Learning to be a Sub: Lesson #1


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The blonde's eyes flicked up at her then back down just as quickly. Her head rose slowly to look Liz in the eyes. Good, she's getting over the fear of her reaction, Liz thought.

"I...I want," the girl tried then seemed to steel her resolve. "I want more," she finally said with conviction. "Will you ... show me more?"

Liz considered and decided that the girl needed to calm down.

"I will gladly show you lots more," Liz answered. "But not today. You need to think about what we've talked about and..."

"Please," Ashleigh pleaded, her face looking distraught. "Please, ma'am. I'm on fire right now and...you did this. You can't just leave me like this!"

The blonde's reaction was over the top. Much more intense, it seemed, than Liz expected.

"Go take a cold shower," the older woman suggested. "Or get out a good vibe."

Liz knew when she said it that just masturbating would not satisfy the itch she started for the younger woman. Looking at Ashleigh's desperate eyes, she was a little worried that she would seek out any outlet and might hook up with one of the numerous unscrupulous dom or dommes that would just chew the girl up and spit her out.

"Please!" Ashleigh begged again. "I'll...do anything you want."

Liz's face took on a harsh look and Ashleigh sat back in her seat trying to get away from that stare.

"That is stupid and cliche and you don't mean it," the brunette retorted.

Liz calmed herself and put on a softer visage.

"No one ever means that," she began trying to sound understanding. "You would do anything you can think of that you think I might ask based on what you know about me."

Liz sat a little forward to emphasize the next point.

"But you don't know me or what I might want." Liz sat back and sighed. "Promise me you will never say that to anyone else ever again...and I will give you what you so desperately need."

Ashleigh looked scared but more than a little bit excited.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. "I mean, yes, ma'am, I will never use that phrase again."

There was a pause as Liz decided if the girl had understood her concerns and decided that, yes, she would, at least, think twice before saying that again.

"Fine, grab your stuff and follow me." Liz rose and started heading for the stairs without even waiting for the younger woman.


Ashleigh hurried to catch up while pulling on her coat and scarf. By the time she reached the bottom of the stairs, the older woman was already exiting the coffee shop. That woman seemed to walk as fast as Ashleigh could run in these heels.

In half a block, Ashleigh had caught up to within a couple paces and just stayed there following this woman she had just met. A woman who had turned her entire body into an erogenous zone in minutes.

Another couple blocks went by with neither speaking until Liz turned into the entrance of a fairly upscale hotel. The woman walked straight to the front desk where an older gentleman, with only a few moments of looking for something, handed Liz a key.

Ashleigh followed to an elevator where she finally had to pause to wait for the lift.

"That was fast, do you live here?" the girl asked.

"No, dear, I live a couple hours from the city," Liz explained. "But I work here so I often stay in this hotel when I don't want to commute home."

Liz took in the pretty, naive teenager once more as the doors opened and the two stepped inside.

"We're going to have to have a long talk about safety after this," Liz said matter-of-factly. "But today, you will be in no danger and will be able to just leave if anything gets uncomfortable."

"I was hoping, maybe, you'd tie me up," Ashleigh said.

Liz did not reply but got a smirk on her face. The elevator doors opened and the brunette proceeded to the assigned room with Ashleigh practically jogging behind her.

The two stepped into a completely non-descript hotel room with a queen-sized bed. Ashleigh wasn't sure what to do and stopped while Liz continued into the room and pulled out the chair from the desk. She sat down and looked back at the nineteen-year-old blonde.

"Well," Liz began. "Take off your coat and scarf and let me see you."

Ashleigh knew this was no different from taking off her coat in the coffee shop, but this felt very different. Now Liz was watching her specifically to look at her body. The blonde slowly removed her coat very aware of every movement and the older woman's eyes tracing her lines. She looked around trying to find a place to put her coat.

"Hand it here," Liz offered holding out a hand.

Ashleigh stepped fully into the room and handed over her coat and scarf which the older woman placed neatly on the desk beside her. The two were now no more than a couple of feet apart.

The room was quiet while the brunette's eyes scanned the girl's form slowly. Ashleigh had the urge to fidget but tamped it down. Even so, she could feel the heat rising in her body as this woman assessed her.

Liz stuck up a finger and moved it in a twirling motion. Ashleigh turned slowly around.

"Stop," came the command when she was facing away from the older woman.

Ashleigh lifted a hand to bite on her nail then quickly put it back down and clasped her hands in front of her. It was a nervous habit that she was trying to break and she especially didn't want to bite them now, she just had her nails done.

"Turn back around," Liz said.

Being ordered around by this woman was already starting to give Ashleigh those feelings from the coffee shop again. She turned back to face Liz.

