Life after Brutal Betrayal


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Alison spoke, "It is a proper event, not something we made up to tease John. I learned about it when I did some work at Hydra in Perth." She blushed. "I'd gone there to present an idea with a client. Neither she nor I knew about it but that day was NSD. I've never told Donald but we did our presentation nude. It was the most amazing, empowering experience ever."

Donald's wasn't the only jaw which dropped wide open at that revelation.

"It started as the secretaries were looking to raise money for a local charity. They felt they could raise more doing this. We've all heard of or seen Calendar Girls. It was agreed but only if all the secretaries did it. When it came out, salary deduction it would raise over two thousand a secretary. Many other women wished to join in to support them. George was persuaded to pay the same for each other female who stripped off. He had already said he would double the amount raised. The first year over £65000 was raised. Last year as Hydra expanded it was over £750000. It makes so much difference to many local charities. The reason George allows them to repeat it yearly is the benefit the women have. They feel more emboldened, more empowered, they speak up. Many have been highly promoted because of their skills not because one day a year they are naked at work.

"Anne and I had been talking about raising money for the hospice. I threw it into the mix. The drawback was the firms we work at are small. Yes we could raise perhaps £2-3000 pounds but we had wanted more if possible. Daniel gave us a way. Our clients could watch us work in the nude. He'd make sure they couldn't record us. Some other clients will no doubt schedule meetings at these offices.

"Anne has spoken of the idea to some of our clients. They are all for it. If others are the same we think we could get close to £30000 possibly more.

"It's for secretaries so if Penelope or Melody don't do it, we can't do it. We'll join in so they're not on her own. We'll all be perfectly safe. John wouldn't hire anyone who would be capable of upsetting anyone here.

"If I hadn't done it, I never would have thought it was the women who had the power but they do. Even today, I feel that power when I'm making presentations. The men showed such support, appreciation it was astounding. The women teased them mercilessly. I did. Some came in their pants.

"I've been back a few times and the friendships between everyone is amazing. It does help to build bonds between them. They now do national nude day so everyone is naked. The women have their own hunk watch. They have naked events as well. I'm tempted to go to the new one next year. There's been a very popular naked lady dance on NSD for a few years but in April, due to popular demand they're holding a nude male dance. I'll have to persuade Donald."

Derek was shocked, "How are the women safe? I don't see John or Brian molesting anyone but it is a fear."

Alison spoke firmly, "They all know the rules. Any unwanted touching or worse, they are gone. The firm look closely at the attributes of those they employ. It can catch newbies who'll blurt out stuff but only that. Brian may blurt out, "Melody you're fucking gorgeous." It does happen. Melody will feel better about herself. You're right neither John nor Brian would do anything other than admire, drool, limp around. No one who comes in will be allowed to do anything which would harm any of us."

Heather spoke softly, "I've never been naked in front of people. I vary between being scared and aroused. How did you feel?"

Alison smiled, "Shocked when I entered. As we spoke with the naked receptionist she told us everything. If we stripped we were worth over £3000 each but the owner George doubled all the money. Gail looked at me, £12000 for charity. It was scary but being worth so much for a charity meant I considered it. Gail was the same. As we were mulling it over, the receptionist told us how she had been so scared as this was her first time. The positive comments she had been receiving all morning had her really enjoying herself. She felt empowered. She'd found herself blatantly teasing a lad she fancied. He'd asked her to the NSD dance. Apparently there have been quite a few romances and even weddings because of it.

"Gail and I decided to join in. The receptionist showed us boxes to store our clothes. I was glad I'd been waxed to treat Donald on his birthday. We were so nervous we almost held hands. The receptionist took us up several floors to the room. She made us take the stairs as it gave us the opportunity to impress the others we met. As we passed by many looked and appreciated us. I felt a strange sense building in me. I could feel my arousal but there was more. I felt my confidence rising. Gail spoke softly to me. She was the same. I saw some women tease the men so much their erections must have been painful. When we were introduced to those we were to make the presentation too, my emotions were so conflicted. I wanted to flee but the positive looks and words made me want to stay and do the presentation. To be honest, within ten-fifteen minutes I didn't notice my nudity, it felt right. I know I was aroused, my nipples stuck out so much, as I saw both men and women look at me. My pussy was very wet.

