I.T. Ch. 01


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I smiled to myself and sent her a note from my company account: "Hey Maryann, stop by my office and see me on your way home this afternoon."

It was a fine line between becoming a dom and acting like one. At first, it had to be acting; it had been a long time since I'd successfully done this but, apparently, I didn't do too badly. "Push the door shut," I said as I barely acknowledged that she was there. As always, Maryann was perfectly dressed for the business world. A skirt, middle of the leg in length was accented by a pale pink pullover sweater; her breasts were softly rounded in the sweater, with no sign of any nipples.

I was the last one out, the rest of the staff was already gone. I left her standing, her attitude quizzical, wondering why she'd been summoned to the IT office. Nobody ever got summoned to the IT office, did they?

I pulled up multiple of the damning email discussions and just began to quietly read them to her, stopping when I'd read about ten of varying ages. "You realize, of course, that anything you do on your work computer is privy to company inspection?" I said, after having read enough for her to know that I'd read them all, "that leaving your email account unlocked where I could read it, wasn't the smartest move?"

"Oh My God," she said. I just looked at her, knowing that this was it. My next words were going to make this woman my sub, or I was going to just pass this information on and tell her not to do it again.

"Oh My God, what?" I said, with the emphasis on the "what."

I could tell she was thinking, contemplating what I was asking. If she was my sub, she would have added a "Sir", but this was work, wasn't it? I could see her mind whirling, the slight blush, and suddenly her nipples perked up in her sweater. I knew she wasn't sure what the 'dom' and 'sub' dynamic would be, but I blatantly let my eyes lower to her breasts. "Oh My God..." she started, paused just slightly, and added, "Sir?"

"That's two. You'll address me as Sir when we're in private, understood?"

"Yes... Sir," she answered, and instantly I knew, we knew, that Maryann was now my submissive. "Uhh, Sir?" she stammered.

"What is it?"

"When we're not in private? How do you want me to address you?"

"Hmm. Good question." I thought about it and realized that we'd not really had that much interaction before. I knew who she was, and she knew who I was, but we really didn't have much interaction on a day-to-day, week-to-week, basis. "Mr. Dickinson to start with. I will eventually introduce myself as Barry when others are around to hear. From then on you may, in informal situations, refer to me as Barry, but in formal situations, you will refer to me as Mr. Dickinson."

"OK," she nodded, thinking about what I'd just said.

"OK, what?" I prodded.

"OK, Sir," she corrected herself.

"Now what am I going to do with you?" I said, changing the subject and leaving no doubt that I was in charge, although not outright calling her on her failure to address me properly. "You've been a naughty girl, haven't you?"

"Uhm... Sir?" she asked, befuddled at my statement.

"Working on private email on company time, discussing your love life, discussing breaking up with your husband, discussing your desires... all on company time? Is that what you're supposed to be doing?"

"No... Sir," she responded. I could tell she almost forgot the "Sir." I just let her stand while I contemplated the situation. That I'd already thought this out, what was going to happen if she responded "this way" or "that way" she need not know.

"Well, unlike some things that employees have done on their computers, your transgressions aren't all that bad... but still, I think a punishment is in order. Do you agree?"

Her answer was hesitant, she didn't know me yet and didn't know what I had in mind. "Yes... Sir?" It wasn't a solid answer.

"What do you think should be your punishment?" I asked and then waited. "Well?" I asked after perhaps a minute of silence.

"Uhm, I don't know, Sir." I noted that the 'Sir' this time was automatic and without hesitation. That she had been a submissive in the past and how to act as a submissive came back to her immediately. "Uhm, perhaps a day off without pay?" she suggested and then belatedly added, "Sir?"

"Hmm. No, I don't think so. I'd have to send that up to Helen Peterson and I don't see any need to get HR involved with this," I said an inkling of an idea popping into my head when I did, "at this time," I added on. "I tell you what, you're going to have to stew on this for a few days, I'll let you know what your punishment will be before Friday. In the meantime, you may go."


That I hadn't told her to do anything or required her to be immediately punished was, in hindsight, obviously a mistake on my part: not taking the dom mindset immediately. Later I would again remember that crime and punishment worked best when directly related but, for now, it gave me the opportunity to come up with something appropriate.

