All Comments on 'Just Get Over It'

by Cinical

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Haters will hate.

Well we have a story about a real man and not a selfish little boy. And the idiots who don't know what it takes to be a real man are foaming at the mouth. A real man will do what's best for his family. A real man will make sacrifices for his family. Selfish little boys have tantrums and break things and don't care who they hurt in the process.


AyreGuardAyreGuardalmost 6 years ago
I am not reading all of the comments.

Religion is a non-factor. Abortion, infidelity, lying, deceit, secrets, anger, alcoholism, are all sins and excuses. A neighbor administering a DNA test for fun is far-fetched. Is this a true story? Clinical offers no biography or preface to this story.

Kids are not to blame. Wife is overweight is repeated for what purpose? Is it because she is fat that gives her an excuse to be flattered when a fit man wishes to bang her? Stay for the kids but know you are surrounded by four liars who are not remorseful for the deceit. The wife blames her actions on her husband's absence and the alcohol. His place is as a provider and father figure which while admirable are benefits she receives. He says she is a good wife and mother who meets his needs. Is it love or is she doing what she must to keep him? Story pisses me off. He settles for rough sex every other week or so to meet her needs. What did he get? Anyone want to answer me?

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 6 years ago
Clinical, except for being over-wordy, the first three pages were ACE among the best ever in LW for this kind of story. I wanted to 5 it. Now I just want to FTDS on it !! 3 at best, that is generous

Clearly you put a lot of time in on the first three pages, and it showed.

I don't know if you decided this would be an RAAC story before you started writing it. But if you did, it sure shows. The careful ruminations and considerations by the husband were almost speciously discarded, and it was given he would reconcile (BY STAYING MARRIED-there are other possible reconciliations) )went by the wayside on page 4, and out came the cliché justifications. The reunification was justified on hollow, not Hallowed, grounds, and the whole fallacy started with the statement by her that if they divorced when the kid was young, it would have been to the ruin of the kid. You as the author seem to accept that, and some of the readers and your protag went with it By that logic, parents should never divorce, because the step-parent the kids end up with might be lesser quality than one of the divorcing spouses??

Look, what she did was go on a petulant date with a known slut because she was mad at her husband. She gets pregnant, and creates the strawman argument that hubs cant divorce due to concern for the kid. She then tries to enhance her position by basically saying, I wanted you to bond with him, long enough to suffer being married to me for his sake.

Insert shudder at Cold, Callous, Cruel, Conniving deceit here. Great foil created.


You are a heck of a writer, could be in with the 4.7s and up crowd with editing and focus, but if you confine your talents to conventional examinations of these LW dilemmas, and accept the conventional framing of the problem as the only possible way to resolve it, you will end up just turning out decent renditions of the same stuff every body else does, I would still certainly enjoy them, but you might be able to do much better.

Avoiding the binomial nature of the argument raging in your comments now, and trying first to find ways to allow the husband some options, with the son's well being as a close second and all kinds of options open up.

BTW, to be clear, for a third story this thing is pretty damn good, and is brilliant in spots. I just am that whiny bastard who didn't get an ending he liked, and hence ran off 50 minutes on the airdyne trying to figure out why.

Thank you for the story,I learned a LOT from it, and for allowing an awesome set of comments. Learned some things there too!

Driven2ReadDriven2Readalmost 6 years ago
Needs Different ending

I liked the story -- problem is that as much as the anons and others want to burn the bitch, the guy is stuck. In the real world he would still be paying and lose custody of his daughter. The issue here is as some said trust, you can't trust anything out of the bitches or her families mouth. The other problem mentioned is obvious - others are going to see they boy's looks and put 2+2 together. I agree with his stand to stay there for the kids, make the wife prove her value, but she & her family have to "PAY". I am thinking a better ending would have been a family meeting (aunts, uncles, both sides, all over 18 at least) where wife, sister & parents have to tell everyone the truth, and make it clear she's a lying slut, the sister is a classic bitch and the parents have no class at all. Admit the hurt they inflicted that was in no way deserved. Admit how they couldn't have pulled if off if the man wasn't a trusting loving husband/father. Then tell them how he's stepping up and doing the "right thing by his kids" and should be held in the highest esteem by everyone for the real man he is. Megan takes all the blame and points out she will be forever in his debt. If it's legal, post-nup agreement on how see leaves with nothing if she cheats, maybe even 5 & 10 year payouts if he wants to leave. If she & her family don't pony up - he's gone and it all comes out anyway.

He should also track down the asshole and sue him for back child support. Now that the boy knows, it's no problem. Lastly the day the boy is out the house and daughter is over 18 -- leave the bitch hi & dry with no money, no assets, etc... but I don't see that as required, just what I recommend he should do.

C_frommnC_frommnalmost 6 years ago

Needs his ass kicked. and have it done so every one suspects but can't prove who did it. as for the in-laws there would be some real hard feelings esp. the Sister-in-law. I can understand the Reconciliation. but to not get any revenge Not Happening.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I know it's "just a story"

But writing has great power to clarify who we are. A relative of my mother's was fucked by two different wives because he was nice man. Raised and paid for each butches daughters through college. Never talked about it even though every one knew. Made a lot of money, lived quietly, "did the right thing" by the girls and his bitch wives, and eventually died without ever know the loyalty of love or the protection of the "law". True. Just saying.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 6 years ago
An obvious question:

So many of the commenters call Megan a slut, but at least as this story was written, she transgressed only a few times early on in the marriage, and then reformed. At what point does her now reformed life shed the slut label?

Sean and Megan are written as enjoying a good marriage after that first half year, a marriage Sean found happy and satisfying, and one in which there is no evidence given that Megan strayed again. Yet so many commenters believe that Sean should kick her, and her family, to the curb, burn the bitch and her whole family, and destroy a marriage Cinical wrote as being a good one.

A few commenters have said that Sean should make it clear that Jimmy is Reggie’s bastard — he isn’t; he was born to a married woman and has a legal father — and that Reggie should be pursued for back child support. Can anyone imagine how that would make Jimmy, whom Sean is written as still loving as if he were his biological son, feel? Would such not then entitle Reggie visitation rights?

And so many have written that Sean should now get a hall pass to fuck Rita or whomever else he wants, as though that would make things right by balancing the scales. How would that help?

Cinical wrote this as a story of BTB being precluded by the passage of time; the BTB possibility really ended when the daughter was born.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Seems...too clean

The main problem is the husband's motivation in reconciling. He's doing it for the kids. Because of that, what is his motivation for regaining a loving relationship with his wife? Others have done such things in the past (especially in the days when divorce was a huge no no) and it usually results in an unloving marriage. He doesn't need to forgive his wife to be a father. They can sleep in separate beds, get sex outside the marriage, and not do anything together unless it involves the kids.

Of course, the answer is he does love his wife. But even so, her betrayal is probably the worst thing a wife could do. Even a standard affair takes a couple of years for the marriage to recover. She not only had an affair but it had been going off and on from before they got married to a few months after the honeymoon! And it resulted in another man's child. I would think that would take years to get over and lots of struggle. Not to mention feelings of resentment directed not only towards his wife and her family but also his own son, which of course would male him feel guilty and then angry at his wife for creating this situation that made him feel resentment towards his son.

The immediate aftermath of learning about the affair was good but I think you went over the long term too quickly. Especially for a situation such as this where it was a long term affair, not a one-off mistake.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "far worse than the cheating"

As those of us who lived through Watergate know, it's not necessarily the crime, it's the cover-up.

driv2u2driv2u2almost 6 years ago

She said I knew he wasn't the the type of guy to step up to the mark or take his responsibilities, so I guess I will have to plod on with you , wife just about said it all.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
@johnadp Re: Prosecutors

The point isn't what those prosecutors would do if it were THEIR son, it's what they might do to the parents of some OTHER son!

Re: Taking Sides - You redefine the question in a very narrow way to try to justify your (non) action. What about a relatively new marriage with no children. You know the HUSBAND cheated (just to throw a different angle at you!). You wouldn't tell his wife? Now, you have claimed that monogamy isn't the natural state of things, so you obviously condone cheating, regardless of how you try to dress it up with your opening up with your dates. Frankly I. DO. NOT. BELIEVE. YOU! Unless you're some sort of Brad Pitt (disregarding his divorce problems!) if 1 woman out of 100 didn't walk right out on you I'd be shocked. In any case, for those of us who DO believe in monogamy, not telling the partner of a cheater IS condoning the cheater.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "This one missed the tartget."

