It's a Man's World


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"Oh my fucking god!" Toni gasped. "Is this what I've been missing? I mean, as a feminist --"

Her thoughts were cut short as Ms Paris rammed the cock back down her throat. The force of her thrust made Toni's entire body shudder. Ms Paris paid her no heed; she just kept skullfucking the younger woman. It was a test, and Toni was damned well going to endure it.

Would her friends have done the same? Would any of the women she met at her feminist meetings? What about the women at work, would any of them have let the interview go this far? Would they have pulled out as soon as they were led to a sex dungeon by a naked goddess?

Of course not. They had dignity, she thought. I'm on my knees enjoying getting skullfucked by a misogynistic siren with a huge rubber dick, that's not very dignified. What kind of feminist was she? What kind of woman was she?

She wondered what they'd think of her. All those women she knew, the women she surrounded herself with. Strong women. Empowered women. Heck, she wondered what Lilith Woodley would say, if she saw how wet her star pupil's pussy was right now.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Toni exclaimed gasping for air when Ms Paris finally let up. "Oh my god, my fucking jaw hurts now!" she continued, almost laughing. "And my throat...And my calves...I guess I'm not used to being on my knees for this long."

Ms Paris didn't reply. She used her thumb and forefinger to wrap around the cock and wipe off some of the thick drool and mucous that had congealed on the shaft. She held out her hand, and without being asked Toni leaned forward and licked the drool off Ms Paris's fingers.

"Was a good girl?" she asked expectantly, giggling and sitting back on her heels.

"God, I feel so silly saying that. I... I just keep thinking what all my friends would think if they saw me like this...I mean, my eyeliner is running down my cheeks! I'm a mess!" She wiped the drool from her chin. "I did say I wanted to prove myself! That was a bit of a baptism of fire, wasn't it?"

"Well that's just a start, Miss LaCroix." Ms Paris said, slipping herself out of the strap on. She set it on the cabinet.

"J-just a start? What do you mean that's just a start?" Toni giggled nervously.

"Come over here." Ms Paris said. "Bend over the credenza."

"Yes Ma'am." Toni got to her feet and walked over to the cabinet. She did as she was told. Ms Paris turned the camera so it now faced the credenza. Toni's ass would be on full display, pointing right down the barrel.

"Like this?" She asked. Ms Paris smiled at her.

"Eyes forward." She replied curtly. Toni looked straight ahead into the mirror, gazing at her own reflection. She really was a mess. Her face was red, her makeup smeared. Ever her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. She grinned, despite it all, she felt sexy.

"Arch your back," Ms Paris said.

"Yes Ma'am," Toni giggled. "Am I going to get a spanking?"

"That's right. I'd like to you to count each blow. How many do you think you can handle?"

"Yes Ma'am. I think I can do...maybe ten? Ten sounds good."

"Ten is lovely. After each one, you are to say a mantra, understood?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"I'm thinking today's mantra should be... I am a proud, independent woman."

Toni burst out laughing. "Sure I can say that! After each one? Got it. Yes Ma'am! You

know, I've never had a spanking before, this'll be fun."

Ms Paris sighed. "You're a talkative one, aren't you? Never had a spanking eh?"

"No, never!"

"I see."

"I'm not lying, I swear! I guess...well, my parents never spanked me. And then when I got into the feminism scene, well...spanking wouldn't go down well, would it?

'You're reinforcing the patriarchy!' yada yada yada. But you know, that's bullshit." Toni giggled, and wagged her ass.

"So let's go. C'mon. Spank this stupid feminist! Show her her place. C'mon...Please Ma'am, please spank my naughty, feminist ass! Slap it, hit it, c'mon...I've been a bad feminist, haven't I? I'm a bad, bad feminist...I need a spanking..."

"Spread your legs." Ms Paris said, slapping the inside of Toni's thighs. "Good girl."

Ms Paris' hand was cool against her vulva; when the older woman's fingertips brushed her clit Toni moaned.

