Junction Pt. 05


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She laughed, "10-20. Something about your genetics has it turned on and I cannot shut it off right now. I am working on it. Just keep going."

He did her pussy another 8 times straight until she finally stopped him, "Alright, Alright. I have finished ovulating. You are a damned fine lover. You sure as hell can fuck like a dragon and make love like a man. Your ladies are damned fine lovers as well. They match your genetics and they might keep pace with you."

Jace nodded, "62 children. With the chance for more if some of the later ones divide again. Some are still dividing."

She held her head back and put her ring back on, "They will be in an incubator unit within 2 months with that many. Not unheard of, but extremely rare, especially for a first pregnancy. I will have to build and set those up for them. The lab is the best place for that. I just got a message, they are there and waiting for us."

Jace went and grabbed Rayne who was asleep with the other 3 ladies and took her into the shower with the White Dragon Queen. Rayne happened to be all smiles, "I like the 2 new ladies. They are being patient, they want more answers before committing. They don't want to bring children in if they are not going to have lives."

The White Queen sighed, "Alright, I know you could keep going but once I figured out how to shut down the ovulation from being with you. I think that is enough for now. I would likely ovulate every time we had sex, anal, oral, or whatever. Something built into your genetics. Likely from the metamorphosis. They want just the 2 of us."

Jace shook his head, "Rayne goes as she will need the location and she is my first wife. We still have a trust issue to work through first. Lots of misinformation."

The White Queen finally nodded, "They agree, it is not all 4 of them and her having the location and needing it they understand. You are also not completely trusting of them, for a reason. I reminded them of that fact because of the persecution your people suffered. Also the half-truths you revealed."

They got dressed and Jace had his weapons. The White Dragon Queen sighed, "I am going to ask that you leave the weapons."

Jace nodded, "If you can guarantee they have no automated weapon systems, would not work to keep me there against my will to collect genetic material, or to take me away immediately."

She sighed, "Alright, this is for your defense only. They said they have no plans on forcing anything. Especially with this meeting, they want to convince you by being more honest."

She teleported the 3 of them inside. "The rest of this facility is teleportation shielded. This lock is DNA encoded. Things go well and we will look to add the 2 of you to this door. This space has a gravitational stability environment built into it to keep you from feeling the effects of being this deep in the Ocean.

Breaching the walls would be a bad idea. They know you are aware, but the water would likely crush you to death in the process. Force walls might buy you a few seconds but then you are dealing with the depth that would make getting to the surface a life-ending experience. Something about gas bubbles forming in your blood."

Jace nodded, "The bends, there were talks about it from Earth history I read about. We did not have a Naval presence, not a big one in San Angeles. That is likely to change to protect the launch facility."

They walked into the room and there was 3 Species 874 present. They looked humanoid but had larger all-black eyes, long fingers, and were far shorter than he expected. Almost 40cm shorter than him and greying skin. They looked like children, but he knew better.

He spotted the monitor, "Hello Jace and Rayne Rivers."

Jace nodded to them, "The first question. Why have you not answered the other questions about the destination?"

The message popped up, "It was still being discussed on how to accomplish this task."

Jace nodded, "Because you are looking at a hostile environment to our presence. One where we would be at war almost immediately."

He saw the message that came back, "From 2 of them, that would be correct. With the third, our world had not been at war. Our activity in our own time caused the worlds to merge regardless, within those other realities. It is hard for them to be upset with us for taking an agreed-upon decision by our species.

We applied it, not realizing the consequences would impact other realities. Yet they lost many and have the same issues with cloning. They did not realize how humanity played into it until we sent a representative to that reality.

They stopped their wars on other races but the damage had been done. Humanity bore the brunt of the attack and is not viable, not enough numbers to sustain the population. They have 100 times the number of our species that we do. More of them remain.

Our alien enemy is a greater threat to that system. After the change, they backed away from the world and are monitoring from a distance. They do not know how to deal with magic. It is a technology that neither they nor we know how to deal with.

They now see that cloning will fail them as we have, but building what you ask they would find beneath them and the other races would find such an increase in humans as a threat to their abilities and their lands.

Their giants, Dragons, and elves have larger populations. The dwarves did not fare as well. They have a few large clans, but not enough for every location and they are all separate. No communication satellites or technology centers other than ours and the stations were destroyed. They do not have this government here with the Apex predators ruling over them.

They did not adopt this from human history. The other 2, they are a rudimentary copy of this world, but humanity and our species did not survive the transition in those realities. Neither did the aliens who were attacking us. At least those on the planet.

Not many of them survived in this world, it took time for them to repair ships to exit this world. They had to do that while being attacked by the indigenous life and from us. It was our homeworld in all cases."

Jace cut them off, "No. If we were predecessors to you then how did we end up so far behind in technology? How did you get here?"

