Kayla & Mike - College Days Pt. 04


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Kayla sighed. "But I'll know, and I can't keep secrets from Mike." She did love Meredith. And quite frankly, if she hadn't started her love affair with her brother, it would have been a possibility that she and Meredith would have had many more sexual encounters, just like they had after they graduated High School.

"But you want to, right?" Meredith asked.

Kayla rubbed her forehead, trying to quickly figure things out. Why did she just do that? "Yes...no...I don't know. This was a mistake. I'm so sorry. I should go." She started getting out of bed.

Meredith grabbed her arm. "No, please don't go. Can't we just snuggle and go to sleep like we were going to do? I promise I won't do anything that you don't want to do."

Kayla breathed out deeply, hesitating for a moment. Then, seeing the disappointment on Meredith's face, she relented. "Okay."

Meredith settled in bed on her back while Kayla laid the side of her head on her friend's pillowy breast and draped her arm over Meredith's stomach. Meredith hugged her best friend close to her body, kissing the top of Kayla's head. "There, comfy?"

"Very, your boob is very soft."

Meredith smiled. "That's what all the boys tell me."

Kayla laughed into the fleshy breast. "Meredith, I'm sorry that I started something. I think the pot and all the sex talk got me so worked up. And you're so beautiful...and...I..."

Meredith rubbed Kayla's back. "Ssshh, ssshh. I know. It's okay. Is this what happened between you and Aubrey?"

Kayla had told her B.F.F. all about the Christmas Eve night in Aubrey's bed. Meredith had wanted to know every detail.

"Kind of, except this time I'm the one instigating things. What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, Sweetie. You're a sexually liberated woman who loves her man more than anything else. It's actually kind of romantic." Meredith's hand slid down, rubbing the small of Kayla's back and the top of her ass. "Is it alright that I'm doing this?"

Kayla moaned softly. "It feels nice." Soon Kayla fell fast asleep, purring slightly while Meredith caressed her.

Meredith couldn't sleep right away. Relishing the feeling of Kayla lying on her. She slid her hand further, cupping Kayla's ass cheek and squeezing it. This made Kayla moan in her sleep. After an hour, Meredith slid into slumber.

As the sun came up on the horizon, Kayla stirred. Like she normally did with Mike, she ran her hand up and down a body, although this time, she kept squeezing something incredibly big and soft. She rubbed the side of her face on what she thought was a pillow and pressed her nose into skin, breathing deeply. The smell was different, very different. Her eyes shot open. Meredith stared back at her.

"Do you always feel up the person you sleep with?" Meredith asked jokingly.

Kayla's hand massaged Meredith's right tit, she quickly pulled it away. "Actually, yes, I do that to Mike every morning."

"Lucky him."

They rolled on their sides with their faces close to each other.

"I'm sorry about last night. I love you, Meredith. You'll always be my best friend, and no matter what happens after graduation, I promise we will always stay in touch." Kayla leaned forward and gave Meredith a decent kiss.

Meredith slowly opened her eyes, savoring her friend's lips. "I love you too, Kayla. I just want you to know that I would do anything for you. And if you ever need me, I will always be there for you." Meredith leaned her and reciprocated Kayla's kiss but held it a little longer while their mouths moved together.

Kayla paused as those sexual feelings began to surge. "I should go and take a shower," she said while rolling out of bed. Then she headed for the door.

Meredith propped her head on a pillow, watching Kayla leave, staring at her beautiful firm ass. Kayla's small shorts were jammed into her ass crack, exposing her butt cheeks. Meredith slid her hand under the covers and over her panty-clad mound. Kayla paused at the door, looking at her friend in bed. She smiled at Meredith before exiting.

As soon as the door closed, Meredith stripped her panties and t-shirt off and began masturbating. Her fingers plunged into her soaked muff pumping in and out while her other hand fondled her breasts. Finally, Meredith closed her eyes, thinking of Kayla.

Kayla quietly opened the door to her and Mike's bedroom. He was still sleeping. She shed her clothes and eased under the covers, snuggling beside her brother. She did her usual routine, running her hand over his muscular chest and breathing his scent in deeply. Mike began to stir, opening his eyes. "Good morning. How was your sleepover?"

Kayla kissed him hard. She paused for a second and then told him everything. When she was done, it felt like a burden was lifted. "Are you mad at me?"