I totally agree with #2! Reminds me of a recent story (sorry, can't remember which one!), where the wife had successfully carried on an affair, which obviously didn't bother her conscience at all, but her conscience required her to tell her husband about it, even though she intended to continue the affair.

#3 - Minor nit pick: The fact that the RECONCILIATION was handed to her on a platter is what makes it a RAAC. Not all reconciliations are RAAC, though this one certainly was.

penneydog55penneydog55almost 6 years ago

Fucken Hell Man! We've got a wanton slut below in the Comments section "She wants Her Holes stretched!.......

Just remember Lads if You are going to fuck the Slut. ..Take a slice of bread with You?.......Put the bread into her filthy Snatch. ..If it comes out toasted....Leave Her Alone..She Got some freaky shit in there Maan! .....Radio Active Pit...Melt your dick off

Story is ok but Sad ★★★★★ WOOF!

dragonmann72dragonmann72almost 6 years ago
re: Reed Richards

You are right and you are wrong about this story. True the way it is written it can't be a BTB story but what it is is a BTHusband story. Megan played on all of Sean's emotions to achieve what she wanted. The way the story was narrated, he would have told her about his childhood and the love he felt for his dad before he died. Sean had known nothing but tragedy, both parents and first wife, then drunken disrepair all before 24.

She was sleeping with Reggie before the wedding and then used his going out of town on business as her excuse.

'It was my third trip out of town when Megan hit the roof. I was working hard and we weren't going out drinking as often anymore. She was already upset that our lifestyle had become "boring", as she put it. But on this occasion she made plans to attend a big celebration her family was involved in. She said her whole family would be there, as well as a lot of her friends and demanded I stay home and go there with her. She was bitterly opposed to me missing it.'

The excuse about the broken rubber was just that an excuse. All Megan wanted to do was party and Sean paid the price.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
"I guess I have no choice but to believe you."

Dumbest statement in an already dumb story. You always have the option not to believe a confirmed liar.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great comment generating story. Congratulations. Here's my $0.02.

The husband knew he was entering a relationship with a woman who enjoyed alcohol and recreational sex, without a lot of discrimination who she was fucking. You could call such a woman a slut, party girl, wild child, whatever. Such a woman has very little self respect, dignity, or intelligence.

Now who would enter a business partnership with a person who lacks self respect, personal dignity, or intelligence, and thinks its fun to get drunk and fuck around? Exactly.

So this husband did not perform his due diligence, did not discern the true character, values, and ethics of his future wife. And he already knew that she liked to get drunk and fuck around. So in the end he should not have been surprised that his wife, especially at the beginning of their marriage, acted completely true to her nature and character, and got knocked up by another man. Its obvious from the story that her family quickly suspected she fucked Reggie based on the appearance of her son, so the people who knew her longest suspected her adultery as soon as there was convincing evidence. That the husband never did suspect would indicate to the family that the poor poltroon was either too dense to see the truth, or didn't want to admit the truth. Which may have furthered their decision to not tell him. So the wife's and family's behavior up to the point of discovery was true to character, consistent, and all makes sense to me and was well written.

After discovering his wife's adultery the husband weighed his options and took the path that gave him the most comfort and satisfaction. Who can fault him for doing what he thinks is best for himself and his children? The wife is reported to have grown and changed, no longer gets drunk for fun, and is now a woman of character and principle. So while he should have never married the drunken slut to begin with, he now finds himself with a rehabilitated woman who will never cheat or betray him again, he hopes. He can assist her in her fidelity by being more observant and questioning of her future activities. Of course he should trust her, trust her to be human, with weaknesses and temptations, and he should let her know that while he has forgiven her, he has not forgotten, and is no longer blind or naive.

While that is the end of the story, it is not the end of the marriage. But this could be:

The son is an enthusiastic successful athlete. The entire family revels in the son's athletic prowess. The son reportedly is not that concerned that Reggie is his biological father. In fact, is it not probable that the son is Grateful that Reggie is his father, giving him the physical genes to be a good athlete? And maybe down deep the rest of the family, including the wife, are actually glad that Reggie fathered their handsome fit grandson/nephew? Yeah, unfortunate for the wimp husband, but turned out pretty good for the son. And that sentiment could be the beginning of the end.

When the son performs well in sports, no one who knows the truth will be turning toward his marriage father with looks of pride or respect. That cuck just pays the bills and keeps the family intact. When Reggie learns of his son's accomplishments what to keep him from contacting his son when he is older? After all, if Megan can grow up and become a decent person, why can't Reggie? Hell, Reggie might even decide he wants to provide some financial support to further his son's athletic training and opportunities. And how will his son react when he sees a handsome imposing man like himself greet him with equal stature and athleticism, his True father? If the son and the family allow or condone Reggie reentering Jimmy's life, how will that play out in the long run? If Reggie is allowed to attend Jimmy's sports events it will be obvious that Jimmy and Reggie are father and son. How will Megan and the family respond if Jimmy comes to have affection, even gratitude, for his "real" father's influence in his life? If the marriage begins to falter I think that could be the cause.

If Jimmy embraces a reformed supportive Reggie, Megan and her family will probably accept that. And even if Sean tries to accept it as well, he will from that point on always be diminished in stature and respect. Only Susan will be his true loyal family member, and she may even lose some respect for the man her mother cheated on, and who her half brother has marginalized by his regard for his biological father, the man who gave him the raw materials to be a successful athlete. How that would play out is how the marriage might eventually fail. There will be one or more sports events that Sean cannot attend, but Reggie does, and so does Susan. After the event they all go out to dinner. After dinner Jimmy and Susan go off with their friends, and what do Reggie and Megan do? Probably each other. And Sean knows that whatever Megan and Reggie do, the rest of the family will keep it a secret. In fact they will lie about it. So despite what Megan and the family claims, Sean will never know for sure if Megan has started cheating again.

At that point Sean can just endure as the stupid cuckold, or cut his losses and, finally, go find a woman and a family that truly loves and respects him.

Maybe someone will write that story one day.

Thanks for what you wrote, it was entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I had a friend

This happened to . He had no name sake with his wife, being his son was not his blood son . They worked through . But years later after all this . We come to learn , when his wife had their son she had her tube tied. He had no name sake . He stayed with his wife , but got a girlfriend no one knew about and had a son with her . When not HIS son turned 18 , he left his wife . And devoured the bitch , married a woman that had a kiss as we all thought. But later found out it was his blood son after all .his ex wife had the balls to get pissed about it and tried to reopen the divorce settlement. Lol she was too late on that . Old ex wifey is a bar fly/ free fucking whore now ...

Great read well done thank you 5 stars

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 6 years ago
Mr Brooks wrote that . . .

. . . not telling the spouse of a cheater that he’s being cheated on is condoning the cheater. No, it’s called minding your own fucking business!

I’ve got a big picture of how your statement would work. Let’s say that Kevin at work has spilled the beans about getting lucky with some woman you never heard of before, and you are acquainted with Kevin’s wife Sheila, though not really friends with her. According to your statement, you have to call Sheila and tell her that Kevin screwed some random chick.

So, your friend at work might have his marriage destroyed, might see his productivity drop and his job put in jeopardy, and might get to see his kids every other weekend, because you just had to phone your acquaintance and tell her that her husband cheated on her, because, if you don’t you will have condoned his cheating.

Of course, it will get out at work that you were the one who couldn’t mind his own business, and other people at work will give you the cold shoulder.

