Jordan's Embarrassing Night


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She started to extract her arms from the straps of her bra, flipping them down off her shoulder, and pulling her arms free. Taking a breath, she pulled the bra down to her waist and turned it around so she could unclasp it. She tossed it away and let the audience look at her.

Her breasts were perky and stared at her audience. They were naturally conical and when her pink nipples came to a point. She learned growing up that she couldn't go anywhere without a bra, unless she wanted her nipples poking through.

Her resolve broke and she looked at the line of people in front of her. All of them were staring at her chest. "What else would they be looking at?" she thought to herself. Brianna was trying to maintain a happy, supportive face while Caitlin and Sofia both looked serious. Anthony had crossed his legs and, though his eyes were wide, at least he wasn't grinning from ear to ear.

Now it was time to finish up. She put her hands on her waist and grasped the lacy waistband between her thumb and forefinger and started to pull them down. She hesitated at the spot that she considered the point of no return, right above where her mound started to rise below her stomach.

After a moments hesitation she yanked them lower and, bending over, pushed them all the way down to her ankles. She tried to keep her arms between her audience and her most private place as she pulled them from her feet and threw them to the side.

She stayed bent over at the waist and squeezed her legs shut as her hair fell forward hiding her face. "It's not dirty if it's the law. I have to stand up and get this over with. They're going to be nice to me," she tried to prepare herself for the reveal of her feminine bits.

Slowly she brushed her brown hair back behind her shoulder and uncrossed her legs before standing up straight, knowing that her face and chest must be glowing red in embarrassment. The only things left were her thick, black glasses and earrings. For the first time, she showed her newly shaved mound and pink lips that curved underneath her. Luckily, her lips were mostly hidden between her thighs, but she was still mortified as she looked at her audience.

Their eyes had, predictably, migrated down from her chest and took her in. Brianna gave her an exaggerated thumbs up before announcing, "Ok, I'm starting the timer and making the first request." She fiddled with her phone for a moment, before speaking again, "Ok . . . start. Jordan, get up on your bed and show us the bottom of your feet and wiggle your toes."

Jordan cocked an eyebrow in disbelief, but Brianna seemed serious. She sat back on the bed and pulled her knees up to her chest, mercifully able to cover everything she wanted to cover and pointed the soles of her feet toward the camera.

Jordan realized she had never loved Brianna more. She had shown the witnesses her entire body for, perhaps, five seconds before Brianna gave her a way to hide again, even if just for a short time.

Jordan liked her feet, and even if she didn't, they were just feet and much less embarrassing than what she would be displaying later. She loved getting pedicures and her feet were in good shape. They were pretty small. She was usually a size six although she was more likely to be a size five than a seven. Currently, her nails were painted bright red. She wiggled her toes and splayed them apart as best she could until Brianna nodded.

"My turn?" Sofia asked. "Um, can you do a split?"

"Yeah," Jordan nodded. She'd done hundreds of them as a cheerleader and if she was careful, she wouldn't reveal anything more than she'd already shown. She got up, careful not to open her legs in the direction of her guests and turned to her right.

In profile, it was obvious how pointed her breasts were and she showed the outline of her round bottom, but her hip and thigh hid her most important bits. She slid her left leg forward and her right leg back and went as far down as she could, instinctively raising her arms into the air as she had so many times before.

"Good job. I can't do that," Sofia said.

Jordan decided praise wasn't something to complain about as Caitlin gave her first direction, "Turn around and show us your ass."

Jordan would never have used that word for her bottom, even butt sounded crude to her, but she obeyed. Gingerly, she pushed herself up from her split while still protecting what modesty she had left.

She turned her backside toward Caitlin and put her hands on her hips. For the moment she was glad to have her face turned away from the rest of them as she focused on the cute kittens on the poster over her bed. Her cheeks were round and large, at least compared to the rest of her frame.

"Shake it!" Caitlin called.

"Don't go twice in a row," Brianna reminded her, but Jordan obeyed. The rule about taking turns wasn't in the law or anything, they had just made it up themselves, so Jordan felt she had to do it.

