K's Candy Ch. 017

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New home and a new candy.
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Part 17 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/09/2006
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Part 17 After the final choice...

While the renovations to the main parts of the house were impressive, what Katherine did to our private space was nothing short of spectacular, and a bit shocking.

The house had been redone so that the bedrooms were able to be completely isolated from the rest of the house. When Katherine showed me what had been done, the reason became obvious.

The non-public part of the house was now what could only be described as the most lavish and well-equipped BDSM environment I could've imagined. The master bedroom looked more or less the same, except that the bed had been replaced with a more luxurious model that, unlike what you see in Ikea, had a cage of black iron that ran the length of the foot of the bed.

And yet it was tastefully done, somehow. Like any good master bedroom, it had a luxurious en suite bathroom and a large walk-in closet.

There were, if one looked closely, rings and hooks and attachments points for things all over, but discreetly positioned. There was another cage in the corner, larger. Big enough to lay, sit, or stand in, as opposed to long low cage at the foot of the bed in which one could only lay down.

The sleeping cage was nicely padded. Putting aside the fact that it was a cage, I could envision it being relatively comfortable. I ran my hand along the black painted iron bars, more curious and less apprehensive than I probably should've been.

Katherine watched me. "Get inside, candy."

I was stunned a moment -- I thought this was a look-but-don't-touch kind of tour -- but I quickly knelt, then crawled into the padded cage.

Mistress smiled, watching me. Then, seemingly in one quick motion, She slammed the door shut with a loud CLANG, slipped a heavy padlock through the opening and clicked it shut with a sharp sound.

I heard the sounds as if they came from inside me. I was stunned a moment, then looked up. Mistress was smiling down at me.

"you look very sexy in there, slut. It suits you." She giggled a bit.

"Thank You, Mistress," was all I could think to say, stupid as it might've sounded.

Katherine smiled an easy smile and crouched down, unlocking the door and opening it. "Come on out, candy. We've more to see -- I just couldn't resist seeing how it felt to lock you in that cage."

I felt the need to ask the obvious question. "And, Mistress...?"

She reached down as I crawled out and tugged my collar.

"Mmmm. Delicious."

From the master bedroom a door led to the playroom, which had every sort of equipment in it I could've dreamed of, and many I couldn't have. There were tables, crosses, bars, chains, pulleys. A large cabinet that Mistress said contained "small items." Some things I couldn't really figure out what they might be for. One wall that was devoted to every implement one might want to use on someone. I shuddered a bit, looking at that wall.

There was a smaller room . . . a BDSM guest room I suppose one could call it. It had a smaller bed, another cage, another cabinet, its own wall of implements, and its own small bathroom.

Katherine walked back out into the main part of the house. "Come along, slut. Let's get some takeout."

Sometimes when we had food delivered, Mistress would tell me to instruct the delivery person to leave the food in the outer porch. I was grateful for these times since it meant that I wouldn't be on display for the delivery person in nothing but a robe, collar, stockings, and heels.

Tonight was one of those nights. We were eating Indian food and half-watching the TV when Mistress spoke in a rather businesslike tone.

"Tomorrow I'll be going out early and be gone a good chunk of the day, candy. I have a number of things to do to get ready for this next exciting phase we're moving into."

She left it at that, and I squirmed a little. She knew exactly the effect Her words would have on me. She knew I would be intrigued and unbearably curious. She also knew what I knew -- my having made the choice to be totally Hers in all things and all ways, meant that all I could do was think and wonder until the time when She decided to reveal to me what was going to happen. And She knew how incredibly excited all this would make me.

Mistress got up. "Meet me in the bedroom when you're finished and things are cleaned up, candy." I finished my food, got rid of the trash, and did what minimal cleaning was needed.

I walked into the bedroom and more than half-expected Katherine to tell me to get in the cage to sleep, but instead she bid me to Her and pulled me down onto the bed.

The excitement of wondering what all Mistress had in mind was replaced by the excitement of being able to pleasure Her. As I lay there, between Her legs, I became lost in the scent and taste of Her. Mistress' movements and sounds guided me to each perfect place, and I lost myself in worshiping each and every one completely. My mind seemed to melt as I became one singular totally focused thing -- an atom of service and pleasure for my Owner, a concentrated and perfect instrument with no purpose but to completely give over to Her.

I felt almost as if I would cum myself when I heard and felt Her explode. I moaned audibly, drinking Her in, deeply. In those moments I felt myself sink down more and felt everything around me helping me fall, pushing me down but bracing me at the same time.

There were words coming from above me, but I couldn't make them out. I could feel that they were words of love and praise, without knowing exactly what they were.

That was more than I even needed at this moment. I was complete and safe in that dark perfect place I had sunk to. I am not sure if I actually fell asleep or just surrendered consciousness, feeling so small and absorbed by that place.

Mistress was up and out early the next morning, taking Her coffee to go and declining breakfast. She told me that She'd be gone a good part of the day but that She'd be home for dinner. Uncharacteristically, Katherine told me that I should take it easy today.

