Kayla & Mike - College Days Pt. 02

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Kayla & Mike fend off outside forces.
15.5k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/19/2023
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**This is a sequel to the four-part series

Kayla & Mike - Taboo Unleashed.

Tremendous thanks to my editor Demiurging.

All characters are 18yrs of age or older.

This chapter also has an Easter Egg

related to another story I wrote called Scent.

It is not necessary to read that story as everything is referenced in this chapter. If you want a more in depth explanation then please read it.

Hope you enjoy it!

Kayla & Mike - College Days

Sophomore Year

The beginning of Kayla and Mike's sophomore year started very similar to their first year of college. Again, the parents insisted on helping them haul their stuff to their apartment, so it was a three-car caravan to Coastal University. Meredith, again, blew her brother Billy while he was driving, and again Billy swerved their car before regaining his senses.

After setting up the apartment, the parents were adamant about taking them out for dinner. Meredith's dad had read about Patti's Place, the local college hangout, insisting they had to go there. As the families were seated, the manager smiled immensely at Kayla and Meredith, especially Meredith.

"Nice to see you again," he told them privately, his eyes fixed on Meredith's bountiful breasts. Almost a year ago, he'd seen her full 36D nude boobs when they attempted to complete the Eta Theta Pi scavenger hunt. Meredith giggled while biting her lower lip, giving him a wink as she strolled past.

While the parents were sitting down, the manager whispered to Kayla. "I hope we see the new pledges this year like always?" Obviously, word had gotten around on who was the new Pledge Mistress. This year it would be up to Kayla to decide the fates of the hopeful pledges and what they would or would not be required to do.

"I'm sure there are some traditions that will be kept," Kayla told the eager manager with a huge smile, which was a true statement. Kayla wanted to change pledging for the better and give the five new pledges a chance to feel empowered instead of sluts, like Millicent Tiffany Garnett tried to do with Kayla and Meredith. However, if the pledges could figure out how to get a signed menu from Patti's Place without showing their tits like Meredith and Naomi Juma had to, then that was empowering.

As dinner wore on, the parents were amazed at the attentive service and quantity of food. When Meredith's dad asked for the bill, he was told everything was on the house. It took all of Kayla and Meredith's creative skills to develop a story on how the sorority helped Patti's Place with fundraising or something to that matter.

"Well, Pumpkin, I'm glad all of you are helping local businesses and charity," Kayla and Mike's Dad told them. "I'm sure it gives the owner of Patti's Place much joy?"

Kayla stifled a laugh, knowing that the men at Patti's Place were indeed "joyful" after having a chance to stare at two beautiful topless women. After dinner, the parents said their goodbyes. Once again, the mothers turned on the waterworks as they prepared to leave. This time Billy made up an excuse about getting a tour of the campus from Mike, allowing him to stay behind. However, the only thing Billy toured for the next couple of hours, from the sounds coming out of Meredith's room, seemed to be his sister's vagina.

Kayla and Mike walked by the ocean as the sun set while their best friends were having torrid sex. Resisting the urge to walk hand and hand, they walked about as close to one another as they could.

"It's always so beautiful this time of day," Kayla observed.

Mike gazed at the setting sun, then at his sister. "Not as beautiful as you."

Kayla smiled, then laughed a little at her good fortune. It was amazing how much she loved Mike. Sometimes when she reflected on it, the thoughts made her laugh at how lucky she was to have her brother as her lover. "You always say the sweetest things at exactly the right time. How did I get so lucky?"

Mike stared into her emerald eyes. "Thank Mom and Dad for having another kid," he said with a chuckle.

Kayla doubled over, laughing at the absurdity of the statement, even though it was the absolute truth.

Mike's phone began to ring. "Oh, it's Julio," glancing at the display. "Hey, Julio, what's up?"

Julio was a brother of Kappa Sig, the fraternity Mike attempted to join but quit after the whole Eta Theta Pi ritual fiasco. Even though Mike wasn't a brother, he was still friends with some of the guys, especially those on the college swim team. Julio was now a senior and the Vice President of the fraternity.

Mike looked out at the ocean as his friend spoke on the phone. "You're kidding? Holy shit, that's unbelievable." Mike listened slightly more intently. "Yeah, I can meet you tomorrow night. Thanks for having my back Julio."

Kayla could see her brother's eyes light up while he talked on the phone. "What's going on?" she asked Mike as he hung up the phone.

