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"Fuck! But Tommy, if I don't give it to them, they will send a crew here to get the info from you. The people they send are pretty nasty and seldom leave witnesses. If I DO give it to them, they will come after me!... Please Tommy let me give them the thumb drive, I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Thanks for your concern, Jillian, but I have another option for you, if you want it."

"What? What do you want to do?"

I walked around the bed and opened my night stand drawer.

"I think you should give them this thumb drive."

"What...why... Tommy, I don't understand."

"This thumb drive has about a third of our new system on it. I'm pretty sure Frank's client is our Chinese competitor and they should already have most of this stuff. I left off all the really new tech, but there is no way they could know that. Also there is a dormant bug on it that should be invisible until I activate it. I will do that just before we launch our new product late next year. My people won't know we switched drives. They will just assume the cheaters caught the bugs and deleted them. As for the Chinese, It's not likely they will connect the bug to this, so you should be off the hook.

"Tommy, Why...why would you do that for me? I mean, after I..."

"Jillian, I'm not just doing it for you, I want you to do something for me. If you do what I ask, you'll have your money and be free of Frank and his client."

"Tell me what you want me to do, Tommy."

"Okay, but first tell me if your job at Mega is real. Do you really work for them?"

"I did, but they did some cut backs and I was laid off about two months ago. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, once you've done my job, I think I have a real job for you. You remember I told you my brother moved to the West Coast? Well, he has a talent agency. I sent him a pic of you I snapped during our picnic and he's dying to get you out there. You may be evil, but you are fucking gorgeous. You could make a lot money working with him."

"Tommy, why would you help me when I was planning to betray you?"

"If you can do what I want you to do, I will love you forever and all will be forgiven."

"Tommy, I'll do whatever you need me to do, but can you put away the gun?"

"Sure, it's not loaded, I don't even have any bullets for it. It was my dad's and I've never fired it.... Sorry."

Laughing, Jillian asked what I wanted her to do. I explained my plan and she stopped laughing.

"Tommy, I hate what you're asking me to do, but I understand why you're doing it. I will do it for you, but I really hate that you think of me that way."

"Jillian, I'm sorry, when I came up with the plan, I didn't really know your circumstance. If I knew someone else, I wouldn't ask. And for the record, I don't think of you THAT way. In fact, when it's all over, I was kinda hoping to see you again."

Jillian burst into tears, jumped up and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door. I stood there like a giant dildo. I didn't have a clue as to what just happened.

Eventually, Jillian came out, got dressed and asked me for my thumb drive. She threw it into her purse and stomped towards the door. I caught her arm and spun her into me.

"Jillian, I am so sorry! You don't have to do anything, please forget I ever asked. Please, I'm such an idiot, please forgive me."

She looked up at me with those big blue eyes brimming with tears and her perfect lips quivered. She crushed herself to me in a fierce hug. Once again, I was completely clueless as to what was happening.

"Tommy, you really are a total nerd."

She sighed deeply, shaking her golden locks, as she turned away from me and headed out the door.

"Send me all the details and I'll let you know when I have it all set up."

And with that, she rushed out the door and jumped into her car. I stood in the front door staring after her as she drove away.

Later that morning Sully walked into my office with a big grin on his face.

"So, how was she? I mean... how did it go?... She took the bait, right?"

"Yeah, just like we planned. I pretended to be asleep and she snagged the download then just crawled back into bed as cool as can be. We had coffee this morning and then she just drove off. I'm guessing I'll never see her again."

"Outstanding! I was worried you might fuck it up, Tommy, but you did just fine."

I left the office early and made several phone calls to put my plan in motion. I confirmed everything I had worked on last week and then I called Jillian.

"Hi, It's me. It's all confirmed. He's going to be at the Crown Ritz for his conference Thursday thru Saturday. He usually has dinner with a colleague then moves to the lounge. So, I'm guessing you should be there by 8:30 or so. He always hits on the hottest women in the place and, of course, that will be you.

