Jennifer Unchained


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"...after all, he won't be able to take his eyes off me. I'll be quite safe."

I was intrigued as to why Susie insisted on staying, yet showed no enthusiasm in the gardening proposal. It was only much later that I understood that my arrival was heightening the carers' interest in the project.

Tessa drove Jenny and I to the garden centre, Jenny in the passenger seat beside her, and me in the back. With autumn on the horizon, but strictly speaking it being early to plant perennials, the garden centre was quiet for a Saturday. I suspected that Susie had stayed behind to discuss the previous evening's events in more detail, with Louise. If so, I wondered just how explicit she would be. I pushed the matter from my mind.

Whilst I pushed a flatbed trolley in their wake, the sisters walked arm in arm and chatted happily as they examined the serried rows of outdoor plants and shrubs. It was touching to see their deep mutual affection for each other, and uplifting to see them laughing unrestrainedly. The companionship didn't last, though. Jenny soon deputed Tessa to be chariot driver, and for me to help her choose plants. When she saw a young couple, she linked arms with me to mimic their body language, and asked me what it was like to go on a date.

"I was a very shy girl, you know. I was one of the pack, never a leader. Even at university I stuck with the girls. Men would chat me up, but I never went with them alone, always as part of a group. I was a virgin, then. I don't remember when I lost it. It sort of happened gradually.

"What's it like to get to know someone romantically? Is it obvious how you feel, when you meet someone you fancy?

Whenever I glanced back, Tessa was smiling, perhaps at Jenny's chattiness during this rare public outing. It appeared that this stage in her recovery had been long overdue.

When we had loaded the car, Jenny insisted on having a coffee and cake in the cafeteria, and paying for it with her card, whilst Tessa and I found a table. She chatted up the young man on the till. She leant over the counter and kissed him on the cheek, before joining us.

"That young man's a student, doing a Saturday job whilst studying at college. He likes me. Look, he gave me his number."

Tessa grimaced and sighed. "At least you didn't strip off and embarrass him."

She appeared bemused at Jenny's sudden impulsive behaviour as soon as she was left unsupervised, and its possible significance.

The three of us worked in the garden until mid-afternoon, whilst Louise and Susie sunned themselves in bikinis on loungers. The four of them had worked and played in the garden before, but never with a man present. Then Jenny suggested a swim. I didn't have a costume. To Jenny, the solution was simple. Tessa, Susie and I would go nude. Tessa objected, but eventually gave in.

The five of us swam together. It was hot under the glass in the pool enclosure, even with the whole front opened up. It was interesting to watch the group's dynamic. Jenny and Louise both wore one-piece swimsuits. Jenny and Susie were the most playful, Louise was the most reserved. Tessa hung back, watching the others studiously. Jenny kept a respectful distance from me, but insisted on Susie playing tricks on me in the water.

Jenny appeared dissatisfied with the clothing arrangements. Finally, she insisted on Louise removing her swimsuit, which Louise reluctantly did under protest. Yet for some reason, being naked suddenly made her boisterous. It was as if they had all forgotten I was there and were at last acting as they normally would. Only, Jenny kept her swimsuit on.

I trod water and happily watched voyeuristically as the women played tag, touching each other salaciously, and engaging in diving underwater, which involved much exposing of taut buttock flesh as they bent double to dive, first pushing their bottoms out of the water in the process. I could not be sure whether this blatant exhibitionism was for each other or for my benefit.

Jenny eventually whispered something to Louise, who then swam leisurely over to me.

She trod water and with a half-smile of resignation on her face whispered, "You must stroke my breasts then float on your back so that I can stroke your penis."

"What? Don't you mind?"

"Her ladyship commands it. We tend to indulge her, even though strictly speaking, she should be modifying her behaviour with you around. I don't mind, I'm doing it for Britain."

Louise was quite thick-set, but her breasts felt pleasant to the touch. She laughed with delight as I floated on my back and sported an extremely turgid, vertically pointing cock as a result of fondling her. She played with it whilst bobbing up and down to rub her breasts against my hip, tugging on it to give herself leverage. At last she halted and trod water.

