Legal Affair


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I stormed out and ran as if the devil was chasing me. By the time I got close to the Botanic Gardens, I stopped for a coffee and sat in a bench outside the Kibble Palace. I needed to calm down before I went back home.

Roger was gone and the evidence removed. The door to his room was still open and it was a bit of a mess. It had been a moment of weakness letting him stay with me and it had been an uneasy relationship from the start.

New job

I had my head down studying some crime reports when I sensed someone standing next to my desk. I got a surprise when I realised that it was DCI John Gill, deputy head of our unit. He was a good boss, very supportive and popular with the troops. "Hell, the big boss wants to see us."

"What, right now?"


I looked at him. "What's the problem? In any case, it wisnae me!"

"What wisnae you?"

"Whatever the problem is, it wisnae me." He laughed and we chatted as we walked.

"I have a vague idea what it is and it isnae a problem."

Detective Superintendent Janet Redmond was on the phone when we entered her office. She gestured to us to sit down. She was the head of our unit and everyone liked her although she was not someone to cross. Late forties, tall, slim, close-cropped dark hair and a stunning smile. Actually, I had a bit of hero worship for her and if only we were closer in age I'd fancy her, check that, I did fancy her.

She put the phone down and looked at me. "Sorry about that the Chief wanted to discuss something. I apologise for the short notice."

I almost laughed. "You're the boss, what you say goes."

"How did you find the Board?"

"I got in everything I wanted to say and seemed okay, but as the days pass it seems to get worse."

"From what I hear, unofficially, you did very well and have nothing to worry about, but you didn't hear that from me."

"Thanks, that's good but I'll wait for the official word before dancing along the corridor."

"Okay. I'm sure that you'll be aware of concerns about the poor conviction rate in respect of domestic assault and sexual assault. We need to do something about that and the Fiscal and I have come up with an idea we want to try. I want you to try for our side."

"What does that involve?" This could be a real pain but it could also be a good chance to do something special.

"We want you to look at all of the new cases to identify areas for further enquiry, that includes enquiries that need to be done by CID and we need to educate the front line troops to bring the quality of investigation and reporting up. The Fiscal is going to assign all of these cases to a single Depute who will develop some degree of expertise and who will identify areas where they want further enquiry made. You'll have to work closely with whoever she allocates this job to."

"Okay, sounds interesting and potentially a poisoned chalice."

"It's a chance for you to do something special and we picked you for a reason. Six months and it'll be your turn."

"You're the boss and I'll do my best."

"Okay, here at 9.30 tomorrow and we'll go and talk things through with the PF."

I spent the rest of the day clearing my desk, submitting reports, statements and handing off things that were still to be resolved to other officers. By five o'clock my desk was clear and I spent the journey home pondering whether or not this plan would make any difference. I wasn't convinced but I'd do my best and let's face it, some things can't be made worse than they already are.

I dressed up a little the next morning, dress and jacket, low heels and some make-up. It wouldn't do any harm to look like I meant business.

The Super chatted away as we drove over to Barrack Street where the Fiscal's were based. She was a lovely woman, down to earth, and she talked about her boys who were playing rugby regularly. "I'm very proud of them but I somehow cannot get my head around the rules. Doesn't stop me from shouting and cheering like an idiot."

"My best friend has a four-year-old. God, I love her so much. Just sitting reading to her, dressing one of her dolls or brushing her hair is wonderful. I hope that I get to cheer her on when she gets involved in sports."

"You don't have a partner do you, Helen?"

"No, no one and don't beat about the bush, you know that I'm gay don't you?"

"Yes, yes I did. When I joined the police no one would ever have dared to 'come out.' Thank goodness the world has changed. I don't understand why anyone would think that it made you less capable than the next person and you've proved the point, don't fuck this up. I give you my word that I'll pay you back."

"Thanks, boss, I never doubted it. None of our team has ever doubted that. You and Gilly are great bosses, sorry DCI Gill."

