Just Dance


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"Ahhh, you're killing me," Wes muttered under his breath. Jenna's ear was next to his mouth, so she heard him.

The mother chuckled. She felt his chest rising and falling into her shoulder blades. This was basically a position that she used for chair sex, except her arm was not wrapped behind Wes's head. Jenna began flexing her core and lightly rolling her hips. She could hear her son moaning and panting with each shift in weight on his cock. She felt him try to rub himself underneath her. He's gonna pass out! "Are you doing okay back there?"

No, I need to fucking cum. "Yep! Just a little hot." Wes's body was a boiler room. Dude, just keep it together. You need to.

"I can tell you need a short break," Jenna cracked up. "We can end it early if you need to."

"No, I swear I'm fine. You can keep going." Fuck, dude. Get a grip.

Jenna enjoyed hearing how afraid her son was of it stopping. "Relax, Wes, I'm not getting off. But I will give your hardon a quick break."

Confident that she could pull it off, Jenna wrapped her ankles around the back of the chair. Normally, she would be wrapping them around a guy's naked body and she would be doing this on a mattress. But she worked with what she had.

Wes waited in anticipation.

To Jenna, this felt like the most improper thing she had done thus far, even though it was physically the least intimate. Jenna shifted forward so that she was seated ahead of her son's warm package. She firmly gripped his bare knees. Using her feet behind the chair as leverage, Jenna slowly tipped her upper body forward until she was planking straight out. She moved her hands to the carpet for support.

Jenna was impressed that she executed it without a bed.

Wes was stunned. His mom's thighs straddled the sides of his body. Her head was out past his bent knees. And her beautiful ass, in its entirety, was displayed and laid out before him on his lap. The only possible purpose for this move seemed to be for his mom to show off how curvaceous and firm her butt cheeks really were.

The no-touch rule was pushed to its limit. I need to fucking grab it, or smack it, or something... I'd even be fine with poking it. "Please never stop biking," he jokingly begged his mom, to her delight. "So is there a reason for this move other than to show your butt off?" He teased.

"Nnnnope!" Jenna cracked up.

"Well, I'm a fan."

"I figured you'd be." She flexed her butt cheeks together and then let them rest. Then she flexed them quickly again. Jenna didn't know how to twerk - nor would she try. But based on everything her son was muttering, she knew her flexing was having it's desired effect.

"I love the way it moves."

Jenna continued to flex her cheeks and let them fall. After a few more seconds, Jenna unhooked her feet and pulled her butt forward so she could sit back up.

"You have the nicest ass ever. It's not just the looks. It moves and feels perfectly too." A sweating and bewildered Wes realized that he was with a woman whose skills and abilities were far out of his depth. If I end up cumming on her ass through my shorts, she better not blame me.

"Well, I'm happy you appreciate it as much as I do. Usually, guys become so distracted by my tits that they never focus on my ass."

"I mean, I wouldn't mind getting distracted by those either," Wes not-so-subtly hinted.

Jenna looked back and rolled her eyes. "These dances are ass only. And look at you," Jenna mocked, "you're struggling with just this."

"I'm hanging in there," Wes laughed at himself. He fully understood why his mom didn't want to cross that line.

"Besides," Jenna tilted her head, "there are some fun things that I can only do when facing away from you."

"Like what?"

"Well, this one I know is a stripper move." This was just something Jenna had seen in a movie, but there was nothing complex about it. She hopped off of his lap and stood up. "Here, move to the edge of the seat, and spread your legs apart."

Thus far, Jenna had been the one straddling. So this was a change. Wes followed instructions.

"Here, you can move back a little bit. There ya go." Jenna helped him adjust his positioning on the chair.

Meanwhile, neither of them had noticed that the song had been winding down. It came to an end. There was a long moment of silence. It was awkward until the first beats of the next song played.

Shit. "Is this just the next part of the first song?" Wes hoped out loud. "I think it might be."

"Well, considering it's a new singer and new music, I'm going to say no," Jenna ribbed. She was perspiring from all of her movements in the low-lit room. Jenna had already been mentally set on trying out the new move. It felt like she was leaving a job incomplete. I can't end a lapdance on thirty seconds of conversation.

"So, is it over?" Please say no.