"Thank you, Sir." I nodded and looked away, Maryann turning and leaving.

My mind was racing a thousand miles an hour. I hadn't expected that to go as smoothly as it did. That Maryann had just, with a few words, become my submissive, I had no doubt. But now what? I'd never commanded a woman to have sex with me, it had always been a date, a seduction, a dance of two people who desired each other to admit they wanted to have sex -- the domination and submission had grown from there. Here, I'd seen her nipples perk up, and I realized that her panties had probably gotten wet, too. I knew something had popped into my mind as I'd been talking to her, and now I had to stop and think about what it was. Turning back to my computer I found the log of Helen's computer and where she'd been going online.

I hadn't had a toggle or a phishing or other cyber-attack in several days, and now looking back I could see that Helen was no longer visiting that one site, but the others she had visited multiple times. I could see she'd downloaded several videos, and moments later had a copy of the first video for myself. I got up and closed the door and, returning to my desk, pushed the remote lock button. No need for someone that I didn't know to come walking in on me.

This video wasn't bi-sexual, it was pure woman-on-woman. Going back to the log, I found another and a few minutes later had another video. This one started as a couple. They had some hot sex together, with the woman obviously not satisfied afterward. Fast forwarding, the woman picked up another woman somewhere -- returning to her bedroom where she and her date satisfied each other with her husband sitting in a chair, watching, and masturbating. In the next scene, the woman was shown hooking up with another younger woman at work. In the movie, it appears that the older woman must be a boss or supervisor of some kind. Merely flirtatious in their initial dealings, they parted ways, and then later the boss was shown sitting in her chair, pulling her panties off, and fingering herself before she dialed a phone. The split screen showed the younger woman answering, and the older woman asking her to come back to her office as she needed some help. When the younger woman entered, she told her to close and lock the door and then to come around the desk. Hidden from view when across the desk, it was obvious when she walked around that the older woman had her panties off and was masturbating. The younger woman immediately dropped to her knees and went down on the boss. Afterward, the boss lady pulled her up, took her pants and shirt off, set her on the desk, and ate her also. The ending scene was the older woman back with her husband again, only this time she was imagining being with the younger woman as her husband went down on her.

Movie after movie, I looked at what she had looked at, the gist of the movies was all the same -- lots and lots of oral sex. I pulled the movies I'd downloaded, stored them to a flash drive, erased them from the corporate cloud, and then did the same for Helen's copies. She'd stored multiple downloads, I pulled them all and put them on the flash drive, removing any evidence from the cloud that any other of our IT people could have accessed. In my opinion, the flash drive was more secure; if the flash drive wasn't in the USB port, it couldn't be accessed. I locked the drive so that even if she lost it, it couldn't be opened.


"Maryann, can you come to my office please?" It was still mid-morning, so Maryann had to know something was up. I hadn't waited until the end of the day, and having called her during the day everyone else knew that something was up. "Shut the door," I said as she poked her head in.

"You called me..." she glanced around, and then lowered her voice, "Sir?"

"I went to look at your emails this morning and it looks like you've logged out."

"Uhm... yes Sir?"

"Did I tell you to close your email?"

"No Sir."

"You're right. I'm guessing you told Teri about our discussion last night?" She blushed and dropped her head. "I thought so. You're going to go back to your desk, re-open your email, and from now on will not sign out from the company computer. I already know your username and password, I can get on, but you don't have any secrets from me anymore so there's no longer a need for making it difficult for me to see what you write. Do you understand?" My eyes dropped down to her blouse, a pale blue, and form-fitting, accenting her breasts, and her nipples once again perked up just as they had been the day before.

"Yes, Sir."

"Take your panties off."

"WHAT?" She said much louder than needed. I waited half a second and cocked an eyebrow at her. She realized what had happened, as she repeated, "What, Sir?"

"Don't make that mistake again. You heard me. Take your panties off and give them to me."

She looked at me for a moment before turning toward the door. "I'll be right back, Sir."

"No," I responded, "take them off. Right here. My little slut doesn't need to be embarrassed in front of me." It was the first time that I'd called her my slut, whether she recognized that or not.