"God, it turns me on that you're a woman doing this to me; teaching me my fucking place! My pussy is so fucking wet...Mmmmm... Another woman showing me where women belong... below men! We belong below men! Women are inferior! God that's hot. That's hot isn't it, Miss Paris?"

Ms Paris smiled. "Good girl." She abruptly ended her exploration between Toni's legs and slapped her left ass cheek. A sharp blow that made Toni jolt upright and moan with pleasure. The sting in her cheek went right to her clit.

"Ooh! One!" She giggled. "I am a proud, independent woman!"

Ms Paris spanked her again, the opposite cheek.

"Two! I am a proud independent woman!"

And again. Ms Paris's breasts jiggled with the swing of her arm. Toni giggled.

"Three! I am a proud independent woman!"

And again. Her ass would be beginning to blush pink now, Toni thought.

"Four! I am a proud independent woman!"

Ms Paris spanked her harder, this time. A lot harder. Toni had to grit her teeth against the sting.

"Ow! F-five that was really hard..."

The next spank came harder still; Toni cried out in pain.

"Fuck! Ow! Alright...s-six! I'm a proud, independent wo-" She was interrupted by another blow, just as hard and fast.

"S-seven...that really hurt..."

Another spank.

"E-eight! I'm a proud, independent woman..."

And another.

"N-nine! Please...not as hard...I...I'm..."

Ms Paris gave her ass one final, hard slap.

"Ten! T-ten..." Toni exclaimed, hanging her head in relief. She stared at the shiny wooden countertop and sighed. Her ass burned but her pussy tingled.

"Was..." she sniffled, wiping her nose on her hand. "Was that really necessary? I told you I'd never been spanked before..."

"You did very well," Ms Paris said, gently stroking Toni's hair. She felt comforted by her touch. "Do you feel proud?"

" I don't feel proud." Toni said meekly. "I feel a bit sore and...degraded."

"That's normal, I was punishing you after all. Beyond the soreness, does it feel... nice?"

Toni thought about it for a moment.

"Yes it feels... cathartic."

"That's the sign of a true submissive, Miss LaCroix." Ms Paris wiped a tear from Toni's cheek. "It's a release, my darling. Pain allows women like you and me -- not all women, but women like us -- to achieve an emotional release."

She cradled Toni's head in her hands and looked into her eyes. Toni sobbed, involuntarily, averting her gaze.

"I... I don't know why I'm crying, it didn't hurt that much."

"Because you needed it, my sweet." Ms Paris said softly. "And besides, you'll need to be able to take punishment."

"Of course, yes Ma'am." Toni said tearfully. She sniffled. "A woman's place is below men, I know, isn't that right?"

Ms Paris smiled and kissed Toni's forehead. "Good girl. You've done very well."

"Oh...I have? I-I'm glad you think so... Ma'am. I'm really trying! I just want to show you good a slave I can be! Really! I want the job..."

"Why do you want it so much?"

"Oh..." Toni shrugged, sniffling. "I... I don't know. I just... I want to be told what to do... by a man, to submit to a man. I want to be manhandled. Dominated. It''s my place! It's the way things should be. I-I love the patriarchy..."

Ms Paris stroked her head again.

"I'm so ashamed." She whispered, sobbing. "It's literally the fucking opposite of what I should want. Where's my fucking dignity? Where's my self-respect?"

Ms Paris cocked her head to the side.

"Do I lack self-respect, Antonia?" Toni's eyes widened.

"No... I-I didn't mean..." She stammered. Ms Paris sighed.

"You have fantasies. You have desires. So what if they're not mainstream, or align with your politics? You have a misogyny fetish my girl! Embrace it. Of course you don't have to dance through the streets, shouting it to the rooftops, but it's in you. It turns you on to be degraded and objectified; to be treated a certain way just because you're a woman. Why worry what everyone thinks?"

"I guess so."

"You can be a feminist out there and a dumb cunt in here, Miss LaCroix. They are not mutually exclusive."

