I'm That Guy

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Widowed twice, did he dare fall in love a third time?
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Anyone engaged in sexual activity is 18 or older.

This may have fit in erotic couplings but in the end, it was more about finding love one more time, therefore I went with the romance category.


Linda Altmont sat across from my desk telling me what a rotten prick her husband is, she's late twenties, maybe early thirties, average in most ways. Not too busty but a nice rack, sweet hips that look like they'd be a pleasant place to cradle me as I fucked her, brown hair and dark blue rimmed glasses. She wasn't dressed provocatively or exposing herself in an inviting way unlike some of the women who've set across from me through the years. She's wearing a soft looking dress that ends above the knee, buttons down the front and nylons of some sort, whether they're panty hose or actual nylons I have no idea, my imagination says hose and a belt, but then I'm a horny middle aged guy, so who knows.

As I listen to how her husband Ken is self-absorbed and thinks only of himself, mentally I begin to formulate my plan, she's vulnerable and I intend to get into her panties, sooner rather than later. I'm so sure of my assessment that I set a goal of at least kissing her before she leaves the office, the rest will fall in place after that. You see, I'm that guy, the one whom husbands never pay any more attention to than they do their neglected wives. I'm forty-six, have been widowed twice and as such have become the sounding board and listening ear to numerous unhappy wives these past six years since my late wife died.

I'm not a gym rat but stay in shape, I still do morning exercises just as I had the three years I was in the Army, I walk every day, consume very little alcohol and am careful what I eat. At five foot ten inches I'm not what I would consider a big man, I maintain a weight of around one eighty five which is where I was fifteen years ago. I still have my hair and teeth, although grey is slowly creeping into my sideburns along with a streak or two on my head, I personally like the look. I don't have a porn star dick or balls the size of lemons, the six plus inches I do possess has yet to fail me after all these years and I have had but one gal complain, she said I was too big. If I have a weakness other than wanting my dick in a snug pussy, young or old, it's that I'm a clothes horse, I love nice clothing and dress that way at work.

I don't go after wives who aren't already looking, if they're married and seem happy more power to them, if they're miserable and married to a schluk like Ken, well, in my mind that's an entirely different ball game. Ken has a decent job and provides, with the stipulation he gives her enough money to run the household and he keeps the rest, if she wants or needs new clothing for instance it's up to her to get it on her own, which is the biggest part of why she works at the same place I do. At first, she would hold back a little from groceries or something similar until he figured it out and had a shit fit, she finally said *fuck it* and got a job.

I'm a marketing analyst for an online clothing company, no we aren't those miserable bastards who inundate you with robo-calls. You must call us and order merchandise, there are anywhere for twenty five to forty people answering phones depending on the season or sales promotions. All of those orders go into a database where I analyze which items to promote and which items to scrap, which in and of itself is a shitload for one person to analyze, which is why I have two assistants, Linda being one of them and Mildred being the other. Mildred is forty nine and happy as a lark with her marriage, we flirt and have work related banter but that's it, we've known each other since grade school, we're good friends and nothing more, everyone needs those as well.

Linda had been in my office talking non-stop for over ten minutes, some of it I listened to, most of it I didn't, that is until I heard her say something that jogged my brain, "And dammit Hu, (short for Hubert) size does matter."

Linda is about five six or seven and Kenny boy is at least two inches shorter than her, if he's five foot four I'd be amazed, I quickly surmised his dick is probably like the rest of him, short and thin. I smile and for the first time since she's entered I say more than yup, mm-hmm, or oh yes,

"You're absolutely right Linda, size makes a world of difference."

I stand and cross the office closing the door behind her, walking back I stop next to the chair where she's sitting, I see confusion mixed with anticipation in her eyes as I extend a hand to hers. Raising her up I whisper, *I'm going to kiss you* and lean forward placing a soft long kiss on her lovely red lipsticked lips, as thick as it is I know she touched it up before she came into my office. I have a rule at this stage, if she had pushed back or resisted in any way it would have been game over. I'm not generally so bold right away, I don't need a harassment suit, but Linda was sending signals I wasn't about to ignore.

