Kevin's Kitty Rescue Ch. 02


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"I think I saw her head to the barn," Norma added.

Kevin paused, "Morning Norma?"

"Morning!" She laughed. "After the little incident yesterday, me and a few of the girls are going to hang around."


"And it's not required, but more than a few of us would be delighted if you could f-"

"CHILDREN!" Marla growled.

"Fahhh... Spend some time with us," Norma trailed off.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "We'll talk about that much later. For now... Thank you."

"I, however, am going to demand a little attention," Norma stepped into view.

Kevin saw the swell of her belly and nodded. "I can see that. But I have a class today."

"I know," Norma smiled. "Just don't expect to go home again afterward."

Kevin blushed as the kitties chuckled, while Mary watched on with confusion. A quick explanation though, and she had a laugh too, before Kevin went out to start his day. He was a little early, on account of the class, and opened the office to turn on the lights. Kevin went around to his desk and fired up his PC before checking his emails. Sure enough, there were several now from the furry convention, as well as hundreds from just about every news media outlet in the country, and more than a few internationally.

Kevin didn't even bother reading them all. He just filtered for a few keywords and deleted them in droves. Even as he did so, more came in, so Kevin set a few rules to automatically handle it. The front door opened, and Kevin leaned around as Honey danced into the office. She spun in a cute little dress as Penelope came in behind her. Kevin watched her flash a few odd hand gestures before Penelope laughed and nodded.

Then Honey lunged. She threw her arms around Penelope's neck and kissed her firmly. Penelope seemed shocked by the action. But her eyes widened further as she spotted Kevin watching from the doorway. Honey noticed something was wrong and dropped to the floor with a terrified expression.

"I'm sorry!" She yowled.

Kevin blinked, then looked at Penelope's shocked expression and back to Honey, who seemed to be pressing herself tightly into the woman.

"No need to apologize," Kevin shook his head. "I'm just a little surprised at how quick this all happened."

"You and me both," Penelope scratched Honey's head. "You and I need to have a chat later."

Honey gave a nervous shuffle before glancing up at Kevin. "Can... can you ask her to bring the purple one with a head at both ends?"

"What?" Penelope asked as Kevin's face turned bright red.

Kevin shook his head. "It's nothing. I... I have a class today. I need to get used to this."

"What did she say?"

Kevin took a deep breath. "She asked about your chat. You apparently have... something with two ends?"

Penelope turned the same color as Kevin as she swatted Honey's ass. The catgirl let out a yowl, but didn't look upset.

"Naughty kitty," Penelope admonished her. "Stay out of my drawers!"

Honey spun around and started making gestures, and Penelope frowned as she tried to keep up. But whatever conversation they were having, Kevin had to leave them be. His class was about to start. So, after carefully stepping past the two ladies, Kevin made his way into the barn. Where he bumped into Mary, who gave him a smile.

"Head on in, I'll send them through as they arrive."

Kevin nodded and did just that. He stepped into the hall and saw the lights were on and the equipment was out. He made a note to thank Mary for setting things up so early. It wasn't one of her jobs, so she had done it simply to make it easier for him. Instead, Kevin went around and hid his embarrassment as he checked to make sure each of the stalls had both condoms and lubricant. It was an unspoken secret now that these classes led to sex more often than not. And Kevin wanted that sex to be safe.

"Excuse me?"

Kevin turned and smiled at the short woman in heels. "Good morning Bianca, here for the class?"

"Yes, I was just... Are you sure this is okay?"

Kevin shook his head. "Of course, bring them in."

Two rather tall stallions came in a moment later. They were broader than Caesar and mumbled soft greetings as they approached. She introduced herself once more as Bianca, and her partners were Klaud and Klaus. Apparently, they were brothers, and she had adopted them from poor conditions. Both the ponies seemed very comfortable with her affection. Bianca had only just taken her seat when a second voice coughed from the doorway.

A rather stoic looking man, with a dog on a lead, smiled politely from the doorway. Kevin wracked his memory for who they were. Especially when the dog looked like it didn't want to be there. Kevin walked over and smiled.

"Hi, I can't put a finger on your name."

The man shook Kevin's hand and grinned. "I'm Roger, and this little angel is Lucelle."

"Angel?" the dog frowned in confusion.

"How are you, Lucelle?" Kevin smiled at the pup.

"You can really talk to them, huh?"