"You are a very pretty woman, Ashleigh," Liz complimented.

"Thank you...uh...ma'am."

"So," Liz started as she rose from the chair to stand just a few centimeters from Ashleigh's face. "You want me to tie you up?"

Ashleigh was surprised that, despite the woman's closeness, she had no desire to move away. If anything, she was fighting the urge to lean in to kiss her. Instead, she focused on the woman's words and nodded at her question.

"And, I suppose, you expect me to make you cum," Liz stated.

It was not a question, but Ashleigh answered nonetheless.

"Please. ma'am, I really..." the girl began but was cut off with a finger on her lips.

"I will give you everything you want, babygirl," Liz said holding her finger on the younger woman's lips. "For now, quiet."

Liz's finger then slid down Ashleigh's chin, her throat, and down to the hint of cleavage she had been displaying all morning. The hand then deftly released the first button almost before the girl realized what it was doing. The rest were unbuttoned just as swiftly. Underneath, Ashleigh wore a beige and pink lace bra that didn't quite cover her nipples. No wonder they were poking out of her shirt earlier.

Liz gently swept both hands up the girl's collarbone and over her shoulders under the shirt. It dropped off Ashleigh's back and onto the floor. Ashleigh's heartbeat was rising and her breathing quickened. She could count the people who had seen her naked on one hand and never so quickly.

The brunette circled slowly around to Ashleigh's back. The girl felt like a mouse being hunted by a cat, except that she wanted the woman to pounce. Instead, every movement was slow and deliberate. Every touch seemed calculated to heighten Ashleigh's senses. The way the woman slid her hand up Ashleigh's arm as she went behind her. The way those hands landed softly on her waist, so light, but so insistent.

Then those hands were unzipping her skirt. With a bit of tugging, it crested her hips and fell to the floor. Ashleigh hoped that her lace underwear and the sheer thigh-high stockings were pleasing to the older woman. Liz then unhooked the girl's bra with practiced grace and pulled it down the blonde's arms. Ashleigh watched her clothes falling away and felt like the outside world was falling away with them.

"Do you remember what it felt like when I held your wrists?" Liz asked stepping close enough that Ashleigh could feel the breath from her words.

The girl nodded.

"I didn't need ropes or handcuffs, did I?"

Ashleigh shook her head and her brows furrowed. What was she trying to say?

"You wanted to be held." Liz touched each of the girl's arms with just her fingertips.

Ashleigh moved her arms behind her with just the slightest guidance from the older woman. Her wrists crossed again behind her back. A gentle squeeze on those wrists told the younger woman to keep them like that.

Ashleigh's lips parted and her eyes closed feeling that simple act of submission.

"You wanted your body to be controlled and manipulated without your consent," Liz added.

The woman hooked her thumbs into the elastic band of Ashleigh's panties and slid them, too, down and off her legs, letting the girl step out of them.

"But your first lesson," Liz continued. "And something people outside the BDSM community don't usually understand, is this."

The brunette stood up and brought her hands to Ashleigh's stomach pressing the two of them together. The blonde could feel Liz's pelvis pressing against her crossed wrists. Those hands moved up and cupped her perfect breasts, squeezing them softly.

"Nothing should ever happen without your consent," Liz finished.

The palms of her hands moved in circles over Ashleigh's nipples and the blonde's head leaned back against the other woman's shoulder as she let Liz play with her breasts. She felt the woman's lips on her neck and melted into her some more, a soft groan of contentment escaping her throat.

"You are here because you want to be," Liz whispered. "You are giving me control, but you never give up consent."

She stepped back from the girl making sure the blonde didn't fall as she did so.

"Lay down on the bed," Liz said.

Ashleigh was confused, at first, but did as she was told and got onto the bed. In the meantime, Liz walked into the bathroom. She was in there long enough to make Ashleigh wonder what she could possibly be doing.

When she finally emerged, she was dressed only in her own thigh-high stockings and heels. The woman was even more breathtaking in the nude than Ashleigh had imagined. It was then that it occurred to her that she had no idea what Liz did for a living. Looking at her, she could be a model.

The only thing that broke the look was the several rolls of toilet paper she was carrying.

"Lay down," Liz ordered.

Ashleigh positioned herself in the center of the bed and watched as Liz began wrapping the paper around one of the metal poles of the headboard. She tied it off carefully and grabbed Ashleigh's arm. As usual, she wasn't aggressive, just insistent. Before long more toilet paper was wrapped around Ashleigh's wrist and connected to the headboard like it was some sort of rope.

"Don't move that arm too much or you'll tear the paper," Liz pointed out.

Then she made sure that she had the girl's attention before continuing on.

