Junction Pt. 05


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Yet it kept the Hivemind they desperately wanted. They now privately had to figure out how to get the Weave working in these new clones to eliminate the problem races. They repeated the process on the devices with Sarah and Rayne aftward.

Giving them the knowledge before the resequencing they wanted them to undergo before cloning. They had to wait for them to finish the deliveries in the next few months first. A matter of trust was being developed with Jace as they desperately needed him to try and figure out how to get connected into the Weave to be able to maintain it. To continue their work for perfection.

Then they did the Dragon Queen with the regeneration augmenter designed for a Dragon, they installed 10 of them in the White Dragon Queen. 10 of the former 5,000Ki units that she had collected and modified beforehand.

They modified her to stay alive with the tech she modified. To hold excess generated from the new technology to show they were serious about getting Dragons off of Ki and moving onto what they continued to call life Force (LF) instead. All the tech she had designed and reengineered.

Jace took note of that fact as it raised more questions for later. Yet he knew they were still holding back on him. He needed to be in a position to force a change and removal of those bombs would have to become a priority as he now saw Species 874 as an immediate threat.


They returned to just outside the gated community and walked through. Some of his guards were shocked to see two of Jace and one had all-black eyes.

Jace waved them down. "Not a human. He is Species 874. They backed off from that announcement as Jace moved them inside and teleported home. He turned on comms and sent a message to the Minister of Defense using the highest level of encryption Jace had and sent it as a priority.

"I got Species 874 to back down from their stance. One of them has transferred his consciousness into a clone of myself. If scanned he does not have my technology. The technology they installed in him your processors would have to be trained to identify.

The same goes for some of the tech installed inside of me now. The White Dragon Queen has some but you would not be able to detect it because of her ring. We need a meeting with the RECD. Plans have changed. I put more together than what they told you or thought I would put together. The sooner the better. I am home now."


The Minister of Defense went to the throne room and straight to the War Room without a word. He scanned it over and removed some newer devices that had been put in place and traced them back.

He jumped back and under the table as they armed and exploded. The King had just walked in and The Minister of Defense sighed, "They booby-trapped them. You try and backtrace them and they explode. I got trace DNA off of them and parts match those of LonUblin's devices and RanDabalon devices.

I came to tell you the plan has changed with Species 874. I received reports that over 200 of their craft returned to the planet and went into the Deep or cloaked. I know Jace is behind these negotiations.

As is the White Dragon Queen. Jace said they made a clone of him and one of the Species 874 members inhabits that clone now. He wants a meeting with RECD as soon as possible, Your Majesty."

The Gold King sighed, "Alright. Tell them to travel via his vehicle and get him here. I will get the RECD on the line and address this violation of the Peace treaty, not even 3 fucking days in."

The Minister of Defense left. The Gold King got them all on comms and was in a shouting match when Jace showed with his 874 Clone and the White Queen. The clone stepped forward, "Forgive me. Verbal communication is new to me."

He brought up external displays of each palace and had massive space-based warships that decloaked over every single Palace. "They are shielded from teleportation entry and could cause total devastation if attacked. We could simply release an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) from all of them and end this game of yours."

The Bronze King looked at 'Jace', "How did a human gain this ability?!"

Jace walked next to his doppelganger, "I am Jace, he is a member of Species 874 who is inhabiting a clone of me. Note the total black eyes. Something I insisted upon to differentiate them from humans.

Yet I am not human. I am an Enhanced Entitled Human Spliced Entity (EEHSE), a product of centuries of work done from facilities like CGR. The one thing I requested from CGR was not to become a race of our own. That is exactly what Species 874 wants from us, to become a race of our own. I asked them a lot of questions and got a lot more answers after I told them what I had put together."

The Clone held its hand up, "First let us deal with the violation of the peace treaty by BoYork and BoulDenver, to frame the other 2 City-States. You will see the communication on this as well as the surveillance information. It will show the Gold King those in his service who are working as agents for these governments.

You can talk about reparations and such once we have finished. We don't need to be a part of that and have no interest in being a part of that discussion. We have access to all of your spy satellites and have added our species code to communicate with them to monitor all of those in the RECD for their activities.

They were all built on our operating system which we know better than any dragon. Through them, we get access to local surveillance systems inside your very own Palaces.

We are few, but we hold the cards in these discussions as we can cripple your technology to the point some of you would not be able to move because it would fry the tech in your bodies. I hope we understand who the alpha predator is in this arrangement."

Jace sighed, "They could simply take all of humanity from this world and leave the world ending bombs in place around this world to destroy it in 10 years. It was set when they departed. I asked a lot of questions and those led to 3 approaches for them in this world.

First, they cannot access the Weave or do magic, even in my clone, when they take over the body completely. They are challenged in vocal communication and tend to be 'matter of fact' about things. That is because they have this."

Jace threw the MRI image up with the one area circled. "They modified the eyes of the clone, but also they ensured that organ, one from their creators, was added to the clone. That likely blocks them from being able to utilize the Weave and magic.

