Jennifer Unchained


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With a resigned sigh she shrugged the material dramatically from her shoulders and let it fall away behind her to rest on her hips. She slipped it off her hips and stood nakedly before me. The room was absolutely silent. Not a body breathed. My heart beat furiously, as I suspected did everybody else's.

She knelt on me with legs apart, her knees on the sofa cushion either side of my thighs. She lowered her body gingerly down towards my lap. My lower garments were at half-mast down my legs. Her naked under-thighs touched skin to skin with my thighs and my upraised cock, and sent sensations zapping around my loins. Then she stood up again. Gasps reverberated between the other females. But she had stood up only to squat and tug my bottoms and pants completely off my legs.

She was naked and she had also made me so.

Jenny sat down solicitously next to me with a tube of lubrication in hand. It was a sensible precaution, given Tessa's almost certainly dry state, but Jenny's eagerness to help had salacious undertones. It was as if Jenny was participating actively in the challenge. She smeared the lubrication liberally over my pulsating cock, taking care not to unduly arouse me further. It awoke me from a stunned state of shock at what was being asked of Tessa. There was nothing I could do in this situation to curtail this cruel physical demand on her. To refuse to participate would have difficult consequences.

Tessa stood over me. She had delayed the inevitable and wore a look of apprehension, underpinned with sexual desire. She knelt astride across my thighs once more, flesh touching flesh. I could feel the tension in the room, all eyes on us, wondering what would transpire.

I shifted our joint weight forwards towards the front edge of the sofa to make it easier for her to 'kiss' me. The other three ladies leaned in for a closer look as she grasped my cock hesitantly. They all knew about her aversion and were well aware of what a turning point this might be if she went ahead and fulfilled the challenge.

The room was silent, all breaths held in anticipation of the drama about to unfold. Tessa hovered on her knees above me, squeezing my cock and tugging it from side to side, distractedly. She took a deep breath which turned into an anxious sob. Then she slowly lowered her loins until her feminine passage hovered at the head of my penis. She began to breathe deeply, as if preparing to dive off a high cliff. Her full breasts rose and fell, quivering, revealing how her upper body was shaking with trepidation.

The three other women clustered around her and leant their heads in for a closer look at what she was about to do. Jenny's eyes were on fire with anticipation. Sally was openly drooling with her own desire. Louise tried to appear disinterested, but her hand was shoved between her legs.

Tessa didn't acknowledge their presence, so hard was she concentrating on preparing herself mentally for what she would have to do next. She had accepted her sister's challenge. She must have realised that it was a test of her aversion, made by her loving sister in a situation in which she could not refuse. Peer pressure was forcing her to comply.

She lowered her torso gingerly and made contact with the bulbous head of my glans. A collective sigh from the onlookers floated upwards in the air, to signal that an important milestone had been passed as she sank down onto me. Tessa had faced her physical demons head on.

She sat on me motionless, as was the forfeit, for several seconds. Finally, Jenny spoke. "OK sis, that's all." There was a strained edge to her tone. Was it with regret, or disappointment at the anticlimax?

Tessa remained motionless, looking down at me, breathing heavily and licking her lips. Her breasts rose and fell, pushed into a deep cleavage by the squeezing of her arms. Her breasts looked so stunningly full that I could not resist caressing them. She jumped with surprise at the unexpected , tactile contact. Then she began to push up slowly on her knees, as if to extricate herself. She paused as the tip of my penis was revealed. I thought she was about to extricate herself, forfeit discharged, job done. Then she drove herself down again, supporting her weight with her hands on my shoulders. Like a steam engine slowly moving its pistons, she raised her hips once more, then pushed forward and down onto my shaft again, before moving her hips backwards and rising again, gradually increasing in speed. Loud exhalations of exertion escaped her bared teeth as she repeatedly pistoned down on my human dildo. She began to fuck my cock, with total abandonment, oblivious to her audience . Susie quickly shed her clothing as the atmosphere in the room became more intense. Tessa was not a voluble person, yet now she was gasping loudly without a care for being overheard. That, perhaps was what most intrigued her audience. Overt heterosexual acts were probably rare in that house, and wild heterosexual sex in front of the whole group was almost certainly unprecedented.

