "That's it?"

She shrugged. "Yep. Like I told you, Monica wanted to keep it simple."

"Ha. She's really bucking the trends. I like her. Is she single?"

Natalie rolled her eyes at me. "Dork."

I sat down on the bed to test its softness. "A few years ago I went to a cousin's wedding and the whole day was scheduled out to fifteen minute increments." I fell backward onto the bed, arms outstretched. "Really sucked any fun out of it, if you ask me."

She crawled onto the bed and curled up next to me. I looked at her. "Didn't Ash say something about getting together to do hair?"

"Yeah, that's after lunch tomorrow." She glanced at me uncertainly. "So, the lunch is just for us girls, if you don't mind. I mean, I guess you could come anyway, if you want--"

"Nah, that's cool. I'll find something to do while you ladies have fun."

She relaxed, settling herself up against me. "So what do you wanna do now?"

"Well," I said, pulling out my phone. "Thanks to the magic of time zones, it's almost dinner time. I say we go eat somewhere nice, then come back here and do naughty things with each other."

"Ooh," she giggled. "What sort of naughty things?"

"I was thinking of licking you here," I said delicately touching her breast with my fingertip, "and here." This time I touched her other breast. "And then I thought I would finish by licking you..." I trailed my fingertip down her body until I reached her crotch. "Here."

"Oh I like this plan," she said breathily. "But that's it? You'll be done after that?"

"Hm," I said, turning to her so we could kiss. "I can't know for sure, but I think by the time I'm done with all that, I'm really going to want to fuck you. Hard."

She shivered and licked her lips. "Yeah." She draped her leg over mine and pressed up close. "That's it. You've got me now."

"If you insist," I began, but she interrupted.

"Actually... later, Rob." The words said one thing but her eyes were smoldering.

I watched her in confusion. "What?"

"I'm going to get ready while you find us a place to go for dinner. Somewhere nice. Then we'll go and eat and come back here and then you can strip me naked and... you know..." she snuggled in close, placing her mouth right next to my ear, so close she brushed my skin with her lips. "And we can fuck."

A shudder ran through me when I heard her say it. "Okay," I managed faintly. "I think I can agree to your terms." I reached for her, but she rolled away, giggling.

She almost fell off the bed, but saved herself at the last moment. She barely suppressed a laugh even as she looked at me with an I meant to do that expression, then grabbed her suitcase and dragged it into the bathroom. "After you find us somewhere nice, make sure you change into your best clothes." With that, she closed the door and locked it.

Hell yes, I thought, grinning. This is gonna be a night to remember. I grabbed my phone and started searching for restaurants in the area. There had to be something good in the greater Phoenix area.

I don't know what she was doing in there, but I managed to find a great place with which to surprise her, and got dressed in the best clothes I'd brought, which was a suit and tie for Monica's wedding. It was a tailored suit, and I was in great shape, so I thought I looked pretty damn good. I wouldn't go so far as to admire myself in the mirror or anything, but I figured I could turn a few heads.

But when Nat came out of the bathroom, I felt under dressed. She emerged leg first, like on TV. One strappy heel, high by her standards, on a delicate foot with painted and manicured nails, followed by her slim ankle and shapely leg, clearly belonging to a woman who worked out.

The rest of her soon followed, and I think I just stood there with a goofy grin on my face, because she took one look at me and started laughing delightedly.

"Well!" she said like an announcement, fists on her hips. She looked me up and down and grinned. "I can't wait to see your reaction tonight."

I wanted to ask about that last bit, but I was busy staring. She wore one of those little black dresses you hear about, cut at angles that both shyly hid and tantalizingly showed off her curves, and she had done something to her hair that made it flow like a brunette waterfall over her slim, sexy shoulders. She had all her earrings in, and a tiny pendant on a silver chain around her neck.

I think she said something, but all the little scribes that live in my brain were fully occupied, scribbling madly to record this new memory, leaving none for other tasks, like breathing.