"Well, that was a first! I've haven't had my chest touched by a man since puberty, and I've never touched a cock. You see how controlling Jenny can be. But I enjoyed it; it was fun, and Jenny knows that. Only, don't get any ideas."

Jenny would not give anyone a respite from her challenges.


We established a pattern of my visits on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and for one or two nights at the weekends. The fervid atmosphere of the first meetings abated, and my visits quickly became more conventional social occasions. We dined in the main kitchen when I was there, whoever was going off duty willingly staying for the meal. It was a chance to talk about life in general, and for Jenny to be encouraged to speak about her feelings. She remained guarded on that subject, in contrast to her expositions on just about everything else.

Jenny's carers had discussed with me, separately, their plan for helping Jenny's recovery, which they all agreed looked now to be a more promising prospect. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy had worked quite well in the past few years to modify Jennifer's behaviour most of the time. The problem was that she hadn't exhibited sufficient stress or anxiety in recent months to be managed anyway. Her emotional intelligence was generally good, although she had had issues after puberty in understanding how her sexuality related to men, even before her accident. Her difficulty was now confined to occasional outbursts of spontaneous desires to shock or excite others, which she appeared either not able, or not inclined to control. Either way, her judgement in such situations remained poor.

The focus now was on a self-regulation model of therapy, coupled with risk management and reward for demonstrating progress. Jennifer perfectly understood the aims of the therapy and took a leading role in discussing it and working through it. It was odd to see her taking an interest, as if a carer herself. Louise was the IT expert of the group, and administered the rewards by restricting Jenny's internet access to laptops and tablets on occasions. Reasons for temporary restrictions were always discussed, and Jenny seemed remarkably compliant with her 'punishments'.

Tessa, Susie and Louise all agreed that Jenny and I should spend more time together as a two-some - I avoid the word 'couple' - talking, even going for short walks in the village.

Jenny rarely brought up the subject of sex during the walks, confining it to rare outbursts of salacious comments interspersed with her normal conversation. It reminded me of Tourette's syndrome, although it was quite different. She was more prone to outbursts in the evenings. She confided that they sometimes had lesbian orgies, which she claimed to be for Louise's benefit. Yet the conversation would often turn to me, and would be laced with sexual undertones. Louise invariably opted out of those discussions.

One evening all five of us sat together, enjoying convivial conversation about the World at large. I had fitted surprisingly well into their group which, whilst it had started out as an artificial social construct, had gelled into a cohesive team I had feared that my arrival might have adversely disrupted it, but in fact it had apparently given Jennifer a new focus, and made life easier for them all, with her more manageable behaviour. That was the present topic as we drank wine and spirits. Jennifer was, as was often the case, pushing the boundaries. The alcohol was loosening everyone's tongues.

"Why do you girls think Richard has fitted in so well? Did we need a permanent Dick around?"

There were collective groans from her audience. The pun was very badly worn out. Susie picked up the theme, with a mischievous grin. "We don't need to dick around with dildos when there's a real man to play with."

Louise uncharacteristically rejoined with, "but we don't want a man to be dick-tatorial."

That provoked ribald laughter in appreciation of her quick wit, and at my expense.

I protested in good spirits, "That's not fair. I've hardly touched any of you since that initial flurry after my arrival."

Jenny picked up on that. "What's the point of a harem if we're all too reluctant to indulge ourselves?"

Tessa brought the group back to reality. "I think the carnal atmosphere has declined simply because we now have a man to normalise relationships with. Even you've been restrained in your behaviour, Jenny."

"Yes, because I'm trying to control myself. But sometimes I want to indulge my desires."

"Keep me out if it," muttered Louise wryly. She was the only one who had not been heartened sexually by my arrival, although she had conceded grudgingly that Jenny was coping better as a result. They had concluded that Jenny was far more able to focus on her condition now, including her abstinence.

"We can talk about sex if it will help to indulge you," suggested Susie.

"How about a game?" Jenny evidently had something in mind. "I suggest chasing your arse. It's a word game that consists of choosing a word that has salacious connotations, starting with the last letter of a previous word. The rules are simple. The word must be spelt correctly, obviously, and must be agreed by the others as referring to sex, at least in some context. So, roger is a name, but it is also a verb, a sex act."