"If it tears all the way, I stop immediately and ask you to leave," she said with the seriousness of a royal proclamation.

"What?" Ashleigh asked, not sure if what she heard could possibly be right.

"If the toilet paper breaks, then you leave," the brunette confirmed. "Do you believe me?"

Ashleigh looked at her bound wrist that she was already holding very still.

"I..believe you," she said.

"Good," Liz replied and went to work binding Ashleigh's other wrist and ankles similarly.

When she was finished, the older woman stood beside the bed to take in her 'captive'.


The girl was gorgeous, Liz observed. She had mentioned to Ashleigh her love of hose and the girl had come dressed to please, she would give her that. Liz had left enough slack in the paper that basic bed movement wouldn't damage it, but if the blonde moved her arms or legs in any serious way, it would rip.

Finally, Liz bent over the girl's face and put their lips together. It was soft and tender at first but gradually increased the passion. The brunette's hands began to wander all over the younger woman's upper torso, feeling her breasts but also her stomach and sides. As their tongues began to intertwine, Liz found the girl's rock-hard nipple and began to manipulate it and gently pinch.

Ashleigh's hips began to move on their own trying to get stimulation from the air. Liz pulled away from the kiss and moved her mouth to the girl's as-of-yet unmolested nipple. She circled it with her tongue for a while before sucking on it and pressing it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

"Ooohhh, shiiit," Ashleigh moaned.

Despite her pleasure, her wrists and ankles stayed rooted to their spots. Liz's hand then moved from Ashleigh's breast to her slit. She was soaked and Liz was glad she wasn't going to be the one who had to clean the bedding. She found the girl's clit quickly as it stood out begging to be touched.

At first contact with Ashleigh's button, one arm moved a bit, and the paper tore but only about halfway.

"Be careful, kitten," Liz said getting Ashleigh to look at the half ripped toilet paper.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, please," she whined. "Please don't stop!"

Two of Liz's fingers spread the girl's labia while the middle fingers slipped easily into the blonde's slick hole. She fingered her while watching the girl's face. Ashleigh looked like she was in her own world of pleasure, her head lifting up occasionally to see what Liz was doing, but otherwise laying on the pillow and making all kinds of cute noises.

Liz brought her hand up a bit and captured the girl's clit between two of her fingers letting them rub up and down her pussy while squeezing and releasing her button. Within a minute, Ashleigh's body was beginning to tremble. Liz slowed down.

"Ashleigh, look at me," Liz ordered.

The girl lifted her head, her eyes begging the older woman to continue.

"Why are you here?" Liz asked.

Ashleigh breathed and tried to think. Why was she here? What could Liz want her to say? Then she was sure she knew the answer because it wasn't about Liz.

"Because I ... want to be here," Ashleigh managed between breaths.

"Good girl," Liz praised and Ashleigh got a warm feeling in her chest and a pleasant jolt in her sex. "Who is keeping you bound here?"

This one came easier.

"I am," Ashleigh said smiling.

"Such a good girl," Liz said and her hand began to move again.

Another minute and Ashleigh was about to reach the peak again.

"That's it," Liz said, excitement in her voice as she watched the girl's ecstasy approach. "Cum for me, Ashleigh. Show me how beautiful you are when you cum."

Something about her words amplified the size of that peak, but Ashleigh reached it just as quickly. She screamed and cursed, her head thrashed from side to side, but her arms and legs stayed locked in place.

Liz slowed down her caresses, but let the girl come down gently, her body twitching a few times before relaxing completely.

"Oh, my god, that was amazing," Ashleigh exclaimed.

"You're not done yet, sweety," Liz announced.

Then she ripped the toilet paper at one of Ashleigh's ankles. She went around and did the same for all the others before sitting back down in the chair and spreading her legs.

"It's my turn for some fun. Get your cute little butt over here and put that mouth to work."

Toilet paper cuffs still clinging to her limbs, Ashleigh bit her lower lip and got a big smile as she sat up. There was a twinkle in her eye as she knelt between the older woman's legs.


Ashleigh leaned forward and took a tentative lick. It wasn't bad. Better, actually, than most of the blowjobs she'd given. Liz tasted like apples or, maybe, an apple cider.

The older woman was patient with her and let the girl get acquainted with her taste and the feel of her folds against her tongue. The girl would need a lot of training, but Liz was happy to get that started.

"Suck on the lips, hunny," Liz coached.

Ashleigh was happy to get some direction and enjoyed the feel of Liz's labia in her mouth.

"Now stick your tongue deep into my hole," Liz said, her voice huskier. "Clean me out, Ashleigh."

The blonde's tongue dove deep into Liz's pussy and wiggled around. She tried to reach every spot she could.

