Jack & Jena - Stranded Lovers

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Siblings find Love and Romance while Stranded on an Island.
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Jack and Jena were the only children born to a very wealthy family. Jack had recently graduated high school, and Jena, two years his senior, had been away for college.

That summer, their parents pulled them all together to vacation during summer break, christening their newly purchased super yacht.

Although the siblings appeared to get along, like most things in their family, it was mostly for show. Jack and Jena got along really well as children but found they had grown apart as they each had to find their path to survive as best they could in the family they were born in.

The world they found themselves in was rife with superficiality due to the way their parents inhabited it and conditioned them.

Jena found herself caught up in that world, playing the part of the beautiful heiress destined to rule above the lesser folk. Whereas Jack tried his best to reject the opulent lifestyle and social circles, his family moved in, making him somewhat of a black sheep.

From a young age, Jack didn't partake in most of the benefits that come from being ultra-wealthy, opting instead to strive for a simple lifestyle.

Jena didn't like the way her younger brother seemed to look down on her. He didn't know what it was like to be the oldest in a family like theirs. The weight of expectations was like a heavy burden she carried, and Jack was able to shrug it off because the target was always on her.

Jack didn't move in the same circles either, and a part of her envied that he was able to do his own thing, living his outdoorsman lifestyle without a care in the world. Jena knew many of her friends approved of Jack's rugged good looks and liked to talk about him, but she didn't understand why they fawned over him.

She didn't see Jack around very often, but when she did, he could be an ass with his veiled commentary. He didn't know her, and just like others around her, he never would, as far as she was concerned.

Jack didn't dislike Jena per se, but the type of people he related to had depth and would never put on airs. His sister could be haughty with the way she liked to flaunt her modelesque good looks.

Jack didn't totally blame his sister for the way she was since she learned a lot of her behavior from their parents. He truly despised the way his family seemed to believe they were above other people.

* * * * * * *

When they reached the high seas, Jack and Jena hung out on the deck, suntanning. Jack knew Jena loved to show off her body.

She really was stunning with her blonde hair and curvaceous butt and boobs. She sported a flat stomach and toned legs that most women envied, and men lusted after.

Jena was pretty, Jack had to admit, with her large bright blue eyes that highlighted her little nose and cute heart-shaped face. He would give her that, but to him, that was all she was -- all surface and no depth.

He had to roll his eyes as she posed herself in front of the large staff that ran the yacht, many of them sneaking glances at the blonde beauty on board.

Their trip went initially as planned.

They reached the open ocean and enjoyed days of sun and food as the family was served gratuitous amenities.

Unfortunately, they were in for a big turnabout when a massive storm rolled in.

The gray skies morphed into a full-on hurricane as the massive ship began to slosh and sway uncontrollably.

In terror, everyone held on to whatever was locked down. Jack knew there was a chance they wouldn't come out of this one. He had been boating all his life and never saw a storm like this.

Always ready for action, Jack did his best to prepare the ship for the storm, but when the waves picked up and tossed the ship on its side, he knew it was dire.

From what he could tell, the side of the ship was already breached, letting in massive amounts of water on the lower deck.

It was only a matter of time before the overly expensive craft was at the bottom of the ocean.

At that moment, he knew he needed to look for Jena. Where the fuck was she?

Jack searched frantically and found her in her cabin. She looked terrified as she hung onto a fixture in the corner.

Jack handed Jena a life preserver and said, "Hey, you gotta come with me...this is about to get fucked."

He helped Jena put on the preserver and led her outside into the storm.

Jenna yelled over the roar of the wind, "Why are we going out here? It's terrifying!"

"You're going to have to trust me...this ship is going down, and we need to position ourselves so we don't get pulled under."

Within minutes the massive ship capsized and smashed into multiple parts, just as Jack predicted.

Everything was a blur as he grabbed his sister, a stack of extra life preservers, and pulled her into the swirling black water at what he calculated was the best possible moment to avoid getting sucked under.

The voyage would become a tragedy that made the news: Billionaire's family lost at sea, no survivors.