I coughed on my own saliva and hoped she hadn't noticed that particular charming detail. "Is this what you're wearing to the wedding?"

She laughed. "No, no. This isn't what you wear to a wedding." Her expression changed, softened. "This is what I'm wearing for you."

"Well, damn," I managed. "I'm one lucky guy."

Arm in arm, we made our way down to the lobby. The hotel I'd chosen was a nice one, with marble floors and lots of polished wood everywhere, so we didn't look out of place standing there while we waited for the car I'd requested. In fact, other people were dressed really nice, too, and I wondered what their stories were.

"Look at you!" Natalie said softly as we waited. "You look fantastic. A hot man in a suit! Yow."

"Me?" I spluttered. "I feel like I shouldn't even be standing next to you."

"Oh yes you should," she said, pulling me closer and looking up at me fondly.

Our car arrived and we got in. I gave the driver the address, and we settled back for the ride.

"Where are we going?" she asked as she buckled up.

"Remember back home, when we found that high end steakhouse that we said we'd have to be crazy to go to after we saw the menu prices? We're going to one like it."

"So we're crazy now?" she laughed. "Huh. Thought it'd feel different somehow." She looked at me quizzically. "Did you get your bonus?"

"No, not yet. But I did see an email I shouldn't have seen, so I know what's coming."

"Enough to make eating a hundred-dollar steak seem reasonable?"

I raised one finger. "It's a special occasion." I raised a second. "I'm celebrating the bonus." I raised all the rest and waggled them. "I've gone temporarily insane. Take your pick."

She shrugged. "I know people say the heat in Phoenix melts your brain, but it's only March. It's not even hot yet." She clapped me on the knee. "But if I'm going to find out what it's like to eat at a high-end place, at least I'm dressed for it."

"Your parents never took you to expensive restaurants?"

"They're frugal, so I think we might have gone to a nice place, once or twice. Though I seem to remember a lot of people were there that they knew. Must've been parties of some sort."

It didn't take too long to reach the restaurant. We went in and waited for our reservation to be ready. Soon enough, we were at our cozy little table, lit just enough to read the menu. The waiter was friendly and very knowledgeable about steak, which I didn't know was a thing. It made sense, after the fact, and he was very helpful, but it's always interesting to encounter a whole realm of knowledge you hadn't realized was there. We managed to order steaks and sides, and the waiter left us alone.

We chatted while we waited, and the waiter eventually returned with our orders. I tentatively tried my first bite.

"It's amazing," I said as I chewed, the flavors spreading through my mouth and straight into my consciousness.

"Best I've ever had," she replied, and then we just ate and savored every bite.

After we finished, I settled the bill, which was shocking, and then we left in another ride service car. We rode in silence for a while, before Natalie eventually turned her whole body to me, resting her elbow on the top of the back seat.

"Well?" she said, a small smile on her lips.

"Well what?"

"Was it worth it?"

I exhaled noisily. "Hard question to answer. Best steak I ever had, by a long shot? Yes, absolutely. Worth that much, just for the two of us? Oof. I'm not sure that question even makes sense in this situation."

She laughed delicately. "It seems so wasteful. Deliciously wasteful."

I shook my head, remembering. "And yet, here I sit wondering when the next time will be. Never, if I'm being at all responsible. I'd have to be rich to afford blowing that kind of cash on a single meal. But damn it was good."

The car stopped at a red light. Natalie was just watching me in silence.

"What?" I asked.

"Just watching you."

"Yeah, I noticed."

"I'm trying to see into the future." She took my hand.

"Hm. Lemme know if that works. Sounds useful."

She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. "Money's not going to go to your head, is it? Splashing cash around, driving fancy cars, throwing money at your problems to make them go away... using your wealth to try to control people."

"Yikes. That got personal quick."

She winced. "Sorry. It's just my experience around people with money hasn't been positive."