"I can," Kevin nodded, still trying to place the man. He recognized the name, but... that was it. Roger was a shorter, older man, and while Lucelle was the right breed, this didn't seem like her from what Kevin could remember.

"Now, we just... Go on in, and get into it?"


Kevin turned and smiled at a young surfer looking guy with a flamingo of all things. Brenden and Birb, if Kevin remembered correctly. The pretty bird was all smiles as she shuffled into the room, careful not to hit her tail feathers on anything. Brenden, while a bit cocky, was extremely interested in learning about a proper diet and exercise regime for her. Mary concluded he was young, but very doting towards the girl.

"Right, how about we just--"

Kevin held out his hand and stopped Roger before he went in. "Can I see some Identification?"

"That seems a bit rude, why not him?" Roger pointed at Brenden's back.

"Lucelle, how long has Roger been your master?" Kevin asked.

"He picked me up yesterday, then made me sleep in the boot of his car."

"What did she say?" Roger asked, looking concerned.

Kevin chewed his lip and nodded. "I'll give you two-hundred for the pup, and you can leave now. Or I have you charged with trespass. There's literally a sign on the gate telling you lot to stay out. Do I need to involve lawyers?"

"The public has a right to know," Roger pushed.

"The public can pay for a session, just like these people," Kevin gestured back into the room. "Now, are you going to take the charges, or can I give Lucelle a loving home in your absence?"

Ten minutes later, with a slightly shell-shocked Lucy, who didn't like the full name, Kevin was back. The class was about to start, and so far Easter hadn't made an appearance. The rest of the booths had filled up in his absence, and thankfully Kevin recognized all of them from his one-on-one sessions.

"Alright everyone," Kevin smiled. "While I wait for my partner, get yourselves comfortable. Your booths are your space, take off your shoes, this is--"

"Sorry I'm late!" Easter bounced into the room.

"Ah," Kevin smiled, before cocking his head in confusion.

She was wearing a knee length trench coat and rushed ahead of Kevin to stand in front of him. She gave a wink, before turning around to face the class, and threw the coat off. Kevin's jaw hit the ground at the same time the fabric did, and Easter bent over before looking back over her shoulder.

"Any hole, master," she winked as she patted the glass plug lodged solidly in her ass.

"Oh, I'm not the only one!" Bianca cheered, before ripping off the sundress she wore.

Underneath she wore a pair of fishnets and an underbust that had both her pony's attention.

Not to be ignored, Easter strutted around, her pale fur stood out in stark contrast to the red lace, and Kevin took a moment to compose himself.

"Now, those of you familiar with my other star partner. This is Easter, she is a new member to my family. As such, we need to take things a little slower than normal. This is going to be an adventure for me, too."


Kevin sat back in his chair and let out a long sigh. They'd just had a close call when a fainting goat, who resembled a faun, passed out as they hit orgasm. Her owner, now with a bruised head, knew not to stop fucking her if that happened. She was extremely vocal in her disapproval of being 'clam jammed' by her condition and demanded he do it again properly. As it turned out, despite being completely limp, she could still squirt, which led to a second interruption.

Kevin had then fielded a few questions. Like one from Bianca, who asked if double penetration was possible. The resulting answer, was a clear yes, as she kissed Klaud, while sitting in his lap, while Klaus gently took her from behind.

"Master, you need to cum." Easter sighed as she sat on his lap and fondled his crotch.

"I don't always," Kevin admitted. "Sometimes the classes are busy, like today."

"I'M CUMMING!" Birb chirped as she bounced rapidly on Brenden's lap.

Easter sighed and turned around to straddle Kevin's lap. She reached down between them and fiddled with his fly.

"You know this isn't necessary, right?"

She smiled and leaned in as she lifted her hips. Kevin felt his cock press into something warm and wet, before frowning as a slightly odd sensation overcame him. He felt a ring of muscle stretch slightly to take him, before Easter let out a long sigh as she seated herself down.

"And that's the last hole," she giggled.

"You mean..."

Easter held up the butt plug before rocking her hips. "Anal has always been weird with me," she bounced, dragging her body up and down Kevin's cock. "I never liked it, because I can't get pregnant from it."


"But it makes me cum sooooo hard," she grunted.

Kevin gasped as he felt her ass squeeze on his cock and took a deep breath. "What... what about being pregnant?"

Easter leaned into Kevin's shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. "Master. I'm already pregnant."

