Keep It in the Family

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Son blindfolds mother to deceive her.
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I never knew my father. He and my mother were neither married nor lived together during their six months relationship. When he found out she was pregnant he refuse to have anything more to do with her. For as long as I can remember I've always loved my mother, it was not just something a son says, I was deeply conscious of my love for her. She sacrificed her life for me, ensuring I had a decent education and brought up being kind, and respecting my fellow man, a pillar of society she called it. I suppose in one way I was a mommy's boy, not that I was an under developed weakling, quite the opposite I was taller and stronger than the average kid well built, and represented my schools in swimming and athletics, and had lots of girlfriends. Mom always said I was good looking, which I always replied that I got my looks from her.

I suppose that you could say things began to get a little weird during the summer break, between graduating from high school, and waiting to go to college. One weekend mom was sitting opposite me reading a book, her legs were crossed in a strangely different pose to how she normally sat crossed legged. She was sitting more like a man allowing me to see right up her skirt, in fact I could see everything. I wondered if she was doing it on purpose giving me the old come-on. She looked up and caught me looking up her skirt, she just smiled and returned to her book. I considered going across to her and kiss her on the lips and put my hand up her skirt, but I failed to follow through, thinking the whole thing may have been a coincidence.

While mom worked I was home doing the odd job for her. The following Monday morning while I was still in bed there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Mike can I come in?"

"Sure, come in."

"Darling I'm late for work would you make my bed and tidy up around the house for me?"

"Sure mom."

"Thank you darling."

Later that morning when I went into her bedroom to make the bed, one of her bras was hanging on a chair; it looked and felt like black silk covered in lace. In the past I had never taken much notice of her lingerie, of course I had seen it before, but this was different I was actually attracted to it. I picked it up and handled the silky garment, rubbed it against my face and across my lips enjoying the lingering fragrance of her perfume. I looked for the label to check her size, 38E, I always knew she was a handful.

Suddenly I noticed my reflection in the mirror, imagine my surprise about how gentle I was handling her bra, almost with reverence, until I noticed the bulge in my pants. The consequences were unavoidable, after removing my pants and undershorts I wrapped her bra around my manhood and laid on her bed, fantasizing that mom was wearing the bra and had deliberately guided me inside so that I could us her breasts to pleasure myself. It was almost too late before I realized what was happening, if it wasn't for nature's indicator I think I would have cum all over her bra and the bed. Instead I caught most of the semen in my hand with only a few light spots splashing onto the bra. Even then I panicked knowing that it would dry leaving whitish spots on the black fabric.

Ignoring my pants and undershorts, which had fallen on the floor, I went to the bathroom, first to wash my hands, then to remove those drops which had landed on my body. Taking a damp cloth I successfully removed those spots which had dropped onto her bra, only now it was damp. Mom keeps her hairdryer on her nightstand, permanently plugged into the socket above it, so she can either sit on the bed, or stand to dry her hair in front of the mirror. I used it to dry her bra then had the quandary whether to hang it back on the chair, or drop it in the laundry basket. I decided to drop it in the laundry basket, for two reasons, first she asked me to tidy the house, secondly, she would know that I had been handling her bra, and seeing her lingerie in the laundry basket. Whether it would mean anything to her I may never know, but first I decided to put my undershorts and pants back on.

When I opened the laundry basket, on the top of the pile was a pair of matching panties, which obviously was a part of the same set as her bra. After rummaging around I found that beneath the panties was a damp towel from her morning shower, which meant I needn't have dried her bra, if she said anything all I had to say, was there anything else in the basket that was damp. Beneath the towel was her skirt and blouse from the previous day. I made sure that everything was returned in the correct order and look as if nothing had been disturbed then just dropped her bra on top of everything.

While making her bed I checked for any signs of staining, and I don't mean something that may have been caused by me, but there was nothing obvious. Having made both beds and tidied the house then completed several other small tasks I made myself some lunch and spent the afternoon watching TV, but thinking more about mom. It's not often that I have spent time in her bedroom and I can never remember her asking me to go in there. I have never seen her just wearing underclothes or a nightdress, unless she's wearing a robe. Whether she is just shy or doesn't want to encourage me to look at her in a sexual way I couldn't say.

To the best of my knowledge she has never been on a date, although with her figure and looks she must have been asked out numerous times. Whether the experience with my father put her off men completely was certainly a point to consider. The more I thought about her and my time spent in her bedroom the more I fantasized about making love to her, convincing myself that she would accept my advances. But how to go about it without frightening her, it would have to be a slow process, but I didn't have that much time before I left for college.

When mom arrived home from work she asked me if I made the beds and tidied up.

"Yes I did everything you asked plus a couple of other bits."

"Thank you darling I'm going up to change."

I thought to myself perhaps you would like me to come up and undress you.

Fifteen minutes later she came back into the sitting room.

"Mike have you moved a bra from the chair in my bedroom?"

