All Comments on 'January Sucks'

by DylanThomasLives

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za_robionyza_robionyover 1 year ago

It's good work. Please write more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

4 star, pretty good.

For a moment I thought Ellen was going to be on Marc's side, sent in to compromise Jim.

So a nice turn out to him finding happiness in the end.

One odd factor: Linda's apparent breakdown the night before the court session didn't sit well with her agreeing to lie for Marc in the court room the next morning.

What a pity the judge didn't put them under oath before asking about the cheque.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

OK I suffered through this one, since the original one is excellent and really doesn't need a rewrite. That being said DTL created one of the better versions of the original and should write more stories. The original story does a much better job of painting Linda and Tim as just normal folks who get sucked into something they cannot seemingly control. Life is full of choices and we often make bad ones. At least in this one, our hero Tim clearly had a pair and bothered to use them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Lotta pages to reach the end - too many. In the end I don't believe Linda would leave her kids. In fact, given the modern court system, I don't believe he would have gotten custody. Since she didn't kill anyone, the kids, the house, alimony and child support would have been hers - along with half their assets and half his retirement. That's the way the Courts roll these days.

James G 5James G 5over 1 year ago

Obviously adoption's a thing, but the "more kids" line is a little odd after setting Ellen up as incapable of having kids.

And I agree with some others that Linda letting her kids go so easily seemed odd.

Plus you set up mandatory counseling as a thing, then it never happened.

Overall this was pretty good but there are some details and plot points that pull it down.

AnalogContinuumAnalogContinuumover 1 year ago

I've read several iterations of this story in continuing form.

This is the best so far.

Nicely done, especially for a first-story submission.

I believe the ending was a tad soft and inconclusive, but overall, well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice story, albeit longer than necessary. One criticism - don't waffle after the case has been made. Jim had all the evidence he needed when his wife told him to go home. That was the end in that moment, not pages of going back and forth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry this is anonymous, it’s my first post. I’ve read 100’s of stories and many, many responses to “February Sucks”. This is, by far, the most satisfying. Kudos to you, DylanThomasLives!

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonabout 1 year ago

Still one of the best of the many Februaries!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Way too long

1959_Darroch1959_Darrochabout 1 year ago

I need to read it again, but i thought she had a Hysterectomy.So why ask about kids? Otherwise long but good

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The story was definitely longer than necessary to develop and tell the tale. I agree that there was a disconnect between hysterectomy and more kids, unless and unlikely that she meant adoption. Four stars for a satisfying but only wordy story.


MkflowMkflowabout 1 year ago

How I she going to have kids after a hysterectomy???

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller1951about 1 year ago

if you think about it a minute, you should realize that she can have as many kids as she wants, the same way she got the first two. On the other hand, she wrote the only time a febuary wife has ever expressed a wish that she wished the whole night never happened. Then never any follow up by either of them. despite both knowing she fucked marc the night before in their bed while the kids slept. Still s goo, no, an exelent take off of the orignal.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So yeah few mistakes, way way to many semantics -unrelated and irrelevant. Also the author also stated that they felt that in other versions of FS that the characters were inversely punished for their participation in the evil malicious acts perpetrated upon the MC, the fact that was mentioned begs the question. Linda not only performed all the same disrespectful and malicious acts as the other versions but in addition she continued to screw Marc and lie as well as plotted with him against her husband, yet in the end the only consequence she faced was the divorce for which I personally felt she deserved, just for the act of disrespect that first night, leaving her several acts of infidelity and other deceitful actions resulting in her facing absolutely zero consequences. So once again the hero spends more time living with lies and disrespect, spends more money on PI and surveillance, gives more of his soul away having to lie, and be lied to. All to in the end, add up to nothing but suffering for him, further pushing the message that women can continue to be as narcissistic and self-entitled as they want and still face no consequences.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I loved it until the last sentence -- Ellen had a hysterectomy.

I did very much like the explanation of lack of empathy for an understanding of how Linda could have betrayed Jim so thoughtlessly,

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I have read many February Sucks stories, all are good; this one is outstanding.

Mark is the kind of man that invokes maximum thoughts about murder in us near normal men.

We should not forget the wife got off easy indeed

January Sucks is a very good ending to the original February Sucks.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I think the author forgot by the end of the story that he'd already said that Ellen couldn't have children due to a previous abortion that led to sepsis and a hysterectomy ... so where are these new kids going to come from?

I've come to realise that the problem with the "February sucks" story is that any deviation from immediate divorce is a manifesto to hotwifing, from the desperate need to know exactly what happened - yes I appreciate it's primarily for the salacious appetite of the reader - but it always comes across more like jerk material for the cuck. Yes I do appreciate that in this case it was used as evidence, but that really doesn't change much as even in this story Jim came across as a wishy washy flip flopper, who may well have stayed with Linda if it wasn't for her (1) inability to be empathetic, see her role and properly apologise and (2) continued involvement with Marc.

