Junction Pt. 05


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Then they showed me you. I have been monitoring you since you were 16, to better understand your personality, your subtitle acts of rebellion against Sylvia by going over a lot of her research, what she kept on her private office computer anyway.

We hoped you would be one of the ones to have the metamorphosis. I already told your King that Crostanlir was responsible for the death of your Commander. Lieutenant Sumner is in stasis, but dead. We did not get to her body in time to save her on that mission.

We saved her for genetic material we might need and to ensure she gets a proper funeral at some point. Your regards for humanity and trying to work within the system you felt trapped within because of that chip in your hand. I felt for you, I am not like most dragons as I had spent centuries working with Species 874 to find solutions.

All of this was before being put into stasis. My approach to try and get you to come with me was misguided. I had not considered that teleportation was blocked in the area. I effectively trapped myself not knowing his security or remembering your propensity to scan everyone you meet. Especially those you talk with.

I wanted to take you to the lab and show this to you. My mission is to aid you in getting off of this world. With as many humans as possible. To save the people of my homeworld from annihilation. Yet I plan to go with you.

Genetics research might be stumbled around for centuries here, but I am far more advanced in that than they are after my expanded efforts with Species 874. Which City-State would want to imprison me to try and keep my knowledge?"

Jace nodded, "All of them. Outbound teleportation can be done from here. For day-to-day contact, if you are comfortable in human form, you could stay with Marshal Cooper or our home potentially. To keep you out of the press if you will."

She sighed, "With Species 874 off-planet having company would be nice to have for a change. People who will actually 'talk with me' instead of reading their thoughts from a text message. I did inform them, the RECD, about your armor modification. Just the stealth field modification and nothing more.

It played havoc with us as well just so you know. It worked better than you intended. I did not say it to them, but it is better than a dragon could do, even I could not break through being 100% Dragon. It was not done to undermine you.

It was done to reinforce your ability to evade them if you chose to do so, now and into the future. They know you could disappear into the Astral Plane as well as in this world. They would not want to drive you into a self-imposed exile. Your Gold King took your advice. Species 874 is not on the planet but they send me messages.

As I explained I am a walking Ground Station and the computer got access to the local spy satellites, upgraded some code Species 874 would use within the satellites, and they are monitoring RECD as we move forward. I will warn you of any threats detected.

One of their ships is camouflaged and at the right height in orbit to act like a Genesis Station with fewer resources in the short term. Your thoughts on leaving this world? Your thoughts on your wives undergoing professional gene resequencing to match you slowly? I am much more talented than CGR, the risks are very minimal by comparison. Also your children?

What you were concerned about is a desired trait by Species 874, becoming your very own race as it were. Your children would become that. Richard your percentages are too high on Species 874. We could shave points off what Rayne has and her children with Jace have as they are at 12% while Rayne is at 14% on Species 874.

Hers would be much easier and less risky than doing you, Marshal Cooper. Species 874 being the bigger issue, the other races are relatively easy by comparison. Major changes in that are filled with greater risks. However, your wives and your children could be done as well if you choose to go. Jace is the one we need to go, regardless."

Rayne said nothing but had been very impressed at what he did with his first enchanting project, then the ones that followed. He did not start small and still succeeded. Shaped it like it was soft clay that hardened into solid titanium. To add a stealth field to his armor was a marvel to watch.

Then he put a non-detection effect onto his amulet that Sylvia gave him when he left. So it stored the armor so it would never detect as magical. That was followed by physical modifications to his armor to add in built-in holsters and speed loaders for his gun clips, a weapons clip onto the back to hold his bow. Something she helped him with.

All for when he stored his armor it stored his weapons as a part of it if they were not in his standard holsters. Which he wore with a suit at times, depending on what he was doing. She now looked at Jace differently.

He could enchant at a whole other level above dragons. She knew if she were resequenced like Jace, she would be able to do it as well. Create magical items that would rival and dumfound Dragons. The idea of that excited her.

