Jennifer Unchained


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I had sleep-walked into the delicately balanced society of Jenny and her devoted carers. I had blasted a hole through the protective cocoon of their cosy group, and disrupted their shared life. Now I was having to count the cost of ensnaring Jenny's affections without having anything to give back. I couldn't restore the situation to before my blundering intervention. I was ten years older than her, almost a generation older than her. I should have been more guarded.

"Was it so wrong to declare your feelings?"

"You don't love me back. I've got nothing left inside. I've thrown it all away."

She wasn't making sense again. Maybe if I could have time to digest it, I might be able to start to understand her thinking?

"What do you mean?"

"After my...physical recovery from the accident, I co-operated with the psychiatrists, psychologists, the mental health people. I answered all their question. I bared my soul to them so that they knew all about me. Then I began to feel betrayed. They had taken away my soul by their constant questions, forcing me to reveal my most intimate thoughts. Then the feedback was that I appeared to be improving in my state of mind. Tessa attempted to empower me to take responsibility for my own recovery. I decided, then, that I would keep some things to myself, what I felt to be my essential core. But it was a struggle to remember what I had not revealed in interrogation.

"With the best of intentions, Tessa asked for me to be re-examined by a psychiatrist. I agreed to hypnosis. I think I must have told him everything. It was far worse than exposing my body. He raped my mind, stole my innermost thoughts."

She was breathing heavily now and clenching and unclenching her fists with anger. Whatever I did or say next could make or break this delicately balanced situation. I looked at her lovely, open face. How could a woman packing such a body from head to toe, seem so innocent and naïve? It was a dangerous combination. I had a choice: treat her like the vulnerable child I had hitherto considered her to be, or treat her like an adult woman. In the end I sat on the fence.

I held out my arms to console her. She leapt on me as if I had opened her floodgates. She kissed me profusely, all over my face, my ears, my neck. She lay on me and squirmed her body on top of me to mess with my inhibitions. She panted between kisses to communicate her passion. My cock wouldn't listen to my sense of caution and responded in its hopelessly predictable fashion. She ground her hips against mine and quickly detected my growing physical interest in these proceedings.

Try as I might, I could not resist responding to her kisses. I could not keep my hands from her hips. My own hips insisted in thrusting upwards to pleasure my cock against her tantalising body. It counted for nothing that we were fully clothed. We were dry humping each other like life's insatiable young lovers.

My mind was in turmoil. Suddenly, like a floodgate opening, I decided to give in to her seductive charms. My mind raced, considering the consequences. It reasoned with itself, with my consciousness as the silent observer. She had let herself be fucked by all manner of men. She was no longer a virgin in any sense. Why should I not savour her delights as much as those nameless, predatory men before? It was like a door opening onto a new room in my mind. I suddenly saw things utterly differently. Images of her sexy, scantily clad body flooded my mind, prompting my brain and heart to collude with a response that sent blood pumping frantically down to my groin with an imperative to make love and inseminate. Yes, that was it: love was acceptable, it was right, it was good.

Jenny hadn't waited for the deliberations of the jury to be concluded. She didn't recognise the jurisdiction of the court of human conscience. She only had designs on my body. She grappled with the belt of my jeans, then my zip. She tugged it off my legs. I luxuriated in the cool air on my unclad lower limbs. I tried to get hold of her top but she pushed my hands away. She turned her attention to my sweater, then my tee shirt. I only had my underpants left to preserve my modesty. She yanked them off to release my cock, which bounced up enthusiastically, prepared for action.

Once again, I was letting one of these women take the initiative - but this time because I wanted her to take the initiative. I was a cowardly cock, unwilling to force myself on someone whose beauty made me swoon.

No more! I pushed her away from me. She fell back onto her bottom in surprise, and shifted onto all fours, facing me, staring with her mouth open like a feral cat, re-grouping before the next attack. My sap was up and I needed to take charge of this situation. I knew what I had to do. I pushed her backwards onto her back and reached for her jeans. She fought me. I knew then that she had intended to tease me mercilessly, to pay me back for keeping my distance so long. She wriggled ferociously, like a ferret in a trap. Her dander was up like an alley cat, and she snarled at me through clenched teeth. She wanted matters to be consummated on her terms.