Mike chuckled with a massive smile. "You're never going to believe this? Todd Blackman has been expelled from Kappa Sig and the University. It seems he stole another brother's wallet, bought some Oxycodone with the money, and then was busted by Campus Police."

Kayla's eyes went wide. "Oh my god, you're kidding?"

Mike began to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Todd Blackman was the President of Kappa Sig last year, and Mike found him to be a self-centered douche. He put up with most of Todd's antics because he was the President as well as the Captain of the swim team. However, Mike was none too pleased when Todd set him up last year, to fuck Meredith in a sorority gangbang ritual. The fallout was swift, with the saving grace being Mike's miraculous win over Todd in the final swim meet to give Coastal University the victory over the school's archrival Central.

"I kid you not. Anyway, Julio wants me to come over to the fraternity house tomorrow. They want to discuss about me getting in Kappa Sig now that Todd is gone."

Kayla hugged him, "Oh Mike, that is fantastic."

The two siblings were lost in the moment, hugging each other against the ocean backdrop. They were happy and excited that their sophomore year was starting out incredibly. But unfortunately, they were unaware that they were being observed.

Across the park from where Kayla and Mike held each other, Millicent Tiffany Garnett and her minions Charlene and Darlene were heading for the beach when they spotted the siblings.

"See, we told you," Charlene and Darlene told Millie simultaneously. The two Millie underlings had spied a more intimate encounter last year and quickly told their pack leader.

The trio watched briefly as Kayla and Mike broke the embrace and headed away. "Hhhmmm, interesting," Millie pondered. "I'm going to need more evidence than that."


The sisters of Eta Theta Pi assembled in the main room with Mimosas in hand. Their President, Alexis Lowe, Kayla's sorority big sister, addressed the excited young women.

"Okay, sisters, tonight's going to be a wonderful night. Again, our amazing alumni are here. We have around forty-plus prospective pledges showing up tonight and, as you know, only five will be allowed to pledge." Alexis looked around the room at all her smiling sisters until her gaze ended up on the stoic Millie. The dour uptight rich sister stood at the back of the room with her arms folded and a displeased look. "As I was saying, it will be a great night. I am also pleased that my little sister Kayla O'Neill will be our Pledge Mistress this year. I know she has some interesting ideas, and I hope you lend her any assistance she needs."

Alexis shook her head as she watched Millie and her entourage, Darlene and Charlene, leave the room, heading towards the sorority house bar. "I told you she would be your biggest pain in the ass," alumni Carol McKenzie said as she approached.

Alexis hugged Carol. "It's not that I didn't believe you. On the contrary, I hoped she would be a year wiser and stop with all the BS."

Carol laughed. "That's what I love about you, Alexis, always the hopeful optimist."

The evening started without further discourse, and the pledge hopefuls began to be whittled down.

Kayla and Meredith had just finished talking with three amazing girls. "What a difference a year makes, huh Kay."

Kayla took a sip from her drink. "I'll say. What we had to do last year to get in was extreme." Kayla quickly remembered the dance routine she and Meredith pulled off to gain pledging spots.

A lone pledge hopeful approached the two best friends. "Hi, my name is Antonia Carbinaro." The reasonably attractive student shook hands with the Pledge Mistress and Social Chairwoman.

Kayla and Meredith introduced themselves as they began to talk. "You seem a little bit older than most of the girls," Kayla observed.

Antonia adjusted her glasses, "Yeah, I'm twenty-one, but I always thought about joining a sorority. Also, I'll be working on my doctorate at Coastal after I graduate."

Meredith scratched her head. "You know. Your last name seems familiar to me? Have we met before?"

Antonia chuckled, then looked around to see who was nearby. "It's probably because of my mother," she told them quietly. "Dr. Barbara Carbinaro."

Meredith snapped her fingers. "That's it! She invented that perfume, Climax!"

Climax was the best-selling perfume and cologne on the planet. Supposedly the scent was irresistible to the opposite sex. But, of course, most just believed it was all marketing.

Antonia put her finger to her lips. "If you don't mind keeping that to yourselves. Once people figure out who my mother is, they treat me differently. I just transferred to Coastal because things got out of control at home and school. I just want to be one of the girls. Which is why I would like to join this sorority."

Kayla leaned in, "Well, your secret is safe with us. What's your major, by the way?"

