Life after Brutal Betrayal


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"John's look wasn't solely about your salary. We'd discussed that in advance. This office has a quirk which Alison may not have told you about. Dress is office professional, skirts, blouses, dresses preferably suspenders and stockings as we do like to tease him. We hope to have another man to tease as well. We can have braless Tuesdays and pantie less Fridays. All of these are optional but fun.

"Penelope is considering Nude Secretaries day on the 5th of February which would be one of your working days. The other females here are looking to join her. We'd ask you to consider joining us. I'll explain how it will all work later."

Heather was gobsmacked. Penelope came through to remind us it was lunchtime. Anne invited Heather to join us. She'd see we didn't have horns. Melody took her arm and walked beside her talking.

Karen saw us arrive. She came over, "I see Anne is sitting better today. Is this another poor lamb to your firm? Does she know you spank them?"

Melody and Penelope laughed. Heather blushed so much as she looked at us all.

Anne smiled, "Heather, I did say we were a quirky office. He tried not to but sometimes I force him to spank me. He's very good if you like it. He's not spanked anyone else.

"Mum yesterday you said you love a spring wedding. Have you picked out your wedding outfit. Do you think we might want to decide for ourselves?"

Karen spoke softly, "You're so busy. Melody was looking at your diaries and we may have given her those dates as they fitted in with some plans you were talking about. When you start courting him seriously, you'll thank us."

Anne and I looked at each other. I joked, "What if we just put the forms in and have a quiet wedding at the Registrars. Find two witnesses off the street."

Karen turned on me, "You do that and your food will be poisoned. Anne will make a gorgeous bride. You both needed a push to make you see what you have in each other. Everyone has been saying for months how you love each other. Don't waste any more time, no one knows how short their life will be. Anyway, I want to look tremendous as the mother of the bride. So, I can't wait decades for you to ask her."

Melody was explaining something to Heather who had been trying to order the least expensive item on the menu. Heather looked relieved.

After lunch we returned to the office. Anne, Penelope and Melody spoke further with her. She came through and said she'd be delighted to work for us. Penelope gave her some money from the petty cash as she left.

The next day we interviewed Jennifer. She had a mid-level mathematics degree but also had an engineering degree which meant she was able to interpret plans very well. She had limited CAD experience but was happy to learn. Her expertise would be a good addition to our skill set. She did look after her mum when the carers failed to turn up.

I left her with Anne and Melody to discuss the office quirks. Jennifer came with us to lunch. Karen was asking if we had a venue in mind. Anne and I looked at each other. I laughed, "Where have you booked?"

Karen blushed, "We haven't, that would be presumptuous. We may have looked at a few lovely places but it's your choice." Somehow I didn't think she was telling the whole truth.

Melody was bringing Jennifer up to speed on how Anne and I were being railroaded, not that we were fighting it very hard.

Once back at the office, I had a few moments to look at what we were doing. The diary was fairly full for the next three months and there were enquiries for the next six. With the new staff on board, we could take on more work. I looked at the adjacent office space and saw the potential. It would need some work. I spoke with the leasing agent who was happy for us to take the space which would house our expanded team.

I asked Anne to work with Penelope to have the appropriate furniture and computers ordered. I'd like to speak with Angus regarding a proper front office, reception and more storage.

In the end, I took over the whole floor as Angus pointed out, with the additional staff, I needed to provide a rest area for our coffee breaks. So many working at desks gave more opportunity for accidents. We'd need additional toilets, should we look at providing showers. Having a reception as people exited the lift meant they could be put in rooms where we could have secure discussions rather than by our desks. It gave us extra security as well. The benefits outweighed the extra cost so we did that. The accountant was delighted as a new business investing was highly tax efficient. Our projected earnings more than justified the costs to expand.

For the next month I felt we were a building site but when completed the offices looked awesome. Angus had taken our table and made two others with his extending capability which proved their worth very quickly.

Daniel had updated the computers at the same time as he completed six more. We had large screens in the clients rooms to showcase our skills. When I saw those, I added them to our own rooms. Penelope had added seven new phone lines as we were dealing with so many calls.

