Kevin's Kitty Rescue: The Novel


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Lugging the groceries, Kevin started putting everything away. All the while, he thought about his newest guest. So after everything was where it should be, he went looking for her. The first stop was the room he'd left her... But it was empty. That was usually a good sign, so Kevin went looking with a big smile. That was until Sable jumped up on the windowsill and leaned her head outside.

"Sable!" Kevin cried.

Rushing over, he scooped his favourite kitty into his arms and held her close. For all his terror that she could escape and get hurt, she didn't even struggle and purred softly as she rubbed his face with her own. Now he'd gotten himself under control, Kevin closed the window and resumed his search. Cradling Sable the whole time.

An hour later, Kevin gave up. The new rescue was gone. He'd let one down, for the first time. He knew the cat would probably head back to familiar territory, but he still stuck a water dish and some food outside, just in case.

As if sensing his bad mood, Kevin found himself surrounded by his kitties. He was curled up on the couch watching a new movie that came up on Netflix. Only, he... he was... kinda tired. Completely unaware that he was being watched.

Bastet was perched in a tree across the road. She couldn't help but be wary of the human. In two-thousand years, she hadn't found much kindness. But here... she'd thought she'd been captured and would have to escape her torturer again... but... the other cats were so adamant they loved him. Seeing him drop a bowl of food and water outside... they were the same bowls she'd eaten from earlier. Well... There he was, drifting off to sleep on the couch...

"Alright, ladies. It's showtime."


"Master." Lick lick lick lick. "Master wake up, something's happened." Lick lick lick lick.

Kevin groaned before stretching, only, he couldn't stretch very far. There was a substantial mass both on and around him.

"Master, please wake up." Lick lick lick lick.

"Okay, okay. I'm awake Sable, I'm awake, what's... what..." Kevin's eyes shot open.

Sitting on his lap was something rather unexpected. Those adorable fluffy ears and tail told him exactly who it was. The adorable human-like face and body, made him pause.

"Master!" Sable cried, lifting herself up and pulling Kevin into a one-armed hug.

Kevin had a brief moment of clarity as he felt a small hard nipple press into his cheek... right before he passed out...

Chapter Two

Kevin was having the strangest dream. All his beautiful kitties were now beautiful catgirls. He knew who each one was by their features. Sable, his first true love, had tabby catlike ears and tail. She was also missing her entire left arm at the shoulder. Marla was there, going slightly white in her stormy grey ears from age, but still just as beautiful as he would have imagined. Then there was Gemma, a collection of scars across her body and a piece missing from her fluffy brown ear. Sue just about broke his heart, half her face and down one side of her was a collection of burn scars. But she smiled and flicked her ginger ears round regardless. Grace and Harriet, both pale grey ears, played quietly nearby. It was a nice dream. Except, he could hear faint sobs, followed by a sniffle.

"We're sorry, master. Please wake up. We love you."

Kevin groaned. The pressure surrounding him was worse this time. Cracking open his eyes, he wasn't sure he was actually awake. Sitting all around him were his... well... kitties. Each and every one looked close to tears with worry. The only exception was Sable, who WAS actually crying.

"Sable, at the risk I'm still dreaming. Please stop crying, you're very beautiful and it hurts to see you upset."

"Master!" They cried in unison.

At once, the surrounding pressure multiplied. He ended up like one of those cartoons where everyone jumps in a pile. Complete with one leg sticking out. Everywhere he looked it was fur, fluff and breasts. Some a little bigger, some a little smaller, rounder or even pointier.

"Kitties, air! Can't... Breathe," Kevin managed to croak.

With a sudden scramble, all the kitties suddenly jumped off, all except Sable who sat back on his lap.

"Okay, my pretty kitties. I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming... So I'm going to take a moment here. Sable, you were my first love. You kept me alive for all these years with your gentle affection." As expected, the dream sable started crying again. "Marla, not a day goes by that I doubt myself for rescuing you. I only wish you could let your tough exterior fade more often because I truly love giving you attention." Marla's firm gaze softened slightly. "Gemma, your playful attitude brightens my day, no matter how grumpy and sore I am, please never change." Gemma practically beamed with glee. "Sue, I don't care about your scars, you're beautiful just the way you are." Sue teared up and smiled. "Grace and Harriet, I'm so, so very sorry about your siblings. I would have taken them all in, and loved you all the more for it." The twins smiled at him, before hugging one another and crying.