Jace sat back, "I need to talk with my wives and family, without your spying on us. Yes, I will use my armor after you are gone for tonight. I want the truth known, that Junction was not the fault of humanity.

Some general agreement to improve the lives of any other humans who stayed behind for any reason. Be they missed in this mass exodus, or just choose to stay behind for their own or family reasons. Genetic mutation and the ability to raise their children if financially capable should be permitted.

Humans could become an entitled race in some Kingdoms, especially if they want to maintain their military strength. Forced sterilization needs to stop and humans need to be treated humanely and not like garbage. I am not saying they become rulers here.

I am just saying they should be respected more because they were persecuted for events beyond their control. We know that now. We should look to address that before we depart or die together from what you are telling me."

The White Queen sighed, "I cannot rule on that. I cannot make promises for those left behind. If you stay behind it will mean the death of us all, including me."

The Minister of Defense looked at Jace, "I will talk with the Gold King about these ideas. Especially the forced sterilization as it would impact troop strength and our ability to defend ourselves. If we adopted that sooner, we might retain more humans willing to stay and be a part of this City-State."

Jace sighed, "Genetic augmentation and cybernetic augmentation should be done only to those who volunteer and not be counted against them at birth. The CGR review process on eliminating lines needs to end.

Take what you get and put them to use where appropriate. 'Human death matches' for Spec-Ops needs to end. Grade them, wash them out to the regular military, or out of the service.

You are going to be population starved if many humans leave you high and dry. We will continue to honor our agreements put forth for CGR, but we need to know that meaningful changes will be here for those who choose to stay. I would also insist on the return of Rebecca's children to my wives.

I suspect they are still alive and in another CGR type facility somewhere. Cooper's grandchildren should be a part of that deal. Same for Jessica's children. I won't ask about others, Minister of Defense.

These will impact my decision to support this effort. I just got blindsided, and while not His Majesty's fault, I am hoping for some meaningful changes. Especially in this City-State where we have been very faithful to your services. The Military and Marshal Services both.

To our White Queen, we do this, we will not be living in tents. They need to have a city ready for us, once we agree. If we agree. Including the foundation for businesses and to advance in this technology along with many others.

To create things from vehicles to handguns and ammunition for plasma bows. Let alone food stores. We know they will likely have better weapons but those should be introduced over time, so we do not go and destroy ourselves yet again. If the Gold King fails on getting our children back, we will look to you and Species 874 to do it by force if necessary."

The White Queen nodded, "I forwarded your request. I hope to hear back on that as soon as you make a firm commitment to leaving this world. They have 3 Weave capable worlds they are looking to move you to one of them."

Jace shook his head, "I want confirmation that it will be the case before giving a firm commitment. It will impact the decision. Once I give it I won't back out, but I want to know the infrastructure will be there for this new world as it is a deal-breaker to send us back into a technological stone-age."

She sighed, "Sending that information along as well. You are being more demanding than I expected."

Jace nodded, "I know, I want replicas of my home here, there but doubled in size for more children if that is the case. We will have a say in when and who we mate with."

Jace got up and walked back to the panic room. Rayne looked over, "Probably best if you went back to the Royal Palace or your lab for the night for better security."

The White Queen walked off and teleported away.

The Minister of Defense did as well as the rest of them joined Jace in the panic room. Jace activated his armor and sat back in the chair, "What a mind fuck that was. Do you believe her?"

Rayne sighed, "She had to have convinced the RECD, if she convinced them, the majority of them, then she would have put together a strong case. I don't like how humanity has been treated here, given the facts we saw."

Coop sighed, "I have worked and fought for this City-State for almost 70 years. The kind of change you asked for is a lot. I don't know that you will get it all."

Jace nodded, "I will get the children, one way or another. I will drop it into the White Queen's hands to obtain them beforehand or when Species 874 comes back, provided we go that route. Neither argued their existence."

Sarah sighed, "We are all dead in 10 years if you don't go, that is not much of a choice. Our children will not get to grow up if we turn them down."