As she kissed back I thought to myself, "You're mine", with one hand on the small of her back and the other softly stroking her luscious smelling hair I pulled her into me, she stood back slightly, then relented and pushed her pelvis into me. We didn't grind or hump, we were simply groin to groin with clothing in between. I felt her tongue touch my lips and eagerly invited her into my mouth sucking softly as she did, I lowered my hand from her back to a soft yet firm ass cheek, squeezing gently making her moan quietly into my mouth. We kissed and embraced briefly before I pushed her back enough to see her face.

"You're a good kisser Linda, I sense that you'd like to explore this situation a bit further. Am I right or do we smile and go our separate ways? No matter what you decide, what happened in this office is not to be mentioned outside this office. Agreed?"

With her hand behind my neck she gently pushed in for a steamier kiss, not waiting for me her tongue was between my lips instantly, when her hips tilted slightly upward I could feel her pussy press tightly to my ever growing erection. Moving her hips a little from side to side she stopped the kiss speaking to me in a whisper.

"Mmmm, I like the feel of that, yes I'd like more of what you have to offer and yes I can be discreet. All I need to know is when and where, whatever works for you, Ken is gone ninety percent of the time anyway. Him and that damned fishing boat, curse the day he bought it."

I was trying to put a time together in my head finally telling her, "I have a number of meetings over the next two weeks so let me look at the calendar and I'll let you know."

Her answer surprised me, "Can we maybe get together before next Wednesday, I start my period around then and I'd like to enjoy what you have for me before that happens."

I squeezed her ass one more time, told her I'd let her know later in the day and escorted her out of my office like I would anyone else, lots of room between us, no touches, no secret looks that never are, no overly friendly gestures. A simple, "I'll contact you later about this subject."

I'm a firm believer that an older man will win a younger woman's heart faster than a young man will win an older woman. I've heard all the talk of youth, vim, vigor, being able to go two or three times a night, I also know that in time those things aren't enough, which is usually the reason those same older women are constantly on the prowl for their next *boy toy*.

So as not to draw suspicion unnecessarily I bought two carnations each for Linda and Mildred at lunch time, had them put in a stem vase along with some frippery and placed them on each desk with a thank you note. Linda was gushing as Mildred looked at me with a maniacal grin, she knew what I was up to, she'd seen it before. Just before three I texted Linda telling her to be at my house Thursday evening by six, to come in through the back alley, the garage door would be open and as soon as she pulled in I would close it with the remote. She could come in through the garage entry to the kitchen.

The back alley worked well because it faced an open field opposite the road and of the seven houses on our block there were only three of us that bothered to put our vehicles in the garage, the rest of them left their cars on the street. Why have a garage if you don't use it, they must like to scrape frost and make a dash for the house when it rains. Mildred came into my office just before closing, shut the door and sat facing me, patting the chair next to hers. I rounded the desk, sat and waited.

"Hu don't hurt that girl, she's vulnerable and she's going to let someone take advantage of her, better somebody nice like you than a bar fly somewhere, just don't hurt her. You and I both know you aren't going to marry again, hell, neither would I if I'd been widowed twice. Who the hell wants to risk going through that agony a third time? Be kind to her, woo her a little, flatter her, show her what a good romance can be then let her find someone her own age."

I gave her a funny look, "She's married, what do you mean let her find someone else?"

"Once she's been with a guy like you, she isn't going to stay with Ken. My sisters went to school with him, he doesn't have the nickname *pencil dick* for no reason, I've been told by others that you're adequately endowed and once she's been to bed with you, he will never be enough. I'm not a *big dick* woman, a girl can only fit so much inside before it hurts, but there ought to be enough to at least stimulate the sides."

I was laughing softly, "Millie, you certainly have a way with words, yes, I'll be gentle and attentive. By the way, if I'm so perfect why aren't you and I doing the tube steak boogie?"

"Because I'm hopelessly in love with Rick, I have been since seventh grade, I would never cheat on him, if Ricky were to *God forbid* die you would be the next sucker I'd go after. And I'd win your ass by the way, Ricky is good in bed, I mean very good, but with time I could teach you how to please me."

We had a great guffaw over that, she patted my hand, told me to be kind and careful then let herself out. Linda had already left for the day so I texted her.

Me: Hi, I hope you liked the flowers, you and Mildred work so hard, I wanted to say thanks."

