Jill's Past? Ch. 04

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Conclusion & Epilogue.
15.9k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/22/2020
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"Let me get the wine," I offered and moved back to refill all of the glasses. Ryan was adjusting something on a black box on a shelf of the enormous entertainment center that surrounded the giant video screen and held several of the speakers and the assortment of digital components that controlled it all.

"Uummmm, Ty," Ryan got my attention more with his tone than just saying my name. He sounded uncertain, so I looked over at him quickly. He was holding up a black thumb drive between his fingers. "First, this is the absolute only copy," he said reassuringly. "Second, I just forgot about it until I saw the tiny red record light after everything . . . happened." He looked apologetic, but then that innocent grin of his flashed and I figured that whatever he was about to tell me, it was going to be ok. "So Joy and I like to record ourselves sometimes and I saw this unit in the room and before we left for dinner I set the motion detector to auto-record because I didn't want to have to fuck with it when we got back and I actually forgot about it when I was hooking up your phone and I'm sorry if I've screwed up in any way." The words tumbled out of mouth as if he was afraid to stop before he got everything out.

"Uh, thanks Ryan," I answered. "But what the hell are you talking about? Set what to auto-record?" As I said the word I understood what he meant even if I didn't understand the technical details. My realization must've shown on my face because Ryan and I said to each other the exact same words at the exact same time, "I/You recorded us." We stared at each other for a couple seconds, each trying to figure out what the other was thinking.

"Did Joy know?" I asked, immediately unsure why that even mattered.

Ryan shook his head. "I knew she wouldn't mind, but I don't think I told her."

"Where is it?" I asked as I scanned the unit looking for the camera. I felt like I just needed some details.

"The camera's built into the frame at the top of the video screen. "I'm sure it caught everything. The resolution is actually really good on these."

I stood there, wondering what Jill would think. "Any chance at all that it could be hacked?"

He shook his head again. "Not any chance in hell. I set it to record directly onto this flash drive and not to send the signal wirelessly, which it can also do." I could hear his enthusiasm for the technology rising in his explanation, but he caught himself. Like I said, this is absolutely the only copy."

"Thanks Ryan." I appreciated his honesty and apparently genuine concern about whether I'd be ok with had happened entirely by accident.

He reached out and handed the small black drive to me. "You take it. I trust you with it and you just met us tonight."

"No, it's fine. We interrupted your anniversary plans. You can hang on to it." I tried to hand it back

I wasn't just trying to be nice. I would have been ok with him keeping it, but I have to admit that I was a little relieved when he didn't take it back from me.

I put the drive down on top of my phone that Ryan had connected earlier and left both sitting on the ottoman. It was the one place I knew I wouldn't forget it and it wouldn't fall out of my pocket when I got dressed.

I handed Ryan a full glass of the cabernet. "We actually have quite a bit of wine left," I informed him. "About a full bottle." We sat down on a couple of the chairs in front of the glass patio doors and continued to get to know each other. We talked about the freakishly large number of things we had in common like the Steelers, our knowledge of wines, our preference for synthetic boxer-brief underwear, and even our voices. At times it really did feel like I was hearing myself in a recording as he spoke. I knew he and Joy were high school sweethearts and he asked how I'd met Jill. He delicately asked if we had ever done anything like this before. I knew from the conversation downstairs in the bar that he and Joy had been intimate with others at least several times, so I appreciated that he asked 'if' rather than 'how many' times we had done this. I told him we had not and decided to leave Jill's experiences at the cabin for another time. I was just about to tell him about Jill's airport greeting the night before when Ryan's gaze shifted and he stood up . I rose knowing he'd seen them returning.

He and I had been talking for a while, but the time had flown by. I didn't realize how long they'd been gone until I looked at our wives. They were just entering the room casually holding hands. Jill had obviously showered because her now-brushed hair was still not dry. Blue was clearly a great color on Joy. It matched her eyes perfectly and that was the color of the loose-fitting satiny tap shorts and matching camisole she was wearing. The top was so short it barely covered her nipples, leaving the bottom half of her impressive breasts in plain view.

"Sorry, honey." Jill apologized as she snuggled close and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Joy doesn't have much that fits me and," she smiled teasingly, "I didn't pack anything."

