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Mom and sister debate over son/brother.
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Jerome was born in August. His Irish twin sister, Madison, was born the previous October. Although Madison was born ten months before Jerry -- he hates Jerome -- they were in the same class year in school. School districts usually establish a date certain to allow children to begin school when five years old and Jerry and Madison's school district used September first for that purpose. Jerry's mom withheld Jerry for an extra year until he was six. She felt the extra year provided extra maturity that would serve Jerry well and improve his school performance. Madison expressed her disagreement with her mother's decision about Jerry, suggesting that it was unfair and she really wanted to attend school at the same time as Jerry. Her mother relented and held Madison for an extra year as well. The result was Jerry started school just after he turned six but his sister had to wait until she was almost seven.

They were in the same kindergarten class, the same sixth grade class and the same graduating class. When they graduated from high school two years ago, Madison was nineteen and Jerry was eighteen. They've been attending classes at the local campus of the state university since graduation and are still living at home with their parents.

Heather, Jerry and Madison's mother, is a talented artist. She works from home and sells art on the internet and at an occasional art show or exhibition. These events take her away from home for a week or more, something that has been happening more often since the kids are older. Joshua, their father, is an executive employee of a three-letter, acronym federal agency and travels extensively on assignments, sometimes for a month or more.

The Irish twin thing occurred when Josh was home between assignments for Madison's birth and the holidays. Even though they're not Catholic, he took a lot of ribbing about having Irish twins.

They live in a four-bedroom, colonial house on a cul-de-sac in a small community. Madison and Jerry have their own bedrooms and share a bathroom between the rooms. Josh and Heather share a larger bedroom with its own bathroom. The largest room, which was advertised as a bonus room, was converted into a studio for Heather's artwork. The room height was expanded into the unused attic and much of the roof, and one wall, were converted to windows allowing for a natural northern exposure.

Madison and Jerry are very close. Over the years, they have learned to trust each other and they share their private thoughts and personal experiences with each other without hesitation or embarrassment. They are both sexually active since graduating from high school and they discuss the various successes and failures of their sexual liaisons with each other. Madison is not reluctant to describe the various physical attributes of her sexual partners, leaving Jerry to ponder on how he would rate on Madison's personal size preference scale. She is also quite open about her use of birth control hormones to prevent pregnancy. Jerry also shares his exploits with emphasis on the size, shape and texture of his conquest's breasts and his use of condoms when unsure of a woman's own pregnancy preventive methods. Madison sometimes, usually after one of Jerry's stories, will stand in front of her mirror, naked, fondling her breasts and wondering how Jerry would rate them.

Despite this close relationship, neither of them has expressed an interest in having a sexual relationship with their sibling.

Recently, the routine around the house changed. Josh had left two weeks earlier on an extended assignment without a definite completion date and Heather was taking a break from her artwork, spending her time reading and lunches with friends. School was in a planned ten-day break. Madison was home with her mother and Jerry was off to a five-day computer exposition in Las Vegas, presumably learning about hardware and software. He informed Madison he was packing condoms, so he was probably sowing some oats as well.

Heather and Madison shared breakfast, lunch and dinner each day and shared increasingly personal conversations with each other. During dinner, two days after Jerry had left for Vegas, Madison shared with her mother some of the topics she was able to discuss with her brother.

"You mean you and Jerry discuss sex with each other?" asked Heather.

"Not sex with each other. That doesn't happen. We share the details of our sex with others," clarified Madison.

"Details?" asked Heather.

"Yeah. Details," confirmed Madison.

"Isn't that uncomfortable?" asked Heather.

"I thought it would be at first but Jerry is very supportive. He listens without judgment. He cheers my victories and consoles me on my disappointments. Overall, I'm glad he's there for me."

"How about Jerry?" asked Heather. "He shares the details of his successes and failures with you?"

"He doesn't have many failures," Madison told her mother. "And he is forthright about those he does have. He understands the meaning of 'no,' even at the last second and he seems to be supportive of the women if they are embarrassed by the situation. Once, he shared about his own embarrassment when, after a few too many adult beverages, he was unable to perform with a more than willing woman. He was able to laugh about it when he told me. According to Jerry, he and the woman sealed the deal the next night. Jerry told me the expectation was high, the performance anxiety enormous and the reality worth the wait."

