Just Dance


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Jenna rolled her eyes and slapped her hands on her legs. "I don't know, like one of those fucking normal things you read in erotica or see in cliche porn- like cleaning your room in a maid outfit, letting you have my underwear, giving you a lapdance, spying on me getting changed - that type of kind-of-gross-but-not-too-gross shit!"

Woah, dude... The horny son imagined his mom in each of those scenarios. She didn't have the maid personality at all, and it would also make her costume on Halloween seem less special. He already had full access to her underwear. He also didn't like the idea of being a creepy spy, no matter how hot the view. Wes beamed, "I definitely want the lapdance each weekend then."

"No, those weren't offers, Wesley. Those are the things I thought you'd- " The mother saw the lights in her son's eyes and his eagerness. She took deep breaths. If you say yes, this is over now. You fucking said it. If you say no, he might back out forever. C'mon, Jen. You're worried about going too far now? You let two guys cum in you last week. There are worse ways to go too far than giving a good guy an inappropriate lapdance for two minutes.

"Okay, fine," Jenna relented. "But I'm not even ordering the Halloween costume until after you show me proof of a serious job offer."

"Yes! Really?! I'll definitely do that."

Jenna couldn't remember the last time she had seen her son so enthused. His face glowed with happiness. It actually made Jenna happy to see what she was able to do for him. "Yes, really," she shook her head and chuckled at his reaction.

It's happening, dude! Wes's arm was pressed firmly into his erect cock and less subtle in its movements. "Wait, are the lapdances going to be, like, casual ones or actual good ones? And what are you going to wear? What should I wear?"

"Wear normal clothes, because that's what I'm gonna be wearing." It was setting in for Jenna that she had just agreed to sit on her son's lap, press her body against his, and grind into him. He's rubbing his dick just from you talking to him. Jenna exhaled, "And, yes, I'm not trying to pull a trick on you; I promise they'll be good ones."

***** Ch. 17

Summer had been officially over for a week, and October came rolling in. Wes was again back on campus for five days of classes. As promised, he had stopped all recruiting of new actresses. He told current ones that he was no longer paying them to make videos, though they could make new ones for their own sites. He also posted an announcement on his site that anyone that would like to cancel their premium membership because of the production halt may do so.

Wes was sure that his mom, a frequent user, would see the announcement and know that he was following through on his pledge.

Fortunately for Wes, he was still able to profit from the premium members who would stay to keep watching the current videos. Though, that was the last thing on his mind. Just a few days... It'll be here soon. Knowing he was going to experience a new level of sexual tension and pleasure from his bombshell mother was surreal.

As his mother had hoped, her offer was a good motivator for him to apply for jobs. She just needs to see that I'm getting legit offers. I need to get an interview.

The week of waiting brought plenty of nerves for Jenna as well. Putting on a skimpy outfit she used to wear while she spent Halloween with her son was her initial offer. She had hoped that teasing him (though still wildly inappropriate) would have been enough. But that task now seemed innocuous compared to what she was facing. Jenna didn't question her ability to follow through with it (she knew she could and would). She questioned what attitude she should have toward it.

The idea of performing a naturally erotic activity, like a lapdance, with her own son was nearly impossible to process. How the hell do I go about this? How do I even tell him when it's time? Like, 'Hey, Wes, it's time for your lapdance'? God... This is going to be so frickin' awkward. I mean, look, if you treat it like it's awkward, you'll never be able to get through it. It would be brutally uncomfortable for both of you. You have to do it like you would any other one. Jenna shook her head. But... it's not like you can simply pretend he's just some random guy in college that you can grind into trying to make him jizz his pants for fun. Jen, you can do this. Just find the middle ground. Make it a 'motherly' lapdance, hah. The mom laughed nervously at her thoughts.

Wes drove home early Saturday morning as usual. Another benefit that came out of telling his mom about his true line of work was that he didn't need to leave the house for nine hours on Saturday anymore to pretend he was working a made-up job.

Despite all of his anticipation during the week, Wes avoided his mom most of the day. It was one thing to imagine getting a lapdance from her. It was another thing to approach her and ask her when he would get it. Dude, you're gonna have to bring it up. She's not going to.