If I were the boss, and one of my employees did that, it would be the snitch who’d find himself looking for work, because he would have created a hostile work environment. If you don’t want to ‘condone’ Kevin’s cheating, then you don’t have to be his outside-of-work friend, and only interact with him as work requires, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mind your own business.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

How could he ever trust her or her family ever again. They treated him like he was a moron for 11 years. I might have stayed with her but just until the kids were grown and then I would have a nice family dinner and serve her in front of the loving family.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Thoughts about the DNA testing

Really enjoyed this story and its thoughtful exploration of a difficult topic. But it took a lot of suspension of disbelief to accept expensive DNA heritage tests given out like party favors. (They're usually $100 or so each.) Perhaps the party hostess/mom could have had access to free tests through her work or someone in her family? Finally, the more you know about the testing, the less you'd jump at conclusions from the results. They are really quite imprecise.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

If my boss would fire me for that, I wouldn't want to work for the asshole anyway. He probably cheats his suppliers/partners/customers, promotes the women who spread their legs for him, or is otherwise a miserable person to work for!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I would suspect a good portion of the low score is due to it being a reconciliation story.

We all know that if you reconcile your characters you are going to get a lot of 1 stars for that fact alone. I am not one of them, however I could only give this 3 stars and felt that was a little generous.

I felt the author went overboard with his back story. There was a lot of extraneous information there. There was also a whole lot of repetition, not only in the back story but throughout the story. I get it. As a writer I sometimes come up with two great ways to say something but rather than use both, pick one.

Now for the reconciliation. If you are going to do it, make sure you work it out so it's acceptable to most. All we got was his acquiescence because of the kids. There was absolute no atonement on her part other than saying she went on to be a good wife and mother. Same with the parents.

The other thing was how the author glazed over the fact that she didn't trust him enough to tell him. That, to me, is more hurtful than a drunken night that resulted in sex.

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2almost 6 years ago
needs a sequel

i have read all 126 comments as of today and i think this story needs a sequel.

In the sequel we should learn that the drunk driver that killed his first love was actually the brother of his cheating wife and that the wife ,sister and parents knew all along but for the good of our hero it was kept hidden from him so that he wouldn`t be in pain.

Now that would be a real nice twist to the story .......

forgive and forget ........ yeah right !

Where the fuck is FTDS he needs to put this story to rest ..... LMFAO

CaOldDogCaOldDogalmost 6 years ago
Author provided a few hints and clues as to his thinking

As described by the author Sean had a lonely childhood after his father died and his mother fell into depression only to die as he was graduating from high school. His life took a turn for the better and he got married and they started a family and then tragedy struck again and his wife and unborn child were killed. Sean was now a lonely and depressed young man without family as a support system.

Megan was a "big boned" girl and as we know in American culture big girls are not the object of desire unlike the Barbie Doll types. During the reveal of this story it seems Megan sought out attention from boys using sex (and alcohol latter) and this was her way to bolster her low self esteem.

Megan and Rita both seemed to have parents that indulged them a lot and then "prayed" for the best.

The "just get over it" was a way for Sean to forget the treachery and adultery and keep a family as a support system. For Megan and her family it was a way to avoid their self indulgent behavior and keep family embarrassment to a minimum. Interesting that the Grady family paid the price to get rid of Reggie quietly but never seemed to want to make up to Sean other than telling him that they could "pray away the problem".

Megan and Sean went to counseling and he was told that his wife had a desire for "rough sex" but totally ignored her low self esteem and her desire to get her ego satisfied by sex.

One has to wonder what will happen in this marriage after the children leave the nest. Will Megan once again revert to her ego tending by seeking out other men to make her feel better when her big boned body starts to age and sag?

Thanks for the story.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 6 years ago

The point isn't if you believe in monogamy or if you don't. The point is that if an overwhelming majority are committing adultary at some point in their marriage then mere adultary doesn't seem like a qualifier if someone is a good person or not. Unless, of course, you believe 60,70 or even 80% of Americans are pieces of shit. I know great people who have committed adultary and I know scumbags who have. By itself it doesn't seem to be an indicator of the character of a person.

Btw, you must have come across many people in life who have committed adultary and you knew about it when the spouse did not. Coworkers, neighbors, friends, etc. Are you telling me everytime you found out you ran and told the spouse? Did you even in the majority of the times?

There are a couple of cases I have told friends in a roundabout way that I thought their wives were cheating. I did it in such a way that if they wanted to know they would get the hint and check things out. If they preferred not to know I gave them enough room in the way I told things for them to save face and be in denial.

As far as my lying. I've only had one woman not want a second date with me and that was the only woman to "break it off with me" ever and the reason had nothing to do with "you're not the last pussy I will ever fuck" or anything related to that. I have no reason to boast or lie because I do a lot on this site to hide who I am and the email I use is one I only use for this site. Part of it is the look, part of it was that I know how to talk to people, part of it is that I have a very dominant personality that women seemed to really respond to. Later on being pretty successful and well-educated didn't hurt either. I'm sure many thought I'm a great catch and somehow over time will change me. Others probably thought I would be great fun for a while (as I'd bring up aspects of bdsm to them and they were intrigued by that). The common question I usually got, as they had a big smile on their face, is do you talk to all your dates like this on your first date. I'd smile and say yes. They'd ask how do they react, and I'd tell them just like you, they're intrigued. You have to understand it wasn't like I was talking about the weather one minute and then the next thing I say is "by the way you're not the last pussy I'm every going to fuck". I didn't like wasting time so I'd lay it out on the line on the first date. Tell them about my bdsm interests (women I dated from meeting at the grocery store or from dating sites, not bdsm sites), about sexuality, sexual adventure, my worldview, etc. One beautiful girl I met from a dating site showed up dressed fairly conservatively on the first date, although I could tell she had a great body underneath and she was like 5'11", and she didn't send me the right vibe so I thought I'd go through the lunch and that will be that. I thought I wasn't really being that talkative, and just trying to have a pleasant talk to just get through the lunch date and call it a day. To my surprise she asked me so you're into kinky stuff like anal sex (I didn't realize I had even brought up sex, but I guess it was second nature with a woman). I told her sweetie, if you think anal sex is kinky you're definitely not the right girl for me. She asked "it's not", I told her no, anal sex is part of your everyday sex. She sent me an email after the date and she was like John I'm really attracted to you and I want to see you again; I promise I will be dressed much sexier next time (I had commented about the way she dressed). I was going on a trip and I told her I will contact her after I came back, but I never did. So even a girl that was dressed conservatively, considered anal sex as kinky and I told her no that's part of vanilla sex, wanted to see me again and was intrigued and wanted to explore a world she wasn't exposed to before. I'm not saying this stuff to boast, but I feel I have something to share in the discussion why women may want someone who will take them on a sexual adventure and allow them to not be the goody girl. Would women have been intrigued if I talked so openly about shit on the first date if I didn't look the way I did, who knows.

As far as the serial cheater I have to say that is one if she was someone that was close to me I would probably tell her or hint to her strongly where if she wanted to know more I would tell her. But this is a woman I have seen a few times and I've never privately talked to her. People that know her well and are close to her must know. They're the ones that need to bring it up to her, not someone like me that's never had a private talk with her. Like I said a lot of people must know and honestly if she doesn't know I feel she is choosing not to know. He is too blatant about it. But I'm not going to go up to a semi-stranger and tell her your husband is a serial cheater.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
@johnadp, My Final Comment

First, I do not believe your statistics on infidelity.

Second, I have known very many married couples, very few who cheated to my knowledge.

Third, I have never known about someone's cheating before the divorce, but if I knew the couple, and knew one was cheating, without a doubt I would tell their partner. I would do that, because I would want the same from them.

Fourth, even Brad Pitt wouldn't get away with what you claim to have done, and I doubt that you're a Brad Pitt! And I don't just mean with hot actresses - if Brad Pitt dated 100 average women and did what you claim to have done, HE would be lucky if most didn't just walk out of the date, maybe with a slap in the face.

Fifth, if you know a great many people who have committed adultery, you must run in different circles that I do. I probably know at least 100 married couples, I know maybe 10 that have divorced, only a few that I know the divorce was due to adultery. Of the other marriages, I know of NONE that have committed adultery, certainly none who have told me about it, and given the needed secrecy of adultery, I doubt that a "great many" people tell you that they have committed or are committing adultery!

ValintValintalmost 6 years ago

re: "if an overwhelming majority are committing adultary at some point in their marriage"

Your numbers are nonsense. Those kind of claims are generally (a) based on anecdotal evidence from the practice of a particular therapist/psychologist, and (b) usually come from the point of view of someone trying to sell a "Everyone's doing it, so it's no big deal/it doesn't really mean anything/you just need to get over it!" kind of book.

