Isabel's Obsession


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"Follow me."

He took her round to the back of his property and walked into the dappled light of the bluebell woods. The early evening sun still warm about them, and as they walked down the well-travelled path, the sweet smell of the bluebells was heavy in Isabel's nostrils. "Are.....are we...are you going take some pictures of me...outside? Out here? But, people will......will see?"

Paul ignored her comment and appeared to be looking for the right spot, where the lighting was just right. He turned to the tree to his right and fishing in his bag pulled out a light and shroud, clipping it to the tree. He then turned to Isabel and looked at her critically. "Yes, great. Go back ten steps, loosen the tie on the coat, don't take it off, but walk towards me, allow the coat to open, stare only at me. Do it now."


"Now Izzy." Her body shivered, seemingly reluctant to do what he wanted, but yet still responding to his commanding voice. She looked down knowing that her brain was just along for the ride, for her hands had already undone the belt and she found she was already willingly revealing a third of her body. She put on an exaggerated walk, allowing the coat to fall wider, in some instances, helping it, by grabbing it, so that she could reveal the black stockings, and the pale flesh above. Izzy was on the edge. She had never in her wildest dreams, thought she would ever accept being photographed to this degree. Let alone wearing sexy lingerie? Certainly, she would not have dreamt of doing it, in a fantasy or otherwise. Yet here she was walking in a wood, wearing very little, and displaying it all, to a man that she barely knew really. Anyone could be walking past, any of her neighbours could see her in the scanty clothing. The impact upon her was inconceivable. She knew her panties were soaking, she knew she was a heart-beat away from orgasm, but had to hold onto it. Otherwise, Paul really would have seen it all.

"Closer, more leg, more thigh, stop there, coat off the left shoulder, yes very pretty, swing your hair, get some movement, yes, yes move to that tree, lovely, OK, OK, good, drop the coat, yes, turn to me, I like that yes, now go behind the tree and hold onto it, looking at me yes, I can see the lust, what is it you want, show me, show it in your eyes...."

Isabel, was mesmerised by Paul's voice, his every wish was her desire. As she stood, pressed against the tree, her eye caught a young couple walking their dog. They appeared wrapped in each other's thoughts and conversations, but for Izzy, she was sure that they had seen her exposed and erotically clothed body. She had now displayed herself to someone else, to complete strangers. The impact upon her was a revelation.

With her exposed bum, her stockings and her corset, all there, for them and Paul to see, Izzy was about to show them all something else, and try as she might, she could not stop it. She could only hope they were not listening too intently, though in the quiet of the wood, that too was a forlorn hope. Isabel had nowhere to run to this time, and she could hold onto it no longer. Further, Izzy found that she wanted Paul to see. She wanted him to understand what he was doing to her, constantly. Her achingly hard nipples scraped against the rough bark, as she grasped the tree and as Paul continued to command her every move. It was like he was talking erotically to her, whilst they were making love. It pushed her on, and on, over the edge. She suddenly spasmed and pushed her pelvis forwards against the tree, her pubis immediately came into contact with a little nub of wood, that contacted her swollen clitoris at exactly the right spot.

"Lust, give me lust, yes I see it, you want something, what do you want, what Izzy?"

The little nub on the tree, gave Izzy the release she wanted. "Fuck! Ohhhh fuck, uummmm yes...oh, oh Paul, ohhhh shit you have got me so turned on....oh fuck, oh fuck. FUCK! FUCK! Those people.... They can see.....oooohhh Paul?"

"What.....what is it you want Izzy?"

Isabel whimpered, she groaned, she looked to Paul and then across to the couple. They had stopped and were waiting for the dog. 'They must be able to hear me?' Her befuddled brain thought. But her body carried on regardless, needing the release, as it might need sustenance. "Fuck Paul, oh this is so.....embarras.......OH GOD, YOUUU! Oh, you Paul, uuuuhhh oh God, this is ridiculous, I'mmmm again! What have you done to meee?! I want you Paul, I want you to fuck me, here, now, please."

"Finally. Come to me, Izzy, yes, let me see all of you in your lusting, come, come...."

"Ohhh shit Paul, please show me your cock, please.....I am dying to see it, I......ooooohhhhhh! NO.....!" The slurping wet sound was loud in Isabel's ears, and she followed Paul's eyes and then his camera downwards, to find what she already knew to be true. The fingers of her left hand were holding her black thong panties away from her bare pussy. The fingers of her right hand were frantically slipping in and out of her wet pussy, driving the second orgasm she was having, onto greater heights. "Ohhhh no, no....don't film this please.....I am...unable to....control it....OH FUCK. OHH fuck, so ashamed... no Paul....please."