I had training programmes in place for Heather, Jennifer, Brian and Lesley. With their work, Anne was able to work on more authorisation projects which advanced her skillset remarkably quickly. By my birthday at the end of November, everything was in place. I couldn't believe it was a year since Excel Consulting had started.

Anne and I were still seeing Sheila. My demons seldom raised their heads but Anne was very good at reminding me about who I now was. She had progressed from wanking to titty fucking. The first time, I almost passed out. Those breasts are a contradiction. They are so soft and yet they are firm. They show no sign of sagging but I found out she was a thirty-six E. The nipples must add at least two inches to that when they get aroused. She always gave them to me as a treat after I'd ejaculated. One night I was playing with them, giving them a little extra caressing when she came. She held me so tightly afterwards.

She was astounded. "John," she gasped, "I've loved you getting pleasure playing with them. It always felt lovely but that just blew me away. I felt it rise and I had to go with it. It was amazing."

She gave me a bonus titty fuck for my troubles.

She never removed her knickers as neither would be able to stop us going on to fuck. She teased that after we married, she'd wear sheer or crotchless knickers to make me so hard that once home, I'd just fuck her.

On my birthday, the day started very well, if a bit stiffly. I was in our rest room with my coffee when they all came in bar Brian. Slowly Anne lifted her skirt showing her stocking tops and then her pink satin tanga. She knows I love her in pink. Other colours are almost as acceptable. She pirouetted showing her amazing bum. Melody slowly raised her skirt, revealing her lingerie matched as she twirled showing that amazing bum. Penelope followed, blushing badly. She's a lovely bum which the pink showed off well. Jennifer raised hers showing her matching lingerie and an incredible bum. Lesley smiled as she saw the effect the others had had on me as she raised her skirt. She had an outstanding bum. Heather was blushing so much, I thought she would faint as she raised her skirt to expose her matching lingerie. She had a lovely bum as well. They all pirouetted a final time and lowered their skirts. Before heading to their desks, they viewed what they had caused, smiling as though nothing had happened.

It took an age before my cock settled down.

I was still shocked looking according to Karen as we all went for lunch. Melody told her what they had done and the effect on me. Karen was laughing. When she brought our meals, she brought her three assistants. They all raised their skirts showing the same lingerie. They turned and flaunted their lovely bums. Karen laughed, "The coven knows everything. Now you know how Anne's bum will look in twenty-four years."

Anne and I went for a meal to celebrate my birthday. She was playful, "Next year it's on a Friday. Maybe you'll have all our knickers in your drawer. Maybe more staff so even more."

I played along, "I'll have to pick them more wisely. This coven seem to know everything I do. Maybe I need a warlock or two."

Anne laughed, "No, our spell precludes you looking for warlocks. Hasn't working with us been good? Why bother with a warlock who could damage things."

After the meal we went to my flat. Anne pushed me to shower and come back clean for her. She wanted to give me the second part of my present.

When I came back through she was only wearing her suspenders, stockings and the tanga which did make her bum awesome. She had me lie on the settee. I thought she was going to give me a titty fuck but I was wrong. She started gently kissing me before moving slowly down my neck and body. Her breasts were caressing me while her nipples could have been cutting me open. She spent ages playing with my nipples before she moved down, lightly kissing my stomach before she stopped at my cock. She caressed him until he stood strong. She played him against her nipples which he loves and held him as she fucked him between her awesome tits. This time as he came up for air, she kissed him. I let out a gasp, she'd never kissed him during a titty fuck. She did lightly as she left afterwards, saying goodbye. This was a welcome kiss. Her mouth was hot. She held him as she tongued around his head. She released him and wanked him with her tits again. As he appeared she kissed him again, this time she was lashing him with her tongue along the rim and that sweet, sensitive spot. She used her breasts again and he rushed back. She held him in her mouth as she licked him gently. Her eyes never left mine.

She repeated this time and time again. Each time she spent more time, either lashing him or slowly drawing her tongue around the head. Her spare hand was lightly caressing my thighs and balls. She even used her fingers around my rosebud which was a first.