Credible studies show the numbers to be more in the range of 20-25% of husbands and 10-15% of wives that have cheated on their spouse.

If you want big numbers like you're claiming, you need to shift the goalposts. For example, there was one study that found that 57% of men admitted to having ever committed any kind of infidelity (physical or emotional) in any relationship they've ever had... which is interesting, but so broad (it would include getting emotionally close to another girl while dating in high school, which is not a good thing, but still a much different neighborhood than actually committing adultery) to be that useful.

luedonluedonalmost 6 years ago
To tell or not to tell -- ongoing discussion

Like Sbrooks, I find Johnadp's 'statistics' on adultery unbelievable. But there is enough of it happening for the situation to frequently occur where somebody knows that a friend is in an adulterous relationship which they are hiding from their spouse.

What I can't accept is SB's universal condemnation and statement "without a doubt I would tell their partner". While it may well be so that he would want a friend to tell him if the situation was reversed, every situation is different and requires different action on the part of the 'friend who knows'.

ReedRichards gave an obvious example of a situation with a work colleague where discretion would be necessary. "Minding your own fucking business" as RR said would seem to be a far better course of action on many occasions.

Having been in the situation of the 'friend who knows' a few times, I have never gone first to the spouse who may or may not know of the adulterous relationship. I have once 'minded my own fucking business' and on other occasions discussed it with the adulterer to offer help with resolving the situation.

SB may well require his friend to tell him if he was being 'cheated upon', but not everybody does.


Hooked1957Hooked1957almost 6 years ago
Must be a good story based on how much reaction it got

One of the ways I look at a story is by the reaction it gets. This has gotten more than 130 responses in less than two days. This has apparently sucked people in and made them react. Nice going.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Here we go again

Lue, I have to agree with Sbrooks103x on the cheating, and disclosure. If my friend knew that I was being cheated on and he did not tell me, then we would have a real problem. If I found a friend,and I have not, was cheating on their spouse, I would give them a chance to tell their spouse themselves. If they did not, then I would immediately let the spouse know. I have many female friends, as a nurse, and my stance is for both male and female friends. There is not nearly as much cheating in the medical field as LW writers would have you think. In my hospital, and others in my city, this has been dealt with firmly. Both doctors, and.nurses have lost jobs because of this. Recently, a very well regarded cardiologist lost a high position, because of an affair with a nurse in his practice. A high profile murder of a physician's wife, in my city, was related to infidelity. The doctor is in Federal prison now, his nurse lover lost her job, and her family. This is just a few instances in my world. I cannot abide cheating, and will not condone it for any reason, for friend or family. If you need to stray, then separate or divorce first. Absolutely zero tolerance.

luedonluedonalmost 6 years ago
Re: Must be a good story based on how much reaction it got -- Hooked1957 comment

Good at drawing out the commentariat rather than necessarily a good story, Hooked1957.

But well worth it for that reason alone. I wonder how many commenters actually read the story, or how many were just responding to the comments. (I am one of the latter.)

I rarely read LW stories, but always read the comments. Sometimes the comments indicate that it is one of the rare LW stories worth reading. More often, the comments take on a life of their own and the commentary is worth following.

We need a second story score for 'Comment-worthiness'.


ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 6 years ago
@S Brooks

So, you wouldn’t want to work for a boss like that? The problem is that you totally missed the point: the snitch wouldn’t be getting fired for telling Kevin’s wife, but for having taken an action which would have created a hostile work environment. If roughly 50% of married people cheat at least once, you can figure that half of his co-workers would be treating him as a pariah, someone who would drop a dime on them if he ever found out. Another fairly significant portion would be pissed that he couldn’t mind his own business.

Workplaces have a camaraderie, people who become workplace friends just because they are together for forty or more hours a week. You would create an atmosphere in which nobody could talk to anyone else, because they’d never know what would get back to the snitch. You would lower morale, and productivity, throughout the workplace. The boss doesn’t care about Kevin’s outside dalliance; he does care about productivity.

luedonluedonalmost 6 years ago
To each his or her own, 26thNC

You say "If my friend knew that I was being cheated on and he did not tell me, then we would have a real problem."

But how would you know that everybody feels the same as you? How would you feel if you told somebody who didn't want to know? How would you feel if you told somebody who then took violent action?

As I said before, every situation is different. Sensitivity and good judgement is required, not blanket moral condemnation and one single response.

One of the stories I have favourited is amischeifmaker's 'If a tree falls in a forest', which has two husbands with differing responses, one of whom didn't want to hear the tree falling.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
This guy is a clueless loser! Just another neutered husband story.

This was a pathetic steaming pile of crap for the LW sewer. The fucking kid is black and he was using condoms but she got pregnant. HOW FUCKING STUPID IS THIS GUY NOT TO HAVE PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER WHEN THE BASTARD WAS BORN!!! It's clear that everyone knows he's a loser including his BULL wife. Then the sissy stays with the BULL wife because he's afraid. Afraid of actually growing a set. WTF! Horrible story

kimi1990kimi1990almost 6 years ago
Sorry, Mr. Fantastic

Your 50 percent estimate is way off. Twenty-two percent of men and 14 percent of women, according to a 2016 study conducted by the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy . That's 36 percent, not fifty. I know you're stretchy, but 15 percent? Fact is, most people don't cheat.

What's with the looong-ass boring freaking comments? Damn! Some of them are longer than the story! Give that jaw a rest.

arobkarobkalmost 6 years ago
luedon & ReedRichards

Lue some people write for themselves and some people write to get reactions. That is up to them. Knowing you don't read every story you post comments on is certainly enlightening. If you like commenting on things you haven't read you should give reddit a try.

Reed you may be surprised to learn that the 2017 Gallup poll shows that only 9% of Americans find an extramarital affair acceptable. Yes, that does show a bit of cognitive dissonance, but that's people for you. Never underestimate the people's ability for rules for thee, but not for me.

deblackbusterdeblackbusteralmost 6 years ago
@Hooked1957 and @ReedRichards

A lot of the comments are comments about/to other comments. Not the actual story. Just read them, they have nothing to do with the story. A lot of the comments were triggering and then this happened.

To ReedRichards, interesting you would be mad at the snitch and that you called him a snitch. Going by what you said I would also hope that if you see someone commit a murder or robbery you will also mind your own business. Don't say it's not the same or bad example because all 3 examples are hurting people.

Also you wouldn't be mad at the guy for bragging to everyone about him going out and getting laid outside of his marriage? You wouldn't be mad at his stupidity for bragging about that stuff at work? Instead you would be mad at someone who was trying to do the right thing and have someones back. Sbrooks is right, I wouldn't want to work for someone like that. You might also be finding yourself on the wrong end of a wrongful termination lawsuit.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

While I'm willing to consider that there are varying circumstances, but this story stretches credulity to and beyond the breaking point.

She can't have an abortion, because it's against their religion. BUT, she can sleep with her sister's husband. BUT, she can cheat on her husband with her sister's ex-husband (if I have my time-frames right), BUT, they can all conceal all this from her husband, and HE'S supposed to "just get over it"?!

As I said in an earlier comment, for the sake of my daughter and her son, I MIGHT remain in the marriage, but she would have to choose me or her family.

DominantYetServileDominantYetServilealmost 6 years ago

Last time I checked, it's pretty easy to let some guy's wife know that her husband is running around on her with multiple women (and risking her own health or life given what kind of shit he can bring home to her) without outing yourself as a "snitch". Ever heard of mail? Anonymous letter? It's called being a decent fucking person. When it's time to do the right thing, you do the right thing, and if it's tough to do the right thing (and it usually is, that's why it's the right thing and not the easy thing), you figure out a way to get it done, not sit on your ass and rationalize why you shouldn't.