Tessa had been restrained in front of the others in my presence, ever since my first arrival. It had been relatively easy because of her aversion to physical copulation. Now, once forced effectively by peer pressure to fuck me, she seized the opportunity to force herself to break her antipathy to vaginal penetration. I did my best to arch my back and lift my buttocks to improve her angle of take-up of my shaft. I supported her bottom to take some of the strain off her thigh muscles, but she had gritted her teeth and was pushing herself up forcibly and slamming down with some pressure, as if she was fighting some unseen opposing force. The battleground was her vagina, but the opposing forces were contained within her mind. The expression on her face was pained. The skin was stretched across her skull and jawbone in a deathly grimace of inner turmoil.

My cock was swollen and must have felt unfamiliarly large inside her under-used passage. I could feel her vaginal wall compressing against every pore of my penile skin. Neither of us was going to be able to supress the intense feelings welling up inside us, and it was as if I could feel her pounding heartbeat being communicated to me through her pussy wall. I could sense her mounting tension, building towards a shattering bodyquake, and my only concern was whether I could hold off my own eruption until she had climaxed and hopefully savoured hers. Her face was clearing now and she appeared to be starting to enjoy her inner sensations. I kept up a sympathetic hip thrusting with her more controlled downward thrusts. I concentrated on giving her every opportunity to respond to my swollen cock's internal stimulation of her pussy wall. But my mind was savouring the exquisite sight of her naked upper body, and most particularly her sumptuous breasts, bouncing up and down before my eyes. I could feel my sap rising, and I fought to control it, to give Tessa every opportunity to achieve a milestone orgasm.

My attention was distracted by Jenny, Tessa and Louise, who were all now standing upright, lost in their own varying transports of erotic arousal. Two had shed their clothes, only Jenny remained dressed. Three pairs of hands pawed at three stacks of breasts and between three opened thighs. That most orgiastic display of feminine self-gratification distracted me from my self-control, and I climaxed powerfully and loudly. I could feel hot semen charging up my shaft and being expelled high up inside Tessa's vagina. She must have felt it, too, because her cries of exertion suddenly exploded into a piercing scream of welcome release. She cried out in elation at her physical victory against her mental demons. She continued to thrust, to milk every milli-litre of my semen. My own climax enervated my loins and I fell backwards against the sofa backrest. She collapsed down on my chest, mashing her soft, yielding breasts against my chest.

Susie and Jenny bent down either side of her to hug and congratulate her, cooing supportively, at this momentous occasion for her. Louise was sat on her haunches, away to one side with her hands squeezing her crotch in a post-orgasmic stupor.

"I think that concludes the game," I announced. I rolled Tessa gently onto her side beside me and stood up. I scooped her into my arms and carried her out of the room. I stumbled through the exit door from the secure area, onto the landing and into the main bedroom. She was asleep when I laid her on the bed of the room I was occupying.

I woke next morning to sunlight behind the curtains. An arm was over my chest. I remembered, then, the previous evening's events

"You're awake then." She gazed at me, smiling. "We were suckered by my sister into fucking last night..."

I put my finger across her lips.

"We were making love, or at least, I was."

"Is that what it was?" she asked. She sighed, a troubled sigh. "That wasn't my intention. You were meant to fall in love with Jenny, or at least she with you."

I moved onto my side and idly stroked her belly, then her breasts. She sighed again, a contented one, this time. My fingers stroked their way down to her pubis. Her legs opened invitingly. My forefinger slid into her crevice and found her clit. It was moist. I kissed her as I touched her intimate place.

"I can't help it if you are the most wonderful, caring, sexy woman I know, even amongst this harem of delectable females."

"But I can't allow you to focus your attention on me," she protested. She pushed herself up against my chest and stared down at me in confusion.

"Is there not room for both of you?" I asked.

Her frown softened and her face relaxed. Gone were the frequent worry lines she often wore, as if for now she was relishing her own moment of comfort, rather than concern at the condition of her sister. I knelt between her outspread legs and sunk without ceremony into her moist vaginal embrace.


Unsurprisingly, I was late into the office that day, and I held off from going back to the house for a few days.