"That's incredible," offered Heather.

"What's incredible?" asked Madison.

That you and your brother can have such open and honest conversations with each other," said Heather. "Your father and I used to have similar discussions but never about sex with others. However, talking about our sex lives together greatly benefited our relationship."

"You sound as if the discussions are no longer happening," said Madison.

"They're not completely gone, just less frequent. Much less frequent. Your father's gone a lot and we've gotten older. In reality, I miss the sex," said Heather.

"Mom!" exclaimed Madison.

"I know I shouldn't have said that," said Heather. "I hope you will treat it with the same care that you do with what you and Jerry share."

"I will," pledged Madison.

At breakfast the next morning, Heather seemed distracted.

"Mom," asked Madison. "What's the problem?"

"What? I don't have a problem," responded Heather.

"Then why the long face?" asked Madison.

"It's nothing," said Heather.

"Look," said Madison. "Something's bothering you. You talked with me last night. Talk to me now," she insisted.

"It's really nothing," Heather responded.

"Then tell me about nothing," said Madison.

"I had a dream last night," Heather finally admitted.

"It must have been a hell of a dream to get you down this morning," said Madison.

"I dreamt about sex," declared Heather.

"How can a dream about sex be depressing?" asked Madison.

"It wasn't about sex with your father," announced Heather.

"Oh. That was unexpected. Who did you dream you had sex with?" asked Madison.

"That's the problem," said Heather.

"Come on. Talk to me. I'm not going to broadcast it anywhere," begged Madison.

"It's difficult. I'm not sure how you'll react," Heather stated.

"I promise I'll be okay with whoever it was," Madison said. "No judgment from me."


"What about Jerry? I won't share what you tell me to Jerry or anyone else."

"Not that. I dreamt about Jerry," admitted Heather.

"You dreamt about sex with Jerry?"

"I did."

"Our Jerry? My brother and your son, Jerry?"

"That Jerry."

"Damn. I need to process that and so do you," stated Madison.

At dinner that evening, Madison raised the dream about Jerry again. "Mom," she said. "Your dream got me to thinking."

"My dream about Jerry?" asked her mother.

"That dream," confirmed Madison. "I fantasized about the same thing all afternoon."

"You fantasized about sex with your brother all afternoon?" he mother asked.

"I did and I spent a lot of time wondering why I did. I think I've been suppressing those thoughts for a long time and your dream unlocked my own desires," Madison explained.

"So, you think you want to have sex with your brother?" asked her mom.

"More than think. I'm convinced I want to have sex with him."

"Damn," said Heather. "I came to the same conclusion this afternoon as well. I had lunch with Jessie this afternoon. I shared my thoughts indirectly with her and she told me to tell my friend to go for it. 'Sex with a younger man is better that you can imagine,' she said. 'Even if it's your own son,' she said."

"You want to have sex with Jerry?" asked Madison.

"I do and I'm okay with you having sex with him as well," admitted her mom.

"We both want to have sex with Jerry," stated Madison. "What do you think the odds are that either of us, or even both of us, could have sex with Jerry?"

"Close to certainty," opined Heather. "He's young. He's virile and, if my memory is correct, men his age think more with their penises than their consciences. In case you haven't noticed, he walks around here with a partial erection most of the time. I don't think the concept of having sex with either of us escapes him, his dreams or his fantasies."

"Promise me one thing then," asked Madison.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Don't have sex with Jerry before I have sex with him," asked Madison.

"I'll try but you'll have to move quickly," promised Heather.

"Thanks," said Madison.

Jerry got home late afternoon, two days later. He immediately noticed a new atmosphere in the house. His mother and his sister seemed unusually glad to welcome him home. His mother hugged him a little longer than usual and his sister actually kissed him.

At dinner, both of the women involved him in their discussions. That alone wasn't significant. Conversations were generally about topics they all had an interest in. That night, however, the conversation included topics like the fit of Madison's new bra and his mother's rash she had developed from the latex in her panties.