The Procurator Fiscal for Glasgow and Strathkelvin was a prestigious post and currently held by Alice King, tall, short fair hair, friendly face, by all accounts very, very capable and expected to eventually become the next Crown Agent, effectively two steps away from the Lord Advocate. She organised coffee and made us comfortable. Whilst we were waiting she asked me about my background, ambitions and thoughts about the project.

"From what I've heard it sounds like it'll be a challenge but it has to improve things and I'll do my damndest to help."

"Good answer. I've asked some of my staff about you after Janet mentioned your name. They seem to think that you're pretty capable."

"Thank you, but who do you have in mind for me to work with?"

"Rachel McGregor, do you know her?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, we were in court together a couple of weeks ago. It was a domestic abuse case and she was good. That news makes me happy."

"And speak of the devil here she is." Rachel came into the room and looked puzzled; she'd only heard a part of that conversation.

"Morning Rachel, this is Detective Superintendent Janet Redmond, we've known each other for years as we both started our careers at the same time. I think you've already met Helen Walsh."

There were smiles all around.

"I've only met Helen once but she was good. I've heard a lot about you, Ma'am, you have quite a reputation. I'm pleased to meet you."

The next hour was interesting. Alice King and my boss set out what they wanted to achieve and asked Rachel and me for our ideas. Things weren't fixed and we were told to try out ideas and see what worked. I'd been apprehensive initially but by the time we were done I was now excited, there was a real chance to make a difference and we'd been given carte blanche.

We were about to finish up and I turned to Rachel, "Do you have plans? It might be good for the two of us to spend some time talking ideas through."

"I agree, let's get some coffee and head downstairs."

"Okay boss, I'll stay here and work through some ideas. I'll make my own way back."

"Good, best of luck to you both. Helen, coffee sometime tomorrow, let me know your thoughts and what you might need."

Rachel and I headed downstairs and she organised a plate of sandwiches and coffee. We chatted away as we ate and I got a good look at her. She had something on her mind and eventually I had to ask.

"It looks like you have a question and are nervous about asking it. You and I need to work together if this is going to be a success and I'm determined to give it my best shot. That won't do either of us any harm going forward, so let's go."

"Are you gay?"

"Wow, straight to the point. Yes, I am why do you ask?"

"It was something that came up in evidence. It wasn't relevant but ... I wondered, none of my business but I got to thinking about how you managed given that the police has a bit of a macho culture."

"I'm sure twenty years ago I'd have kept quiet but things are better now. I still get comments but I suppose I'm used to it. I assume it's not a problem for you?"

"Oh god, no. It's none of my business really and I'm sorry I asked, but if we're going to work together we need to get to know each other at least a little."

"You're right. I don't have a partner at the moment, not for a while. I'd like to say that I live alone but my step-brother is living with me right now and I'm trying hard not to kill him. It was a mistake but I was trying to stay on my mother's good side. She disapproves of my being in the police and mixing with 'scum'."

"I've never thought of myself as scum."

"She never thinks beyond the end of her nose. Today I was mixing with a very senior figure in the Scottish legal establishment, an accomplished, well-renowned investigator, oh, and some junior fiscal."

Rachel roared with laughter. We were going to work well together. We talked through lots of things, dismissed some of them and decided to try others. By the time we parted, we had some firm ideas and I'd enjoyed the time I'd spent with her. I found her very attractive but clearly, that was a one-way street.

I spent the next morning reading through several recently reported cases and concluded that there was work to do. I'd need support, but not much else, someone who would back my requests and decisions; I doubted if that would be a problem. The Boss was free so I made two mugs of coffee headed for her office.

"Hi, Helen. Coffee? You took me literally."

"I did, but I also brought biscuits. Rumour has it you like a Kit Kat."

"Rumour is correct. So how did you get on yesterday and I'd guess that you've been busy this morning."

"I've looked at about twenty recent cases this morning and already started actioning some enquiries but there's a lot to do and there will be some blowback. I've composed a couple of paragraphs that I'll include when I'm sending stuff out. It explains why we need what I've asked for. I need you to support what I'm doing and I'll need to throw your name about, I hope that's okay."

