All Comments on 'Just Get Over It'

by Cinical

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

3 stars is as generous as I could get. The husband had to suffer and be a cuckold because his wife was a slut. Sad to see a good guy wear the horns and have no revenge nor his wife make it up to him

doctrptdoctrpt11 months ago

Not one bit of retribution....a total Cuck. Zero stars and 10 minutes I'll never get back.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

He's a f--king wimp. His mother and father in law abused him his wife abused him and his kids will have no respect for him. To you this is fiction

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Asshole is a fucking wimp like this writer and their stories!!


JBird11JBird1110 months ago

Didn't like it. I get trying to keep the family together but have some self respect. The guy was homeless and picked himself up, to be shit on like this. Not a fan.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

excellent story and a happy ending. It could have went either way so thank you for the children being put first.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

He probably wouldn’t enjoy her pain and suffering so much if people held women responsible for their actions, that feeling happens when there’s no recourse or regulation for the aggrieved party. The adoption industry is “vibrant” because many people don’t want their kids, and or, someone else’s kids. Being a stepdad has no connotations of victimhood, as it is well known that the kid isn’t yours, nor should it be. As far as, “affairs aren’t a crime, and shouldn’t be” why? What is the rationale there? I break a promise to God, family, friends and the love of my life… nothing, Godspeed my friend, see you at church! I fail to appear to traffic court… warrant! Wanted man! Lmao what a joke

luverlybubblyluverlybubbly9 months ago

I would have taken off, m parting would be , get the slezeball to support you now

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It was difficult, but the husband did the right thing for his family. Family love and closeness is the building block for successful, rewarding and loving children. That husband knew what he had to do to make everyone's family lives the most cherished memory. As a well-adjusted adult relives the good loving memories of his upbringing, he will do the same for his children. Thank you, Sir for your touching and well written story. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Just another cuck who let the wife walk all over him, if all men were like him all wife's would have other men's babies and let the sap bring them up.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Adultry in the Bible is a reason for divorce and with the DNA proof he not only should have divorced his wife but sued her lover for back child support. Then filed for an a divorce in the church siting the priest that took her confession for her continuing adtrulrus behavior. Oh I know the seal of the confessional, she continued her behavior and got pregnant. How many Our Father's and Hail Mary's did it take to clear that up. I don't think so. I believe she is supposed to be outside of the Church for that, and that means no more communion,receiving of the host. How did she explain that to her husband. Or being the good Catholic that she was she just didn't confess anything and like many Catholic today just ignore everything connected to the faith did what suited her.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Poor story. Didn't show us the resolution process, only told us the resolution.

Rocky62Rocky628 months ago

Sister Rita should have fucked our cheated dad to truly make up for all the secrets she kept and for bringing that lothario into the family. She sounded pretty cute to me

lc69hunterlc69hunter8 months ago

I think the husband overreacted to something a decade old. Forgiveness is a good thing

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Loved the story.

The husband was cheated out of having a biological son. His wife disrespected him, humiliated him, disrespected him, manipulated him. He rose above homelessness keeping his self-respect in tact only to have it be taken away by betrayal. I cant believe he didn't divorce her. 'Staying for the kids' is a stupid excuse to forgive the heinous act of giving your body to someone who isn't your husband--or wife in the case of a male cheater.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Of course a cuck would say the husband overreacted. WTF, of course he's going to react. Any sane man would. The stupidity of some people is astounding.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Horse shit story of a sissy wimp cuck. What a complete fool. Seeing the bastard as his just proves he has no backbone or balls. No way the cheating skank slut was being honest about who and how many guys she fucked. "I guess I have to trust you" has to be one of the stupidest statements ever made. Just pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Sad. 3 stars. Not your best by a long shot. DMW aka Sumnut96

