Intimate Blackout


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"You know Mrs Stevens said I could ask Carl to help out with my 'needs'. She said he would be only too happy to 'do' me." I smiled when Jack snarled. I wasn't stupid. I knew this beautiful caring loving man loved me... little insignificant ole me. The idea that Carl might do me as well as his wife, well that would either fire him up, or douse the flame! The pulse in my hand suggested the former. I giggled with joy and reached for a blanket. "Would it be okay if I asked Carl? I have womanly needs too mister, so if it's okay..." I draped his legs with the toweling.

The snarl turned feral. Hands frantically bunched up my skirt, groping for the elastic of my panties. I laughed with pure delight! I wriggled out of the damp garment and threw it across the room, turned about and shimmied up onto his lap impaling myself fully in one screaming panting motion. God that felt good...

Jack wailed.

When the door flew open and Jill stormed in looking concerned I nearly freaked!

"What's going on, I could hear Jack groaning from the kitchen? Is he in pain?"

"Um, no Mrs Stevens! Mr Stevens just wanted to take me for a ride." I grinned up at her all big eyed and innocent, pulling my dress down a bit to insure adequate coverage whilst I squirmed down harder onto my prize. My eyes must have looked like a goldfish's. Jack stifled another groan and tried to cover for me.

"Yes dear, Angel... I mean Kathy just wanted to go for a spin on the new chair with me." He peered around from behind me with arms wrapping my waist and grinned at his perplexed wife. Luckily I'd thrown the blanket over his bare legs just before I'd planted myself. I adjusted my skirt some more and shivered with delight. "Well, we best get going then..." Jack hit the forward switch and the electric motors whirred and we shot forward, causing me to sink back and howl as I sunk even lower!

Just as we cleared the room Jill's voice boomed from behind us.


Jack released the 'go' button and the chair rocked to a sudden stop causing me to almost suck free and face plant on the floor. I howled again. Jack swivelled the chair and I lurched sideways like a rag doll as centrifugal force nearly sent me flying! I'd never had sex like this! WOW! He accelerated back toward his wife who was standing with feet planted apart and twirling a scrap of fabric on her index finger. I was panting like a bitch in heat! I tried to focus on the flag waving.

"Angel... It is Angel isn't it?"

I nodded half out of it.

"Angel, have you forgotten something?"

OH shit... my panties! "Um, well... actually as happenstance has it..." Where the hell did that word come from? My brain had hibernated! "I won't be needing them Mrs Stevens... err Mrs Jill." The chair spun back toward the entry porch and accelerated hard. My head snapped backward and I screamed as a mammoth orgasm gripped my poor quaking body. The chair bumped down the wide flat steps and onto the driveway. I was mid orgasmic and the sharp thumps had me wailing anew! I knew Jill was watching as we trundled and bounced our way down the paved garden path and off across the south lawn. What I didn't see was her smile.

And what I didn't know was, that by the time we rounded the tool shed, I had conceived.


I'm not stupid. I knew I was pregnant way before the morning sickness hit me. Something was different, some spark within had flickered and it triggered recognition.

Jack and I had taken many 'tours' on the wheel chair since that first bumpy ride, but I'd known it happened that very first time. How it happened may be the great unsolved mystery of modern medicine. The Doctors had said he would never function. We proved them wrong. The experts had said he could never father a child but again we'd proven them wrong!

But now I was scared.

If I was with child, how would Jack react? I was a nobody... and racial differences would forever taint my child. Should I quietly have an abortion and just keep silent. I laughed at that thought. I'd rather die before I did that! Having a baby meant everything to me, and having Jack's just made it perfect. And what about his wife; what would Jill think? Oh god...

That's when it hit me. My baby would be the sole heir to Jack's fortune by birth! Holy shit! Jill and her daughters would have no claim and possibly no home! She would detest me! They would all hate me and our baby! And we weren't even married!

With these thoughts swirling about in my head I refrained from announcing my news. I needed time to sort things out.

I'd wheeled Jack into the lift and smuggled him up into my room. We often snuck up here to have a spa together. I was riding him in the tub, giggling and laughing but I felt guilty. His baby was in my tummy and he had no inkling of that fact. I'd tell him tomorrow... he was so happy right now and I didn't want to ruin the moment.