After dinner, Jerry spent some time in his room, unpacking and putting things away. He then decided to take a shower. He stripped to his boxer shorts, grabbed a bath towel from his closet and headed for the bathroom. The door was unlocked and he walked in. Madison yelped and grabbed a towel to cover her body but not before Jerry had a good look. She had just exited the shower herself. Jerry's reaction was similar to Madison's before he had several thoughts. "Why was the door between his room and the bathroom unlocked? Madison always locked his door when she was in the bathroom and he always locked the door to her room when he was in the bathroom.

"If Madison was just getting out of the shower why didn't he hear it and why was her naked body already dry before she grabbed the towel?

"Why was her reaction so restrained, almost rehearsed?"

It was almost as if she was waiting for him to walk into the bathroom. Finally, Madison excused herself and walked out of the bathroom with the towel clutched to her chest, hanging in front of her and her backside completely uncovered.

While he was considering those thoughts, he took a shower, dried off and headed back to his bedroom. He never locked the bathroom door to Madison's room.

He dressed in a t-shirt and shorts and headed for the living room. His mother was already sitting on the sofa, wearing a robe and fidgeting with the remote control looking for something to watch.

Jerry sat on the other end of the sofa and his mother tossed him the remote control. "Here," she said, "You find something to watch."

When she tossed the remote, her loosely tied robe fell slightly open and he caught a glimpse of his mother's cleavage and right boob. He found a movie they had all seen before. Twice during the movie, his mother got off the sofa to get something from the kitchen. Both times, she retied the loose robe with her back to him before walking to the kitchen. Both times, by the time she returned with a glass of water, the robe had loosened again and he could glimpse his mother's unshaven pubis in the shadow between the long lapels of her slightly open robe.

Jerry was lost in thought about his mother and his sister and missed the movie. He was having trouble adjusting to the change in their personal habits since he came home. He rejoined the world when he mother stood up again when the movie was over, said "Good night" without adjusting her robe and walked up the stairs with the fully open robe flowing out behind her. He could only see her from the back but his imagination was in overdrive as he turned off the television and headed upstairs to his room.

Madison was sitting on the side of his bed waiting for him. Her presence wasn't a surprise. She frequently waited for him in his room when she wanted to talk. The surprise was what she was wearing. Usually, she wore something casual, t-shirt and shorts were a common choice. Tonight she was wearing a two-piece, feminine, almost transparent, top that reached to just below her waist and a pair of matching panties. No bra.

As expected, Madison wanted to talk. She told him she was having difficulty getting the attention of a guy she fancied and wanted his opinion on what she could do to improve the chance of getting him between the sheets. Jerry wasn't much help. In his opinion, Madison already had experience in what she needed to do and she had the assets to do it.

Seemingly satisfied, Madison returned to her room through the connecting bathroom. She left the door to Jerry's room ajar as she left. As he sat on his bed fiddling with his smart phone a few minutes later, he could see Madison's reflection through the space in the doorway of her at the sink brushing her teeth. She had removed her top and was wearing only her panties. Her breasts bounced and swayed as she brushed her teeth and she seemed to take longer than usual to finish.

Madison rinsed her mouth, checked her hair in the mirror and winked at Jerry before she exited the bathroom back to her bedroom.

Jerry was amazed at Madison's blatant display of her breasts and the wink that proved she knew what she was doing and that he was watching. If he was reading the tea leaves correctly, he though she wanted to have sex with him and sooner rather than later.

The question was, did he want to have sex with Madison. The answer jumped into his brain immediately. Damn straight, he wanted to have sex with Madison, but how should he propose having sex with her. He decided to let Madison lead. If he was right, she was hot and ready and all he had to do was wait.

The next day, Madison was out of the house early. She was planning to spend the day with a friend of hers, shopping and just hanging out together. They had tickets for an outdoor concert in the park that evening and she planned to spend the night at her friend's house before coming home the next day.