Her jeans came off. She reacted by pivoting on her hips out from under me. She moved onto her feet in a squatting position, facing me with teeth bared and nails clawed, like a predator poised to attack.

I was naked and exposed to her potentially spiteful attacks, but at the same time excited and aroused by this novel situation. Although she wanted to be fucked, she was determined to do it on her terms. But I had been supine for too long with her and her harem. I was determined to take charge. I sprang at her before she could leap, and seized her wrists. The weight of my torso pinned her down whilst my hands clamped her wrists above her head. I transferred her left wrist to my left hand, which was large enough to pin down both of her slender lower arms. She bucked her hips and brought up her knees in an attempt to force my body off to one side. My throbbing cock slipped between her thighs and pressed up against her thong. It was drenched with her love juices. The sensation of my erection distracted her and I took that opportunity to yank her sweater up her upper body and arms, to imprison her wrists behind her head in the sweater's embrace. She had been bra-less, and her fulsome mammaries stood proud against my chest and felt warm and inviting. I delivered the coup de gras in our battle, or so I thought, by keeping her wrists pinned above her head by her bunched sweater whilst I forced her panties up off her hips and up her upraised legs. Was she capitulating, now that her body was stripped?

I released her arms from her sweater and discarded it. She was glaring up at me, her chest heaving with her heavy breathing from her exertions. My weight must have been compressing her chest so I pushed up onto my hands and knees. She smiled and pulled her knees up below me and gripped my pulsating cock with her toes. Her beautiful face dazzled me so close up. I could see why men would be so aroused by her as to lose all sense of propriety. But now, she was mine!

Somehow the soles of her feet walked their way up my torso to my chest. Her groin angled upwards, displaying her wide open pussy. I relished this first close-up view of her tantalising vulva.

The strength in her limbs took me by surprise and she managed to push me bodily off her and to the side, then she rolled onto her feet and stood up.

I stood up too and faced her. She had her knees slightly bent with legs apart and arms poised in a defensive posture. She read my puzzled expression. "How do you think I spend my time cooped up in this house? Do you not think that Susie has a strong and supple body? Those toned legs and that beautifully sexy, taut bottom. Those large but firm breasts. I've seen you eying her, and you've had plenty of opportunity to admire and lust after her. She shed her clothes to display herself to you, and do you know why?

"Because I told her to. She obeys me. She is a true oriental female. She trained in Aikido, Jiu Jitsu, and Judo. She has taught me well. I can look after myself. Can you?"

I could not.

She growled at me, like an alley cat! Her dander was still up. I leapt upon her and grappled with her. She fought me. It was a game which didn't make any sense. She wanted me, but didn't want me to best her. She waited for my move. I leapt against her, using my bodyweight to bulldoze her into submission. All of a sudden, I was upended and tossed to one side as if my body had flipped on a fulcrum. I fell heavily on my back, the wind taken out of my sails.

She stood over me behind my head, laughing and pivoting her hips to taunt me with her sopping wet pussy. Her thighs dropped to force her vulva onto my mouth and her puckered anal rose against my nose. She rode my face energetically, shrieking hysterically with pleasure. I reacted the only way I could with a sharp nip to her clit. Her shriek turned to an exclamation of pain and she leapt off me.

She wore a look of stunned shock on her face. I took my chance and picked her up bodily with my superior strength. I laid her down none too gently on the thick pile rug, lifted her legs skywards and thrust myself roughly inside her without ceremony. Her knees were pressed against the front of my shoulders, so it was an easy move to tip her hips upwards, putting all my weight on my feet. She was effectively pinned down on her back by my groin pressed on top of her upended groin. My cock found its way back into her vagina and she gasped to feel its thickness stretching her vaginal walls.

I showed her none of the tender consideration I had afforded to Susie or Louise. I slammed my shaft repeatedly into her, to give vent to my pent-up sexual frustration. Her resistance gradually ebbed away and she no longer fought me, but expelled a repeated "Ah!" at each of my thrusts. She relaxed her limbs to encourage me to lower her hips.