"Not much point in me asking you to do this and then not backing you. Do what you need to and if you think you might be going too far check in with me or John. He likes you and thinks highly of you, use him in the first instance, he scares people." She laughed.

"And you think that you don't scare people?" I laughed as well.

"How did you get on with the Depute?"

"Really well. I like her and we had a very frank discussion. I think that we have a good plan to go forward but we know that we'll need to adjust as we go and learn more." We chatted for half an hour and I left feeling good about this project.

I went to Janice's for dinner and spent an hour playing with Megan. "You love her don't you?"

"Yes I do, maybe even more than I love you. It's incredible that such ... I have no idea. I love spending time with her and, well, let's just leave it there."

"She wants to go swimming and you know that I hate that."

"Are you asking me to take her?"

"No, yes, well sort of. I'll go but would you go in the water with her?"

I could hardly believe that she wanted me to do that. "Of course I'd love it."

We'd finished dinner, cleared away and Pete made coffee. "I have to tell you something."

Pete looked at me, "This sounds serious, have you found someone?"

I smiled, "No, I had to speak to my lawyer about something the other day and he reminded me that I need to make a will. I've given him instructions about my estate."

Janice and Pete looked at each other. "I don't have anyone close to me, so if you're okay with this I've left everything to Megan and if you have more kids it'll be divided between them."

Mouths dropped open and eyes were wide. "You can't ..."

"Look, right now there's no one else and if I did nothing it would go to my Mum." I pulled a face. "If the worst happened it would be better if I could do something for her and any others if you decided to have more. If I meet someone and it gets serious I'll change things, but I could get knocked down by a bus tomorrow."

Pete took my hand with tears in his eyes, "That's very kind and generous of you, but please take good care of yourself; Janice loves you to pieces and so do I. I'm also sure Megan would rather have you around and in a year or two she's going to want clothes, a bike and we were depending on you for all of that stuff." He laughed.

I laughed as well. "For as long as I'm around I'll be there for her, but if something happened... you know how I feel about you and her."

I worked hard the next couple of days and got through lots of reports, case files and statements. I had a few hostile phone calls, several snippy emails and even a jaggy Sergeant came to take me to task, "Who do you think you are giving instructions to my staff?" My reply was pretty consistent, "I know, I'll tell the Detective Superintendent and I'm sure she'll understand." I wasn't making many friends but I didn't much care. I had a job, was going to do my best and I kept notes about my conversations, you never know when they may come in handy.

On Friday afternoon I got a lift down to Barrack Street where I met with Rachel. We discussed what I'd been doing, what I'd found and how I'd started to take things forward.

"That all sounds good, but I guess that you're getting some resistance?"

"A little, but I've been throwing Janet and Alice King's name about. What have you found?"

"I've been going through the cases that we already have. There are lots of things missing and I'll send you an email with the details. If you could get answers and information that would be a big help."

"I can only do my best, but I get the feeling there is something ..."

"There are four cases that are serious enough to go Solemn (Note: serious cases likely to result in a jury trial). I've discussed them with Valerie Harper, she's a senior depute, and she'll be taking them forward. She's asked me to help prepare the cases and thinks that my being with her in court will help me. Apparently, Ms King agrees."

"I've seen her at work, she's good. But, there's stuff you need me to do, right?"

"I knew you were smart." She laughed before continuing, "I have a list of additional witnesses to be interviewed and some questions that need to be answered because the statements are ... not as good as they could be?"

We talked through the work and our thoughts. I knew that working with Rachel was going to be good and it didn't hurt that she was easy on the eyes.

"I think that about covers things and you'll be busy next week. Do you have plans for the weekend?"

"My best friend, who I've known since high school, hates water and swimming so she's asked me to take her daughter in the pool tomorrow. Megan's four and I love her to pieces. I'm looking forward to it. In the evening Janice and I are going to a gig at Oran Mhor, Samantha Fish, who I'd guess you've never heard of."

"No, I haven't."

"She's from the US, plays a mean guitar, can sing and has a great band. What about you?"