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

RAAC.... I admit their not my personal cup of tea, and I doubt I'd be able to do the same if it was me in that position, but generally speaking I have nothing against them. That be said, this one just feels.... meh. It started well, and I can even understand Megan's reasoning of wanting to give her son the best childhood possible, but the rest is just.... meh. In fact my only real emotional response (which is how I judge stories, good or bad, if I react emotionally, its a good story) is that this story just proves that religion is a cancer and a farce. "Turn the other cheek", "No Divorce".... How about "No adultery"? Megan's family are quick to jump to religion to protect their daughter/sister, but how about using it to drag her over the coals for her "sins"? It stinks of hypocrisy and represents everything that is wrong with organised religion. Faith? Good for you.... Religion? Yuck.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I don't know what to say. The husband is a wimp. I can't fault the interloper for enjoying another man's wife. Yes... his kind exist. Therefor It all falls on the wife. All she had to do is say NO but she choose not to. She's 100% at fault. The wimp better keep an eye on her. Women, women, women......

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wow..... I would have walked on her after a decade of deceit. If her family was so religious, let THEM take her burden. Burn the house down, skip town and pay children's expenses but not a penny othewise from an anonymous location. .Fuck her ("with", not "do"), her friends, and her family for abetting those actions. She loved her marriage built on false pretenses. Wow... talking of tainted memories. What a whipped cur to accept their bullshit clothed in religiosity. Yikes.

Bry1977Bry19777 months ago

while I am a firm believer in RACC when it is deserved this was deserved. however, I do not think the husband overreacted. In fact i dont think he reacted enough. Id have made her suffer for a while at least. moved out of the house for a while or at least out of the damn bedroom. She barely suffered anything at all for what she did to him. So no he did not have enough of a reaction to this at all.

tomol111tomol1117 months ago

Good story… most comments come down on him being a wimp BUT considering his past, he did the right thing, for himself and his kids and his wife benefitted too. She screwed up for a few months, but made amends for many years. We’ll done!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

More fem/Dom bullshit. He did the WRONG thing. There will never be any normal loving family. The real lesson taught to the children is that a wife can fuck around, lie for years, and commit paternity fraud with the extended family in on it, and the betrayed husband just needs to continue to be a good little slave. Some lesson. No amount of make believe will ever make that family whole or normal. Divorcing the slut doesn't mean that he won't be thoroughly involved in the children's lives - joint custody is the norm. Kids are resilient, and and a divorce would only emphasize that a betrayal like that by their mother and her family has unpleasant consequences. Paternity fraud is slavery and should be a felony. Note that no one considered the cuck to be as important as anyone else in the family. He was chosen to be a slave because he was better child raising material and a better provider. Every last one of you who praise or like the ending need a good bitch slapping.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

It's the whole Catholic thing the priest forgives or God does through the priest, bullshit Jehovah God is the ultimate Judge not somev" Johnny jump up priest or political head of the Vatican in Rome " but it's what people believe so be it. She thinks she in the clear because she confessed to a priest. Catholic author gives her a ride it. She thinks her husband should accept it also no divorce in the Catholic church ((except for adultery by special petition).

Cracker270Cracker2707 months ago

Very well developed characters. Believable. In real life we have obligations and responsibilities. That boy did not do anything to deserve the MC going postal on the wife and leaving. Good story well told. Thank you very much

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

@Anonymous 10 days ago. Man, you are one sick puppy. Have you considered therapy?

@ Clinical. A good story with believable characters and a resolution which will resonate with most normal people. I liked it and will now go on to read your other stories. Well done.


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

“Every last one of you who praise or like the ending need a good bitch slapping.”

That’s funny! After I read that, I was just thinking what you need. Do you know what would be good? Covering you in honey and tying you down on a red ant hill. That would be educational for you, and fun for the whole family.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Epilogue: Once the cheating skank slut Megan pulled the wool over her sissy wimp husband's eyes she laughed and laughed and kept on fucking any guy she wanted to because she knew he wouldn't do anything. She just had to pretend around the house a little until she found another stud to be a real man with her. When Susan went off to college she told little Timmy the truth. He lost all respect for the man who wasn't his father and told him to get lost. Megan divorced him and took him to the cleaners financially. He ended up broke and alone, because that is what happens to men who have no character or backbone. The only positive note in the whole terrible episode was Megan caught several STD's and kicked off before she could enjoy her new freedom.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Tomol111 was wrong. She and they did not make amends. The wronged party has to KNOW there was a wrong for that to happen. "It suddenly hit me how long she's been preparing for this confrontation. I felt like a chump; an ignorant, unsuspecting chump. I was totally off balance now being expertly played by a cunning, slick talking adulteress. .... I always knew Megan was an intelligent, calculating, determined wife. I never suspected she could be so cold and manipulative."