I really wonder where this attitude comes from where the only person expected to be decent and think about someone other than themselves is the spouse who discovers what their partner is up to, not the cheater, not the lover or lovers, not friends or family who have discovered it, no, everyone else in your mind seems to be EXPECTED to be a selfish fuck, which coincidentally is most of the problem with this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Needs emotional depth and not implicit cuckoldry

Sorry. Characters were limp. No emotional depth. Plus yet another cuckold/wimp scenario (personal pet peeve, I detest reading stories that lure one into cuckolding). Not advocating BTB, but fleshing out the emotional grit while retaining pride helps. A reader cannot identify with someone that is the main victim/protagonist yet is inherently repulsive on an instinctual level - i.e. perceived as weak for example. Good try though, hope this feedback helps.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I like the story. Plenty of character development. Dialog is sensible, consistent with the thought of the different characters.

I guess it is the lack of dramatic confrontation, a climax of emotions that is missing.

Your realistic plot fit the final decision. His poor childhood and first marriage him cling to this one. Fair enough writer's prerogative. Gave you 4*s Cinical.

Thank you for the story.


DominantYetServileDominantYetServilealmost 6 years ago
Here's my take on this yarn.

1--So a drunken piece of shit has twice robbed this man of the chance to NOT be the last male heir of his family name. Nice. Yeah, that's not a problem or anything.

2--Forgiveness is EARNED, it's not earned easily, and it shouldn't be earned for actions this awful. This wife earned nothing. She literally wronged her husband in just about every ways she could, she only stopped fucking around on him after events happened that made it too risky to continue (not out of genuine remorse), and every action she took to allegedly "protect her family", protected HER far more than it protected anybody else, that son included.

3--As for her family, you keep something like that from me for 6 years, you are a part of "team cheating slut", not "team marriage repair" or "team do the right thing". Fuck them.

4--Another conveniently selective "religious" wife who has no issue being a drunken gangbang slut for fratboys, has no problem betraying her husband, no problem betraying her sister, has no problem lying every day for 12 years to the man whose back she is supposed to have, no problem compelling others to lie to her husband.....but if she aborted her lover's fetus instead of intentionally tricking her husband into raising the little bastard...oh that might put her on gawd's naughty list. SMFH.

5--Divorce doesn't hurt kids, being raised in a failed marriage without real love or trust..that hurts kids. The choice to stay or leave, that has NOTHING to do with the kids, it has to do with whether one spouse is dedicated to actually earning love, trust, and respect back and whether the other spouse is even able to give those things at that point. Staying with her "for the kids" is a weak ass cop-out.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 6 years ago

Well, it’s certainly true that someone could find a way to snitch anonymously, but that wouldn’t be in keeping with the moral courage Mr Brooks and 26thNC expressed in the comments in which they stated, directly, that they would inform the cheated on spouse. I take them at their word.

And think about it: wouldn’t using an anonymous tip rather than taking your actions boldly, so as to cover your own butt, be completely cowardly? How would that be more right and moral than the guy cheating on his wife?

I’ll go out on a limb here and say that Mr Brooks would agree with me as far as this comment is concerned.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago
@ReedRichards Re: Snitch

No, I guess you'll have to saw off that limb because I DON'T agree with you!

I honestly don't know whether in any particular situation whether I would snitch anonymously or not.

One thing I DO know, is that tipping anonymously is nowhere NEAR as wrong or immoral as cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Likes the sound of her own voice, comments. Shows off her sharp intellect, lol🤣.

Missed this when it came out. So I'm late to the party. Maybe my comments are repetitive but, his previous terrible experience made his decision to stay married understandable. Now later, after the children are 16, or 17, or even 18, he should reconsider. Maybe a long affair, a child and then divorce.

Anyway, thanks again Cinical.


luedonluedonalmost 6 years ago
My dear DominantYetServile

Have you ever talked with kids who have had their parents go through a divorce? If you have, how could you possibly say "Divorce doesn't hurt kids, being raised in a failed marriage without real love or trust..that hurts kids."

A failed marriage does indeed hurt kids as you say. But 'staying together for the sake of the kids' can also be far more successful for the welfare of the children than separation or divorce, so long as the parents are prepared to give priority to their responsibilities to the kids they brought into this world.

The kids didn't cause the marital problems. They should be protected at all costs.


PiperHamlinPiperHamlinalmost 6 years ago
What's not to love?

So many people want the cheating wife to suffer and show remorse. She did. She endeavored the rest of the time to make it up to him. She did that too, even if he was unaware. There are clearly issues to overcome with the other parties, but the core relationship is solid. I'm not saying all is good here. I'd be interested in hearing what conversations happened with sis and in-laws.

In the end, I feel all made the right decision. Do I want Reggie punished? Sure. Do I have a thing for Amazons? Sure. Is he entitled to hot sex of his own with a stranger? Sure.

At the end of the end of the day though, reconciliation happens on the terms the two people involved accept. I accept this one. I'm a sucker for placing the welfare of children above my own.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

With all respect, I am not looking for validation of my moral code from you, Lue, or anyone else. I stated my position, and stand by it . You are welcome to your own personal beliefs, whatever they may be. I agree with you and Lue on one point. I am talking about friends,and family, not acquaintances and random strangers. I owe those people nothing, but I care for my friends. My friends know me, and they know where I stand on this subject. I don't hide it from anyone, and I won't compromise. Cheating is never ok.

Johnadp, we read your story length commentary on every post. We hear about how rich you are, how accomplished your life is, the hundreds of beautiful women you've had chase you. You make yourself to be a combination of James Bond, Donald Trump, and George Clooney. Yet, you sit on your millions in your beach front condo, and spend your time writing wordy pontifications on Literotica. Must be good to be you. Thank you for not taking all those married women who chase you. You are a blessing.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 6 years ago
Can't see myself doing what he did

I might be able to "get over" the original infidelity, but years of lying and conspiring with everyone else around us? No.

If I decided to stay in the marriage "for our kids," I'd do my best to be civil about it, but our kids would see Dad not sleeping in the same bedroom with Mom, Dad never accompanying them and their mother to family gatherings, and either never hosting any of the conspirators at their home or being gone whenever any of them came over. Would they know that something is not right with their family's relationships? Most likely. Would I tell them what that something is? Definitely, once I felt they were mature enough to deal with it. And I'd dedicate myself to raising them to have the values that the other people around them all lacked.

Once the kids were grown, it would be time to make another decision.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 6 years ago
What Is Moral?

Here I am someone that has always had a problem with monogamy and commitment, but I hate BTB against a wife of 20 years who cheated, who was a loving wife, but failed after 20 fucking years of being a good wife in one affair (scenario of so many LW cheating wife stories). Or as in this case where the cheating happened for a brief time over 10 years ago, to never be repeated again. I'm totally against putting male adult pain ahead of the well-being of the children. As I've always brought up this doesn't mean that you have to reconcile. I have no problem with divorcing the wife if you cannot move beyond the cheating and stay with her happily. All I've said was if you loved this woman for 20 years, she was a good wife except for one affair then you make sure she moves on after the divorce with the least amount of damage, especially if there are children involved. And if there are children involved you make sure they are well taken care of financially, emotionally and psychologically, which means their mother is well taken care of. Even if at some points you want to kill the bitch.

These sanctimonious blowhards who say they believe in monogamy and have such high moral values, but are so quick to intervene to break up families, are ok with BTB against a long term wife who didn't purposely try to fuck the man over, and don't give a shit if the wife and children end up in a trailer park so that the cheated upon gets his revenge and tries to make himself feel better by causing as much misery as possible on the wife no matter the collateral damage. And in this story they want the children deprived of their loving and involved aunt and grandparents because they chose to stay silent and not reveal the long ago cheating that was no longer going on. The same aunt and grandparents who put the children's well-being ahead of their own because they had to live with the guilt of not disclosing the secret they knew. I guess to be a good and moral person means you always protect the male ego. Even if the cheating occured 4 or 6 years ago and not repeated (when Rita and the parents found out). The right response for Rita, of course, is maximum damage so she was supposed to send the protaganist pictures of the affair and DNA test results so that he hates his 4 year old son he raised up to that point. Isn't that the formula for the LW stories that satisfies these morons where the protaganist sends the evidence to the other wife and tries to do maximum damage in the other marriage not caring if they have kids or not? So what if this innocent 4 year old is now confused why does daddy not love me anymore? Why does he only take my sister for his weekends visitations, ignores me and gives me dirty looks? You can stuff your "morality" up your tight, small pricked, small minded asses!

