Just the Six of Us Ch. 18


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Sally caught the movement out of the corner of her eye, and noted how close the two were as Emma came forwards to try and push her under the water. She briefly thought it was curious that the two would be so comfortable being so close with Mike being naked, but the thought was lost as Emma wrapped her arms around the girl to bring her over to another part of the pool.

She turned her around and began to tickle the older girl, causing her to thrash about in her arms. She noticed Sally trying to get a hold of her swimsuit, and in truth wouldn't have cared about wearing one or not, but figured she'd better play the part of the sister that didn't want to be naked in front of her brother.

She lunged away from the older girl but felt the tips of the fingers grasping at the back of her suit, and she put her hands to her small breasts, trying to keep the suit on. Sally was relentless however, and soon all that was holding Emma's top on was the desperately grasping fingers of the youngest sister.

Mike chuckled and moved to help his sister, diving under the water and coming up underneath Sally and lifting her completely out of the water, and finally throwing her to the deep end again.

Mike finally decided that he'd better cool off and swam to the side of the pool, pushing himself up and out, knowing that all three girls were watching him, either directly or out of the corner of their eyes. Smiling to himself he moved over to where his trunks had landed and pulled them on, and then tossed Sally her top.

Danni and Beth finally made it out of the house to pool side. Mike, trying as best as he could, only glanced at Beth's breasts a few dozen times. The siblings played games in the pool for the rest of the day, until it was finally time for the twins to get ready for their date.

Sally paused at the door as she was getting ready to leave and smiled at the family. "Thanks for having me," she called and turned to leave, as Sarah followed her close behind.

They paused at the door and Sarah leaned in, kissing her friend on the lips for a few seconds before turning to head back in, waving goodbye as Sally closed the door behind her.

As he finished getting dressed, Mike came down and sat on the couch. He was wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans, his hair combed and styled and doused with cologne. He flipped on the T.V. as his other sisters came into the room. Beth, Danni, and Sarah all sat on the other couch and looked over at their brother.

Feeling them staring at him, he slowly turned his head and looked them. "What?!" he asked finally.

"I think they're worried." replied Emma, behind him. Mike turned and was taken aback at how gorgeous his twin looked.

"Wow," he said, and couldn't turn away.

Emma actually blushed and moved to sit next to him on the sofa. She was wearing a spaghetti strap top and a skirt that afforded a great view of her legs and accentuated her ass.

"Damn you look good." he said, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek.

She smiled and glanced over at her sisters. "You'd think they had just lost a pet or something.

Mike chuckled and glanced at his other sisters; and they did indeed look like they just had a pet die. Three faces were frowning back at them, looking for all intents and purposes, dejected.

"What?" Beth said. "Just because this was our idea doesn't mean we like the thought of our lover going off to date someone else. Emma either."

"Aw, girls," Mike said, touched that they needed him that much. "Don't worry. I'm coming back to you, to all of you. I promise to watch out for Emma as well. If Paul misbehaves, I'll just introduce him to this," he said holding up his fist.

Sarah rolled her eyes and giggled, breaking the tension as the other sisters joined in. "Okay Billy-Badass, just try and have fun."

"Well, let's go." Emma said, standing and giving all of them a view of her exquisite, barely skirt-covered ass.

Mike winked at his sisters a few seconds later. He leaned over and kissed each of them, then turned to follow Emma to his truck.

"That ass."

'Shut up.'

He opened the door for her and then ran to his side. Sliding under the wheel, he turned the key, and the noisy truck roared to life.

As they headed off to pick up Ashley and Paul, Emma glanced over at her brother and smiled. He noticed her movement and glanced over, smiling back.

"What?" he asked, turning back to watch the road.

"I was just thinking," she replied, "I didn't think I'd ever get to go on a date with you in public."

Mike smiled and nodded. "I'd love to be able to go public with our relationship, but unfortunately I think a double date is the best we can manage right now."

Emma chuckled and nodded. "A girl can dream, can't she?"

Ten minutes later, they arrived at Ashley's house. "Be right back."

He knocked and a few seconds later, Ashley's red head poked out from behind the door.

"Hi Mike!" she said and leapt forwards, hugging him and knocking him backwards a few steps.


Paul heard his overly excitable little sister open the door and shook his head. He was a tall, decently built guy, dark hair and green eyes. When Ashley had told him that a friend of hers was interested in him, he was immediately interested.

His annoying little sister had some hot friends, after all, and he'd been in a bit of a dry spell, girl wise. Not that he was a player, but he'd had a few girlfriends. He was definitely a nice guy, polite and caring, like any good Texas boy was raised to be.

He glanced in the mirror one last time and decided he was satisfied with his appearance. He was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. He and Ashley, who was three years his junior, lived in an apartment with their mother.

