Katja Pt. 20


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She came over and hugged him tightly, "Thank you so much."

Neko stroked her face, "Your welcome kitten."

Katja grinned as she picked it up to look at it, "I had one like this when I was their age."

Allie grinned nodding, "I know, so did I."

Then Katja asked, "It's early yet, would you like to stay and have dinner with us?"

Axel and Allie looked at each other, then said, "Sure, why not."

The kids cheered, then they went to go play while the adults talked. Erik asked Katja, "I'm going to get some more coffee, do I need to take out some more turkey?"

Katja smiled at him, "No, that's alright, I didn't freeze the package yesterday when we got back, I was going to do it later when I took out what we needed. So now I don't have to, I'll just use it all and make a big batch up instead. In case anyone else comes over."

She asked Allie, "Was Jonny and Lucy coming over to your place? Maybe call them also."

Allie shook her head no, "They're going to Jack and Maria's. But I think I heard them say they might stop to see you guys, after they stopped to see Celia."

Erik nodded, "I think Helen and Azlan were going to stop by also to say hi after they stopped at Katja's parents."

Katja nodded, "Uncle Geoff, Victoria and the kids were going to my mom and dads, they didn't want to go too far since the children are still small and it's cold out."

Allie gave Katja a hand making dinner while the guys talked and the kids played. Neko smiled as he watched Geoff and Gesa together. They were so cute and he missed this once they all moved to New Lyonn. Truth be told, that was the real reason he decided to retire. He missed his family and all the others he had worked with and he also considered Erik and Katja family also. When he got here yesterday, he couldn't believe how much Jonny and Lucy had grown, they were adults now. That was what convinced finally to do it, he realized just how much he was missing.

He had missed so much over the years. Then he sighed, he had also missed when his mate got sick and died, he was out on a trip to one of the other worlds. They had contacted him, but there was nothing he could do about it. Luckily, or unluckily depending on how he thought about it, Axel was almost an adult at the time. And with some help from some of their friends, they had helped him get through it all.

Neko sighed to himself once again, it took him a long time to forgive himself after that.

Erik saw him watching the kids and saw him smile as he watched Geoff and Gesa. "They're so cute together, aren't they?"

Neko looked over and smiled, "Yes, they are, I was just thinking that myself." He grinned, "I remember when they first met, I kind of felt something like this would happen."

Erik nodded, "I know, my future daughter there is very possessive when it comes to him." Erik laughed, "When we all went on that vacation together, she got a bit ticked off when the other human females were paying Geoff a little too much attention. She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him close, then she growled at the little girl that was talking to him and said, "He's mine." Then she kissed him."

Neko grinned and shook his head, "Well, Allie was sort of like that with Axel also. I guess it runs in the family."

He looked over to see where Axel was, "To tell you the truth Erik, that's really why I'm retiring, I wanted to be with the family. I missed so much of them growing up and after." He shook his head, "I couldn't believe it when I saw Jonny and Lucy, I remember when they first met and then at your wedding. Now, their moving in together."

Erik nodded, "It was the same for a lot of people I knew that made the Navy a career, never home, missing things. It was a bit like that for me as well, I never knew what happened to Helen and I was out to sea when my mother passed and couldn't get home."

Neko nodded, "So, now I'll be able to spend some time with them all." He smiled, "I need to get to know them all over again, plus your youngest, she's such a sweetheart."

Erik smiled, "I'm, a bit, prejudiced, but I think so too."

Neko laughed, "That's a fathers prerogative Erik." He grinned, "And your son seems to dote on his little sister."

Erik grinned, "Yes, he does, Geoff loves the idea of being the "big brother." He's always trying to help and teach her something, and of course, looking after her."

Neko grinned, "Jonny was the same way with Gesa. Your oldest daughter doesn't seem to mind, so that's a good thing."

Erik nodded, "She did have a rough patch at first, but I had a long talk with her and she's fine now. She was so used to being the only daddy's girl."

Neko nodded, "That's fairly typical of our females, they do tend to fairly possessive of the fathers."

Erik grinned, "Yeah, Ariel told me that also. And their mates because of that."

Neko took another drink of coffee, then asked, "So, when do you take over as the ambassador? You know, I was kind of surprised when we heard about it."

