I Stumbled into a Daily Blowjob Ch. 06

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Jill surprises with a quickie? Andy asks Jill out on a date.
10.9k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/06/2024
Created 02/19/2024
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Before we delve into chapter 6, let me say thanks for all the positive feedback, I enjoy reading your comments... This is my first attempt at writing erotica and your encouragement pushes me to continue on with more chapters...For those of you just joining in, scan through the comments from previous chapters first... I encourage you to start at the beginning for needed context to enter Andy and Jill's world... enjoy.


I walk into the kitchen to grab my first cup of coffee and Jill is at the stove finishing up my breakfast...I can smell the bacon... It's only 7:10 and Ashley's backpack is sitting at the end of the island...Friday has arrived...what a whirlwind of a week...what a past couple of nights!

Jill recognizes I'm behind her.."Great timing...I hoped you would be up before I have to run"

"Run?...Oh, that's right, you have to take Ashley to school".

"Yep, and we need to get out of here in the next 15, I'm not sure how traffic will back up from this direction"...Jill turns with my plate..." bacon,eggs and a bagel...l hope this is ok again this morning,...I need to get Ashley hurried up, enjoy." and heads off to the bedrooms.

Jill is wearing different workout clothes this morning. A one piece sleeveless with a low back, stopping just below her shoulder blades... Mmmm, those perfectly rounded cheeks... The front is rounded out with ample cleavage, barely covering the sides of her breasts. with a zipper to her crotch allowing the shoulders to pull down to get in and out of, along with her running shoes...

Jill is so petite, with such an amazing figure, and this one-piece bodysuit is holding that fabulous body skin tight just like yesterday morning as she walks away...She has just gotten up early enough to get in her workout and to make sure she would have breakfast for me before she had to run.

I just sat for a minute to process that...her demeanor is always pleasant, accommodating, and determined to make sure I'm taken care of...she's fun to be around, and silly at times too...and this morning as if nothing happened last night of note.

Jill comes trotting back through, a jacket over her jumpsuit, with keys in hand..."need to warm the car!"...and out the front door.

Shit, I meant to clear a bay for her to use...I'm hurrying down my breakfast as Jill passes me coming back in and stops... "Brrrr, still chilly this morning...I'm sorry I'm having to scurry around Andy or I would sit and have a cup with you."

"We can do that when you get back...I'm gonna grab you a garage door fob real quick..I've forgotten till now"

"What for?" Jill looks puzzled.

"So you can use the 2nd garage bay and avoid the weather...just open the door when you get back and pull in, I'll get my car moved to the shop building before you get back, K?"

Jill just stands there looking at me "What?...Andy, if you have your car parked in there, you don't have to do that"!

"I never drive it...Don't argue, just do...you need to go right now".

I come back from the garage with the fob in hand. Ashley is throwing her backpack over a shoulder..."I'm ready Mom"!

"Morning Andy, bye Andy"...a little hurried smile, Ashley blew by and joined Jill.

"Morning sweetheart, bye sweetheart"... I handed Jill the fob, and out the front door they went...


I go ahead and get dressed, grab a jacket and keys and enter the garage. There my little toy sits, under a cover for the last five months. I pull the cover off and sort of halfway fold it up, stuff it in the passenger's seat and look her over real quick. Some guys like motorcycles, for me it's comfort in a convertible to get the wind in my hair.

I've gotten into the habit of changing the oil in the spring... and running through a wash and wax before putting the cover on for the winter so it doesn't sit with the road grime and it's been worth it.

I bought her new... almost twelve years old now, top of the line options at that time, dark blue flake, almost black, and she only has 42,000 miles...She's paid for, insurance on a second car with a single driver isn't that bad, so I would be a fool to sell her. The paint and chrome look like new, the tan leather interior looks like the day I bought it, all the light lenses are clear, but the color matched retractable hardtop has dulled and could use some love.

I grin a little to myself reminiscing...This little jewel helped get me laid more than once when I was chasing skirts right after my divorce, one of the reasons I bought it.

She kicks right over, idling smooth as silk, so I drive her down to the building... I have to unlock, walk thru, raise the overhead, pull in... then lower the overhead, get the cover out, unfold my mess and get the cover back on and straightened, back thru the shop, lock up and now walking back up the drive, about half way back to the house as Jill is pulling in. She sees me walking and stops in front of the garage door in her little Escape SUV.

