Johnny's Big Secret


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Debra sounded slightly out of breath when she answered. "Hello?" she said.

"Hi. It's Sherry. Is this a bad time?"

"No! Just give me a second." Debra bit her lip as she withdrew the dildo from her pussy before stashing it beneath her pillow. She sat up in her bed, letting her long skirt fall into place over her thighs, and set the phone aside so she could tuck her breasts back into her bra and button up her blouse. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror and then picked up the phone. "Sorry about that," she murmured. "I'm glad you called. Hold on while I save your number."

"Okay," Sherry responded.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Debra asked a few seconds later.

"I was thinking about what happened earlier, with Johnny," Sherry replied. "It looked like you were relieved to get out of here. I was hoping I hadn't made you uncomfortable."

"Oh, no, it wasn't you," Debra said. "I guess you couldn't see it. When Johnny was sucking on my nipples, his dick was pressing right into my pussy! If my thong hadn't been in the way, he would have been inside me."

"Oh, wow," Sherry breathed.

Both girls reached down and touched their pussies as they thought about it.

"He didn't know," Debra continued. "I asked him about it in the car."

"Are you okay?" Sherry asked.

"Yeah," Debra replied. "It was just tough for me to think about anything else. You know I am committed to staying a virgin until I get married, but a part of me really wanted to pull that thong out of the way."

"I can certainly understand that," Sherry breathed. She slid her hand up the left leg of her shorts and into her panties. It was no surprise to find her pussy was wet as her fingers slid inside. "It looked really hot when he was sucking your nipples," she said. "He's never done that with me. My nipples are so sensitive I might come just from having his mouth on them."

"Really?" Debra breathed.

"Uh-huh," Sherry replied. "So, if he had been sucking on my nipples like that, I would have probably begged him to fuck me."

"Oh, damn," Debra groaned. Her fingers were pumping in and out of her pussy as she pictured it.

" said you'd like to see that," Sherry reminded her. "Were you serious?"

"Yes," Debra replied, struggling to keep her voice normal. She blew out a breath and pulled her fingers out of her pussy. They were slick with a generous coating of her creamy juice. She sat up and shook her head. "The problem is, if I watch him actually do that, I'm not sure what I will do, Sherry."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm afraid I'll tear my panties off and beg him to fuck me next," Debra groaned softly.

"That's...yeah, I can totally see that," Sherry said. On her end of the line, she frowned and sat up, pulling her fingers out of her horny pussy. "So I guess you've changed your mind. I was really hoping you'd let Johnny fuck me."

"Well, that's up to him," Debra said. "I told you I don't mind sharing him with you. In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, I feel like I teased him. He could see me playing with myself earlier, and then I showed him how wet I was in the car before I got out. I'm lucky he's such a good guy. If he had wanted, he's had a couple chances to fuck me already. I feel like he deserves a nice, tight, little pussy to fuck. If you want him to come over there and..." She swallowed heavily. Her voice was a little hoarse when she concluded, "I wouldn't mind, Sherry."

Sherry's heart pounded in her chest, but she forced herself to wait so she wouldn't sound too excited. "If you're serious, I really would like that," she said as calmly as she could.

Debra grinned. She could tell Sherry was holding back, trying to play it cool. Once again she was thankful to have Sherry as a friend.

"I'll tell you what," Debra offered, "I'll call him and tell him it's okay with me, so he doesn't think you talked me into it."

"I—I—thank you," Sherry managed to reply. She was shaking, as her body reacted to this wonderful news.

"Mmm," Debra murmured, "You're welcome. You know, with you taking care of him, I might just graduate with my virginity intact."

They both chuckled softly, even though it hadn't been a joke. Then they hung up so Debra could make that call.

* * *

Johnny arrived home just after his mother had pulled into the garage. He was eager to pick up where they'd left off that morning. After all the teasing and build-up with Sherry and Debra, he was looking forward to a nice, hard fuck—particularly after Crystal had told him she wanted "a good workout" with her son. His dick was completely hard when he walked in the front door.

One look at him, and Crystal knew she was in trouble. She immediately put up her hands in front of her.

"Hold on, Johnny," she gasped. "I should have told you, but I never got the chance. My pussy and asshole are still really tender right now. I was looking forward to sucking your dick." She licked her lips. "Would that be alright?"

