Learning to Dance


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Just then Sally came down the stairs and Nicky stood there opened mouthed. She had been to the hairdressers and had her hair cut into bob and they had done a wonderful job of styling it looked modern and classic at the same time. She was wearing a strapless gown the bodice was Conservatively cut showing only a modest amount of cleavage, the bodice was constructed of alternative panels of black and white that looked like silk sewn with gold and silver thread so it twinkled when it caught the light The skirt was black slightly flared and finished just below the knee, Black open toed high heals with matching evening bag With her white stole wrapped around her shoulders with her pearl drop earrings and matching choker she looked a million dollars. Seeing the look on his face she had to ask." Well do I past muster". All he could do was nod and look a little embarrassed that he had ever had any doubt.

When they arrived at the ball he just introduced his beautiful companion to people as Sally. Even his closet friends did not recognize her and many of them would have loved to be in his shoes.

After a short address by the college principal the proceedings got under way. There was a spontaneous round of applause when Nicky nervously took to the floor with his prom queen on his arm. The Applause should not have come as any surprise as he was well liked by his fellow students and staff alike. The music started and Sally bless her did not give her brother time to scared She just whispered in his ear "We can do this ". and they were off all the applause and the wolf whistles seemed to die away there was just him sally and the music. After making three turns around the floor the music changed and every one joined in. Sally just looked at her baby brother and gave a lingering kiss and said. " I knew you could do it you were fantastic". Nicky felt so emotionally he thought he was going to cry but instead he pulled his sister close and gave he a long sensual kiss and thanking her for all that she had done and how important it was to him that he carried out his last but one duty as head boy successfully. Last but one Sally looked at him a quizzical fashion, yes we have to close the proceedings in the same way he added.

The evening seemed to pass in an instant and it was now time to bring the curtain down for another year. Once more taking his gorgeous sister by the hand he lead her to the center of the the dace floor. As the band stuck up unchained melody Nicky paraded his partner faultlessly around the floor. The music did not change this time and soon the dance floor was crowded with other couples, It was so crowded that all you could do was smooch and that was fine Sally had her hands around the back of Nicky's neck he had his a little lower than sally waist almost on he bum. As they danced the one eyed monster started to raise it's head. Sally felt it immediately but this time she pressed her self even closer to her brother. Nicky knew that he had not misread the signal and cupped his sisters ass and pulled in a tight as possible. Sally looked up at him smiling and said he was he was a naughty boy and kissed him with her tongue snaking into his mouth.

Neither of them had been drinking as there was alcohol allowed but it was Sally's car so she drove. As she drove Nicky was rubbing his right hand up and down Sally's left thigh under her dress, She said nothing just smiled knowing what was going to happen. They lived just about two miles out of town in a little hamlet soon they had turned off the main road and were travelling down a very quiet side road.. Sally pulled of the road into a gateway to field not saying a word went to the boot retrieved a large blanket and some cushions opening Nicky's door she held out her hand and led into the hay field the other side of the hedge. Standing on the blanket they embraced and kissed it was a warm moonlit night very soon they were naked their clothes neatly folded in a pile to the side they lay together and caressed each others bodies in no time Sally's womanhood was leaking cum has her brother stroked it and pushed his finger inside. Sally rolled onto her back spread her legs as wide as she could with her hands under her knees for support she told her brother to fuck her hard..Nicky's cock was as hard as iron he had wanted to do this all night right from when he saw Sally come down the stairs. With one thrust he was all the way home knocking on his sisters cervix. Sally let out a loud grunt as he bottomed out the kissed and they fucked all the while Sally was letting out a continuous grunting that was turning Nicky on even more. Just like Barbara she screamed that she was going to cum and at the same time Nicky sent pulse after pulse of hot incestuous spunk into his beautiful sisters cunt that had now closed around his prick like a vice and was milking the very last drops of seamen from his balls.

They lay in each others arm under the moon and kissed and fondled each other. Sally retrieved her evening bag and took out a small jar this it transpired contained KY jelly, She to knew this was going to happen so came prepared. She got onto her hands a knees looking back at Nicky over he shoulder she informed him that she loved to be butt fucked and gave him the jar, this had her brothers cock ridged in a flash. With her little puckered hole well lubricated Nicky lined up his rampant cock and pushed there was a little resistance then it opened up and let the head of his iron hard cock slip in side as he pushed forward Sally moaned easy your a big boy. Not only was he seven inches in length but the girth of he manhood must have at least two and a half inches. Very soon Sally's ass got used to the intrusion and said. "Fuck my ares and make me feel it you dirty little bastard". He did not need to be told twice and he fucked her hard. Sally's response was is that the all you've got I said "Fuck me". Nicky thought I will show you my girl and doubled the pace this had Sally squealing with pleasure and pain and she was begging him to stop. He was not going to do that until he had filled her ass with his spunk. A few seconds latter after Sally pleading for him to stop he erupted and collapsed onto her back as he pulled his cock out it left Sally's ass looking like the Dartford tunnel. Sally collapsed on to the blanket completely spent, She rolled onto her side looked lovingly at her young brother she told him that should she ever tell him to stop again don't because that was the best ass fuck she ever had. They lay together and talked. Sally explained why she had never struck up a lasting relationship and the reason took Nicky totally by surprise. His sister went on to tell him she was bisexual so after a few weeks with a man she craved a woman's touch and vice a versa this confession sent blood surging trough his flaccid penis and it was standing to attention in a second. Sally felt it poke into her thigh but claimed both her holes needed a rest but got between his legs and sucked him in, gently juggling his balls with on hand while sticking her other middle finger up his ares to massaging his prostrate He soon blew another huge load of spunk into this sweet girls mouth and she sucked and sucked until it was his turn for him to beg her stop.