Which leads me to another issue with this whole story, Marc's continued involvement with Linda seems a little inconsistent with his known pattern of behaviour, and while it's possible to push the envelope of credibility to accept that Linda, a thirty something mother of two, could have not just caught his eye but his heart as well, we're also told that he had a hot cheerleader as a fiancé. I thought it was meant to be Marc that was the irresistible sex god. Yeah sure, Marc's interest/fetish is more in cuckolding Jim than it is in Linda, but after the actions of Jim it's more than clear that that has left the building … so is this continued relationship simply in order to paint Linda as a conniving lying whore, rather than the original which paints her as an arrogant delusional fuckwit. If so, why? when not only does it seem to detract from the premise of the whole story of 'what if a once in a lifetime', but it also detracts from any negative impact that Jim's actions might bring. i.e. Divorce to someone that is already looking at other options isn't the bitter pill that it would be to someone fully invested in the relationships future.

I think my final point on this story is that if we're to believe that Linda had an empathy problem, we must also accept that Jim didn't think that empathy was a necessary feature of a wife and mother, it's kind of a massive overlook, perhaps acceptable in a love struck teen but not so much otherwise. Therefore, and very unfortunately, this cucking of Jim was primarily his own fault due to a lack of due diligence when choosing a partner. … again, this also goes against the original story idea of Linda's actions being out of the blue, inexplicably out of character.

Still a solid 3*

oldtwitoldtwit11 months ago

Yep a really good take on GA's stunning story, close to some other takes on it but it does stand out as a bit different than the rest.

I like it a lot.

VanescaVanesca11 months ago

Some critics have bloviated themselves into a hopeless muddle. This is a great story with different twists and turns that are this writer's original thoughts. To the critic who found the last sentence off-putting: 1. This is fiction and anything can happen; 2. Adoption seems a course of action in line with the personalities of the parents; 3. Ellen could have a uterus transplant--remember, this is fiction and anything can happen; 4. Doctors could find a stem cell in Ellen's bone marrow and manipulate into becoming an egg cell which could be fertilized with Jim's sperm and implanted in a surrogate - don't say it can't be done-- remember this is fiction not reality.

I'm not saying the story is perfect, but the writer earned a 5 star rating from me.

I confess I'm neither an excellent writer nor an excellent critic; however, I am an excellent reader who knows what he likes, why he likes it, and would enjoy reading more of this author's stories.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Very good 5

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

And I like all the February sucks stuff most of them I like the ones with her husband gets free bands goes off having dozens of kids with other women and she ends up with disease and dies lonely he gets a dick cut off that's the least that can happen most of the stories of decisions I'm on my longer some of them too complicated but overall okay bye the February sucks series a lot of people are you ready but the ones that have most of the reasons and the payback on on the ex-wife and the ex football player thank you for an interesting story I could have been better could have been worse but I see what you were doing

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This Jim saw his wife's lover in the house Jim payed for pursuing on ongoing relationship with Jim's wife while Jim's children were in the house as well. This Jim's reaction to this hideously contemptuous provocation was to run away as though he was in the wrong by being present. Within the hour, the lover proceeded to fuck Jim's wife under the roof Jim provided for his family. Congratulations DylanThomasLives, with the collective exception of voluntary cuckoldry scenarios, there has never been a more cowardly and less admirable response by any betrayed husband in LW history.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

As the author and Ellen both knew she was unable to have kids, Ima guessing that Ellen's last statement really meant "Lets get upstairs and fuck like crazy. Again."

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Would have liked to see a bit more “pain and suffering” for BOTH Marc and Linda!

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazier10 months ago

OTT betrayal when the Slag leaves with Shitbag in front of all their friends. Divorce! But no. Our "Man of Action" attempts to reclaim his freshly fucked wife. Why? The Slut rebuffs him to stay with Shitbag. That should have woken him up. Divorce! Hubby is being arrested. Slut stays with Shitbag. Poor clueless Shmuck still doesn't get it. Divorce! All the wondering if he can salvage the marriage. Really? Then, electronics reveal that he married a deceitful, lying bitch. Where's the surprise? He still comforts her, is mindful of her feelings. Huh?? Why? By the time he mans up, the Readers get a lukewarm, unsatisfying ending. Too long a story for so little reward.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

While I liked the general trajectory and feel that it was entertaining and well written there are some serious problems with the story.