Heading to the door where Ashley was, he pulled it open to reveal his sister tackling Mike and tapped his excitable little sister on the shoulder.

"Oops," Ashley said. "Mike, this is my big brother, Paul."

Paul reached out and shook Mike's hand, which was firm and unyielding. Paul was slightly impressed and nodded a hello.

"Nice to meet you," Mike said politely.

Paul turned and called out to his mother. "Back later mom, I've got Ashley."

Turning to head outside with the other three he stopped dead as he caught sight of Mike's sister. He'd met Emma once or twice when she'd come over to visit Ashley, but she didn't look anything like she used to. "Wow," he said, not meaning to say it out loud.

He tried to calm himself down as he followed his sister, who was bouncing up and down beside Mike as they walked towards Emma and the truck.

"Paul," he said, offering his hand for her to shake and smiling genuinely at her. "You look beautiful." he said as she took his hand and shook it softly.

Blushing she smiled and nodded, "Thanks."

Ashley smiled and hugged Emma quickly and climbed into the front seat as Mike opened the door for her.

Paul noted the polite manners that Mike had, and nodded his approval, checking off another point for Mike. He reached over and opened the rear door in Mike's extended cab and helped Emma into the truck before heading around to the empty seat behind Mike.

As the truck roared to life, Mike turned and glanced behind him. "So, any idea what you ladies want to do?"

"Well, we can go to dinner," Emma said and the other's all agreed.

"So, McDonalds?" Mike said with a grin at Paul, who chuckled and shook his head.

"Burger King is closer."

"Say Taco Bell, that'll be funny!"

'Leave the jokes to me, bro.'


Emma and Ashley weren't amused and scowled at their dates.

They chose an Italian restaurant, the same one Mike had been to with Beth, though he didn't tell anyone that. They arrived and got seated, the boys pulling the chairs out for their dates.

As the waiter arrived, Mike noticed it was the same one that had waited on him and Beth. The waiter glanced at Mike and chuckled, recognizing him and glanced at the two girls with him before asking for their drink order.

Paul couldn't keep his eyes off Emma. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her black top and miniskirt. He tried to keep his eyes from roaming across her athletic body but couldn't help himself, and kept glancing at her brother to make sure he didn't notice the staring.

They were sitting at a medium sized round table, Emma next to Ashley, who sat next to Mike, followed by Paul and finally Emma again.

"So, was that your bike in front of your apartment?" Mike asked, hoping to break the ice. "What is it, a 900 V-Twin?"

Paul nodded and immediately began talking about his bike, "Yeah, that's mine, but it's a Honda VTX 1300. I almost bought the 1800, but I did a little research and found there were a few owners who were having a handful of reoccurring problems with them. And Honda has since discontinued the line."

"I love to ride myself," offered Mike, "but I haven't had a bike in several years, and never that big."

"That's my third." Paul replied. "I owned a Harley 1200 Sportster, and before that a Honda 750. I loved being a part of the Harley mystic, but they're several thousand dollars more than their equivalent in any other brand. And Honda and Yamaha have a dealership in nearly every sizable city, so it's easier and cheaper to get them serviced. The dealership here carries both brands. I'm thinking of trading the 1300 in on a Yamaha 1900 Raider."

"Whoa," responded Mike, "that's a big bike."

The two girls listened politely before launching into their own conversation about working out and school starting soon.

As their dinner arrived, Emma rose to head to the bathroom and was followed by Mike, who was eager to get a reaction on how the date was progressing.

"I don't know, bro," Emma said as they rounded the corner to the bathroom, out of sight from the other brother and sister. "I mean, he's nice, and good looking, but once you've had this," she said, coming forwards and grabbing his crotch, her hand groping at his cock.

"Jeez, Emma!" he said, brushing her hand away. "Someone could see!"

She pouted for just a second but giggled quickly. "I like him, I guess," she said. "I mean, I would if I wasn't with you."

Mike felt a pang of jealousy and quickly pushed it back down.

"What are we going to do later, after supper?" Mike asked.

"Well, we can go out and see a movie." Emma said, smiling, "I promise to 'try' to behave myself."

Mike smiled and nodded and turned to head back to the table, but felt Emma breathing on his neck and stopped.

"Besides, you can always punish me when we get home." she said and giggled evilly as he turned a shocked look back at her.

She turned and winked, heading back to the table.

Paul turned to Ashley and smiled as the twins left the table. "Damn, Emma grew up!"

Ashley smiled and nodded. "So you like her?"

Paul nodded enthusiastically. "How's it going with you and studly," he said, playfully mocking Mike.

"He's so dreamy." she gushed, smiling and giggling at her brother. "I hope we both get some make out time later!"