Sally's and Nicky's evening was drawing to a close, It had been one of fun,pride, romance, sweet love making and hard sex. Barbara's had been one of envy, loneliness, and hart ache. She looked at the clock for the hundredth time, Two o clock where were they she thought what were they doing? She considered getting up but just then she heard a car pull onto the drive and the lights shone thought her curtains. Hearing the front door open she listened intently as the footsteps mounted the stairs. The first door that she heard close was that of Nicky's room then a second or two latter Sally shut her door gently as not make a noise. Barbara gave a loud sigh and fell asleep.

Neither Sally or Nicky surfaced until after midday witch was not unexpected, They all met up in the kitchen and Barbara was give a almost complete breakdown of the evenings advents and how it was a total success and that no one had any idea that only a few weeks ago Nicky was incapably of putting two steps together. Nicky at that point took the opportunity to thank both mum and sister for all they had done for him. As if on cue the front door bell rang. Barbara answered it and cam back with two magnificent bouquet's of flowers one for her the other for Sally. One read to my darling sister, The other to darling mother. I send these with love and thanks for all that you have done for me both the women rushed forward and embraced him. Little over come Barbara left the kitchen making no mention of the early hours they arrived home something she had intended to do.

Barbara busied her self collecting up the laundry as she sorted though it she came across the thong that sally had worn the night before. She looked first and noticed the damp stains then holding the garment up to her face she inhaled deeply. There was no mistaking the smell of fresh spunk She inhaled again taking in the aroma of her son a daughter and started to cry.

Some what composed Barbara went into the sitting room where they both were she asked them to join her on the sofa.Sitting either side of their mother the siblings both took a hand that was offered. Looking first at Sally then Nicky she asked him if he had sex with his sister the night before, He sat there with his mouth open and said nothing. Turning to Sally she asked her if she had let her brother fuck her, getting much the same response with tears steaming down her face she stood up retrieving evidence from her pocket she dropped Sally's thong on the sofa between them sobbing into her hands she retreated upstairs. Sally went to follow but was restrained by Nicky. Holding both her hands Nicky confessed what had happened between him and his mother. Sally was speechless for a minuet or so then demanded to know every little details. By the time Her brother had finished the story she was twice as turned on than she was angry. So she kissed him and told him that it would all get sorted.

Latter that evening having showered and changed Barbara re-appeared still wearing a solemn expression she once again beckoned for her two children to join her on the sofa. Not quite knowing what to expect they did as they were asked.

Informing them if there was any chance of telling them all that she felt they needed to know they must not interrupt her as this was going to be difficult enough as it was.

First she explained why there was such a big age gap between them, It was because their father had not wanted another child after sally was born so he was always ultra careful when they had sex. He insisted that Barbara was on the pill and he would also ware a condom pretty foolproof. However eight years latter she became pregnant again!!. She dropped the first bomb shell, when she confessed that Nicky was the fruit of another man's loins.

Reluctant at first to say who he was she then relented and told them it was a Robert as in uncle Robert as in her brother Robert.

There was a sharp simultaneous intake of breath from both her children, holding up her hand to stifle any questions. She continued, the fact that her brother was a GP at the local surgery between them they were able to convince her husband he was the father, To make sure this could never happen again he had the operation so he was firing blanks.

By the time Nicky was born her brother Robert had moved to New Zealand. It certainly was a career move but Barbara suspected that he also wanted to be as far away as from the UK should any thing come out at a latter date.

Barbara made a vow that after this extra all marital sex would have to be one hundred percent safe and so it was, there was never a problem that is until eight years ago.

Arriving home the evening before he was expected from a conference he caught Barbara in bed with her lover. Her aunt Sara her mothers youngest sister.

Their father reacted violently he proceeded to Rape Barbara and then their aunt Sara. With the threat he would first tell her husband and then post photographs he made them pose for on the net if she did not do as she was told. He made Sara go down on her lover while having a vibrator pushed up her backside. He then thrust a vibrator up Sara's cunt while he sodomized her from behind. Afterwards he walked out of the house for the last time and she had not seen him from that day to this.