Erik grimaced, "So was I. I had all plans on taking off for a while, but when the president of your country asks, along with the others, you just can't say no. Bill Sharpe retires in a few months or so, probably around the May or June timeframe. We talk and he's been training me, for lack of a better term. I'm getting a handle on it, trying to learn about what I can of the others coming." He shrugged, "But, it's taking a little getting used to the idea. I keep getting told it won't be any different than what I've already done, but nothing is ever exactly the same."

Neko nodded, "That's true, and don't let anyone tell you different, nobody is exactly the same, so what you're going to do will be similar, but it's how you have to do it that will be different."

Erik nodded his agreement, "Exactly my feeling on it."

Neko grinned, "Well of course it is, I've told you before, you should have been one of us. Not an officer."

Erik snorted a laugh, "Well, it's not like I was given a choice in the matter at the time."

They talked a little longer, then Katja called out that dinner was done. The all moved to the dining room, then Katja and Allie brought out the last dishes and bowls of food. They all dug in and began to eat, then Neko smiled. "Oh my, this is wonderful you two." He said to Katja and Allie, "I think missed this most of all. The ships cooking leaves a little to be desired since the senor food-tech left to start that restaurant there and here."

Katja and Allie smiled, then Katja said, "I'm glad you enjoy it, practice makes perfect, and this is Erik's favorite meal."

Erik grinned, "That's the truth, but if you miss the old food-tech's cooking, he and his partner have both a restaurant and diner in town, along with a coffee/ tea shop. I normally stop at the diner for lunch a lot of days."

Axel nodded his agreement, "He's right dad, the restaurant is slightly better, but the diner is great, a lot of the people stop there for either breakfast or lunch. Or at the coffee shop if they just want some baked goods and coffee or tea."

Then Allie added, "And since you're staying, a lot of the senor people that came here instead of staying on the ship gather at the diner in the morning." She smiled, "You'll have to stop in and see them, they always ask how you are."

Katja nodded also, "She's right, my dad and Ariel's also stop there. They all sit together and eat and talk for a couple hours."

Neko grinned, "Then I'll have to try that myself, I do miss when we used to gather in our dining area and do the same thing."

After they finished eating, Erik gave Katja a hand cleaning up, it didn't take long, mostly it was just loading up the dishwasher and turning it on. Then Erik made coffee, while Katja joined the others. They talked for a while, then they security monitor toned, Erik looked over at it and smiled, "Helen, Azlan and the kids are here." He pushed the button and said, "Doors open guys, come on in."

Everyone smiled as they walked through the door and they all greeted one another. Azlan smiled, "Neko, it's a pleasure to see you. I didn't know you were coming out."

Neko laughed and shook his hand, "It was a spur of the moment thing. How's your father? Katja said you all went over to their place for dinner."

Azlan smiled, "Mom and him are doing good, how long are you going to be here? I know he'll want to see you."

Neko smiled, "Well, for quite a bit actually, I decided to retire and move out here. It was getting boring without nothing to do at the ship and I missed all the family. So, I'm gonna relax, and spoil the grandchildren."

They all laughed at that, but knew it was true. Azlan grinned, "Well that sounds great, I know dad and Ariel's dad will be glad to see you around." Then he laughed, "But, if you ever get tired of nothing to do, I could always use someone to intimidate people."

Neko laughed, "That's alright, I have a feeling I'm going to like being retired."

Katja hugged her brother and sister, "How was everyone? Uncle Geoff and Victoria doing okay?"

Helen nodded, "Yes, their great, and we had a good time." Then she laughed, "But, I think they might be looking for a bigger place, someplace that will hold everyone. It was kind of crowded tonight, with all of us and the children."

Azlan nodded smiling, "And of course they spoiled all the children, I'm surprised we could fit everything in the car."

Gesa came over and hugged Helen, they still thought of each other as sisters. Then so did the other kids. Then, to give the kids something to do, Erik put in the dragon Christmas movie again for them to watch.

While they did that, the adults talked and had coffee and dessert. Helen smiled and said, "Neko, how soon do you need a place and do you know what type? I'm supposed to be off until after the first, put I can go in and set you up. It's not like my office is that far away."