Jenna checked a kitchen clock. With her task looming over her head, the day was dragging on forever. You can't go through this tomorrow, too. And afterward, you're gonna need to rinse off and gather yourself before Bri and Layla get here. The mother knew that if she wanted to perform the deed before Bri and Layla arrived for wine night, she would have to do it now. There was a sinking feeling in her stomach.

It being Saturday, Jenna was dressed casually in a pair of soft skinny jeans, a fitted graphic tee, and a pair of white Keds. This is about as basic and normal as it gets. The busty brunette filled out the clothes she was wearing and she wondered if even her casual clothes provided too welcoming of a view. But the reality was that she would be pressing into her son anyway, so changing into less flattering lounge attire would only serve to remind her how inappropriately sexual all of this was. Alright, it's go-time. Remember, Jen, stay calm. This is NOT a big deal. It's a frickin' dance for one song. You've done this type of shit plenty of times in your life. You only need to do three of these before Halloween.

Jenna had done a good job of putting her task in perspective - it was really the only perspective a mom could possibly put this in. She was less daunted, but she was still too nervous to go upstairs, because, like her son, she still had no idea how to initiate this.

Luckily for Jenna, footsteps sounded down the stairs. Wes walked into the kitchen to get more food.

"Oh- Hey, mom." Wes was uneasy. He wasn't sure if his mom could see him shaking or if that was just inside of him. She looks so fucking hot today. (She was dressed no differently than usual.)

"Hey, honey." Jen, you gotta do it right now. Look, he's more nervous than you are. The mother could see that her son was lounging in his room all day. He was in blue basketball shorts and a plain t-shirt. Shit. Would you put some fucking jeans on? Just ask him to change. No, that's weird. Then it looks like you're afraid it'll get sexual. Jenna's eyes went back to her son's face. Just stop stalling and do it. "So, I saw on your site that you stopped making videos... Have you also started applying for jobs?"

Dude, she's gonna do it! "Yeah, I did! I'm committed to doing it. I did everything you asked me to. I applied for 9 'actual' jobs," he smiled.

"Great! Then, um, I know you've probably been wondering when we would do that lap-dance thing we talked about," Jenna swallowed. "I was thinking now would be a good time?"

"Yeah, for sure!" Wes answered loudly and quickly. His knees were weak. "Like, where do you wanna do it?! And how long will you do it for? I realized we didn't talk about it too much."

"Uh, maybe the living room will work? We have those wooden chairs in there," Jenna's voice cracked. "And I was thinking we make it last the length of a song, you know, standard procedure, so to speak." Her son nodded in agreement. "So maybe go move one of those chairs out of the corner. And I'll meet you in there in 5. Sound good?"

Jenna hustled deep into the kitchen and took deep breaths. She opened a bottle of red wine that she had been saving for Layla and Bri's arrival. She took a swig from the bottle and then looked in a wall mirror. Why are you so nervous? If anything, this is funny. Like Bri said, c'mon, it's funny! The mother's psychological tricks on herself were effective. She cracked a smile in the mirror. "See? It's funny. This is a fun thing for him. He's really excited about this. You're being a good mom - He's been so supportive in the last year. Do this for him. Let him have his fun."

After corking the bottle and chewing a breath mint, a considerably more at-ease Jenna entered the living room. Her son was sitting in a wooden chair in the middle of the room. The anxious glow on Wes's face caused Jenna to smile wider. She was happy and also a weird-kind-of proud that she her son feel this excited.

"Hey," Wes grinned. He had clearly used his hands to brush his hair in order to look more handsome

"Hey," Jenna grinned back. The lamp in the living room was off, and there was some yellow light pouring in from the kitchen and through the blinds. I suppose that's the right ambiance. "Alexa, play dance music."

The smart speaker in the living room pulsed and began playing an EDM song. Jenna didn't know the song, but it had a smooth beat, so it worked. A nervous tingle surged through Jenna accompanied by the familiar rush she had whenever she was doing something she "shouldn't" be doing. "Are you ready?" Jenna asked her son (and really herself).

Oh, man. Wes nodded, folding his hands together. "Yeah."