Susie smiled amusedly. "What if we can't think of a word, or misspell it?"

Jenny was ready for that. "Then that person must pay a penalty, which is to remove an item of clothing and perform a forfeit." All the others were up for it. I abstained.

Since Jenny had been given licence by the group to manage her own therapy, it sometimes led to her being indulged by her carers. This was to be one of those occasions.

Ordinarily, the others might have protested such a crude suggestion, but we were getting drunk and our judgement was impaired. We all grunted our assents and she shouted, "Yippee! I'll start, with something quite tame. But first, we need some towels. Tessa left the room and brought back a handful of bath towels.

"Good," said Jenny. "We will keep them in reserve, until we need them.

"My go first: amazon."

Louise protested. "That isn't a sexual word, It's a river."

Tessa responded, "It's also an online warehouse that sells sex toys."

I mimicked a voice-over, "Other online stores are available." It got a laugh.

Susie joined in. "It's also a strong, warrior-like woman."

Louise persisted, "But none of them are intrinsically sexy."

Jenny nodded vigorously. "Granted. But it also means an advanced sexual position somewhere between missionary and cowgirl. Dick, you can be the adjudicator, as well as a player. Fetch my laptop and google it."

I did, and she was right. "Congratulations on your research, though I have to question how productively you've spent your internet time." The others laughed. Jenny pointed at Tessa to go next. "It's an 'n' to you."

"Nuts." That provoked a bigger laugh, at my expense, as they all stared pointedly at my crotch in my pants.

Jenny insist that Tessa explain precisely what she meant. Tessa's embarrassment at my presence caused hilarious uproar at her expense.

Susie was next. "Scrotum." Louise challenged on the grounds that scrotum wasn't sexy, then immediately waved her hands in exasperation with herself, to withdraw her objection. That caused an uproar which only abated when Jenny cried out, "That's because you're a dyke and don't like dicks!"

So it went on: "missionary". Louise was about to challenge that as well, but bit her lip just in time.

"Yearning" - another protest on the grounds that it wasn't sexual; over-ruled because, if thinking sexily, one person could yearn for another's body. The debate around what did and did not qualify was more interesting than the actual game. The evident point of the game was not just to be right, but to make one's explanations as erotic as possible, to arouse the other players' support.

'Yearning' passed the buck to me, and I struggled for a suitable word, opting finally for "girl".

That caused another uproar because under-age sexuality was deemed to be banned. My forfeit was determined to be, by two votes to two with Jenny having the casting vote, a kiss with Louise with my top off.

She took it gamely and muttered drily, "If I were heterosexual, I couldn't think of a more desirable partner."

She was inebriated, of course, which was probably impairing her judgement.

It was Jenny's turn next. She looked at Louise salaciously and muttered, "Lick" . Louise objected to that, before putting her hand to her mouth with renewed regret, for opening herself up to the risk of unwanted consequences if she was ruled to be wrong.

Jenny challenged Louise, "Lick my pussy would be sexy. I think that with a man in the game you just aren't thinking sexily enough. For your second offence of a false challenge, your first forfeit..."

"My second offence?" Louise objected.

"The first forfeit was a let-off, but if you are protesting Dick's kiss, I demand that you lick him, with your top off."

Jenny seemed to be goading Louise, but her carer took it on the chin and hoisted off her sweater under muted protest. To my disappointment, she was wearing a bra underneath. Tessa, who had been getting increasingly involved in the game, grumbled about the unfairness of that. I guessed that she wasn't so well provisioned with undergarments. For once, the competitiveness was in remaining clothed.

With potential psychological pain and no visible gain, I became anxious about precisely where Louise was being asked to lick me. Louise looked at me expectantly for a suggestion. Jenny intervened. "You must unzip him and take it out. Then once out, it can't go back."

I protested the unfairness of this new rule. "But I didn't lose; why should I pay a forfeit?"

