Kayla & Mike - College Days Pt. 04


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Meredith quickly caught Naomi up on the situation.

"You know Tim Olsen?" Naomi asked.

Meredith chuckled since it was the same response Tim had about Naomi. The crowd erupted in applause as Tim finished his lecture.

"I'm on next," Naomi told her.

"I've got to go," Meredith said, hurrying for the exit.

Naomi was confused. "Do you want me to tell him you were here?" But, unfortunately, it was too late, as Meredith disappeared.

"Hey, Naomi. Who were you talking to?" a male voice called out from behind her.

Naomi turned around, "Tim!" she exclaimed with a wide smile.


Kayla and Mike were studying on the couch when the front door burst open and Meredith finally made it home.

"Well, well, where have you been, young lady," Kayla teased.

Meredith just smiled, nodding for Kayla to come to her room.

Kayla looked over at Mike. "Be right back." She closed her textbook and followed Meredith into her room, closing the door behind them.

Mike shook his head. "Those two," he muttered.

Meredith changed her clothes while they talked. She told Kayla all about her evening, not leaving any detail out.

Kayla sat on Meredith's bed. "So, how do you feel about him?"

Meredith sat beside her friend with a beaming smile. "I think I'm in love with a nerd."

Kayla was shocked. Timmy Olsen was not Meredith's cup of tea. She knew it, and Meredith knew it. "You're kidding?"

Meredith shook her head. "I know, I know that he's not my usual type. But he's incredibly sweet and charming, and I'll remember the things he did to me last night forever."

Kayla put an arm around her best friend. "You know I only want the best for you. So, if you think he's the one, I say go for it."

Meredith's phone started to ring. She looked at the number; it was unfamiliar. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Tim. So what did you think of my lecture?"

"How'd you know I was there? I wanted to see you do your thing but didn't want to make you nervous."

"Naomi told me."


"Meredith, I've got to go. My Uber's here to take me to the train station."

"Oh, okay Tim."

"I'll call you tomorrow."

"Or I can call you now that I have your number."

"I would love that. Bye, Meredith. I look forward to our next phone call."

"Bye, Tim. Thanks again for an incredible night." Meredith pressed the end button.

Meredith breathed deeply; her thoughts drifted to last night.

Kayla could see the look in her friend's eyes. She had seen it before, several times over the years as a matter of fact. "Oh my god, you are in love."

Meredith collapsed backward on her bed with a huge smile.


The spring semester continued. The three-idiot sophomores from Kappa Sig came through on restoring Francesca's dignity. They spread the word as best they could about what a great young woman she was. When it was time to nominate girls for the University's prom queen, they created a campaign worthy of a politician. Francesca didn't think she would win, based on her competition. Some of the young women could easily have careers as fashion models. But she appreciated the boys' effort and finally forgave them for their transgression. However, they were never going to be with her ever again. Her popularity soared with guys and, surprisingly, some girls. When it was announced that she won, the sorority surprised her with a party celebrating the accomplishment. Francesca continued being unconventional when she chose a woman as her date instead of a guy. It seemed that the event when she lost her virginity to Chrissy, Naomi, and Meredith had a more profound impact on her sexuality, and it just took her some time to come to grips with it.

While Francesca was regaining her confidence and dignity, Tim relentlessly courted Meredith. He sent her flowers a few days after he returned to his University, and they talked often using video chat. Meredith borrowed Mike's car one weekend and went to see her beau a few hours away. When the swimming conference finals came around, featuring the classic battle of Coastal vs. Central University, Tim took the train for the big event. And the finals weren't just about the heated rivalry between the two schools. It was also the celebration of Mike's swimming career. During the season, he began setting school records, and with one more win in the biggest event of the match, the 50M Freestyle, he would literally be the greatest swimmer Coastal University had ever had.

Kayla sat in the stands, wringing her hands because she was so nervous. Meredith sat next to her, holding Tim's hand. He wore his Central University sweatshirt and was mercilessly heckled by the home crowd.

"I told you not to wear it," Meredith told him at one point.

Tim shrugged and said, "Got to represent," trying to sound cool.

Meredith rolled her eyes and laughed. "God, you're so cute." She gave him a huge kiss, resulting in the crowd around them booing her.

The 50M Freestyle event started. As was usually the case, the winner of this event would win the title. Mike took control and left no doubt about who was going to win. He set a new school record for time, making the entire arena erupt in applause. Even the fans of the other team applauded, along with Tim, who celebrated with Meredith and Kayla.