"Well, the song is," the mother explained, "but the promise was to give you a lapdance for a whole song. And I basically gave you a knee dance for the first minute or so, and then we just sat there and talked for the last 30 to 60 seconds. So... Alexa, set a timer for two minutes."

The speaker announced it was setting a timer, and the music continued.

"Seriously?!" Wes's heart was pounding out of his chest, and his body was numb. "Another two minutes?" Fuck yes! She's fucking amazing.

Jenna shrugged. "You've been honoring your word, I'm not going to cheat on mine." She re-guided her son's knees apart. His package jutted out just in front of the seat. The mother turned around again and stood between his legs. Jenna placed her hands on Wes's thighs and bent over until her butt pushed Wes's upper body against the back of the chair.

"Oh fuck. Are you grinding on just the tip again?" Wes was almost too stiff to control his body.

Jenna turned her head back as she worked her way down. She smiled at her overwhelmed son's face. "Of course I am. But only for a little bit."

"Why?" Wes wavered.

"Because, remember, this is to do that cool move I can only do to you when facing away from you." Jenna's ass reached Wes's lower abdomen once more. She concentrated her swirling cheeks on his circumcised cockhead, which she easily felt through his mesh shorts.

"Uhhh. Ahhahh! Ugh!" Wes's moans were giving way to tormented groans and grunts. "Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow."

After a satisfying fifteen seconds, Jenna then did what she had originally planned on doing. The mother lowered herself between her son's legs and rubbed her ass down the length of his rigid cock. She squatted in her jeans until she was massaging his previously hidden testicles.

"Oh fuck," Wes hazily remarked.

A proud Jenna responded, "Pretty cool, right?"

Wes peered straight down his body to see that a tall blue peak had appeared. The rest of his tent and his groin were covered by his mom's vigorously circulating ass. She was keeping her balance with a strong grip on his mid-thighs. This is fucking better than sex. "I like this move a lot. I like you grinding on my balls. There's no way you know how good this feels," Wes admired.

"Oh yeah? You're actually about to like this move even more." Jenna breathed through her extended workout.


Her playful smile was replaced with a more sinister one. Jenna pulled her butt away before thrusting it back onto the tip of her son's throbbing cockhead. She then perfectly aligned her buttcrack with her son's shaft. Jenna could feel the length of the cock enveloped between her two spherical butt cheeks. You fucking did it first try. How 'bout that? She then deliberately made powerful, quick, small rotations, and slowly worked her way down Wes's favorite body part.

Unsurprisingly, Wes liked it too. No fucking way. Oh, fuck! "Ohhh, that's so fucking good. Don't stop! I fucking love this." His mind was melting. He could barely think.

"I wasn't planning on stopping," Jenna assured. He's frickin' losing it. She pulled away and stuck her ass back onto the top of his tent before slowly working her way down again. Her ass worked Wes's concealed cock like a paint roller on a wall, but with an added gyrating movement. With each pass, Jenna used more force. She dug her fingers into Wes's legs, trying to leverage more pressure.

Jenna knew that continuing this until the timer went off would be the proper way to finish this week's dance.

"Oh fuck. Fuck. I'm gonna need to cum so much later," Wes panted, exhausted.

That was a weird thing to hear her son say, but Jenna was hardly surprised. After this, he'd probably blow up if he didn't cum. "Oh, really? Does it have anything to do with what I'm doing right now?"

"Yes! It's literally entirely because of this!" Wes practically shouted. "You're so fucking hot."

The exuberant response was what Jenna was hoping to hear. She promptly broke her pattern to stand up, press her ass into her son's heaving chest again, and work her way down onto his cockhead. Once his moans became too loud, Jenna finished grinding down the length of his shaft and then went back to her 'paint roller' technique.

Ahh, ahhhhhh! Wes suddenly felt his pink cockhead burn. It reignited every time Jenna began a new cycle. I'm not gonna last. Fuck! Dude, you can make it! You can make it. Don't ruin this. Don't fucking ruin it...

But his mom's relentlessness was proving fatal. The exhausted, horny, and stimuli-overloaded son knew he had finally passed the breaking point. "Fuck. I'm gonna wanna cum to this, Mom," he breathed.

"I would think so," she smirked. "You don't need to hang here when the song stops. You can go run right up to your room after this and have your private time - that would be quite the compliment. I'll just assume you're occupied until you come out later tonight."

