Jennifer Unchained


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Then Louise took over the narrative, speaking to me. "There's been a change in Jenny's behaviour since your arrival. She's talked a lot about you, and told me that she no longer wanted to mess around with a lesbian. She chose me originally as a carer because of my orientation; now she seems to be rejecting me. That hasn't stopped her occasionally flirting and indulging in sexual activity whenever she's become aroused."

Louise had said very little to me since we met, which I had guessed was because she felt my presence to be an intrusion. Now, though, she was becoming inordinately animated. She came over to the sofa and knelt in front of my knees. She seized my hands and squeezed them tightly as she continued.

"The whole dynamic has changed now. Jenny talks frequently about you. She says that she is trying very hard to control herself. She likes you but feels shy now. She thinks you have cured Tessa, but I think she's ambivalent about the consequences of that.

"Tessa, she loves you, but has mixed emotions about her own feelings. We may be getting to the point where our therapy may start to become counter-productive. She wants more.

"I think she should be re-examined. Perhaps her brain is healing, or new pathways are being made in her frontal lobe. We may have to modify our behaviour if there is a chance of her accelerating recovery. What we have been doing to an extent is indulging too much what we believed to be an irredeemably damaged individual. I know, Tessa, that you hoped that introducing Richard would help the mental healing process. But she is torn between her love for you, her desire for you to be happy, and her own recovery. We should now actively be thinking about alternatives for rehabilitation, and re-socialisation. I think Jenny's outburst this evening was the result of her frustration with what she probably perceives as her insoluble situation. It isn't progressing in the direction she would wish."

Tessa's reaction was unexpected. She sobbed and ran from the room. I mulled over that, and the implications of what Louise had said.

"Is it likely that Jenny's mental condition was short-term, or even deliberate, wilful rebellion against social norms?"

Louise shook her head slowly. "I don't know, maybe no-one knows. As far as I understand it, scans can show trauma, bleeding and so on, but not blockages in synaptic pathways. I know that anti-social behaviours can be manifestations of brain damage, and altered behaviour can be a symptom of changes in brain activity. A woman's disinhibition can apparently be modified by exposure to music. But I'm not a clinician."

"Does jenny like music?"

"A lot. She can dance for hours. She can even be left safely unattended when she is immersed in her music."

"How do you feel about all this, Louise?"

"For Jenny, I'm quite excited. Tessa has been very shaken by the impact of your arrival on the scene. I've seen subtle changes in both of them. It had suited me as it was before. I'm openly gay, I prefer women. When they recruited me into their circle, I went with the flow and enjoyed myself. Who knows whether what we were doing was ethical, or psychologically defensible? It's been fun and it's helped Jenny to cope with her condition. Indulging her in the early days quietened her down. Now, I'm beginning to sense that the situation is changing dramatically, or perhaps that we were all wrong about Jenny all along. This development wasn't foreseen. There are layers to her personality that are sometimes difficult to fathom. She can act innocent and submissive for a time, then go through periods of domination, the desire to take control."

"What do you think should happen now?"

"Seek new specialist advice, for a start, and go from there. Tessa now clearly has a conflict of interest. Even Jenny is conflicted."

"Am I a help or a hindrance?"

Louise had been kneeling in front of me all the time that we spoke. She was leaning with her arms on my upper thighs. She put her hands to my cheeks in an uncustomarily intimate fashion. "It really doesn't matter whether it was right or not to introduce you into our circle. The fact is that you changed the dynamic, possibly for the better. You are very important now to Jenny. You mean a great deal to her. She respects you, and she may even be infatuated with you. Whether or not that is good for her depends on the two of you. How do you feel about her?"

"I'm scared to think about how I may be feeling. This house is crazy and unconventional. I can't get over my guilt at getting sexually involved with Tessa and Susie. I went with the flow because it suited me, but what would disinterested observers think?"

"I think they would be fascinated with our interactions in this artificial atmosphere. But now, I think it's time for bed. I must monitor Jenny tonight. I probably won't sleep much."

She stood up and massaged her legs to rid them of the after-effects of kneeling.

"Would you lie with me?"

Her request stunned me. I had been wary of Louise since the first time I met her, never really understanding her; at times been intimidated by her. I hadn't thought of her as a sexual person, and we hadn't related well together. But now, what was she asking of me? I studied her eyes. Their earnestness at that moment stirred me. I looked involuntarily down at her bust beneath her loose top. She followed my eyes; must have understood my thought processes. "Typical man," she whispered in wryly ironic fashion.

