Last Days of Summer


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"Man, from Vallidan? But like took forever," Paige moaned.

"Yeah? Wish I'd known you was coming," Chantal said, staring at Paige's lightly tanned thigh as it rested against her own pale thigh. "I'd swung by get you."

"But I'm here now," Paige enthused, placing her hand directly onto Chantal's thigh.

"You here now," Chantal agreed, placing her hand onto Paige's hand.

A few minutes later, Chantal looked over at the oddly silent Paige. She giggled; Paige was sound asleep, leaning against the cinderblock wall.

"Hey," Chantal gently nudged Paige.

"Huh?" Paige jerked awake.

"Looks like you need you a nap," Chantal said.

"Looks like it," Paige agreed, sluggishly wiggling off of the bunk.

Chantal left the dorm room. Millicent Bellamy was at the dorm monitor's desk and Chantal exchanged pleasantries with the all-star volleyball player. Asking that Millie call her the minute Rena arrived, Chantal opened the door of the stairwell and left the fourth floor.

Opening the door to Room 309, Chantal saw that April Harrison, her roommate had not moved since the last time she'd seen the tall, lanky red head. She was disappointed; she'd hoped to pleasure herself, thoughts of Paige's beautiful buttocks, thoughts of Paige's silky smooth thigh firmly in her head. April lay on her bunk, completely nude. Her small breasts were mere swells on her slim torso, pale pink nipples flat against her breasts. Her crotch was covered by a thin patina of light brown wisps and her plump vulva was tightly closed.

"AC's got to be broke," April whined in her nasally voice. "I swear I am dying. I get heat stroke? I'm going sue this university for every penny they got."

"Turn on the fan," Chantal suggested, pointing to the oscillating fan in the corner.

"Thing's broke," April claimed, waving her hand in a futile hope to cool herself.

Chantal reached down and clicked the fan on. It whirred immediately to life and April raised her head in disbelief.

"How, how'd you do that? I been messing with that damned thing all morning," April asked.

"Switch right here," Chantal said, pointing to the electric cord.

In truth, the fan did little more than push warm air around. Chantal stretched out on her bunk and thought of Paige. She wondered if Paige had large areolae, had nice fat nipples. She'd seen some sprigs of light blonde hairs sticking out the sides of the cutoffs as Paige had wiggled around underneath her desk. She closed her eyes imagining a thick, beautiful carpet of light blonde hairs covering Paige's pretty little pussy. Chantal fell asleep, hand lightly tracing her left nipple through tee shirt and bra.

The squeak of the bedsprings roused Chantal from her light slumber. Looking over, she saw that April had wearily pushed herself upright, causing her bed to creak and groan. April plucked her thin robe from the edge of the bed and wiggled into it.

"Going to grab a soda; would you like one?" April offered.

"Mm, no, no thanks. It's just 'bout supper time," Chantal said, shooting Paige a text to invite the girl to join her for supper in the cafeteria.

Ten minutes later, Chantal had not received an answer so went to dinner by herself. She found a few of her acquaintances already there and joined their lively discussion.

"AC is on, but it's set at seventy six and they won't turn it down," April informed Chantal when Chantal returned to their room.

Chantal commiserated with her roommate, even though she did not find the heat to be all that uncomfortable. She studied a little; Professor Templeman was notorious for giving 'surprise' quizzes the first day of class and Chantal had already purchased the textbook for the class. At nine o'clock, she shut everything down and gathered her shower kit.

"You going take a shower?" April asked.

"Mm hmm," Chantal agreed, rather than the sarcastic response of 'what was your first clue?'

"At this time of night?" April asked.

"Uh huh, and you wait 'til seven, eight o'clock in the morning?" Chantal said, grabbing her robe from the back of the door. "Going be a line out the door."

"Shit, you're right," April agreed, sluggishly sitting up in her bed.

"Need a spatula?" Chantal teased.

"Huh?" April asked.

"Pry your butt off that bed?" Chantal asked.

"Ha ha, so funny," April smiled, grabbing her robe.

In the communal bathroom, there was only one other shower stall in use. Chantal selected one a few stalls down to give the other girl some privacy. There was a two foot gap at the bottom and the metal partitions only went up to five feet in height, not affording the user much privacy.

Her first week in the dorm, Chantal had organized soap races. The two participants would take a full bar of soap, wet the bar, then see who could squirt their soap the furthest underneath the shower partitions.

"Chantal, you have got to be the coolest girl ever," Evelyn giggled as she was now in her third elimination challenge.

"Evelyn, you got to be cheating; how you making it go so far?" her challenger complained when Evelyn managed to get her bar to squirt four and a half shower stalls away.