It was the best blowjob I've ever had. Her eyes showed her desire, her love. I was mesmerised by her. My cock was trying to be a gentleman but I could feel the explosion building. "Anne, this is amazing. I'm heading to explode. I don't think I can control it as the feelings you're generating are so overwhelming. I may not be able to take him from your mouth." She just smiled.

I was moaning, a low, sensual moan, my cock had never felt such affection. Between her breasts rubbing him, her mouth sucking him and her tongue writing love letters to me I had no chance to control myself. With some, "fucking hell! Fucking hell! And finally FUCKING HELL!!! I exploded into her mouth. She gagged a little and some escaped but she was happy, very happy. I was more than happy.

I held her tightly to me. She looked worried. I smiled, "Anne, that was by far the best blowjob I've ever had. When is Melody expected?"

As Anne looked at me aghast I started laughing. She was caught but she started laughing. Those breasts were jiggling away merrily.

I held her and kissed her, "Anne I wouldn't trade you for anyone. This is the best birthday present I've ever had."

She straddled me as we hugged. I could feel the heat from her pussy. I wondered if my cock would have burn marks. I could feel how wet her panties were as her pussy rubbed my cock as she moved slowly. I just played with her breasts until she came. I loved she was able to do that so she had some enjoyment.

Anne smiled, "If that was so I'd give you another, all you needed to do was ask. Sheila has been helping me practice the technique. I'm glad you liked it. I watched your eyes to see if I was doing anything wrong but all I saw was your pleasure and love for me. It drove me on."

If anything, the second one was even better. Her spare hand was more adventurous, a finger entering my bum just as I exploded again.

Reluctantly she left to go home shortly afterwards. I knew if I suggested she stay, we'd probably make love. I badly wanted to do that but I had to respect her desires.

December was more of a rush as we tried to get everything cleared for a break over the festive period.

Anne and I had more double sessions with Sheila on our relationship and our communication skills. My individual sessions were almost through rebuilding me. I presume Anne was similar with some sex instruction as the blowjobs she was giving me were the best I'd ever had. She had different techniques, soft, gentle to almost sucking my cock off my body. She was trying to take him deeper into her mouth as well. She was amazing.

We had a few discussions around what I would like to do to her. She blushed so much as I explained eating her out. She asked why I hadn't tried. I explained, I expected if her breasts were a gauge, she'd be so turned on she'd demand I fuck her. I would respect her wishes. I'd wait till we were married. Sheila was going to work with both of us on our sex life after the festive period was over. We'd have no sessions for three weeks.

Our christmas staff night out was upon us. Alison and Donald, Anne and me, Melody and Simon, Penelope and Derek, Lesley and Brian, Jennifer and Heather. I almost never recognised the café. It had been seriously decked out with lovely Christmas themed decorations. We'd had the menu and given our orders earlier.

Before we began, I spoke to them all. "This time last year, I was a wreck but with the steadfast love and support from Donald and Alison I was persuaded to start Excel Consulting. Anne came on board. Between Alison and her they have teased the living daylights out of me. I hadn't realised just how low I was after my life had blown up. Their love and care helped make me better, far better than I have ever been.

"The business took off because of what Anne and they did. As it grew, the coven arranged you to join us. Each of you brings so much, the firm has built a very high reputation. The growth is all down to the excellent hard work you all do. My job is getting easier and easier but I'd better not say that.

"Derek and Simon, I know some of the quirks which Alison and Anne introduced to energise me have given you some concerns. I hope tonight, you'll see you need have no such concerns. No one will ever abuse any member of my staff, including me. Your ears may be a bit red as I've no doubt some may use tonight to explain why they need Penelope and Melody to agree. I'll leave that to them.

"Thank you all. Let's have a great night. There's no dancing so you're all safe from my feet."

I kissed Anne as I sat down. The meal was excellent. Karen and her staff were dressed as Elves though I don't recall them wearing stockings and suspenders. I was laughing at Derek and Simon. "Now you know what I have to put up with." They blushed.