She lifted her top up and off over her head. Her breasts were encased in a sports bra. She hoisted it off her shoulders and dropped it on the floor. Then she stood up and dropped her jeans. Her knickers followed. She was naked before me, hands on her hips, inviting me to admire her.

"How do you feel about exposing yourself to a man?"

"It's not as bad as I once thought. I've got a vagina just like every other woman. As far as I know, it and my womb serve nature's purpose. What's not to accept about that? I'm rarely attracted to men, but it sometimes happens. Just now, I have a desire for you. I like what you've done here. I'm attracted to what Tessa calls your feminine side. That may be a cliché, but it is attractive to some women. Does my body not attract you?"

I smiled encouragingly whilst I stood back and surveyed her, from her face down to her feet. She was bigger and firmer-bodied than the other women, with less pronounced curves but flowing lines, apart from her well-endowed bust, the largest amongst the four of them. Her pale skin was flawless. She was completely shaved. My eyes came to rest on her breasts. They were large, surprisingly firm and conical, with prominent nipples and small areolae at their upturned tips.

She turned slowly to the side to show her upper half in profile, as if she were on display for a customer. Her breasts had gentle slopes down towards her pointed nipples, and delightfully rounded curves below, which ended in a slight overhanging crease against her chest, which would trap a banknote like a mammarian note clip. It wasn't so much her body itself, but the way she moved and showed it now which stirred me. I imagined, perhaps unfairly, that she had an ideal stripper's body if she ever felt inclined to act like one.

My eyes met hers. She was smiling, saucily.

"Am I not attractive? Have you wondered why Susie and I are so good to look at? Jenny auditioned us naked. It was the craziest second interview ever. She invited us to attend together and strip off. She explained that since she was not allowed male company, she wanted to be surrounded by sexy women. I got so turned on that day by exposing myself to her and Tessa. I thought this all-female environment would be perfect for me. But now, I find myself getting turned on by you - by your feminine side." She chuckled gently. "You must be getting sick of that observation."

My ego didn't need feeding at that particular moment, but I asked the inevitable question. "Why?"

"Why am I turned on? I see the way you look at all three of the others, with pleasure and sometimes desire. I see how tender and considerate you are with Jenny. I think that is quite unusual in a man - your caring side. I've heard what Tessa said about you when you met before. That side of you arouses me.

"And just now, I need physical human contact. For the want of a willing woman, I'll take yours. Cuddle me, please?"

I wasn't entirely convinced by my own libido at that moment. I liked her body very much but the thought of close contact with a declared lesbian was unsettling and hardly arousing. I stood up and tested the water with a light kiss on her lips. She responded with a second, more passionate one in return, that lingered with her teeth gently scraping along my lower lip. Her hand dropped to my crotch and felt an erection there. She smiled and looked up into my eyes.

"I want you against my naked body."

She began to remove my clothes. I acquiesced, more out of compassion than desire, and despite my swelling penis. My brain was hammering away at this dilemma. Did I want to be seduced by a woman I had not hitherto regarded sexually? Did I have some sort of duty to respond to her surprising overtures now?

When she had completed her disrobing task, I wrapped her gently in my arms and felt her firm breasts press against my chest. My hand clasped her bottom and explored the surprising firmness of her bottom cheeks. She shifted her feet apart on tiptoes and my cock slipped up between her parted thighs. She was light and took advantage of that by throwing her arms around my neck and using my neck to pull her body up and wrap her thighs around my hips. My hands went automatically to her butt cheeks to support her weight, and she was indeed quite heavy. Her moistness coated the upper side of my shaft with her lubrication. She rode my shaft like a rocking horse, coaxing it to its fullest extent. She leant in to kiss me. I gently eased her down onto her feet, surprised at her sexual prowess at arousing me.

She smiled confidently. "I've fucked with men before, you know. I've teased them mercilessly, when they've deserved it. I've played with their minds until they've masturbated themselves. I've never given them the satisfaction of penetrating me. Even when my body wanted it, my mind wouldn't allow it."

"Are you a virgin?"

"Biologically, yes, but physically, no. There has been enough vegetation and artificial aids inserted there to say 'goodbye, hymen'."