As if just thinking about her caused her to pop up, Evelyn took the shower stall right next to Chantal and squealed a greeting. Over the wall, the two girls shared a quick lip to lip kiss.

"Girl! How was your summer?" Evelyn enthused.

"Summer was good; took nine hours. Algebra two oh nine, American History; girl, do not, I mean do not ever get Dr. Sampson, I swear," Chantal said.

"You didn't go home?" Evelyn asked.

"Hmm? Yeah, went for about a week," Chantal agreed.

"Well? How was it?" Evelyn asked when Chantal did not elaborate.

"Um. Tense," Chantal said.

Chantal's step-father, Robert Wagner, no relation to the famous actor as he liked to say, was all cheer and effusiveness, which immediately put Chantal on high alert. Wilma, Chantal's mother was her usual loud, brash self; wearing far too much makeup and far too few clothes.

"Now, this, this come in the mail for you," Robert said, shuffling through some papers and folding them over.

"Papers? From where?" Chantal asked warily.

"Ain't important," Robert said breezily. "But you just sign right here? Your momma and me? We'll manage this for you and..."

"Manage? Robert, let go of it," Chantal ordered, trying to pull the sheaf of papers from Robert's death grip.

"Now, Honey, it's just a bunch of gobbledy gook," Wilma said. "So, you just sign and..."

"Robert, let go of it," Chantal ordered.

"Ain't nothing need worry your little head 'bout," Robert said glibly. "Just sign it and..."

"I'm not signing anything without reading it first," Chantal snapped.

"Now, I know you think you some kind of big shot now you got some college in you," Robert snapped. "Don't mean you going be able understand all this mumbo-jumbo here."

"I understand enough not to put my name on anything without reading it first," Chantal snapped, releasing her hold on the papers, which made Robert stagger slightly.

"If you think..." Wilma started.

"Hi, Barstow? Yeah, Robert's being his usual ignorant self," Chantal said into her cell phone. "Got some papers; probably from the bank or from Mr. Lark he's wanting me to sign."

"Now why you calling him?" Robert asked, fearful.

"You will? Goody," Chantal said. "See you in a bit. Love you."

"Barstow's on his way; he's pretty interested in them papers too," Chantal smiled a closed mouth smile at her step-father.

"Fine, God damn it, here, little fucking bitch," Robert snarled, hurling the papers at Chantal.

Reading through the papers, Chantal saw that they had been sent by Mr. Lark, her father's best friend and attorney. The investment accounts her father had set up for her now held eighty seven thousand dollars. Mr. Feldman, the broker was retiring and Mr. Lark wanted to know what Chantal would like to do with the account.

Barstow Dyers entered the home and greeted his mother. He made Chantal squeal in disgust when he picked her up, pinning her arms at her side and licked her on her nose.

"Put me down fart breath!" she ordered.

"Oh, oh yeah, Mr. Feldman's retiring," Barstow said, glancing at the papers. "I got the same thing. And Mr. Lark and Mr. Feldman? They don't like that Sammy guy none. I went on over to Regent's on..."

"Regent's?" Robert interjected. "I wouldn't let my dog go over..."

"It even look like we was talking to you?" Chantal snapped at the man.

"Oh. Oh, let me guess," Barstow said, pulling himself to his full six feet and four inches in height. "Robert Wagner, no relation to the actor here wanted you sign your account over to him, am I right?"

"Uh huh," Chantal said, smirking at the pale Robert.

"Know what? Maybe 'stead of staying in my house?" Robert snarled at Chantal. "Might ought to stay with your brother here, huh?"

"Uh, first off, ain't your house," Barstow snarled, poking the nervous man in his sunken chest. "My dad bought this house and left it to us when he died. So, little man, ain't your house. Belongs to me and Alistair and Chantal and Wilma here. And I say my baby sister can stay. Going challenge me?"

Chantal did stay with Barstow and Barstow's girlfriend and her two little girls for the duration of her stay. She couldn't help but smirk; her brother, her big bad Navy veteran brother was completely and hopelessly wrapped around Lucille's finger and the tiny fingers of Rosa and Penny, her adorable, adorably spoiled little girls. And by the time she left to return to Wallchester, Chantal too was just as wrapped around the two little girls' singers.

But Constance, please, please, not 'Connie' Huffman, her investment counselor at Regent suggested diversifying some of her investments into precious metals and Chantal agreed. Over lunch on her last day in Burstyn, Chantal brought this up and Robert scoffed. Chantal asked him what he would have recommended and he spoke of a buddy's property south of Burstyn.

"See, you set up some camps? That's some prime fishing out there," Robert said eagerly. "And in the fall? Hunting season?"