Jace sighed, "I know that, but I have been working a status quo my entire life. What my life will be like going forward and they just threw those plans on its head. They gave me more freedom than I ever considered, provided this is not a trap.

If it is, I want better lives for those who stay behind. To hedge our bets for humanity as a whole. Coop, Hellen, and Carla, thoughts on actually going? You are free to change your minds."

Coop sighed, "This is the only life I have ever known. I want the best for my grandchildren and children. If they make the changes you talked about, I might lean toward staying and helping to see that humanity in this world stays the course."

Hellen smiled, "We spoke mentally. He is reflecting our thoughts as well as those of our son and Darla."

Jace nodded, "I am leaning toward going to give all of our children a shot at life. A lot will depend on the answers we get back from the Gold King and White Queen. What about genetics?"

Hellen and Carla shook their heads no. Helen smiled, "If things change, we will let you know. But it would have to be a major change. Your foray into enchanting has me curious, but the uncertainty of resequencing is another matter."

Jace took his family home to let them all talk in private.

Rayne sighed, "If we keep our dragon types, and the children were whichever one is the majority type, or a hybrid."

Sarah smiled, "I agree with her if we are starting a new race if you will."

Jace nodded, "That means finding a third wife with Bronze to have a match. I would also look to one-up the deal with the White Queen, in giving her children with my genetics, unless she has a mate planned."

Rayne laughed loudly, "That would be interesting to see how she reacts to that request. It might be telling."

Sarah smiled, "If we get to play as well."

Jace nodded, "Of course. You ladies look at the social boards for one who is partially bronze dragon with 874 below 10% or right at it. The others can be added or removed if she is interested. Wait, Tawney Fires had 10% 874, and 5% bronze. She is a Sheriff."

Rayne looked her up, "Former Spec Ops, in good shape, older than you, Black hair, C-cup, deep blue eyes, it would be a shame to lose those. She is on the social board. I am going to talk with her, give me a minute.


Tawney got a call from an unknown ID at home and then she saw the red-haired green-eyed woman who looked like a goddess at her, "I saw your post on the boards, about looking for love and children."

Tawney smiled, "Your gorgeous but two women cannot have children." Sarah sat next to her and looked at her, "Very pretty. How do you feel about genetic resequencing, not CGR, a private and more accurate with less chance of a slip up in the process?"

Tawney laughed, "Dreamland resequencing?! That is always an extreme risk. Blonde gold eyes, dragon colored eyes. Also very pretty."

Rayne smiled, "We are considering a third wife. Your name came up from our husband. It would mean moving, potentially switching jobs, maybe. Going from the Sheriff to the Marshal Service potentially. Still working in that area if you want."

Tawney smiled, "I will bite. Who is your husband?"

Sarah smiled, "Jace Rivers. He was hoping to find one who would look to get resequenced to match his genetics. You both have the bronze, it would mean doubling up on your Bronze according to him. Swapping out a couple of minor ones to pick up troll and Frost giant. You might be taller than Rayne even."

Tawney was in shock, "Jace Rivers?! The Marshal Commander who is creating all the waves out here? That is why you said the Marshal Service."

Rayne nodded, "If you are interested he has a private doctor who could match your genetics to his. Maybe a different giant type, but he would likely want it to be close. He had done well with his. Would not cost you anything to get it done if you were interested."

Tawney sighed, "Is he good in bed?"

Sarah sighed, "Sending one of the ladies a request to buy out the alchemy shop for more healing potions again. On my wedding night, I am the second wife. I had these 2 taking me on for 7 days. The man never went soft and is fucking hung."

Rayne sent her just the measurements for Jace's cock and output, "Almost 3 times the normal."

Tawney sighed, "You sure this geneticist is good?"

Rayne smiled, "Secret, but the geneticist is a Dragon and would do it for nothing. She has her facility outside the City-State."