"My kitties, you're all here, because I love you. You're all here because I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving. You're all here, so I can make sure you never get hurt again. I love you all."

This time, the group hug was more docile. It was followed by a quick kiss on the cheek from each of them... It was nice to feel so loved... Even from Marla, who immediately went back to her signature scowl.

"Now, can someone give me a poke or something, it's time I woke up," Kevin grinned. Without a second's hesitation, Gemma reached out and poked Kevin in the middle of the chest with a sharp claw. "Ouch... Hmmm... I didn't realise you had claws, but I suppose that makes sense. Maybe I need to do it myself."

With a groan, Kevin shifted Sable off his lap and stood up. He was followed by his very naked kitties into the kitchen. Heading to the spare bits drawer (don't lie, every household has one), Kevin found his sewing kit. Retrieving a thin needle, he turned back to his kitties, who were eyeing him carefully.

"I love you all. I'm just sad this is all about to go away. I'll make sure I tell the real kitties the same thing." With that, Kevin reached down and jabbed himself in the thigh. "Ouch!" But sure enough, there he was, standing in the kitchen, before his worried-looking kitties. Jabbing himself in the shoulder this time, Kevin began to panic. The kitties were now distressed. Spinning around, Kevin grabbed an old industrial stapler, placing it on his chest, he closed his eyes... And was promptly tackled to the floor.

"STOP HURTING YOURSELF!" Sable screeched in his face.

Kevin opened his eyes, staring into Sable's. There was a flash of anger, followed by regret, and suddenly Kevin was cradling her while she cried brokenly in his arms.

"I-I-I-I'm sorry, master," Sable sobbed. "I shouldn't have yelled."

Kevin just looked around at his equally worried kitties. Each of them had mixed expressions from anger all the way to sadness. In other words, dream or not, they were hurting. "Sable, please sit up."

Sable shook her head viciously. "I'm sorry, master. Please, don't send me away. I'll be good!" Those last words were bordering on hysterical as she continued to cry.

"Sable, Sable... Nobody is going anywhere. I'm sorry. I just need to get up and check something." Kevin smiled, scratching her head the way she liked. Luckily, she responded the same way and even started purring softly.

Sitting up, Kevin pulled out his phone. The time read, 5:38 pm. Twisting around, Kevin could see the clock on the wall. Sure enough, it also said 5:38. So opening his stopwatch app, Kevin counted out two minutes. He'd read somewhere that in dreams, your sense of time was distorted. Clocks did weird things. It was how people could induce lucid dreaming, as they recognised that they were actually asleep during their dream. But... The stopwatch kept track of the clock perfectly.

"Okay... Okay... I... I can see there have been some changes around here," Kevin started.

"That's why we woke you, master." Sable sniffed, holding herself together. "Something happened and we all went to sleep. Marla woke us all up and we didn't know what to do."

"You were up first?" Kevin asked a suddenly bashful looking Marla.

"Yes... Master. I fell off... I woke up first and got everyone else. I don't know what happened." She said nervously.

I just smiled and stopped prying. It was obvious she was embarrassed. "Okay, so does anyone have any ideas?"

"Oh, me! I have an idea!" Chirped Sue. "It was that weird cat you brought home."

Suddenly I was surrounded by nodding cats. "Okay, what makes you say that?"

"She was different," Sable said quickly. "When you left, she came out and spoke with us."

I frowned, "Like cat talk, or people talk?"

"People, master," Gemma spoke up. "She wanted to take us with her. She thought you were a monster. That you were the one who hurt all of us."

"We told her about how you saved us and we refused to go. So she opened the window and left," Grace said softly.

"Uh... Huh..." Kevin said slowly. "Well, how about some dinner and we call it an early night. I kinda need to process all this."


Bastet was sitting in the same tree. The human had taxed her slightly with his attempts to wake. But she had resisted grudgingly. She'd already resigned herself to the fact she was going to eat the food the human left out. It didn't make her happy though. But... There was light on the horizon. The human had some sort of episode and attacked himself, before making the three-legged one scream at him. He'd since seemed to calm down, which bode well for him.

