It's Not what It Seems


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"I have a business suite with a computer and VCR. "

"How do I know you won't mug me or worse?"

"We'll keep the door open and my secretary, Alma May will be with us if you need a chaperon."

Just then his coffee and roll arrived. As he drank and ate she sipped her water and they made some really forced conversation about Cubby baseball and the weather. As he finished he got up and tossing a five on the table asked her.

"So, whats your decision? The suite is on the first floor right off the lobby if you're worried. Check it out or not. You're the loser of you pass up an opportunity to really nail your cheating SOB of a husband."

With that she took a final drink of her water and said "OK let's go."

True to his word, three rooms down the hall from the lobby was Suite 103. He carded the door and let her precede him into the room. Sure enough, a VCR and laptop computer were on the workstation and a familiar looking red haired woman was at the keyboard.

"This is Alma May my secretary and personal assistant."

As Thorsen was introducing Alma May, she rose and extended her hand to Andrea and they exchanged handshakes.

"Mrs Sanders, its so good to meet you. I'm just sorry its under these conditions. May I offer you a soft drink or water? I was just going to get one for myself."

"Just water please. I've had enough caffeine today."

Alma May returned seconds later with a diet soda for herself and a spring water for Andrea which she opened and handed to her. They both took sips from their drinks as Thorsen made a show of opening a box which contained a number of video tapes, assorted electronic media and file folders. As he sorted through the files he asked her how she liked the brand of water she was sipping from.

Andrea responded "They are all pretty much the same aren't they?"

Suddenly Andrea felt a surge of vertigo course through her body and with virtually no warning she passed out falling limply to the floor.

The Meeting

At 7:59 Jon pulled up in front of the condo he had until recently shared with his wife Andrea. He avoided the garage and instead parked on the street and walked up and rang the door bell. In seconds the door opened and Andrea was standing there looking perfect as always. She had obviously spent time on her makeup but her eyes were red and a little puffy as if she had been crying.

"Why did you ring the bell? You live here Jon. I love you with all my heart and I'm so sorry for everything that has happened."

"I'm sorry too but dear, we've got a ton of stuff to work out before everything is good between us."

"I know, lets go into the kitchen. I got out some of our favorite wine."

Jon followed her into their kitchen and for the thousandth time admired her trim butt. He was confident that things could work out fine but after her lack of faith in him, he was going to give her a little shit.

Jon poured each of them a glass of their favorite Chardonnay and sat done across from her at the breakfast bar. and said.

"Here is what I propose. I would like each of us to share their perspective on the events of the last ten days. In the spirit of full disclosure I have to tell you that I have employed a PI firm and when appropriate I will interject with their findings. I think that we should try to follow the events in chronological order. The only other thing I have to say before beginning is that I have loved only you from the first time I set eyes on you and that I have been absolutely faithful to you. In addition I have doled out punishment to all parties that have sought to harm our marriage."

With that he leaned over the bar and gently kissed her on the mouth. Grabbing a Kleenex he wiped away the tears glistening in the corner of her eyes.

"Apparently the story starts with the series of emails you received from ANOMONYOUS99 whose purpose was to sow the seeds of doubt as to my fidelity. You revealed them to me and I denied their veracity. I departed Chicago for Dallas on a Wednesday as scheduled. The cutover went smoothly and by Saturday PM we were winding things down and I was contemplating coming home a day earlier. However, the customer wanted to host a dinner on Saturday night so I had to stay. Later that evening after I had retired to my room, a newer member of the cutover team, Greg Thorsen came to my room with a bottle of bourbon saying that it was from the customer and was for toasting tonight's successful project completion.

As Jon mentioned Thorsen, Andrea gasped and exclaimed "Then he's the asshole that drugged both of us."

Jon went on. "We toasted and I quickly passed out only to wake early Monday AM having lost over 24 hours. I got sick, called you and related my problems, packed, checked out, went to an Urgent Care for blood tests. Then I went to the airport and got the shuttle to Chicago. Upon landing I couldn't find you and so I went to work to confront Thorsen and report in. Turns out he had quit first thing that morning. Back home, you are nowhere to be found and not answering my texts or emails. That night I threatened to notify the police and that provoked an immediate response from your phone."