His normal routine is to buy a few drinks and make small talk, then he offers the girl his second key card. If she takes it, he makes a show of leaving alone and tells the lady to come up 15 minutes after he's gone."

"Tommy, how do you know this shit?"

"I got it from a very reliable source. She said he was very smooth, so I assume he's done it more than once. If I'm wrong, you'll just have to ad lib. Text me when you have the key and I'll meet you at the elevator. When we get to his room, you'll unlock the door then hand me the key card. I'll give you about 20 minutes, then I'll come in. Just remember to look away from the door so your face won't show in the video.Once I'm inside and have video of him, I'll pull the gun and order you out of the room."

"Are you going to have bullets in it this time?"

"No, I'd be too tempted to shoot his ass."

"Okay Tommy, I'll text you when I arrive at the Crown Ritz."

Thursday evening I'm sitting in my car in the parking garage of the hotel. At 9:30 I get the text saying she has his card and will be heading to the elevators. I got out of my car and hustled into the lobby and meet Jillian at the elevators.

"He did exactly what you predicted. We had a couple drinks, he gave me some bullshit about his wife not understanding him. He promised me the time of my life then offered me the card. God, he is so lame! I can't believe I'm going to let him touch me."

"Jillian, you don't have to do this. We can just leave now, if you want."

"No, It's not really any worse than anything I had to do for Frank. You had better only wait 10 minutes, not 20. He seemed pretty eager so I'm guessing he'll be naked when I get there."

"Okay, 10 minutes and then I'll come in."

We exited the elevator and walked down the hall to his room. I stepped past the door and leaned against the wall. Jillian inserted the card, opened the door and then handed me the card. She took a deep breath, blew it out and then pushed into the room.

I could hear her greet him then only muffled voices. I looked at my watch and tried not to think about what Jillian might be doing. The minutes dragged by. After nine minutes, I took out my phone and started a video recording. I inserted the card and slowly pushed open the door.

"Come on big boy, put that cock in me. Fuck me like the slut I am!"

The room was a suite, I quickly walked to the open bedroom door with my phone out in front of me. I stood in the doorway. Jillian was on all fours and fuckhead was pushing his cock into her while he smacked her lovely ass. I recorded them for about 30 seconds, then pulled my gun.

"WELL, WELL, WELL! Look what we have here... John Fucking Roland!"

Jillian scampered off the side of the bed and darted into the bathroom, keeping her back to the camera. John Fucking Roland just stared at me, bug eyed.

"You!...How?...What are you doing here?"

"NO, asshole, the question is: what are YOU doing here? Now, sit your scrawny ass down in that chair, we need to have a little chat."

Keeping the gunned and my phone pointed at John Fucking Roland, I walked to the bathroom door and tapped it with the pistol.

"Okay lady, you can come out now. I have no interest in you, so come on out now."

A terrified looking Jillian stepped through the door. She had gotten dressed.

"Look honey, I need to talk to your boyfriend, so you have to leave. If you scream, or make a fuss, I'll just kill you both."

I waved the gun and dipped my phone towards the floor. Jillian scooted past me and out the door. I turned my action back to the dickhead.

"Johnny, Johnny, you bad boy. I wonder what Beth will say when she see's this video. I'm sure she"ll forgive you, right? I mean, she cheated on me, with you, while you were still married to your Ex. So, it's only logical for her to expect you to cheat, right? I'm sure she'll understand."

"Look Tommy, that video doesn't scare me. I know Beth married me for my money. She claims to love me, but I'm no fool. Send her the video if it will make you feel better. Just put the gun down, and we'll forget all about this silliness."

"Johnny, I think you're wrong about how pissed off Beth will be when she gets this video. But then again, you might be right, she'll never give up the money. So Beth is not the only one who will get the video of John Fucking Roland cheating on his dear, faithful wife."

"What are you talking about? Who the hell else would care what I do outside of the office?"