"I'll try hard to get over my disappointment," I assured her as I cupped a breast with my free hand. I enjoyed the feeling of her beneath the black lace camisole she was wearing. I couldn't say it was covering her because the mesh-like design showed far more skin than it covered. The camisole was also so small on her that her aroused nipples were poking through those empty spaces between the webbed lace. I teased each nipple briefly with a fingernail which elicited a sigh from both of us.

"And I didn't have any extra panties, either." I drew back, looking down her body. The black garter belt framed her newly-bald mound. The clips fastened to a pair of sheer black stockings that came up well short of their usual height on her thighs. I knew everything she was wearing was on loan from Joy, but Jill looked exquisite.

"I know it's not my usual attire when we go out socially, but if you like it I would consider wearing it again to your next faculty party." In addition to the sexy lingerie, my wife was also wearing a seductive, playful smile.

"Don't know about you, Ty, but I'm feeling underdressed here," Ryan joked. "Maybe we should see if Joy has any thongs we could slip in to." Everyone laughed easily and the room seemed to have gotten several degrees warmer.

"Where are my manners," I asked rhetorically. I retrieved the other two wine glasses and handed one to each lady.

As we enjoyed the excellent wine and chatted mainly about the girls' amazing choice in clothes, Joy and Jill kept sharing conspiratorial looks with each other over the rims of their glasses.

"Refills? I asked since we had all practically gulped down our first glass.

"Actually, Joy answered, "If we're going to have more, I think you two should just sleep here tonight." She was looking at me.

I looked at Jill and saw her bright eyes shining with anticipation. She raised her eyebrows hopefully. Obviously she and Joy had already talked about it and I had promised to go along with whatever Jill wanted that night.

"No need to drive across town tonight and ..." Joy didn't have to finish her sales pitch because I interrupted her.

"Thank you. That's a great idea," I accepted.

"In that case," Jill picked up her part of the plan. "Joy and I had a fun idea, but we should to go to the bedroom so we can all be more comfortable." Jill raised her eyebrows again, but this time she wiggled them up and down, imitating Groucho Marx' famous suggestive look. It's a good thing I had just swallowed my wine or it would have come spurting out of my nose

"All you need is the cigar," I laughed.

I grabbed the wine bottles and followed the sexy trio back toward the front door of the suite, then to the right to the bedroom area. 'Why is that women's butts are so sexy and men's are so not?' I wondered.

"This is the master bedroom," Ryan informed me as we entered. "There two other bedrooms on the other side off the tv / kitchen area. Just in case you want to use one of them," he explained thoughtfully.

"Wow, again," I enthused. The master bedroom was shorter than the other rooms I'd seen, but it was almost as wide. And like the other rooms, there were glass doors at the far end that looked like they led out to another, smaller patio balcony. Along the right side of the room were a series of doors that I assumed were all closets except in the middle third of the wall. There was a sizable sideboard with drawers and more freshly-cut flowers and, I had to look twice to make sure, a high-end digital camera on a short tripod facing the bed!. Well there was no mystery about that!

In the far corner was large desk with an office-grade leather chair behind it. But the room was dominated by probably the largest bed I'd ever seen. It was considerably wider than a king-size and longer than a California king. It was also covered in at least a 20 pillows, about half of them decorative and the rest functional. Of course everything in the room from the bed skirt to paintings on the wall screamed opulence and an attention to detail.

I noticed that two armless chairs were sitting side-by-side on the other side of the bed facing the balcony. I thought they'd probably been moved from in front of the desk in the corner.

"Ty, you have to see the bathroom," Jill said in impressed awe. She drew me around the corner from the bedroom door and into the ensuite. Two large sinks with gold (real, I wondered) fixtures set in a single marble counter on the left. A smaller door opened on the right. In the middle was an enormous tub with a step that ran all the way around it. At the far end was a clear glass enclosed shower that could easily hold a half a dozen people. "The shower has about 10 spray nozzles on each end plus a waterfall fixture on the back wall!" Jill gushed.

It was impressive to say the least. "Hey Ryan," I said loudly over my shoulder. "Can you put one of these in our house?"

"Sure, man!" Ryan answered. "All you have to do is give me your address and write the check!"

Jill slapped my shoulder playfully. "Why do always tease me like that? You know I won't convert the whole upstairs into a bathroom! But it was great to be able to try it out."

I was still holding both wine bottles and Jill was carrying both of our glasses as we moved back into the bedroom.