Sometimes there is no time like the present. If only...

I tossed and turned that night fighting the inevitable. Tomorrow I would announce the news at breakfast. I tried to picture the scene. Jill would be sitting on Carl's lap as usual. The children might be eating cantaloupe or strawberries with yogurt. I'd be nervously pouring a coffee for Jack as he whirred into the room on his new chair, dodging kid's toys and various objects like he was running a slalom course. I'd place his coffee and cough and begin my announcement by standing nervously before my superiors.

"Um, excuse me, but I have something to share." All eyes would examine me with interest. "Well, you see it's like this... um... I might be pregnant... well I am actually... um, pregnant that is." Then I'd sit before I collapsed. I could imagine the silence... Would Jill understand the ramifications? Would she realize what had occurred and how that would alter her life, and those of her descendants? Would she scratch my eyes out and call me a filthy slut? What would Carl say knowing that his quality of life might also be compromised? Oh god...

So sleep failed me and I tossed until finally I decided to step out onto the balcony and breathe in some fresh cool night air. The roses beneath me swayed in the moonlight and an owl hooted somewhere out in the woods. I could even hear the surf breaking out over on the rocks. This place was perfect... so tranquil.

That's when hell unleashed retribution. A sound made me turn to face back into the dark moonlit room and through the sheerness of the wafting curtain I witnessed a shadow move quickly inside the door and raise its arm toward my bed. Almost instantly the black glint held aloft spat flame and the dull muzzled thud of detonation was instantly followed by the explosion of my pillow. If one shot wasn't enough to kill a pillow full of duck down, then four certainly were. White feathers flew like confetti and scattered to the breeze. My brain momentarily froze in horror and disbelief. Next thing I'm screaming like a banshee. The big intruder had advanced to the bed to confirm the kill and was barely a few feet from my lunging body. I caught the lace curtain as I dived and it was perhaps the complete shook of this 'ghostly' presence launching through the moonlit window that saved my life, because he hesitated. The ghost, that was me, hit him hard with her shoulder because she tripped on the curtain. That shoulder drove into his groin and his scream pitched higher than his ghostly assailants. My momentum had me tumbling across the room and my head slammed the opposite wall. I shook of all desire to faint and adjusted my night vision. The huge dark shadow was clambering to his feet, clutching his balls and cursing unrepeatable obscenities. I began to scramble forward on hands and knees, to do what... I have no idea. A big muscled arm rose like a heavy lift crane and the dark open barrel of the gun leveled at my head. I froze in place. This was it.

"Another twitch bitch and you die!" The foreboding shadow hissed and moved into the moonlight. Of course I knew the voice; he was very familiar as too was the snarling face. "Smart little bitch! Devious bitch! Thought I wouldn't find out huh. Think you can ruin my life... bitch. Well I think not..." I could actually see his big finger flex around the trigger.

My mind morphed. My baby smiled up at me, its little arms outstretched. 'Mommy... mommy...' A tear escaped me, one solitary tear shed for my lost baby. I felt its wetness carve a crooked track down my cheek.

Suddenly the door hinges disintegrated and I was nearly impaled by a flying door handle! Some object bigger than a bear launched horizontally into the air and impacted the shadowed bulk with tremendous force. The gun slewed sideways out of pure reaction.

An infinite force slammed the immovable mountain and the crashing result was cataclysmic.

The two bodies rolled and grunted. One screamed just before the gun discharged and everything went eerily quiet. I wanted to flee, I wanted to see, but I was a frozen thing locked in stone. Movement pre-empted my own. The bodies moved and the blonde headed one on top fell limply sideways, his chest an explosion of blood.

Mason Huston struggled to his knees and then to wobbly feet. His gun focused once again on my face. His face was a bloodied mess and surely his nose was broken. His eyes spat venom.

"Time to die bitch!"




Sitting in that hospital room back then and watching my husband sleep was hard. It was hard on every one. The girls just knew him as Uncle Jack and Jessica had asked why we went to see him so often and that she was bored when we went, because there was nothing to do. I hate to admit it but as time progressed the thrice weekly visits transitioned to weekly and then to monthly.