With that remark Andrea started to say something but Jon held up his hand."

"Note that I said the response I received was from your phone. I did not say that you sent it although at the time I had no way of knowing that."

Jon then went on to relate the discovery process by Link and his crew. He detailed the Greg Thorsen/Carl Thomas Anderson corporate and personal espionage and the role of Alma May Shepard. He was deliberately vague about how the questioning was conducted and ended this portion of the meeting without mentioning Grant, Thorsen's boss.

"So, now we know the why's and wherefore's of my drugging, who did it and what the perps had to say about it during questioning. Now's it's time for you to jump in. What did you do in reaction to my supposed infidelity? And as an aside, the fact that you didn't trust what I was saying really cuts me to the quick."

Andrea cleared her throat and composed herself for a couple of seconds before starting out.

"Well, you know I was upset about the emails but you went a long way in putting my mind at ease when you promised to find out who was behind the ANOMONYOUS bullshit. But then while you were in Dallas I kept getting more mail and then photos with you in them. Not that you were doing anything wrong but still it was obvious that someone in your group had his eye on you and knew what was happening. Then it all blew up on Sunday when I got those pics of the girls sucking on you and of you fucking one of them. I didn't want to believe what I was seeing but there was your butt between the legs of that young slut. I was so pissed off that when ANOMONYOUS sent me that invitation to see more information about your infidelity I jumped at the chance to meet with him.

I was wary at the meeting because I thought he might mug or rape me and so I demanded a public place but when he said his secretary was also in the meeting, I let my guard down. The thought of being drugged did enter my mind but I thought I was safe by just drinking water but then after just two sips in the meeting room I passed out. I remember thinking just before I passed out that I was truly fucked. I guess I was.

I woke up sometime early Tuesday morning naked in a hotel bed with an awful taste in my mouth and covered with dried semen and on wet sheets that smelled of urine. The first thing I thought of was how you went through a similar ordeal. My second thought was the pain I felt in my nipples, vagina and especially my ass. Then as my head slowly cleared a whole range of emotions swept over me. First I felt like a stupid fool for not just ignoring all the shit they had sent me. To have doubted my husband's love and integrity made me so ashamed that I wanted kill myself or run away and hide. I was used and abused and I had fucked up my relationship with the only man I had ever loved. And what I can't figure out, what did this creep ANOMONYOUS hope to gain?

The only thing that was clear to me was that you and I were both victims of some sort of plot but what the fuck was its purpose? Blackmail? Extorsion? Revenge?

Somehow I made it out of the bed and dressed myself in the clothes I had been wearing yesterday. Strangely my purse, keys, wallet and even my iPhone were all there on the dresser. I gathered them up and checked for activity on my phone. It was then that I saw your messages to me and the responses that had come from my phone. The pictures of what they did to me made me sick and I ran for the toilet to vomit. After I had emptied my stomach it really hit me that you were going to think that the messages and pics had come from me and now I panicked. I hurriedly dressing and ran out to find my car. It was in the lot where I had left it and I hurried home. I got there mid morning and after a quick tour of the house it was obvious that not only had you been there but that you had packed a couple of bags. When I returned to the kitchen I saw the note and as I read it I cried. Despite your directive not to call I tried your phone but it was off and your secretary told me you were out of town.

I don't know how long I sat at the table trying to figure out what was happening. None of the events of the last few days made any sense to me.The rest of the week I went to work but really had trouble concentrating. I kept going over recent events in my mind and I was almost paralyzed with the fear that my marriage might be over. The weekend was the worst because I didn't have the distraction of work.

Then on Sunday afternoon an email from you arrived with the evidence of your innocence. The video of your drugged encounter with the hookers showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were totally unconscious throughout the experience. Now I felt especially stupid. Why couldn't I just have believed you? And then it hit me hard. What if there was video of my drugged encounter? Was there? And Oh My God, what if you saw it?