Had Mistress not said anything about taking it easy, I'd have spent the day cleaning and making everything in the house was in prefect order, figuring out dinner, working on a shopping list, etc. There were more than enough things I could find to occupy my day.

But Katherine's parting words had created a slight conundrum for me. To obey Her would be to take it easy, but to take it easy felt like going against what I should be doing.

I stood at the kitchen counter, tossing all this over in my mind as I sipped my coffee. I knew that the right thing was to obey Mistress and take it easy today -- She was not the kind of Woman who said things She didn't mean. Her suggestions, where I was concerned, were not suggestions -- they were instructions, and Her instructions were to be followed.

Lucky me, I thought with a smile as I dropped a couple of Eggos into the toaster. Lucky me to have this kind of certainty, this freedom from worry.

Mistress came home around 3:15 carrying a couple of bags along with Her purse and portfolio. I moved to help Her but She shook Her head imperatively.

Then She smiled. "It's fine, candy. Just take a seat at the table."

I nodded and sat at the dining table, half-watching Her as She arranged things in the bags She'd brought in, fished papers out Her portfolio, and whatnot.

She looked up from what She was doing. "Hm. Let's have coffee."

I got up and made us coffee and by the time I returned to the table with it Mistress had finished what She was doing and was sitting at the table.

I began to kneel to serve Her the coffee, but She smiled and directed me to just place it down and take a seat. I did so and met Her gaze when She looked at me.

"A busy but productive day, slut. I accomplished everything I was looking to get done today." She sipped Her coffee.

"And now we'll go through everything I did today -- it all relates to you, and even though the tasks were mundane, I was excited to do them, since they each are pieces of our moving forward together.

Her gaze held to mine; Her eyes sparkled a little. "Now, pay close attention, candy."

I nodded as I listened, struggling to breathe normally and focus, as wonderment and nervousness, a little fear, and a lot of anticipation coursed through me.

"You made your final choice yesterday, candy. That I called it a final choice was no metaphor -- it was the last significant choice you'll ever need to make."

I swallowed audibly. I knew this, understood it, but the plainness and Her saying it made me shiver inside all over again.

"The things I did today were parts of the total control I will have. Let's go through them."

"I am having your name legally changed to candy. Now, since you are not a stripper..." She laughed. "--at least not professionally—I couldn't leave your last name as Kane; candy Kane just wouldn't do. your last name will be changed to Mine -- candy Blackwell is much better."

I gasped, caught myself, and then smiled inwardly. Marsha Kane had not existed for a long time now. my same was whatever Mistress said it was, and so it was candy Blackwell. And that Mistress in effect married me by giving me Her last name filled me with an indefinable warmth. That warmth offset the shock that candy was now my legal name.

Katherine reached into a bag and pulled out a phone. She placed it on the table in front of me.

"Here is your new phone, candy. It has everything you need, and a couple of special features we'll go through later. I looked at the sticky note on the screen with the number of the phone. I knew the number was stored in the phone, but I committed the number to memory on the spot. I folded up the sticky note and turned my eyes back to Hers.

"Thank you, Mistress." I laughed a tiny bit. "I didn't know I needed a new phone."

Katherine laughed. "I'll show you later on why you did. I think you'll be...amazed." She laughed again and I shifted in my chair, a slight uneasiness creeping over me.

She pressed on with Her agenda. "We spoke about your new job. You have an interview tomorrow at 1:30." I heard my phone beep.

"I just sent you the calendar update for your interview tomorrow, with the address, name of the guy you're seeing, etc. As I mentioned before, the interview is really a formality."

She moved on to the next item. Part of me wanted to have more of a discussion about the job thing but I caught myself. I had no compelling reason to object to the job change and Mistress had made Her decision. That pretty much exhausted the topic.

Mistress slid some papers to me. "These you need to sign, candy." The form on top you need to sign as Marsha Kane. All of the rest you can sign as candy Blackwell."

I signed the first form -- this had to do with changing my name. It felt so odd writing "Marsha Kane." It was me, but i had no idea who that person was any longer. Marsha Kane truly didn't exist -- now she would cease to exist, officially. I actually felt relief as I signed Marsha out of existence.

Mistress did explain what each form was as I signed them -- durable power of attorney, relinquishing my interest in the property, forms relating to bank accounts and life insurance, and the like. As I signed each form I felt a peculiar lightness fill me, as though my growing enslavement was making me freer, paradoxically enough.

The signing was done, and Mistress put everything away. "There is another item to deal with, aside from the phone, but let's eat something first. Something simple."

She paused a moment, mind silently skimming through possibilities. Then she smiled widely. "I've got it! I want a grilled cheese.!"

I got up, happily. Grilled cheese sounded great to me. I started getting the things I needed. Katherine got up and went over to the couch, flopping down and turning on the TV.

Grilled cheese, potato chips, and Diet Coke isn't exactly haute cuisine, but sometimes a meal is just the right thing, regardless of its provenance. To simply be with Her, sharing the simplest of meals, especially in contrast to the seriousness of what had preceded dinner, felt good.

But I could sense that Mistress was anxious to discuss the "other item" She'd alluded to, so I didn't linger in the pleasant mood we'd created. I started to go about cleaning up after dinner when Mistress stopped me.