"The presentation was one of the most professional I've ever done. All the women in the meeting were naked and participated fully. The men listened and reacted to our words, not our bodies though we could see they were hard. It was one of the best meetings I've ever had. So much detail was done we came away with far more accomplished than we ever expected. Afterwards some courteously said how we'd brightened their day.

"It never occurred to us to use the lift afterwards. As we were walking down the stairs I felt so empowered, enthused, my brain was working better than I had ever experienced. I felt the appreciation from all those we met. I was more engaged. I'd seen it in all the women there. As we dressed, reluctantly, Gail confirmed that she herself had felt the same. The energy within that room had been electric.

"When I got home, Donald was raped, three times before I could rest. He was dazed. When I told him about the others who were naked, he recovered and we made such slow love we found nirvana.

"I'd love to experience that again. Penelope, Melody as we've told you, it is your decision. Each of us has to be sure, it's for them."

Penelope was holding Derek, "I think he has voted if his cock standing up means anything." Penelope stood up, "Derek, this is what I do in the office." She raised her skirt until her stocking tops were visible. She smiled at his reaction, "For John's birthday, we all teased him." She lifted her skirt until her blue satin panties were showing. "I twirled for him." She turned showing everyone her delightful bum.

She dropped her skirt, "Was that all you thought it would be? You like me to tease. You can come in when working nearby. I've told you and they have said but you haven't. You could come to lunch with us. Would you like me to do nude secretaries day? Come in and see me and the others."

Bob was dazed. Derek was blushing. Brian was happy until Lesley stood up, "Derek, Brian enjoyed Penelope. It's only fair you have a christmas treat." She slowly pulled up her skirt. Her lace top stockings came into view. Brian was almost drooling. My cock had risen with Penelope but he wanted out to see Lesley again. She was looking into Brian's eyes. Her love for him shown through, like Penelope's for Derek. She was smiling and moving her hips as though dancing for him.

She pulled her skirt up and danced around, slowly, seductively. Her bum was awesome in lilac bikini satin panties. "Well Brian, did you enjoy that? If you like it, maybe we'll do your birthday like we did John. He was limping for at least half an hour!"

Brian kissed her passionately, "I love you. That was a fantasy I never knew I had."

Derek added, "Did the heating come on? I endorse what Brian said. I never knew but I love what you both did. I've never seen anything hotter." He kissed Penelope. There was steam rising.

Melody was laughing, "Simon, you want me to do it!" Simon tried to say he hadn't spoken. Melody laughed, "The coven have powers to read your mind." She stood up and danced to a slow tune. Slowly she raised her skirt until her red stocking tops came into view. She teased him by turning around several times before raising her skirt to reveal a black satin thong. She turned around slowly so all could see her dazzling bum.

Simon was red. He spoke softly, "Melody, that was amazing. You can tease me anytime. If this is how they feel after a tease, I don't know if they will survive nude secretaries day. I'll have to come and check you are all alright."

He pulled her to him and kissed her. If there hadn't been others present, I think the table would have had a new use.

Bob spoke, "Tonight has been amazing. Your engagement. This demonstration was magnificent. Anne has said often how Alison and she set out to tease John. Karen has demonstrated braless Tuesday which means our meal tends to be late finished. What is clear, is the love you all have for each other. We all looked on in awe. So happy for you to tease your husbands and appreciate you."

Karen laughed, "We teased John at the café on his birthday as Melody told us what they had all done. We saw his appreciation. It was so much fun as you saw tonight."

Bob laughed, "Huh! He gets a show, I don't!"

Karen looked at him and saw he was winding her up. She laughed, "Grumpy Santa this is an elf for you." She stood and swayed. She lifted her little skirt so her suspenders were clearly in view. She turned and put her bum out to him as she lifted her skirt above her bum exposing her green elf satin and sheer panties. The front was satin but the rear exposed a flawless bum. Bob certainly appreciated her display. We all did. Derek was right it was hot in here.

Jennifer whispered into Heather's ear. She nodded. They both stood and began dancing as though with each other. They were like mirror images as they raised their skirts exposing their stockings and panties. Heather had a deep purple thong which really extenuated her gorgeous bum. Jennifer had a coral coloured tanga which looked like it was making love to her bum.