Maryann just stood momentarily before glancing at the door and then slid her hands up under her skirt and hooked her panties. She did an admirable job of getting them off without exposing herself and then handed them to me. I held out my hand and took them. I looked at them, the small wet spot in the front confirming that she was at least partly turned on. "Nice panties," I said, pulling them up to my face and taking a sniff. "You won't be wearing any panties for the next week. Understand?"

She swallowed harder than normal. "Yes, Sir."

"Ok, you're dismissed," I said, and then countermanded myself, "Wait a minute." She stopped and turned back to see why I'd stopped her. "Lift your skirt and show me your pussy."

She hesitated, and then lifted the front, momentarily showing me her pussy, complete with a full bush. "Oh my!" I said, as she lowered her skirt, "Is that the way you kept yourself for your husband?"

"Yes Sir. He liked me "natural," as he said."

"Hmm. He may have liked that, but for me, my slut will have a landing strip. Tomorrow. You'll stop by here every morning for the next week and show me that you're not wearing panties. Understood?"

"Yes Sir. Whatever you say, Sir."

"Good. You're dismissed, and remember I'm still working on an appropriate punishment. I haven't forgotten."


"Got a minute?" I asked when I stopped by Helen's office later, always the greeting I gave her when I was there on business.

"Sure, Barry, come on in. What's up?" I pulled the door shut and stepped up to her desk, pulling the chair over to her desk. I had the flash drive in my hand and handed it to her. "What's this?" She asked, puzzled.

"Just open it, you'll see," I said. She pushed it into the USB slot and immediately said, "It's password protected."

"I know, I locked it," I answered and then told her the password.

She typed it in and then gasped, her eyes wide, coming up to meet mine, a blush spreading across her face.

"It's OK, Helen. Nobody but me knows what you like to look at. When I found the cyber-attacks last week, I could see they were originating from your computer. I took the videos off the corporate cloud. Although it is quite secure, it could be viewed by any other IT geek, just like me. I think this," I said, waving in the vicinity of the flash drive, "is more secure." I stopped and waited.

"You know my secret."

I nodded. "I know a lot of people's secrets. But as I've reiterated again and again, discretion is the name of my job."

"You must think..."

"No, I don't think anything," I said, shaking my head. "I'm purely non-judgmental, we're all humans with desires and needs, including me, and they don't all mesh with what other people think. You're not the only one with hidden... desires... at this company."

"There are others?" she asked.

I shrugged, "The sex experts say that anywhere between 5 and 10 percent of the population has homosexual tendencies or desires, so... what's that? Somewhere between 15 and 30, in this company alone. Somewhere in the vicinity of 60 percent of all people have some type of... infidelity. So, that's about another hundred and eighty? And that's to say nothing about the swingers, those who... share... with others?"

"You know that?" she asked.

"It's not that hard to; almost everyone slips up somewhere. The funny thing is that I know virtually nothing about anyone's job, and I don't really care to, but anything not job related, I seem to know about almost everyone's private business once they bring it to the workplace."

I saw the lightbulb of recognition go off in her mind. "That was you," she said, without explaining what "that" was. I just shrugged my shoulders and crinkled up my face. If she wasn't going to say it, I wasn't going to admit it. "George..." she said after another moment of silence, referring to the name of the ex-employee who had been arrested at home the year before. Part of a child pornography ring, I didn't say anything, but the anonymous information that I'd passed to the FBI had indeed been integral into the breakup of a huge international child pornography ring. I had access to things that they needed warrants and months of investigation for, but when the information was laid anonymously on their doorstep, the results were phenomenally fast. That I'd had a long discussion with the FBI agent in charge about what they "hypothetically" needed and how to make sure that "anonymous" help remained anonymous while still being legally prosecutable, nobody else knew. Again, I neither confirmed nor denied.

"Helen, you know that I'm supposed to report events... such as this... to Miller," I queried, setting the hook, and at the same time letting her know I hadn't -- as yet."

She blanched, her eyes searching my face for a clue. Having known email secrets from every employee in the company, I'd gotten quite good at keeping a blank look. "That would look bad, wouldn't it?"