Mike cocked his head. "No, I'm not mad. Really all you did was kiss, and it was Meredith. I know you two really love each, and of course, what we all did after graduating High School. Besides, temptation is not cheating. I've been tempted hundreds of times but never acted on it."

"You have?"

Mike stroked the side of his sister's face. "Of course, for one, I'm a guy, and we automatically look at girls, especially how they dress, or lack thereof. And plenty of women have hit on me."

Kayla's brow creased. "They do? Why haven't you ever told me?"

Mike smirked. "Do you tell me about every guy that hits on you?"

Kayla lowered her eyes. "No."

"See? The point is that I've never acted on any of it because I love you, and you haven't acted on any of it because you love me. And that's all that matters."

Tears formed in Kayla's eyes. "Mike, I love you so much. All I ever want is you."

Mike wiped the tear from her face. "I love you, Kayla, and nothing will keep us apart."


Mike wiped the nervous sweat on his palms across his pants. He was on the last leg of his marathon interview. So far he had conversed with four people over the course of four hours and now was finishing up with the person who would be his boss. The man who just happened to be friends with his Dad.

Senior Vice-President Bob Drew looked over his notepad. "One last question, Mike." A huge smile spread across Bob Drew's face. "How'd it feel to beat Central University? I've wanted to beat those bastards my entire college career, but we never had a good enough team."

A wry grin formed on Mike's lips. "Well, Mr. Drew, it was almost better than sex."

Bob erupted in laughter, slamming his hand on the desk. "Good one, young man. You're going to fit in quite well. Mike, I've already talked to everyone who has interviewed you, and it's safe to say we like you. We like you a lot and think you would be a great addition to our firm." He slid a large manila envelope across the table to Mike. "Inside is our offer. Take it home, read it over, and give me a call tomorrow with your answer."

Mike stood up, shaking the Vice-President's hand. "Thank you, Mr. Drew. I'm excited about the opportunity and will call you tomorrow.

As soon as Mike got outside the building, he found a bench in the park across the street and tore open the envelope. His eyes darted over the pages comprehending the job offer. High five-figure salary, three weeks vacation, bonus program, and the ability to work on high-profile engineering projects. It was a dream job for Mike. The one slight issue was that the job was in their Atlanta office, meaning he would need to move about three hours away from home. Which wouldn't be too bad, far enough away that he and Kayla could be out in the open but close enough to go home for the holidays or special occasions. Luckily, Mr. Drew worked in the New York office, so any chance of him saying something to their Dad about him and Kayla being together was remote.

Mike rose from the bench and headed home. He was so excited to tell Kayla.


Kayla and Meredith dressed conservatively for their meeting with Gloria Garnett in simple blouses with knee-length skirts. They would have fit right in if they were applying for a librarian job. They exited the elevator on the 70th floor at the Hera Inc. corporate offices. They were shocked at who was already there when they entered the lobby.

"What are you guys doing here?" Meredith asked.

Chrissy, Francesca, and Naomi held up a white envelope with the Hera logo.

"Oh crap," Kayla blurted out. "Anyone has any idea on what's going on?"

The three-sorority sisters all shook their heads no.

A door opened behind them, and a young woman appeared barely older than the five young women in the waiting room.

"Mrs. Garnett will see all of you now." She gestured for them to follow her.

They entered a vast office with a wall of glass windows on one side. You could see the entire city and the ocean miles away. The décor was modern, and the walls were painted in a soft hue of orange. A large round table set for dining was in the corner near the bank of windows. The assistant told them to take their assigned seats. Small white cards with gold lettering were put on plates, letting the ladies know their place. Kayla and Meredith sat beside each other, with an empty seat to Kayla's left. Naomi sat on the other side of the empty chair.

They whispered amongst themselves, trying to figure out what was going on. Then, finally, a door at the back of the room burst open, and Gloria Garnett strode through. She wore a red dress with a hint of cleavage and a hem stopping mid-thigh. Her blonde hair flowed over her shoulders.

"Hello, ladies," the leggy C.E.O. greeted. "Please remain seated," she told them as she sat between Kayla and Naomi. "Let's eat first, then we'll get to business. I'm starved."