In this story he chose to stay with his wife and love BOTH of his children. Knowing that wouldn't he have been better off if he never knew that for 3 times 11 years ago his wife cheated on him so that his son was not biologically his? I'm not saying they all couldn't have decided years ago to together confront him and tell him the truth and help him try to understand. I'm just saying them agreeing to withhold telling him until the children were older was also a valid response, at least valid enough not to ostracize them out of the children's lives.

And for those that don't like my long posts you can simply skip them. It's very easy to do as I always post under the same name.

TediumsShadowTediumsShadowalmost 6 years ago
interesting and clearly written

however, in every sense 'clinical'

for me it was not the least bit erotic.

like reading a textbook.

well written. but Lord why would you even put it on a 'porn' website?

this could hold it's own on a legit site

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Finally read it

Very well written account of a man in an impossible situation. I might forgive the wife, but the inlaws, never. I would like to be that man, but I don't have that much forgiveness in my heart. To be lied to, and played like that would be too much to take. Knowing that everyone, except poor, blinded by love, me knew the truth. Did they think that the passage of years would make it better? Impossible situation, great story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
If It Was Me

Sorry, I can understand to a point the fact that you did nothing wrong but had to pay all the cost for what she did doesn't sit right with me I might have stayed but She would have to let me fuck her sister since her husband fucked my wife and she helps cover it up then she would be my pussy for as long as I want turnabout is fair play.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 6 years ago

Agree that it'd be wrong to cut kids off from the rest of the family. OTOH, knowing myself, I'd never be able to contain my anger at these people for all the years they lied to me. I'd probably be working at my limits just maintaining an acceptable level of harmony at home. So the best thing would be for me to cut myself off from them. The kids would know that their dad doesn't speak to the rest of the family, but until they could handle the whole story, it'd just be one of those "when you're older" things.

swedishreader1swedishreader1almost 6 years ago
No way

Any man with even a modicum of self respect would stay married to someone who disrespected them so thoroughly and completely.

The actions of the wife were well beyond the margin of forgiveness.

Well writte story though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What A Sick Mick Bitch And A Sneaky Fam Damly

After the big reveal is extremely tedious: her fcking mouth going on and on how much she loves him, how great she is gonna be, how this how that....Bitch, please, shut the fck up.

His voice sounds transparently apologetic for a future reconciliation even before anything would be decided. THAT's the problem here. Someone like ol' Ohio (part time cuck that he is) would at least have a nice cool down for the guy before he could figure shit out. The writer starts in telescoping the recon. That takes the wind outa yer jenny, bro.

As far as doing right for the kids, it's hard to argue against that. But the most severe damage to children happens by five years old. If they aren't anti social freaks by then you have avoided a lot of future problems. The next milestone is eleven years. And the criteria, if met, yield a very high percentage accuracy. The professional literature of criminology has this locked down quite well. There's a huge sample size positively useless parents have become. Just pathetic.

Anyway, someone above figured this out: $100k cash from these hypocrite in-laws put in an account for him free and clear, and a 100-megaton nuclear post nup for this sick bitch. Then he could hold his head up.

I approve of this message.

DominantYetServileDominantYetServilealmost 6 years ago
@ Luedon and Johnadp

I am a child of divorce, half the people I know have parents who divorced before they were out of the home. I think for must of us the worst memories are how badly things were going at home BEFORE the parents finally gave up on a relationship that had been fundamentally broken. Now I'm not for this guy "burning the bitch", and I understand that the kind of divorced parents who try to turn the kids against the other parent or fight over custody and that stuff is bad for the kids but that's not how a divorce has to go and in my experience it's the people who kept a broken marriage going for a few years after they should have and ended up filled with resentment toward each other who act like that during and after the divorce.

Now morally should he keep his kids away from their grandparents and aunt? No, but that doesn't mean he has to continue interacting with them. Does he have to stay with the wife? No, but that doesn't mean that he has to burn her down either. Should he go murder Reggie or hire men to beat him to a pulp? Probably not, but there are lots of ways to get some satisfaction there too, ways that don't involve going to prison afterwards. These aren't problems that present binary answers.

As far as divorce and the kids, it comes down to this. IF he honestly believes she's telling the truth about at least being faithful since she found out she was pregnant with the first kid....AND he honestly believes she will never do anything like that again....AND he thinks he can fully forgive her and learn to trust her again, well fine (but the unresolved fact that she hasn't been put in a position of having to actually earn any of that is it's own problem). Here's the thing, if he doesn't trust that she's learned the errors of her ways (and they are pretty fucking savage errors at that) or if he just can't get it out of his head, if it appears that the rest of their marriage would consist of her walking on egg shells and him suspicious of everything or lashing out at her every time he's upset, then they need to split cause they are gonna make each other fucking miserable and make their kids miserable too. So the fact that this guy based his decision mostly on this desire to keep the household together for his kids' sake is a fucking cop out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Yet another stupid emasculated white boy gets the slut in the end story.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

I know I said my last comment was my final one, but I have to say that I find myself largely in agreement with your latest post.

However, in your prior comments, you appeared to be using a binary choice between BTB and reconciliation, not the more rational option that you described here.

As for the in-laws, I'm torn. I lean towards a variation of what sdc97230 said: I would not go with wife and kids to in-laws; in-laws not welcome in our house, or at least I wouldn't be there if they were; if possible, my daughter and I would be elsewhere at those times; if I was sleeping with the wife, when she came back from in-laws, she would find herself locked out of our bedroom.

She would definitely have to learn to live with my mistrust: Why wasn't she where I expected her to be? Why was she late getting home? Etc., etc., etc.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

First things first I would’ve never married her if she confess what a pig she was and she was still fucking guys when we were dating. Divorce would be instant even finding out more than a decade later. If that’s not enough to find out she let me raise another mans kid thinking it was mine either her family knowing and talking behind my back about it. That is killing people stuff. The divorce would have been instant and then the pi would’ve been hired to find than douchbag and force him to legally pay all back child support to go in the kids names or prison. Pride and ego is way to big to stay. I can even see doing legal separation moving in separate rooms but staying splitting the bills until the kids are older. I would most certainly never fuck her again

sdc97230sdc97230almost 6 years ago
Just to be clear

What I said was not my opinion about what would be "right," "moral," or any such concept. It's just what I believe would be the best that I think I could do as far as "keeping the family together." If it didn't work to the benefit of the kids, divorce would probably be the only alternative. Because I know myself well enough to say I wouldn't ever be able to "just get over it."

bruce22bruce22almost 6 years ago
Interesting Story

His son is well brought up and he is proud of him. His wife got stupid some time in the past but is now a great wife and they have a lovely daughter who should be protected.

The only extreme suggestion that I would have go along with be to have another baby to bring up in a loving atmosphere.

korba76korba76almost 6 years ago
Get over it? Not...'

.... in this lifetime!

2* for improbable ending. Don't know ANY men willing to put up with this level of shit!

In-laws are History! The slattern can take them to THEIR home for visits, though I'd prefer to keep such paragons COMPLETELY AWAY from children in their formative stages!

Civility, while it would be strained, would be a given, until the kids are grown.... then take out the garbage!

Sexual congress?!!! NEVER again! That requires that the tripod of Love, Respect, and Trust be intact, and this QUITE CLEARLY was not the case! The argument that the 'mistake' was "so long in the past" is ludicrous! The DECISION was made YESTERDAY, when she decided, AGAIN to lie, cheat, and steal from her spouse! That was no longer a mistake.. it was a COLD BLOODED DECISION to steal her husbands legacy...

This is soooo wrong, on so many levels, that I am amazed that anyone can excuse this RAAC ending...

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

Yes, I hadn't thought about it until just now, but the title, "Just Get Over It," belittles hs pain and suffering, like a broke toe is nothing more than a stubbed toe!