Jill rolls her window down, I can see her grinning as she holds the remote up so I can see her using it... As the door is rising up she turns to me with the biggest smile, pantomimes a "thank you", then blows me a kiss and and pulls in, leaving the door open for me to enter.

As soon as I turn the corner, Jill is waiting inside to meet me, standing at the other end of her SUV posing, a hand leaning against the hood, with one knee over the other on a pointed toe... Her jacket is open, pulled way down past her shoulders resting inside the bend of her arms like it was a fur stole and unable to hold back her smile...I stop for a second, surprised at the sight, taking her in.

Still posing, Jill, with her free hand, unzips her bodysuit all the way down, completely open in the cool air...A full wide cleavage view, her breasts so firm and round, all the way down, her flat little tummy and belly button now exposed... the edges of the suit just barely covering her nipples, hardened in the cool air, pointing through the material, leaving herself exposed for maybe five seconds...Jill winks at me, then pulls it back up to just under her breasts....

Jill is mastering the art of more than just teasing me...and more towards unbelievably sexy and desirable... and she has all the assets to pull it off, holding back just enough for me to want more...Damn, this woman is like no other I have been sexually attracted to in the past...Jill is more than just a beautiful face, or her damn near perfect little body...she's the complete package in the way she carries herself.

Smiling at the way I'm just standing there, my mouth open looking at her....sticks her tongue out being silly and trots to me, tiptoes up and gives me a kiss on the cheek, ..."You are so good to me!" ...in my ear... I have to grab her cheeks in each hand, getting a good squeeze of that well toned ass though that stretchy tight bodysuit, pulling her in... taking in the newfound joy in her face she seems to have all the time now.

Jill's happiness is so genuine...and it's affecting me in a way I don't quite understand yet...In a weird sort of way having the girls around the past couple of days feels like something I've been missing in my life...this is all so new...and yet something I had decided years ago I didn't want to pursue.

"What do you say, we go ahead and get your kitchen gadgets from the shop before I get to work?"

"Andy, that would be great!.. If we could move my bed, I'll be done in my bedroom. It would be so nice to get the kitchen rearranged before I go back to work."


It's still just 8:30 as we sit at the Island and enjoy a cup of coffee together and some small talk before we get busy moving the bed and fetching her kitchen gear...I've always been alone in the morning, in solitude with the days work ahead rattling around in my head and by this time I was out the door...something I was concerned that a change in my routine would annoy me when Jill made her pitch that first night.

But I'm enjoying this, not obsessing with work...just taking a few minutes this morning to stare at Jill's beautiful face... The way her soft blue eyes and straight little nose exhibit her subtle asian features. And if her exotic looks weren't enough, a tight-fitting jumpsuit caressing her breasts, opened low for me to enjoy her cleavage sitting next to me... Just listening to her excitedly talk about how she plans to set up "her" kitchen....and I'm becoming more relaxed with Jill in conversation as well as being attracted to her sexually...

Nothing is ever mentioned about that incredible lap dance, or getting her face painted or curled up holding each other for half an hour...I'm just caught up in her enthusiasm, realizing these are all new mornings in more ways than one for her as well...and Jill is...well...just all smiles and full of joy...and it's infectious!!


Bed has been moved and Jill is satisfied with the placement. We have six bankers sized boxes sitting on the Island full of small appliances, various hand tools, napkin holders, candles, etc... as Jill is starting to pull a few things out.

"I'm headed to the office for a bit, it's draw day, then I have to run".

"What is that"? Jill looks puzzled.

"It's Friday, I pay some of the subcontractors for the week's progress so they can make their payrolls". I explain..."Hoping I have a good amount of time left this afternoon once they're taken care of to get some work done in the shop".

"Well...I'm about to make a big mess in here" Jill put her hand on her forehead, looking at everything she has brought in..."Mind if I come down for a minute before I dig into this?...If your office is like the rest of the house...I'd really like to see it...you know, where all the action happens?...with a grin.