Paul chuckled and shook his head. "That'd be nice." he said, patting her on the shoulder.

Mike and Emma came back to the table at that point and rejoined the conversation just as their food arrived.

"...yeah, that was my senior year, when we won State."

Paul nodded. "Yeah I remember, I think everyone does. Matt...what is his name... your quarterback."

"Stuart," Mike finished. "Yeah, he's still a buddy of mine."

"Does he play for any schools?"

"No," Mike said, shaking his head. "He found out that I didn't want to play anymore and he said without me to catch for him, he wouldn't be any good. I nearly laughed my ass off when he said that."

"Wow, that's a shame." Paul said, shaking his head. "That guy could throw."

"Yeah, he could throw a mile," Emma said, "But only Mike was fast enough to run underneath it and catch it. Matt had awesome range, but his accuracy wasn't that great. He used to just toss it into the end zone and Mike would have to adjust his run pattern, outrun everyone else and make the catch."

Mike smiled and nodded at his sister. "Yeah, that's true, but still, there are faster guys than me out there. Matt quit for his own reasons, and just used me as an excuse."

"What about you?" Ashley asked.

"Me? Well, I just didn't need it anymore. After mom and dad were killed..." he paused as a flood of memories hit him. Pushing them back down mentally, he glanced up at Emma, who was having the same difficulty. "Sorry Em." he said.

Ashley put a hand on Emma's, who finally turned and smiled. "I'm okay."

"After our parents passed away, I think both of us needed to stay occupied. All of us really." he said, referring to the rest of his sisters.

"I had football. Emma had volleyball, track, basketball, softball, cross-country, and everything else she did. Beth focused on her books and studies, and Danni went out and partied."

"What about Sarah?" Ashley asked, glancing at Emma again.

"Sarah had all of us to take care of, I guess." Emma said, smiling and brushing a single tear from her eye. "I suppose she just took up where Mom left off. Dad too, really."

Paul put a hand on her shoulder and smiled genuinely at her.

"I'm okay," she said.

"So basically," Mike replied, "after I'd had time to deal with... it, I didn't really need to keep myself occupied all the time."

"You gonna fuck soon or what?"

'Go back to sleep.'

"I can sympathize with you guys." replied Paul. "Our dad left when we were kids, and we had to deal with it too, each in our own ways, just like all of you."

The conversation soon turned to lighter topics, movies, music and the like. Soon, dinner was over. Mike paid the bill and they all piled into the truck to head to the movie theater.

"There's a decent movie at the theater. Ya'll game?" he asked.

Three nods of approval later, he turned into the parking lot and they all headed in while Paul purchased the tickets. As they shuffled inside, the movie started and they hurriedly found their seats, just as the theater darkened.

Ashley was on one end, followed by Mike, Emma, and finally Paul. The previews started and Emma leaned close to her brother, but remembering who she was actually supposed to be here with, leaned over a little closer to Paul.

'He's cute, at least,' she told herself. 'He smells good, he's polite, and he gets along with Mike. You can do this.'

Ashley had no trouble wrapping herself around Mike arms, staring up at him with love-struck eyes and hardly paying attention to the movie.

As the previews ended, she already had her hand on his leg and Emma decided it was time to lure Paul in with her womanly charms. She assumed the plan was to get him excited and promise him sex, and then, when he was blindfolded, get Ashley in on the plan. Somehow they would switch the redhead with herself, and trick the two into fucking.

She parted her knees slightly, letting her leg rest against Paul's, hoping he'd notice and wouldn't be too shy to take action. She'd never let it progress too far, but had to at least give him a little action to keep him interested and unsuspecting.

Mike saw the movement, but was a little too distracted with Ashley, who in the darkness of the theater was rubbing his dick through his blue jeans, waking the beast and causing him no end of discomfort.

Paul saw the movement of Emma's leg and slowly worked up the courage to move his left hand over, lightly brushing against her leg. She didn't move.

'I'm in,' he thought, and slowly began to move his hand closer, sneaking it on there, presumably to say, 'What's this doing here, BAD HAND, BAD HAND,' if she noticed and called him out on it.

Emma smiled, silently congratulating herself. She was doing it. Her lover was sitting on one side, and this stranger was on the other and she was letting him touch her leg! She felt so incredibly naughty and was starting to get turned on.

Mike glanced over and saw Paul's hand, but reminded himself of the outcome of what they were trying to achieve, reminding himself that there would be more that Emma would likely have to do to orchestrate it.

Mike felt Ashley pull his arm over to her and figured that she wanted to hold his hand, even though one hand was still rubbing his cock through his pants. She pulled it over to her crotch and up her skirt, rubbing it clumsily on her underwear, desperately trying to hint at what she wanted him to do. Mike just played dumb. Even with his recent experience, it being the exception to the rule, he was still pretty good at it.