Paul was on his knees before her, "Great, great, you've completely shaved, simply stunning, perfect, fucking hot, so wet. Think we need to up the game. Follow me, keep those fingers there!" He had picked up his bag and her coat and was dragging her deeper into the wood.

She could see a gate ahead and an open field. She knew that in that field, was a public footpath and at the end of that footpath, she could see that the young couple had turned and were slowly making their way back. "Paul?" She queried, ""

By the gate was a stile. Isabel did not know what Paul had in mind, but had seen that stile in his photos before. The fear of being spotted was now more prominent in her mind than before, and with her lust a little abated after her orgasmic release, her brain was functioning more on the higher level than the base one it had been on, five minutes before. It was one thing to be seen in dappled light in amongst the tree, clearly another out here where it was more open.

"Right," said Paul. "Open the gate and walk through. Place a leg either side of that step, yes, come on now! Good, now, lean over the stile, good. Now grip the step. Who told you to remove your fingers by the way?"

"Paul?? I....they can see me." She glanced in the direction of the walkers, who had stopped again to wait for the dog "Please don't make me do this.....I can't. Please Paul, I'll.....I'll do anything else, anything!"

"Must get the shot, simply must." Paul dipped his hands into the bag and pulled out a leather strap. It had two buckles and Izzy could tell instantly, despite her sheltered sex life, what this represented.

"Offer your wrist to me."

"Paullll, please.... They are coming closer. Let them pass at least?"

"Your wrist, now! Losing the light. Give me your wrist."

Isabel found herself complying and felt Paul tighten the cool leather about her right wrist. She shivered, knowing that she was not in control any longer. He then passed it under the step and bent down. "Offer me the other wrist."

Izzy sobbed a little, but then complied. Paul secured her left wrist the net result had positioned her nicely over the stile, presenting her fabulous behind to all that walked along the path and specifically the young walkers. But Paul had not finished there. He walked through the open gate and stood behind her. Then she felt her ankle being equally secured. He attached this to the post of the stile, then taking her other ankle he pulled her legs apart. Izzy resisted a little, but then gave in. He attached it to the other post. Izzy felt the cooler evening breeze kiss the wetness of her panties, sending an unholy pleasure through her. She looked over her shoulder at the approaching couple, knowing that they must now be able to see her trussed to the stile, bent over, bum on display. She groaned, despite herself. Paul walked back around and once again got down onto his knees.

"There, now. You are where I want you. What are you thinking now? Are you still worried that you might be seen? I wouldn't be, because you have been, they are looking now, particularly him. Don't turn around look at me, yes, let me capture it, yes, your face, yes, there, they are now in the shot, yes, yes, do you know your panties are still pulled to one side? Do you know your lovely pussy is drooling onto the step?"

"Ohhh Paul! I......I..... What have you done, what have I become, how can I show my face?"

"I don't think they are looking at your face Izzy?"

"OHHHH you bastard, you bastard for doing this to me. How could you? How could you demean and embarrass me like this? What if Philip were to find out?"

Paul took a few more shots of Izzy in this vulnerable position. The young couple having had a very good look, now moved on. Paul hoped that he had captured the man's hunger and the woman's lust. "Well, I'll tell you what I think, shall I? I think for one thing, that your fabulous breasts, should not miss out." He leaned forwards and pulled the cups of the corset away and downwards, allowing each breast in turn to fall free. "There, that is better isn't it, Isabel?"

"Ohhhh Paul....." Izzy sobbed, "What have I become?"

"My model, my plaything. Now, insn't better that your breasts are free and your inhibitions expunged? Isn't it?"

"Yes.....yes Paul."

"And how does it feel?"

"It....feels very....ohh you know how I feel, it is written all over me!"

Paul continued to take pictures of her. "Of course, I do, and yes Isabel it is written all over you, and has been for some time. Now...." Paul walked back through the gate, and inserting a finger into her thong, he pulling it even further to one side to fully expose her smooth vagina. A vagina that looked as virginal as it had done when she was younger, bereft of all hair, soft and silky smooth. Virginal apart from one thing. Isabel's vagina was drooling. Drooling her sexual lubrication, drooling her come, drooling because of what it wanted and because of what was being done to her. Because of what had just happened.