"Mr. Ronnie's property? Out in Streidel?" Chantal asked, incredulous. "Uh? Where that landfill was?"

"They got that all cleaned up," Robert hastened to say.

"Mother, please, please tell me you didn't give this buffoon any of your money?" Chantal begged.

"Hey!" Robert protested.

"Jesus. Mother, really?" Chantal sighed when Wilma looked embarrassed. "Well, can see we're going be supporting you in your old age."

"And when that property takes off? And I'm rolling in money? All y'all can kiss my ass, hear?" Robert snarled at his step-daughter.

"Hope you noticed, Mother, hope you caught that. He said when he's rolling in money. Not when y'all are rolling in money," Chantal said to her mother.

Robert would not even look at Chantal when she kissed her mother in parting. With a shrug, Chantal got into her car and drove away.

Now, rinsing the shampoo out of her hair, Chantal shook her head in defeat. She checked underarms and legs and decided she needed to run the razor over them.

"Girl, my summer was intense too!" Evelyn enthused.

"Not intense, just plain old tense," Chantal smiled, then let Evelyn bend her ear about her wild summer.

April took the stall to Chantal's right and joined in the conversation. Squeezing the excess water from her hair, Chantal wrapped it in a towel turban and continued talking with both April and Evelyn. Then, she and April left Evelyn and went to Room 309.

"Oh, now that is so pretty," April said when Chantal pulled on a loose silk teddy of pale ivory.

"Oh, thank you," Chantal smiled. "You know, I just love pretty things. Even if I'm the only one that will see it? Just knowing I've got something pretty on? Makes me feel pretty."

"Right, Chantal," April shook her head.

"What?" Chantal asked, plugging in the hair dryer.

"Uh? You're drop dead gorgeous?" April said. "Like you need any help feeling pretty?"

"April, that, that ain't true," Chantal argued.

Turning, Chantal saw that April had her ear buds in, listening to the latest and greatest faux country star. Shaking her head, Chantal dried her hair.

April Harrison snored. It was a surprisingly deep rumbling snore for such a lanky girl. Chantal found the sound oddly comforting though.

A 'bzzz' woke Chantal from a deep sleep. Pale morning sunlight was visible through the bent vinyl slats of the aged blinds as Chantal fumbled in the near darkness to locate her phone.

'You up yet?' Chantal read, recognizing Paige's cell number.

"I am now; shit! What time is it?" Chantal murmured, pulling her robe on over her pretty teddy.

"Hey. That Rena girl? She still ain't here yet. What time's breakfast start?" Paige bubbled happily when Chantal called her.

"Um, let's see," Chantal said, checking the time on her phone. "Six thirty nine? Paige! Six thirty nine? Seriously?"

"Uh huh. So, it open?" Paige asked.

"Yeah, yeah; opens at six," Chantal said, relieving her full bladder. "Give me, um, give me fifteen minutes; I'll meet you in the lobby, okay?"

Paige was wearing another pair of cutoffs and a halter top when Chantal entered the lobby. Looking at the blonde beauty, Chantal felt her excitement flood her panties. The girl's flesh was lightly tanned, the halter top exposed Paige's adorable little navel and the low rider cutoffs displayed Paige's luscious hips.

With a smile, Paige kissed Chantal then grabbed Chantal's hand and they stepped out into the early morning warmth. The sun was not fully in the sky so the heat was not unbearable yet.

Chantal made Paige lead the way to the cafeteria. Paige's hair was in a ponytail so Chantal watched Paige's pretty buttocks flex and undulate as they traversed the fairly quiet campus.

The cafeteria was sparsely populated; Chantal pointed out three professors and two teacher's aides at a table directly in the center of the large dining area.

"So, we got to wait for that Rena girl? There anything to do in Commonstead?" Paige asked as they selected a table.

"Well, what you want to do?" Chantal asked, cautiously trying a piece of turkey bacon.

"I don't know. You?" Paige asked.

"Me? I'd like to kill whoever came up with the idea of turkey bacon," Chantal said. "I mean, I thought chicken sausage was nasty enough but this?

"Chicken sausage?" Paige squealed in disgust. "That even a real thing?"

"Let's see," Chantal mused, looking at her cell phone. "Earliest movie don't start 'til eleven thirty. Hmm, World War One museum opens at nine; you like dolls? Doll museum's open at ten."

"Dolls? Don't tell me you like dolls," Paige tittered.

Chantal looked at the blonde beauty. Visually, Paige Weedlan was gorgeous. Those lips, Chantal wanted to kiss, nibble on those beautiful lips. Watching Paige lick some of the cream cheese frosting from the corner of her lip, Chantal wanted to suck that tongue into her mouth.