She gently pushed me down on the sofa, onto my discarded clothes.

"Tell me what you think of my body, honestly."

"You wouldn't ask if you didn't already suspect."

"True, but indulge me. I want to feel attractive"

"Well, for the first time since we've met, I'm seeing you sexually. You've never tried to seduce me before with your body, despite being naked in front of me several times. You aroused me that day in the pool when Jenny forced you to play with me, even if you were reluctant. But now, you're being suggestive, it's making my cock twitch. The thought had occurred to me that you have the perfect stripper's body. Your body commands attention, even from a distance. It's exaggerated proportions would stir any well-adjusted man's cock."

She swung her hips at that point and smirked. "I know."

I was getting really interested now. She was transformed in some subtle way. Her body had lost its neutral gender feel, and was moving enticingly. She even looked desirable now whereas before I had thought her plain, and assumed her indifferent to men. The change was extraordinary.

She turned and headed for the table containing the remote controls. Music flooded the room. I hardly registered what it was, only that it heightened the atmosphere erotically. She stood with her back to me, slowly rocking her hips, to emphasise her taut, generous bottom. She arched her back and revealed a delightful curve into a high waist, broadening out into broad shoulders and shapely hips. Was this the same woman as the dowdy lesbian I was accustomed to seeing?

She turned and raised her arms above her head. That brought her breasts out to show more prominently. A slight sideways dink at the waist caused them to swing gently one way then the other. They came together in a deep cleavage. She dropped her arms to caress them, causing her nipples to swell. She put her hands on her hips and walked towards me, swinging her hips one way then the other, the side to side swing of her breasts just half a step behind the movement of her hips. Her body was intoxicating me with its immediate sensuality. She stopped a few feet away from me and sank to her haunches. Then she leant backwards on her hands, her bottom suspended a few inches from the floor on her hands and feet. With her knees spread wide, her vulva opened between her labial lips. She rocked her hips to force all my attention in on her spellbinding pussy display, just like Susie had done.

"I've always known that I can captivate a man with my body. The other girls have never seen this side of me. I know it turns you on. It is only for you, Richard. How much do you want me?"

My cock was throbbing urgently with pent-up pressure. There was a fire raging in my belly for physical gratification with this suddenly tantalising body. I dropped off the sofa onto my knees and crawled towards her, like a dog on heat, my cock and balls low slung between my hind legs, in search of a female on heat. She sank onto her bottom, then lay back with her legs spread disgustingly, invitingly, graphically stretched. I put a finger to her pussy and found her clit immediately, erect and protruding pleadingly for attention. But her opening was sodden with juices. She was ready enough to dispense with all preliminaries. As I loomed over her, her eyes widened with anticipation, and her mouth opened, in unison with her pussy. My cock slid in easily, assisted by her lubrication, into her tight passage. Spasms of electrical discharges instantly zapped up my insides, carrying frantic message to my brain that something awesomely physical was about to happen. She breathed in loudly as my shaft penetrated high up inside her, and she seized my arms in a vice-like grip of anticipatory tension.

Then her phone rang. The instant, its tone penetrated to her brain, her body released its tension and seemed to sag under me. She pushed me off her and leapt to her feet and went in search of it. "Jenny has triggered a floor sensor. "I should go and look."

By the time we reached the bathroom at the end of the side corridor we could hear sounds of retching. Louise went in and dropped to her knees beside the naked Jenny, whose head was bent over the toilet pan. The excess alcohol was being rejected by Jenny's body. I stood watching the carer and the pathetic young creature in her charge in a sympathetic tableau of care and dependence. Today was the first time I had seen Jenny naked in the flesh, and it couldn't have been less erotic either time.

All the while my engorged penis throbbed inappropriately with the visual provocation of Louise, on her knees beside Jenny who was in mild distress. This household was throwing my mind into turmoil.

I went to the kitchen and fetched a glass of filtered water. Jenny took it gratefully and gargled, then rinsed out her mouth. I looked in the bathroom cabinet and found a bottle of mouthwash, of which Jenny accepted a capful and gargled again. Then she whimpered like a delicate child. I lifted her up to carry her back to her bed. "No, wait," she urged.