"Well now Johnny Boy, I seem to recall a big news article about your firm signing Phillip Stevens as a new client."

John Fucking Roland paled and sank into his seat.

"As I recall, Beth bragged that you got a huge bonus for signing the super right-wing conservative owner of the largest Hobby Goods chain in the world. You know, the guy that buys full page ads in the paper promoting FAMILY VALUES and refuses to provide health care to women who want birth control pills because it offends him. Yeah, that guy will love this video. Now gives us a big smile Johnny!"

I uploaded the video to the cloud and then attached it to the email I'd prepared for Beth. I smiled once more at John Fucking Roland and pressed SEND. I then backed out of the room and hustled down the hall to the stairwell.

I tried calling Jillian, but every call went straight to voicemail. I couldn't blame her for being mad at me. I mean, I used her like a whore to trap John Fucking Roland. She has every right to be pissed at me.

I got home and collapsed into my easy chair. I no sooner got settled when my phone rang. I glanced at the screen - Beth. Oh, this ought to be fun.

"Hello Beth, It's so nice to hear from you."


"Beth, Beth, Beth, you need to keep a civil tongue when you speak to me."

"Fuck you,Tommy! Why did you have to send me that video? How am I supposed to ever "unsee" him fucking that tramp? You did it just to get back at me! Well, your little game of detective won't work. I've already forgiven him!"

"Surprise, surprise, I know the most important thing in your marriage is your JOINT CHECKING ACCOUNT. As long as you have your money supply, you don't really care what he does, do you? That's really pitiful."

"Fuck you, Tommy! At least I have a marriage! You're still alone because you're such a big loser!"

"I am not alone, I have Robby."

"Well, after your little stunt, I'll do everything I can to make sure you never see him again!"

"Beth, Beth, Beth, You don't get it, I have your boy Johnny by the short hairs. If I send that video to Phillip Stevens, He'll dump Johnny Boy in a heartbeat. The other partners will offer Johnny Boy up as a sacrifice to appease Stevens. Every law firm in the state will hear what happened and none of them will have anything to do with John Fucking Roland! Your gravy train will be derailed! Fuck, you might even have to get a job!"

"Oh God, Tommy, please don't do that! I'm sorry, Of course you can see Robby anytime you wish."

"Of course I will, because you're going to file a custody modification granting me primary custody and I promise to give you liberal visitation."

"NOOOOO! Tommy, you can't do that! I'm his mother, he needs his mother."

"Well Bitch, he needs his FATHER too! I expect Johnny Boy to have the papers filed before Robby gets back with Grandpa."

"But Tommy, with your job, how will you ever be able take care of him?"

"It just so happens, earlier today I just spoke to a nice lady about being here after school everyday. She was very excited about the idea and said her husband would be glad to help out too."

"Tommy, I don't want some old bat looking after my son! Did you even check her references? There are a lot of wackos out there, Tommy."

"Well, I'll be sure to pass along your concerns to... YOUR MOTHER! But, I think she'll work out just fine."

"I hate you! How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me."

"I stopped loving you and started hating you when you took my son away from me and married John Fucking Roland! Now get it done, Bitch, or else!"

I ended the call. Well, that actually was fun.

It was a little bit of an adjustment having Robby around everyday. He loved having his grandma there after school and so did I. Beth stayed away from me, which was fine with me. On Beth's weekends, Robby went home with Mindy and Beth picked him up at her parents house.

My life rolled along and the days seemed to flow together. It had been almost a year since I'd ambushed Roland. I had tried calling Jillian dozens of times, but she never answered. My brother said he loved working with her, said she did a lot of modeling and had a few minor parts in a couple movies. I asked him if she ever mentioned me and it crushed me when he said she told him to never mention my name.

Yes, I admit I really hoped I could win Jillian back, but I understand why she's done with me. I guess I'll just keep searching for a new love, but Jillian will always have a special place in my heart.