She felt a sharp stabbing/smarting pain across her buttock, split seconds after she had heard the swish of something. It made her cry out. She then felt another before she had time to turn around. Upon her creamy smooth buttocks, two red wheals could be seen from the cob-nut sapling, that Paul had picked for a whipping cane. He delivered more smarting blows, making Isabel's eyes water, before he replaced the torture with his hand. After each smack, he would rub her cheek in ever increasing circles, getting closer and closer to her drooling pussy.

"So, tell me Isabel, why have you shaved your pussy? When you were fucking yourself with that wine bottle, earlier, you had a full dark thatch of pubes. What made you do it?"

"Ohh, you saw. You did, see?"

"Yes, I saw. I did more than look too. I have stills and video of you pleasuring yourself Izzy. But then you wanted me to, didn't you? Facing the door, which you knew I would come through, wearing stockings and sexy lingerie. Legs spreadeagled over the chair legs as you took your fill of the bottle."

"God I'm so ashamed. OOWWWW!"

Paul smacked her again and again until her olive-skinned buttocks were a rosy red. "So, you have already cheated on your partner, haven't you? In your mind you have already been fucked by me. I could hear you calling out my name as you came. And I saw you tasting your sweet juices. I had to know how they tasted Izzy. I must confess, I thought they were exquisite. I wish I could have captured your face as you watched me tasting you."

Izzy shivered, "Oooh Paul. Please....."

"Did you like the taste of yourself Izzy, do you normally taste yourself Izzy?"

" was my.......first time.....I didn't.....even realise I was..... Yes, I did....I do like the taste of myself."

Paul had pulled out a collar from his bag and slipped it about Izzy's neck. He did it up tightly making her gasp. As soon as he was done, he dropped his shorts. His cock had been rigid for some time, and had also leaked some pre-come into his boxers. He had never been so turned on by one of his models before and knew, that it was because he wanted more from Izzy than just modelling. He wanted to fuck her too. Slipping some rope through a little shackle in the collar, he pulled her head and neck backwards, making it a little harder for her to breathe. Holding her in that position with one hand, he directed his cock into the drool, still spilling from Izzy's cunt. Then, bending his knees slightly, he stabbed upwards, piercing her smooth, outer labia, and reaching her vaginal entrance, where he stopped. His cock, a pole of carved ivory. Pulsed and throbbed.

Izzy screamed out at the shock of the penetration of her outer lips, she had not known what Paul was doing, and despite wanting it with all of her body, she had not been expecting it at that point. She was even beginning to think that he did not want to fuck her at all? He only wanted to humiliate her. The truth she realised there and then, was he wanted her for both. "FUCK, OH FUCK PAUL!" She screamed into the silent evening. "OH MY GOD, OOOHHH MY GOD! YES, YES, OH FUCK IT FEELS.....OH,OHHHHH......I'MMMMM...... It's so big, oh my gosh, it's so big and.......hard, oh I want to see it! Ohhhh are you going to fuck me Paul.....I'm...not...sure.....that......we.....should be doing......ohhhhhh shit!" Second thoughts about the rights and wrongs of letting her next-door neighbour fuck her, suddenly came into her brain from nowhere, but were splashed to the four corners of her brain by her immediate orgasm at the partial penetration.

Paul leant across her back, pinning Izzy further to the stile. He had tied off the collar rope to the top of the stile, still pulling her head back and stifling her a little. Her whole body trembled and spasmed. She had known nothing like this, she had done nothing like this. As the light began to close in about them, Izzy could not care less who now saw her being rutted by this dominating male, whose cock was buried between her vulva and whose length she wanted buried to the hilt in her cunt.

She felt the warmth of his body against her back and then his large hands cupped her swaying, ample breasts. Her nipples brushed against his fingers, sending further shocks of pleasure to her loins and added more pleasurable torment within her mind. Her body had never felt such conflicting ecstasy and was completely over-whelmed.

As Paul pinched upon the rock-hard nubs of Izzy's nipples, she cried out again, panting in her continued lust for him and for a real fucking. Her cries echoed about the wood, in the stillness of the late evening. From a distance, he thought, people would be able to hear her noises, and know exactly what was being done to her. It made his cock twitch all the more, increasing Izzy's groans of pleasure. He felt her vulva grasping on his large plum-shaped cock head, each time he pinched her nipples, her body in one continuous violent tremor as she desperately pushed back on him, wanting a deeper penetration.