Though... She had to admit... When he got out food for all the catgirls and showed them how to use forks, it didn't go too well. Especially when he realised that everyone couldn't sit at the table, so he sat on the floor with the rest of them. That made the three-legged one uncomfortable and she started eating like a common cat. So it was a surprise when the human put his own food aside and fed her by hand first.

Maybe... Just maybe... This human would be different.


*Mew* Lick lick lick lick. *Mew* Lick lick lick lick.

Kevin groaned, "okay, okay, I'm up. I'm up"

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Kevin stared at the small tabby sitting on his chest. Her single claw gently flexed on the blanket. Reaching up, he gently stroked her ears, smiling at the wonderful dream he'd had the previous evening. That was until Kevin blinked. Sable wasn't some small kitty, she was humanoid and laying beside him, with her head on his chest. She stretched before giving him a wide smile.

"Mmmm... Master, that felt so good," she purred in his ear.

Kevin was... Shocked... To say the least. It had been about five minutes by his guess. The problem was Sable refused to get off his chest, and every time he moved away, she butted his hand for more pats. This would have been a usual lazy day for him and his kitties, except for one minor problem. Sable and the rest of his kitties were now five foot tall catgirls...

"Mmmaster... Soooo goood," Sable purred as he continue to scratch her head.

Finally, Kevin decided something needed to give... "Sable?"

"Yes, master?" She chirped.

"Why aren't you wearing clothes?" He knew damn well why, but he needed to concentrate on something else for a moment.

Sable paused before cocking her head and looking at him like he was an idiot, "Master... I'm a cat. Cats don't wear clothes."

Kevin risked a peek down her slender body, before looking her in the eye. "You don't look much like a cat right now."

Sable sat up, exposing her breasts to me before looking down at herself. "You're right, I look more like you!" She giggled. "Master, is there a reason you want me to wear clothes?"

Kevin was speechless. There was a damned good reason he wanted her wearing clothes and if she were sitting a few inches lower, she'd find it. But before he could answer, a thundering herd of rhinos stormed up the stairs, before merging into a very naked Gemma who threw herself on the bed.

"Master, there's something wrong!" She cried.

Kevin's instincts kicked in immediately, "What's wrong, Gemma?"

"I was cleaning, and I found a good spot, but every time I lick it, it makes a mess. Now it won't stop!" Gemma cried, clearly distressed.

"What... Ah... What are you talking about?" Kevin asked. He was willing to help, but he honestly had no idea what Gemma was talking about.

"Look, I'll show you..." Gemma grumbled.

Kevin watched as she sat down and turned to face him. Lifting a leg straight in the air, Kevin felt his face go red. Gemma then proceeded to contort herself and start licking her own clitoris. After a few licks, she shuddered.

"See, it's a really good spot to lick, but watch what happens in a bit." She started licking again, only to start leaking her fluids. "See! Now it won't stop, and I can't groom myself!" She darted in and stuck her tongue deep inside her lower lips and started lapping away.

This whole time, Kevin was equally mesmerised and in pain. Kitty or not, she was a beautiful woman, performing autocunnilingus in his bed. His erection felt like it was about to bust through his sheets.

"Sable, see if you can get it clean?" Gemma pouted.

Sable smiled, "Sure!"

Now I was watching Sable licking at Gemma's clitoris.

"I... I feel funny..."

Sable paused, "Should I stop? I think I'm getting most of it."

"No... Keep going, I'll be okay."

Sable went right back to licking. A minute later, Gemma tensed up and yowled.

"Gemma! Gemma I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, now you're leaking even more. I'm so sorry!"

Kevin just used this opportunity to slide his legs out from under Sable. Two quick steps into the bathroom and he was alone. Turning on the cold tap in the shower, Kevin jumped straight in. Five minutes later, he felt like his skin was burning. Climbing out of the shower, Kevin dried himself off and opened the door. As per usual, Sable was waiting for him. Gemma on the other hand was lightly snoring on the bed.

Sable immediately approached and rubbed her face on Kevin's chest. "Master, you're so cold!"

Kevin stood in shock as Sable literally climbed him. He continued to stand there, shocked as Sable, wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed herself firmly against him.

"I'll get you warm, master. Don't worry," she chirped happily.

Kevin just stood there like an idiot. He'd barely spoken more than a sentence to anyone in years. Now he had a beautiful naked woman wrapped literally around his torso.

"Master, something's poking my butt," Sable said softly.