Joy took the bottles from me and walked around the bed, putting them on one of the nightstands alongside the head of the bed.

"Ok, so what have two cooked up?" Ryan asked eagerly.

"Soooo," Joy started in what I'd come to think of as her 'playful sales' voice, "Jill and I were talking about how you two sound so much alike and we thought we'd see if we could tell you apart just from your voices."

"And here's how we'll do the test." Jill provided the instructions. "We're going to sit in the chairs blindfolded and you guys are going to whisper the exact same words to us at the same time. Then you'll switch and read another couple of lines to us and we'll see if we can tell who's who! We wrote down the lines for you, but you two decide who starts where."

"I always carry blindfolds," Joy giggled, holding up a pair of blackout sleeping masks that seemed to appear out of thin air.

"Do we get to tie you to the chairs, too?" Ryan asked hopefully.

"Maybe," Jill teased back.

"I have to see how this goes," Ryan concluded for both of us. "Girls, if you'll take your seats?"

Our wives scurried onto the chairs and donned the blindfolds. Ryan motioned for me to join him and we headed for the bathroom. "Be right there ladies. Just need to do some quick strategizing."

"Oh, and Ryan," Joy called out to us. "The scripts are by the camera, um I mean the flowers!" Both women giggled, but I couldn't tell if Jill was giggling with nervous anticipation or at the reference to the camera. I figured I'd probably find out soon enough.

"Here," Ryan pointed to a new toothbrush, still wrapped in its package. We don't want to give away anything unintentionally." I thought this was a great idea and tore open the toothbrush. He put the small, hotel-provided toothpaste tube in front of me after coating his brush. As he was brushing his teeth he opened a cabinet drawer and pulled out his cologne with an evil smile. "No clues at all," he mumbled through the foamy paste in his mouth.

The hotel mouthwash completed our preparation and we went back out and picked up our scripts. There were two pages, one for each of us. Each page had several lines of neat, feminine writing on the top half, a line drawn across the middle of the page, and several more lines at the bottom of the page.

"This is going to be fun," Ryan whispered as he read his lines silently. "Anything in here that looks like it could trip us up?" he asked as I ran my eyes over the words on my paper. "Breath after each sentence," I suggested. As I scanned the page looking for any long sentences or words we might pronounce differently, I thought, 'the surprises just keep coming!'

"Who do you want to start with? Your wife or mine?" I asked Ryan quietly. He just pointed in reply. I nodded and we moved to our wives.

We got on our knees beside them so we would be right at ear level with each. Ryan and I knelt at their outside shoulders so we could see each other. That would help us speak at the same speed. Of course Ryan was able sit up straighter since Jill sat taller in her chair. I curled my torso down so my face just behind Joy's left shoulder.

The room wasn't bright at all, but there was enough light coming from the bathroom and a couple of small table lamps that we could see the words on the page easily enough. Ryan and I looked at each other, both of us grinning from ear to ear. I silently mouthed 'ready' - 'set' - 'go!' and we started whispering the lines they'd written for us into each other's wife's ear.

"I want you to suck my cock," I began in perfect synch with Ryan. "No, I want you to worship my cock with your mouth." Another breath as I looked at Ryan. "You're going to adore it until I cum in your mouth. Don't swallow! Then you're going to kiss Joy/Jill and share our cum with each other." We finished with perfect timing and stood up. Our wives were both murmuring at the same time.

"Damn, I thought I'd know, but I'm not sure," Jill admitted.

"Yeah, I know!" Joy agreed. "I think I have an idea though. Ok switch!"

Ryan and I had already started moving, so we knelt back down in our new positions, this time with our own wife.

"Godammit you two are sneaky!" Joy blurted out as Ryan moved close to her ear. "They're both wearing Ryan's cologne!"

Ryan and I had all we could do to not laugh out loud or make any kind of noise that would give us away. We each had stop the other from starting the second part because we were still trying to stop laughing. After a few false starts I made it to 'Go' for round two.

"Watching our wives swap our cum will get me hard again in no time." Pause "Then we're going to swap." Pause "I'll put you on the bed and fuck you from behind until you cum on my cock!" Breath "Then we're both going to fuck you at the same time." Pause as I realized my cock was as hard as Chinese arithmetic just saying this to my wife. " We're going to make you to cum while I fuck your ass and he fucks your cunt."

