Kidnapped Pt. 03


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Kathy sharpens her look at me, "What is your plan for tonight?"

Trying to look like I am not nervous, I say, "After dinner, I am thinking about eighteen holes of golf, some driving, a late-night snack, and cap it off with a night at a motel. In other words, mini-golf, gocart racing, and then ice cream."

Kathy asks, "You planning to get lucky?"

I smile, "I hope so. It all depends on the woman. I won't force her. I may find out she plays for the other team or she hates me. You see, this is kind of a blind date."

Kathy looks over the menu, and then I sense I am being watched. I look up, and two eyes are staring intently at me. She is mad.

Kathy whispers angrily, "There is no other woman, is there."

Bashfully, I admit, "Well ... Um ... How do I say this ... Uh ... no."

Before she can say anything, I give her my puppy dog eyes. You know the look guys can do. I am a puppy that was left out in the cold, and I have no friends, please same me look. That is what I gave her. I pause for dramatic effect.

I then say, "I am sorry, I didn't want this to be awkward. I thought you wanted this. I will make this easy on you, you're fired. You may leave immediately. You don't have to look at my face one moment longer. Tell the driver to take you anywhere you want. My plane is available if you want to go home."

With tears in her eyes, Kathy gets up and runs out of the restaurant. Well, that isn't quite the reaction I was expecting. I thought she liked me. Where did I go wrong? I thought that was a cute way to ask her out. Now I feel like the fool.

I order and eat my meal. I also have six Margaritas. I am at the bar when a cute girl picks me up. No, no. She told two men to pick me up. I was taken to a car where I fell asleep. Next thing I know, three women are stripping me and throwing me in my bed. Oh my, things are spinning.

I fall asleep.

Chapter 12 -- The Results Are In

I wake up the next day with a massive hangover and a foul mood. It has lasted up until and including today. I have a small island in the Pacific with a beautiful house. It's an old resort, lots of rooms for guests and family. This week is the one-year anniversary of my release and handing out control of my companies to a host of people. Today, I am unveiling the results of how that worked out.

Everyone was invited, and they could bring a significant other. Everyone showed up, including Kathy, who brought Dan, her uncle. The lobby of this resort is fantastic. It's all open and lots of windows. Plants fill the space. The outside sun comes in, but we are protected by special filters and air conditioning. The floor has a beautiful white marble and columns going to the ceiling.

There are twelve chairs configured in a semi-circle with a small round stage in the center. All the participants are closest to the stage, and their significant other is right behind them. There is a screen that forces people to sit in front of it. That's also how we get to the tightly packed chairs.

With everyone seated, I stand up in the center.

I nervously say, "Good morning everyone, I am glad you all could make it. Exactly one year ago, we all met and had a draft. Typically, the media immediately says you did terribly, and everyone forgets who was drafted after a year. Well, this one is different. Ernest and Young, as represented by Sonny here, have evaluated our performance, based on many criteria. They explained it, and it's easier to say black magic."

That got a laugh.

I continue, "My life has changed a lot in that time. Some for the better and some for the worse." I never looked at Kathy. "Today, you get your report cards. Regardless of this goes, good or bad, you may stay the week and enjoy the resort. I will meet with each of you individually, to discuss compensation for your work. In all cases, it will be a bonus. Then we will discuss the future. I hope to do all these today. Sonny, I will hand this over to you now."

Sandy is an angel. She is a short platinum blond with brilliant blue eyes and two beautiful breasts that want to pop out of her dress. The slit on the side goes from the waist to the floor. I know she is wearing light blue panties and it's evident by the raised nipples, no bra. She has a small round face with chubby cheeks and a button nose. Bright red lipstick and five-inch stilettos.

She is gorgeous. I like looking at her.

Sonny has a silky-smooth voice, even with no mic, we all hear her clearly.

Sonny begins, "Let's start with the two experts. Dorthey. You managed the house well and cook fantastic meals. Your company was up 42%, which is outstanding. You have three choices. You may continue managing one company. You can take on all the restaurants. You may also return to the home."

Dorthey is crying, "I loved working at the restaurant. However, I miss my babies. Oh, Robin, please let me come home." She is crying.