It was a phenomenal lunch. It turned out Gloria had a well-known celebrity chef on the payroll who regularly produced meals for her. She asked questions of each attendee, delving into their family lives and how things were going at school. Gloria took a genuine interest in each young woman and offered some casual advice on a few issues submitted for discussion.

The confident C.E.O. clapped her hands. "Well, ladies, let's get down to business."

Her executive assistant handed each of them a large legal-sized envelope that was sealed.

Gloria Garnett leaned back in her chair. "Inside these envelopes is a job offer for each and every one of you."

The sorority sisters all gasped. Gloria stopped them when they were about to tear open the packages to see their contents.

"Hold on, ladies, don't open them quite yet. Each of you has specific skills that Hera Inc. would love to nurture. I see great potential in each and every one of you." She turned to look at Naomi, Chrissy, and Francesca. "For you three, I want you to go home and read the offer out loud to the other two. Make sure you understand everything that is in the packet. Then call me twenty-four hours from now, and let me know your decision. Do you understand?"

The three young ladies were excited and speechless. All they could do was nod that they understood.

Gloria smiled. "Good. Now you three can go while I talk to Kayla and Meredith privately.

Naomi, Chrissy, and Francesca got up, thanking Gloria profusely before they headed out the door.

The door closed, and it was just Kayla, Meredith, and the powerful C.E.O. Gloria, who turned to them, "Okay, you two. But first, I want to thank you both for saving my sorority. Eta Theta Pi was on a downward spiral before you two showed up."

Meredith was shocked. They'd never heard anything about it. "It was? I thought it was the best from what I heard when we arrived on campus."

Gloria laughed. "It's called marketing, honey. If you say it enough, people believe you. I don't blame Carol or Alexis, either. God knows they tried to resurrect things, but they only stabilized it. Of course, my daughter didn't help things, especially trying to block you two from becoming H.O.N.S. Thank God Carol had better sense."

Kayla shook her head. "I had, we had, no idea."

Gloria continued, "Well, that's because you two and your three friends that just left had an immediate impact. You're all smart as fuck, gorgeous, and have the desire and will to succeed. And that's why the sorority turned around and why I'm offering all of you exactly what you want for your careers."

Gloria got up and walked to a bar cart. She grabbed the champagne bottle from the ice bucket, filled three glasses, and then put a splash of orange juice in each. She handed the glasses to Kayla and Meredith. They clinked the glasses together.

"So, how's everything with the two of you and those luscious brothers of yours?"

Kayla and Meredith looked at each other, nervous about where this was going. Did she know about her and Mike? Kayla worried about how much Millie had told her.

Gloria took a sip of her cocktail. "Relax, you two. I know everything about all of you, as well as whom you're fucking. We have a lot more in common than you know. I, too, have been intimate with my brother, very intimate."

Kayla's mouth dropped open. "I...we...you have?" Kayla was practically shaking; she was so scared.

Gloria put her hand on Kayla's. "Relax, honey. Your secret is safe with me. I'm telling you this to let you know that I understand what you're going through. My brother and I were together longer than you and your brother. But we had to end it twenty-two years ago."

Kayla let Gloria's words sink in. She was about to ask why they ended it, but the timeline hit her like a ton of bricks. "Oh my god," she blurted out.

"What is it?" Meredith asked.

Kayla looked at her friend, her mouth slightly open in surprise. "Millie."

Gloria slowly clapped. "Excellent, Kayla. Not only are you brilliant, but you're also excellent in deductive reasoning. Yes, he got me pregnant, and it almost ruined our lives. So why am I telling you all of this? It's because I don't want you two to make the same mistake."

"Does Millie know?" Meredith inquired.

Gloria nodded. "She does. It's part of the reason she is like she is. Which is another reason I like you two. Thanks to you, Meredith, and the stunt you pulled with the football team, and you, Kayla, for putting her in charge of last year's Gala. Millicent has become a totally different person for the better. She is doing fantastic at her new job in Paris, and I truly believe it was because of you two. Hopefully one day, she'll work for Hera and succeed me."

"Thanks, I guess?" Meredith didn't know what else to say. She was more shocked that Millie's mother just thanked her for having her daughter gangbanged.

"Okay, now for business. I've read the thesis's that both of you submitted, and I'm very intrigued. But I need to know something, Meredith. Are you going to be tied down by your brother or," Gloria looked through her notes. "Mr. Olsen, is it?"

