Isabel, The Beauty Next Door Pt. 07


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I turn my head and see Bethany standing next to me, watching Sam. "How long have you known?"

"Quite a while, over four years."

"Wow, most of the girls at school thought you off-limits. It's a shame; I would have enjoyed rubbing it in Bradly's face to go out with you."

"Oh, not because you liked me then?"

"Well, that goes without saying. Bradly would have been the icing."

"So you liked me?" I say, turning towards her.

"Many of the girls in my group did, but we thought you were with Sam."

"Ah, it doesn't matter now. It was the only way I would have met Isabel." I say, glancing back at the beautiful woman I call my girlfriend.

"You certainly hit the jackpot there. So you both are off to Cambridge?"

"Yeah, Isabel is doing a law degree, and I'm doing construction."

"Well, I wish you both the best." Bethany holds her glass up, and I clink her glass with mine.

"Cheers, Beth. I hope you find what you're looking for in life." She smiles, finishes her drink, and goes toward the dance floor. I hear the girls whoop as Bethany reaches them.

I'm just finishing my drink when I hear the girls chanting my name, "Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay." I turn to see all of them looking my way. The song changes to a Bee Gee's song from Saturday Night Fever. My instant reaction is my hand on my hip and pointing to the ceiling in the famous John Travolta pose. The girls scream, and I walk towards the dance floor, moving to the music. They encircle me, and we dance away, lost in the moment.

The night starts to wind down with a couple of slow numbers. Isabel loops her arms around my neck, and we dance, looking into each other's eyes. We kiss as we move to the song's rhythm, lost in our own world.

My mother has the unenviable task of safely getting all of us drunk people home. Isabel, Sam, Hannah, and I are the last to be picked up. We are all a little worse for wear. I will pick my car up just before lunch tomorrow.

It's just past one when we finally get to my room and collapse on the nearest comfy surface. Isabel and I are on the bed with the other two on either end of the sofa.

Eventually, I sit up. "Hey, you two. You've got the choice of Bradly's room with your mum, airbeds, or my bed. Choose whatever, I can't be bothered."

Sam looks at Hannah, "Let's just jump in with those two. I don't want Bradly having fantasies about us in his bed."

"Fine by me," Hannah says.

I look across at Isabel, and she just shrugs and gets up, heading for the toilet. Once I hear her head back up, I go down with my bedclothes. I get changed in the bathroom and brush my teeth as I walk out; Rachel is waiting, being propped up by the doorway to my stairs with her eyes closed.

"All yours, Rachel." As I get close, she opens her eyes. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, it doesn't seem that long ago that you and Sam were in nappies crawling around the place."

I loop her arm around me and help her into the bathroom, leaving her being held up by the sink. I return upstairs, calling up to check everyone is decent, but after getting the okay, I find both Sam and Hannah still sitting on the sofa. "I thought you two would have taken the opportunity to change when I was downstairs," I say as I get in bed.

"It's okay, Jay. I'm sure I'll live," Hannah says. She gets up and pulls Sam to her feet. To my surprise, they change out of their clothes and just grab their toothbrushes and head down to clean their teeth.

"Your mum is in the bathroom. She might need a hand to get to bed."

"Is she that bad?" Sam says.

"Yeah, but at least she's still got her clothes on," I smile. Sam and Hannah disappear as Isabel settles next to me, and we cuddle up. We kiss, but we both feel too worse for wear to do anymore.

We hear the girls coming back upstairs laughing about something, "Hey, Jay."

"Sam? Shush," Hannah says, trying to shut her up.

Sam laughs, "Hannah is a little upset you didn't watch her change."

"What?" I said, trying to stall my answer. "I'm sorry, Hannah, but I only have eyes for this one," I say, trying to score points.

Isabel's not playing ball, though, "Oh come on, Jay, if a lady wants to be ogled, then ogle her; it's only polite." I lift my head and look at her in disbelief. Isabel just bursts into laughter, followed by Sam and then Hannah. I just shake my head but can't help laughing as well.

Sam slides into bed next to me, and Hannah slips in on the outside. I get a tap on the shoulder. "Forgetting something?" Sam says, puckering her lips towards me. So I turn onto my back as Sam leans over and gives me our customary kiss. She goes back only for Hannah to come over for a kiss. Hannah is stretching over Sam, and as she pulls away. Sam wraps her arms around Hannah's torso, making her lose balance and collapse forward onto me, giving me a face full of her tits.