When they sat down, every man was erect, painfully erect.

Melody asked politely, "Alison have you worked on your hen night dance? Should you show Anne or have her dance with you?"

Donald's jaw dropped open as Alison stood up and held her hand out to Anne. Anne was blushing. I knew she was turned on as she was holding her legs tight together, a sign I'd learnt. She looked at me and I blew her a kiss.

Alison started slowly, moving her hands up and down her body. Almost presenting her breasts to Anne. Anne copied her, looking on wide eyed. Alison moved a bit faster as she mauled her breasts, moaning softly as she did before she offered them to Anne. Her nipples exploded out her blouse. Anne copied her, moans of pleasure came from her as she mauled her breasts. Her nipples about tore her bra and blouse as they took off like a rocket ship. Alison moved her hands to her stomach, lower to her mons and rubbed away. Anne followed, more moans of pleasure. Alison, blushing and hot looking, focussed on Anne's eyes as she slowly raised her skirt exposing her red satin thong which we could all see was soaking wet. She used her hands to run across her thighs, her stocking tops and just tease her pussy.

Anne's eyes couldn't get any wider as she copied her. I'm sure my heart stopped as she exposed her pink silk thong. She ran her hand over her thighs, stockings and finally touched her pussy. She let a massive groan of pleasure out. Alison continued, she raised her skirt exposing her bum fully. She used her hand to draw lightly across her bum before coming forward and stopping on her mons. Anne, almost hypnotised followed her lead. Her eyes showed her arousal and fear. As she caressed her bum, everyone heard her pleasure. She stopped with her hand on her mons.

Alison dropped her skirt and said quietly, "The next part is for your honeymoon." Anne looked relieved and disappointed. I was certainly hard, bloody hard. All the men were.

I knew I could take advantage of her but I wouldn't. No; I wouldn't! I wouldn't!

Derek spoke, "Wow. This office is something else. Not one word out of place, just pure delight in enjoying this spectacular Christmas display. The love I felt was amazing. I know Penelope would be safe."

Bob spoke, "I've heard from Anne, Karen, Alison how this place was but that showed no one was lying. I've spoken with John and found him to be as advertised. I'm delighted Anne and he have found each other. That so many people have become family as this is what this place is. This has been the best Christmas night out ever."

There was a merry buzz about the room. Karen asked a question, "Where did you find such a beautiful ring?"

I explained, "It was my grandmother's. My mother hadn't been surprised when I didn't ask for it for Melinda. When they met Anne, they saw how much she loved me and I her. Mum had the ring cleaned. The three diamonds are just perfect for Anne. When I asked my mum, she brought it out gleaming. Both my parents were delighted. I knew Anne's ring size so I had it adjusted.

"Looking at her hand, it looks like it was meant to be. We'll see my parents tomorrow. Anne can explain about the venue and honeymoon being booked already to them. They'll love the story."

I kissed Anne. The rest of the evening flew by. All too soon, it was time for the taxis to take us home. I dropped Anne off at her flat. We kissed but I knew if I went in, we would end up making love. I know she'd have given me her virginity willingly as we were both so highly aroused from the evening. But I wanted her to have her dream. We were both disappointed when I left, my cock most of all.

To be honest, the next day when I picked Anne up, we were both dancing on eggshells as we both wanted to be physically close. I was early. Anne was wearing a pink silk robe. She had a pink suspender belt, pink satin bikini panties and stockings on. She tried to make me feel guilty. She spoke firmly, "You left me last night so randy, my vibrator died. You could have given me a titty orgasm at least. My vibrator died again this morning. It's on charge again. I need you to give me an orgasm. If not a spanking!"

I kissed her as I said softly, "If I'd stayed, we would have made love. I know you wanted to. I wanted to. I had three wanks before I could sleep and another one this morning. I want to but I don't want to spoil your dream. I'll give you an orgasm like never before."

I kissed her as I made her sit on the settee. I opened her robe as I began kissing and caressing her from her head down. I nibbled those bits of her neck and ears which drove her arousal as I played with her breasts. I moved to kissing and caressing her breasts until she came. I didn't stop but continued down. I kissed, caressed and stroked her stomach, her mons and her thighs. As I kissed her bare thighs, my head rubbed her pussy.