Johnny groaned softly, but managed a smile. "That sounds great, Mom."

Crystal could see through his effort to look happy about it, and frowned. "I figured you would have had Sherry or Debra taking care of you already," she muttered.

Johnny laughed softly and shook his head. "Sherry sucked me off, while Debra watched," he said, "But they got me even more turned on after that. The funny thing is..." He trailed off then. He'd been on the verge of saying, "I actually fucked Sherry's mom before that, while Debra and Sherry were talking." As he thought it, though, he realized it sounded far too casual.

He chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment.

"Mom, I'm only telling you this because I feel like I can trust you with anything—that I can tell you anything. It wasn't something I planned, but...I had sex with Sherry's mom."

"You did?!?" Crystal's eyes were huge as she regarded her son.

"It was totally unexpected," he replied, nodding. "Debra had been playing with my dick in the car, on the way over. When I stepped out, I had a huge boner, and Jennifer saw it. Debra and Sherry wanted to talk alone, so I went out to apologize for embarrassing Jennifer. I was embarrassed too, of course. When I walked into the room, she was touching her pussy and muttering that she wanted to feel my huge cock inside her. So...I gave it to her."

"Oh, my," Crystal murmured.

"You're not mad, are you?" he asked softly, realizing that she had never agreed to share him with other women her age.

Crystal had to think about it. She and Jennifer hadn't been particularly close, but they were friends. When she pictured Jennifer lying back and moaning as Johnny fucked her senseless, her pussy immediately quivered in response.

"No, I'm not mad," she replied, shaking her head. "That's hot. I'm surprised she would cheat on her husband, but I can't blame her."

"Do you blame me?" Johnny asked.

"Of course not, baby," she murmured with a smile. "She's an attractive woman, and it sounds like you walked into a situation that no horny young man could resist. Was it good?"

He thought about it and nodded. "We rushed, and we were trying to be quiet, but it was pretty good. The one thing..." His voice trailed off as he thought how to put it. "It wasn't nearly as hot as it was with you. I'm not just saying that to spare your feelings or anything. With you, it was something I'd fantasized about for a long time, so it felt really special when we finally had sex. I'd never fantasized about doing anything with her. It felt good, and I enjoyed it, but I couldn't believe it was happening."

He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her, leaning in to plant a kiss at the base of her neck. "I was really looking forward to being with you again, Mom. I'm sorry if I was too rough and hurt you. I promise I'll be more careful from now on."

"Oh, no, Johnny," she said, shaking her head. "It wasn't that you were too rough. It's just that I haven't had sex in years. My body isn't used to it anymore. Don't worry, baby. In a few hours I'll be ready for another nice, deep pounding. God, I wish I could just take you like that right now." She grinned and chuckled. "Hell, I could. I just wouldn't be able to walk for a few days."

Johnny winced. The last thing he wanted to do was cripple his mother. She laughed softly when she saw his reaction.

"It's okay, baby, really," she assured him. "I was just looking forward to sucking your cock again. The last three hours, all I could think about was how much I wanted to taste your cum."

Johnny gave her a grin and stepped back. "How could I possibly say no to that?" he asked as he unzipped his pants.

Crystal guided him over to the couch. Once he was sitting comfortably, she stretched out beside him and moaned as she sucked his dick. After just a few minutes, his phone rang in his pants pocket. Johnny had to laugh. It was the second time that day, only this time it was Debra's ringtone interrupting while he was enjoying a blowjob from his mother!

"That's Debra," he informed her. He sighed. "I should probably answer."

Crystal released him from her mouth quickly and nodded. "Okay," she gasped.

Johnny managed to answer before the call could go to voicemail.

"Hey, Debra," he said smoothly, sliding back into the couch, "What can I do for you?"

Crystal promptly took him back into her mouth, quietly sucking that hard dick and nursing out his tasty pre-cum.

"Well..." Debra sighed, "I wanted to let you know that you can fuck Sherry if you want to, but I don't think that's the way I should put it."

"Oh?" Johnny asked.

He didn't want to talk too much. His mother's wonderful mouth had him completely hard, and he could feel her sucking the pre-cum out of him. He was afraid his voice might give him away. Crystal kept gently sucking him, but looked up at his face. When their eyes met, he understood that she'd heard every word Debra had said. Her eyes widened when Debra continued.