Linda: You're welcome, I appreciate you, I'm especially going to be thankful for your help on my assignment. I'm eagerly looking forward to all it entails.

Me: Great, have a good evening and say hi to Ken, See you in the morning.

Linda: Will do.

Putting the phone in my pocket I found myself thinking she was already good at the game, hmmm, maybe there's more than I know about. I quickly dismissed any doubts as to what I wanted to do with and to her as I imagined her slowly undressing for my pleasure before I made love to her, I didn't think Ken wasn't taking the time to seduce and then take her, I'm sure he's a pump and dump kind of guy. Slow methodical love making is what she was seeking, someone to admire her natural beauty and wantonness, someone to fawn over her attributes, to feel her body from head to toe, to caress and probe the intimate portions of her being, someone to taste and take in her aroma when she's in a state of arousal.

Someone to kiss her all over, to suck her hard nipples, to gently knead her breasts, to run my fingers through the soft curly hair trying to hide her pussy, to taste it repeatedly, taking her to orgasm after orgasm before invading her hungry little kitty with my stiff aching cock, to slowly bring her too one orgasm after the next until in a moment of ecstasy we both explode from the inside. I envisioned her body quaking, shivering, legs twitching, hips humping frantically as though they were out of control, me arching my back to drive into that sweet, sweet, pussy one final time as semen shoots from the end of my dick coating her vagina with my sperm.

Marking my territory, claiming her pussy as mine for the present time, sucking a dark hickie on the inside of her thigh, laying claim to her quivering pulsating cunt. Like others before her in the weeks to come she'll learn how to please me, to wear sexy lingerie to work for no other reason than to sit across from my desk and raise her dress to show me how sexily she dressed for me. She'll learn to suck my cock hands free and to swallow every drop I have for her warm hungry mouth, she will enjoy being my little *cock sucker*, knowing I won't humiliate or embarrass her. She will do it all including giving me her ass because she wants to please me, and her next husband will be happy she did.

Things with Linda were moving much faster than my last sex kitten, a fifty one year old divorcee named Gloria, it took me weeks before I was in her panties, but once there, she nearly fucked me to death. I normally don't like to lose good people, but in her case, I was pleased when she was offered a well paying job out of state. I didn't need to suggest she might wear sexy undies for me, she was already wearing them and following the first time I'd been in her bed, her brazenness grew exponentially.

The first time Gloria hid under my desk and sucked my cock it was exciting, after that it was dangerous, when Mildred came into my office and saw the soles of a pair of heels along the one inch open bottom she gave me a questioning glance, Millie was right, why was I risking my career over a blow job? It was about that time her job offer came through and I didn't need to address the issue. After she'd moved Mildred and I had a long talk, well, she talked, I listened knowing what she was saying was right. There was no need to risk my livelihood for what she referred to as *some skin*.

The next few days it was business as usual, Linda made no excuses to be in my office nor I to be out of it near her. Thursday morning I left a note inside a file that had nothing more than a smiley face sticker and the words 6PM. I watched as she opened the file and smiled, bringing the file back an hour or so later she whispered to me as she leaned over the desk.

"Should I wear a dress?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, that would be good. Thanks Linda."

When she arrived Thursday evening I clicked the remote the moment she drove in, as arranged she waited until the door was completely closed before exiting her car. I had made a chicken teriyaki dish, when she walked through the garage entrance she smiled and breathed deeply through her nose.

"That smells wonderful Hu, oh my gosh, what is that, I didn't realize how hungry I am until I walked in here."

I leaned forward for a kiss, took her coat and hung it by the door, looked at her and said with a grin, "Welcome home honey, how was your day?"

With her arms around my neck pressing her body into mine, hips turned upward pushing her pussy into me she smiled and said.

"My day has been both good and tormenting at the same time. Good because I like my job and the guy I work for, tormenting because I didn't want to wait until tonight to experience this. Truth be told I've been wet all day, I had to change my panties when I got home. I contemplated not wearing any at all, but I'm so wet I was afraid it would run down my thigh."

I wasn't about to miss the opportunity and set the mood, "If it had I would have gladly cleaned that up with my tongue."