* * * * * * * The Beach

Jack woke up feeling like he had the worst hangover ever. His mind was foggy, and it took a few minutes to realize that he was on a beach.

In sudden terror, he recalled the previous night's efforts to keep the ship afloat. His memory had blurred it all together into a jumbled mess.

The last thing he remembered was grabbing his sister and jumping overboard with life preservers. It had all happened so fast.

Where is everybody? Jack thought, suddenly getting his wits about him.

He ran down the beach, noticing chunks of detritus washed on the shore mixed with various objects he recognized from the ship.

He reached the end of the island and turned around to go in the other direction, running as fast as he could muster.

As he neared the opposite end of the small island, he made out a figure in the sand. It was Jena, still in the white bikini she wore on the sundeck earlier that day.

Jack shook her, hoping beyond hope that she was still alive.

She didn't appear to be breathing, so he reached into her mouth, checked her airways, and proceeded to do CPR.

Miraculously, Jena began to cough up water. It took several minutes before she was fully aware.

"Where are we," she said.

"Believe it or not, we washed up on an island somewhere. By the looks of it, we are in the middle of nowhere."

Jena got up, suddenly sounding bossy. "We need to figure out if there is some way to contact anyone, so we can get rescued."

"No kidding. I've been across the main beach on this island, and there is a lot of stuff washed up, but nothing remotely like a radio that I could see."

"Did you see anybody else?"

"No." Jack looked down a dark feeling in his stomach.

Jena grabbed his hand. "I know it looks bad...but you did save me. Thank you!" Jack returned the gesture with a hug -- so glad to have something positive come out of the situation.

Hours turned into days as they explored the island, pulling together supplies and figuring out what to do next.

They were quite lucky as they found plenty of luggage and supplies that washed ashore. They had the basics, such as toiletries, toothpaste, clothes, and first aid kits, but only enough food to last for a couple of weeks maximum.

Jena felt helpless as she was way out of her depth. If there was a gala or event where she could dress up, be beautiful, and entertain people, she was good to go.

Thank God I have Jack, she thought as she watched him assemble a shelter. All those years of living off the land had made Jack into quite the badass. He even managed to create a makeshift bed in the shelter by using empty luggage containers covered with miscellaneous clothes and fabric.

That first night they ate a meal and went into the shelter to sleep. Jack plopped himself on a sheet in the sand at the foot of the makeshift bed. Jena said, "What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you the bed. I know you like your comfort, and I'm used to handling these rugged situations."

Jena said, "Don't be silly. You literally saved my life, and I would be absolutely screwed without you here. There's enough room. We can share the bed."

Jack got up and laid down next to Jena. "You know...you're right, this is a pretty huge bed. Whoever made it didn't do a bad job, if I do say so myself!" Jack chuckled.

Jena replied, "I'll let you have that one...but don't get a big head!" They were so tired they fell asleep right away and didn't wake until morning.

* * * * * * * Weeks gone by

Days turned into weeks, and thanks to Jack's industriousness, they came up big in terms of food.

Jack took the lead, instructing Jena on how to set up a fish enclosure with makeshift nets and fencing, as well as create spears and other useful items.

Smiling, Jack said, "This is refreshing -- I don't think I've ever seen you do any physical labor."

"I do too! You think my workouts are easy? It takes a lot to keep this up," Jena said with a smirk on her face as she posed, showing off.

"Fat lot of good that will do you here," Jack said, unimpressed.

Jena punched him in the arm. "Hey, be nice. I'm proving to be more useful than you thought; admit it!"

She did have a point. Jack assumed Jena was not going to be able to contribute, but she had surprising skills and learned incredibly fast.

He had to hand it to her. "You do have a point. If I'm honest, you have impressed me...and as you can tell, I'm pretty hardcore with this stuff. When did you get so smart?"

Jena beamed. "I know what everyone thinks of me, but I just might surprise you." Jena winked as they continued to work.

Over those first few weeks, they set themselves up nicely. There were plenty of fish, coconuts, fire, and supplies. They explored the island and found a freshwater aquifer as well as a cave. The island was small, but it had everything they needed.