She shook her hips from side to side, making her cheeks jiggle. She felt silly, but she wasn't going to try to be sexy like she knew other girls did, even if she knew how. Caitlin didn't complain about the half heartedness of the dance, perhaps chastened by Brianna, and, in the end, it killed time.

Now it was Anthony's turn, which Jordan had been dreading. She hoped he had taken the hint and was going to start slow as she looked over her shoulder toward him.

He didn't disappoint her. He coughed when he realized it was his turn and looked embarrassed, "Um, turn around in a circle a few times. Kind of slowly."

Jordan thought that this was the worst of the requests so far, but at least she wasn't showing them anything new. Still, she'd been able to hide her bits for the last couple minutes but that was about to come to an end.

Keeping her hands on her hips, she started turning clockwise so she revealed her front to Kelsey first, then Sofia, the camera, Caitlin, and lastly Anthony. Brianna was disciplined enough to look her in the eyes as they met, but Jordan noticed the others inspecting her body as she rotated fully three times, ending with her bottom facing the camera.

"Ok, back to me," Brianna said, "Get on the bed. Sit on your feet, I know you can, and squeeze your boobs together like this." Brianna put her hands together and squeezed her breasts together with her biceps.

'Boobs' was another word she didn't like, but as Jordan complied, she realized that Brianna had given her permission to hide her privates again. "Thanks friend," she acknowledged silently. She kneeled and settled down so that her cheeks rested on the soles of her feet and tried to copy Brianna's pose. Her breasts weren't large enough to squeeze together fully, but she tried her best and pushed her chest toward her roommate.

"You're up, Sofia," Brianna said, allowing Jordan to stop.

"Um, I really don't have a good idea," Sofia hesitated.

"You can do whatever you want," Jordan responded, feeling compelled to not be seen to limit her in any way.

After a few seconds Sofia blurted, "Rub your nipples!"

Brianna frowned and Anthony's eyebrows raised at the command.

It was ramping up in intensity, but Jordan had to obey. She'd had clothes rub her nipples in interesting ways, and she knew that it could feel good, but she'd never done it on purpose before.

"Come on, not the first new thing tonight," she reminded herself. Her palms cupped her breasts and she started moving them in slow circles over her nipples. Jordan found the feeling weird, but they tingled underneath her hands and she decided that it would feel nice in other circumstances.

"That's enough," Sofia said after Jordan showed no signs of stopping.

When Jordan removed her hands, her pointed nipples were rosier than usual and the skin around them had tightened and wrinkled.

"I'm just going to keep going with this. Try to lick your nipples. If you can," Caitlin said.

Anthony's brows rose again. Jordan wondered if this was getting overtly sexual, and she could refuse, but she wasn't sure, so she kept going. "Besides, I promised I wasn't going to resist." She didn't like the way this was headed and hoped Brianna would save her the next time around.

She put her hand under her right breast and lifted it as much as she could and brought her mouth down. Just barely the end of her tongue could reach over her nipple and she licked it up and down a few times, before repeating the action with her left breast. The sensation was nothing special except for her warm breath on her chest. She liked rubbing it with her palms more and she could feel her nipples loosening again and returning to normal.

Now it was back to Anthony and she waited in anticipation for her task.

"Hmm, I want you to try to squeeze around your breasts with your hand," he tried to pantomime it on his body, but failed, and tried to explain himself, "Like start at the back and squeeze forward."

Jordan still looked confused as Caitlin rolled her eyes, "He wants you to milk yourself."

"What, no!" Anthony protested, "I just wasn't going to be the first to suggest something, you know, between her legs."

Brianna and Sofia were shooting him angry looks and Jordan felt mortified that somebody had finally voiced her worries. She knew it was coming, but it still didn't feel good to hear it.

"This is why you don't want men here. They don't understand anatomy," Caitlin said, jokingly.

"Look, I'm sorry," he looked at Jordan and even managed to keep his eyes up.

"It's ok. I know what you want after Caitlin said it."