After kissing me passionately she leaned back so her pussy was pushing into my now stiffened cock as she spoke,

"Couldn't we just fuck now and eat later. I'm so horny I can't stand it, right before my period is my horniest time, please Hu, fuck me. I need to feel a real cock and I've heard the girls say you have what it takes to satisfy a woman's needs."

I took her hand and walked her into the living room. I put my hands on her shoulders and began to lightly push down.

"Show me how much you want this Linda."

Before lowering herself in front of me she unbuttoned her dress to the waist, slipped it off her shoulders and slid it down waist high, reaching behind she unclipped her bra and let those tender young beauties loose. As she leaned in to kiss me again her hand grabbed my throbbing cock, rubbing up and down over my pants. As she broke the kiss she whispered in my ear.

"I can't let you cum in my mouth tonight, Ken always kisses me goodnight with tongues and he'll know, I want you to cum in my pussy, I'm going to leave it there, the asshole will never know."

Dropping to her knees she unbuckled my belt, opened my pants and let them fall, pulling the waistband of my underwear outward she lowered them exposing Mr. Johnson, standing tall, waiting to be engulfed in her mouth, licking her lips she pulled them down to my ankles. Looking up she smiled.

"Nice cock Hu, this is going to be so good, it will be good to feel a full load, what I'm used to is a few dribbles at best. God I love your cock, not too long, nice and wide, I can hardly wait for you to slide it inside me."

Before she began, I put my hand under her chin, inserting my thumb in her mouth she sucked hard.

"Just so you know Linda, I'm going to fuck you tonight, I'm going to fuck your mouth and then I'm going to fuck your cunt. I have no plans to be soft or gentle, what you need is to be laid and that's what I intend to do. Sure you still want to do this?"

She moaned as she sucked my thumb, "Yes Hu, more than ever. Fuck me, use my body, throw me on the bed and hammer my pussy."

She spit my thumb out and immediately put her lips over the crown of my cock, sucking lightly, swirling her tongue around the head, stopping to pay attention to the sensitive frenulum area. Opening her lips slightly she slid all the way down my pole until she gagged, I let her do that a few times and then put my hands on the sides of her head and began stroking. I was pushing into her mouth deeper and deeper finally pulling back and out.

"Can you take it, or is this as far as you can go?"

"I can deep throat, just go slow at first then you can shove it into my throat."

She put my cock back into her mouth, put her hands behind my thighs and pulled it deeper into her throat with each stroke, I took over as soon as she had relaxed, she was taking every inch I had, my balls were slapping her chin, her nose was buried in my pubic hair. I would slow down every five or six strokes so she could breathe and slam it to her again, I felt the tingle begin in my balls and knew it wouldn't be long.

"Linda I'm ready to cum, where do you want it?"

She pulled back jacking my dick and said *tits* as semen spewed onto her chest, the first was so strong it splashed a bit, the next three were strong enuf to lay thick gooey stripes across her breasts. As my cock began to dribble and throb less, she put it back in her mouth and sucked me dry while rubbing cum into her tits.

"I thought you didn't want it in your mouth?"

"I didn't want the full load, this little bit I can hide with peppermint gum, which I chew all the time. "

I pulled her up, finished unbuttoning her dress, dropped it to the floor, ripped her panties off and threw her over my shoulder as I carried her to the bedroom, once inside the room I threw her onto the bed with a squeal of delight. I quickly stripped, reached down, grabbed her hair lifting her into a sitting position and told her to suck me hard, which she did. Taking my dick out of her mouth she got kinky.

"How do you want me daddy, on my back, my side, oh, I know, my ass in the air with my little pussy exposed between my legs, waiting for you to pound my dripping cunt."

I thought two can play this game, "Hands and knees bitch, open that cunt wide, I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll have a lump in your throat."

In seconds she was in position, as I sidled up to her she reached behind to grab my cock pulling it to the entrance of her vagina. I pushed in as she pushed back, I was balls deep in one fast stroke, when our bodies collided she let out a little *eep* as I grunted. I wasted no time getting things in motion, I was pumping into her at a fast pace, she was meeting every thrust throwing her ass back into me, she was telling me to keep fucking her, to give it her, to fill her with cum. As her body began to bounce around I knew she was getting close, when she came her entire body shook, suddenly she pulled off me, her pelvis pushed in and out, her legs shook and she kept saying, oh my God, oh my God.