Anne was moaning so quietly but her tone was increasing. Her legs held my face against her pussy as she humped my face. She moaned, "John, this is amazing, I've never felt anything like this."

I eased her pantie to the side exposing her bare pussy to me for the very first time. I had suspected that it would be bare from her teasing. It was beautiful. She had delicate lips which dropped about three quarters of an inch. Her inner lips were a deep pink, shaped like flower petals. She tasted lovely, smooth, honey like. She was flooding. I licked from her anus to her clit and around. I repeated and repeated this until she clamped her thighs around my head as she came and came. I almost couldn't breathe. It took her a few minutes to recover.

I started again. She was moaning loudly, holding my face and tongue against herself as she came again. It was explosive. She was like a ragdoll when the seismic eruptions died down.

She spoke softly, "John make love to me."

She was holding my head as she dragged me to her mouth. We kissed for ages. I was in such conflict. My cock wanted out to fuck her but I knew how deep her desire to be a virgin on her wedding night was.

I held her tightly, "Anne nothing would give me greater pleasure but you have your dream. I can wait. If I did, it would spoil it for you. I've thought about taking your bum but no. I would be so excited, I could come out and find myself in your pussy.

"If we have a sixty-nine, we can share our love."

Anne kissed me so passionately before stripping my trousers off me. She turned and presented her pussy to my face as she began to torment my cock. Her blowjob were always given with love but this one was about lust. She had lain me on my back as she straddled me. I couldn't say who was working her pussy, my tongue, my face or her pussy was using me as a dildo. There was no contest as her mouth controlled my cock. She cheated by using her breasts against my stomach. Her nipples almost cutting me open.

I didn't last long as when I touched her tonsils, I exploded. She came a few moments later, I'm sure she squirted. I was breathing hard when I realised my cock was still being abused. One hand was firmly caressing my balls and bum as the other helped her milk my cock again. Her tongue was torturing him, light sensual caresses before strong, demanding licks. The suction as she drew him deeper was amazing. My hips were rising from the floor. I felt her finger enter my bum just as I exploded. She never stopped. I didn't go down.

I resumed my attack on her pussy. I could have been in a shower, she was so wet. We both came together. I had to plead with her to stop, I was so sensitive.

We held each other but never moved. If we had, I'm sure we'd have ended up fucking. Once we had recovered, Anne said, "We both need showers. You can wash my back."

I kissed her, "Separate showers. I'd recover and fuck you."

Reluctantly we headed for separate showers.

We set off slightly late for my parents. My parents were so happy for us. They loved the story about the wedding. Anne neglected to mention the virgin bit. My mum surprised me when she brought out a ring box. It was my grandmother's wedding ring. It was beautiful. It was designed to match the engagement ring. Anne was enthralled by it. She hugged and hugged mum and dad. Dad blushed. Those breasts!

At Christmas, my parents came to my home to spend time with us. We all went to Karen and Bob's for our christmas meal. This was the first time our parents had met. They got on so well.

Anne, Karen, mum and Anne's sister Juliet spent a long time in conversation. Mum was blushing so I presume some mention was made of Anne's status, even if by now it was highly reluctant.

I was surprised when Anne came up and said, "I'm going with your mum to visit a friend of hers who makes wedding dresses. I know what I want and she says she is brilliant. Juliet and Alison will come as well for their bridesmaids dresses. Both mums' will probably use her for their outfits."

She kissed me so hard I'm sure the heating went up a few degrees.

Both mums were laughing.

I laughed, "I know her, she does fantastic work. I never thought to say."

In the New Year, I had a long talk with Anne about what we wanted in our marriage. Much we had discussed with Sheila present earlier but now as we approached our wedding date, I knew we needed to make some decisions.

The main one, where we would stay. I had my settlement from Struthers and my back pay from Bright's so we could look at a house which would be suitable for us and our children. Neither of our flats were suitable for more than just us.

Anne agreed so we spent a number of weekends looking at open houses and listings. We made appointments. Many were very good but lacked that something which we both wanted. Don't ask me what that was as I didn't know, just nothing had said, "This is it!"