Jack joked that they were living in a movie, the way everything worked out somehow. Now all they had to do was wait a while until a ship came to save them.

They found ways to entertain themselves each day. There were always their daily routines; check the fish, harvest food, restock the fire pit, and verify the fire pile was ready to go should a ship or plane ever come by. This left a massive amount of time for them to spend with each other.

Back in their previous lives, they had fit into their roles so perfectly. Jena was the perfectionist older sister, meeting their demanding parents' expectations, while Jack was more of a recluse, sometimes getting into trouble.

Their life of privilege appeared to be great, but it was also a prison of conformity.

* * * * * * * Months gone by

As weeks turned into months, all that time alone together did something to their relationship. The outside world that had formed them slowly drifted away, losing its grip on their new reality.

For Jack and Jena, a new normal formed over the course of their months together on that island.

As their relationship evolved, the dream of being rescued seemed to slip away more and more. In a moment of weakness, Jena broke down as they ate dinner together at night.

"Jack, I'm starting to get scared. I...I...don't think anyone is coming for us!" Tears rolled down Jena's delicate cheeks. Jack was not used to seeing his sister cry or show any emotion really.

She really had changed. She no longer seemed stuck up but instead, let herself be genuine and even vulnerable at times.

"Jena, it's ok, I got you," Jack said as he reached his arms around her and held her.

"Jack -- as bad as this could be, I truly am so glad you are here with me." Jack held Jena for a long while as she cried herself into exhaustion.

He put her to bed. Kissing her forehead, he said, "Good night, princess." Jena murmured back, "I love you, Jack."

For as long as he could remember, his sister had never said that to him -- or really anyone, as far as he knew. Jack went to sleep with a warm feeling as he thought about his sister.

She was obviously a beautiful-looking woman, but he was learning that she had been hiding an inner beauty and warmth that was rarely seen in people.

Jack came to admit that he really looked forward to their time together and even felt a strange sense of gratefulness for having been stranded alone on the island with Jena.

* * * * * * *

As the months rolled on, Jack and Jena got even closer. They learned more about each other in this timespan than they had in their entire lives together, living under their parents' regime.

Even though they had lived together in their massive estate, they had been strangers.

Jack had always thought his sister was shallow, only caring about how she looked and having to maintain her status as the hottest and most popular girl.

As she dropped her guard and opened up to him, he realized she was so much more than he could have imagined.

Jena likewise let go of her preconceived notions. In her former life, she thought Jack was just some extreme sports guy who generally had no interest in her.

In fact, he was incredibly deep, kind, and thoughtful and shared many of the same interests. She loved talking and playing with him and sometimes caught herself daydreaming about him.

She had to remind herself often that this was her brother when she reminisced about how it felt when he touched her or when she felt his warm body next to her as she slept.

They were both voracious readers, though neither would have guessed. When they discovered that a great many books had washed ashore from the ship's library, they both worked to dry them out, geeking out on the titles they had an interest in.

They spent hours comparing books they had read previously and discussing the deeper philosophies of life. Aside from reading, they could make each other laugh no matter what activity they were engaged in.

It had been over eight months, and they didn't know when it happened exactly, but they had become best friends.

* * * * * * * A Heated Conversation

During one of their long exchanges after dinner at the fire pit, Jack felt the need to pry. "You are not at all the person you always seemed to project back home. What the fuck Jena -- I thought you were some vapid beauty queen. Why did you hide your true self for so long!?"

"Well, first, I am a beauty queen." She smiled radiantly, showing off her pretty smile, a flash of teeth, and a sparkle in her eyes. Jack chuckled.

Her expression slowly changed as she suddenly got serious. "I guess I just fell into what and who they saw me as and what they expected me to be. I just got used to hiding who I really was. It just seemed safer to play into some kind of Barbie fantasy than risk being rejected if I showed myself. I'm a bookworm, for god sake -- and people never seemed interested in my intelligence, as I'm sure you can guess."

Jack said, "I was so wrong about you. It must have been hard to have people only see and value you for how you look and not for who you truly are. You are amazing, Jena...I'm not just saying that." Jena blushed.