She lay flat on the rug. I shifted my weight from her groin onto my hands and the balls of my feet, like spiderman clinging to a wall. No part of my body now touched any part of hers, except for my engorged cock filling her love passage. The action changed in an instant from energetic confrontation to sublime vaginal teasing. All my penile pressure was centred now only on her vaginal walls. Her noise quietened to a sigh as the subtle, lubricated massaging of her passage lining excited a myriad of nerve endings and sent an urgent emissary to her brain to alert her whole body to the impending arrival of incoming sperm. I felt sexual excitement mounting inside her, her vaginal wall compressing to squeeze every pore of my cock to heighten my arousal and force me to expel my hot semen into her desiring womb. I could feel intense heat radiating off her chest and belly. All of her energy was swamping her loins to welcome my molten gift and mount an orgiastic celebration of sensual ecstasy.

My sexual tension was building like trapped steam in a pressure cooker. Her body had stopped all movement, apart from her hips which rotated gently in the air to increase the sensation in her vaginal capillaries. Her breathing was coming in ever shortening gasps as her carnal passion mounted. It felt as if we were both about to explode. I dropped my pubic bone down to make contact with her clit, like firing a detonator to a bomb. Her body tensed and then jerked as powerful eddies of a climax wracked her torso from chest to groin. It set off a chain reaction in me, and my hips bucked with a powerful explosion of molten semen which sent waves of sensation shooting down from my belly to the ultra-sensitised nerve endings of my shaft. My front felt like it had been assailed by a shock wave from Jenny's climax. I continued to pump her pussy until the after-shocks of my orgasm subsided. She pulled her body up to cling skin to skin with mine along the whole fronts of our beings. I could feel continuing tremors inside her until the inflamed tip of my shrunken penis slipped from her loins.

"That was incredible. You have the most fabulous body ever. Why did I not take advantage of you before? I'm a fool!"

She laughed deliriously and continued to cling to me until I lowered her gently onto her back.

She stared up at me with adoring eyes. "I'm never going to let you leave me. I'm going to make you desire me so much that you will never want to be without me. I'm going to ride you, mister, every day, until you beg for mercy. For as long as my silky thighs ride your cock, you won't be able to stop your gushing. You will beg me to let you rest and refill your manly reservoir."

For some reason her hyperbole did not sound like an exaggeration. I had seen her passion expressed in so many ways before and knew how strongly she experienced her emotions. Not only did I believe every word, but it triggered a new emotion I had thought dormant inside me. As I gazed down at her beautifully angelic face and saw deep down into her heart, I knew all at once that I loved her, not as a father figure but as a true lover. I suddenly wanted to possess her utterly and forever. It was an alien emotion which I struggled to acknowledge for what it was. Only when I thought, briefly, of life without Jenny was I sure that this was it.

That encounter was the culmination for me of a succession of climaxes I had received care of the loins of her carers. Suddenly, the months of careful interaction in that house made perfect sense. It had all been leading up to this moment: the taming of Jenny's mania. But it was also potentially her release from her prison. I could not yet be certain of that, but something inside me told me that this was her moment of release.

I knew now that I had to dedicate myself to this delightful young woman; to nurture her spirit, to banish her demons, and to cherish her soul.


Jenny tugged me up onto my feet, re-energised where I felt enervated. She dragged me by the hand up the stairs and hammered on the door to her suite. Susie came to open the door and stood back in awe as Jenny stood there naked, with me in tow. Jenny marched in to find Tessa in the sitting room, slumped in a chair.

"I'm cured, I tell you! We've done it and it was fabulous. He loves me. It couldn't be any other way. They won't be able to take this away from me!" She babbled and was almost hyper-ventilating. Nor was she making much sense again. Her words were non-sequiturs, or a short-hand for a much longer stream of logic which might explain her reasoning.

She swung my hand in hers and exclaimed, "He's mine - he's ours."

Tessa looked up calmly and said, "You'd better put some clothes on."

Mixed emotions showed on her face.


We four, Jenny, Tessa, Susie and I sat in a square on the re-arranged furniture, drinking coffee. The conversation was almost like a professional case review, with me as the observer. Tessa asked Jenny, "What do you mean by saying you're cured?"