Yep, Treated him like "chump". Did she give him a choice? Her sister, her parent? Nope. Ultimate disrespect. A useful placeholder. Nothing more. Would you believe her? Sadly, as one commenter put it, the characters are "believable", but I would disagree about the resolution resonating with most normal people. What the wife's family did wasn't "normal". They quite deliberately played him like a real 'chump' because they needed him for a convenient parental figure. His return for the his loyal parenting was being treated like a "chump". This lot did not respect him at all what-ever their words. Was he a cuck? No. But not making them (especially HER) feel his pain with something like at least a separation until they made reparations was not the act of a self-respecting husband. Can one forgive? Of course. But if it's not earned, it comes at a price. He was willing to pay it. Was that courage or self-cowardice given his background? Good question.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A simple cuckold story. If the husband did not leave, he should have required his wife to move with him across the entire country and permanently and completely sever all ties with her sister and parents. Otherwise he should have divorced her and told Reggie’s son who his real father was and why he would never see or speak with him. The husband should have made his wife face the Consequences of her actions

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Sometimes the comments are more interesting than the story. ITS ONLY A STORY!!! I liked it 5555555

B3ndoverB3ndover6 months ago

I just didn’t like it

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I did not give the story a star rating. The story is well-written. It is better than most LW stories. The children were too young to allow for temporary amnesty and a divorce later. Nonetheless it is yet another story with the stupid man and the clever concealing woman whose infidelity "leaked" out through happenstance. And in the process, she offered her husband the most profound, most unforgivable, disrespect that a wife can offer a man. Having sex with another man is bad for, and sometimes fatal to a marriage. Getting pregnant by another man, then delivering the bastard rather than aborting it and horn-hooking the husband by advertising it as his is unforgivable and no reasonable man who retained his balls (or ever had a set) would have remained with her. I'm basically a nice guy - sort of like a porcupine, going through life not really bothering anyone, but nobody grabs a porcupine and tries to squeeze him twice; I'm a mean SOB when provoked, and I'd have crushed her in the most painful way that wouldn't have gotten me charged with a felony. And yes, there would have been terrible collateral damage that resulted - watching that collateral damage spread to those she loved would have been part of her punishment.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I think the wimp needs a backbone, she should have burned the bitch and got child support money from the asshole.

60022Mallard60022Mallard6 months ago

Was he better off with her or without her?

100% with her.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The little fat bitch needed to have been kicked to the curb. If they stayed together ( No sex for the duration) He should make it a point to LEAVE when the kids left high school. Let Megan work off her extra weight, by getting a freakin job, she may have been able to hook up with another, (for life) foreigner. It would have served her right to lose all intimate relations with her husband, after dissing him so badly.

mfbridgesmfbridges5 months ago

I wouldn't have stayed with her. He was a wimp

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Fucking pussy

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Pathetic cuck nonsense.

miket0422miket04225 months ago

Her sincerity and remorse seemed genuine.

Based on the information we were given I can understand and accept the reconciliation.

A couple issues that seemed to have gotten glossed over that feel like they would have been very important to have resolved before they really had a chance to move past her betrayal.

Her lack of trust in Sean to where she thought it best to keep him in the dark for so many years versus coming clean and trusting he had enough love for her that they could work it out. Maybe this was addressed when they went to counseling but, we never heard anything about it.

Rita and the parents knowing and keeping the secret from him. Just feels like there should have been some effort on their part to make amends with him.

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang19554 months ago

So many macho comments. 3

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So many pussy bitches calling themselves men. sickening

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Sorry. I don't buy it. Stay together for the sake of the kids? Yes - I can understand that.