"We just got off the phone," Debra admitted. "I think that was why she called, really. She wanted to ask if it was okay with me for you to fuck her, but she was afraid to ask. You know I really like her, Johnny." She sighed again. "So, I guess what I'm asking is, would you please do me a favor and fuck Sherry for me? She really wants it, and I'd appreciate it if you would do that for me."

"Are you serious?" Johnny blurted.

"Ummm, don't you want to?" Debra asked softly.

Crystal felt his hard cock lurch in her mouth, and she knew the answer. She pulled her mouth off of him and nodded, letting him know to tell her "yes."

"Um, okay," Johnny murmured. "You're sure this is what you want?"

"I promise I won't change my mind and get mad at you later," Debra assured him, chuckling softly as she tried to imagine what he was thinking. "Before you came in, I told Sherry I would love to watch while you fucked her. Now that I've had some time to think about it, I don't think it would be a good idea. I'd probably get too turned on, and I'd want my turn when you were done with her. Does that make sense?"

Johnny nodded as he thought it over. "Actually, that makes sense. I thought this was more of a spur-of-the-moment thing, and I wondered where it came from." After a slight pause he asked, "Should I call her now?"

"Yes," Debra answered. "She's probably waiting for you to call right now."

Johnny looked at his mother's face, and she nodded again.

"Okay," he said, "I'll call her right now. Shall I let you know—?"

"No," Debra interjected. "I'll call you later, if that's okay. Enjoy!"

"Okay," he managed to reply before she hung up. He hung up and stared at his phone. Then he looked at his mother's face.

"Call Sherry and ask if she can come over," she told him, "That way I can listen while you fuck her in your bed." With that, she moaned hungrily and resumed sucking his dick.

Johnny stared at her for a few seconds before making that call.

"Hey, Sherry," he said, surprised at how normal his voice sounded, "Can you come over for a visit? I'd love to show you the new home gym and all the work we had done on the house."

It wasn't what Sherry had expected. She had hoped he would tell her he was on his way, or that he'd be over soon. She managed to contain her disappointment. "Um, sure, that sounds good," she replied. "I'll be right over."

After getting off the phone with Debra, Sherry had been lying in bed, thinking about what Debra had told her. Johnny's big, hard cock had almost slipped into her pussy while he was sucking on her nipples. "If my thong hadn't been in the way, he would have been inside me," she'd said, and she had added, "a part of me really wanted to pull that thong out of the way."

Sherry wriggled out of her short shorts and lay back in her bed, right where Debra had been earlier. Her thong was even skimpier than the one Debra had worn, basically just a string going from the little triangular patch of material in the front all the way up between the shapely cheeks of her ass until it met the string at her waist. She knew Johnny had been able to see it, since her shorts left the back of her thong exposed.

In her mind, the two thoughts intertwined as she reached down and pulled that string to the side. She was eagerly looking forward to having Johnny there, filling her pussy with that magnificent, huge cock of his, but she was also picturing Debra whimpering as she pulled her thong aside and surrendered her virgin pussy. The fingers of Sherry's right hand were still plunging into her juicy pussy when the phone rang. She made sure to grab her phone and answer it with her left hand.

After she hung up, Sherry sighed and pulled her shorts back up her legs, grabbed her keys, and headed out her bedroom door. Her mother was once again in her bedroom, looking at her reflection critically. "Mom, I'm going over to Johnny's house for a bit," Sherry informed her. "I should be back pretty soon."

"Okay," her mother replied, trying to sound cheerful. "Tell them I said hi!"

"I will," Sherry replied.

She thought about driving, but it was a really nice day outside. Sherry decided to walk the two blocks instead. It seemed like a good idea anyway, to let her cool off before she was confronted with Johnny's arousing presence once again. She assumed they wouldn't have sex since his mother would undoubtedly be home.

She almost caught them then. Johnny happened to notice her out the front window before she was close enough to see Crystal sucking her son's dick.

"Sherry's here!" he hissed.

Crystal promptly released him and hurried into her bedroom as Johnny snagged his discarded pants and boxers and carried them into his bedroom. By the time Sherry reached their front door, he was there to greet her with a smile. He had pulled on a pair of jogging shorts that he expected to wear while he worked out in the home gym. They had been really loose, two years earlier. Now they were rather snug, blatantly outlining his thick shaft and the bulbous head of his dick.