I hear Isabel say, "Oh good. I get one too." Then I hear Isabel do an exaggerated kiss on Hannah's lips.

Sam doesn't want to be left out. "Hey, where's mine?"

I feel a stunned Hannah lift herself off my face giving me an apologetic smile as she pulls back over me. Once she was back, Sam slid on top of me as she gave Isabel a quick kiss before rolling off into Hannah's arms. I roll back into Isabel's arms, looking stunned to her amusement. It only took a moment to start another bought of laughter. It goes quiet, just the gentle sound of two couples kissing. As we settle down, one by one we fall asleep.


My head doesn't feel too bad as I wake up in a Jay sandwich. I am facing Isabel, who has turned around in the night, into a spooning position. In turn, I am being spooned by Sam, with Hannah directly behind her. Sam's and Hannah's arms are over me, giving me a warm, comfortable feeling. I listen for a minute but am sure that everyone is still asleep.

I become aware of my morning glory. Luckily Isabel is pushed up against me, burying my cock deep into the gap between the top of her thighs and pussy. I must have dropped off again because the next thing I know, Isabel and Sam are waking me to get them some water and paracetamol. Fortunately, my morning glory has gone, and I head downstairs to get the unfortunate ladies their hangover cure.

My mother is sitting in the kitchen drinking her coffee. She gives me that, 'it's your own fault you have a hangover' look and then takes another sip from her coffee mug. I fill three glasses with water, grab the paracetamol off the kitchen table and head back upstairs.

It's mid-morning before the girls are fit enough to come down. I've done a full workout with Sarah's help. I'm just about back to full fitness after the car hit me. I still get the occasional headache, but I haven't had one in two weeks. My hair has grown well and covers the scar fully. I still wear a hat out of habit, but you only see the scar if the wind blows my hair up.

Today is relatively warm and dry, so I have set up outside. Usually, I would work out in the basement gym. I have been working out more over the past month and have a more prominent muscle definition than I typically have. Looking out the back across the fields, I see the trees are turning the stunning colors of autumn. I can't believe Isabel and I will live together in a couple of days. I consider that life can not get any better.

After lunch, Isabel and I take Sam, Hannah, and Rachel to the train station. Sam is in tears once again as we wait for the train. I remind her that we will be expecting her and Hannah to come up for weekends. She starts at Exeter University doing a social media study. Sam's dream is to be a party planner. She certainly got the energy for it and an eye for detail. She's holding on to me a lot tighter than usual, and it's not until all the passengers have got off that she releases her grip.

Isabel and I get our usual kisses from all three as they get on the train. The wave goodbye is more subdued than normal as the train pulls out, and the drive home is quiet.


Monday morning, the car is loaded up with everything we will need. Luckily our trip up a couple of weeks before enables us to start tomorrow. Mr. Richards will bring what we leave behind, and all my kendo training equipment, up at the weekend when he takes Gran home. She seems happier now that she has visited the house and seen the area where the Richards now live. I think she is eyeing the spare room as a home away from home.

We say our goodbyes; there are lots of tears and hugs for both of us from both sides of the family. I pull out of the drive waving back to everyone.

"I bet they all have a party now we've left," I say as I navigate the narrow lane away from our homes.

"It wouldn't surprise me," Isabel says with tears forming. "I bet our rooms are already in the post office window for rent."

We break through the heartache with a smile as I turn onto the road towards Braunton. It's not long until we are on the A361, the North Devon Link Road, and the miles ticking past. Isabel settles back for the long journey to Cambridge with her hand on my thigh, her eyes closed, and a satisfied smile. I turn the radio on and settle into the drive.

We reach our home for the next three years at around six. We busy ourselves unpacking the car, trying to put the right things in the right room. Finally, we sit on our sofa feeling knackered but happy that the next stage of our lives is about to start.

"I can't believe I'm actually here," Isabel says.

"Yes, it does feel a little surreal. Do you want to go out for dinner?"

"Mmmm, yes, please. We will need a shop on the way back, so we have something in the cupboards."