Carl suggested that I needed to let him go, but how could I? This was the worst kind of grieving... this was twilight grieving. You couldn't let go because your love still lived. Not letting go had no closure so you were trapped in some strange zone from which there seemed no possible escape.

Thank god Jack had Kathy. I'd watched her fuss over him and it warmed my heart. Any idiot could see she loved him. She clung to hope, hope that if any of us dared to admit, was lost.

I believe without doubt that it was that girl's fierce determination and unwavering denial of defeat that found Jack opening his eyes that fateful day. And so, when she approached me and nervously asked my permission to 'play' with my husband, I gave her my blessing. What harm could it do? Now I'm not totally blind... I could see the way my husband responded to my tease, and I saw him trying to mask that arousal in the shower a few weeks ago. So I knew he worked somewhat, in one sense, but what I didn't know was that he was actually fertile! Now if I'd known that little bit of that vital information my response to 'Angels' request may have been different. Yes I knew the silly man called her Angel, and I knew why. God if I'd woken up after six years of lifelessness and saw that beaming dark face I'd have sworn she was angelic as well. But I've thought about it since; that unknown knowledge that my husband was potent, and now I'm glad I didn't know; that he was firing again I mean, and in Angel's defense, she had no idea either!

It was on record... my husband was infertile.

Fate has a way of dealing the cards. We are dealt the hands we must play, and for good or for bad you make the most of your lot. Guilt at what Carl and I had been doing behind my husband's back still disturbed me greatly. His injuries were a direct result of my infidelity. I had spent months wanting to die because of my guilt. I can honestly say that we would have come clean and fessed up, but that's not what happened. I honestly believe that Jack would have likely condoned our union, because it excited him to see me flirt and fixate on another man. Having sex with someone else would have just been a natural extension to that game, and it may have solved our 'need to have kids' issue. Better Carl's kids than some unknown donor. But alas we'll never know because he'd discovered our deceit in the worst possible way. Nasty sex in his marital bed, administered by his best friend and welcomed by the woman he worshiped was not the most desirable of formats of discovery. It was incomprehensibly deceitful. Thank god he had no recollection of that horrible day, but the guilt burnt deep in my soul and I'd take that burden to the grave. I didn't deserve him, and I didn't deserve the life he'd provided for me. Yes I'd cried my eyes out over that conundrum many a sleepless night, but I was done crying now because it was time to fix things.

Now, I might have mentioned that I'm not stupid.

Well not always anyway. If you think that a woman's pre-pregnancy demure reflects the same woman post pregnancy then you'd be the idiot. I'd laughed the day that the two of them bounced their way down the cobbled path on Jack's ridiculously over powered wheel chair. Who'd ever heard of a wheel chair with twin electric motors driven through a two speed gearbox!

I twirled her panties on my finger and I could smell her arousal. Of course she was impaled to the hilt, blind Freddie could see that! I could still hear her wailing in orgasm as they bounced across the vegetable patch! But it was the next day that I recognized the glow of a woman impregnated. The change was subtle but it was the extra blush, the slight spring to her step and the sparkle in those huge innocent brown eyes. Two weeks later I was convinced. Oh yeah, Angel was indeed pregnant!

So what did that mean to me... to us? Carl and I did not deserve any more than Jack's scraps. That knowledge and understanding of Angel's condition actually appeased my guilt, like it balanced the deck. Maybe he'd kick us out, file for divorce and send us packing. But knowing Jack, I thought not. I did regret that I hadn't been the wife worthy of him, or the woman to conceive his heir, but if it wasn't for Jack's Angel he would never have had an heir anyway. Her belief in him deserved reward. I smiled then, because it was payback on us and at least his shitty brother would forever be denied his greed. I mean he was a very wealthy man anyway, well rewarded in his dads will. But Jack was the smart one, the consummate business man, and he was entrusted with that business because he was the eldest and... his dad trusted him.

Yes, this was a win on all sides.

So, when would the silly girl make her big announcement? Every morning at breakfast for the last two weeks I'd waited, almost bracing myself. I think I was more nervous than she was. But, every morning and at every opportunity available she would glance at me like a frightened little mouse and run for cover. I had to smile...

Be brave my Angel, this cat won't bite... she loves you beautiful...