I jump up and comfort her, then whisper in her ear, "Your wish is my command. In one week, one will be in charge again. I expect to see you for meals." I kiss her, then go back to my chair.

Sonny says, "Marty, you too made a supreme effort, up 40%. Stay, expand, or come home?"

Marty prefers to expand.

Sonny moves on, "Ok, the three new grads. Let's just say, I was disappointed across the board. You have excellent educations. You're smart, yet that did not translate well into anything you did. Most of your companies were doing well, and they were either stagnant or fell behind. I can't recommend any of you for anything. I would fire all three of you.

"However, Robin feels you lack experience. Something that everyone else has whether by doing or existing in the family and listening to family discussions. If you want it, you will all be offered an entry level management position. Senior management will help guide you three specifically, so you get the experience you need."

Sonny looks over Kathy from head to toe before continuing, "Kathy. Wellington Security had the biggest loss of any company. However, you were given specific instructions to increase integrity. That forced many changes and those people too business away, which hurt financially. Robin told you integrity was the most important thing, in that facet, the company is much better. You may continue leading the company, but you will be required to give up all other positions."

Kathy turns around to Dan, "Dan, I quit." She turns to me, "Robin, I quit."

Quite unexpected.

Sonny continues, "Mandy, Kathy's sister, and Pat, the sales lady turned VP are lumped together because they both did well. However, they suck at running companies, we suggest you fire them for that." They start to cry. "They excel in fashion and style. Both companies would be doing much better if someone else ran the companies. I believe both these women are buyers and/or consultants. They know cutting edge and style right now, and that is what they should be paid to do." They are happy now.

Sonny smiles, "So now all we have left is family. Robin. Your mom was given the most businesses, and she was the most consistent at being good but wasn't fantastic at anything. Valorie is amazing with companies going down the drain. Patty is fantastic with retail sales. You are particularly skilled in manufacturing.

"We are prepared to assist periodically with your companies and decide who should be managing them. This way, you get to manage the companies you work best with. Your companies, in general, increased 13%, which is good. However, when you each had something you excelled at, the increase was 15% for your mom, 80% for Valorie, 22% for Patty, and 8% for you Robin. However, you set in play a lot of modernizations that will pay off in time, and we expect the 8% to grow to 41%.

"I already talked to Dan, in place of Kathy, you will interview Dan so he can provide worthy replacements from his company that will be willing to move over. Back in the home office, we took bets on how this would work out. One senior VP got it almost perfect. He knew the grads would suck. Everyone else expected them to be remarkable. I guess it just proved a cute body isn't enough and experience IS everything.

"Those of you needing an interview, go to suite 100 starting in thirty minutes. He will take you one at a time. Wait in the hallway. I will be downstairs having a massage and then out on the beach if you want details on how we graded you."

We break up. There is a buffet table for drinks and snacks, I take water and some fruit. Kathy is already walking out to the beach. I go to my suite; a few security people are already there and have the room set up. The large area has all the furniture packed into the kitchen. I have just a small table and two chairs, one on each side of the table. My chair is a little nicer.

Dorthey is first. She gets a huge hug, she is tearing, and then she sits down. She is happy to be back; I tell her she has a nice bonus in her bank account. I gave her 100,000 dollars. Marty also gets $100,000. I love these people.

The three students are next. They each get $25,000. I give them a pep talk about how bright their future is and how a bit of humility will help them in the long run. I give them my personal email address and phone number just in case they need some advice.

One of the three asks me, "Did you know how this was going to work out?"

I laugh at her.

I tell the cute young girl, "Less than twenty-four hours before that interview, I was locked in a cell, being regularly beaten, and abused so that I was nearing the end of my life. So no, I did not put much thought into that day. I needed my companies cared for. I concocted the test to give me a year to think, heal, and make real plans."

Pat is next. She got $200,000 and promoted to a buyer's consultant across several companies and a seat on several boards. We had a great conversation. She has a boyfriend, wants to get engaged, and is super appreciative for all I have done for her.

Mindy, Kathy's younger sister, is next. Green hair cut short. I heard her fifty wrist bands before I saw her. On meeting me for the first time, she runs at me and hugs me hard.