They paused for a moment and then, the message continued, "Another race collected people from Earth hundreds of years ago. They seeded this world with them but genetically altered us to be resilient in space; something your species is not altered to do. At least not all of them.

What you have from our modified species came from our creators. It will protect you from space radiation and bone loss from gravity. It does not make you capable of going without breathing or surviving extreme temperatures and gravity extremes.

They severely lowered our fertility rates by adding those abilities until they were gone. Then there is the Weave. What holds this world together. Your new species, what makes you you, could allow those worlds to survive without the other races, potentially."

Jace shook his head, "No. We have to be able to live with those races, the Weave is theirs. The merged worlds were your doing and the Weave is the only thing that makes them habitable as the process was flawed. We are beyond potential solutions.

You need to work with the actual facts. How many worlds or realities have failed because of the loss of the other races? Even with members of this species on the world capable of using it?"

They replied, "Those were the other aliens we were fighting, they were defeated or retreated from this world. Depending on the reality. We do not know, we suspect you are correct. We figured with a larger base. By getting most of the humans off this world we could maintain the new world if the other races rebelled against our activity."

Jace shook his head, "We reach an agreement with them. We do not kill them off. That is where we failed. Where you will fail. You have to have tolerance for these other races as equals and not as servants. How much of this mass is theirs, from their original world?

They responded, "Their world's mass was the same as Earth. The rest came from our Home World. This world was 110 times larger than Earth. This is our homeworld, the world upon which we were created. Combined with the world in which you were created.

The third world was just in the way when we worked to save you from extinction. Back to the previous question. Eventually, our entire species was infertile. They struck across realities in an area known as the Bermuda Triangle before. Taking whole ships and planes.

We rebelled against them. This organ you found in us they had. We knew their plans, but they could not understand our thoughts through it. This created their Hivemind. With them gone, it is only our Hivemind using it.

We avoided propagating that. They wanted to try again and abandon us as failed experiments. They wanted the entire Earth's population in its entirety. Our attacks caused us to do the work at the facility as they retreated.

To break our bonds. We got more than our population as we got both worlds. Likely something they setup while retreating away from us. Figuring it would destroy us for rebelling. They did not account for the Weave.

Most of those ruins are from their society or other worlds that they attempted this with and brought them here like Earth was brought here. This time it was 2 worlds. Working with technology that we were not ready to handle yet.

We understood the genetics, we worked with that. Infertility was not a goal of theirs but they needed fresh crops to try and fix that in us, we failed as we tried that approach. Then we found other sentient life from that world. Then we worked with bringing in the other race's DNA and our host DNA with our modified DNA.

By combining traits across multiple species we achieved many successes, including you. Many were killed by the Dragons here. Seen as a threat. Some could have been bred with humans directly.

Just as you did with the White Dragon Queen. We aided them in understanding human technology as it was more primitive. This Kira you are attracted to was another we hoped would follow you."

Jace sighed, "Kira is an Elven Royal and I have not talked with her about abandoning her people here. She would likely refuse if she knew you planned to destroy what remained behind. Trust me when I say I am considering that. Explain Ki transfer."

They took a moment, "We would use it to transfer our knowledge into you and others."

Jace sighed, "Knowledge or everything that makes you, you? Essentially overwriting us?"

They responded, "The latter most likely could occur. Before you get angry, know this would not be done to you or those here. They would be done with clones generated from you and those here. To transfer our thoughts and minds into new bodies.

We would share our knowledge, as we did with the White Dragon Queen, though she is just learning about this fact. We did this while she was in stasis to know how to work the equipment in our absence. To be the geneticist that she has become."

Jace looked at them, "Your plan is flawed. You need to work to transfer this knowledge into Humans, Dragons, and Elven Geneticists. Then fix the DNA problems with them here.

You then need 3 'viable clones' for each member of your species in those 3 realities. One for each world. Then a fourth for you in this world. To do this whole body transfers you are wanting. Then others as they become available to expand those populations initially.

You need a base to start from. You have that here already as the others do not have these technology centers. You cannot afford to start over in that as you just admitted. You just have to work in a spirit of cooperation. You only need one Genesis Station.

To be able to talk and work with those other realities. You are giving up the sole knowledge over these genetics, the world monitoring, and this Hivemind here. When you take over cloned bodies. Make all of their eyes the solid black that you have now. To differentiate us from you. First, we have to get rid of the bombs you are holding over this world."

They responded, "The shared knowledge, and the world monitoring, not the Hivemind, or our abilities to communicate with those in other realities. The last part is not something we have, the ability to communicate across realities does not exist. The hive-mind we find that invaluable as it will allow us to know if our creators return."

Jace nodded, "Your quick reactions and private communication. Things the other races cannot intercept, at least until they do so through magic eventually. Then it buys you nothing. As you become the race you rebelled against. For other worlds, those clones, certainly.