"Well, it's Physics, but I'm also minoring in Biology. My mother's creation inspired me to explore how the two disciplines are combined to advance science."

Meredith took a gulp of her drink. "Whoa, that's pretty interesting stuff. Our major is Marine Biology," she said waving her finger between Kayla and herself. "Maybe we could talk about how that could relate to our field?"

Antonia nodded in agreement with a huge smile on her face. After Antonia left to meet other sisters. "What do you think, Meredith?" Kayla asked, nodding towards the intriguing prospect.

Meredith watched the pledge hopeful walk away. "I like her. She's smart, humble, and from the looks of it, is a heartbreaker." She laughed, as she took another sip from her drink.

"How do you know she's a heartbreaker?"

Meredith smiled. "Sweetie, with an ass like that, she's bound to have broken many hearts."

Kayla chuckled at her friend's always-unique observations.

Although Millie once again tried to torpedo candidates everyone loved, like Antonia. The rest of the HONS were in lockstep, and the five new pledges were chosen, including Ms. Carbinaro.

Kayla's speech to the new pledges of Eta Theta Pi was considerably different than Millie's from the previous year. There was no yelling, no embarrassment, just friendly advice and what was to be expected. The new girls seemed to take to it and left the sorority house on top of the world. Kayla's pledge mates, Chrissy Lin, Naomi Juma, Francesca Reyes, and Meredith, became the new pledge's sorority big sisters, with Meredith choosing Antonia. Finally, things were looking up for Eta Theta Pi.

Later that night after a slightly drunk Kayla made it home. She and Mike were on the verge of climaxing together.

Her brother's immense shaft plunged into her wanton pussy while Mike spooned Kayla. It was their favorite position, allowing the intimacy they craved.

Mike's lips softly kissed his sister's neck while his hands kneaded her full 34C breasts. His fingers pinched her hardened rose-colored nipples as his cock thrust deep inside her.

"Oh Mike, you're fucking me so good," Kayla cooed.

Moments later, they simultaneously climaxed, with Mike flooding his sister's pussy with a hot load of cum.

They cuddled with Mike's semi-stiff shaft still deep inside Kayla.

"Mmmm, it's so awesome to be back at school and be with you like this," she said.

Mike kissed her lips. "I know. Nothing else in the world matters to me when we're like this."

Kayla grasped his arms, pulling them tighter around her body. "Are you ready for tomorrow's Scuba class? I see that it will be an amazing morning weather-wise."

"Yeah," Mike said unenthusiastically.

Kayla cocked her head. "What's wrong? I know that tone in your voice."


Kayla shifted in bed, allowing Mike's cock to withdraw from her. Then, looking him in the eyes, she caressed his face. "Please tell me."

Mike took a deep breath and sighed. "I've already told you, but you think I'm being jealous."

Mike did not like the attention his sister received during their scuba classes. There were three guys that continually objectified Kayla, making comments about her ass and tits that Mike would overhear from time to time. Being a guy, he knew precisely what type of dudes these letches were and didn't want his sister to be near them. However, Kayla considered them friends, especially Chad Maynard, who Mike despised the most.

Kayla rolled her eyes. "I love you, Mike. But please don't be jealous because I have some guy friends."

"Kayla, I'm not being jealous. I just don't want you to get hurt."

She snaked her arms around his neck, pulling her brother in for a long kiss. "I know you're worried, but please don't. I can take care of myself."

This time it was Mike rolling his eyes, knowing that this particular conversation always ended up the same way every time he brought it up. Which was why he didn't want to bring it up.

They held each other as the siblings drifted off to sleep.


It was indeed a spectacular morning on the ocean. The modest-sized boat bobbed softly on the gentle waves. There was not a cloud in the sky, allowing the sun to warm up the early morning. The advanced scuba class of ten students listened to the instructor's guidelines for the day's lesson. As usual, Kayla and Meredith wore bikini tops and compression shorts underneath their scuba suits. Mike noticed the three lecherous boys ogling his sister and their friend. Even Mike found it difficult to not stare at his sister's ass, perfectly molded by the tight-fitting shorts. However, he felt better after they donned their less revealing scuba suits.