This time Kevin panicked. Grabbing Sable under her one arm and as gently as he could, the side of her ribs, he lifted her and dropped her on the bed. Spinning around to hide his erection, he quickly pulled on pants and rushed downstairs.

Sue was spread eagle on the floor in the morning sun, her ears perked up as he entered the room.

"Good morning, Master," she purred.

"Morning Sue," Kevin said quickly, he was thankful she wasn't inclined to move.

Turning to head into the kitchen, Marla was sitting on the fridge. "Morning, Marla," Kevin said, giving her a quick scratch on the hip. He wasn't about to bother asking how or why she was sitting there still. It was all too much for him right now.

Opening the door, Kevin grabbed out a fresh tuna loaf. The sound of clinking dishes as Kevin served up attracted Grace and Harriet. Both came running in as nude catgirls and proceeded to rub their bodies across his own. At this point, Kevin broke down.

"I can't do this. I'm going out," he said quickly.

Gently pushing past his kitties, he grabbed his keys and stormed past a worried Sable on his way out. The slam of the front door was the last thing she saw.

"Sable, what's wrong with master?" Sue asked softly behind her.

Sable turned around and hugged Sue, "I don't know... It's like he doesn't love us any more. He won't even look at me like this... It's not fair," Sable started to cry. "I can keep up with you all like this... I don't have to hobble around any more. But Master won't look at me..."

Sue just held her friend while she cried. She didn't know what was going on either. Master hadn't taken these changes very well. "Maybe he'll get used to it?" She offered.

Sable just sniffed and nodded her head.

"It's not you," Marla called out.

Sable turned back to the kitchen. Marla addressed them, still sitting on the fridge with her legs hanging off the front.

"It's not you. He still loves you, he still loves us," Marla continued.

"But he won't even look at me," Sable pouted.

Marla gave a rare smile, "That's because you're beautiful."

Sable frowned at the older cat. "That doesn't make any sense."

Marla looked a little forlorn for a moment, before starting to talk. "Master rescued me from people who kept me locked in a cage. There was a female who used to feed me. She used to bring men home. Lots of men. They would mate, but not to have kittens, they did it for fun.

"Since we've been here, Master has never brought home a female and I've never smelled one when he's come home. I don't think Master has any friends either. But you and everyone else, when like this, look very human. Especially naked humans. I think you're scaring him."

Sable looked around at all the kitties that were listening. She thought back to all the people in the picture box she'd seen. Even ones wearing very little, still covered certain bits. Turning, she scrambled upstairs and into Kevin's bedroom.

Marla looked around at all the other kitties. "Ladies, I think we should all hide for now. We need to let Sable ease master into this."

"Why, Sable?" Harriet asked softly.

Marla smiled again, a double rarity. "Because, little one. Master loves us all, but he loves her the most. Even if he'd never admit it."


Kevin was staring at the line of clothes. He'd found this second hand clothing store just a few minutes drive down the road. He'd come straight inside without thinking, and was now staring at lines of women's clothing. He walked down the aisle, wondering what he should buy. Plucking a top off the rack, he admired it. It seemed like the right size, and the colour would go nicely with Sable's ears.

"Fuck it," he grumbled to himself.

Grabbing things at random, he piled tops into his arms. He didn't care what colour or style, he just needed something to cover his kitties with. The last thing he wanted was for them to think he wanted to take advantage of them. They were all so very beautiful, he was painfully erect at sight. But the main thing was the touching... Six kitties, six sets of bodies that rubbed, purred, scratched and indeed demanded scratches... It had been years since he'd even conversed with a woman, longer since he'd conversed with a woman that wasn't his mother. Now he lives with six gorgeous specimens...

With a grunt, he headed to the front counter and dumped the double armful of clothing. The clerk, a young man, just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Need pants," Kevin said softly.

A few minutes later Kevin dumped an equally large pile of shorts, pants and skirts on the bench. The young man decided to stay silent and started scanning tags. A minute later, the young man turned to say the total, but was held up by Kevin's card pulling through the reader. A few button presses, another beep and Kevin dropped a business card on the bench, scooped up his purchases and left.

Kevin was half way back to his car, when he heard footsteps running up behind him. Turning, it was the young man.

"Hey! Sorry, you left your card. There's a cat that comes round at closing time. Shows up at the back loading dock. I've been feeding her, she's pregnant. I'm pretty sure she's a stray."