Isabel's Obsession


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"That you are desperate to get it inside of you, and I am making you wait?"

"Well yes....wait...what? What do you mean I want it inside of me?"

"The contents Isabel, the wine. What did you think I meant?"

"I....I....oh I don't know, I am a little confused."

"Yes," said Paul with a little wicked smile upon his lips. "Having the entire bottle, will make your legs a little wobbly and affect you in other ways."

"Ohh my gosh Paul..... do you know?" Despite seemingly having quelled her body's lusts, and in doing so, achieved the best orgasm of her life; her body seemed to be telling her it now wanted more. She swooned a little and grabbed the chair for support.

"I'll tell you what," said Paul standing and passing the errant bottle to her. "Why don't I cook. That way, you can go and freshen up. I've done so already. I will soon find my way around and it will give you 40 minutes for an indulgent bath. And don't say no, I want to do it. So off you trot. Though there is one thing that I must say before you disappear? Because you will realise that I know anyway."

Isabel froze on the spot. This was it. She stared at Paul, knowing what was going to come from his lips. It was like standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to jump. The result could be a plunge to certain death, or a sudden take to flight. "What do you have to tell me Paul?" She said in a very shaky voice.

"Well, firstly, I would just like to say that I can see you are wearing some very nice silken stockings. From what I can see, they certainly enhance your lovely long legs. And secondly..."

"Yes?" She said in a breathy voice, trying to prepare herself for what was to come, and how she was going to respond.

"Secondly, I love the suspender belt and matching panties. I assume you are wearing a matching bra too? Was this one of the sets you bought today? Very exotic. You see, I'm afraid your dress appears to have come undone again, and has somewhat exposed you. That is the second time today, are the buttons loose? Lucky it is only in front of me. It could have been more embarrassing if it had happened at the shops. I have to say a very enticing look though."


"Teasing then. Do I take it you have just shown me what is to come later?"

"Come later?"

"Dear me, you are out of sorts. Yes, we agreed that we would do some more pictures of you in your lingerie. That was what we agreed, wasn't it?"

"Oh, yes, yes I see. I'm sorry, I don't know where my brain is at?"

"I'm pretty sure I understand where it is, but maybe you need to work that out for yourself. Now then, I will do a peppered steak, chunky chips, mushrooms and veg, with an onion gravy and a side of sweet potato. How does that sound?"

Isabel had turned away from him and was doing up her dress, she had come to the conclusion that he must have witnessed her masturbating. Every word or gesture, every inuendo, seemed to suggest it. She suddenly found she was not as bothered by it as she thought she would be. In fact, seeing him taste her, and coming back for more, when he knew where that bottle had been, suddenly released the 'red light' in her head to amber. Question was, how to get it to green?

"Are you sure you want to do all that? It was me that was supposed to be saying a thank you to you for all you are doing for me?"

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure I can think of a few things that you can do to make it up to me."

"Well, make sure you do, you have 40 minutes." She smiled at him and turned once more to leave.

"Oh, it won't take that long."

She looked back over her shoulder and saw that he was looking at her curvy bum. Then of course remembered that she had been dribbling copiously whilst treating herself to some 'wine'. She no doubt had a wet patch on her dress. 'It is too late now,' she thought. 'And he probably knows what it is anyway!'

As she walked through the doorway, she just said "Good." And left it at that.

Isabel sank into the hot water. Her body ached in places she didn't know she had and yearned in places that she had hither-to been able to ignore. But not now. She could hear Paul in the kitchen below her and knew immediately that her lewd thoughts about him, would not dissipate until they had been consummated. And judging the man, it was more than likely that they would be worse, rather than better afterwards. After all, below her, was a man that cooked, cleaned; could look after himself. Did look after himself, looking at his body and the muscles upon it. He was good with his hands, in a practical way, sexually she was desperate to find out just how good he was with his hands. He was handsome and from the little she saw, promised a rather large cock. Just thinking about that made her squeeze her thighs together. "Yessss, his cock!" She said out loud, "that I have to see."