1. The loving wife turns into a whore after only one night and while I'd totally understand that if she were in her early 20's, childless and zero responsibilities. It's just a bit much to swallow that anyone in her position could be so gullible and willing to risk all. 2. The schizophrenic nature of the wife is unbelievable. She's supposedly an educated person with a good job and a loving happy family life. Getting some celebrity cock is one thing, but believing that it could morph into a real relationship is another altogether. Especially as all the sluts concerned were aware of Marc's MO and as time went on the evidence of Marc's playboy nature became writ large, yet perversely Linda awareness of this seemed to diminish. 3. I totally understand how affairs start, but the one thing they need to catch fire is constant tending. Linda's behaviour was more akin to someone well down the road of an affair, someone comfortable and on the verge of leaving. That just doesn't make sense. 4. How can Ellen have children, she had a hysterectomy. What's the point of adopting when you already have more than enough children, it doesn't add anything to the family dynamic, in fact it could potentially damage it. 5. So Linda just moved to California leaving her two young children. If that's the case there was something far more rotten in Denmark that we the reader have been led to believe. 6. The ending seemed, like many of these LW stories, rushed. Almost as if the author just got overwhelmed by the absurdity of it all and just had to stop it at all costs.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

@Vanesca sure this is fiction. So according to you Linda could have unfucked herself, it's fiction after all anything could happen. Anyone that says this is fiction while playing with modern realities is just a clown. Ellen couldn't have done any of those things anymore than she could have grown a cock. However if she had done the latter that would have given her more than Jim had.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Birch got a little of what she deserved, asshole literally got away with destroying another family.

StubbyoneStubbyone9 months ago

This story was well written, however, the ending was less than stellar. Did you get tired of writing? Linda’s character turned into a slut for a handsome football player, seemingly in a New York minute. Her moving to California and leveling 2-young children was totally out of character.

The husband character didn’t confront his wife about what she did with Marc after he saw them through the window from the porch. Why not. 99% of husbands would have. The new wife couldn’t have children so what was the confusing final statement all about ? Went from a solid 5 to a 4. Keep writing. You have serious writing talent.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Enjoyable although long, 3 stars for a lot of the holes others have pointed out. Most notably no confrontation about her follow up sex.

What irate husband would say "dalliance?"

As Marx got more desperate his actions would have become more physical, it's n his DNA

Norseman123Norseman1238 months ago

Great rewrite 5*****

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great story! The good guy finally wins.

Fiddlesticks49Fiddlesticks497 months ago

To long. Should have ended when he viewed Linda with Marc on the home video but really liked the whole story. Very good re-write.

FaceForRadioFaceForRadio6 months ago

One of the best of the FS spin-offs. Stays true to the characters created by GA. After the shock wears off, Jim gets down to business and gets revenge with Marc and he didn’t need to be ex-Special Forces to do it! Linda showed her true colors and stuck the knife in and twisted it with the “I had the greatest sex of my life with Marc, but you are good with the kids” letter. The story ends right with Jim and Ellen together along with the kids and Linda not having much of anything except a new reputation!

BabalooieBabalooie6 months ago

Good one. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A very different spin on Mr. Andersons terrific story. Besides being a bit long the ending was well done and lesson in legal proceedings where justice was done.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Enjoyed the story but the final line confused me. Didn't Ellen reveal that she had a hysterectomy? If so, what is the line "time to be thinking of more kids" about?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Sorry but this Linda was a caricature of the original. And the legal shenanigans, the long length, and Jim's lack of confrontation was surreal.

OOAAOOAA5 months ago

SUPER FANTASTIC STORY!!!!! One of the best alternate endings!!! 5 stars from here, though it deserves many more!

Well done!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Jesh now why didn't Linda go to Utah with Mr. Asshole.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Of all the February Sucks sequels/spin-offs, this is by far the best IMO.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Was good premise, though way to long winded. Linda however throughout this is treated way to nice and forgiven seemingly every day, she is constantly telling Jim how she loves him and how Marc means nothing and at the same time telling Marc how she loves him and how much better he is than Jim in every way. This is seriously demonic behavior she is not just lying but also manipulating, humiliating, and belittling I so wanted it to be thrown back into her face infront of everyone so they could see how truly evil she was, the only way to exercise a demon is to bring it into the light! Then maybe she would have learned a lesson about how evil her self-entitled and narcissistic actions are!

Martyr2002Martyr20024 months ago

Loved it, one of the better Feb Sucks stories! The last line was a bit weird. She wants to adopt then? Considering she had a hysterectomy she can’t get pregnant herself, or use a surrogate. Probably should have cut that line out or continued with an epilogue that explained it.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Average at best, much too long for plot line and too many inconsistencies in the MC's handling of the situation.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

You made the MC act like a man half the time versus the original made him act like a coward. When the wife defended Mark why did he not tell her the fuck off? Why did he not confront her about telling Mark she loves him or her telling him sex was better? Why didn't he call the police when Mark was there in his house about to fuck his wife? Why did he not mention anything about any of that to her?

What you did get right was he didn't take the unremorseful lying cheat back. He found someone better who was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. Basically just about every mans dream woman. Linda ended up moving away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

To answer some of the questions from the person below - I think by the time he found out that she was still seeing the prick he was done with Linda, especially after he watched the video of them fucking in his house (which would have been the only time he actually saw the asshole fuck his wife). He didn’t confront her about any of it because it wouldn’t have done any good, there wasn’t really anything left to talk about. Instead he just avoided the slut and prepared to do what he had to do.

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

13 pages with no payoff....

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