You can watch them become like your captors and destroy those worlds and continue their research by collecting other worlds. You succeeded here with me by having diversity. It is not us against them. How much of that collective thinking is what you fought to possess solely?

That was why you did not make others eventually to replace you here. Because we might rebel against you and replace you to possess that aspect that you crave from your creators. You see it as a risk to humanity. If you are truly human in origin, then why repeat the mistakes of the past?

Free exchange of ideas and trying the absurd. Here and now, this world, no Hivemind on this world. The Black eyes to differentiate humans from your altered Species built on clones. You will find it difficult if not impossible to procreate here as well with a Hivemind.

You need permission, passion, arousal, ovulation, and release from the males into the females. You have been a race without a defined sexual identity for so long, how do you plan to get around that issue?

You are talking about all of that while your mind is effectively getting aroused to simply masturbate into yourselves by being that far into each other's heads. Yet you have no concept of who the male or the female in the relationship is in that matter. Why did your 50% hybrids fail? How many failed for being the wrong sex in the wrong body? Or just being limited to one sex?"

They took several minutes before responding this time, "You make unusual and unexpected arguments. Things you could not know about but could foresee occurring in the past. These things did happen in the past.

We still want the Hivemind but we want to transfer the knowledge off separately into others in case what you say does not work. This will answer your question as to how we would have destroyed this world and to remove those bombs.

You can take steps to remove that possibility yourself, as a matter of trust. 874 unique bases will remain behind again. We will want to collect the cells needed to clone you, to make these 4 separate clones, to begin with.

The others will move on to the other realities to supplement their numbers, not all are the same. Different base configurations if you will. We will install the modified tech you asked for into you."

Jace looked at Rayne, "You want to get the 5,000 Ki units, empty. If they want to transfer this knowledge into me from these others it will have to have some room associated with it. Until our bodies can absorb it. Correct me if I am wrong."

They all nodded at her as the message appeared, "It would smooth the transition of the data to not overwhelm you. Bring empty ones for each of your ladies as well."

Rayne went back to the teleportation room and Jace looked at them, "You cannot speak because they took that away from you. That requires an atmosphere, to make the sounds." They nodded.

The White Queen was still at a loss, "What will become of me?"

Jace smiled, "You are a Dragon Queen. You could rebuild in a new location and be the representative for Species 874 into the RECD. Back to 84 City States if you will. Just armed to the teeth with advanced weapons and defenses to keep the others at bay from another reprisal attack."

She sighed, "That is true, I suppose. I don't want a dragon mate though. I want you and your ladies."

Jace smiled, "One thing at a time, but Rayne is very likely to agree and Sarah already has eyes for you. Rayne is only worried about the cross-species thing and getting into trouble with that."

Rayne was back with the units and Sarah. Jace looked at them, "No putting me unconscious for this. Rayne and the White Queen will ensure you do not cross the line with what you take or you add in knowledge. By doing this now, we have set a path forward that the RECD will have to agree to in some form. What was the name of the race you drove off?"

They responded with another text message, "We called them Lycanists. They are or were shapeshifters. Human mythology had Lycans who switched from human to beast. They gave us no species, they did not refer to themselves at a species level. Neither do we, which supported your argument with us that we should look at 2 approaches.

We monitor using the existing RECD satellites that they are not back in this world. We will have the White Queen disable the WGPS tags in these units and modify the LF generators to convert to Ki. They could not track this far underwater. These were a smart decision, given the plan you came up with. Our Hivemind did not contemplate those questions before you asked them."

Jace sighed, "That is one problem with group thinking. You get focused on one idea, one way of doing things, and you lose creativity in the process until necessity intervenes. Then you have to address the problem, yet again. One solution at a time. This will help to break that cycle by doing 2 approaches."

The White Queen interrupted, "The tech in humans has to work with Ki and LF. I can make that change as humans will always have a Ki base and Life Force can be converted into Ki in the generator I created, something unique to humans in the design.

Let me work on modifying what is needed first and disabling those WGPS tags. With the elven prototypes, it was not needed as it was LF to LF. Now these larger storage devices, as the other leg, the main one will have the LF regenerator built into a storage unit that will always be active with the other, once the Ki levels through the knowledge transfer are completed."

The White Queen went to work and made subtle changes to the LF generator, adding small technical changes to it over the first 6 hours. Over the next 8 hours, over 200 ships returned to The Deep they remained uncloaked to be picked up but then cloaked once they had been counted by those watching.

They did the surgery to install the new unit into him and removed his Ki unit and installed the regeneration unit that was sized for an elf. They took the cells needed for starting the cloning of Jace first and genetically altered them to his requested black eyes with the Hivemind augmentation they wanted. Once it was matured one of them transferred itself into Jace's cloned body.

They found that process result could not do magic by transferring all of them into it. Something they feared was possible, but they could now confirm it. They would be reliant upon Jace and those that were modified to ensure they had access to get through the Weave as they could not do that themselves.