Why not just complete the Cheating Wives Handbook cliche: "Just get over your fragile male ego/pride!"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I rate stories according to how I feel at the end of the story. This story left me with a sour taste in my mouth. I rated this story a -1.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 6 years ago
@DominantYetServile & Sdc97230

About feelings towards sister-in-law and grandparents. If I was him, so emotionally involved, I would be very upset at the in-laws, and if I reconciled with them the relationship would have not been as good as before. Or at least taken a while to repair completely. However, not emotionally involved as a third party allowed to peek into their story I can totally see the dilemma of the in-laws and don't believe they were bad people, and in fact, were very good people. Their daughter/sister put them in a horrible position and they had to choose between two awful choices.

The other thing one has to consider is this. If he forgives the wife fully and moves forward with her, how could he not forgive the in-laws. After all the wife cheated, she knew from day one, before he bonded with Jimmy, that Jimmy was not his so he could have moved on at that point without bonding with Jimmy and never had his daughter. And his wife is the one that convinced the in-laws to not tell him the truth. So how could he forgive the wife, love her, forgive her and be family with her again, but be pissed off at the in-laws who were also victims of his wife (put in a tough moral dilemma) and who were trying to protect the children he loved and he had already bonded with and protect him as well from the pain. When the story began it talked about how close he was and how well he got along with all his in-laws. These weren't awful people that were laughing behind his back or weren't concerned about his well-being. The exact opposite seems to be the case.

Also, I never said staying together was the only choice. I just said if he divorced her he needed to make sure, as much as possible, everyone came out as healthy as possible, especially for the sake of the children.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 6 years ago

If he wants to have a relationship with at least his daughter, if not also her son, he HAS to come to SOME sort of a rapprochement with his wife. He doesn't have to with the in-laws!

CaOldDogCaOldDogalmost 6 years ago
Is all well in the future?

The author states;

"We found a female therapist to go to and she helped us a lot. We talked at length about how Megan had initially been seduced, and why Reggie found it so easy to get her to cheat. The first problem was her drinking. Once she was drunk her common sense was limited and she was vulnerable to flattery. It also seemed to raise her libido. After all the promiscuous activity in college, my wife had gotten used to letting guys treat her like a sex object. Love and respect were not emotions that she needed."

What didn't seem to be addressed was the fact that Megan was pissed at Sean for going on that training trip and she wanted to go out and party and she did party with Reggie. The promiscuous behavior in her life doesn't explain what she thought that she had the right to go out because her husband was not fulfilling her party desires.

Her behavior was in my opinion her desire to be accepted as a woman even though the author continuously tells us that she was a large amazon type of girl seeking attention of any kind from guys and those guys treated her badly because she had such low self esteem.

Will the rough sex make up for her low self esteem in the future or will she need to have some other "reggie type" play her to get that acceptance that her husband always gives willingly since he can't see any problem with being a large female?

Loving the children and wanting to give them a happy upbringing is understandable but will Megan give in to her underlying issues after the children are out of the house?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Pretty depressing actually

Sorry but this story wasn't erotic and it was just a downer.

BigDee44BigDee44almost 6 years ago
Mirrors my real life experiences in so many ways

Have you been reading "My Story"? Many details different, but so much the same, down to staying with the marriage for the children, who are never the ones at fault. My ending is not working out so nicely, but is just a comfortable holding pattern (for her- we have had nearly no sex for last 20 years and zero since August, 2005) on to infinity.

tennesseeredtennesseeredalmost 6 years ago
To the author

You could improve this story by cutting out most of the backstory; it adds nothing. Lots of repetition, too, in what remains. Slash and burn is my advice. Don't let your readers get caught in a thicket of irrelevant facts.

To the commentarians: He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.

Good job, Clinical. You've shaken, if not stirred them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Two Stars

So the "player" who got Meagan pregnant, walks away free and clear, without paying any child support or suffering any retribution of any kind. The story itself was long winded.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 6 years ago

Yes, in the story as written, the husband is somehow able to forgive both his wife and the rest of the family, and is happy about how things turned out. It's my belief that deciding what choices are appropriate in a situation such as this is the prerogative of the wronged party, so his choices are justified by the fact that he ended up happy with them. My point in commenting was simply that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do that.

DominantYetServileDominantYetServilealmost 6 years ago

Not to offend, but are you sure that staying together was best for the kids? I mean, after 20 years and you two are still basically begrudgingly roommates, that just doesn't seem like a happy situation for either one of you, and try as you might to hide it, kids figure that kind of shit out real quick and a big part of how they understand their own future relationships to be depends on their observations of their parents. To me, that plays right at one of my 3 big criticisms with the story, that the husband got locked into this notion of staying "for the kids" when a happy home is really what the kids need, and his thought process should have been about whether him and his wife could get past this and be happy again, or whether they would be better off providing 2 happy homes for the kids to split time with instead of one very unhappy one.

mordbrandmordbrandalmost 6 years ago
I suppose it's possible

But only until the daughter turns 18. Use condoms at all times, both to protect himself from possible STDs and prevent an extension of his sentence via pregnancy.

Other than that, just prep for the ending. I'm sorry, but the sheer level of disrespect she and her entire family showed him for YEARS by not telling him is unforgivable. Anyone with even a shred of self respect would be unable to overlook that. By all means, protect the kids, but regain your dignity when the last is grown.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderheralmost 6 years ago
You can't stay a Cuck, you have to regain your manhood

He should have gone over and fucked the sister until he put a baby in her belly and then told the rest of the family to simply, "Deal With It".

chilleywilleychilleywilleyalmost 6 years ago

He had a shitty past. Got his act togeather, married a party girl ready to settle Down, more or less. Ten.happy years later he discovers her sin. Would we could change the past...but we can't. He decided his children were the future, and his wife was part of it too. We can forgive...go thou and sin no more, remember that? Look to the future, enjoy your children, enjoy your wife, do good where you can.

Chasing after Reggie, lawyering up, just brings the ugly past into the present. Not worth it.

Good story

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 6 years ago
Good .... but

Loved the theme,the plot, and I even get the ending as that parental bond can often be stronger than the marital bond.

My problem is that similar to your other works in this category way way WAY too much back story. Come down the detail trail a little.

IheartgayficIheartgayficalmost 6 years ago
Hi, Thanks for the story

As a kid whose father is not his biological father, I appreciate guys like the one in this story. Although, my dad knew I wasn’t his and adopted me when I was 6 months old. I didn’t find out until I was 22 but by then I knew who my father was. The guy who raised me. Anyways, forgiveness always sounds like the harder path and it was nice to read about it in this story. Lots of emotions. Great job!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
RACC is a Waste of time

and id prefer a btb over racc snd wacc anyday.

Hby8Hby8almost 6 years ago
Part 2

What would happen if in a part 2 the son turns pro and the real dad comes back into their lives? Does the wife fall back with the father or does she stay loyal to the husband?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Uhh, I don't think so

Okay story, but I do have a few issues with it:

1. Screwing her sister's husband would have been enough for most men to make a speedy exit. Face it, if she betrayed him and her sister then just betraying him would be no problem. So, very high probability she cheated with other guys.

2. Since hubby was rightfully feeling dumb, seems it should have occurred to him to get his own DNA test done on his daughter and himself. Wife was obviously pretty good at lying, so why take something that important at face value based on tests she provided.

3. A woman who would repeatedly cheat with her sisters boyfriend/husband is likely the the type of woman that would have got an abortion. I am just saying...

Three stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I couldn't read the whole thing and jumped to last page and it looks like the cuck stayed with his trashy wife in this story.

A fat ass wife with tats that cheats and lets him support a child that isn't his?

Lol, I should have known by the score.

just a story but a bad one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Jesus, American Men...

...are just so fucking stupid!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
She cheated

Just months after getting married. And he believes she has not cheated since. The dumbass deserved what he got.

CaOldDogCaOldDogalmost 6 years ago
Story ended at the mid-life stage

What happens when the children leave home and establish their own lives and Megan gets bored? Megan never seemed to "respect" Sean as a kind of man that took what he wanted in bed with her - he only played pretend rough sex for her part. As they move into middle age with no children around will she slip again in her desire to have a "bad boy" that uses and abuses her? The ending seemed to contrived like ok, lets just kiss and make up for the kids sake but, the real issue of her never respecting Sean was never addressed. Everybody in town will know that Jimmy was fathered by another man and as Sean ages and Megan's sex drive dwindles away with menopause will Sean's anger and frustration resurface? This story just seems too incomplete at this stage in their life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Another wimp story.It would have been a better story if he had dumped after the kids were at college.Put money away over the years,mortgaged the house and walked away.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Surrender the "Man" card

Just another fairy tale. Cheating wife has another man's child, hides it for nearly a decade, then comes clean when she can't hide it any longer. In real life, with a real man, that marriage is over!