I pull Isabel to her feet, "what do you fancy tonight?"

"I think it will be a case of seeing what we can find." Isabel wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me before heading for the bathroom. "And don't forget toilet paper. There's less than half a roll in here," she shouts.

We make our way out. Luckily google maps shows several restaurants within a mile of our flat. "How about Chinese?" Isabel asks. I nod, and she directs me to the one she has found on Trip Adviser with 4.8 stars. Monday evening, and there's plenty of parking nearby. I park up, and we make our way towards what seems to be a popular place. It might be Monday, but plenty of people are enjoying a night out. We are seated straight away and enjoy going through the menu together. Again I am amazed at how similar our tastes are. We get two different dishes with egg-fried rice to share. The food is spot on, and we have soon cleared both plates, and I pay the bill.

Tonight isn't a night to explore as we make our way back to the car and off to the nearest shop, which happens to be Sainsbury. This is only the second time we have done a shop together. The first was with Gran a couple of weeks before. We walk up and down every aisle, so we don't forget anything. As we walk down the medicine aisle, I pick up some painkillers just in case.

As Isabel looks for some E45 cream, I find myself looking at the Durex shelf. It occurs to me that Isabel has never asked me to wear a condom. A wave of fear and guilt goes through me. Isabel sees the look on my face and comes straight over. "What's up, Jimmy?"

"I just thought that I've never used protection. The only conversation we had was you mentioned your period was due."

"It's a bit late to worry about that, isn't it?"

"I know, but I never thought about it before."

Isabel looks at me, trying to determine if I am being genuine. "Sorry, baby, I thought I told you. I was put on the pill to regulate my periods two years ago. I had only stopped taking them about four months before we met, so when we had sex for the first time, I rang my old doctors, and they reinstated my prescription. If you remember, we didn't make love after your accident, which gave time for the pills to start doing their job again. I'm sure I told you when we had that time together." I feel a wave of relief roll over me. I don't remember her telling me, but it's not surprising with the medication I was on.

We spend over a hundred and fifty pounds on things we think we need. I see an apprehensive look from Isabel when the final total is displayed. "Jimmy, I think we need to discuss finances and what we have to spend weekly."

I nod, "I guess it would be wise to start as we mean to go on." we make our way back to the flat and start putting things away. "Isabel, I think it would be a good idea to start a joint account so you can have a card. That way, you don't have to ask whenever you need to buy something."

"What, you trust me with your money?"

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" She doesn't have an answer to that and just gives me a satisfied look. We finish putting things away, and Isabel searches for the bedsheets so she can make the bed up.

We shower together, happy that we don't need to worry that anyone is coming home. It's amazing how relaxed we are and just enjoying our new found freedom. We dry each other and get straight into bed. Our first kiss is deep and full of intent. We take our time making love to each other as we consummate our union for the first time since we stood in front of our family and friends making our vows.

The next day we have to go into class for the first time. The first week is more of an orientation, and most of my classes are half-empty, with some people choosing not to come until the following Monday.

On Tuesday afternoon, we go into the local branch of my bank and open a joint account with Isabel's name on it. Isabel insists on me keeping my original account to use for savings. The bank is happy to accommodate us, and we are done in less than an hour.

Isabel goes in for the last class of the day, and I go and look for the kendo martial arts club. The trainer was going through some moves with a girl looking for self-defense classes. I introduce myself, and he gives me a form to fill in. When I hand it back, the guy notices I'm a second dan black belt and asks if I can help with the teaching. I reply that as long as it doesn't get in the way of my lessons, it would be fine and that I mainly use it to keep fit now. He seems happy, and I return to the flat to prepare dinner for when Isabel is done.

We came the first week mainly so Isabel could get settled. She went around strapped up the first two days, but she had just a regular bra on by Friday. Although our university buildings were quite far apart, we would meet for lunch but concluded that this would be impractical once classes started.

The weekend came around very quickly, and we found ourselves in Cambridge University Botanic Garden, walking around just enjoying being together. Isabel takes some great photos of us together, and we have lunch in the coffee shop. The autumn colors are breathtaking, and there is a slight chill in the air. We reminisce and agree that this summer has been the most important summer of our lives. We can't believe what we have fitted in, in the three months we have been together.