Cutting off ALL contact with in-laws? That would be the minimal mandatory punishment.

AllNigherAllNigher4 months ago

Hmmm. Interesting story. Most interesting to me is the dichotomy of the results of the two marriages.

Did had the opportunity to find out and divorce the cheating asshole husband.

MC had no such opportunity when it happened... And the entire family issues him to stay with her because.... Why? She cheated while they were dating with her sisters husband it boyfriend. She cheated immediately after she was married. I guess I'm this story we have to accept the author reality that she never cheated again but that's kind of hard to believe given that start.

Especially with the bullshit about needing right sex. So how did she satisfy that supposed need for the last 15 year?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Nope. Wife is a slit. Got pregnant by another man. Lied for years. Had her family lie for years. Gets rewarded for all of it. No thanks. 1

goodshoes2goodshoes24 months ago

2 stars. I am a BTB person. Need I say more?

Cracker270Cracker2704 months ago

I have some experience with a father staying around and raising his wife’s love child. Nuff said. Well written story thank you

uncle_muduncle_mud4 months ago

Sorry, I couldn't be that forgiving. I would have waited until the kids had left home and then I would have been gone. Plenty of time to prepare. But I didn't write this story. five stars

OlefishermanOlefisherman4 months ago

As soon as Susan hit eighteen. Bang out the door divorce sell the house established a college fund for Susan as long as her grades are good. The rest 50 50 and gone. If the author thinks that having disrespect looking you in the face ever day for the rest of your life is fine OK. It just a story but it out of his mind so he must condone that kind of behavior. Minus 5 stars.

Harryin VAHarryin VA3 months ago

a new LOW in pathetically STUPID. The premise is ridiculous and so is the reasoning.


Even if we accept the idea that the husband is going to stick around until Jimmy and Susan get older why stick around once they have gone off the college or high school?


The wife cheated with her sister's boyfriend before they got married.

She cheated with the sister's husband after they got married.

She lied to her husband repeatedly for years about what actually happened and never told the truth.


Given those facts the idea that the husband would actually trust and believe what the wife is saying after all these years just makes no sense at all.


Even worse is that all the pressure is on him to do the right thing. The husband has to go through every day watching his supposed son who is NOT really his son grow up to look like the brother-in-law.


The Husband has to go through every day knowing that everybody is known for years and has been laughing at him and ridiculing him and pitying him.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Children deal with a divorce better than a rough marriage. The husband staying with the cheating wife is a bad idea, as there is bad feelings between them, and the children will see this.

Then, there is the CONSTANT reminder every time he sees the child of the other man, in his home. In his mind, he knows the child is not his, but yet he is dealing with that child. This is called mental cruelty. The wife brought this on.

The wife lied for 15 years! That is called a pathological liar! Who can trust someone like that? Needless to say, communication was DEFINITELY impacted.

Husband could never trust the wife ever again.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

There are times to try to keep the family together. But in this story, this wasn't one of them. It seems a FAAC & damn the consequences. The big one: the children seeing the discord & hard feeling for most of the time they're in the house. Another: his self respect. He's settling, mainly for the children's sake, & doesn't think what they'll bring into their marriage, if they even marry!

His self respect after being lied to for a decade or more, raising another man's child prior to finding out, & his wife cheating on him-- almost right after the marriage ceremony! And he wants to remain married to that woman? If she lied about that, what else? He also thinks that if she had another or 10 lovers, he can't do anything about that now. That's not only a wimpish & defeatest attitude, but total bullshit. That doesn't even include the trust, which has to be gone, unless the husband's a total moronic looser, which I'm not too sure is not the case.

I'll quote (or loosely paraphrase)_ "Harryin VA": The premise & reasoning for the marriage to continue: both ridiculous. The wife cheated with her sister's boyfriend/ husband before & after they got married, then lied to HER husband continually for all that time. The husband - watching his "son" grow more & more like his biological father, while people laugh & pity him.