"I...I can?" Toni felt like she was about to cry. Her lip wobbled. Ms Paris wrapped her arms around her, holding Toni's head to her chest. Her breasts were just about the softest things Toni had ever felt. She sunk into them gratefully.

"Of course you can," Ms Paris said softly, stroking Toni's head. "A fetish is not reality. It's just that -- a kink."

"I am a dumb cunt, aren't I?" Toni giggled tearfully, wiping her eyes. Ms Paris smiled.

"You enjoyed saying that didn't you? You've been waiting to say it."

Toni nodded.

"I... I'm a dumb cunt!" She laughed. "And I'd...I'd really like to be a house slave for Mr Saint-Clair."

"Well then," Ms Paris said, letting Toni go. Toni adjusted herself -- she was still bent over the credenza. Ms Paris slid a hand down between Toni's thighs. Toni blushed, knowing how wet her pussy was.

"Why don't you show me how much you want the position." Ms Paris said, using her free hand to brush a hair out of Toni's face as she began to rub the younger woman's pussy.

"Sh-show you how much I want it?" Toni managed.

"If you don't mind." Ms Paris said smiling. Toni was struggling to keep her eyes straight as Ms Paris rubbed her pussy. She let out a moan.

"I'll...I'll do anything." She gasped as Ms Paris slid two fingers inside her; she tensed around the intruding digits and felt her toes curl.

"Go on then," the older woman whispered, gently biting Toni's ear lobe.

" want me to fuck myself on your hand?" Toni replied breathlessly.

"That's right, good girl," Ms Paris said, planting a wet kiss on the nape of Toni's neck. Toni shivered with pleasure. When she felt Ms Paris' thumb on her clit, she squeaked in pleasure for a moment became almost wordless.

"Oh...okay Ma'am. Yes Ma'am, I'll do it." She stammered. She spread her legs apart to give herself a better footing. Ms Paris gave her sore ass two quick swats with her free hand.

"Ow! Hold on, hold on! Give me a minute, I'm getting ready!" Toni giggled. Ms Paris kissed her neck again and smacked her rump another two or three times.

"Ooh fuck, fuck, fuck!" Toni moaned, the spanks like hot coals on her aching ass. Slowly she began moving her hips back and forth, fucking Ms Paris' hand like she was humping a pillow. That was to say, it was a familiar motion.

"This is a bit of a workout, isn't it?" Toni giggled. "I can really feel it in my thighs and my calves."

Ms Paris simply smiled. It didn't take long for Toni to cum. It was like no orgasm she'd ever felt before; shooting through her body from her curling toes to a tingling in her scalp. A wave of pleasure, followed by smaller orgasms that bubbled and popped and lasted at least a minute since the first.

Ms Paris held onto her tight, and when the orgasms distracted her from the humping motion, she felt Ms Paris holding her in place, driving her fingers in and out like a jackhammer. Eventually, the feeling subsided and Toni was left an exhausted wreck, leaning on the cabinet because her legs had buckled beneath her. She was sore and tired, but she'd never felt better. She'd embraced her kink, something she'd been ashamed of for a long, long time and felt freer than she ever had.

"T-thankyou," she gasped, breathing heavily. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say a thing darling," Ms Paris replied, wiping her glistening fingers on a towel she'd taken out of a drawer in the credenza.

"So what now?"

"Oh that's it, sweetness."

"That's it?" Toni laughed. "That's the interview? Oh wow!" Toni giggled with delight. She turned back to look at her reflection in the mirror and saw that she was grinning; beaming with happiness and, dare she say it -- pride?

"I told you I could do it!" She exclaimed, almost laughing. "I told you a feminist like me would me a hot, little, submissive sex slave! So did I get the job? Was I good enough?"

"You're on the list."

"I'm on the list?"

"That's right. You should hear back shortly, two or three weeks maybe."


"Is that okay?"

"No, no, that's fine."

"Fantastic!" Ms Paris said, stopping the camera. Toni had almost forgotten that the session was being filmed. She felt a wave of self-consciousness flood over her and held her arms over her chest.

