Incessant Pt. 09

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A little one-on-one with each of the girls.
12.1k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/04/2020
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Here we have Part 9! This was a fun one to write, and I hope you will enjoy it. As always feedback is greatly appreciated, so do please let me know what you think. :)

All sex is between characters 18 or older. Any resemblance to real persons or events is purely coincidental.

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

What was the plan originally, and what's the plan now?

I had a simple strategy when I was younger. Part one was getting away from home, and part two was getting away from home, and part three... You get the picture.

My first and last job was in IT because I found a career path that I liked. Then I started doing renovations because we had capital, and it seemed like good business. I enjoyed the manual labour, and being in charge of my fortune was enticing. Still, it wasn't a choice as much as it was an option to exploit.

We'd grown up with the tension between our parents; seeing no way of living a happy family life. Of course, there was still a lot of love between us, but we didn't function. So, it seemed like hitting the road was the only good option. Then came the big event — those few nights that realigned everything. The plan changed, and I saw a route towards what I thought was impossible. I built a new family with the family I already had, and it has been brilliant, but that's only one part of life. Sure, it's the foundation of everything else, and I couldn't live without it. Yet, there's more that needs to be done. In the great American tradition, there was a dream to fulfil and happiness to pursue...

These were some of the existential ramblings that I shared with Riley during an hour-long call. Friday was our last day in the city, and that morning was the first time I'd ever called the city-bound surfer girl. She'd gone from a friend of the family to a lover, to a partner, to almost a sister... Our conversation reflected that. It was open and honest — oozing puppy-love.

Riley heard me out and took her time responding. She was younger than me, but she seemed to be a fraction wiser. "Your problem isn't lack of purpose as much as it's abundance of purpose. I heard that your mom did a thousand jobs in her life, and you're all a bit like her. Restless, experimental, complicated."

"Complicated?" I smirked in a way that must've been audible over the phone.

"Yes, my love, you are exceptionally complicated. You and your sisters — your mother and her sister."

There was only one thing to correct, "Our life together isn't complicated, though."

Riley agreed, and explained that it was the beauty of the whole thing. "Even a thousand-piece puzzle is solvable. You've laid out all the edge pieces and some of the inside, but there's still some work to do."

My hand rubbed my chin as I considered the metaphor. It made as much sense as anything I'd ever been told about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. "Are you sure you don't want to become a pastor?" I teased.

I heard a little snort from the other end of the line; practically feeling eyes roll from a few hundred miles away. Riley then got more serious. "You should spend a little one-on-one time with Em."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, but we both know that she's demanding in all the right ways. Her birthday was fun, and she adores each one of us. Still, spending time with you means the world to her, and you guys have been doing a lot of stuff as a group."

These were fair points, and I agreed. In any case, I had gotten a feeling the night before, that Mom might want to spend the day talking to her twin. Blake was stuck at work (in court most of the day), and this meant Emily and I would have ample alone time.

After a lovey-dovey end to my phone call, I started heading to the breakfast table where I'd left Em and Mom. They were still enjoying the hotel buffet to which we'd become accustomed. As I approached, I saw a tinge of concern on my mother's face. Reaching the table, she immediately asked me to go find Terry, who hadn't been down yet. First, I tried to downplay her worry; assuring her that her twin is probably still asleep. Then, my parent repeated her request, but this time with a more motherly tone.

I took the instruction in my stride — certain that everything was fine — and made my way to my aunt's room. One thing I disliked about the hotel was the smell of the elevator. In the mornings, you caught the scents of a lot of perfume and cologne; usually the cheap stuff. They were the marks of businesspeople heading out for the day, and eager to impress. Don't get me wrong, there are worse smells in the world, but I opted for the stairs that morning. That was a decision that gave me a chance to think as I went up one, two, three... Four storeys in total.

Mainly, I thought about what Emily and I should spend the day doing. This meant I got lost in memories of wayback, when everyone still had grand hobbies. The older we got, the more we kept ourselves to serious things that matter to serious people. Personally, I felt like I had lost my sense of fun, even as my life consisted of a healthy diet of sex. It was time to take the playfulness we experienced in the bedroom and inject it into the rest of our lives!