Want to keep the family together? Fine, but only AFTER she suffers through some consequences: exposure, humiliation, loss of reputation, maybe even separation. THEN if he can find a way (and wants to put his mouth where a other man put his cock in his wife), rebuild from there. But one must always pay for such a mistake. Natural order of the universe. 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Your consistant.......e/masculated/twit..

Raising another guy kid / how sweet / why do all the women in your story get a free ride, why are the women never responsible for her action / like paying him back for raising her child ?it's hers not his did you forget,, Why do women never get held libel for there breeding ?????why the hell does the guy only qualify ….

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Clinical.... You fucking piece of SHIT

....Since when did you believe yourself to be a writer ????

You have no information in your Bio which leads me to believe that you are a female !!!

That would explain why you suck dick so much in your stories. I’ve read 3 of your stories and will never ever read another. In your stories you make the guy out to be your perfect pussy. You must really hate men for reasons that are obvious in your stories. Some man must have really fucked you over but good to play the man in your stories and then shit all over him even though he is a good guy.

In any event I hope you are so engrossed next time you are using your black 10” dildo that instead of reaching for the lube you grab the super glue insted !!!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Interesting perspective.

most definitely a feminine perspective but not to sure if it’s Angry Gay or just run of the mill Man Hating Straight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I think you CAN spin a good yarn!

I will NOT be that facetious and say you’re not a good writer. Anybody that can upset so many must be a good story teller. For that is what should happen to you after you’ve read a story, or watched a play – Your state of mind MUST be altered. That is what you’ve accomplished! That so many are upset says to me. You ARE a good writer!

But ... What a fucking wimp! He finds out that she cheated on him and is reminded of her infidelity every single day of his life for the son that he loves turns out not to be his. And when he confronts her - no when she conveniently faces up to her sins - for did she not grow up in a very Catholic home? The poor guy does not know what to do about this situation. He’s in a total flat spin. She conveniently sends the illegitimate son and their daughter away to her sister and then confronts him with the DNA test the teacher had done for she knows precisely WHAT the problem was. Even after they had their talk and she gives him the entire lowdown and we get to really know this BITCH – he forgives her. Her reasons for doing it is exactly what all cheaters would say – straight from the cheaters handbook. What makes matters worse is that he finds out that her parents and sister knows the story. This church going and praying family all decided to not say anything to the good man, the idiot – and he still forgives her and them!!! And they live happy aver after!

What a crock of KAK! KAK being the Afrikaans word for shit as we say down here in South Africa. I. Do not know wimps like this no matter HOW you want to explain it. Bye the way this is your shortest story! I tend to agree with someone WHO commented that seeing we could not determine your sex you must be a woman. Why do you always write about these good guys that are always married - sometimes not even for the first time - to these evil bitches! What did a good man do to you? YOU must have been the evil bitch, I suspect. I cannot for the life of me. Think what other reasons there might be for always dabbling in this recurring theme!

illjoyilljoyover 5 years ago

He’s literally the Webster definition of a cuck

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I wish more men behaved like this

Unfortunately, decent men seem to exist only in fiction.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 5 years ago
@ annoy - you wished that more men were like this

Did you mean like Reggie? Fuck them and forget them Reggie types?

How would the you or some wife take it if she finds out that the family really didn't have a savings account because her husband was paying child support for two illegitimate children with a girlfriend he got pregnant right after they got married? Would you wish more women were willing to forgive and forget also?

kiteareskitearesover 5 years ago
Decent writing

trouble is in 3 of 4 of your stories I have read so far, the husbands get shit on by the wives and either accept for the sake of the children, the marriage fizzles out to the inevitable divorce or in getting his revenge he dumps on his kid.

In 2 of them it was too much of a reflection of real life, when most here are looking for some sort of fantasy or illusion.

timrivtimrivover 5 years ago

Would like to have him have her served. Then she would agree guietky to the divorce sign the papers and after they would stay together as before with everyone thinking they were till married. She would anything he wanted sexually also she would agree if he stayed a acted as her husband he would be free to have sex with others as well. She would sign another agreement that if she did she would be otut with the clothes on her back, ten bucks and no kids. Then his pride and ego would be satisfied.

jharpjharpover 5 years ago

This story was pathetic and suffered from numerous flaws I find grating with Literotica Loving wives stories. It starts out good, we connect solidly with the protagonist. He's a decent guy and he just got some shocking news that turns his life upside down. THEN, once we're hooked on the premise, the fucking author decides to give us a page and a half about the protagonists life and how he met his wife and came to this point. FUCK OFF! I can not stand that shit! I do not give a crap how Harry met Sally and what she was like in grade school. It's all just words, meaningless filler. Its boring as fuck and kills my enthusiasm for the story. Rarely do such expositions provide anything meaningful to the story.

But then we get back to the point, finally! Only we learn the Wife has been preparing for this confrontation for years. She's completely out maneuvered him and he's left seething in impotent rage. Impotent, that's exactly what this protagonist is throughout this entire God damned shitshow!

Not only is the confrontation so unsatisfying, but its rage inducing as it goes on! We learn that not only did the wife willingly betray her Husband out of pure spite. We learn her sister, the wife of the Lothario did it too! And to top it all off, as betrayals tend to come in threes, turns out their parents knew too!!! A fucking triple whammy!!! But then....oh here comes the worst part. Rather than seek some form of justice against the Lothario and or the cheating slut and her family.....he does absolutely NOTHING!!!! He just accepts it!!! "I'm not a violent man" "Turn the Other cheek" nonsense. The Hubby loses all respect from me, as does an author who writes this garbage. I've met such men before, I can tell you they also lose their self respect as well. Half of them have eaten their guns. The other half...well it's only a matter of time.

It should become mandatory for authors to put disclaimers in their stories that let you know this husband will be a willing cuckold. Fucking waste of my time over this rancid shit. I read stories here to spank it or find good enjoyable dramas. Not fucking cucky boy shit that'll just piss me off, which is exactly what this story just did!

And the worst part is...this author is good too. He's got skill if he can rope me in to this story in only a paragraph. which is why this garage is so hard to take.

DrakenNoirDrakenNoirover 5 years ago
Don't Leave Us Hanging If You Are Going to Have Them Reconcile.

Decent story. Not enough detailed dialogue during the reconciliation. Doesn't cut it to just say they had issues and problems. You really can't feel the characters emotional pain in a narrative. They say it takes about two years for a couple to find their new normal. So there was plenty of time to see how they worked through things. All just left out. The husband should have been going through a TON of conflicting emotions!! Nothing but a few sentences. And why would he have ANY trouble having rougher sex with the wife??? He should be in a fine mood to be able to pound her for quite awhile. That is if he still wants to have sex with her. He should probably try to hold out as long as he can. Lets see how long she can go. Will she get drunk and stupid with her sister again or has she truly grown up? Maybe he should get separate beds. That way at least daddy still stays in the same room. And mom knows things are no where near O.K.

For a screw up and conspiracy this monumental, the reconciliation seemed too quick and didn't have enough depth. Man, there could have been tons of tears, epic arguments, her running to her parents and sister. Just a huge amount of material that seems to be left on the cutting room floor, so to speak. Seems like the author got a bit tired of it. Don't do that. You write very well. Don't cheat us on the ending. Makes the reconciliation a bit more palatable/believable.

YouamiYouamiover 5 years ago
At the very least a wimp with a big heart!


I commend you for having the courage with this tale by not taking the easy "burn the bitch" route. It would have been such a temptation, I'm sure, just to have hubby torch everything. But you persevered with your plot and credit to you. To me, hubby was portrayed as a good guy with a very big heart. His wife'c comments were spot-on; he was the best male role model any kid could hope for. Maybe I'm getting soft in old age, but occasionally it does the spirit good to read a story with a hopeful ending.

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