"If you'd like to shower and dressed," Ms Paris continued. "Then I'll escort you to the front door."

"So that's it, just... get dressed and leave? Just like that?"

"Mmhmm." Ms Paris said cheerfully. "Just like that. There is a bathroom through that door there," she pointed to a door in the corner of the room. "I'm interviewing another candidate in half an hour, so try to be as quick as you can."

"Yes Ma'am."

"I'll give you some privacy." Ms Paris said as she left. The door clicked shut and Toni felt a sob wrack her body. What had she done? She felt horrified, but at the same time she was glowing. This was it. Whatever happened, her life had changed in that single afternoon.


I hope you enjoyed the story! This one is a little more personal for me in terms of grappling with my own fetish, so it's exciting to finally put it out there!

Love Clara


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El FoloEl Folo3 months ago

Tonight, Ms. Paris will discover how much one woman can giggle.

No, I'm kidding, I quite enjoyed this.

I haven't read the other chapters yet, but right now it feels like Toni has a bit of a "not like other girls" situation going on. I wonder if that's intentional on the part of the author, like that's a form of her putting up walls to separate herself from other girls even as she threw herself into feminist rhetoric. Or if that's just me reading too much into things.

I'm really going to like seeing where things go from here. I wonder if she's gonna be thrown into the deep end and overwhelmed, or if it's going to be a bit like boiling a frog, where she doesn't notice how crazy her life becomes until it's too late.

Thank you for writing this, you're quite good.

TanukiTanukiover 1 year ago

I don’t know about all the feminism talk in the comments above, I don’t like to analyze myself and others. But I loved Toni, she so sweet and funny, I’d enjoy a story with her even without all the sex and face slapping. I wonder if she is the author?

kiwiplumkiwiplumalmost 3 years ago

The war on feminism was a bit thick, seemed an unreal note

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Absolutely brilliant! Ok I didn’t enjoy all of it but I loved the vast majority of it - the thing is I just don’t get face slapping, at all. For me it’s a non erotic pain, violent not sexy.

I consider myself to be an old school feminist, as in equal rights all round and not the extreme bullshit spouted by her friend Kelly. By embracing the kink she enjoys Toni is not “betraying her gender” 🙄, far from it she’s exercising her right to choose and to enjoy sex. There’s no genuine shame in any of this. I don’t believe it’s a woman’s role to be subservient to men but if that’s what you enjoy sexually then go for it. I identify as a switch but abscess love being a sub.

This is very well written and you’ve captured the opposing view really well, the characters are well rounded and believable too. I thought a little aftercare was in order, given that she’s clearly a neophyte but then again it was essentially a job interview too so I can understand why it wasn’t included. This story is off to a brilliant start and I’m looking forward to reading more.

Tess (uk)

RomComDomRomComDomabout 3 years ago

Don't let that one person's wierd comment get to you, you have a gift.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Good hope for next chapter. Very Good

DoortotheDoortotheabout 3 years ago

Absolutely beautiful darling! As a man with a misogyny fetish that is also a feminist, I believe you did an excellent job capturing that inherent contradiction and its resolution: its just a kink!

More please!

MbC56MbC56about 3 years ago

I'm hooked and waiting for the next chapter!

YourgirlfriendLauraYourgirlfriendLauraabout 3 years ago

Story plot was unique. Keep it up! I hope silly people don't actually believe a woman's place is under a man's after reading it....Obviously, one anonymous commenter is getting off on his own deluded sense of self importance from this piece, unfortunately. Respect was made up for men? What is he smoking? Sometimes a kink is a kink. This is all because woman are taught to hate our sexuality at a young age. My of us have deep, conflicted views that could never be understood by someone making brief misogynistic comments on this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I enjoyed this story. Characters are quickly fleshed out (pun intended) and they feel real and interesting. Would like to see the submissive’s inner feelings and sexual responses more fully described so they can be enjoyed by the reader.

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