She washed herself down and soaked a little longer, watching her breasts as they bobbed in the water. And unable to avoid eye contact with her pubis, which raised up between her thighs. She had shaved her legs and armpits that morning, but seeing her closely trimmed soft downy haired thatch of brown pubic hair, made her smile wickedly, and provoked her to pick up the razor again.

As she stepped from the bath and towelled herself down, Isabel stopped to admire the results of her labours in the mirror. Her lightly olive skin was flawless. She would never have had the courage to sun-bathe, so her skin showed no signs of bikini marks. It was completely uniform from head to painted toe-nails. The only thing foreign upon her body was a triangular tattoo, a Celtic symbol, put there upon her coccyx. It had been something she had done when 24 during Fresher's week at university, trying to keep up with the crowd, and instantly regretting it. But it was done, and the good thing was she rarely saw it, so it did not really bother her.

She turned from the mirror, certainly not one to look upon herself narcissistically. But not before she had looked at her completely bald pussy. It reminded her of when she was younger and she could not stop herself from running a hand over the pronounced hump of the pubic bone, smiling at the completely smooth feel. It made her shiver. "Whatever that man askes of you tonight, Izzy, you will do." She made a vow to herself. "And if he were to ask me for a hundred nights, then you will give him what he wants then, too."

She chuckled as she walked from the bathroom into the bedroom. Her door was wide open, and had Paul been standing there, he would have seen all. Rarely did she feel this free and easy. She knew what she was doing was the right thing for her. She could not decide what to wear. Whether to put lingerie on, or whether to lay it out and let Paul pick from what she had bought. She decided on the later and put on a bra and pantie set she had bought earlier in the day. A pale pink, that complimented her skin. She then slipped into a dress that she had not worn for years, and teasing her hair into place and re-applying some lip gloss, padded downstairs in bare feet.

She walked into the kitchen to the smell of deliciously cooked food. Her stomach suddenly growled at her, for not having fed it. Paul had already served up and was just tidying away. "Oh good, was just about to shout. I hope you enjoy? I've opened the bottle and let it breathe. So, I am hoping to witness you enjoying this bottle too."

"This looks lovely Paul. I don't think I have had someone cooking for me in......well....forever!" She found herself blushing as she was now almost 80 percent sure that he had seen her 'taking to the bottle'. "I will willingly show you how much I enjoy my bottles of wine Paul, you just have to ask."

"Really?" Paul looked askance. Then decided to move on. "I love to cook. Now I remembered what you said about enjoying chewing your meat, so it is cooked to medium rare, if that is not enough, the griddle pan is still hot, so take a bite of that first to check."

The meat was a delight, tender, juicy and well cooked. The conversation was entertaining and witty. If there was one problem that Isabel had, and it was a big problem; was the view she had. She could not take her eyes off of Paul and was now certain that she was infatuated for him. When he stood to clear the plates, she had to grab the table to prevent herself for reaching across the table in the direction of his crotch area. "Would you like me to make some coffee? I figured out where you kept it all. Then we can get down to the serious stuff!" He laughed dramatically, making her laugh too.

"Ummmm." Izzy said dreamily, "that would be lovely. This feels so wrong, you doing all this for me, in my house?"

"Good." Said Paul with a smile on his face. "And what about the coffee?"


"Nothing, just my little joke. So, where do you want to do it? Where are you most comfortable? We still have a few hours of natural daylight left, so I'm hoping that the room you pick will have good lighting. I'm also free in the morning, so what we don't do tonight, can be picked up tomorrow."

"Erm, we are still talking about I just want to make sure?"

"Ha, ha, yes. Yes, we are still talking about the photography."

"Well, let me take you up to my bedroom. I have laid out some things on the bed and you can give me some guidance on what to wear, as I am very new to this. If the lighting is good there, then that is where I will be most comfortable. Though I must confess to being pretty nervous right now!"

"Don't be. I will take control."

That word was like a trigger to Isabel and her whole body shivered, breaking out in goose-bumps. "Ok," she breathed. "Follow me."

In her bedroom, she showed him all that she had bought. "Woww, that is a lot of very sexy stuff. Are you sure you will have the courage to put it on?"

"I.....I...will if you tell me to Paul."

"Ok. Do you have any heels?"