Jenny laughed. "I know it sounds daft, but I feel as if I've had a great weight lifted from my mind. There's a mental clarity where before it was dulled confusion. I feel love and know that Richard loves me back. I've opened a door into a man's soul. It's a sublime feeling that unlocks so much potential within me. I see things clearly now. I understand why I acted like I did. I had no worth alongside Mumma and Papa. I didn't deserve to live. I hadn't done anything with my life. Now I have a purpose."

I leant across and held her hand. "Jenny, none of that makes any sense. Perhaps you're looking for reasons in an attempt to explain your feelings. Can you be sure what your feelings are really telling you. Be honest with yourself."

She pulled her hand away as if my hand was suddenly too hot to bear. "Don't talk to me like a child! What do you mean? You don't love me after all?"

Her eyes were shifting about as if she didn't want to focus on anything in case it would upset her. I wanted to understand what was going on in her muddled mind, whose clarity appeared to be clouded again by her present confusion. But I didn't have time to reflect, I had to answer her. And what I said would cement our relationship for good or bad.

"Jenny, I do love you. I've been too afraid to commit to having real feelings for you. I don't pretend to understand what your mind has been going through for all these years. I want to help you to recover and live a full life. I just don't want us to make a mistake through any misunderstanding. But I know now that I love you so much.

"There, I've said it in front of witnesses. Jenny, I love you."

"And what about my guardian angel? Do you love Tessa, too?"


The sun was shining; a warm September day. Louise was away again on her day off. It was Susie that suggested we go to the village pub and celebrate. We could walk it and all drink our fill. We must have been an odd sight, four oddly assorted people walking arm in arm along the quiet country road.

The conversation drifted from one topic to another but avoided the elephant in the room. Finally, Susie broached the subject uppermost in all out minds. "So if you are indeed 'cured' Jenny, what happens to me, and Louise?"

Jenny wasn't fazed by the question. "I'm glad you asked. Does it make any difference, Tess?"

Tessa smiled and addressed herself to her sister and Susie. "I've enjoyed these last few years with you both, and with Louise. We've felt like a family. It doesn't have to change, if we can all bear each other's company. The house is big enough to be remodelled. Jenny, I'm willing to hand you over to Richard's care, if he will accept the responsibility. I could go back to work again. We could dissolve the team and just be friends.

"But let's not jump the gun. Let's see how things develop from here."

I spoke up then. "Louise is looking for a way out. She wants to date women and find a partner. She hasn't told you because she wanted to wait for the right moment. She said that if it came up whilst she was absent, I could speak for her.

"So, it looks like we could be down to four."

Chapter Five

The hospital project came to an end and I was at a loose end, as always happens when an assignment finishes. I had committed myself to Jenny's welfare and I would never come to regret it. Jenny clung to me for months when I was not working, but it was not a hardship. She was so loving and kind hearted that I blessed the day that Tessa had introduced us. She sometimes had what she called her 'mental turns', when she felt like letting rip, but she always had me to turn to, to talk through her feelings with.

Louise had indeed found another partner and she moved out, with many tears and promises to keep in touch. Susie stayed and declared that she would die an old maid. She had a proper bedroom, now fashioned from Jenny's old bedroom and the carer's room, with ensuite bathroom.

Jenny moved into the main bedroom with me, and Tessa kept her old, treasured, familiar room. We would sit and talk together for hours in threes and fours, but never would we touch on the prickly subject of my sexual relationship with either Tessa or Susie.

We were thought amongst the village gossips to be some sort of polyamorous sect. My reputation was not as important to me as that of the ladies. So I eventually proposed to Jenny, who accepted gleefully despite the age difference which I emphasised before her acceptance.

Tessa bought us two queen-sized beds to push together as a super king size. We made preparations for the wedding in June, which Jenny wanted to be topped out by a buffet in the grounds with a marquee and enough seating to accommodate relatives and villagers. To make it special, Jenny asked that we not have sex for a while. She complained of cystitis, but promised to make it up to me with stripteases and erotic dances.