My brother called and while we caught up, he mentioned Jillian had asked him how I was doing. 

"What? She actually asked about me without you mentioning me?"

"Yep, I told her you were loving having Robby with you, but you weren't dating. I kidded her by saying she probably ruined you for all other women. She got this big grin on her face and said, "yeah, well that's a two-way street." You know, little brother, I think you should bring Robby out for a visit soon, VERY soon."

"Thanks, Bro. Robby hasn't seen you in quite some time and it's important that he gets to visit his uncle, so....

My brother laughed, "Anytime, LB,... so I should expect you this weekend?"

"YES! Just make sure Jillian is not away on assignment. You know, just in case she wants to meet Robby and stuff."

"And stuff." He laughed again. "Bro, you've got it bad for that girl. You'd better bring you A-game."

I did my best, but it was Robby that really sealed the deal. Jillian was completely charmed by my little man. We had a great week together. Just before Robby and I left for the airport for the airport, Jillian cornered me.

"Damn you Tommy, I tried to hate you for whoring me out, but I get it now. That bitch stole your son and you used me to get him back. It may take us some time, but I'd like to try again. Your brother just bought out an agency in Atlanta and he wants me to help manage it. You wouldn't happen to know of a place I could stay in Atlanta, would you?"

I found her a place... it's next to me, on my bed.


When Robby turned 13, (old enough for the courts to give him a say in any custody disputes), I desperately wanted to send Phillip Stevens the video of his cheating lawyer. I talked about it with Jillian and we agreed not to send it. If Stevens had it and caused a big media stir, it would eventually come out that the mystery woman was Jillian. That would cause her a great deal of embarrassment.

I knew at some point John and Jillian would both be at one of Robby's family events. It happened at his grandparents 60th Anniversary party. Jillian ignored him and, if John recognized her, he was smart enough not to acknowledge her.

At the party, I cornered John Fucking Roland and told him I was going to send the video out unless he ponied up $!00,000 toward Robby's college fund. The asshole made a big announcement later at the party and everyone thought it was a grand gesture on his part. I hate John Fucking Roland!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

A little confused as to why she would ghost him and then suddenly change her mind. Personally, for making her a whore, she should have completely ghosted him. Just another asshole forcing her to perform.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 1 month ago

1* for going the JPB route and employing the downright lazy plot device of whoring her out.

You're better than this, it's a shame you got lazy.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Should have come into the room just before the actual fucking. Plus, the tape should have been sent out when the kid turned 13

willyk1212willyk12126 months ago

jillian should not have done that thats the only reason i didnt give it 5 tommy what a dick head

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Tommy is an asshole who after 3yrs couldn't even get revenge on the cheating ex wife abd the dick who stole her and his kid!! He is a pathetic loser!!

Jillian is another diseased cunt!!

FseriesFseries11 months ago

Nope. Would never had wanted to touch Jillian again after seeing how far she allowed things to get in 9 minutes after stating she didn’t even want him to touch her. Worst I’d of thought would have been kissing and hand work. But nope. Would never touch her again. And I agree with the others about using an escort for that job.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Creative but why not just hire a high end escort?

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

Thanks for your writing.

swedishreader1swedishreader1over 1 year ago

Between Jillian and the nerd they didn't think of using a very high priced call girl?

That was the main falling point of the story.

Other than that it was really good.

Tho the low IQ anon metoo white knight from 7 months ago.

This is all fantasy, maybe your virgin self should be more worried about reality.....like all of the peadophiles that Musk has just kicked off twitter and ask yourself why the left wing hero jack Dorsey didn't bother....or fashion houses that promote peadophilia while meaningless low life left wing celebrities are silent about it while all frothing at the mouth about Kanye West.

The real world has far too many serious issues that need dealing with long before they get to a story site that you object to.

JeffTomJeffTomover 1 year ago

Good story. Thanks

I don't like the name John ??????? Roland.

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