"That's it," the brunette encouraged. "Now look at me while you do it."

Ashleigh looked up into the face of the beautiful brunette as her tongue rummaged around inside of the older woman like it was searching for treasure. She couldn't help but smile watching the effect she was having.

Liz's hips started to move like she was fucking Ashleigh's tongue. The nineteen-year-old had heard the term, 'face fucked,' before but now she truly knew what it meant. The thought that Liz was fucking her face sent a wave of pleasure through her young body and a hand went between her legs.

"Now the clit," Liz's commands were getting more terse as her orgasm began to build.

Ashleigh moved up to the brunette's swollen nub and began to lick it as fast and hard as she could. She wanted to make Liz cum more than anything else in the world at that moment. The world didn't matter for her at that moment, only she and Liz existed.

The older woman grabbed the back of Ashleigh's head and pulled her tighter into her sex, her hips lifting off the chair as they pumped against the girl's tongue. That act of Liz taking control of her head made Ashleigh's hand speed up. Another orgasm was quickly approaching.

Liz suddenly held her pussy against Ashleigh's tongue and began to climax.

"Ooohhh, yessss," the brunette intoned as her body shook. Seeing Liz's face as she came sent Ashleigh over the edge again. Her own hand tribbing her clit for all she was worth, the girl's eyes rolled up and she cried out even though the sound was muffled by Liz's sex.

Liz let go of Ashleigh's head and the two collapsed, one into the chair and the other onto the floor. Several minutes went by before there was any movement from the pair other than heavy breathing.

Finally, Liz got off the chair and laid down on the bed.

"Come here, sweety," she told Ashleigh weakly.

The blonde managed to sit up, then crawled up the bed to be wrapped up in Liz's outstretched arms. The older woman pressed the girl's head to her chest and just held her for several more minutes. She stroked her blonde hair and felt the girl squeeze her a little tighter.

"You were wonderful today," Liz said softly.

"Thank you, ma'am," Ashleigh replied, a dreamy quality to her voice.

"I expect to see you at the coffee house next week at the same time for your next lesson."

The girl lifted her head to look at Liz, the barest of smiles on her face.


The blonde's excitement almost made the older woman smile in spite of herself. Instead, she just lifted her bows.

"I mean...yes, m..Mistress."

The girl's head went back down to the older woman's chest and Liz felt a little extra squeeze.

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kbone1kbone12 months ago

OMG! I want to be a lesbian and also into BDSM

Amy_ShawAmy_Shaw2 months ago

I love this story with the warm, tender domme. It's your best work.

Will there be a part 2?

SubOmKSubOmK3 months ago

Simply amazing. I would truly like to read Lesson #2, Lesson #3, etc.

Luv2bnaked4uLuv2bnaked4u4 months ago

Very well written. Love the reasoning on why she wanted to be there

I never expected the last scene, very well done


dkgoogledkgoogle4 months ago

Your writing is just amazing! I am totally enjoying your stories!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So good to read a bdsm based story by someone who understands. And doesn't have to whip or chain up what becomes the victim in the first page. And no need for the usual foul language and derogatory name calling

Plus your story telling is calm but exhilarating

Thank you. Best read for ages

Iris_66Iris_665 months ago

I thought that was beautifully written, focussing on the mind and allowing the story to grow

PappasleazePappasleaze5 months ago

Awesome! nothing else needs to be said. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Fantastic start looking forward to the development and subsequent chapters

proseinagardenproseinagarden5 months ago

Amazingly hot, creative story that flowed perfectly. I don’t know much about BDSM, but your careful, deliberate language in your stories is not only hella hot but sweet and full of sexy consent. It makes me want more. Great job on this one I wouldn’t mind if this was a one shot, it was THAT good!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I don’t know how you did it, but you did. You made a BDSM story tender. This beats several stories in the Valentines Day contest.

Novella23Novella235 months ago

Again, a masterpiece! genz, you are a brilliant writer! That was so erotic, so beautiful. I'm not into BDSM, but this soft version of control was so stimulating, so sensual. 5 stars and would be 10 if I were able! Fantastic!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is delicious. So, so hot.

Wiz1002Wiz10025 months ago

Great opening chapter full of detail and delicious description of the interaction between the teacher and student (or Domme and sub).

I loved how you brought out what it meant to be involved with BDSM; not as a punishment but as a holder of control or a consensual relinquisher of control - an excellent way of looking at the subject.

Hope Ch2 isn’t far behind

joy_of_cookingjoy_of_cooking5 months ago

Oh this is delicious. The toilet paper bondage, the point about contrast, the "who's keeping you here?" I'm taking notes.

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