Now Jon again took her hands and said "Its time for me to tell you what I know. You know my old friend from the service, Link Preston. He does some confidential PI for us and he was willing to work off the books with me and another operator from our Iraq days. I can't go into the methods used but not only did we intensively question Thorsen and Alma May but also your old college buddy Frank Grant. He was behind everything. His company was trying to get intel on ours for a potential takeover bid. Hence placing Preston with the company for corporate espionage.

The personal attacks on the two of us were a payback against you for having jilted him in college and for me because I took you away from him. He was the ANOMONYOUS99 emailer and the brains behind the operation. The older woman was a hired escort who works the hotel bar in Dallas. She got five grand for helping with me but she didn't know anything about what was going down until it had begun. She spilled the beans without coercion and I decided not to punish her.

The other three have done some very sadistic things to us when we were drugged. I have watched most of what they put you through and it inspired their interrogation and punishment. I made the decision to destroy all of Grant's collection of Andrea memorabilia including the film of your ordeal. You can rest assured that you will never be contacted by any of them ever again and that they are out of our lives forever.


It took a few months but gradually their lives returned to normal. It was difficult, especially for Andrea to put aside the guilt and revulsion of the episode. It was just as difficult for Jon to go back to the unreserved trust that he used to have with her. Perhaps it would never come back entirely. Eventually however, with Jon's caring love even their sex life gradually returned to normal. At first their sex was very slow, soft and tentative It was as if Jon was wary of any kind of aggressiveness which could remind her of the abuse. With time however their mutual hormones kicked in and the sexual energy ramped up exponentially. The major kickstart to their sex life was a two week trip to an exotic clothing optional resort in the Caribbean.

From the moment they got on the plane in Chicago for the first leg of their flight it was like they were on a honeymoon. Once at altitude, Jon escorted Andrea the bathroom, removed her bra and panties and deposited the first of many creamy loads into her freshly waxed pussy. Upon returning to their seats, the ever observant chief flight attendant presented them with a complimentary split of champagne and welcomed them to the MHC.

The whole vacation was filled with dozens of wonderfully erotic experiences which were filed away in their memory banks. Sensuous lovemaking and lusty fucking in their room, cabana, patio, beach, pool and surf was delightful. All over tans, gleaming oiled bodies, proud hard ons and nipples begging to be sucked and sucked and sucked.

Probably the encounter best remembered by both of them was their last night. They were taking a final moonlight walk on the beach after dinner and drinks. He was in shorts and a dress shirt and was carrying both of their pairs of sandals in one hand. His other had extracted her perfect B cup left breast from the elastic top of her sundress and was gently rolling her nipple between his fingers. She moaned as the nipple hardened like a little rock and she eagerly moved up against him and rubbed her pussy against the massive lump in his shorts.

Disposing of her sundress and his shirt and shorts took only seconds and she was impaled on his cock for the 53rd time of their trip. Andrea cried out in passion as she moved her pulsing vagina up and down on his penis. His hands cupped and squeezed her tight little butt cheeks and then firmly held her in place as she spasmed in a quick intense orgasm.

Dropping the both of them to the sand he missionary fucked her with her legs on his shoulders and she moaning out her pleasure competing with the sound of the waves. Unlike his normal practice which was to use his practiced stamina to push her to three or four orgasms before coming himself, he felt an urgent need to get his rocks off fast. The fact that she had just grasped his meaty pole and was squeezing him providing extra friction had him bellowing as he pumped s copious load into her. That triggered a matching climax for her and together they gasped for breath.

As they got their breathing under control they were suddenly aware that a small group of people were gathered around them in the moonlight. Someone in the group started clapping and soon the whole group was applauding. As Andrea lowered her legs Jon slowly pulled out of her and together they stood up and bowed to the group which elicited some mixed cheers and more applause.

Gathering their sandals and cast off clothing they moved off into the darkness to return to their room to pack for the morning flight. While Andrea set aside their clothes for the next day and quickly gathered the few clothes they had actually worn, Jon poured three fingers of neat aged rum into tumblers and watched her move about the room. As he watched he marveled at her grace and natural erotic beauty. Overcome with a wave of desire and love he got to his feet and quickly enfolded her in his arms. As he held her he whispered how much he loved her. Their tongues tangled briefly and then it was just a short trip to the bed and yet another union. Andrea was positive that it was this act of passion that planted the seed for Jon Jr.