Jace came into frame, "She has been doing it for centuries and has a state of the art facility. Not a CGR facility. I won't tell you how she contacted me, but she wants to do both, my wives, after they deliver. Also my current children as well. I have one with Silver Dragon, and one with Gold Dragon genetics. We thought of adding bronze and I remembered you scanned as one and have skills like mine."

Tawney laughed, "Like yours, not near as good as yours."

Jace smiled, "That might change."

Tawney smiled, "What if I told you I had a girlfriend coming out of the service in 2 days. Retiring. She is out of the program, worked mechanized units, her dragon species is more exotic, She managed to get Mithril dragon at 10%."

Jace smiled and ran records, "General Pammela Waters, a brunette with silver eyes. I did not mention the marriage option includes life extensions. You are barely eligible, she would be eligible."

Jace hooked her into the call. She was surprised, "Your Jace Rivers. All over the news for stopping a Dragon attack at the Palace today."

Jace nodded, "One of many in my short number of years."

Tawney explained what was going on and Rayne explained how her wedding night went and then how Sarah's wedding night went. They both just stared at Jace as Tawney sent her the measurements from his last physical, given the resequencing he had done since he got out.

Pammela smiled, "I was going to call and let you know I will be out by morning. I finished my out-processing this evening. It just cuts my separation leave down by one day."

Rayne sent them both the address and directions. "If you are interested. You have a direct comms feed to any of us now. As well as the address where we have a 4 vehicle garage and 2 open spaces. Also 9 spare bedrooms at the moment."

Sarah smiled, "I never took them up on the spare bedroom. Jace might want the resequencing done beforehand. You 2 contact each other and let us know."


Pamella contacted Tawney, "You got Jace Rivers after you and you roped me into this as well? I caught his news conference and was surprised he never drew his guns for once. Then I saw that dragon that infiltrated the Palace. A fucking white one. It explained his control over matters some."

Tawney smiled, "Pam, the resequencing is the only thing that concerns me. I'd like to know why? The guy is rich, has a good eye for the ladies from what I can see, and something has him looking at resequencing now. I caught the recap but not the conference. They asked a variety of questions.

Though the dragon reporter he found focused her questions on the rapes out here which were odd for a dragon to ask about. Wait, he said the one doing the resequencing was a dragon from out-of-state. I wonder if the white was let go for some reason. Looked like she was trying to attack him though."

Pammela sighed, "I think we should pay him a visit in the morning and find out what is going on with that."

Tawney smiled, "Come see me in the morning lover. Then we can drive out together, after fooling around some."


The Minister of Defense sighed as he had just finished the list of issues and demands that Jace had asking about. He replayed the entire conversation for the Gold King as well so he could see the way Jace reacted.

The Gold King sighed, "Some of this is doable and understandable given what we learned. He asked about the children, which I did not expect. He did not believe it, obviously.

The White Queen probably knows where they are located and she would want them as well in this effort. I just signed a 10-year peace treaty with all member nations. Getting those children back might be a problem for me to get. Give me a couple of days to mull this over on how to approach it with the RECD."


Jace had left the field up. Inside he was in turmoil. He finally called Kindra on an encrypted channel who answered, "Jace, is that you? It's rather late."

Jace nodded, "I got an outside source who contacted me this evening. She laid a lot of information out about my life. Decisions I will need to make soon. They provided one piece of information that affected you directly. Concerning your husband, my friend, and mentor.

That was the fact that Crostanlir was directly involved in his death, 'Royal Politics.' Someone outside this City-State who has been monitoring me my whole life and those around me. Another Dragon entity who is not a part of this City-State.

If you saw the news, you know who the source of that information was. She had to have given the Gold King, if not the RECD enough information that she was freed. The story behind it is complex. They could track me pretty much anywhere they wished to monitor me, except the Astral Plane.

Also, others like me that were created, and not just recently, but for centuries. One last thing. She is pure-blooded, if she had the virus she was treated for it or somehow never contracted it. She is a geneticist and I am betting she has a cure for the issue. That would be serious leverage to anyone and everyone."

Kindra was in shock, "She told you this? About Crostanlir's involvement?"