Meredith's brow furrowed. "Tim?" Holy shit, she knows about Tim. They've only been going out for a few months. Meredith shook her head, "No, I'm not tied down by anyone." Which was true. Meredith and Tim already had a quick conversation about what would happen after college, deciding they would figure things out later. But their careers would take precedence.

Gloria smiled, "Good. How about you, Kayla? Is your relationship with Mike going to prevent you from moving away to start your career?"

"No, ma'am. We do plan on being together, and to be completely honest with you, he does have an interview today. If he got the job, we would have to talk it through and make a decision."

"Fair enough. Also, don't call me ma'am. I find it to be a condensing word. I know I told you to call me Gloria in the past, but that would not be appropriate when it's work-related. Call me Mrs. Garnett."

Kayla gulped. Her nervousness came back, "Yes, Mrs. Garnett."

"So back to both of your thesis', Meredith yours dealt with sharks, their predators, how humans could be protected from attack, and the sharks protecting the sharks from being hunted. Very interesting." Gloria flipped a page in her notebook. "Let's see, Kayla, yours talked about how dolphins deter sharks and the possibility of communication with them using their echolocation. Is all of that correct?"

"Yes, Mrs. Garnett," they both said, not quite in unison but pretty close.

"Great. So here's the offer. Unlike your three friends, who are probably creaming their panties on what they will get paid out of the gate, both of you will not make a lot for this type of research. Their jobs and the departments that they will work in are well-defined. However, I am willing to fund your research for the next 3 years."

Kayla and Meredith both gasped. Their eyes went wide and smiles crept along their faces as they looked at each other in disbelief. It was both of their dreams come true.

The C.E.O. continued, "Now, if you can have some breakthroughs and show progress in your work, especially if any of it can be commercialized. Then not only will I continue to fund your work for years to come, but you will also see some monetary payoff."

"This sounds great, Mrs. Garnett. I think I can speak for Meredith when I say that we were never concerned about making a lot of money but wanted to help save dolphins and sharks. As well as educate people on their importance to our world," Kayla told her.

Meredith nodded. "Yeah, we just want to be out on the ocean doing what we love."

Gloria nodded slightly, "Very admirable. Glad you feel that way because Meredith, we would be setting you up on a decent-sized research vessel. You would practically be living on it for a considerable amount of time. The ship would start in Australia and allow you to expand your research area as time went on."

"Are you serious?" Meredith's head was spinning.

"I am. As for you, Kayla, we have a facility on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. It specializes in dolphin rehabilitation, breeding, and research. You would have access to a small research boat and a modest house nearby that you could live in. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like I'm dreaming, and I keep waiting for the alarm clock to go off and wake me up. It's a dream come true, Mrs. Garnett."

Gloria stood up, followed by Kayla and Meredith. She shook their hands. "Well ladies, all the details are in your packets. Like I told your friends, call me in twenty-four hours and let me know your decision. Now run along."

They headed out of the room.

"One more thing, ladies. I'm not sure who told you to dress like you're applying to be a nun?"

Kayla and Meredith looked at each other in their ultra-conservative wardrobes. "Just be yourselves in the future, and don't let anyone bring you down. And Kayla, tell your brother congratulations on his incredible athletic career at Coastal. All of the alumni are very proud of him."

Kayla smiled, "Thank you, Mrs. Garnett, I will."

The two best friends scurried out of the room, giddy as a couple of young schoolgirls. They headed straight to the sorority house, eager to hear about their friend's offers.

Gloria was right about one thing: Kayla and Meredith's salaries were nowhere near their friends, who were all going to start in the high five figures. Francesca would be in their legal department in New York and, with the help of Hera Inc, would continue her law studies, and eventually they would help her pass the bar exam. Chrissy's opportunity resided in Los Angeles, in the Public Relations department. She would be at the bottom, but Chrissy would be given assignments enabling her to move up quickly. Finally, Naomi was destined for Hera's research and development department. It was a bit of a mystery of where the location was or precisely what she would do. They were interested in her brilliant mind and abilities as a mathematician from the sound of the offer. Naomi would need to sign several non-disclosure forms preventing her from talking about her work if she accepted. All of this made the other girls nervous, but not Naomi. She was ready for the adventure.