The strategy was now perfectly clear. I was not the catalyst as Tessa had intimated. I had been intended to be the endgame, to bring Jenny out of her mental cul-de-sac and restore her to normality. She was intended to be so impossibly beautiful and captivating for me not to fall for her. Yet as much as I cared deeply for Jenny, I found the self-sacrificing mentality of her sister more compelling. I thought Tessa had loved me, but she was making a good impression of affectionate indifference. Jenny had however, manipulated us into a public display of love making. She knew her sister too well, and had succeeded in 'curing' her of her phobia, or whatever it had been.

That confused me. How was I meant to help Jenny by fucking her sister? Tessa accepted my morning-after lovemaking, but resolutely insisted as we got dressed, that it would be the last time.

"Bit it's you I want. Can't I help Jenny as well?"

"Have you no consideration for what Jenny wants?"

"She deliberately pushed us together. She wanted us to have sex."

"Maybe, but she is confused. She wants to help me, but she must focus on helping herself. A relationship between us would destroy any hope I have of curing her. You must promise me to concentrate on Jenny's needs. That is the only way I can accept you here in this house."


My own independent life was on hold now whilst I threw myself into the task of resolving my dilemma which had arisen with Tessa and Jenny. Our evenings and weekends resumed with a semblance of normality, with shared activities, the occasional outing as a group, or one to one, just me and Jenny. At no time did we let sexual connotations intrude on our relationship. It was as if a subtle change had been wrought within the dynamics of the group.

Jenny and I spent time together, talking about life in general, philosophy, our ambitions, and the state of the World. Never did we stray into salacious territory. I sometimes caught her watching me, as if weighing me up. Yet she never opened up on her innermost thoughts.

Months passed with no change to our new normal routine. Jenny behaved well and desisted from provocative behaviour. She showed more concern for Tessa's feelings and was very tender at times towards her sister. I restricted the days when I would come to the house to odd days or perhaps a weekend. Jenny happily confided to me that they reverted to their "pre-dick" days when I was absent. Tessa had withdrawn again, emotionally. It put a strain, born of concern, on Jenny. It felt as if their roles had been reversed. The younger sister was now the carer. She spoke often about Tessa and asked me about my feelings. I couldn't be sure whether she was curious or jealous. I had learnt to be as circumspect as Jenny, though, and kept my thoughts and feelings to myself.

Then one Thursday evening Jenny pleaded to go to the local pub. Louise and Tessa were sharing the monitoring duties. Susie was away at her own flat some miles away. The hotel bar in the village was out of the question; too many local gossips to observe our interactions. Tessa thought it better to go to a village pub some distance away where they were incidentally holding a quiz evening, Louise volunteering to be the designated driver.

The country pub was packed. We found a table for four and bought some drinks at the bar. It soon became apparent when the quiz started that Jenny was our star team member. Her knowledge was broader than any of the rest of us and she knew a surprisingly large amount of the answers. She was pumped up with excitement at the noisy throng surrounding her. At times, her excited expression appeared to verge on the manic. Tessa and I exchanged uneasy glances.

There were breaks between rounds for people to stock up with drinks for during the rounds, which encouraged heavier drinking and encouraged a noisy and boisterous atmosphere to develop. Jenny was in good spirits. She put her mental acuity down to having plenty of time to study on the internet whilst in isolation.

Tessa was getting steadily tipsier and giggling a lot on my shoulder. Louise probably felt isolated and shrank into a shell and said little. I felt uneasy, because of Jenny's erratic behaviour. The crowd of humanity was exciting her and her glances flicked around the pub bar erratically.

After a particularly tough quiz round Louise volunteered to join the throng at the bar to buy more drinks. Jenny asked me to fetch her cardigan from the car because she was feeling chilled. that was surprising, because the atmosphere was quite hot and stuffy in the bar. Tessa and I watched her head towards the door to the Ladies' toilets before I headed outside. The car park had been full when we arrived and I had been obliged to park the car at some distance from the pub down the road. It took me several minutes to reach it and return with the cardigan.