Barbara concluded by saying she had kept this a closely guarded secret for fear of loosing either or both of them, after all this time it was burden she was well rid of. Mammoth confession complete she broke down in tears again fearing it would be to much for them to handle and she would loose them any way, after unburdening herself Barbara kissed both her children on the cheek and left.

For the second time that day brother and sister sat there speechless.

They both had so many questions but the answers were now up stairs and at this point neither thought to purse it further was the right thing to do so they opened a bottle of wine. They drank the wine and cuddled and said very little deep in thought about what they had just been told. Both of them realized that as well as you think you know your most immediate family there are secrets that are rarely told, giving each other a kiss they retired to their respective bed rooms.

Not able to sleep Nicky decided to get up for a while as he passed his mothers door he heard talking not wanting to just walk in he knocked first and waited to be invited in. Barbara lay on the bed phone in hand talking earnestly to some one, Sally was propped up against the head board. Still speaking on the phone Barbara patted the bed to indicate that he should join them. At that point she said. "Love you lots". And hung up. Sally already knew so she told Ricky that she had been talking to his aunt Sara and she had told her that both he and his sister now knew everything and that Sara was OK with that and would see them soon.

Sally had come to see her mother just to reassure her that both she and Nicky were fine and she had no need to reproach herself about anything and they both loved her dearly and they would never reject her.

Barbara thanked both of them and started to tell them what a mean controlling bastard their father was, how he would decided who she could see,what friends she could have, what she should ware,what she could and couldn't do, how much she could spend and on what. etc. etc.

While she was talking Sally gently rubbing her hand though her mum's hair and down her face and neck in a reassuring manner. Both Sally and her mum were warring silky pajamas's that had shorts. Intentionally or otherwise Sally's hand was now travailing down as far as Barbara's chest stopping only when it made contact with with her pajama top once or twice Sally's hand ventured just inside the lapel. When this happened there would be a short pause in the narration and a little but audible intake of breath from Barbara. From the way she was lying on the bed propped up by the head board she looked directly at he brother and smiled. Shifting onto his side he took his cue from Sally and gently rubbed his hand up his mothers silky thigh to just under the hem of her shorts. At this point Barbara stopped talking, Sally had undone her own top and her mother was now suckling on her daughters breast. Nicky now took hold of the waist band of Barbara's shorts and pulled them all the way off and she was wearing no underwear. Nick continued to rub her now open thighs before plunging three fingers up to the knuckles in his mothers cunt making her grunt. While sucking on Sally's tits Barbara had pulled her daughters shorts down and like her she was also naked underneath. Barbara then abandoned those soft loving orbs scooted down the bed with her backside in the air she pushed her face between her daughters thighs and sucked on her cunt. Sally let out a mournful moan put her hands at the back of Barbara's head and pulled her in as tight as she could. The older woman was an expert at this and was taking her daughter on a trip to heaven with her lips tongue and teeth.

Ricky desperate to join in striped off, retrieving a bottle off baby lotion from the dressing table he liberally applied it to his rock hard bell end and to Barbara's puckered hole.

His mother felt the pressure on her virgin ares as she had never been fucked there before and tried to relax her ares mussels to accommodate her boy but it was hard and painful. She would have protested but she had a mouth full of cunt at the time Just when she thought she could not take the pressure any more her bum hole opened up and he was inside her bowl. Nicky had no idea that this was her first time but he was gentle has he had been with Sally. Once he thought Barbara had got used the the girth of his cock up her ares he started to but fuck her with a vengeance forcing her head hard into Sally's groin

Now the pain had gone his mother was loving it. Sucking on Sally's Clitoris and finger fucking her ares soon had Sally screaming I am going to cum almost,simultaneously now dislodged from her daughters cunt Barbara had a mind blowing orgasm and her cum ran down her legs. Nicky whipped his cock from his mothers ass as she collapsed between her daughters thigh's. Offering his cock that had just been in his mothers rectum to his sister's face she did not hesitate to open her mouth and finish him off because to use her words when it came to sex she was a dirty slut. In no time he was pumping shot after shot of hot spunk into his sister wanton mouth.

The Three of them made love until the first glow of the new sunrise and then fell into a satisfied sleep all knowing that what ever the future held it would never be the same.

The First problem arose two weeks later when both Sally and Barbara missed their period!! but that's another story

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BRT349BRT349about 1 month ago

I could't get through the first page. The grammar, syntax, and punctuation errors were too distracting for me. i like the premise; clean it up and repost please.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I loved this! I get a little annoyed the cocks always so large. Especially when I can please with my 5n ahalf. Good ending. Barbara reminded me of my mom.

BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteele12 months ago

The story premise is great.

Unfortunately, the delivery lets it down,

It pays to have someone else run an eye over one's work before releasing it into the wild.

Frankie1952Frankie195212 months ago

More please, love this sexy story. I am able to read through the little errors as most others should too. Please write a sequel to this lovely story. Ignore the grammar nazis who never seem to enjoy a story for what it is.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

If you write further stories, please get someone to edit your spelling and grammar.

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