"And no touching," the mom lightheartedly warned.

Wes chuckled and let his hands drop to his sides. Jenna breathed and bounced lightly to the rhythm before strutting toward the chair. She didn't think. She couldn't. Jenna then spun around and dropped down onto her son's lower thighs, making sure that her legs would be straddling his the entire time.

"Ohhh," Wes breathed. It was a hell of a view. His arms instinctively reached up, but he caught himself before he touched his mom's legs. God her ass is amazing. Dude, just keep your mouth shut and don't freak her out. Let her focus.

The mother sat up and swiveled her hips from side to side. She sat closer to her son's muscular knees rather than his lap and danced. Jen, you know he's going to be hard. Nothing's gonna change that. You've been warming up for a minute now. You have to go in at some point. The beautiful mom brushed her silky brunette hair behind her ears. She then began pushing off of her feet and working toward her son's lap. Just go in. You know how to do this.

Jenna abruptly arched her spine, leaned forward, and lifted herself with her feet. She thrust her firm booty back into her Wes's lower abdomen. Then without warning, Jenna dropped her butt down into his lap and began forcefully circulating and grinding.

"Aahh- Ahhhhh," Wes gasped and moaned. The sensation was euphoric. To know that his mom was doing it was incredible. He had trouble believing his own eyes and nervous system. Fuck. Of course she's good at this too! Of course...

Her own ability to actually go through with this left Jenna questioning herself. What the hell is wrong with me? Ha-ha. Her lack of inhibitions was amusing to her. She had pre-defined limits, but what was acceptable within them was something she'd have to figure out.

But there were other things that drew her focus as she danced. Jenna's prediction about her son already being hard was unsurprisingly true. He was probably hard all day before this. She had tried to ignore the erection, but she was literally rubbing her ass into it. She could feel the swollen mushroom head through his mesh shorts and her jeans. The cockhead was trapped high on her son's hard lower abs. Brad would be pissed if he knew, the mother darkly joked.

Wes was enjoying the view almost as much as the dance. The way his mom's ass stretched her jeans and the way her long hair swayed with her movements were sights that he would remember forever. The scent of her vanilla shampoo and the weight of her body on his legs were things he never considered in his fantasies. She was heavier than he imagined but in a good way. She was solidly built with a tight body and wider hips.

Jenna was grinding with pressure, but it was robotic. She was basically just sitting and bobbing on his lap. She felt off-rhythm, and she felt she was being disingenuous. Jenna had promised her son an 'actual good' lapdance. And also, she had too much pride in her own talents to do something like this so poorly.

Alright, Jen, you're being waayyy too mechanical. Your limits don't exclude giving him an actual fucking lapdance! C'mon, you've been in this position with how many guys before? Relax and follow your natural rhythm. Jenna took a deep breath. His cock is hard, and it will be the whole time. His works the same way as every other guy's. Just rub your ass against it and try to have fun teasing him. You're in this for three weeks, so you might as well rip that band-aid off now.

The mother embraced the reality of her situation. She relaxed her tensed muscles. She then remembered how in college she used to dance with guys and turn them on for fun even though she had no plans of going home with them. Seeing this activity in the same light helped change Jenna's outlook. Suddenly, the lapdance felt less like a chore and more like a short game.

In a changeup, Jenna began grinding from her strong core instead of her hips. This gave her the control, the power, and the fluidity that she had been using to her advantage since she was 18.

Wes immediately noticed the difference. "Ooh ahhhhhh. Wow..." Light moans escaped Wes's mouth. Holy crap... It seemed that every deep, teasing movement that his mom's spherical butt cheeks made was specifically designed to massage and pleasure his cock - and just his cock.

In a way, he was right. Jenna was not a stripper. The only experience she had dancing in men's laps came from when she was riding their cocks during sex. And all of her movements were designed to build them up as much as possible before making them cum.

The relaxed mother heard her son's gasps and short breaths. She turned her head sideways and broke the silence. "Need to stop so you can get a glass of water?"

"No, no!" Wes urged, laughing, "You can keep going."

"Ok, then. Just checking," Jenna chuckled. She then seamlessly switched to slower and wider movements to match the beat change in the song. "So, how's it going so far?" Jenna was truly curious.