NObody seems to've received any retribution. Not the inlaws, which for their part, should've been denied any relationship with the kids until they reached 18, then it's their call. NOT the sister-in-law who knew about things & didn't tell him. NOT the wife, who rightfully should've been divorced. NOT the brother-in-law, wherever he is, for not having his nuts kicked into his digestive system.

The people in the story rate a number in the negatives (children excepted), but the writing's good & makes you feel the story, which's what it's supposed to do, even if it got me to where I wanted to throw something at the computer. But with the adults not having any real redeeming value, I can only give this a troubling 2 stars. Bob

oldpantythiefoldpantythief3 months ago

I thought it was a good story and glad that they could salvage the family. The hurt and suffering of the MC was played against his own life and let him see what needed to be done. Knowing the whole family knew would be very hard to resolve but time does heal most wounds. Reading the comments was almost as entertaining as the story as there are some very strong feelings there. Sure, it's not a BTB but Megan had to live those years with the lie and guilt. Just need to remember it's only a story and no need for everyone to get their panties in a bunch.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The story is very well told but in my opinion the husband made a terrible mistake staying with her. This wasn't a one time event. She slept with this asshole several times. Apparently getting pregnant just after the wedding. The lack of respect is just too much. I don't see how anyone could possibly agree with the author's conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Uhh.... Just, No! What a guy with no self-respect, desperately seeking to grasp any straw, no matter how degrading the requirement? She deliberately set out to disrespect and degrade him, calculating the delivery when discovery came to light, with in-laws who aided and self-righteously abetted her disrespect. And then he lacked the balls to make them face the music. Just pathetic. At the very least, such actions should have required them to beg him on their knees to forgive them, which they didn't do in their so-called Christian righteousness. The way they 'got help' and he 'made it up' just made him out to be a human dildo for his wife's sexual gratification. This was a truly disgusting RAAC story. He should have burned that marriage to the ground, and made them have to earn it to rebuild it if they wanted it so badly. What a fool, despite his childhood as excuse.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Another Fem-Nazi story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

well written but your scenario goes against what any man with any pride or self esteem would do.The most destructive action a wife can do to husband is to have an affair,on top of that one that results with a pregnancy, bearing another mans child ends the marriage. Did you really expect a reader to buy into your ending..Give your head shake,reaccess your thought process and write believable tales.

ImshakenImshakenabout 2 months ago

Well nobody really knows how they'll react if they had to live in the scenario the author laid out. The bottom line is the MC had more love for his kids than he did for himself. I'm sure many men would decide differently. I'm glad I never had to make that kind of decision.

SaltySurpriseSaltySurpriseabout 2 months ago

Where do I begin

the wife deserves no lenience from me as she failed her Marriage more than once

first she cheated on her husband within a few months of them getting married

second it was to her sisters husband (WoW what a sister)

third she got pregnant! but due to her religious beliefs she kept the bastard. What happened to her religious belief about forsaken all others.

Fourth she and her family kept the truth from the husband how many dinners and family get togethers were they snickering behind his back you cant tell me that no other family member never asked about the difference between siblings

I don't care how good a man is every time he looks at the bastard he will be reminded of the infidelity that brought him into being

and One thing I forgot was the DISRESPT this family has shown to the MC is abhorrent

that being said the story kept me interested hoping for just a little bit of manliness coming through but sadly NO

so in conclusion as a RAAC story it hit all the marks as a kind of true story I don't know any man who would still be married to her.

Thank you for letting me Ramble


Bws83420Bws83420about 1 month ago

I it takes a he'll of a man to raise another man's child.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Divorce the bitch

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

In the end, that was disappointing. Ironically, it was because you did such a good job in the first 90% of the story. The reader is firmly on Sean's side - and then he does that. How is it possible for him to live with himself? And what kind of lesson is he sending to his kids? I don't get it.