We'd reached our hotel, so we got out of the car and went inside. We held hands as we rode the elevator to our floor. We were the only people in it, so Natalie turned to face me and took both of my hands in hers. "What's done is done." She smiled. "Don't get me wrong, it was fun."

I met her gaze steadily. I wanted to reassure her, and I hoped that came through in my return smile. "I'm not wealthy. I have a good job and a sweet bonus heading my way, but..." I squeezed her hand. "This was a one-time thing. I'm already regretting it, because that was like an entire month of eating out, which we already do too much as it is. We should cook more at home. Cheaper and healthier."

She laughed gently. "Magically give us more time in the day and maybe we could make that happen. But yeah, I agree."

The elevator door opened and she glanced back at me as she led me by the hand, but not before I saw the sultry look on her face. My heart rate sped up. We reached our room and I fumbled with the room key, but eventually the door clicked open and we were inside. She was in my arms before the door even finished shutting.

"You look so hot," she said around our kisses, her words going straight from her lips to mine.

"You're stunning," I countered, my hands roaming her back, one descending to give her ass a quick squeeze.

She backed up a bit, moving her hands to my shoulders. She regarded me seriously, placing a hand gently on my cheek. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me," she said softly.

I took in her beautiful face and couldn't help grinning. "I feel the same way. I love spending time with you."

She gave me a little, happy smile. "I know," she said tenderly, then she pressed up against my chest, and we held each other close for a time, just enjoying the moment.

After a while, she let go and looked up at me. "You," she said with emphasis, giving me a gentle push, "go make yourself comfortable." She eyed me up and down. "Don't change out of those clothes. I'll go freshen up. Then," she said, a twinkle in her eye, "we'll have some fun."

A few emotions rolled through me at all this. I went with the dorky response, of course. "I'll get out the board games."

She rolled her eyes, but couldn't help laughing. "I won't be long." She went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

While waiting, I turned off some of the lights, then I turned on the TV and started looking through the music channels for something suitably romantic. I was pleased to see they had not one, but three. I picked one and set the volume low just in time.

The bathroom door opened. I tossed the remote aside and quickly turned to watch, because there was no way I wanted to miss this.

Natalie came out wearing a black babydoll dress that barely reached her hips. The top was lacy but hardly hid anything, showing off her perfect breasts. Below that, it was completely see through. She wore a small pair of black panties, and a growing smile.

"Wow," I breathed, taking it all in.

She sauntered closer to me, her eyes dark pools of smoldering heat. "Sexy enough for you?"

I closed the remaining distance. I caressed her, running the backs of my fingers down the side of her neck to her chest, then directly over her breast, which I cupped gently. She bit her lip and exhaled.

"You're all I ever wanted," I told her, and then I leaned down to kiss her. She responded eagerly.

We made out passionately, my hands wandering all over her body. I slipped them under the babydoll to feel her smooth skin. Her panties were cut low and I quickly discovered them to be a thong as I felt up her bare ass. She ran her hands all over my arms and shoulders, my thighs and my stomach. I cupped and squeezed her breasts through the lingerie, and she started tugging at the knot of my tie.

I helped her pull it loose and she tossed it onto a nearby chair. My suit jacket went next, and her eyes were hungry as she started on my shirt buttons. I rained kisses on her face and neck and shoulders while she worked, and as soon as my shirt was undone, she spread it open wide and felt all over my chest with her hands, planting kisses in random places.

I was content to let her keep going, since she only had two articles of clothing on and I still had more to go. She felt the bulge in my pants and looked up at with me a gleam in her eye. "I wanna see it," she said.

Memories of her saying that exact phrase, followed by her first hand job, surged through me. I barely managed to respond at all. "Belt... take it off..." I mumbled.

She grinned as if she knew exactly what was in my head, and then I got to experience the sheer magic of having a sexy woman take off my belt, and undo my pants. I'd done those exact things myself a million times, but having her do it was like having pure sex injected into my veins.