Kayla waited outside the locker room for her celebrated brother. Several swimmers filed out, and she briefly talked to them, giving congratulations. "Mike's still showering, Kayla. He's always last. Should be out soon," the last teammate told her.

"Thanks, Kenny." Kayla waited another few minutes, and then a wicked thought came to her. She looked up and down the hallway before grabbing the handle to the locker room door and going in. Kayla heard the shower stop and no other sounds. She crept along the locker-lined room until she found the object of her desire. Mike was busy drying himself off with his back to her. Kayla snuck up behind him and reached around, grabbing his cock. Mike jumped, and whirled around. "Jesus, Kayla. What are you doing in here?"

Kayla moved closer, grabbing her brother's flaccid dick again. "Sssshh, no one else is here. It's just you and me." She dropped to her knees. "I wanted to do something special for you after your big night. I'm so very proud of you." Her tongue flicked out, licking the head of his manhood, and then her mouth engulfed his stiffening rod.

"Aaaahh, Kayla," Mike moaned, leaning against a locker. "Oh, Jesus."

Kayla's head bobbed up and down on her brother's now-hard shaft. First, she sucked and fondled his warm balls while her hand pumped his slick cock. Then, taking him back into her mouth, she attempted to deep-throat as much as possible of his gigantic dick.

Mike closed his eyes, placing his hands on the back of his sister's head while she expertly fellated him. "Oh my god, it feels so good." Mike was lost in the moment. He was on an absolute high from the swim meet, and now the love of his life was giving him pleasure beyond comprehension.

Kayla knew they didn't have an endless amount of time. Grabbing Mike's cock with both hands, she pumped his red-hot shaft while her mouth plunged up and down. It didn't take long for the desired results to manifest.

"Ah, Kayla. I'm going cum," Mike groaned. "Ah shit, aaahh." He erupted into his sister's mouth.

"Hey, O'Neill," a male voice called out. The voice echoed around the empty locker room. "Are you coming to the party? Let's go."

"Yeah, I'm coming," he croaked while shooting his cum down his sister's throat. The pun wasn't lost on Kayla, who remained quiet while swallowing her brother's massive load. Her hands kept pumping, wanting to extract every drop of his tasty seed.

"I'll meet you there," Mike yelled to the unseen voice.

"Okay, bro, sounds good."

Mike and Kayla could hear the entrance door close. Kayla wiped her mouth, licking the semen off her fingers.

Mike looked down at her. "I thought you said we were alone?"

Kayla looked up with a huge smile. "We were. But, you've got to admit, it's really hot, almost getting caught." Every time the siblings had been inches or minutes away from being caught, Kayla had the most intense orgasm she had ever had. She knew Mike felt the same way, just by how intense his orgasm was or how much cum he shot.

Mike breathed deeply, resting his head against a locker. "You're lucky I love you so much."

She stood up, kissing him quickly on the lips. "Hurry up, O'Neill." She smacked him on his bare ass. "What's taking you so long getting dressed," she said, laughing.

Mike returned the favor swatting her ass, making Kayla yelp as she headed out of the locker room.


Greek week was the next big event of the sibling's last semester at school. Thanks to Mike winning a H.O.R.S.E. basketball event, Kappa Sig had already wrapped up their win, the first in a very long time. His foul line hook shot turned out to be the winner.

Now it was Eta Theta Pi's turn. Leaning on Naomi and her calculating mind, they again put together a winning formula. They easily won the final event Tug-O-War, with Meredith again anchoring the team. Kayla watched from the sidelines, cheering on her fellow sisters. Once or twice she got in her best friend's face urging her to pull, making her respond. Meredith used every ounce of strength to help pull the other team into the mud pit. Three years in a row, the HONS won Greek week, a feat that had never been accomplished in the sorority's history until now.

A few weeks later, things got very interesting as there was a glimmer of hope that Mike, Kayla, and Meredith would have a clue about what they would do after graduation.

Kayla and Meredith entered the apartment, having finished classes for the day. Mike was on the phone.

"Yes, Dad, I called him. I have a meeting in a couple of days." Mike waved at them while continuing his conversation.

"Yes, Dad, I going to wear a suit," he told his father while rolling his eyes.

"Okay, I'll let you know.