"A couple of drinks with some of the other deputes tonight. Shopping tomorrow and I have a date which my mother has set me up with and Sunday lunch where I will no doubt be asked about the wedding plans. She's desperate for me to find someone and I'm only doing the date to keep her off my back."

"Do you know the guy?"

"Oh yes. He's a hunk, but I just don't see him being my type."

I started my next question and instantly felt bad, "What is your type?"

"I don't know. I'm a swot and haven't had much time for that stuff. The whole thing scares me."

"Well good luck. We'll speak early next week."

I headed home and spent the evening doing laundry and cleaning, oh and giving Roger a piece of my mind about the state of his room. It was just after nine when I picked up the phone without checking the caller ID. That was a mistake, it was my mother. Twenty questions about my marital prospects, several criticisms of my career and one question about Megan. She pissed me off and at one point I opened my mouth and instantly regretted what I'd said. "Mum, I'm seeing someone, a solicitor but it's early days."

It wasn't a lie. I was seeing a solicitor, just through work and I fancied her but clearly, she was straight. It wasn't a huge lie. Don't judge me, okay.

Swim fun

I woke up again in the middle of the night dreaming that Rachel was cuddled up beside me; it scared me because I wished it was true.

I had no idea that taking a four-year-old swimming could be such fun. Megan loved the water despite forgetting to close her mouth when she went under. She was a water baby and within half an hour was doing well. She tried to duck me, loved splashing me and I just laughed so much my sides hurt when we eventually went to get changed.

I took them both for lunch, McDonald's, I know that's not too healthy but Megan asked and deserved a treat. "Thanks, Helen that was kind of you and I enjoyed watching the two of you."

"I loved it; I'll take her any time. I'd steal her from you, but I like you too much for that and let's face it you and Pete are great parents. Maybe we can do this again next weekend?"

"Helen you need to find someone and soon, you need your own kid and Megan needs a playmate."

"Oh wow. Guilt trip is it? You and Pete could have another one then I'd have someone else to indulge."

Janice came over to my flat later on and we walked along Byres Road to get something to eat before heading to the gig. Samantha Fish was in great form and she was wearing a short skirt! Those legs were wonderful. She has this ditzy blonde hairdo and wasn't the best looking woman in the world but she did it for me. And she was great on stage. Janice and I danced all the way through the gig and consumed a few drinks. We staggered back to my place and I put her to bed after telling Pete where she was.

We'd shared the same bed many times over the years. Janice was gorgeous, I'd kill to protect her and I'd give her every penny that I had if she needed it, but she was straight and although I loved her dearly it wasn't the case that I wanted her sexually, far from it she was the one person who I knew would be there for me. She cuddled nicely though. Pete was a lucky guy, he was the nicest man that I knew, the brother that I never had.

I woke up about 5 am and was convinced that it was Rachel hugging me. It wasn't of course, it was Janice. I managed to get back to sleep and dreamed about Rachel again. This was getting silly.

I spent Sunday over at Janice's house, played football with Megan in their garden and then read a long story to her. I headed back home in the late afternoon and looked over some case files.

Oh, Roger!

The next week was busy going through reports, sending out actions and the bit I enjoyed most, tracking down new witnesses and re-interviewing others. I spoke to Rachel a few times by phone that week and kept her up to date on my progress. She'd taken a few custody cases and said that she was starting to get a feel for this type of crime.

John Gill called me into his office just after lunchtime on Wednesday. He asked how I was getting along and gave me a few ideas. "Actually I wanted to give you some good news. You passed your board, here's the confirmation, congratulations."

I was excited and for some reason, I hugged him, it shocked us both and he laughed as he said, "Put me down, you'll set tongues wagging and it'll destroy your reputation."

"Thanks, boss. Maybe stop by the pub on Friday and I'll buy you a pint."

That news certainly put me in a good mood and it lasted until about 9 o'clock that Friday evening when I got home. I'd had a couple of drinks but was sober. Then when I saw what was on the coffee table I quickly got drunk with anger. An un-smoked reefer, papers, a small bag of herbal, about enough for another joint and some white powder residue lying next to a short tube. "Shit, damn, fuck. That's it!"