Those thoughts gifted me a happy smile as I reached Terry's room. I knocked against the door, waited, then knocked again. There was no reaction, and after a few minutes, I knocked a third time. Still, there wasn't any answer...

At this point, I was getting worried — either Terry was unconscious again, or she'd run off. Part of our deal with her was that we kept one of the two keycards to her room. Sliding it into the slot on the door, I heard the click followed by the whir of the electric lock. Leaning into the door, I announced myself to avoid an awkward situation, but the room was empty. On the floor, a short note that explained, "If you're looking for me, I'm in the gym."

Fair enough.

I started backtracking, past the reception, toward the room labelled 'Fitness Centre'. It was the size of an average bedroom with two treadmills and a multi-gym. Sure enough, Terry was well into a cardio session when I found her.

My aunt was working up a sweat: her hair messy, panting, and pumping her legs. I hadn't noticed earlier, but she was in good shape, and not just for her age. No, no, she was dynamite during her run — determined to finish to strong. I'd caught her at the end of her race. During those last few feet, as she reached her target, she didn't let up on her pace. She was so committed that she hardly noticed me until I taunted her from the sidelines. "You could loosen up a little. No, seriously, you'll hurt your back."

Even though her chest was heaving, my aunt shot back. She had a runner's smile on her face and gave me a little wink. "I'm not as old as I look."

"You don't look a day over thirty," I complimented.

Terry was beginning to slow down, hitting the buttons on the machine to end its programme. She hopped off and bent over to pick up a little towel she'd brought with her. As she leaned forward, I averted my eyes in the way sons avoid glimpses of their moms. Well... Some sons.

My aunt wiped her face before bounding to the water cooler, pouring a cup, and taking a big gulp. She was wearing a pair of black shorts and a black tank-top. This showed off defined legs and arms that had the faint trace of muscle and the total absence of flab. Almost a carbon copy of my mother, Terry was a little more slender. She also moved differently.

Mom had what I could best describe as balance. Her figure was full and firm; her features defined yet feminine. Even with a heart as pure as snow, she also had a naughtiness in her eyes that made their autumnal brown shimmer. Meanwhile, aunt was more dynamic, complicated, and restless. She was always burning excess energy, and she seemed to aspire to a fashion-model physique. Though, it's a good thing she never quite got there; rather keeping her beautiful curves, like my mother.

Terry noticed I was gawking, and interrupted me with a firm look. There was a motherly aspect to the way her eyes and lips worked to deliver an unspoken reprimand. It's as if her whole face was saying, "That's enough staring, young man." In the past, she wouldn't have scolded me for looking; she would've encouraged it. The new Terry does seem different.

The uncomfortable silence was my cue to speak, "My mother has been looking for you. She seems keen to spend the day with you..."

My aunt beamed at the sound of my last words. It was a happiness that reverberated through her bones as she bounced on her toes. Then, a shift happened, and it was like a sadness washed over her. It was a sadness I recognised — something I detected because of our shared genetic code. I could sense she was unsure about something; feeling cornered or concerned.

I thought I knew how to soothe her, "You're more than welcome to live with us for another few days. We're all taking this as it comes."

First, it was important to consider the risks of having Terry around. Second, I had to consider what I could offer this woman; what promises I could make without giving false hope. If she wanted to live a life in love with her twin, that ship may have sailed. Yet, if all she wanted was to spend time with her family — to make up for past mistakes — then I could give her a fair shot.

Before I knew what hit me, a sweaty Terry embraced me with her whole body. It was a full-on hug with a tonne of force behind it, and I couldn't help hug her back. My arms wrapped around her just as tight as hers had wrapped around me. Caught up in the moment, we stood in our embrace for a few minutes; reaching that point where a hug turns to almost a dance. We swayed together until we felt eyes on us.

Clearing her throat, Emily got my attention. She was standing in the door with her hands on her hips and her eyes scanning — up, down, up, down... Her mind worked in devious ways, and I didn't want that hamster-wheel spinning too fast. I interrupted my little sister's Dick Tracy pose by asking her if she wanted to paint the town red with me. After all, I owed her some one-on-one time.