Kayla looked concerned. "What's going on?"

Mike had a huge smile. "I have an interview with an engineering firm. It seems one of the executives is a graduate of Coastal, and a former swim team captain. He was impressed with my accomplishments, and I have an interview in two days."

Kayla ran to him, throwing her arms around her brother. "Mike's, that's wonderful."

Mike rubbed her back while she hugged him. "Thanks. Also, Dad seems to know the guy as well. He said something about corporate golf outings or something like that. We'll see how it goes. Oh, something came for you two from Fedex. They're over on the counter."

Meredith and Kayla picked up the large FedEx envelopes and ripped them open. Inside they extracted a huge white envelope with a large letter H surrounded by the gender symbol for a woman.

Kayla flipped it around in her hands. "It's something from Hera Inc."

"Isn't that the company the woman we met at the gala owns?" Mike asked.

Meredith nodded. "Yeah, Millie's mom, Gloria Garnett."

The young women stared at the envelopes before each took a deep breath and opened them.

Kayla read the card that was inside. "Let's talk about your future: Gloria."

Kayla and Meredith looked at each other. "That's what mine says," Meredith added.

"When does she want to meet with you?" Mike inquired.

Kayla read the rest of the card. "In two days."

Mike raised his eyebrows. "Well, we wanted some clarity on our future after graduation. It looks like in two days, we'll have it."

"We need to do some research," Meredith told Kayla, who nodded in agreement.

The two best friends got to it, diving into the inner workings of Hera Inc. They spent the next day and a half trying to understand what their field of study had to do with Gloria's powerful corporation.

It was the night before the meeting. Meredith was dressed for bed in a cotton tank top and panties in her room. She had just finished talking to Tim through video chat, updating him on tomorrow's important meeting, when there was a light knock on her door.

"Come in," Meredith called out while scanning her notebook.

Kayla popped her head through the door. "Hey there."

Meredith looked up. "Hey, Sweetie, what's up?"

Kayla entered, closing the door behind her. She was dressed in a pink cotton v-neck t-shirt and small white cotton shorts, carrying her laptop, a six-pack of White Claws, and a bag of snacks. "I thought we could have a sleepover? I'm not sure I can sleep. I have Dirty Dancing queued up on my laptop, drinks, and look what I found," she said, holding up the bag of snacks.

Meredith's mouth dropped open. "Cheesy Pops! We haven't had those since High School." Meredith moved over in bed, patting an empty spot.

Kayla climbed into bed, handing Meredith a beverage and opening the bag of snacks.

"What a great idea, Kay. Isn't Mike going to be lonely tonight?"

"Nah, he's studying for his interview and wants to go to sleep early. I'm too nervous to sleep. So I thought we could have a sleepover like we've done so many times in the past. I know you're concerned about what will happen after graduation."

Meredith hugged her friend. "You're the best. Thanks for doing this."

They talked briefly, getting their details for tomorrow's meeting at Hera Inc in order before they could have some fun. Dirty Dancing played on the laptop while they chatted, but it had their full attention when it came to the big dance scene: the scene that helped them become sisters of Eta Theta Pi.

"You know, I think we did that dance better than them," Meredith joked.

Kayla laughed. "Well, at the very least, you did better than Swayze. I'm just grateful you didn't drop me like high school freshman year."

Meredith grimaced. "Yeah, still sorry about that."

After the movie was over, they continued to chat. It felt like their High School days when they had few cares in the world and stayed up all night long talking.

"Hey, want to smoke a little pot?" Meredith asked.

"You have some?"

Meredith reached into her bedside table drawer. "Yeah, it's the joint I took from you and Mike last year. I smoked some, and what's left has been sitting in this drawer since."

"Is it still any good?"

Meredith lit the small blunt. "Well, we're about to find out."

They took a few tokes each and near the end, when the joint got small, Meredith just held it between her fingernails, letting Kayla press her lips against her fingers to get the last hit.

As the cannabis effects took hold, they got comfortable under the sheets. Lying on their sides, they talked about various topics, giggling half the time.

Kayla couldn't stop staring at Meredith's pronounced cleavage. "Have your boobs gotten bigger?"

Meredith chuckled. "Yeah. I've gone up a whole cup size."

"Holy shit, really? One cup size makes them look that much bigger?"

Meredith sat up and pulled her tank top up, exposing her wonderful 36DD breasts. She cupped each boob with her hands. "See, don't they look so much bigger than a couple of years ago?"