"Uh, I have some stuff in the back of my wardrobe, from my university days. I have some simple black ones and some leopard print ones, oh and some ankle boots, but have never really worn them. They were bought on a drunken whim. The heels are too high to be practical."

"I think they will do nicely then. So put these on for now. Do you want me to leave or will you change in the bathroom?"

"No, you sit there, and I'll change in the bathroom." Isabel was getting excited again and rushed into the other room. He had picked what she would have, a black corset, inlaid with dark-blue silk. The black silk stockings, black matching panties and her black, high-heels. Slipping out of her dress, she popped the clasp on her bra and set her firm breasts free. Unsurprisingly, her nipples were already mis-behaving, and had induced her areola to do likewise. As she peeled down her panties, she noted that her nipples we not the only part of her that was behaving badly. A glossy wetness was easily discernible in the gusset and a dribble of her glutinous juice stuck to her inner thigh. She quickly wiped this with her panties and threw them in the wash. Stepping into the black panties first, she realised they were of the thong type. Something she was still not used to wearing. As she pulled them up tight to her pussy, the thong slipped between her bum cheeks, instantly arousing her further. "Oh God," she whispered quietly to herself, how am I going to get through this without letting the cat out of the bag?" She suddenly laughed, "but that is your intention you....slu...."

"You alright in there?

"Yes, just not used to this stuff."

"Well, if you need a hand, just let me know."

Isabel picked up the corset and pondered how she would get into it. The lacework upon the bodice was exquisite and the dark blue stitching, holding the stiffeners in place complimented the blue ribbon. The cups on the corset were completely see through; knowing that made her stomach churn in nervousness. He had already seen her breasts, but that could have been considered an accident. This was intentional displaying. But then her intentions were even greater than that? The hook and eye fasteners to the corset ran up her back. Holding the piece of erotica to her flat stomach, she started at the bottom and worked her way up as far as she could. Pleased that Paul would need to finish off the very top ones.

The black stockings were a perfect match. The shop assistant had done her job well. The heavily laced stocking top, was inlaid with dark blue flowers, that complimented her outfit and as she gathered up the first and slipped her foot into it, the coolness of the silk created that goose-bump effect immediately. As she pulled the stocking up the long length of her leg, she could feel herself getting more and more aroused. Any slight pressure on her erogenous zones now, would result in the inevitable. The problem was, that wearing this very sexy lingerie, made Izzy's entire body an erogenous zone.

Passing the suspenders under the little waist of the panties, she clipped the stocking into place. This she followed by the other stocking, then slipped on the heeled shoes. Standing in front of the mirror, she did not recognise the very sexy creature staring back at her. Her breasts, large areola and erect nipples were very visible through the cups of the corset, the mounds of firm flesh were held tightly, and were pushed up and out, displaying an incredible cleavage. The small panties covered very little of her pussy, it was evident that she was now hairless in that area.

Izzy went to her bag and picked up the lipstick pen she had bought today, colouring her lips in a deep vibrant red. She then placed a little eyeshadow on and lined her eyes. She had not put on make-up for a very long time and when she looked at the results, she once again did not recognise this woman that looked back at her.

Opening the door to her bedroom she immediately turned her back on Paul. "Don't look yet. I need some help with the last few hooks on this corset. If you don't mind? Sorry."

"It will be my pleasure."

Paul's fingers inevitably touched her skin as he took to the task. It had been the first time that she had been touched by him and the explosive, electric-shock like impact upon her nerve endings, coupled with the myriad of pleasurable messages that corresponded within her brain, made her legs turn to rubber, and she sagged backwards, barely recovering her footing before she felt a powerful arm about her waist, holding her steady. "Are you OK?"

"Urmmm, ummmm." Isabel was a milli-second away from orgasm. His touch, his smell, his muscular arm about her, his hard body to her back, were all that she wanted them to be. The one thing lacking however, was a specific hardness, the one hardness that she really needed. She swooned, her body displayed every signal it could, that she was ready for him to take her in any way that he wanted. It wasn't just her body that was thinking that to be fair, her brain was screaming for it too. "I....I'm not used high heels." Izzy lied. Not wanting to move from the heat of his supporting embrace.