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Well told sensible story, but I think the MC wastes too much time apologizing for the sensible (and morale) decision. To keep his family together. It’s a fool’s errand trying to convince people who have no coo on sense or decency if the wisdom of the MC’s actions here. The incel crowd is never going to be happy either anything less than the entire village being burnt to the ground and everyone left bitter and miserable as they are. They’re losers, who blame their loser status on others, when in most instances it’s their own insecurities, bitterness, and infantile aggression that makes them unsuitable partners for healthy women. In other words, they’re alone because they are bitter and weak, not because they’re stong no nonsense men. There are good reasons women don’t want them, so stop trying to placate them with the tired LW tropes justifying staying in an imperfect,but otherwise happy, marriage and family. LW losers, shut the f—k up. We already know you’re inhappy because everyone else — not you - IS happy and getting laid by someone who loves them.

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

@anonymous below — let me explain to your dumbas how Sean can live with himself. Pay close attention now, because I know words and concepts like love, common sense, and happiness are really hard for the insecure, fake tough guy brain to process, but here goes. Sean can live with himself because he had a healthy, loving family that he’s responsible for. He has an attractive wife who loves him, fucks his brains out everyday, and is deeply remorseful for the wrong she did decades ago. His kids are healthy, happy, talented and loving. In other words, he has a near perfect family life. Perfect, but for a sin, committed decades ago, for which genuine remorse has been demonstrated, forgiveness pleaded for, and forgiveness and Grace granted, and a resulting happiness for everyone. Yeah dumbass, that sounds like a horrible life. But then there’s you who apparently would rather blow up the world, and wreck the family, when you could choose instead to heal it. But no. You’d rather blow sjit up, then live alone and be miserable, telling your lame, alone ass self in the mirror that you’re a “real

Man.” Yeah you are, a REAL WEAK and alone man. Congratulations.

The “one and done” crowd amaze me with the with their shallowness, weakness, and poor judgment. If you marry someone you just can’t foregive, no matter ehat, then either tou are dreadfully weak in the love department, incredibly insecure, or she really wasn’t worth all that much— OR, perhaps and very likely, all three are true —you’re a real insecure wuss, your love muscle ain’t all that much, and, she’s just not worth it. In other words, you’re low rent, and so is she.

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

I must confess that I don’t understand the popular cuck LW trope about everyone “laughing” or “ snickering” behind the wronged husband’s back. It’s stupid, inherently, and probably never true once you’re out of the high school locker room. Oh, but that’s probably my mistake (I.e., assuming that the LW commentariat ate out of high school. My bad.

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Good, sensible, largely enjoyable, well told story even if the usual angry LW crowd is unhappy because of a healthy, happy ending. What’s so funny (in an ironic, not literal, way) is that the offending wife’s reasons for not outting herself immediately is precisely because that, having err’d, she’s then trying to avoid the debilitating impact of her huge mistakes on her marriage and family if Sean goes off the reservation when the kids are so young. And, as it turns out, she was right. It poribably saved her family. Rational choice, once she’s err’d. Goes without saying (although the inceks will be screaming it from the mountaintops) — she shouldn’t have err’ed in the first place, but h then there is that fussy admonition in the New Testament about forgiveness and the, you know, “he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Wow ! What a terrible story. In the end, everyone is happy and healthy. Who would want THAT?

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Lesson to kids, love overcomes mistakes, at least where there is remorse, a genuine desire for forgiveness, and not a repeat of the sin. Lesson two, family is paramount over exaggerated and misplaced pride. Real men and women understand this. The “one and fine” crowd the writer below (@anonymous) notes, don🫢’t get it. They’re too busy worrying sboutv what otkrt people think about them (laughing, “snickering”).

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Did he make the correct choice? I suppose for him. But let’s not pretend keeping a secret from someone is respectful, especially given that Megan had continually been involved with Rita’s husband during dating and after marriage. This is a hyperbole, but some people forgive murderers and criminals for their crimes. I don’t begrudge them that. But, sometimes the hurt goes deep and it’s not forgivable.

At its best, forgiveness is for the person who has been victimized. They have to choose to let it go. But it doesn’t mean that it’s always the right choice. So, the anon that is super mad at people for being displeased for continuing the marriage, it’s dumb to think that any one solution is the end-all-be-all.

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