Kayla continued to stare at her best friend's amazing tits. She felt herself becoming aroused. Realizing the pot was having the same effect on her, just like when she did it with Mike, Kayla wasn't sure if she had made a mistake smoking the herb. Hopefully she could control the urges bubbling up inside her. Feeling very horny, her hand just reached out, feeling the huge soft globes. She caressed each one, amazed at how heavy and firm they were.

"I was always jealous of your boobs," Kayla admitted.

Meredith smirked. "Really? Why? Your tits are amazing. I always wanted yours. Come on, let me see."

Kayla pulled up her t-shirt freeing her firm 34C breasts. Meredith extended her hands, feeling the perky boobs.

Kayla and Meredith stopped feeling each other's breasts, pulling their shirts back down before getting comfortable in bed.

"Yeah, yours are perfect. Unfortunately, mine are too big, although Tim really loves them. I think I now know what it's like to breastfeed."

Kayla laughed. "That's funny. Why, what does he do?"

Meredith chuckled. "He just sucks on them for what seems like forever. The last time we were together, I just held his head while he suckled on each of them and fingered me for an hour. He made me cum so hard just by doing that."

Kayla smiled. "I'm so happy for you, Meredith. Have you told Billy about Tim?"

Meredith sighed. "Yeah. He's happy for me."

"And what about your feelings for Billy?"

"I still have them, but I'm not sure when I'll see him again, and then he hinted that he met someone at work. We'll never have the kind of relationship you and Mike have, so it's probably for the best. Besides, I really do love Tim. He's charming and treats me like a queen."

Kayla caressed Meredith's face. "I'm glad you found someone, and you're happy."

Meredith kissed the palm of Kayla's hand as it stroked her face. "Thank you. So tell me, what does Mike do to you that you love?"

Kayla thought for a minute. "Well, obviously, there's his size."

Meredith chuckled, remembering what it felt like when Mike's huge cock entered her. "Obviously. You're such a lucky girl."

Kayla grinned. "But when we're making love, especially when we're spooning, which we really like, he's just so loving and tender. We stare into each other's eyes, and he nuzzles my neck and kisses me so passionately that I just melt into him."

As the two B.F.F.s talked, they subconsciously moved closer and closer to each other until their faces were inches apart. Their hands rested on each other's hips under the covers, slowly caressing and slightly sliding over each other's ass cheeks.

Kayla felt her heart racing, staring at Meredith while they talked. All the sex talk and the effects of the pot had a profound impact. She wasn't wearing any panties under her shorts and could feel them dampen as her excitement built. Her eyes fixed on her friend's plump lips. Their conversation ceased as their eyes locked on each other.

Kayla felt a tingling sensation course through her body, and her pussy was so wet. She leaned forward until her lips found Meredith's. Continuing to move forward, Kayla climbed on Meredith while kissing her passionately. Their tongues swirled in each other's mouths, making Kayla whimper. Her hand found Meredith's left breast and kneaded it. She couldn't help herself. It felt so good. However, after a few seconds, she realized what a mistake this was. She pulled back, looking into Meredith's sexually charged eyes. Their mouths were inches apart as they panted, trying to catch their breaths. Kayla's breathing was ragged. "Meredith...I...can't...I'm..."

Meredith could see the wave of doubt spread across her best friend's face. She cut Kayla off by resuming the passionate kiss and pushed Kayla on her back. Their mouths locked together while their tongues intertwined. "Mmmm," Kayla moaned inside her friend's mouth. Her arms wrapped around Meredith's head and back while their bodies pressed together.

Meredith slid her hand down Kayla's firm stomach and slipped underneath her cotton shorts. Her fingers found Kayla's dripping slit and parted her lips as two fingers rubbed up and down.

Kayla was losing herself to the erotic moment. She kissed her friend back as Meredith fingered her. In a few more moments, Kayla knew she would be at a point of no return. With all her willpower, she grabbed Meredith by the shoulders and pushed her back.

"Meredith...I'm so sorry..." Kayla struggled to get her breathing under control. She rubbed her face. "We can't...I can't."

Meredith's face hovered over hers. "Is it because of Mike?"

Kayla nodded rapidly. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean..."

Meredith caressed the side of Kayla's face, and whispered, "I'll never tell," hoping that Kayla would change her mind.