I flip on the office lights and Jill follows me in.... The left wall has a window at both ends, each with an artificial potted plant below, a credenza stretches between the two windows with a 50" flat screen tv, high in the center of the credenza, a printer sits on one end, an wide opening for a chair, file draws at each end.

It's a fairly deep room, the opposing wall has a sort of bookshelf all the way across that holds various cabinets, plumbing fixtures, fireplace, etc brochures at eye height, and below are siding, roofing samples and the like that give a professional feel to the room.

"This is nice Andy"...Jill looks around...

I scan my office with pride..."I spent the most time getting this room right to host potential clients at times. I built the desk, credenza and did the wainscoting around the wall myself".


"I get a very comfortable feeling in here...the two nice stuffed chairs... why the tv behind your desk, isn't that hard to watch your games?" Jill has curiosity in her face.

I point to the two two 17" monitors, keyboard and mouse on one end of my desk... "It's easy to bring up selection lists, proposed budgets, 3D views of house plans to throw on the tv behind me for clients to view while I'm looking at my monitor, using a pointer...I've had great feedback at the ease of communicating a complex project like a custom home."

"That makes sense... and I like your desk too, no drawers, and all open like that underneath, I'm constantly bumping my knees against the file drawers on the sides of my desk everytime I turn", Jill observes.

"Yea, I like it, I can swing around to the credenza for files without knocking... I do that a lot to get the printer or I can just roll over to this end when I have blueprints rolled out"...I chuckled a bit..."I looked at several desks, credenza plans and this seemed like it would work best, so I just went with it".

"Friday is my routine paperwork maintenance day and really the only time I spend here".

"I better let you get to work...and me too"...just text me if you need more coffee or anything, K"...Jill heads back out of the office.

I fire up the computer and monitors and check my texts, then send out some texts to Subs that haven't contacted me yet so I can calculate their progress to cut some checks. I have a couple dozen invoices to enter in a pile while waiting. The monitors come up, ready to go, so I pull up my bank, accounting software, the coming weeks schedule and progress spreadsheet, split between the two screens and I'm off and running.... Paperwork!...This is the part of running a small business I enjoy the least.

Looking at next week's calendar, I'm hoping things will dry up enough by mid week to get a bobcat in to clean up brick and rough in the grades on a couple of houses... I fill in the current week's progress for each project and I see a Saturday reminder...HBA annual dinner.... Damn, I had forgotten, thinking it was still two weeks away...

I immediately think of Jill...I'm willing to bet Jill would like to join me...trouble is, I purchased just my single reservation over a month ago.

I get to work entering invoices and several payments made as the subcontractor texts are coming in. Paperwork is going smoothly this morning, even as I fight off thinking about Jill in the garage this morning...the rainy weather has limited work and the draws will be lighter than usual. The guys will need their money for a short week asap...

I'm thinking "it's not quite 11:30 and close to finishing, I can print maybe a dozen checks, then hit the job sites to get distributed and be back to get a few solid hours working in the shop".

I hear a knock at the open office door to get my attention.... I look up as Jill walks in wearing a pair of denim cutoffs... the belt band has been cut off, sitting low and loose on her hips, cuffed at the bottom, super short.... a sleeveless crew neck t-shirt that's freshly cut from mid back rising up the sides, with barely enough of the thin material stretched across to cover her perky nipples. The full bottom of her breasts are exposed...

...Jill stands just inside the door... her bare feet about a foot apart, her back slightly arched enough to push her ass out and raise her chest forward for a spectacular display of underboob ...the ends of her fingers slid into each pocket, swaying her ass back and forth a little... her wavy hair falls partially across one eye... like a little girl waiting for candy...

"I thought you might need something...maybe more coffee?....or more of me"?... eyebrows raised with that innocent look, biting her lower lip like she does....

Jill has gotten my attention... how could I not stop to drink her in?... I had real concerns that my work routine would suffer just a few days ago... before the girls moved in, back when I had my wits... now my cock wants to be doing my thinking, but damn it, I do still have a business to run..

"Or.... are you still busy with work"?..with a wink.

"Listen Jill...you gorgeous thing...Once I get these checks printed I really need to run and get these guys paid...maybe a couple hours"?