"It would," I agreed. "But I have discretion on what should be reported and what does get reported." I let her stew for a moment. "I'm not judgmental about what you do on your own time, however, I need to keep the corporate intranet secure. Let me show you some things here." I stood and walked around to her side of the desk, taking my chair with me. I took control of her computer and proceeded to show her how to protect herself, and her desires, from being recorded.

"So now you know that I've been able to look over your shoulder. Of course, if it hadn't been for that one Chinese site that caused us trouble, I never would have been watching."

She nodded her head knowingly. Just where was I going with this? I could see the turmoil in her mind; she'd done things she shouldn't have; I'd just shown her how to protect herself a bit better... so what did I have in mind? "I'm guessing that, even with what you just showed me, you can still follow and see what I do?"

It was my turn to nod. "I can. But I don't... and won't; unless there's a problem... or unless you want me to." She cocked her head, just slightly, understanding that I'd just asked her if she wanted me to follow her activities. "Are you still married?" I asked, theoretically a complete change of subject, and as expected from the subject I really had no business asking about and could have warranted a complaint to HR -- except that she was HR. She was a bit taken aback.

Her nodding head told me she was, but instead of answering with words, she asked a question instead. "Why do you ask?"

"Woman-on-woman porn. Only occasionally male/female stuff, but a lot of secretaries servicing the boss man or woman in their office. Something tells me that perhaps you're not getting any at home anymore."

"We separated 4 years ago."

"Ah. That explains it. You're still married, officially?" She nodded. "Two kids, right?"

"We agreed to stay married until they graduate high school."

"Got it." I nodded, waiting. Helen was a smart cookie, she had to know there was something more coming up.

"So, what now? You've found me out, and now you expect me to jump into bed with you?" There was a hint of bitterness in her words.

"No, not what I had in mind at all. Not that I don't find you attractive, I do, and perhaps sometime later we can play together in bed, but for now I've got something else in mind. Something that you've been fantasizing about." That I planned on getting this woman to willingly strip her panties off and let me fuck her silly, I didn't let on.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"You're not the only one with secrets that I've found out about. You see, I've recently become a dom to a very submissive woman. She's been a bad girl, right off the bat, and I need to punish her. And then, I came across your little transgression... and I think your hidden desire is a perfect solution for both of us. You've also been a bit of a bad girl, and perhaps you need a bit of punishment too?"

She cautiously rolled her head to the side, never taking her eye off me. "Just what have you got in mind?"

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FlamethrowFlamethrow5 days ago

@anonymous 7 days ago

Tell me you have no imagination without telling me so.

Helen1899Helen18996 days ago

Another anon, trying to spoil everyone's pleasure, why can't they all be blocked. I am no IT. expert, I just want to read, enjoy and hopefully get myself off on a very sexy story. My nipples are hard, my panties, would be wet, but when you ordered Maryann to take her panties off I took mines off to. You see that I am going to follow this series and also become your submissive slut, hoping to get a minimum of one intense orgasm, I have just moved my fingers along my slit, caressing my clit, I would like to offer them to you to sample my taste, sadly I had to imagine it was you, when in actual fact I seductively sucked them myself, sadly I have acted this out On my own on numerous occasions. 5* now for ch.2 wish me luck

BenLongBenLong10 days agoAuthor

s that a complaint? I'm an electrical engineer and pilot, and this sounds similar to my wife when I complain about some incorrect electrical nuance or stupid flying misnomer in a movie. Yes, it’s true, I’m not an IT guy, and my IT acumen is (probably mostly) obsolete, and I admittedly know just enough to make those, who are up to date on their knowledge roll their eyes and groan. But this is fiction. Just like Tom Cruise jumping into a fifty-year-old F-14 and taking off, without even so much as a pre-flight, liberal use of imagination helps.

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

The "I.T." In this story sadly only makes sense to the ignorant or the "old IT guy": Tell me you have no clue without telling me so.

tennesseeredtennesseered18 days ago

Very readable. The IT details add a lot of color, at least to me, someone who knows nothing about IT. It's a risky game this IT guy is playing. He could easily become the prey. This is going to be a good one.

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