She sat on the toilet and peed in front of us, with no trace of modesty. I had not moved, and found myself towering over her. She looked up at me with a frail smile, then her eyes dropped to my throbbing cock. Her brain started working and she glanced quickly at Louise, also naked. She returned her scrutiny to me and a wicked grin spread across her face. She reached for my arms and used me as a lever to pull herself up from the toilet seat. Her body brushed up against mine as she rose, so that her breasts caressed my cock on their way upwards. Despite her predicament, she was deliberately teasing me. She held onto my arm with one hand whilst she flushed the toilet. That intimate act felt a little like over-sharing, but at that moment, I felt the need to indulge her.

She released my arm and wiped her nether regions with a wet wipe and disposed of it in a bin. She washed her hands, then turned to face me at last and announced, "Now you can carry me, Sir Richard Goodnight."

I covered her with a sheet in her bed. She looked at me, then at Louise, then back at my cock. In a sleepy tone she asked, "Is that stiffy because of me or Louise?" Then she closed her eyes with a dreamy smile on her mouth, not the least interested in the answer.

"Her timing was impeccable," whispered Louise, clutching her phone in hand. "I think she will be alright now." She turned and left the bedroom.

I followed her. She had lost her sensual swagger, and perhaps with it, all desire to consummate our coupling. Her body had not lost its newly-revealed allure, though. I studied her hips and bottom as she headed for the carers' room. She entered without a backwards glance and headed for the bed. She bent to pull back the quilt as if unaware of my presence behind her. She slid under it, and only then acknowledged my presence.

"Have you come to tuck me in, too?"

"No, I came to fuck you up; unfinished business."

"You think that I still want you?"

"I know that you wanted me before, and you drove me almost crazy with your sexy seduction routine. That was real enough."

She pulled the quilt up to her neck, but looked confused. I should have left, then, and all would have returned to some semblance of normality.

I didn't.

I seized the side of the quilt and pulled it completely off her body, exposing her fully once more. She glared at me defiantly, but made no move to cover her body with her arms. I thrust my fingers between her closed thighs, which opened up instinctively to assist my access. Her pussy was still wet from arousal. She had lost her look of defiance now, and stared up at me wide-eyed.

"I won't rape you," I said, reassuringly. "I will only give you what you want."

"Are you going to tell me what I want?" Her tone could have been contemptuous, but it sounded merely enquiring.

In response I knelt beside the bed and kissed her. Her lips tensed at first, then relaxed and parted. My hand dropped lightly onto her belly and slid its way up to her breasts. I cupped one tit and experienced a rush of excitement at how full it felt in my hand. When I rubbed my thumb over the swelling nipple her upper body tensed. My hand slid back down to her crotch. Her legs parted again, willingly, inviting my exploration. I was determined to ensure her active consent at each stage in this encounter. Leaning over her, I kissed my way down her midriff to her belly. Her bottom pushed upwards from the bed in anticipation. My tongue made its way down onto her shaved pubic bone and paused. She angled her bottom up enough to move her clit against my tongue. I knelt on the bed facing down towards her feet and offered my cock to her mouth. She gently kissed it then took it into her mouth, tenderly pushing back the foreskin with her fingers. I responded by straddling her head with my knees and dropping my head down between her obligingly parted thighs.

We caressed each other's sexual organs gently with our tongues, she sucking on my shaft, I licking my way down her cleft from her clit to her anal bud. But that was not what I wanted.

I dismounted and turned the other way to kneel between her legs. She drew her knees up towards her chest and spread them wide, staring fixedly at me. I leant down and kissed her , lightly at first. She responded hungrily, forcing her head up to press her lips against mine, her hands clasping the back of my head and her tongue into my mouth. That was the final signal of consent for me. I massaged her breasts some more, as much to heighten my own arousal as hers. It triggered a stronger response in her and she thrashed her hips about with impatience for her imminent impaling. She grabbed my cock and tugged it into position, then pushed her hips upwards to force it between her virginal vaginal lips. I forced it home and an overwhelming sense of relief washed up my cock and across my belly, at the sensation of her tight vaginal muscles around my shaft. I began to thrust inwards and out, gently, but she gritted her teeth and pushed up hard against my public bone, urging me to quicken my pace and inject more violence into my delivery. Her fingers dug into my upper back as she clamped my torso hard against her breasts. Her upward hip thrusts increased in urgency and she grunted through gritted teeth at her exertions and desire for more forceful contact. I responded by pounding hard against her clit in a bestial attack on her body. "Yes!" she cried, "destroy me. Fuck me to oblivion."