Neko looked thoughtful, "I was going to stay with Axel and Allie until I could get a place. But it might not be a bad idea to get one set up, I'm going to have to get things to put in it. They were telling me about one of the small... townhouses, that sounded good."

Helen nodded, "Sure, we still have some of those, say maybe in a couple days we can get you set up." She turned to Allie, "Why don't you bring him over to see them and see if that's what he wants before I do all the paperwork on it. And if don't like it, let him look at the apartments."

Helen thought for a moment, "Actually, it will work out good, I can tell Jonny and Lucy I can set them up also. They said they could wait until we all start back, but If I'm doing Neko's, I can do theirs as well. It's not like it takes all that long to do.

Erik nodded, "I also know a couple good places to get you set up with what you'll need. They should have some good sales going on and the normal prices for things aren't too bad to begin with."

He thought for a minute, then asked Axel and Allie, "If Jonny and Lucy are moving in together, do you know how much they need?"

Allie smiled, "Well, they're going to need a bunch of things I guess, we told them Jonny could take his stuff from his room and Jack told Lucy the same. Then we talked with Jack and Maria, and we're getting together to get them some of the other stuff."

Erik nodded, "Alright, let us know what they still need and we'll get it." He smiled, "After all, they're both like our kids too."

They laughed at that and Allie nodded smiling, "That's sweet of you Erik, I know they were trying to figure out how they were going to do it. They had a plan, but it was going to take them a while.

Erik took Katja's hand and kissed it, "Well, like I said, they've been like family to us also. And we have another couple of traditions here, one is called a wedding shower. It's kind of like the baby shower, but it's for when the marry or mate. The other is called a house warming, it's for when people move into a new place."

Then Erik shrugged, "Really, it's not much different for anyone here that gets their first place. It's always a bit of a struggle in the beginning, and I'd much rather they worry more about their study's then how to furnish a place to live."

Katja nodded, "I agree with him. Lucy and Jonny are family and have been since they day we met. So, if we can help them start out, why not?"

Neko nodded his eyes shiny with unshed tears, they were right, all these people here, he considered family. "I'll give them a hand also. It's not like I've spent all that much over the years, so I have more than enough to outfit my place and get them some things too. So, let me know also and Erik and I can figure who gets what."

Allie came over and hugged them both, "Thank you father, and you too Erik, Katja. We've always looked at you two like family also." Then she wiped her eyes, and smiled, "And I suppose that's more than true, or at least it will in about ten years or so." She looked over at where Geoff and Gesa were sitting on the floor together with Gesa leaning against Geoff. They were both laughing at the movie as they watched it.

Katja hugged her back, "Yes, that's true, she's already like our daughter. And who knows, the way they're developing, it may be even sooner."

Axel came over and hugged them both, "You could be right Kat, we'll have to see how it progresses. But we both love you too, and I know both our children do also."

Erik nodded, "We feel the same way. I don't know if you realize just how much this means to me." He smiled over at Helen, "I spent so many years alone, but then I met Katja, and then all of a sudden, I'm surrounded by family. And it just feels so good, my life has never been more perfect as it is right this moment." He smiled once more as Katja hugged his arm.

They all talked some more, then Erik said to Neko, "Just give me a call or stop over when you want to go look at some stuff, like I said, I do know of a few good places to go and get what you need."

Katja nodded and added, "And we can give you a hand moving in and helping you set up."

Then Helen added, "I'll send you what addresses are open tomorrow. I've got my computer at home and I can look it up. Once you decide, all we need to do is set the biometric locks on the doors."

She thought for a moment, "You'd probably be living near Nemo and Erin, they're in one of the small townhouses also."

Neko nodded, "Okay, that sounds good to me, thank you Helen. I'll look them over and let you know."

Helen nodded, "Alright, and you can also look at apartments, if you want to."

Neko nodded once again, "Maybe, I'll see what the other looks like first. If I think it's too big, I'll look at those."

Helen nodded okay, and they talked some more telling Neko what was around the area. Erik got up and made some more coffee and tea, then on his way back to join the rest again as he waited on the water to boil and the coffee maker to stop, the doorbell rang and he detoured to get the door. He opened it up and smiled as he saw Jonny and Lucy standing there. Lucy grinned, "Merry Christmas."

With a laugh, Erik hugged her and Jonny, "Merry Christmas to both of you too. Come on in and join us."