"Yes mom I put it in the laundry basket."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because you asked me to tidy the house and I thought you had worn it and left it out for washing. Why hadn't you worn it, was you going to wear it tonight, shall I go up and retrieve it for you?"

I could see that my questions had shaken her a little, the way she stumbled over her words.

"No that's alright darling you did the right thing."

"Would you like me to bring the laundry basket down for you?"

"No thank you, I won't be doing any washing tonight."

The incident was never spoken of again, but that didn't prevent me from deliberately let her see me check her out. Occasionally I allowed her to catch me staring at her breasts, her legs and several times her ass when I knew she was watching me in a mirror.

The following Monday things changed again when mom came home from work. She told me that starting the next day for the next few weeks she had to go to work earlier in the morning.

"Mike would you be a darling and make the beds and tidy up for me like you did last week?"

"Sure mom, be glad to help."

"Thank you sweetie."

So Tuesday morning I was back in her bedroom tidying up and making the bed, and this time on her bed was a different set of that attractive lingerie. Each day was a different color and each day I pleasured myself sometimes using her bra sometimes her panties. Each day I soiled her lingerie a little more and just dropped it into the laundry basket never bothering to wipe it off. It must have been about week later when I walked into her bedroom her bra and panties were neatly laid out looking exactly if a woman was wearing them. Her bra situated just below her pillar with the back clasps hooked together, the shoulder straps correctly positioned and her bra cups sticking up to their full extent. Her panties were laid out flat about nine inches below her bra.

The following week her bra and panties were all scrunched up on the bed. This time they weren't the sexy silk ones, they were just the ordinary plain white garments. I wondered if it was just a coincident, or she was actually leaving me some sort of message, perhaps she was having her period. Well I decided to leave her a message back. Having pleasured myself with her panties I rubbed semen inside the crotch of her panties and inside the cups of her bra. Obviously being the same color it wouldn't show but when it dried, the areas would feel crusty to the touch.

Becoming intrigued with mothers sexual inclinations I began to search her room opening each drawer and checking her closet, but alas I found nothing to indicate any sexual activity. It then made me wonder, if I was checking out her room, would she be going through my stuff. Just in case she was I thought I would leave her something to think about. I planned that over the next couple of days to buy a large pack of condoms and print off a mother and son story which would include the Literotica heading and just lay them on top of everything in the drawer of my night stand. All I could do then was to wait to see if there would be any reaction.

In the evening when mom came home she asked how my day was.

"I carried out all the chores you asked me to do, plus a couple more things that needed doing, after lunch I cleaned the car. By the way you left your bra and panties on the bed, I assumed you wanted them dropped in the laundry basket."

Mom nodded and blushed a little.

Over the next days, things continued as they were, mom was still leaving her bra and panties on the bed and I was still dropping them in the laundry basket. The only difference I no longer mentioned the fact that I was handling her lingerie and dropping it into the laundry basket, as part of our debriefing when she arrived home from work. Early one morning she knocked on my bedroom door.

"Mike are you awake, can I come in?"

"Okay mom, you can come in."

"Darling would you do me a big favor and change the bed sheets for me today? I meant to ask you last night but forgot. I've left the clean sheets for my bed on the bed and the clean sheets for your bed on the chair."

"Sure mom."

Later in the morning I stripped the sheets off my bed and collected the clean ones and dumped them on my mattress. While transferring mother's clean sheets from her bed to the chair I discovered a stain hidden beneath them. It looked very much like mom had been indulging herself in some sexual practices. For me it was a great find being the first indication that she was still active in that area. Whether it was because of me and the fact that I was prepared to discuss her underwear with her I couldn't say.

It was the Sunday morning, the week before I was due to leave for college. I was getting ready by packing a few bits into my case, when mom walked into my bedroom. When she realized what I was doing she burst into tears. I went to her, put my arms around her, and continually kissed her on the cheek trying to sooth her. She put her arms around me and pulled me close. As we stood there I could feel her breast crushed against my chest resulting in me getting an erection. Surely mom must have felt me, but she didn't back away, just remained wrapped up in my arms almost pushing herself against me. We remained that way for about five minutes until mom had sufficiently recovered. I considered trying to maneuver her on the bed, however she broke our embrace and walked out of my room before I plucked up sufficient courage to put my plan in action.

Several times during the week I got up early, before mom had gone to work and spent time with her. While she cooked me breakfast I would stand behind her with my arms around her waist, kissing the side of her neck. She would scrunch up her shoulders complaining that it tickles, but never asked me to stop.

When I came downstairs on the morning of my departure mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She was wearing a purple satin chemise with a fairly low cut neckline held up by two spaghetti straps with a hem just above mid-thigh. Never had I seen mom just wearing a nightgown before, let alone something like this. Standing behind her with my arms around her waist I kissed her on the side of the neck.

"God mom you're so beautiful."

"Thank you darling now go and sit down and I will bring your breakfast over."

An hour later, I was upstairs doing a last minute check when mom called.

"Mike are you coming down your cab will be here in a minute?"