Jena said, "I see you too, Jack. I didn't know you at all before. You are so much more complex than I could have known. I guess I knew you were strong and smart, but...well...you're just so lovely. I really mean that."

Jack said, "I like this version of you."

"I really like this version of me as well. If we ever get off this island, I'm not going back to the person I thought I had to pretend to be. You're stuck with this version of me!"

Jack gave Jena a huge hug, and she hugged back. They held each other for a while, not wanting to let go. Jack smelled Jena's hair as he breathed in her scent deeply. It invoked a feeling of deep comfort and warmth.

Neither one of them had experienced being seen and accepted in such deep and intimate ways before, nor had they enjoyed the company of another person so fully.

Jack said, "I love you, Jena."

"I love you too, Jack."

Jena felt so safe and special at that moment as Jack held her in his arms. She felt compelled to say more, "I'm so grateful for how you've protected and taken care of me. I would not have been able to survive without you."

Jack felt wetness on his cheek as he realized Jena was crying.

He said, "It's ok...I've got you. You're safe."

Jena leaned her head back, looking up at Jack, her eyes bright and glossy from her tears. Jack felt her hands on his face as she pulled him towards her.

Jack could not breathe as his sister's face was not even an inch away from his. He felt her breath on his lips as she looked at him with her beautiful eyes.

Suddenly he felt her soft mouth envelope his lips. She felt warm and tasted sweet. He kissed her back, probing her luscious mouth.

Jack pulled her closer, feeling her body pressed up against him. Jena let out a subtle moan as she felt Jack's tongue enter her mouth. He felt delirious as he french kissed her sexy tongue.

Jack reached down, putting his big hands on Jena's butt, giving her a squeeze, enjoying the feel of her well-muscled glutes. Jena felt Jack's arousal as his penis pressed against her leg.

They were full-on engaging in erotic foreplay, breathing hard, and completely lost in each other.

Jack came to his senses first. He backed off and stood staring in shock. "Umm...what was that!?"

Jena was also shocked as she said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me!" She looked embarrassed.

Jack said, "It's ok. It wasn't just you..." as he looked away.

Jena broke the awkward silence, saying, "soooo, how about those stars!?" Her smile was infectious as Jack started to laugh alongside her.

He said, "Yeah, I think I see the big dipper over there!" smiling.

That night when they got in their bed, Jena put her head on Jack's shoulder as he lay on his back.

She put her arm around him. "mind if I snuggle a little...it's getting colder out." Jack didn't mind at all.

He liked the comforting feel of his sister's warm body touching him. "Yes, that does feel better," he said as she snuggled up close to him.

Jack kissed her on the forehead. "Good night, princess." Jena kissed Jack on the cheek. "Good night."

That night they slept better than either had since they got to the island.

* * * * * * * One Year Anniversary

The next day as Jack walked the beach in his bathing suit, he couldn't help but remember the taste of Jena's lips. She was so tender and affectionate and, at the same time, so passionate with her kisses. He had never experienced anything like it -- it was intoxicating.

He watched Jena as she took her routine walk along the beach, looking for anything that washed up. Her tan body really was incredibly sexy. He knew it was, but he had never allowed himself to think of her that way.

Now he couldn't ignore her big sexy butt, toned legs, and abs, as well as her gravity-defying breasts, barely contained in her small bikini top. It was as though a wall he kept up had started to come down. He wasn't sure if it was good, but he was sure he couldn't stop it, not after last night.

Now that Jack saw Jena fully, he appreciated the soft side of her and the poetic soul she had hidden under her tough exterior. He found her to be exciting, complex, fun, and deep.

There was nobody he had met that he would rather spend this kind of time alone with. She also happened to be extraordinarily beautiful and sexy.

He wasn't sure where this was going. He was terrified and also excited at the thoughts he had been having about his sister.

Jena knew she had gone too far in what she instigated the night before. She couldn't help the feelings she was having when she looked at or thought about her brother.

She had never felt so close to someone, and he was so handsome and attractive that it gave her butterflies in her stomach. It seemed insane, and she had been pushing these thoughts down for a long while, but she didn't think she could stop herself if she got into another situation like last night.