But Paul resisted her thrusting and pulling back a little, spoke firmly into her ear. "You will only get my cock Isabel, fully inside of you, feeling him pulsing, hard and stretching your cunt wide; by your full submission to me."

"Ohhhh Paul, stop teasing me.....don't you think.....that now....?"

Paul went on, "In undertaking your next move, and taking what you want from me, you are agreeing to do, whatever I want, whenever I want it, do you understand?"

"Yesssss, yessss, please do it, I need it!"

Isabel's head was beginning to loll from side to side, she was completely absorbed by the moment, her brain filled with nothing but animal lusts. Her legs trembled, she was dribbling at both ends, from her mouth and her pussy. "I can feel him throbbing in my......oh I've never felt don't know how long I have dreamt of this Paul.......OHHHH PLEASE!"

Paul held her at the edge of her orgasm, but little jerks of intense pleasure kept firing off within her, each would result in her pushing back onto the rigid phallus, that was so unlike anything she had felt within her pussy opening before.

"Once you have agreed to my terms Isabel, then we must consummate that agreement."

"How," she panted at him, not really caring and wondering why she even asked the question.

"By accepting my sperm Isabel, by gorging upon it, by having it fill you to the point of spilling out, by ingesting it."

Isabel suddenly stopped to consider his words. "Ohhh but I can't, I.....I hadn't cannot come inside me.....Philip will know, he will know I have been unfaithful...."

"Isabel, you have let me take pictures of you in lingerie, you exposed your breasts to me, you are tied to a stile in the woods, your tits and pussy exposed, you have my cock at the entrance to your vagina, and you have been begging me to fuck you. I think that counts as being unfaithful. I know that my cock pulses at your entrance, keen to furrow you deeply, but if you wish to stop I can do so....." He pulled his cock head from her, the stiff bouncing rod of flesh bashed upon her rounded bum cheek.

"Nooooo." Isabel wailed, "nooooooo. Oh, you torment me so. Why?" She stopped as his words suddenly hit her. "Do you really want to fuck me, Paul?"

"I think that might be a little obvious Isabel. If men don't enjoy what they are doing, then their cocks will very quickly show that. What is mine telling you Izzy?"

"Oh, it is hard, so hard I have never felt...I want it in my hands...." She pushed her bum backwards, trapping his cock between them. "Oh fuck, this is torture...put him back in, put him back in!"

"So, you agree to all that I have said? All that I want, when I want? You agree to consummation? You agree to visit my house, twice a week, as a minimum. You agree to wear what I want, where I want, you will submit yourself to more of this, as I please."

"Twice a week Paul, you want to fuck me twice a week?"

"As a minimum."

"You mean that you might want to have me more than twice a week?"

"I might yes. And you must come to me when I call. And finally....."

"Ohhh yes Paul?" Isabel already knew that she would now willingly agree to anything he wanted.

Paul leant back over her, allowing his cock to nuzzle back against her slick vulva. "Once you have taken my cock into your cunt, you may not take another. If Philip wants to have sex, then you must take him in your mouth or your arse, but your cunt is mine. If you want to masturbate, then you may only do so in my presence."

"But....but I my......arse....I couldn't. And my mouth.......I have never done...that?" She groaned as Paul's hands had returned to caressing and teasing her breasts. His touches were both as soft as gossamer and as hard as the wood in which she found herself, and they were exquisite. Setting her skin on fire. As his fingertips grazed her large, puckered areola, she felt a rivulet of her juice trickle down her thigh and knew she could not say no. "Yes Paul, I agree to all of your terms, and now I need you to stop tormenting me and give me what I want."

Paul continued to fondle her breasts, "If you wish for me to take you, then first, you must impale yourself on me. When you have me deep inside you, filling you to the hilt. When you have crossed that line and made that decision, that commitment. Then I will fuck you."

"But I......"

"It must be you that commits the act Izzy, you that decides you want my cock over Philip's."

"Oh, it is true, and I know what that makes me, but your cock inside me do I put myself in these predicaments........? Because I want to, I suppose, that is why. Push your cock head into me. Let me mount you... Of course, I want it, I have never had more than a couple of inches and at best they were flaccid ones. Let me feel a real cock deep inside me."