Epilogue 2

Fifty two years later a dozer operator was clearing away the remains of an old barn outside of Champaign Illinois in preparation for the pouring of a concrete building pad for a new warehouse. He was way behind schedule on the project because of bad weather and he had a penalty clause in his contract for failure to finish on time. He was therefore dismayed to uncover several partial human skeletons in the clay soil. Not being able to tolerate any more delays he made a very wise decision. Probably old Indian bones anyway and there would be hell to pay if this site got tied up in litigation. Within five minutes he had scraped a trench, nudged the bones into it and covered them over. Several passes back and forth over the new grave and the site was ready for load after load of crushed stone which were compacted to become the base for a 24" slab of concrete upon which the latest Amazon Distribution Center would be built.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Like the other anon said - she did nothing? He didn't insist she get tested for STD etc?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

only complaint is once she woke up and knew she was raped she did nothing. No cops, no drug test, std test, plan b, nothing. That is not real life.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Loved the ending

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Well put together! Characters are developed and clear. Writing is good. Edited so I did not feel like the story was not professional. Reminds me of a Mitch Rapp novel by Vince Flynn. For a site like this, it is a treat for which to give thanks.

The Hoary Cleric

PS What is it with commentators that want to nitpick what happens in an author's world. They just make themselves out to be narcissistic *********.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

She didn't get tested either or take a Plan B pill?.Or got to.the police, once test results came in? Might be gard yo.prove but woukd spur and investigation. And would help.with reconciliation with husband. Her going to meet thr Anonymous Emailer, while in hindsight stupid, was not a betrayal after the video she saw of her husband. She did set out to get a revenge f$ck. She just wanted answers and paid a huge price. Obviously hunny and his associates too care of the "problem" off page. Seemed to be more than a bit implausible but heynit is fiction.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Too far over the top. Very unbelievable.

AllNigherAllNigher11 months ago

I clearly should write comments from my phone 😏🥴

AllNigherAllNigher11 months ago

Trigger duty. Is was ok but execution was mediocre. Worst the idea he was pissed at her even after realizing she was drugged is busy. I can see official issues afterward where he feels she has some blame and she feels the same about him and herself, but right after he finds out?

The dialog was also very cold. Not emotion in anything with including the dialog... To think after that ordeal their first being would be a logical regurgitation with him putting her on notice not to lie because he'll call her out. Time for her to divorce his holier than thou ass not for cheating... He didn't... But for being an asshole.

That said, the college we're telling if people in this site and I hope not an accurate portrayal of humanity in general. To think people are ok with his being drugged and raped... She should not only get over it but not even question the photos of him with two women getting a blowl job and fucked. But when SHE is drugged and raped she is a spoiled slut and should be divorced. What hypocritical chauvinist bullshit. These are just stories, but your comments give insight to you and your lack of humanity and it makes me sad.

Terrible bullshit story.... And I usually try not to be negative to writers here giving their time and talent freely.... With tribe bill shit comments from so many. I guess the writer was successful though in bringing out discussion and pain of the readers though...

AllNigherAllNigher11 months ago

I don't get the comments or the logic of the mc to be pissed at her for but trusting the photos were fake. He sent to be ok believing she just slutted out and went full gang bang for revenge until proven otherwise. Wtf was there to forgive? Recover, heal, overcome the psychological impact .. Yeah. Even both feeling the other was soiled ... Illogical as it is, is a valid feeling. But actually acting like she cheated when he found it the truth? Stupid. This story made little sense. For have been good but the reactions... And the lack of emotion in the dialog, especially between mc and wife just didn't do it for me.

The comments though show the craziness of the people reading these stories though... As well as the chauvinism and hypocrisy of people.... To think they feel good being drugged and figured I'd no big deal, but when the same happens to her she's a slut and the marriage is over... What a loser of shit in the comments for a load of shit of a story....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

all stories are bullshit

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