Jenna didn't realize what her embarrassed son meant this time.

"No! I mean- " Wes's eyes shuttered. His muscular body was stiff as a board. His toes were curled, his fists closed. "AAAAHHHHH! UUUUUUGGHHHH! AAHH-AAAHHH!"

Jenna froze too because she soon realized what was happening. It was not the loud grunts and cries that triggered her stoppage. It was the feeling of thick liquid hitting her shirt on the small of her back. No fucking way...

The mother immediately pulled herself up and spun around.

The head of a red, swollen cock poked through the waistbands of Wes's boxers and blue shorts. It rested on Wes's t-shirt. There was a trail of dense white cum landing from his chest. Jenna's eyes went wide. Wes regained his sight and looked down. He panicked and covered it in embarrassment. The burning sensation he had felt was from the denim seam between his mom's butt cheeks meeting his sensitive flesh.

Jenna could see from her son's disbelief and terror that he didn't pull his shorts down. I fucking tugged them down with my ass. She was silent.

"I am so sorry! Sooooooo, sooooo sorry!" Fuck, holy shit. What the fuck's wrong with me? Dammit! Wes had experienced the most explosive orgasm of his life, but all he could think about was the horrific mistake he just made. "It was an accident. I tried to tell you it was happening. I swear," he pleaded, covering himself up. But covering himself up did little good, as his light blue shorts were died dark blue. His wet cotton boxers and mesh shorts clung to the surface of his dick.

The mother raised her hand in a calming way. It was more to calm herself than her son. "It's okay. I know it was an accident. I can see now that you were trying to tell me." Relax, Jen, none of it actually got you. You're okay. How many guys have jizzed on you before? It's no big deal.

Jenna got over her initial shock. He just fucking jizzed everywhere - from a fucking lapdance. Her face started to crack. You fucking pulled his shorts down with your ass. Jenna snickered. Look, he's petrified that he came. The mother was trying to muffle her chuckling. It was hard not to see the comedy in this.

"Beep beep! Beep beep!" When the timer went off from the smart speaker, less than half a minute after Wes blew his load, Jenna erupted in laughter. Wes was confused, but he took it as a sign of relief. He forced a laugh too, not getting what the joke was.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Nothing. Just, of course, that would happen," Jenna rolled her eyes, with them watering slightly.

You might be fine. "You're not mad? Are we still gonna be able to do this next week?"

"I'm not happy about having to clean cum out of my top. But, no, I'm not mad. It's probably at least half my fault," she admitted. "Some motherly advice though, whenever you're with a girl, don't say 'I'm gonna wanna cum to this,' say, 'I'm about to fuckin' cum,' so they know to fucking act on it right away." Jenna still laughed.

"Ok, noted. So are we gonna still do this next week too?" Wes was relieved he was not in trouble. But he still was anxious about his mom calling the deal off after this mishap.

"Of course, if you hold up your end of the deal again, I'll hold up mine." In a loving taunt, Jenna added, "Though, I guess now I can't promise you a whole song."

Wes beamed. His demeanor perked up as much as it could for someone who was just drained. "I'll wear, like, spandex boxers and spandex shorts so nothing can be tugged down," Wes retorted.

Jenna laughed. "Well, I actually wouldn't do that," she admitted. "I can't really do what I need to do well if your dick is trapped. Wear shorts like that - just tie them tighter." Her son nodded his head. "Anyway, I have to go get ready for Bri and Layla. Move the chair back and maybe blow a fan in here?"

Wes told her he'd get the room straightened up, and Jenna hustled upstairs.

***** Ch. 18

In her bathroom, Jenna ran a cold shower and then carefully removed her top. She held up the back of her t-shirt before her. There was a tall spread of melting white goo. Jesus, did he just not jerk off all week in preparation? Jenna thought back to when she danced against his testicles. She didn't remember gauging their size with her butt. It'll just be easier to throw the damn shirt out, Jenna snickered. She then noticed a rope of cum running off the shirt. Jenna turned around in her mirror. "Of course..." In addition to darker stains on her jeans, likely from Wes's leaking precum, there was a large splotch of white semen. Guess I'll be wearing different pants tonight.