...without a word, Jill works that walk across the room... her rounded, toned ass fills those cutoffs to the limit...her cheeks half exposed below the cuffs... and that t-shirt is barely covering her perky buds, her ass sways a little with each step.... She slows down in front of the display, running a finger along the edges of the shelves looking at the various brochures...

"Sooo....sounds like you're close to a stopping spot then"?...Jill looks my way out of the corner of her eye....

I'm thinking Andy's about to get thrown off his game plan... but who the fuck wouldn't want a blowjob from this hot little MILF?... I need to get out of here just the same, making every attempt to keep my focus... look at the monitor, Andy... hurrying to get it done...

"Getting close, Jill"

I catch a glimpse of Jill, her back to a wall on my blind side to keep from distracting me, bent knee with a foot against the wall, her fingers back inside each pocket, pushing those shorts down low... a quick view of this little sex bomb...That fucking underboob t-shirt cut and her flat little tummy look awesome as Jill is just looking around the room, waiting for me to finish up..

I'm struggling to keep focus for the next few minutes to get the last payments loaded...I hit print and a few seconds later the printer starts up.... and there's a tugging on my belt buckle.

I look down to my other side... I didn't see Jill come over and kneel... She already has the spur released and is pulling my belt thru... looking at me with a little smile, the tip of her tongue between her teeth in a "Teehee" gesture, dimples and all...now working on the button and zipper of my jeans.

'Are you after this thing again'?...looking at Jill with a surprised face..

"I've been thinking about you all morning... and knowing you're just downstairs?" Jill bites her lower lip, she has a way of looking so innocent in her eyes..."after all, you gave up your garage for me... maybe a little kiss down here to thank you?".. Jill teases... moving herself around my chair, crawling under the desk to get a better position.

I'm zoning out watching her take over, thinking, fuck yes!... at the same time, my cock has had a workout the past two nights, definitely not used to this much action...Jill will be here when I get back, so if I can muster the will power to hold off a couple hours..."Jill, I really don't have much time"...moving her hair from her eye as she struggles to look at me from under my desk... "People are expecting to get paid...like really soon to do their banking."

Jill is tugging at my jeans and I'm under a spell gazing at her... it was like second nature to just lift up so she could pull them down without thinking... "Maybe just a quickie then?...Jill's eyebrows raised with a silly little frown...all the while pulling my jeans down to my ankles, lifting my leg to get a foot out.....

...Jill's sitting back on her legs, bent forward at the waist, still under my desk... I open my legs wide so Jill can move forward and she lays an arm across my thigh, her forearm across my stomach, now able to look up at me with those innocent raised eyebrows.... her other arm down below, has found my balls, caressing them ...

I'm about to get my cock sucked again!!!....What's a guy to do?..

....I roll my chair back a bit to give her some operating room around her shoulders as Jill scoots along with me to sit up...looking at me, her eyebrows still raised, all innocent ..."I just want a few minutes... so I can practice after last night?"...and bends forward and drools salvia on my cock, for a nice long stroking like she does...

Jill's hand... up and down my shaft... leans her head to one side, concentrating... getting me good and hard...and It feels so fucking good... I have given in completely now..."Jill...There's plenty of time to accomplish your goals"...I move her hair out of her eyes again while she strokes my shaft, looking and listening to me..."plenty of time, my beautiful, beautiful Jill"...

...and down she goes...releasing my balls to hold me by the root... Jill parts her lips and licks up my slippery wet shaft, then points my cock down toward her mouth to kiss my cockhead..."Mmmmm...".she whimpers... and runs her tongue all around and slips over the side to lick and suckle up and down the sides of my shaft..."I love this big cock...Mmmm aa mmm.".... Scooted up close, her elbow lay in my stomach now, her arm wrapped around the center of her attention, reaching to find my balls again to continue massaging my nuts, suckling up and down the sides of my shaft, as I gently stroked her hair and watched...

What a way to be thrown off your game plan....

...Jill eyes are closed, she comes back up to take me in her mouth...a hungrily whimper..."Mmmm"...as she suckles and tongues all around the head and dives down... sucking my iron hard cock pointed straight at her... in and out several times...then returns to licking my shaft so she can look up at me for approval...then back in her mouth, a hungry whimper..."Mmmm"... and down she goes again to suck on my shaft, in and out some more..."Ummm aa mm"..