As I made my way downstairs mom was standing at the bottom with tears in her eyes, still wearing her nightgown. Instantly in one movement I put my arms around her pulled her close and pressed my lips against hers. She didn't recoil or resist as I prolonged the kiss, she simply put her arms around my neck. I pressed myself against her, she must have known just how aroused I was, as I rubbed myself up against her, and felt a similar response from her. Maintaining our kiss I pushed her up against the wall before sliding my hand down to grab her ass to pull tight against me. My other hand I placed on her breast, my fears that she might slap my face or at least push me away were unfounded. I think she was influenced by the time we would be separated that she allowed me to treat this way, although she seemed to be enjoying the experience as much as me. Just as we broke our kiss there was a blast from a cabs horn outside.

"Darling your cab is here."

Mom opened the door and stood behind it out of sight of prying eyes, I kissed her quickly on the lips, then left making my way to the cab. My journey to college was uneventful and having settled in the dorm on campus I checked my computer for messages, as expected the very first one was from mom, it read.

Darling I hope you arrived safely and have settled in ok. You leaving that way made our parting unbearable I was heartbroken never having been parted from you like this before. I returned to my bed and spent most of the day in bed continually sobbing. There were things that I wanted to say to you but everything went by so quickly I never got the chance. Please write soon as you can.

I love you.


I spent the next day meeting other students, getting indoctrinated and finding my way around the college. In the evening I replied to mom's email.

My sweetest mom

I was sorry to hear that you were so upset at my leaving but I hope you feel a little better now. I also wished to say things to you that have been on my mind for a while now, but I'm not too sure that you would want to hear them. It's possible they may upset you and perhaps damage our relationship forever, because they are rather personal to both of us.

I love you too.


I was surprised that it took several days before mom replied to my email. It was obvious that she was considering what she should say or do about my suggestive email. It was her last paragraph that really caught my attention with all before just a preamble to the main purpose of her email.

My dearest darling

You could never upset me no matter what you say to me, neither could I let it damage our relationship. In fact I would beg you to tell me what's on your mind so that we could clear the air and have a better understanding of each other, no matter what it is. I am concerned that you may also become upset on the things that I wish to say to you, because they are not the things that a mother would normally say to her son. Please write back soon.

I love you no matter what.


Well that gave me some confidence that she would pretty much accept what I say to her, not necessarily agree with what I'm saying, but not take offence. In fact she asked me to tell her my thoughts. In my reply I decided to bring the subject to the fore and place it in the first paragraph to make it our main and most important topic of conversation.


I know exactly how you feel, needing to say something which you cannot know how it will be received, because I would be saying things to you which would be considered inappropriate. I felt exactly the same, way until you put my mind at ease when you said that whatever I said, you would not get upset, then asked me to tell you what is on my mind. I am of the same opinion as you, please be open with me, say what you like, I will not judge you and I really want to hear your thoughts.

The rest of the email was small talk, telling her how I spend my days at college, about the other students that I have met and those in my dorm, what I thought of the lecturers and such like. Mom also made our discussions a priority making it the first paragraph of her email in which she introduced a new subject which surprised and embarrassed me.

My dearest darling.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be open with you and to say the things I have only dreamt about saying to you. A couple of weeks before you left for college I was tidying up your bedroom and found a box of condoms and a document, well a story really, of a son making love to his mother. I read the story several times and wondered if you fantasized about me in that way. That morning you left for college when you took me in your arms, kissed me and put your hand on my breast I realized that you are in love me, and that our relationship is changing because I am also in love with you.

Mother went on to tell me about her life in general and how lonely she was in my absence and how she was counting down the days until we can see each other again. I really didn't know what to say to her after the bombshell she dropped on me, all I could think of was she must have been devastated when she first read the mother and son story and found the condoms. I had forgotten that was the original reason I put them in my drawer, so she could find them, and make something happen. Well it happened alright. In my reply I said.

My darling Gwen

At last I can openly declare my love for you and ecstatic that you feel the same about me and that we can openly share our thoughts without any recrimination. I love you and the only way that I could find pleasure and be close to you was to pleasure myself using your panties or bra. I would lie on your bed fantasizing that we were together making love. I put the mother and son story in my drawer to show you how I felt about you not expecting you to read it or challenge me on it, but I'm glad to did, since we both now know each other's feelings. I would like to know what you thought about the story, and possibly the subject in general. The Christmas break will soon be here and I hope you're as excited to see me as I am to see you.

Love you forever.


Well I thought that about covered everything that is until I received her next email.

My dearest darling Mike.

You have no idea just how much I've missed you and want you back in my life again. As for the story, since reading that one I have read quite a few more and have learnt much from them. For me the story you left was the most exciting of all, and I think I would like to be treated how that son treats his mother. As for the subject I think we were already heading in that direction well that's how it seems to me, and now you have confirmed my wildest dream. Darling we are approaching Christmas and it can't come quick enough for me.

I love you.