This made my sibling leap for joy, and turned her attention away from me and Terry. With a smile and a little kick, Em did a twirl, and our brother-sister day got started.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

My little sister had a killer look. With a dark-blue skirt and white Ralph Lauren shirt, she was date-ready, and we set off on our adventures.

The first stop was a street packed full of galleries — a little arts district in the heart of town. Sure, it was a little pretentious, but the kind of thing forgave yourself for on 'holiday.' We travelled from an ultra-modern exhibition to a spot that displayed sculptures. These were of human bodies in various poses; muscled and sensual. Emily remarked that it was all a little erotic. I chuckled as her side crashed into me, and we held each other a little more tightly. The world around us was oblivious to our sibling-status, and saw only a happy young couple.

Maybe I'm the reflective type — sentimental and searching. I found meaning in some of the art we viewed. Since the morning, it seemed like my mind was being challenged to think in ways it hadn't thought for a long time. The past was still full of fond memories, my present still happy. Yet, suddenly, I was worried about what came next; about the sustainability of our big family.

My mind took a break as we stopped at a bakery. Not a small café, but a huge double-storey refrigerator filled with cakes and ice creams. It was the latter that interested us the most. We grabbed a table in the corner and ordered; excited like kids in a candy shop.

As we sat and talked, and our confectionaries arrived, I became contemplative again. The smile on my sister's face gave me life, yet I kept driving our conversation into cynical territory. "Do you think we're a bit too hedonistic?" I asked, slicing into a gigantic piece of chocolate cake as if to underline the question.

Emily giggled, "Too much sex and good food?"

"Maybe. We have a lot of fun, but we could have a lot more if we expanded our horizons a little."

"I don't think it's possible to have too much of a good thing," my sis explained. "However... I do feel I could add a little more value to society."

My interest was piqued, "Volunteering?"

"Uhm... Kids," Emily blushed.

Both siblings swallowed uncomfortably and silence invaded where once we'd spoken non-stop. I'd feared a conversation like this. It was the one thing I'd never be able to offer my sister. I reached out my hand as if I was about to tell her that a good friend had died; dreading what came next. Luckily, a sly smile creeped across her face. "Not me and you. I understand that's off-limits for a bunch of reasons, but what about you and Riley?"

I was left scratching my chin — thinking about something my brain never thought to think about. This got me thinking about thinking, about thinking. Eventually, I gave up, snapped back to reality and caught sight of a most wonderful expression. My little sister's eyes seemed to glow, her cheeks a smidge redder than usual, and her mouth looking silky. I leaned across the table to give feel those lips against mine — warm and soft. As I pulled back, her smile grew, and all my doubts faded.

Then, the beautiful expression on Em's face changed. Electricity seemed to flow between us and I felt her finger run along the back of my hand. It gave me a thrill, before she spoke in a tone so husky and seductive that I felt my breathing grow sharper. She narrowed her eyes, "We could still pretend to get me pregnant..."

Silence, then my sister leaned closer and lowered her sweet voice to a whisper. Its hush stirred butterflies in my stomach, "I do love it when you cum inside me, Big Brother."

My eyes widened, and I felt a tightening — a stiffening — as it became a touch harder for my heart to beat at a steady pace...

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

We crashed into the door with so much momentum that it slammed shut behind us. That was one less thing to worry about as we trampled into the room; vision blurry and bodies boiling with lust.

Emily fell back towards the bed, missing the mattress and sliding onto the floor. It must've hurt, but she didn't give a fuck. Primal urges made her spread her legs, which made her skirt tent and revealed her panties. Edging closer, I soon had my tongue down her throat as my fingers felt for the wet between her legs. The first sensation to hit me was that feeling of our kiss — knocking me into a trance. I snapped back as I felt the telltale sign of my sister's arousal. That was the feeling of her pussy behind the cotton of her underwear; wet and ready for her brother's cock.