"There's time for that, candy." She gently pointed to the pillow on the floor and I knelt there.

Katherine leaned forward and looked me intently in the eye. "The final choice you made is deserving of, and requires, some visible markers." She reached next to Her and grabbed a box and set it on Her lap.

Without a word, Mistress took a key an unlocked the lock on the collar I was wearing, and removed it, then the collar itself and set them aside. She lifted the lid off of the box and watched as my eyes drifted down to see what was inside.

It was a collar, of gleaming metal...stainless steel, I assumed. Alongside it was a small padlock that appeared to be made of the same material. Mistress took the collar in Her hands and looked at me.

"This collar is made so that it never has to come off, candy. You can shower, swim, whatever, while wearing it. It symbolizes the finality of your choice."

I knelt there, mesmerized by Her words and by the beauty and the meaning of the new collar. I inclined my head forward a bit.

Katherine got my hair out of the way and slipped it around my neck. It didn't seem to be adjustable, but it felt as though it fit perfectly. "Head up," She said.

I moved my head level again and Mistress took the lock in Her fingers. "The lock is special, too, candy."

I looked at it closely as She turned the bottom of it towards me and I let out a little gasp. The lock had no keyhole!

Mistress smiled knowingly. "There is no keyhole, slut, because there is no need for one. The collar never comes off, so a means of unlocking the lock would be superfluous."

She slipped the lock through the little hasp and held it there, looking deeply into my eyes. "Anything you would like to say, candy, before I lock this?" Her gaze was intense, but Her manner and face were inviting, as if drawing words out of me.

I took a deep breath. "Two things, Mistress. Thank you, and I hope to always be worthy of this collar."

Mistress leaned forward a little and whispered. "I know you will be, candy," and at the same moment She snapped the lock shut. The clicking noise went through me like a lightning bolt while Her warm breath made me tingle.

I leaned down and kissed the tops of Mistress' shoes. "Thank you, Mistress," I murmured.

Over breakfast the next morning Katherine went over a couple of things with me.

"I never got around to showing you the special app on your phone last night, pet. I need to, before your interview today." She jutted Her chin slightly towards my phone sitting on the table there, and I picked it up.

"Open the app called PC291, candy." I looked at the phone -- I hadn't paid attention to the nondescript icon amidst all the dramatic things that happened last night. I pushed on PC291 and a simple white screen with a single button appeared. UNLOCK FOR FIRST USE, the button read.

"Press it and enter 902244 on the next screen."

I did so. The app paused a moment and then displayed eight digits, in two groups of four: 0434 1748. Next to the number were numbers counting down from 60.

Mistress looked at Her phone, then looked up again. "You should see 0434 1748, candy." I confirmed that I did.

She smiled. "Good. It's working correctly."

I was about to ask what exactly this app was for, when Mistress continued.

"There are times, candy, when I will need, or want, you to perform services for others when I can't be around. The app is your...insurance policy. Anyone who gives you the correct current eight-digit number, you are to do whatever that person asks of you, sexual or otherwise. If they don't have the code, you can tell them to fuck off, call 911, and/or yell "RAPE!" as needed.

I gulped. This was very much Katherine's style -- enforcing Her control, letting me know how totally owned I was and how little say I had over even the most intimate things, and building in a safety mechanism.

Mistress' soft laugh interrupted my reverie. "No need to thank me, slut." I stammered a weak "thank you" and then remembered myself and looked at her.

"Thank you, Mistress."

Mistress got up a moment and hugged me. "Many things that will asked of you might not be easy at first, candy. But I love you and have confidence that you will always serve Me well. And in so doing, find more parts of yourself that will astound and amaze us both."

I held on. I knew She was right.

Mistress broke the embrace and sat again, taking up Her coffee. There is a debit card hooked up to your Apple Pay on that phone, pet. There is plenty of money on there. I'll get an alert when your balance gets low, so you don't have to worry about ever running out of money at the grocery store or the dry cleaner."

I checked the balance. $8,405.55. That's a lot of groceries and dry cleaning.

Katherine slid a card across the table to me. "Here is the physical card in case you find yourself needing cash or in a backward place that doesn't accept Apple Pay." We both had a little laugh. Mistress was a devoted user of Apple products.

"The PIN to use this at an ATM is 2036." I committed the four digits to memory.

She handed me $300, 2 100s and some smaller bills. "You should always have some walking around money, candy."

I looked at her and thanked Her profusely. I meant it -- the freedom to not worry about money on a day-to-day basis was maybe the best freedom imaginable.

Mistress got up, kissed me, and grabbed Her purse and laptop bag. "You have a big day today, pet...you'll sail through this meeting. I love you. See you tonight!"

I went about cleaning up, mind occupied with a barrage of thoughts and questions.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You’re writing is unreal! I fucking love this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Just wanted to say I absolutely love this story. Its so wholesome and it just makes me yall warm and fuzzy on the inside, and also very jealous of the relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very nice story! Can’t wait to

AliceTagAliceTagover 3 years ago

Ahh, I love a good collaring

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