That is not their only shortcoming. While Species 874 is infertile they have been dealing with being a 'cloned' society for so long they are sexually asexual and institutionalized. Meaning they don't know how to use the sexual organs these bodies have.

They will have to work to learn that over time. The bodies may never function for them, but they have the seed and with a female, the eggs to grow them without sex. Things they know how to do. My wives will be resequenced like me after they deliver.

To provide female clones to their effort. The children I have will become like that, the existing ones, as soon as they prove it is not a risk to them. I set up a test for that, and it is not relevant at the moment.

They could have taken all the humans, left the bombs, and destroyed this world outright. Instead, I called them on what their plans were. They are not looking to send humans to another world, but another reality that has this world, but things did not progress the way they did here.

The key to this discovery was 'Weave capable worlds.' 3 other worlds that are Weave capable. 3 other worlds that have Dragons and Elves. They are 3 other realities and not different worlds. Two of which humans and 874 did not survive the transition and all the races live separately and spread out on a much larger world with no technology.

The other alien species, known as the Lycanists created Species 874 by taking humans from Earth periodically. The last grab happened differently for each of these in multiple realities. They kill off the dragons and elves, the Weave fails.

The Weave is what is holding this merged world together now. This is likely caused by the way they grabbed Earth in a fracturing state. The Genesis stations and the ships are those of the Lycans. New ones were built and put into place by them, but they did not enhance them.

They cloned them if you will. Because they gave them that mental organ Species 874 knew of their plans. They could understand Lycanists and how to use their technology. Lycanists never worked to understand Species 874.

They saw them as a failed experiment. They wanted to pull in the remains of the human population in one shot. They found them at war and either they or Species 874 initiated the transfer. It could have varied based on different realities.

Your planet had been in the middle and got caught in the transfer. You like units of measurements. Your world and Earth were both 1 unit. This world was 110 units in size that you merged with. From other worlds; worlds they had done this with previously, but they were not fractured worlds or should I say worlds in the middle of fracturing.

Look where you are today. You are over the remains of human and alien major cities because of the technology and genetics that were brought into play in 84 City-States. You became the feudal warlords from Earth's past.

As human history was 'more primitive' and easier for the other races to grasp initially when these new governments formed. You want to remain at the top of the pyramid, even that is an illusion.

Species 874 has been watching over this science experiment since Junction. They made their move when I made it through and then when their stations were destroyed. They turned to plan B. Get what they wanted and abandon this world into a fiery ball of nothing as they leave.

I asked questions about these other worlds and they don't have this level of technical evolution on any of them. This is the place they need to operate from to succeed. They will work on improving the other 3 realities, but slowly and over time. Your Majesty, How do I look at the world?"

The Gold King sighed, "Tactically. You look for the hidden and the unsaid. The misinformation and half-truths being told to you. Including some from me."

Jace nodded, "Children were taken from Sylvia's hidden facility. Those need to be turned over to those you will be meeting with. What they will do, for all of those who cooperate, is exchange knowledge in genetic research.

To only your 2 top dragon geneticists, 2 top elven geneticist, and 2 top human geneticists in each of your City-States. Once that is done they will get the cure to cut off the Ki from the elven and Dragon geneticists. They will then get the schematics for the devices to replace your Ki based technology. Your regenerators and storage units. Others will take time and innovation.

With what is needed to build the devices for the Elves, dwarves, and dragons to move away from the need for Ki. Giants eventually. They have more work to do on them. I have this new Life Force or LF regenerator in me with a separate expansion unit. I have 500 Ki, now it will be 5,500Ki, because of the knowledge they fed into me.

Included in that knowledge is the location of these 12 world-shattering bombs and the means to defuse them and disassemble them. I have 10 years to do it, just over 9 years to do it in reality. What will occur during this time frame is the White Dragon Queen will establish a new City-State.

A City-State where Species 874 and EEHSEs will become 2 of her entitled races. She had a new storage unit designed for dragons and a rapid LF regenerator designed for Dragons that will keep her at an effective 55,000 LF instead of Ki. Regenerating.

She will have tech enhancers to protect her and the work Species 874 will be doing to work issues with the other 3 realities. EEHSE's could become entitled races in other Dragon City-States. They are not human, just derived from them. Like Species 874 was derived from them, millennia ago.

This leaves your RECD in place and does not have Species 874 working in your societies or trying to rule over your societies. As they or their captors...the Lycanists were responsible for the creation of Junction. Not humanity, that you have been unjustly punishing for years. Knowing they had little if anything to do with the state of the creation of this world."

The Bronze King looked over, "What if we refuse?"

Jace sighed, "Then they will go in with stealth units who are likely already in place to recover those children. Once on the ship, they will activate EMP's over those who refuse to cooperate, frying all of your technology and taking you back to a pre-Junction state of existence in that City-State. Taking you back to non-technology based dragons and other races in the given City-State.

Then work to extract all of the humans from your area and essentially cripple your militaries as you have them today. No vehicles, no Ki capability, no communications other than magical communication. Those built into tech, the tech would be fried.