I ask, "I take it you like your job?"

Mindy is animated as she gets out of my arms, "I threw a shoe at my sister when she said she had a job for me. I didn't believe her. No way. I love the job. My view is that everyone has it wrong. Yes, there are fads and things each year. However, exciting and stylish are always in, no matter what. Bad is bad, no matter how many new trends it hits on.

"It's looking at things critically and with an open mind. I find my first instinct is right. A quick look tells me this is good or crap. Holly shit you are fucking cute. What the hell is wrong with Kathy? She kicked you to the curb? I am engaged but damn, for you, I might swap."

I end with, "I deposited $200,000 (less taxes) into your account. That should help with a wedding. I love your ideas, your enthusiasm, and your positive outlook. Keep it up."

Dan is next. We shake hands, and he gives me a file folder.

Dan starts off, "There is only one guy you need to interview. He is my best non-family employee. He almost runs my place. He is fair, honest, and I can work with him. That is useful from time to time, especially with your deep pockets. He owes me no favors; I owe him several."

We laugh, and I tell him, "I will make him an offer he can't refuse."

Dan smiles, "You will make him quite happy." Dan gets up to leave and then pauses, "You are very much like your dad when he was young and in school. Before life wore him down and your mom put shackles on him. Enjoy your life, and your dad and I will both be very proud of you."

The smile fades from my face, "Life isn't so much fun anymore. Lots of responsibilities, government regulators, tax men, everyone wants a piece. I was a lot happier before I was in charge and knew all about the machine."

Dan smiles, "Kathy still hasn't found a man."

That hurt, I explain, "She made it quite clear how she felt. She wants no part of me. Nobody does anymore. Send my mom in."

Mom came in and sat down in the chair. She looks defensive and scared.

I look at her critically, "Your numbers weren't impressive. I expected with your experience; you would outshine everyone. You get a choice. When I moved in, I made all the decisions. You were punished and given no choice in anything. I have here an envelope. There is a check for two billion dollars in it. You get your choice of three companies and two homes for yourself, you get the first choice. Just tell me what you want, and I will sign them over."

Mom prompts me, "Or ..."

I play along, "Or things star as they are. I just assumed you wanted out. You get the best of everything I have plus a huge pile of cash. You can do anything you want."

Mom asks, "What about Patty and Valorie?"

I answer clinically, "They will get the same options you have. I expect they will go as far away from me as possible."

Mom scolds me, "If you weren't such an asshole and depressed all the time, they would be all over you."

I defend myself, "Well, I don't take being dumped very well. I will snap out of it eventually."

Mom stands up, "Since they are staying then I will too. I want to be near my children."

I reply, "Between the three of you, that's six billion dollars, six homes, and six of my best companies. You guys can do anything you want with your babies."

Mom looks at me with an odd expression, "Robin. My son. They won't leave you any more than I will. They are only two of my three babies. I choose to stay with you, and they will too."

Mom was correct, they did choose to stay with me.

We spend the rest of the day on the beach. My sisters have never been on a jet ski, I spent two half hours with each of them.

Then my day went to hell. While talking to Valorie, a half-naked Sonny comes sauntering up the beach to find me. She is topless, and her incredible breasts are on full display. When I say amazing, I am not kidding. The things are round and perky. Probably some enhancement but hard to say on a young woman like her. Everyone is staring at how amazing they are.

I try hard to look her in the eyes. I have been around some pretty amazing tits in my life. These are some of the finest. She loves to be on display, and she loves my attention. I notice the deep disappointment in the faces of Valorie and Patty. They try to walk off, but I grab their arms.

Sonny is looking bashful and giggling as she asks, "So. Robin. I see you are skilled on a jet ski. I would love to ride you. I mean ride with you and see what they're like. Could you take me for a spin?"

I smile at Sonny, "I would love to take you out and enjoy a nice ride. You look like you would be a ton of fun. However, I promised my sisters a massage. I want to catch them before they close. Maybe later we can ... hook up?"

Sonny isn't happy, but she puts on a smiling face to say, "Sure, I will see you around."

I then drag my sisters along for a massage. They eventually wrangle their way loose and walk with me.