Jonny smiled, "I see my parents are still here."

Erik nodded as he shut the door, then smiled, "We we're having such a good time talking and the kids were watching the dragon movie for the umpteenth time, so they decided to stay for dinner."

Then he asked, "How was dinner at your parents' house Lucy?"

She smiled as she held Jonny's arm, "It was very nice, then once we were finished, we decided to come see our other parents also."

Erik grinned, "I'm glad you did. I just put tea and coffee on if you want any, or we've got hot chocolate also." He smiled, "The kids love it."

Jonny nodded smiling himself, "I know, Gesa asked mom to get her some with the little... ah marshmallows in it, that my future brother got her started on."

Erik laughed and as they walked into the living room, he said, "Look what I found standing outside." The rest laughed as they all greeted them, then the kids came over to give them hugs before going back to watching the movie.

Lucy grinned, "Wow, I guess we really rate, they actually came over while the movie was playing." Jonny laughed and hugged her one-armed. "Yeah, I didn't think that was even possible, we're better than dragons."

The others laughed, and Neko grinned ear to ear as he watched the two of them together. He really missed this, it was always so great when they got together like this back Erik and Katja's old place.

Erik went back and made the tea, then poured both it and the coffee into thermal carafes and brought in all out to the living room and they all helped themselves.

Helen filled her cup up and sipped at it. Then she smiled saying, "It's good you two showed up, I was going to call you tomorrow to let you know, but I'll be setting up your place in the next couple of days."

Lucy and Jonny smiled at that news, then Jonny said, "Thank you Helen, what changed? I thought we were going to wait until you went back to work."

Helen grinned, "Well, I need to set up your grandfathers place and since I am, I thought I'd do yours to."

Jonny looked at Neko wide-eyed, "You're staying here grandfather? You're not going back to the ship?"

Neko smiled, "Yes, I'm staying, I've decided to retire. I've missed all this," He waved his arm around indicating them all, "Too much. I've missed my family, all my family including the new members of it."

Jonny and Lucy grinned and quickly came over to hug him. Lucy smiled, "It'll be nice to have you with us grandfather." She bent over and kissed his cheek.

Tears formed in Neko's eyes as her hugged her back. "It'll be nice to be here granddaughter. I never forgot how you and Jonny looked that first time together at Erik and Katja's wedding. I'm glad to see I was right when I told Erik you two were going to end up together." Tears came to his eyes once more as Lucy hugged him again.

The two of them sat down again smiling, then Jonny said, "Thanks Helen, but if you can't get to it till later, it'll be alright. We still have to come up with the other things we need before we can move in."

Lucy nodded, "We've got our things, and mom and dad told us they and Allie and Axel were getting us some other things we need, but we still need some more. But it shouldn't take us to long."

Erik smiled at Neko, and he smiled back motioning him to tell them. "Well, that's up to you guys, but what are Neko and us," He waved between himself and Katja, "Supposed to do with all the stuff we're getting you?" He looked at Neko, "Maybe we can store it all at your place for a bit."

Neko nodded, "I guess, but it would be easier if they just moved in and we brought it there." He grinned at Katja, "Don't you think so Katja?"

Katja nodded trying not to laugh at the looks on Jonny and Lucy's faces, "Of course, most defiantly easier."

The three of them started to laugh at the look on Lucy and Jonny's faces as they came over and hugged the three of them. With tears in her eyes, Lucy asked, "Are you sure?"

Katja came over and put an arm around her, "Of course we're sure, your both as much family as our own and always will be. We thought it would be better to for you two to worry about school and not how to set up your apartment."

Erik put his arm around Jonny, then added, "You've both been our little sister and brother, along with being almost like our own kids. Consider it a pre-mating and house warming present."

Neko stood and stroked both their faces, "And I've missed so much over the years being gone a lot. So, I want to make up for lost time. Just make a list up of what you still need, and let us know."

Lucy was crying as she hugged Neko, "I don't know how to thank you all. You've all have been so much a part of my life."

Neko smiled as he hugged her back, then hugged Jonny once again who also had tears streaming down his own face unashamedly, "Thank you all, this means so much to us. I don't know how we can ever thank you all enough." He smiled at all the family in the room.