The mother turned her attention back to her shirt. She smell of the fresh ejaculate was potent. Without thinking, she pinched a gooey puddle with her finger and thumb. She watched the liquidy strands form and break as she separated her fingers, and noticed its consistency as it slowly ran down her fingers. Jenna then held her fingers under her nose and let the scent waft in. Yeah, that smells like someone just came - and super salty. Her body mildly reacted. Jenna, somewhat instinctively, darted her tongue out and let a small droplet stick to her tongue. Hmm, she sighed and shrugged. It's a natural curiosity.

Jenna then used her free hand to wriggle out of her jeans. In the mirror, she could see the wet spot that formed in her striped thong. You were grinding on a hard dick as hard as you could, what else would you expect? Jenna comfortably explained.

After kicking away her jeans, she peeled her thong down with her dry hand. Her bra came off next, and she stared at the mirror. A sweaty but familiar and relaxed face stared back. Hey, you just made a cute 21-year-old cum on your back from a fully clothed lapdance... you're getting better with age. The mother then stood at the entrance of the running shower. She examined her cum-covered index finger and thumb, and then she studied her shower drain. No, this was a huge deal for him, and that's sooo disrespectful. I know you don't want to, but he deserves it. Jenna slipped her fingers in her mouth as she walked into the relieving shower.

***** Ch. 19

In his room, Wes lay in his bed, gazing at the ceiling. He had yet to clean his cock off or change out of his clothes. He was stunned, and his mind spun. You just did that. That just happened. She just did that to you. And you just fucking did that on her.

Wes thought back to the last year: Him finding that video of his mom in his dad's drawer, him being sexually frustrated by his thoughts of his mom, Bella coming from out of the blue to offer him relief and a wonderful distraction, him thinking about his mom again and learning more about her. "Now she's giving me lapdances that make me cum."

Wes slunk to his feet and removed his clothes. He inspected his naked body in his mirror. His muscles were not quite buff yet, but he had great tone with defined cuts in his abs. His shoulders and neck were much thicker and prouder than they used to be. His shaft was fairly well-hung (It would fall into Jenna's category of "a very healthy boy"), and his balls were once described by Bella as "fucking monsters." Wes was handsome, and he was still way out of his mom's league - but literally every other guy is too. She obviously doesn't care about your age either. So, other than being her son... Wes laughed.

In the shower, Wes rehashed his thoughts again and again. Do you think she liked it as much as you did? She seemed to love it. Though, it's in her nature - maybe she was making the best out of a chore. I mean, she's only doing this because she wants you to stop managing porn. And she fucks guys all the time. She might just always find a way to have a good time and none of it means anything more than that. But she did those extra tricks and was fine with adding extra time? The college student was confused. But he was fine with that. He just didn't want it to end.

It was not long before he heard Bri and Layla knocking on the front door.

***** Ch. 20

After drinking wine, the three friends went to the same nightclub they had gone to the previous two Saturdays, at Jenna's insistence. Jenna could have fun and draw attention anywhere, but this club was the only one where she knew she could fulfill her current desire.

Jenna felt she could tell her friends anything. But she was nowhere near ready to talk to them about what just happened with Wes. Part of her had wanted to blurt it out on the porch, but Jenna needed to digest the situation first.

In the nightclub, after downing a cocktail, Jenna, wearing a tight sweater dress and boots, strutted straight toward two of the youngest-looking men in the room. It was not long before she was provocatively dancing with them. She only danced between them for a few songs before she was removing two condoms from her clutch as the men walked her to into the men's bathroom.

Jenna was surprised by how wet she was and how badly she was in need of relief. This time, she chose to sit down on a lucky young man's lap so that he could bounce her on his thighs and cock. She faced forward and zealously blew the other lucky man. She let them switch positions twice before she helped a satiating orgasm rip through her body. A clear-minded Jenna rejoined her friends and took it easy for the rest of the night.

***** Ch. 21

The following two weeks were not so different.

Over the next 13 days, Wes racked up as many interviews and offers as he could. He was stimulated by the daily selfies his mom was sending him of her in her biking pants and tops. The son loved the photos, but he made sure not to use them as an excuse to flirt with her. He knew he was climbing a steep mountain, but he had no chance if he started coming across as creepy. Just focus on getting job offers. Wes fantasized that the more over-the-top he went on his side of the agreement, the more his mom would reward him.