When I got back, the crowd was thronging right back to the entrance. It was now so bad that I couldn't easily squeeze my way through from the door. The atmosphere was also more heated, with lots of excited chattering, cheering and chanting. Then I saw the source of the hysteria. It shocked me, then galvanised me to force my way through the standing crowd, to rescue Jenny. Tessa told me later what had happened.

She had watched Jenny go to the Ladies, then re-emerge quite quickly, totally naked. Jenny had deliberately gone to the washroom to strip off and discard her clothes there, having first got rid of me. A huge cheer had erupted when she appeared. The crowd must have thought she was some form of unannounced interval entertainment. Tessa watched aghast as Jenny clambered on to the thighs of a man seated at the table nearest the toilet, and used him as a stepping up point onto a table. She had even shimmied her bottom into his face as a sort of thank you before standing erect on the table and displaying herself, to the loud cheers of the onlookers. She stepped onto the adjoining table by treading onto the thighs of another man. She was giggling all the time and responding with delight to the developing furore her naked table-top walk was creating. There was a great clamour. encouraging her to continue with her naked exhibitionism. She performed some gyrations and squats on a table, opening her knees to display herself to those nearest to her, to the accompaniment of loud cheers. She announced loudly in a prim and proper voice that she wanted to get to her table but would not walk on the dirty floor. That was the last Tessa saw. She was too drunk to react, except to stand on her chair and watch the proceedings unfold. In her confused state she decided not to try and intervene as long as Jenny appeared to be enjoying herself.

Louise could not see the source of the ruckus, her view being obscured by the crowd behind her at the bar, waiting to be served. She was therefore oblivious to the cause of the pandemonium.

Jenny stretched her legs with deliberate care in the process of stepping from one man's thighs to another, then onto the next table, willingly assisted by many over-eager hands pawing at her breasts, thighs and bottom. She fell over in men's laps several times, throwing her legs up in the air in a pretend air of helplessness. More willing hands pawed her boobs, bottom and thighs in a pretence of helping her precariously back onto her feet. After successfully negotiating several table tops and sundry laps, she was hoisted aloft on many willing hands like a body-surfer at a concert, and was being passed around helplessly, whilst being pawed as she was passed in ever-changing directions. At first, she had appeared to be enjoying the attention, but had then began to shriek hysterically as it went out of control.

That was when I came back into the Bar. All I could see was a huge standing crowd and a naked woman on her back, being held aloft and passing from one group of willing hands to another. It took a few moments to register that it was Jenny.

I leapt into action and pushed my way forcibly through the crowd of standing onlookers. Some resented my pushing but others yielded, and I forced a way up to her by the path of least resistance. The atmosphere was by now at fever pitch and her legs were being pulled wide part like a chicken wishbone. I feared for her physical safety as much as her mental state.

"Jenny!" I shouted, hoping to establish my relationship with her to the crowd. I pushed bodies out of my way until I arrived at the space between her grotesquely outstretched legs. Those holding her saw me confronting them, and lowered her onto her feet. I grabbed her bodily, as people made space around us. I wrapped her as best I could in her cardigan. I met no resistance. I lifted her up bodily and carried her from the scene. As I passed Tessa, she leapt up somewhat unsteadily with a look of chagrin on her face. She lurched off to fetch Louise whilst I huffed and puffed my way to the exit with a now limp and still mostly naked Jenny in my arms. Cheers accoladed Jenny's impromptu performance as she departed. There had appeared to be little concern shown up to that moment for her physical or mental well-being. Louise caught up with me outside and offered to hold Jenny upright whilst I ran and fetched the car. I coaxed Jenny onto the rear bench seat whilst Louise went back in search of her clothes.

The three of us drove back to the house in grim silence whilst a partly revived Jenny giggled and chattered.

"Did you hear how much the people cheered me? I think the men must have got totally stiff seeing my gorgeous naked body up close. That was great fun!"

By the time we reached the house, she had calmed and was on the verge of sleep. Louise put her to bed to sleep off her inebriation. Then we three had a council of war.

Tessa had revived, and started the post-mortem. "She's was hyperactive this morning. We spent time in the garden working off some energy and everything had appeared normal again, which is why we gave in to her pleading to go to the quiz."