The bi-sexuals all voted in favour and over-ruled me. Our house lesbian grimaced at this further indignity, but merely heaved a huge sigh of disgust before proceeding to extract my suddenly growing erection. That made her task more difficult to extract it, but she solved it by pulling my pants down to my knees and fishing my cock out from the waistband of my underpants. It looked large in her smallish hands. She stared at it for several seconds, until the others started counting down from five as an incentive. She took the hint, but instead of licking my shaft, she took it into her mouth and angled her head to allow her throat to take it down as far as it would go. All the time she looked up into my eyes with defiance. She gagged. Then I felt her teeth clamping on it. I had the choice of outing her for her invisible, defiant attack on my male member, or of being gallant. I decided that she was simply making a protest, and that she would not want to harm me physically, so I merely flinched. She withdrew her mouth with a look of triumph on her face. The others sat in silence and awe at her self-sacrifice. All eyes turned to me to continue.


That provoked an alcohol-fuelled uproar. Jenny led the protests. "Knickers aren't sexy, they don't sound sexy, and anyone wearing them isn't planning on being sexy."

I protested. The garment could be sexy. It has an intimate acquaintance with the most closely guarded part of any woman's body. You wouldn't have challenged if I'd said panties."

Tessa came right back on that one. "One word sounds sexy, the other doesn't. Right, girls?"

They all nodded solemnly.

I had disgraced myself with a disallowed word, however unfair the adjudication, so the go passed to Jenny to start with a new word. Luckily, no forfeit was demanded.

Jenny chose "fuck", passing the baton to Tessa, who looked nonplussed until she thought of "kiss." A discussion ensued about whether or not a mere kiss was sexual, even if on private parts. Louise, Susie and Jenny ruled against her with much merriment. Louise declared with some assertiveness, "It would take more than a kiss on my pussy to get me going."

Jenny was excited at the impact her game was having. "You must pay a forfeit. You should take Dick's cock into your vagina and give him a deep pussy kiss."

Tessa had been relatively quiet up to now. She and I had not had sexual contact since that first evening. Tessa had assumed that Jenny might react adversely if she continued to have sex with me. I saw the weight of responsibility she felt on her shoulders for managing Jenny's recovery, and had every sympathy with her for the difficult task she had taken on.

Jenny knew all about her sister's mental aversion to penetration. The challenge was cruel, and fear registered on Tessa's face.

She was wearing a one-piece lounge-wear suit with a zipped front. She met Jenny's forfeit demand with a sharp intake of breath. She looked at me, with my chest bare and my pants and underpants down below my knees. Then she looked down pensively at her own clothing. She looked beseechingly at Jenny, but saw no compassion there. Jenny's eyes were aflame. She clearly understood what her forfeit demand required of her sister. Susie and Louise kept silent. The game had suddenly become serious, with potentially damaging repercussions.

Tessa and I regretted that in our drunken confusion we had not nailed down how a forfeit was to be selected. Jenny's imperious demand seemed unassailable at that point.

Tessa had sublimated her sexual demands to the needs of her sister's recovery. That first evening encounter with me had been an aberration in her mind, as she later confessed to me in private. She had decided to rein in her own sexual desires in pursuit of an improvement in her sister's condition. She had endeavoured to tone down the pervasive sexuality which Jenny had previously insisted on in her confinement. My arrival had supported that, with a return to a more responsible level of behaviour.

But now she was faced with a dilemma. Jenny had manoeuvred everyone into a febrile situation, and now took advantage opportunely of her sister, with the most awkward of challenges. The explicit nature of the forfeit demanded of her by her sister threw Tessa's equilibrium into total disarray.

"Well?" Jenny enquired, in a soft, demanding tone.

Tessa stood up reluctantly, and moved to stand in front of me by the sofa. She eyed me speculatively. I had no idea what was going through her mind. Then she partially unzipped her tight 'onesie'. My heart fluttered and my stomach tightened as her breasts burst out from their confines. I had been thinking a great deal about Tessa recently, whose responsibility caused me to feel very intensely for her burden. Now, my uncomfortably exposed manhood was upstanding in response to the impending exposure of her beautifully soft and yielding tits in front of me. She paused, to add to the tension, and to show off her breasts, of which she was immensely proud. Despite her inner pandemonium at what was about to occur, she smiled at my obvious reaction to her partial exposure.

She resumed the unzipping all the rest of the way down to her crotch. I could not imagine a more erotic sight than that: promising so much yet hiding it as well.