You would then be at the mercy of those who agree and get the genetics and technology needed to be able to obliterate your people outright, as Dragons tend to do, but they would be amped up with technology while you would be weakened and hampered by the loss.

Please note, we have made no demands for humanity to be made an 'entitled race,' only those who become evolved like me would fall into that category. The work I have done in this Kingdom will continue. To improve the lives of those living in San Angeles.

You have no means of having a private conversation with everyone. You should just speak your mind. I got Species 874 to work with you in a spirit of cooperation and to remove the threat of destroying this world.

They gave me the knowledge to take care of that issue. I found the hidden truths to what they had planned and showed them why it was flawed. I got them to talk with you, or at least at you directly. I did my job in protecting this City-State from all-out destruction.

You are just getting the opportunity to benefit from it. The Gold King did not have the details until just now, like the rest of you for once. Because it impacted you all and Species 874 did not want to repeat this 83 times."

They all talked for several hours and the Bronze King finally came back, "We will comply for now, yet we move not to recognize EEHSE's as another race in any Kingdom."

Species 874 stepped forward, "You can determine that for your own Kingdom. Not the world. EEHSE's will be a race and an entitled race in the White Dragon Queens new City-State. Others can choose to adopt them or not. You already have races for elves based on subspecies lines. This is no different. Same with Dwarves and clans who are all biologically identical, other than a name and a location."

The Bronze King sighed, "You are saying we cannot outlaw this race."

Species 874 nodded, "Correct. Else we will outlaw your race into extinction by destroying all of your technology and letting the others have at you. Don't think some won't try given your heavy-handed ways with every City-State in your squabbles you call wars."

The Bronze King glared, "We don't like these humans being elevated into a Race in any form."

Species 874 nodded, "We don't like a race of pompous lizards who have magic but are not tech-savvy ruling over these lands. Yet we will allow that, for now. After the first couple of attacks, you throw at us, we will send the attackers back to living in caves with malfunctioning technology embedded within them, and most of them blind in one eye.

Leave them fearing the others who would hunt them into extinction. Remember, we have all of your satellites as they use our code and we will know who is working to undermine us. This is your only warning in this matter. Are you volunteering to set the example for the others?"

The Bronze King sat back, "No. I am not volunteering for that."

Jace breathed out a sigh of relief and turned to the Gold King, "Your Majesty, I think I will take them all home with me for now until they return to their hidden facilities out of your reach in The Deep.

They will know how the Council rules and take action they see as appropriate. I cannot stop them from doing that. They still have 12 bombs out there and some are harder to get to than others, Your Majesty."

The Gold King sighed, "Very well Jace. I will deal with the reparations. I had the Minister of Defense track down the 2 agents who set those items. I have what I need."

They left the room and the Bronze King looked at the Gold King, "Your facilities created that monstrosity known as Jace Rivers."

The Gold King shook his head, "The one who saved us from being turned into 150 City-States, the one who found the 5,000Ki issues that plagued our armies during that time. The same man who found the issue with BoulDenver in the Dwarven mines and turned it over to our Mastro units.

The one we all paid for giving us the information on how to stop Sylvia, the mass murderer of our people. You would not have the same issues if he did this for your City-State. You are still getting semen samples from him to work with your genetics facilities.

You want those to stop, just give the word. You won't as you are not that brave to let the others have that advantage and not have it yourself. We continue to work with Jace as he continues to be loyal to this City-State. We will rule on the entitled race when their numbers grow. You want us to stop sending those semen samples to you, any of you? We will put them to use."

They all remained quiet on that matter. The Gold King moved on to the aggressors who violated the Peace treaty already and had been caught and interrogated.


Jace drove them back and the White Queen shook her head, "You did well Jace, all things considered. Species 874 are not very 'people-centric.' Especially with the Dragons who have set back research countless times. They are more matter of fact about things. I thought they would have blown up at the 'pompous lizard comment.' I know we share a lot of genetics with lizards, but that could have exploded."

Jace nodded, "I know but the large ships over every capital kind of defused that more than what I had to say. Dragons, most dragons, respect strength of body and magic, in that order. Species 874 is challenging them to try and not respect technology equally. They don't want to deal with those challenges. From Genetics to the others. I am going to refer to this one as Doppel. Short for a doppelganger."

Doppel looked at Jace, "We recognize your need to identify us as individuals. We will settle on that for now. We have to come to grips with an individual identity and our group mind. We have chosen an above-ground location over some older ruins with good technology to gain access to. It is far enough away from the others to create problems for them finding it."

In truth, it contained hidden and large complexes they would need if they wanted to create more ships. As well as repositories of knowledge from the Lycanisits into their research that they wanted to be secured. A facility of dominant technological achievement, though Species 874 did not understand how much of it worked.

Jace nodded, "Until we need them for something. Remember, the spirit of cooperation is the plan, and being heavy-handed in matters will not play well with getting cooperation. As to names, look at it as a cut diamond. It is still a diamond, this is your Hivemind, but it has many facets.

You are just putting a name and or a number to those facets as you transition them. I get the stealth field generator working for the house and we can work on one for this new City-State as well."