She wrapped her each hand as best she could around the base of her breasts and started to knead her fingers forward in the best imitation that she could imagine of milking an animal. She felt ridiculous, and she didn't think she did a very good job. They weren't big enough to change shape as she pushed her hand forward and she refused to squeeze hard enough to hurt.

"That's good. Sorry, again," Anthony sounded defeated as he tried to avoid looking at her.

Brianna took a deep breath and looked sheepishly at Jordan, "I think it's time for you to open your legs."

At least, Jordan was ready for it and she was thankful it was Brianna that requested it rather than one of the other people she had only met tonight. However, her stomach was still turning in knots as she repositioned herself with her legs hanging off the bed at her knees. She laid back flat on her back and felt her breasts fall, slightly, to the side

She had been lucky so far, her cleft didn't start high up under her mound, so she had managed to keep everything but the very top of it hidden between her legs. Now, she opened them and showed them everything. Her outer lips were a rosy pink and symmetrical. They kept most of her bits hidden beneath them but parted ever so slightly at the bottom near her virgin entrance. For now, her cheeks sank into the mattress and the white sheet obscured her bottom hole.

That didn't last long as Sofia saw it as an opportunity to make an easy demand, "Put a pillow under your butt, so the bed is out of the way."

Jordan complied and grabbed one of the pillows leaning against the wall behind her and, lifting her bottom from the bed, provided an unimpeded view for the audience. Sitting just below her cleft, her bottom hole was only slightly darker than the rest of her pale skin. Jordan just stared at the white ceiling, trying to zone out, as she waited for Caitlin to give her an order.

"How long has it been," she wondered, "I'll ask Brianna when I get back to her."

After what felt like ages, Caitlin spoke, "Roll over on your hands and knees."

Jordan flipped over like she was crawling with her knees together and her back parallel to the bed. She felt her breasts dangle beneath her as she imagined the view that she must be giving the others. Her pink lips were framed between her thighs and her round bottom was on display looming above her lady bits.

She stared at the wall as she waited for Anthony to make his request. She knew she must be near the end of her ten minutes, so this might be his last turn. He really hadn't been bad so far. His last desire had been more awkward for him than it had been embarrassing for her.

"I want to pass after the last one," he hesitated, still sounding worried, "Spread your knees from that position, I guess."

Jordan followed directions and let her knees spread, feeling herself drop lower toward the bed. She felt her lips relax and feared that they could be opening. Again, the audience made her wait in her compromising position before Brianna spoke again.

Shakily, Brianna requested, "Sit back against the wall with your legs still apart."

As Jordan turned over, she tapped her wrist, trying to indicate to Brianna that she wanted an update on the time. She put the pillow that had been under her hips against the wall again and sat up with her feet flat on the bed and her knees up and apart in the shape of a "V."

This was the first time she'd given the camera a clear view of the pointed breasts and her open legs at the same time. She hoped that Brianna wasn't going to be in trouble for pulling punches, the lawyer had made it clear that much worse than this could be asked of her. If Brianna had organized this, then she would love her friend but worry for her too.

Luckily, her roommate had noticed Jordan's signaling and had turned her phone screen around so the naked woman could see the clock ticking down. As she sat watching the four of them stare at her privates it felt like it was moving in slow motion, but when Sofia opened her mouth to speak there was less than thirty seconds on the clock. This was probably the last one!

"I feel like I've gone easy, so far," Sofia started.

"Oh no, don't say that," Jordan screamed internally.

"I want you to spread your lips," she paused before hastily adding, "Please."

"Like that makes it better," Jordan fumed. She looked at the ticking clock. She had less than twenty seconds to go as her hands ran over her hips toward her lips. Using both hands, her fingertips parted her folds and showed the room her most private place. Her inner lips were brushed aside, and her four friends gazed into her.

She was embarrassed to feel dampness on her fingers, and she hoped that nobody noticed. The flesh beneath her lips were rosy pink and grew darker as it approached her opening. Jordan knew what a hymen was since she'd been told to protect it and she assumed she had one across her entrance. She hoped it was still hidden from her classmates as she revealed herself.