Sherry noticed but didn't say anything. At first, she thought Johnny had done it on purpose, to show off his big dick for her. After a minute, she realized he was unaware just how revealing those shorts were. He was oblivious as he led her on a quick tour through the house, pointing out all the work that had been done the past week.

It was the first time he had seen the gym, since he'd never made it past the living room couch. "Oh, wow," he breathed as they walked into that fully-furnished workout room. He walked all the way around the big weightlifting machine that dominated the center of the room. It had multiple stacks of "machine weights" attached to a variety of exercise equipment, meaning he or his mom could work out without needing a spotter.

Johnny ran his hand along the rack of dumbbells as he walked past it, taking note of the various weights. They ranged from 5 to 75 pounds. On the corner opposite the door a large yoga mat was laid out on the floor beneath the big new windows. He carefully avoided stepping on it as he continued his circuit around the room, but he took note of the two big mirrors on the walls to either side.

He could already imagine the incredible views those mirrors would provide when his mother used that yoga mat.

His eyes lit up when he got around to the bench press built into the workout center. "Oh, I've always wanted to have one of these!" he exclaimed.

"Why?" Sherry asked.

He looked at her and smiled sadly. "The guys at school were always such jerks about the bench press," he explained, shaking his head. "I tried to get in there, but they had way too much weight for me to lift—you know, since I'd never done it before. They made fun of me when I started taking some of the weight off. I wound up leaving too much weight on, and then I couldn't lift it. Three guys, Jerome, Tyson, and Greg, all laughed at me when I was struggling to lift the bar off my chest. None of them offered to help."

He sighed at the unpleasant memory, then looked at the shiny new machine and smiled again. "Now I can start exercising here, without those assholes picking on me, and I can actually get into shape."

On the other side of the wall, Crystal was in her bathroom and heard every word of his story. She swallowed heavily and felt anger surging through her. Johnny hadn't mentioned it when it happened. It made her wonder how many incidents like that had occurred in her son's life without her knowing.

Sherry nodded. She watched Johnny set the pin in the stack of weights before lying on his back. Her eyes shot open when she saw half of his dick was sticking out of the leg opening of his shorts. "Uh, Johnny," she said, "You might want to find a different pair of shorts."

Johnny had just started pushing the bar up from his chest, and had no idea how exposed he was. When he had his arms fully extended, he looked at Sherry's face. "What?" he asked in confusion.

His legs were on either side of the padded bench, leaving them slightly spread. Sherry stared at his exposed cock again. Her eyes lit up when she noticed pre-cum drooling out of the tip. "You're a little exposed," she murmured, but she was already moving into position.

Johnny let out a moan as her mouth enveloped the head of his cock and her tongue circled the tip, lapping up his pre-cum. He was determined to use the weights, so he lifted it seven more times. It was a struggle to focus on what he was doing while Sherry sucked his cock. After the last repetition, he sat up and was finally able to see how much of his dick was protruding out of the leg opening of those shorts.

Sherry gave him one last, firm suck before pushing back from the bench and rising to her feet. She grinned. "Hey, I certainly don't mind the way those shorts fit you. I just figure you probably don't want your mom to see you like this."

Johnny blushed. "Yeah, I guess I'll need to get some new shorts. I didn't realize just how small these are on me now." He stood up and carefully pulled down the bottom hem of the shorts, covering his dick. "Come on," he said, "Let's see what else I have that I can wear."

Sherry giggled and followed him into his bedroom. Even though she'd just had his dick in her mouth, she wasn't expecting it when Johnny pulled her tightly to him and kissed her hungrily in his bedroom. His huge, hard dick poked her in the belly, turning her on once again and making her moan. When Johnny broke off the kiss and turned to lock his door, Sherry immediately slid her shorts and panties down her shapely legs.

"Debra says she doesn't mind!" she whispered.

Johnny nodded as he worked the snug workout shorts down his legs, but his gaze was drawn to the pouty lips of Sherry's snug little pussy. Damn, he thought, Sherry and her mom have almost identical pussies. It reminded him once again that he had fucked Jennifer just over an hour ago. Now he was going to fuck her daughter. His dick lurched up out of his shorts as soon as he managed to push them down far enough, and Sherry let out a low groan as she saw it.