My god!! Someone just screamed. I shoved Carl and the big man stuttered and sprang out of bed like a demented grizzly poked from hibernation, disappearing quickly and without hesitation into the darkness of the hallway. I grabbed at a dressing gown and flew in chase. There was an explosive crash and the house shook! Running down the hall and turning the corner into the west wing I noticed that Angels bedroom door was missing. I was almost at the opening when I was nearly killed!

From my right and streaking out of the darkness came the whirring whine of twin electric motors screaming from the strain of maximum amperage. My husband flew past me from the passage connected to the lift and his focus lay within the open doorway as he blasted into the room, vision fixed. I skidded to a stop and hung onto the door frame for support just as the high pitched whine of the chair impacted a huge black mountain of a man aiming a gun at an unseen victim hidden by the broken door. The gun discharged just as the big man doubled over and cried out in pain as the front step of the chair fragmented his Fibula. Caught in the wake of the impacted chair the gunman fell hunched over his seated assailant screaming curses. The big black man clung on for life as the whining motors catapulted both riders across the room at breakneck speed. The main wheels cracked against the window slider and forward thrust ceased as the chair instantly stopped and upended. Momentum carried the two entwined bodies forward as if ejected from a circus cannon. The larger body smashed heavily backward into the balustrade at high thigh. He was a tall man and he was clinging to the paraplegic, or was the later clinging to him? As if in slow motion, both interlocked bodies upended, and in perfect sync somersaulted over the guard railing only to disappear into the night void beneath. A brief scream was interrupted by a sickening crack and everything went quiet other than the shrill sound of electric motors winding down and finally spluttering to a stop.

It took a moment for my mind to register what the hell had just happened! Someone was behind the door whimpering. A body lay on the floor covered in thick gooey red soup. The upended wheel chair lay eerily quiet and an owl hooted somewhere out in the still of night. I fell to my knees.

Holy shit! I blacked out...


Reality returned like a creeping fog. Someone was looking into my eye with a bright light.


"Shhh... It's okay ma'am. You're okay. The nurse called 911. We're here to help. Your husbands had a nasty fall. Another man's been taken to hospital with gunshot wounds. He's in the same ambulance as your husband. Another man's dead. But you'll be fine, appears you just fainted. The nurse has abrasions and a nasty bump on the head, but she's fine too and she's looking after your kids in their room. The police will want a statement ma'am."

I nodded, still trying to put events back together. Shit, Jack went out the window! I scrambled to my feet and rushed to the balcony. The paramedic tried to grab me but I ripped free, mostly losing my gown in the effort. Of course I wished he'd stopped me. Lying impaled on a rose stake was the broken body of the big bald black man. The bloodied stake rose from his chest just like he'd been eradicated as a vampire. His body was devoid of life and his open eyes stared into oblivion.

Darkness consumed me once more.

This time, when I scrambled back to reality an Angel smiled down at me.

"Hah... there you are Mrs Stevens. Welcome back!" She giggled and dragged the warm cloth over my forehead. I struggled groggily to my elbows and glanced about my own bedroom.

"How many times have I told you to call me Jill, Angel?"

"Um, about a million?" She giggled again. I pulled her in and kissed her so hard on the lips she gasped in fright and then relaxed. She sensed my need, my need to thank her. The appreciation had little to do with the nights events; it was everything to do with her presence in our lives.

"So, I gather Jack and Carl are okay or you wouldn't be here taking care of me?"

Angel nodded. "Carl's a tough guy, but Jack's tougher!" She grinned. "The bullet that went through Carl missed mostly everything of importance. If it hadda gone through his head it would have missed everything!" I smacked her when she chuckled. Cheeky girl... true, but cheeky. "He'll be in hospital for a few weeks though. Jack smacked his stupid head but landed on his back on the compost and missed a stake by that much!" She pinched her fingers together to demonstrate the micron of gap. Doctors say we can visit them in the morning, but to give them some peace tonight."

"But who was the shooter, and what did he want?"

Suddenly Angel went quiet and sucked back a sob. "He's dead. Jack got him. He was my old boyfriend. I ratted him out and he went to jail and got ten years for armed robbery. They paroled him three weeks ago and he hunted me down... wanted to kill me." She sobbed openly. "It's all my fault Mrs Stevens!"