Breakfast with his mother was provocative. She was still wearing the robe from the night before and she was still careless about keeping it tied. He frequently had glimpses of her breasts and classified them among the best he ever seen. Heather seemed unaware of her occasional wardrobe malfunction and shared with him her plans for the day. She was spending the day at home, casual, with some reading she wanted to catch up on and maybe a movie later.

That was okay with Jerry. He had an unplanned day and agreed to spend the day at home with his mother.

Heather wore the same robe, loosely tied all day. Lunch was similar to breakfast and watching her read in an easy chair in the living room with her legs tucked under her almost drove him to masturbating in the bathroom.

After dinner, Heather finally changed her robe. The replacement was significantly shorter, almost transparent and equally difficult to keep tied. Jerry sat on one end of the sofa in the living room with the television remote and Heather sat on the other end, turned facing him and with her legs under her body again. The robe, such as it was, remained almost untied. Jerry had a clear view of his mother's dark, perfectly trimmed pubic hair. He was trying, as best he could, to keep from looking directly at his mother's crotch and failing miserably.

When Heather noticed his discomfort, she rearranged her legs, keeping one of them under her and stretching the other out with her foot on the floor, separating her legs slightly more in the process. Jerry abandoned all attempts to avoid looking at his mother's genitalia.

"Are you okay?" Heather asked him.

"Mom," Jerry responded. "What's going on?"

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Since I got home from Vegas, you and Madison have been acting weird," Jerry stated.

"Weird? How?" Heather asked.

"You've both been more casual with how you dress and less careful about letting me see your bodies," Jerry explained.

"Tell me more," suggested Heather.

"For example, Madison didn't lock the bathroom door when she was in the shower and when I accidently entered she was slow to cover her nakedness and even flaunted her naked ass when she left the room. And look at how you're dressed and sitting now. Your robe is too short. It doesn't hide anything and the way you're sitting gives me a perfect view of your genitalia. Very little is left to my imagination."

"Does it bother you?" asked Heather.

"No, it doesn't bother me but it does make curious as to what is going on," Jerry said.

"You're curious? Would you like to see more?" Heather asked. "Like maybe my tits." She added as she moved the lapel of her robe and exposed her right breast.

"Mom!" exclaimed Jerry.

"I guess I was right," she said and exposed her left breast.

Jerry was speechless. His mother was moving rapidly down a path that had only one destination.

"Jerry," Heather said seriously. "Your father is away a lot. That leaves you as the man of the house. I miss him and, especially, I miss the sex."

"You want to have sex with me?" Jerry asked with as little innuendo as he could manage.

"That's one way to put it. Another way might be to say I want to make love with you."

"Why? I'm your son. Isn't there something about being your son that makes what you're suggesting immoral and probably illegal?" Jerry asked.

"We're not going to start a family, just help each other through the lulls in our sex lives," said Heather.

"You're a beautiful woman," Jerry told his mother. "Isn't there someone else who could do that for you?"

"I don't want to cheat on your father and there's no one else I can trust to keep it confidential," Heather said simply. "And, by the way, from what I can see you're more than adequately endowed to be the perfect lover."

"I don't know," said a confused Jerry. He couldn't understand how having sex with him wasn't cheating on his father.

"What can I do to convince you?" Heather asked.

Just looking at his mother's almost naked body was convincing him already. "I don't know," he answered.

"Would you like to touch me?" Heather asked as she slid closer to him on the sofa until her breasts and privates were within each reach of Jerry.

Jerry sat in front of his mom, undecided about the struggle between his body and his mind.

"Give me your hand," said Heather.

Jerry raised his hand. Heather took it in her right hand and pressed it against her right breast with her nipple between his fingers.

Jerry's body won and his mind went blank. He fondled his mother's breast and squeezed her nipple between his fingers. His mother leaned in and kissed him. His other hand found her uncovered breast. They kissed, Jerry fondled her breasts and Heather stroked his erection through his shorts.

"Take me upstairs," Heather whispered between kisses.

Jerry led her upstairs to his bedroom. Having sex with his mother in his father's bedroom seemed a step too far. Inside, Heather kissed him again and pushed her tongue between his lips. He opened his mouth and soon, they were breathing each other's air and sucking each other's tongues.