Valorie is cross when she asks, "What the fuck was that? We didn't ask for a massage. You were ogling that woman."

Patty adds, "Well yeah, did you see those things? They were perfect. I wanted to play with them."

That did not help Valorie's mood.

I stop them, "Sorry, I don't like being played like I have no brain. She walks with her tits hanging out and using double innuendo words. She was flat out playing me, and it pissed me off."

I walk past them and to the massage room. They follow me.

I am stripped and put up on a table. All four women wanted to massage me, the one in charge took me for herself. My sisters strip and get on beds at my side. We are all face down with our faces in those padded holders, I can't see anything. I close my eyes and relax. I can hear the ocean outside, crashing up on the beach.

Patty says with a soothing voice, "Oh Robin, this is awesome. These women are magic."

Hands come off my body, I hear a squirt, and then oil hits my back. She works my body even better now, and I am relaxing.

Valorie asks, "Robin, are you going to fuck Sonny?"

That's an odd question. Why would she care?

I am testy still, "I am not explaining to you or anyone else, what my sights are set on. Maybe I don't want anyone right now. Maybe I just need a break from women. As you know, they have caused me a lot of pain in my life."

Patty states, "Yeah, we noticed. You're so gloomy at the time these days."

They are aggravating me, "Well, sorry. Things don't always go as planned in life. You are going to experience a lot of disappointments in your life."

Patty is shy now, "Are we talking about us or you and Kathy?"

I tear up as I say, "She deserved better than me. I am a womanizer, can't run a business, and my own family wanted me dead."

My massage stops.

I tell the girl, "It's ok, I have learned to accept it. I have issues, and so do they. Our family is complicated."

One of the other girls asks, "Why not go with the pretty girl? She was in here earlier with a bunch of guys. That woman has a perfect body. Even I had fun with those breasts."

I sigh, "Yeah, she is perfect. If I didn't have money, she wouldn't talk to me. I know her kind. They use their bodies to get what they want. Seen it a thousand times."

Valorie adds, "Then what was wrong with Kathy? You take her out for dinner then you fire her, and she never comes back. I thought you liked her?"

Patty laughs, "Duh Valorie, why do you think he has been depressed for the last nine months."

Valorie spits back, "All I know is that he left happy and I lost my brother that night. I hate that bitch."

Patty laughs again, "Well, I think she hates all of us as well. She won't respond to me via IM, email, or phone. I kind of got the hint and just stopped."

My girl is still working on my feet when my sisters are told to turn over. I hear both sisters say, "Oh fuck!"

My massage ends. Thinking that I need to turn over as well, I start turning over. I see my girl walking away. No, my girl is at my table with no oil on her hands.

I use a clear and commanding deep voice to boldly say, "KATHY!"

She froze in mid-step. I lay back down, and my cock is pointing up.

I use that same voice to say, "Kathy! Finish the job!"

I close my eyes so it will be easier for her. Kathy continues the massage. She is starting on the feet. That's not where you generally begin, but it is farthest from me. She knows what's coming. I can picture her in my mind looking bashful, awaiting the sure abuse that is to come her way. Valorie did not disappoint her.

Valorie is surly, "Ok bitch, what the fuck happened that night? What did you do to turn my happy brother into a depressed zombie? Whatever it was, you hurt him more than mom, Patty, and I did. That is some feat considering what we did to him."

I can hear Kathy crying as she tells her story, "I knew I loved him. I have loved him for years. I see pictures of him, and one to four perfect 10's in his arms on a beach. These women are perfect. Then I save his life, and he pays attention to me, and I love it. You have no idea the feelings that went through my body just being around him.

"Then there is the stabbing, and he pulls me closer to him, and I think we have chemistry. This is good. He goes on a date and fucks Abby, that is bad. I was heartbroken. That is one good looking and rich woman. Then Robin has a date the first night I get out of bed, and he has me working. Does he not care for me at all?

"While waiting for the date to show up, we engage in small talk. I have zoned out. I realize, three months ago, he never spends a second looking at someone like me. I don't have spectacular breasts, they're not augmented, and no way am I a perfect 10 or better as some of his dates have been. That is a whole different class of woman.