What happened next, Kevin couldn't recall. One moment he was hearing those words. The next, Easter was screaming as she bounced frantically on his cock. Kevin, unprepared for the sudden, extreme sensation of a bunny's asshole, could do little more than hold on for dear life, as she came herself stupid.

It was only as Kevin pinned her down in his lap that she realized he was cumming. Kevin clutched desperately to her. The sensation of her ass was too much at first. But the throbbing sensation as she held still and enjoyed her own orgasm was enough, and Kevin found his own release, shooting jets of his seed into her.

Easter giggled as she slumped against him and kissed his ear. "Get Mary to buy a strap on. And a cock cloning kit."

Kevin blinked, "A what?"

Easter pointed back at Bianca, who was silently screaming at the ceiling, while both her ponies held her between themselves. "I wanna try that. But with you and... Hope, or maybe Mary."

Chapter Twelve

Norma lowed softly as she leaned on the headboard. She was on her knees, with her belly supported by a stack of pillows. Her tail flicked lazily back and forth as Sue and Gemma lay below her. On their backs, with their heads beneath Norma's massive tits, they suckled all they wanted. It was that, or leave a massive milk stain on the mattress, as Kevin firmly thrust into her from behind.

The kitties purred as they extracted their breakfast. They ran their claws gently over Norma's flesh, making her tremble as they kneaded her. Her body responded with eagerness, and her pussy throbbed gently over Kevin's cock.

"Kevin," she moaned.

"Want me to stop?" Kevin glanced up from Norma's bouncing ass.

Norma shook her head. "Don't stop. Please?"

Beneath her, the kitties redoubled their efforts and took longer draws on Norma's breasts. They sucked eagerly, and the gorgeous heifer in her advanced state was on a hair trigger. She moaned out in a long tone as her pussy throbbed. Kevin grit his teeth and ignored the blissful sensation of each rhythmic contraction, and kept thrusting. He would not last much longer, even if he wanted to. But he wanted to ensure that Norma got what she needed. Being the only members of his household that didn't regularly stay any more, he saw her less often and spent less time with her. Something she assured him would change if he would just fuck all of her friends. The feisty heifers were all beautiful. But Kevin was still apprehensive about taking on such a large responsibility.

It was one thing having a casual fling, but actually getting them pregnant? Liam and Ava reminded him more of human infants than the kittens that Flower had birthed. It was going to be hard keeping track of that with those that were already pregnant. Let alone another dozen or two from Norma's herd.

"Oh, I'm cumming again!"

Kevin snapped back to attention as Norma kicked her hooves on the bed. She let out a low of pleasure as her pussy throbbed once more. Kevin couldn't resist this time as he buried himself inside her. The throbbing milking sensation was the perfect way to extract every pulse of his seed. Until finally, with a sigh, Kevin flopped back on the bed with a satisfied grin.

Sue and Gemma mewled in disappointment as Norma sat up. The big cow took them both by the arm and effortlessly pulled them up to lick their cheeks.

"Thank you both. But our master needs a rest for now."

"That doesn't mean we can't have more milk," Gemma pouted.

"Very true," Norma smiled before releasing them both and turning around. "So, if you can get that cock of his hard enough for me to ride it, then I guess you can both have some more milk."

Kevin's eyes went wide as the kitties pounced. Gemma was first, snagging his cock between her lips, where she drove her mouth down on it. Sue, not to be outdone, began running her tongue over Kevin's balls. The sensation of both kitties purring had Kevin rising to attention in no time at all, and Norma watched on with a satisfied smile.


Kevin was rather breathless as he sat down in his chair. There was a slight moment where he wondered if his pants were going to be yanked down once more for Sable to take a turn. But he leaned back and double checked, seeing nothing but dust and a cord situation a gamer would be horrified at. As he booted up his PC for the day, the door opened and Kevin leaned back to see if it was Lucy or Penelope who came in first. Only to smile as Honey bounced into his office.

"Good morning, Kevin," she smiled. "Mistress and I have been practicing!"

"Morning, Kevin," Penelope said as she came into view. "Has she told you what we've been working on?"

Honey turned to Penelope and made a few gestures before Penelope nodded. "I'll leave you to it, then. Kevin, I'll have your emails cleared in a few minutes. I had to remove the rules you created. It was causing problems."

"Wait," Kevin frowned. "My emails?"

"I'm your assistant, aren't I?" she grinned. "I'll create a few folders and sort the emails as they come in. If they're trash, I'll delete them. But if they're worth you looking over, I'll put them where they're needed."