Paul had his hand completely on Emma's leg and was squeezing and caressing her knee, as if to say, 'Look how soft and sexy I can be on your knee! Just think of what I can do elsewhere!'

Emma bit her lip as he ran his hand down the side of her knee to the inner part. She didn't move, but inside she was a storm of conflicting emotions. On one hand she was incredibly apprehensive about being fondled by someone she just met and right in front of her brother.

She was also worried that her brother/lover would notice and get angry, causing a scene. Still, she was even more worried that she'd blow her cover, and then of course she was getting more and more turned on by the whole situation. 'I can't believe I'm doing this,' she thought over and over as Paul slowly ran his hand up and down her inner thigh.

Mike glanced over and saw Paul rubbing his hand up and down Emma's thigh, and jealousy suddenly filled him.

The film strip began to do something weird on the screen and the theater was suddenly bathed in white light for a second.

"Looks like the film broke." Paul said, suddenly putting his hand in his own lap.

Emma glanced down and fought back a smile when she noticed the bulge in his pants.

'I did that,' she thought, intrigued that she'd turned on another man besides her brother.

The theater house lights came up and someone on a speaker announced that it would be a few minutes before the movie resumed, as the film had broken.

Paul stood and looked around for a second, "You guys wanna go look at the stars or go get some ice cream or something?"

They all glanced at one another and nodded, none of them the least bit interested in the movie, and stood to file out of the theater.

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SSSOOO...hate to tell you (and I am a Texan!!), Texas boys "may be raised to be respectful", but they are anything but that. Even today, the expectation is if they take a girl out, she is expected to put out commensurate with the cost of the meal!! Guys talk ugly to their girls, in front of others, demean them, flirt with other girls, and in a lot of cases, smack them around...NONE OF WHICH IS ACCEPTABLE.

That said, Paulay be a "nice guy"...he is still a guy!!

This idea the girls came up with is gonna be "the bomb" when it comes to fruition; Ashley is going to be so enamored of her brother that Mike and his sisters will be off the hook as far as Ashley's s blackmail scheme!!

I must tell the truth here!! I Love All Mike's sisters; I cannot pick a favorite, because they ALL are loveable and sweet!!

Five**5**Stars for this chapter... yyyaaayyy!!!


HornySpartanHornySpartanabout 1 year ago

Does any one else hear the "Voice" as Stiffler from the American Pie franchise when they read him? :D

ereaderlereaderlabout 1 year ago

I'm enjoying this series immensely,

But, when did Danni stop taking the pill?? Go back ~10+ chapters ago and check.

Also Sarah's room and bathroom are on the first floor. All the rest are on the second.

so going to use her bathroom makes no sense.

The story is really hot, but when there are blatant inconsistencies, it just causes a big "What??"

and breaks the flow. it's the difference between good writing and a great writing.

Just trying to make you better.

Keep writing !

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So you have made me fall in love with Emma.. . Damn, I'm jealous.

TaBooLover5865TaBooLover5865almost 3 years ago

A SITE is a place, like land where i building is placed, or a place in the Web where some pages are placed. When you use your eyes to see something, you are using your SIGHT.

PrinceLukePrinceLukealmost 4 years ago
5th Read

Love this chapter lol, especially that dank and mike scene. Also feeling jealous for mike lol over Emma.

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 4 years ago
3rd Read

Emma Oh Emmaaaa....

Ramjet75Ramjet75over 6 years ago

There is no time frame for this story, It could be 20 years ago. No Digital film then.

Mentalcase; I'm reading this end to end, Good story, great flow and well planned.

No problems at all, Well Done Sir.

Denny CraneDenny Cranealmost 7 years ago
the film broke?

Weird, since movie theaters have been digital for more than a decade now. lol

Hopper702Hopper702about 7 years ago
Love it

It be a good anime :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Ashley & Paul

I guess I don't want anyone else in their circle. Especially Sex Starved Ashley. Will you please get her a boyfriend?

AncientKarmaAncientKarmaover 8 years ago

I've read most of the chapters before but don't quite remember everything that happens. i hope none of them ever find another man! That would completely ruin the whole story for me lol but either way it's an amazing story!

lonewolfalphalonewolfalphaover 8 years ago
fell in love

I fell in love with this story the first time i read it and it is just as great now as it was then i love the perverted voice in Mike's head and the fact that he is fucking all four of his sisters is the icing on the cake i would love it if i had had a sexual relationship with my sister j guess that is the main atraction to this story

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 8 years ago

Hope all his sisters stay with him forever and not ditch him and hope he mar,rye either Ashley or Danni.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
good work

Just keep writing. Your doing a bang up job. You have my total attention so far.

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