The heat in my body was building. It was like a tightness in my stomach that turned into a fire around my heart. I could feel my brain abandon all efforts at coordinating the tussle between our tongues. As this happened, I could feel our kiss become more frantic, and our lust reach its boiling point.Still. That kiss was sensational. Two tongues alternated between hard and soft as we hunted for every last grain of feeling. It was frantic, fanatical, fantastic... An irresistible appetiser.

Soon, soft hands were running along my back, raising my shirt until it was flung across the room. My sister's top followed; her tight torso stretching as she undressed. Then, her petite breasts bounced as her bra vanished, and two perfect orbs of flesh were revealed. My hands felt the weight and tenderness of each as we continued to kiss wildly — messily — manically.

I wanted to kiss every inch of the slender, smooth, and sensual body that I held in my hands. Down her neck — kiss, kiss — then, touching my lips to her stiff nipples. I tended my mouth to my little sister's boobs until she was writhing; her back arching and whole body moaning. She ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer, but also directing me down her body. It was clear what she wanted, and I wanted to give it to her.

It had been too long... Too long since I slipped off one of Emily's skirts, pulling aside her panties, flinging them away. Far too long since I touched my mouth to her aroused pussy. Yes, too long since I closed my eyes and let my tongue run along the sensuous folds of her sex. I loved how every part of her body responded to my touch; sensing every movement as I sucked on her clit. My soul was feeling her toes curl though I couldn't see them, experiencing her stomach tighten as her knees pulled up; sensing a climax being generated by the spark of our embrace... I was feeling every signal she was sending out. We shared every sensation through the point of contact between our bodies and our hearts.

My sister — my lover — and a sex goddess beyond compare. Emily's body rolled with me as my tongue rolled along her slit and swirled around her clit. As it did, her manicured nails caressed my bare back, their grip tightening along with the rest of her body. She gasped, "Fuck, don't stop, Bro. Please, don't you fucking stop."

The moaning voice was crackling; neck craning back and eyes tensing. "Ohh, Bro, that feels so good."

I felt Em's thighs close around me as her orgasm hit her, letting them tense as I kept up the exact same pace. As she did, the temperature of the room seemed to rise and the light seemed to dim. The pace of my tongue matched the articulations of her body — took her up to the crest and sent her crashing to Earth. Her climax saw her jolt, but I remained steady as I guided her descent into pleasure. The taste of girl-cum got me higher, making me lick more luxuriantly and driving my lover wild.

Our bodies were on fire, and by the time my little sister's orgasm subsided, I couldn't wait any longer. Scrambling to my feet, I unlashed my belt and dropped my pants. From delirious back to determined in no time at all, Emily helped release my erection. She was hungry for more and more sex, craving climax-after-climax. As my cock bounded free, it gave her something to run her tongue along. My back straightened as I felt the texture run along my length. Then I melted — feet sinking into the plush carpet of the bedroom — as tender lips enveloped the crown of my penis.

Every one of my senses was now engaged as my little sister made love to my cock. I watched as she closed her eyes, sucked, suckled and caressed. I felt the tightness of her lips and the softness of her tongue. My shaft travelled to the back of her throat, making her gag and gargle. Soon, the touch of her hand joined what was turning into worship. In the small room the sound of her slurping and my satisfaction filled every corner. That sound bounced off the walls and into my body as my sibling's hum sank into my skin.

The scent of perfume, lust, sex... Everything came together to make my heart beat faster and my body begin to burn.

The animal inside me was becoming difficult to contain. We'd rushed to this room with a purpose: to fulfil a fantasy and meet an instinctual urge. It was all pretend, but it felt real enough in the moment. So, I grabbed a handful of my sister's hair, allowing myself to surrender to carnal urges. I was pulling her roughly off my cock; guiding her back onto the mattress. Together, we positioned her so that only her legs were dangling off the side, and I lifted her knees under my arms. Her light and limber body moved with grace even as a thin sheen of sweat vibrated on her skin. A sex-fever was burning inside her; lust, love, desire... I lifted my lover until the small of her back was airborne. Feeling the tip of my cock tease the entrance to her pussy, it was like a bright light flashed in my face. As that stunned me, I had plunged my cock deep into Emily's slit; allowing her tight pussy-lips to surround me.