"Right," Kevin frowned. "I just..."

"You have enough to worry about without dealing with fan mail, hate mail and whatever else people are sending you. A pair of used panties came in the mail yesterday."

"Eww," Kevin shuddered.

"Exactly. You've suddenly become someone, Kevin. First you were the guy who rescued cats that were known in this town. Then you were the one with a few high-profile rescues getting state attention. Then you got the interest of the nation when you started this whole place. Finally, when Bast went and opened her mouth on camera, you captivated the whole damn world. Hell, I might need you to hire me an assistant soon."

"Surely it won't get that bad," Kevin frowned.

"Let's hope not," Penelope shrugged. "But I think we're both going to be surprised."

"You be good to Mistress," Honey glared. "I don't want her coming home upset."

"That's the last thing I want," Kevin smiled at the rescue kitty. "Now, before we talk about whatever you wanted to show me, how are you feeling?"

Honey smiled. "Good. I feel really good. The itching has stopped and my fur is starting to grow back properly."


"Mistress won't fuck me, though."

Kevin sighed and covered his face. "Do I want to know?"

"She's making it hard to talk about it. I think she's embarrassed. But she's always watching me when I do stuff?"

Kevin frowned. "Do stuff?"

"Not gonna do it in front of you," Honey glared cutely. "But for Mistress, I pose, show myself off and... well, I really wish she would do the things that I do to myself." She mrowed mournfully, "but she just won't. I just get kisses, and belly rubs, and ear scritches. I want more, Kevin. I want her to f--"

"Alright!" Kevin snapped and held up a hand. "I understand. I... I'll talk to her. Now, what's this other thing you wanted to speak about?"

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you that we're getting the hang of sign language. We watched a bunch of videos on human sign language and I can't do a lot of it. But I think we have a pretty good grasp of things."

Kevin grinned, "Show me."

It was an enjoyable demonstration of Honey's abilities. They worked quickly, with Honey being able to teach Kevin verbally, while carrying out the physical action. Kevin learned quickly, and an hour later, they signed goodbye to one another, before Honey left with a giggle to go bother Penelope.

"Now," Kevin frowned as he realized the time. "Where's Lucy?"

"I told her to hold off while you and Honey were talking!" Penelope called from the front room.

"Right," Kevin nodded. "Assistant."

Kevin turned back to his PC and woke it up, before scanning his emails. There were hundreds of unsorted emails in a massive cluster. But on the sidebar was a bunch of folders. The first of which was just labeled rescues. Kevin opened it immediately and read the two inside. The first was a rather sad case of a family whose dog had passed away. They had another, a young male who was grieving the loss of his older friend. They wanted some advice on whether Kevin could come speak with him and help the poor pup grieve.

Kevin fired off a quick reply, letting them know he was available for appointments. But if they were any significant distance away, it would be unlikely that he could make it to them.

The second email was rather different. A young lady had inherited her grandfather's racehorse. She loved the animal, but couldn't afford to keep it. Being retired, it wasn't worth much to existing horse owners. She was struggling to find somewhere she could home him.

Kevin nodded to himself, and sent off a reply, offering to home the horse. That was why they had the farm, after all. Old Ben was fine milking the cows every morning. But beyond a daily checkup, he left maintenance of the herd to Kevin, and in turn, Mary and her team.

Then he noticed another folder pop up. This one was labeled with an exclamation mark. And Kevin wasn't sure what to think with a single notification inside. He clicked it and saw a basic email. It contained no words, just an attachment to a small video.

Kevin figured it wasn't something inappropriate since it was clearly sorted by Penelope. So Kevin clicked on the video and watched it roll.

"There, it's running," a feminine voice announced.

A kitty suddenly popped into view. She was young, cute, and smiled brightly as she reached for her necklace. Hanging from the light chain was a stack of laminated cards with a bunch of pictures on them. She quickly skipped through a bunch of them before holding up a green tick to whoever was operating the camera.

"Ahem," the kitty cleared her throat. "Hello, Mr. Kevin. My name is Precious. My mistress says that's the first thing she thought of when she saw me. When she heard of you, she printed out these cards." Precious held up the small stack once more. "And while I would like your help to tell her more. The purpose of this video is the hope that you will meet with my Mistress. She runs an online channel and would love to do an interview. We would be willing to travel to meet you, or you can come to us."