Then the girl would open that beautiful mouth and say something insulting, demeaning, or just challenging to Chantal's likes and hobbies. In those moments, Chantal wanted to abandon the girl, leave her to her own devices.

"Love, love, love dolls," Chantal declared. "And, yes believe it or not, , three of mine are cheerleaders."

"Oh," Paige said, voice small.

A moment later, Paige placed her hand onto Chantal's hand. Looking into Chantal's eyes, Paige apologized. Feeling the warmth of the girl's hand, wanting to believe the girl's sincerity, Chantal shrugged off the girl's slight.

"How 'bout the beach? Lake Souladou's right there," Chantal suggested, even pointing toward the small lake near the Wallchester University.

"Yeah!" Paige enthused, placing her hand on Chantal's bare thigh. "We can go?"

"Absolutely. Got a bathing suit?" Chantal agreed. "God, this bacon's the worst but I hate wasting food, you know?"

April was conscious when Chantal let herself into their room. She mumbled a greeting, then hid her head underneath her pillow, blocking out the harsh overhead light.

"We're going to Lake Souladou; want to come?" Chantal asked, digging her canvas bag from the back of the closet.

"Get dressed so I can go out into the hot sun and burn to a crisp and get sand in the crack of my butt? Thanks, but I think I'll pass," April said.

"Really? You really going miss all that fun?" Chantal teased.

"Wow, that, that's um, something," April said when Chantal wiggled into her one piece bathing suit.

The black Lycra material was shiny, looking like it was already wet. The top was held up by a strap that disappeared behind Chantal's neck. There was a large shiny chrome ring that dangled between Chantal's breasts and the zipper ran down to just below Chantal's prominent pubic mound. The thighs were cut very high, exposing Chantal's muscled thighs and luscious hips. Her back and shoulders and arms were completely exposed and the bottom was a thong style, leaving much of her pale white buttocks bare as well.

"Please, please get my back?" Chantal asked, producing a tube of sunscreen.

"Better remember I did this for you when I need a favor," April agreed, smoothing the thick unguent onto her roommate's smooth back while Chantal liberally coated face, neck and shoulders.

"Hey!" Chantal giggled when April jabbed a finger into her left, then right butt cheek.

"There. I'm done," April said. "You can get your own butt. And turn that light off, okay?"

Chantal finished applying the sunscreen then pulled on a black fishnet cover-up. Shoving two towels into her bag, Chantal made sure April was no longer watching her, Chantal rooted around in her top drawer and thrust something into the bottom of the large bag.

"Later," Chantal said cheerfully as she turned off the harsh overhead light.

"Believe this?" Paige said when Chantal skipped into the ground floor lobby of Litton. "That Rena girl? She still ain't come by."

Paige wore an unbuttoned light blue men's long sleeve dress shirt over her leopard print bikini. The sleeves were rolled up to her forearms and the tail hung down to the backs of her knees. Looking at the girl's body, Chantal wanted to drag Paige back up the stairs to Paige's room. Chantal wanted to slip the shirt from Paige's lush body and peel Paige's bikini from her form. Chantal wanted to kiss, touch, taste and feel every square inch of the girl's nude body.

"Ready? You got your towel, um, sunscreen, water...water! Need to swing by the bookstore and grab some waters," Chantal said.

"Bookstore? Cafeteria's got water," Paige asked, pushing the door of the dormitory open.

"Uh huh, but my car's parked right by the bookstore," Chantal said.

"You, you got a car? Thought we was going have take the bus or something," Paige said happily.

Chantal led the way to the bookstore, reminding Paige to grab her textbooks as soon as humanly possible. If she waited until classes began, the bookstore might not have everything she would need.

Plus that? It will be sooo crowded; oh my God, won't believe how many people can cram in there," Chantal enthused.

"I can do that now?" Paige asked.

"Yeah; not like the lake will disappear if we don't get there right away," Chantal agreed.

"God damn I love the summer," one of the male employees said, watching Paige as the girl strolled up and down the aisles.

"Mm HMM," his pimple faced coworker enthused when Paige bent to pick up a pen she'd dropped, exposing her thong bikini bottom and sleek legs.

Chantal purchased three waters and three sports energy drinks and a few protein bars. Paige finally joined her, lugging three heavily laden plastic bags.

"Them two guys couldn't take their eyes off you," Chantal laughed as she pointed to her car.

"Really? With you standing right there?" Paige asked.

They playfully argued over the radio station; Chantal had her radio station tuned to the local talk radio station. Paige found a local station that played classic rock and Chantal argued that Paige could have at least found a decent country station.