Wes could feel his heart beating rapidly and the warm weight on his penis. "This might be my favorite thing ever. This feels amazing. Ahhhh- you're soo good at this."

An immodest grin appeared on Jenna's face, and she blushed. She always felt appreciated and elevated when a guy made a genuine compliment like that. "Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

"This was totally worth it," Wes admitted, his forehead starting to perspire. "Ending the site was so worth it."

That comment reminded Jenna of why they were there. Her son's site was not just a way for him to make money, but it was something he had built from scratch, and it was a keystone of his social life. He gave that all up to be sitting under me right now. It was the ultimate compliment. "It makes me happy to hear you say that. So, what do you like about this so far, exactly?"

"The way my dick feels," Wes breathed. He could practically see his mom's eyes roll even while behind her.

"Yeah, no kidding. That's the point," Jenna shook her head laughing. "I mean, what have I done so far that you liked so much? What about this makes this so worth it?"

"Oh, wow. Huh..." he had to breathe every few words. "I really liked it when you did the thing in the beginning, like where you bent over a little and slid down on me. I loved those broad side-to-side movements you did. Ahh. And I definitely like the view. Your butt looks so good like this."

Jenna smirked and bit her lower lip. She was proud of herself and her seductive arsenal. She was also thrilled that her son was this ecstatic. Well, he's in heaven. Jenna couldn't remember a guy being so enthralled with her and actually being able to explain why. With men it was always, "You're hot," and, "I don't know. It's just amazing." Jenna loved hearing actual feedback. And she found it heartwarmingly funny to hear her son's reaction to every small thing she did as if it was the greatest moment of his life.

A playful but motherly grin grew on Jenna's face. She raised her ass 12 inches off of Wes's lap. She then arched her back forward much more than last time, which granted her son an incredible view of her cyclist's butt. She thrust it back into his upper abs and lower chest, grinding it in as she slowly lowered herself down. Just before she reached his lap, she tightly gyrated her hips, working her butt firmly into his thick cockhead. She then raised her ass again, just a few inches, and then dropped it. The lively ass slid down the length of Wes's cock and landed with an audible thud on his lap.

"Oh my god. Oh wow. Oh wow. Ahhh." There was not one moment where Wes was silent. Fuck, Mom! Wes's body was sticky and hot. "Damn, Mom, that was incredible. How'd you do that thing where you grinded on just the top of my dick? You landing on me was so hot."

Jenna was back to grinding forcibly side to side. Her face was close to hurting from her smiling and holding in laughter for so long. It was funny to her to see the effect she had on her son. "I told you I'd give you really good lapdances," she looked back at him. "And I figured you'd like that."

Wes wanted it to continue. "Do you have any more of those surprise moves? Do you know any stripper moves, ha-ha? You can do anything. I'll be fine with it," he encouraged. His heart raced, and the muscles in his hands were stiff. She's in another league. Wes was realizing how much a person could learn from many conquests.

"Hmm," Jenna thought. She was in a good mood. "I don't know if they're stripper moves for sure. But I know a few things that might be fun." This song could last 2-and-a-half or 10 minutes. I should've checked.


Jenna mentally sifted through her niche repertoire of moves she had for when on a man's lap. Definitely not those. The 'lie-down thing' is probably not bad if I just move up. Not that one. The arm thing is bad - well, I can do it without the arm. The leg spread's really no different than this. A few of them were just sex positions but without the penetration. One was from a movie, and she had never tried it.

Jenna had to rule some moves out for being too intense and inappropriate, which was the same reason why she wasn't going to turn around to dance. He can barely handle me facing away from him.

"Okay, I have three things I can try that aren't too over the top. I think you'll like them," Jenna smugly grinned.

"Really? Go right ahead."

Jenna stood up. Her back pockets were just below her son's eye line. She looked behind her, both to see her son's mesmerized face, as well as to line up her latitude.

She then planted her ass squarely on Wes's chest. She slowly slid down his body like last time. This time, however, she leaned into her son's body so her back slid against his chest. When Jenna finally landed on her son's lap, her head was next to his and her neck was on his shoulder.