She knelt in front of me and tugged my underwear down, allowing my hard cock to spring up, eager and waiting. I loved watching her when she did this because her expressions were so open. She loved seeing it; it was written right there on her face. I loved that she was so into me, into my cock. Knowing she was sexually attracted to it, attracted to me, was the sort of fantasy I hadn't realized I held, until she showed me.

She took my cock in her hand and then, without warning, slipped me into her mouth. She knew she couldn't take me in very far or for very long, but she still liked to surprise me from time to time. And, to my delight, she no longer cared if I saw, and getting to watch a blow job and experience one at the same time was exactly the sort of naughty stuff my brain craved.

Her tongue swirled around the tip of my cock, and she bobbed her mouth up and down, sliding me in and out. She glanced up at me and couldn't help cracking a huge smile. She pulled off of my cock and planted a kiss directly on the tip, then stood up.

She put on a mock serious expression. "Pardon me. I simply couldn't help myself," she said, looking deep into my eyes.

"Be my guest, anytime," I said, reaching around to pull her close for a kiss.

"Remember what you said before dinner?" she asked, a slow smile working its way onto her lips.

"Uh huh." I kissed her again. ""I believe I laid out a road map of body parts to kiss." I gently turned her head and brushed her hair out of the way. I ran my lips around her earlobe. "And body parts to lick."

She shuddered and closed her eyes, exhaling. "I think there was one more step."

I turned her head to the other side, brushed her hair out of the way, and kissed her there, then breathed the words she wanted to hear, right into her ear. "And body parts that need to be fucked."

"Yesss," she hissed. "And when does this plan begin?"

I pulled her against my chest and circled my arms around her back, searching. "Just as soon as..." I ran my hands around the back of the babydoll, feeling for any sort of hooks or clasps. "As soon as I figure out..." I kept searching, but found nothing. I laughed. "How to get this thing off."

She pushed against me to gain a little distance. She raised her arms. "Just take it off. Like a shirt."

"Helluva sexy shirt," I muttered as I took the lingerie in hand and started gently pulling it up. It came without much resistance, the hidden elastic stretching around her breasts until they were exposed to me. I leaned in and took her nipple into my mouth.

She gasped. "Oh yeah," she moaned as my tongue swept across her nipple. With her help, we managed to get the babydoll all the way off, and I tossed it onto the same chair that already contained most of my clothes.

I guided her backward until she bumped into the bed. She sat down and scooted back to the middle of the mattress while I kicked off the rest of my clothes before following her. I wasted no time reaching for her chest. I felt her supple breasts in my hands and took her nipple into my mouth again, and she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations. I licked and sucked gently--she didn't like it hard--and swirled my tongue around. With my other hand, I felt up her other breast, but I kept my eyes open, because I wanted to see, damn it!

Her breasts were amazing and I could never get enough of the sight, the shape, and the feel of them. She breathed hard and held my head to her chest. Eventually, I switched breasts, wanting to give both of them the full experience. I gently tugged on her nipple with my fingers, something I'd learned she liked. I could twist it, too, as long as I was gentle.

I kept this up for minutes on end, knowing that more was to come, but I was content to enjoy this. I knew the more worked up I got her, the more into it she would get, and the hotter the sex would be. So skipping foreplay and going straight to sex would rob not only her of the sexual fun, but would result in less satisfying sex for me, too. Even my sexed-up brain could understand that math.

Eventually, she pushed my head back a bit and looked me in the eye. "I think there's another place that needs your tongue now." She had on a sexy grin, her lower lip caught between her teeth.

"With pleasure." I trailed kisses down her torso and over her stomach, down to her abdomen. Her black panties were smooth and tight, so I just kept going over them until I planted a kiss directly over her pussy.

She raised one eyebrow. "I'm gonna want it under the panties. Why don't you take 'em off?"

Grinning, I gripped her underwear on both sides and started tugging them down. She watched me with an excited expression, which actually slightly confused me, until I got the panties far enough down to see why.

My eyes went wide. "You shaved!" I marveled, staring.