"I'm so sorry for grabbing you like that, but I thought you were going to fall." He quickly backed away, surprised at how quickly his body had begun to react to the naked bum cheeks pressed against his bare thighs and the fact that his arm was just below Izzy's full breasts. "Here, let me just finish these hooks...there...done." Paul stepped away and turned his back immediately, feigning the need to pick up his camera, but actually he was trying to get himself back under control. "Right, well if you would like to sit on the bed for a start, then we can discuss the type of shot you are after, or you can put yourself in my hands, it is up to you?"

"I have no idea about this stuff Paul, she said, turning to face him."

"Wow," he said, getting to look at her for the first time. Her long brown almost auburn hair was over her right shoulder and spilled out about her breast. It just about covered her right eye, but he could see both dark brown irises staring at him intensely, looking for much needed praise and adoration. Her almond shaped eyes, were so clearly Mediterranean in genetic make-up. "You look stunning with the make-up Izzy, and that corset, is fantastic on you. What a change from the person in baggy jumpers and jeans."

Isabel bobbed in a curtsy. "All down to the influence of one man, I think. I certainly would not be doing this with anyone else Paul. To be fair, I don't know why I am doing this with you? This is so unlike me, just not the sort of thing I would do, not even for Philip. And I cannot think of anything else but putting myself in your hands," she paused deliberately, "for the photo shoot."

"If you were to ask me Izzy, I would say you are on a voyage of investigation. You are maybe a little bored of your life and what you have not accomplished with it, so now you are.....experimenting with certain aspects of it. And I think that I can help with that."

"Oh? And what do you intend to introduce me to that I haven't already done?"

Paul had already taken some images, and was now back in professional mode. "Right then, walk to the bed, turn look, eyes, chin up, hand on bed, yes pretty, now knee, no other one, we are teasing not giving all away in one go." He knelt on the floor for a lower angle, "Yes good, bum more towards me, OK pretty, now other knee, turn, look eyes, yes, yes lusty, tell the camera what you want, that's it, open your legs a little wider, those panties are great on you. Now turn slowly and sit, look at me, eyes, yes, out the window, towards the light, great. Open legs slightly more, no too slutty, looking for the tease the tempt, not the full open crotch type shot. Great, lean forwards good. Throw head down and back, good, good, tease hair, yes."

Isabel was breathless just watching Paul move about the room capturing image after image of her, he was tumultuous. "My God Paul, slow down, you will have a heart attack or something." They both burst out laughing.

"Sorry," he said "I do tend to get carried away."

"Apology not needed; I am enjoying the passion of a man that is into his subject in a big way." Isabel intentionally laced her words with ambiguity. But Paul was on a mission and was supremely focused on that.

"Right let me have you on your back."

"Of course, Paul." Isabel panted. Laying back, very tempted to spread her legs wide for him, but managing with a pure effort of will, to hold that thought in obeyance.

"Arms above your head, great, knee up, legs more together, hide it, tease, remember it is all about the tease. Hang on." Paul kicked off his shoes and climbed upon the bed standing over Izzy, before continuing with his direction. Each command was immediately responded to by Izzy, her eyes kept moving to what from this angled looked like an enormous bulge in Paul's shorts. "Eyes, eyes to me, yes, role to your side, no other one, the light, look at the light, splay your hair, yes, yes. God that light is fantastic, we must, yes we must."

"We must what?" Izzy panted caught up in the frenzied excitement of her first boudoir photo shoot, not aware of where Paul would be taking it to.

"Grab an overcoat and come with me. But we need to be quick before we lose the light."

Izzy laughed. "You are fanatical, no wonder you get such good pictures from your models. I thought it was a fifty-fifty thing, but I'm beginning to think you could even make that chair look sexy." She stood and took a long coat out of her wardrobe and slipped into it. "Good enough?"

"Yes. Now come, quickly."

"I very nearly have" Isabel coloured at her own frank admission, but Paul was already walking out the door, seemingly oblivious. Isabel followed, assuming they were going over to his studio. Her heels made it difficult for her to keep up with him, and she was very well aware that she was outside her house, in erotic lingerie, hidden by nothing but a coat. If her other neighbours were to see her now. Izzy found Paul at his door step, already coming back out of the house, with what she thought to be a camera bag.