Jordan closed her eyes until she heard the alarm go off at the end of her ten minutes of humiliating compliance. She immediately slammed her legs closed and heard Brianna scramble to turn off the camera.

The two of them had a plan and Brianna executed her part. In the same motion as turning off the camera, she grabbed a blanket from her bed and threw it on top of her naked friend, covering her from head to foot.

Jordan curled up in a ball and stayed under the blanket as she listened to Brianna thank the other three for coming and, politely but quickly, got them into the hallway.

Jordan was proud of herself. She hadn't cried and she hadn't resisted any of the requests. She did what she wanted to, be as poised as she could and be sure that she followed all the rules so there was no way her video could be rejected.

She felt the weight of her punishment lift off her shoulders as she realized it was done. She didn't have to worry about it anymore and only, she took a moment to count, six people plus the Punishment Center knew what had happened and she really only knew one of them. Most importantly, it would never get back to her parents. She could just pretend it never happened.

Jordan popped her head out from under the cover when she heard Brianna lock the deadbolt on the door with a clunk.

Her friend, still red faced, smiled at her, "You did great. I'm so sorry what I had to do."

"It's over now. Pass me clothes," Jordan replied.

She couldn't blame anyone. It was an impossible position to be put into. Surprisingly, it had been Sofia that had asked the most of her. Jordan remembered her secret and realized she was probably scared that if she went too soft it would be worse for her with her upcoming Summons.

Brianna laid clothes out next to Jordan and turned her back, allowing Jordan to wriggle into them underneath the blanket. When she was dressed, she got out and offered her roommate a hug. They embraced each other, both muttering apologies and thanks to each other.

"We have more to do," Brianna reminded her. She extracted the memory card from the camera and placed it in the adapter so they could upload it onto Jordan's laptop. Brianna did all the work, quickly skimming through the video and filling out all the electronic paperwork that was on the Punishment Center website.

Half an hour after the timer had signaled the end of her punishment, a receipt appeared in her inbox that the Center had received the video. Unable to think of anything else, the two girls talked about the experience, skipping over the scary parts. They made fun of Anthony and laughed at Caitlin's jokes at his expense. Brianna admitted that she thought foot fetishes were hilarious and that's why it was the first request. Jordan tried to get Brianna to admit to getting the others to go easy on her, but Brianna denied it, though Jordan wasn't sure if she believed her. After a long talk, they wore themselves out and fell asleep in the same bed.

When Jordan woke up the next morning, Brianna was in her own bed having migrated sometime in the night. She was still embarrassed thinking about the night before, but the anxiety was fading. She thanked her lucky stars that she could count on Brianna, who took so much weight from her.

When she was checking her email, she noticed that Sofia had sent her a message:

"I'm sorry about what I did last night. You were almost done, and I should have stalled. I'm sure that you are still upset about it but know that you inspired me. I think you were very brave, and I know I can survive it too."

Jordan smiled, happy that she might have helped Sofia. She told herself she was over it now and started to get on with her life.

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WhitnerWhitnerabout 1 year ago

I loved this story! I think what made it so interesting was that the judicial punishment was self inflicted and in an intimate setting with her roommate and three hand picked strangers. The strangers all have control of what will happen. It would be interesting to learn more about their motives for coming and their thoughts and feelings as they exercise their control.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Different on two levels. 5 stars

Gym52Gym52about 3 years ago

Self punishment is an interesting concept and might develope into some additional plotlines.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very Insightful

It’s a really well written story, very well thought out and executed. It makes the whole subject very very disturbingly plausible. All the way through from committing the crime to coping with the punishment her thoughts and emotions are thoroughly portrayed.

Thanks for sharing.

Tess (uk)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Soo good. Can’t wait to hear what happens to Sofia.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Great work. Love the lighter tone of this one.

The mobile phone upload reminds me of "There's an App for That" by Delta Venus over at ASSTR. I wonder if the Punishment Centers would ever develop an app like that to save time and money.

enslaver0644enslaver0644almost 5 years ago

Thought it eas great and it actually opened the possibility of two story lines. Jordan may have to undergo more if the punishment was to light. Sofia now has a punishment coming as well.

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