Isabel stops by an ornate fountain, "Jimmy, thank you for everything." She says as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"So that I know, what are you thanking me for?"

"Oh god, where to start? Okay, for protecting me and keeping me away from Bradly. For making what seemed to be a nightmare turn into a beautiful dream. For breaking me out of my depression and putting a permanent smile on my face, but most of all, thank you for being you." She then gasps, "And I didn't mention this," gesturing to her surroundings of Cambridge University.

"You don't have to thank me, Iz. I get as much pleasure from being with you as you do from being with me. I feel we are balancing each other very nicely."

"Mmmmm, we do balance each other."

"And don't forget, you dragged me kicking and screaming out of my depression. I was still mourning the loss of Sam when you turned up." Isabel kisses me tenderly on the lips, turns, links arms with me, and we move off to explore these beautiful gardens a little more.

Sunday morning, the in-laws turn up. I quickly help with the rest of our things before they take us to lunch. We visited a nice seafood place on the same road as the Chinese that Isabel and I went to on our first night.

They seem happy with the flat and where we live and leave us straight after lunch because they don't want to get home too late. Zac is spending the day with Sarah, and they both have school in the morning. We also start our classes in the morning and need an early night. We spend the rest of our Sunday sorting through what Mr. Richards has brought up and enjoying just being together. Sometimes it's the simple things that make life worth living.


Monday morning dawns bright with the touch of frost on the floor. Isabel gets up all excited and gets ready for her day. She dresses as she did on Friday, kisses me goodbye, and leaves for the day.

I don't have so far to walk and leave fifteen minutes later. I leave for my first real lessons.

Isabel gets to her first class, and there are twice as many people there as the week before. She finds a seat in the auditorium and sits, feeling every male eye on her. The ratio of male to female seems to be at least three to one, and Isabel is feeling very exposed.

Just as she settles down, a male sits down two seats away, and the way he eyes Isabel makes her want to run out of the room. She takes a deep breath and tries to ignore him thinking she will go back to the flat at lunch and change into something else to make her feel more comfortable.

The day for me goes past fast, and I am home first. I have just started dinner when Isabel walks in. I notice instantly that she's got different clothing from this morning.

"Hey, Izzy, did you not go out in something different this morning?"

"Mmmm, yeah, Jimmy. I came home at lunch to change. Today, there were more people, and I felt slightly exposed."

"Are you okay, though?" I say, looking a little concerned.

"I'll just focus on my work, and it will be fine. Once everyone settles into working, I'm sure I won't feel so looked at." I leave what I am doing and wrap my arms around her. "It will be fine, Jimmy; I'm sure I won't get a second glance once everyone hears about you."

I leave it at that but make her promise to let me know if there are any problems. We eat a simple spaghetti bolognese dinner and sit down to watch TV. Isabel disappears after dinner, returning in her fluffy pajamas, and snuggles into me.

"Jimmy, would you mind massaging my breasts?"

I tut and blow out a breath. "The things I have to do for you," I say in a mock exasperated way. I slide my hands under her top and cup the ample bounty inside. "It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it."

Isabel closes her eyes and rests her head back. "Mmmmmm, if you keep doing it like that, I'm going to make you do it every night."

"The sacrifices I make. You realize you owe me one for this."

"The way that feels, I'm sure it's more than one." I kiss her neck, and she lets out a throated moan. "At this rate, I'm going to make you take me to bed and have your wicked way with me."

"Promises, promises."

"Only if I can be on top," Isabel says sounding relaxed.

"Oh god, that's it, bed," I say. Isabel gets up quickly and darts towards the bedroom. As she reaches the door, she turns her head and drops her bottoms. That's it. I'm off the sofa and chasing after her.


The first month flies by, and Isabel seems to have settled into a routine. It helps that she has found a small group of mainly females to hang out with and sit with inside classes. I haven't met anyone from her class yet; being in a different area doesn't help.

I have been given our first project to do by Andrew. I need to design and build my idea of a perfect home. It needs to be eco-friendly, and I need to show the construction method. The inside needs to be complete with the kitchen bathrooms and needs to be handed in before I see him at Christmas, giving me nearly two months to complete it. Other than that, I am finding life relatively easy.