Kayla, Mike, and Meredith stuck together for the entire class while underwater, exploring a fantastic coral reef teeming with life. The highlight of the course was when a Lemon Shark came cruising in to survey the scene. It circled around them, keeping its distance until it suddenly swam away at great speed. Seconds later, a Bottlenose Dolphin appeared, swimming even closer than the shark to the amazed small group. It practically looked them in the eyes before it turned around and swam off.

Kayla mouthed, "Wow!" to her brother and friend. They gave her the thumbs up.

Back on the boat, there was much excitement about the underwater events, especially between Kayla and Meredith. Although they were both Marine Biology majors, their specific areas of interest differed. Meredith was interested in sharks, while Kayla was fascinated with dolphins. So the morning encounter was a glimpse of what they hoped their future careers would look like.

"Oh my god, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen," Kayla bubbled over excitedly as she stripped off her wetsuit.

Meredith nodded in agreement while she disrobed, "I'll say. You see how that shark high-tailed it out of there when that dolphin swam up. Wouldn't it be cool if we could research how those species interact for the rest of our lives?"

Mike admired his sister and Meredith's excitement about their interest in Marine Biology. His eyes quickly checked out his sister as she bent over to finish getting out of her suit; her deep cleavage stared at him. However, looking past Kayla, he could see those three guys checking out her ass. They elbowed one another while they laughed and whispered. The one Mike hated the most, Chad, with his surfer looks, finally noticed Mike staring at them. He adverted his eyes quickly before telling his buddies to stop.

After the boat docked, everyone began to disembark. Kayla and Meredith stayed behind to help the professor secure and organize the equipment, along with Chad.

Mike needed to head to the pool, where he had a swim team workout scheduled in a half hour. However, he wasn't at all comfortable leaving Kayla with this "Spicoli" wannabe.

"I can stay until you're finished," Mike told Kayla while he watched Chad stowing some of the gear.

Kayla frowned, knowing what this was about. "Mike, I'm fine. Chad is harmless; besides, Meredith and the professor are here. Now go before you're late to practice. I'll see you later at home."

Mike smirked. "Okay, I'm sorry. I know you'll be okay; it's just..."

Kayla moved closer so no one could hear. "I know. Trust me, everything will be alright."

Mike nodded. "Love you," he whispered.

Kayla winked. "Love you too."

Kayla collected some of the equipment while Mike hurried off.

"Kayla," the professor called out. "Can you and Chad finish up with the rest of the equipment? Meredith and I need to take the empty air tanks to the shed for refilling."

"Yep, no problem, professor," Kayla answered as she watched her friend help push the heavy cart of oxygen tanks.

Chad and Kayla continued to secure the equipment on the boat. Kayla found Mike's sweatshirt that he had forgotten and was bent over while she put it in her backpack. When she stood up, Chad was right behind her.

"Oh, Chad, did you finish up with the equipment?"

Chad moved closer. "Yeah, everything's done. How about you and me have dinner tonight?"

Kayla smiled, "Oh, that's sweet, but I'm involved with someone."

Chad moved closer, standing only inches apart from Kayla. "Who? I never see you with anyone except your brother and Meredith." He placed his hand on her hip.

"He lives in my hometown," quickly coming up with a story.

Chad moved a piece of her hair from her face. "You're so beautiful, Kayla. Come on, he won't find out."

Kayla put her palms on Chad's chest, trying to slightly push him back. "Now, Chad, we've talked about this. I thought we were going to be just friends?"

Chad grabbed Kayla around the waist, pulling her tight to his body. "How about a kiss?"

Kayla squirmed in his grasp, "No, Chad! Let go of me!"

He grabbed the back of Kayla's head, forcing their lips to connect. "Mmmppff," Kayla tried to speak, but her words were muffled in the forced-lip embrace. She moved her knee, ready to strike, when suddenly Chad was pulled forcibly backward and spun around.

Mike glared at him with hate in his eyes. "Get your fucking hands off my sister," he yelled.

Chad cocked his fist back, ready to throw a punch. But, before he could follow through, Mike blocked his arm and pushed Chad hard in his chest with an open palm sending the assaulter flying backward. Chad hit the boat's railing, banged his head on the edge of the boat's canopy, and flipped back into the water.

Kayla raced to the edge of the boat, and peered over. Chad lay face down in the water and began to sink. She whirled to face her brother. "What the hell, Mike? I had everything under control. You need to help him, or he's going to drown."

Mike stood dumbfounded. "Are you serious? He had his hands all over you, trying to have his way."