Ryan and weren't as perfectly coordinated as we had been the first time, but we were close. We stood up quickly and walked all the way to patio doors so we provided no more clues. I couldn't believe my wife had written such crude descriptions, but just saying the words had been incredibly sexy.

I saw our wives' reflection in the glass doors. They'd torn their blindfolds at about the same time, just before Ryan and I reached the doors. We turned around and walked slowly back and stood in front of own wife.

They looked up at each of us, puzzled looks on both of their faces. Ryan and I looked at each other and just grinned. Neither of us spoke. I shrugged my shoulders and drew my arms into a W, asking wordlessly 'so, what's your answer?'

Joy looked at Jill. Jill looked back. Finally Joy said, "I can't believe this, but I have no idea who was who!"

"I'd be totally guessing," Jill agreed. She swiveled her eyes back to me and I saw them dart down looking at my cock standing out proudly. She looked at Ryan's mace, smiled, and shrugged. "OK, I'm going with Ty's cumming in my mouth and Ryan's going to fuck my ass."

I about fell over! The way my wife answered made it sound like they were planning to do exactly what they'd written.

"Well, damn," Joy answered. "I thought the same thing! I thought Ryan was going to cum my mouth and Ty would butt-fuck me." They looked at each again and started giggling. "Since we both had the same answer, then we're right!" Joy reached out for Ryan's cock, but he stepped back out of reach.

"Except for one tiny detail," he cautioned. "You're both wrong!"

Our wives looked at each other again, both sporting sly, sexy smiles. "OK!' they said simultaneously. Jill looked me directly in the crotch and said, "See you soon Trigger! She slipped off her chair and crawled on her hands and knees to Ryan. Jill's height is often a disadvantage for her, but not in this case. Her long arms and legs meant that her mouth was at the same height as Ryan's cock when she reached him. Her gaze never wavered from the dangerously erect mace in front of her as she opened her mouth, ready to take him in, but she paused and spoke directly to his cock. "This time you're not going to shower me with your tasty love batter!" And then she wrapped her lips around his head and started humming happily.

Joy popped up and patted the huge bed. "C'mon Ty, I want you to be comfortable while I earn my reward."

I watched Jill's mouth as she opened it impossibly wide around Ryan's plum-sized crown. It reminded me of the times we'd fanaticized about having another cock for her suck while I knelt behind her and slipped into her wet sex. The scene in front of me was far more erotic than those stories.

Joy's teasing voice startled me out of my thoughts. "Please, Ty, don't make me wait."

I moved robotically toward the bed, trying to maintain my vision of my wife taking the first new cock she'd had in years into her body while trying not to miss the giant bed entirely and crash to the floor. Or worse, flop down on top of Ryan's sexy, little wife.

I thought it might be vaguely rude of me to keep watching my wife and ignore the cute blond who wanted me to cum in her mouth, so I turned my back to Jill and Ryan. Joy was practically quivering with anticipation. I winked at her, letting her know that I was truly looking forward to being with her. She started to peel her small camisole off, but I stopped her. "Wait!" I practically yelled. I want to do that for you in a minute.

"Ok," she answered quickly and dropped the hem of the half-shirt. "What do want to do until then?" she asked coyly.

"This for starters," I replied as I lifted her small frame up to me and kissed her. It was a tentative kiss initially. Like Jill, I hadn't kissed anyone other my spouse in years and I wanted to enjoy the novelty. What started as an exploratory movement of lips, quickly expanded to include our tongues. I loved the new taste, the new pressure, the new technique. We probed each other's mouths and as she twisted her face in new, unfamiliar ways. She sucked on my tongue, previewing the way she was going to treat a larger part of body.

I lifted her effortlessly off the bed and into my arms before placing her on the floor beside the bed. She said my name, acknowledging my size and strength. I twirled her around with our arms raised and our fingers touching above her head as if we'd been dancing. I stopped her when she faced away from me. Gently, I urged her to bend over the bed, my chest against her back as she followed my lead. She put her hands on the bed, her firm ass pressed against my cock with only the pale blue satin of her shorts separating our flesh. Drawing my hands up her arms to her armpits, I lightly traced over her collarbone. She shivered and giggled, "That tickles," but she didn't ask me to stop. "You smell wonderful," I whispered into the back of her neck.