At the end, we all exchanged secret Santa's. We had capped the cost at £15 and to be humorous. I had Melody so gave her a pack of daily satin knickers which had each day on them. She burst out laughing. Simon was laughing too. Anne received a white crotchless satin bikini pantie with "put cock here" with an arrow stitched on. She was laughing and blushing.

Brian received a French maid's apron featuring a well-endowed woman displaying her stockings and panties as well. Lesley received a naked male hunk apron. There was a pinny covering his cock. She didn't half blush when she looked. The others were funny though not so mischievous.

Karen came back with our coffees, laughing at the gifts lying on the table. She laid Anne's coffee in front of her. She noticed me pushing a small box next to the cup. She moved around the table before moving to the side. Anne had been speaking with Heather so only noticed it when she picked up her coffee. She looked around but no one said anything. She opened the box and started crying. I kneeled in front of her, "Anne, will you marry me?" My lips had never been so pressurised.

I put the ring on her finger. It fitted perfectly. There were three lovely diamonds. I'd had the sizing corrected to fit Anne. It looked like it was destined for her finger.

Everyone in the café was applauding. Anne showed it to her mum who was crying. Eve brought out the champagne so we could toast the future Mrs Hodges. Karen hugged me tightly. She was going to phone Anne's dad. I told her if they could, join us back at the office when she was finished.

Anne and I walked along to the office on air. We had decided pubs were so noisy, it would be good to relax in our own restroom so had brought all the supplies and more that we may need. The banter was good. Derek and Simon saw the bond between us all but also how we looked after each other.

Karen and Bob joined us. She was still in her Elf dress. Bob was very happy with the news. He gave me a big bear hug and Anne a gentle cuddle. He asked, "When do you intend to get married?"

Everyone laughed. Bob was dazed. I blurted out, "Ask Karen!"

He looked at her and she blushed. She smiled and blew a kiss at Anne and me. Melody said, "Come on spill the beans. Bob obviously doesn't know what's been going on. John's finally taken the plunge as we all knew he would for months.

"What's the coven planned for them?"

Karen blushed. Bob held her. Anne said quietly, "Tell us or it's the Registrars."

Karen looked around, very nervously, "Alison has been Anne's friend since play group. When John came to live and work here she persuaded Anne, with my help to work for John. She gave John a glowing reference. Soon we saw, despite his reluctance, he was falling for her. She was already in love with him. When out, she never looked at anyone else. At Sunday dinner, she'd only talked about how John was.

"Alison and I saw John look at her and saw he was in love with her. We knew he wouldn't do anything until he was clear of his demons. As he freed himself, it was clear, they were so deeply in love they just needed a push. When they were talking about that cruise, it all seemed to fit.

"John, when Anne was four we came upon a bride entering a venue. It may not be the poshest venue but it's lovely. She came out of a carriage looking like a princess. Anne talked about nothing else for weeks. All the years since whenever weddings came up, that was where she wanted to be married. Alison and I went there to see if it was still as good. The date was free. May 3rd. The same date as that wedding we came upon. It seemed fated. We booked it. The cruise for your honeymoon as well.

"Alison and I have been so worried that when we told you, you be so mad at us. All those years Anne had always maintained her dream. You've been so loving, not trying to take her virginity as she wants to be that princess bride. It was just too many parts which seemed right.

"Anne, I'm sorry if what I have done is wrong. You chose your own wedding."

Anne had tears in her eyes. She went and hugged her mum. "Thank you. It will be magical. It's always been my dream." She hugged Alison.

Penelope asked, "Have you arranged the dress?"

Karen laughed, "No. A wedding dress is highly personal. I admit I've asked for recommendations for bridal salons. Alison and I, maybe John's mum as well will support her if she wishes."

Heather said, "It will be difficult. How much cleavage does she wish to expose? Does she just need a top with her suspenders, panties and stockings only to complete it? She does love teasing him."

The others laughed. Anne said quietly, "I have an idea. Maybe similar underneath but he'll be highly pleased to see me come down the aisle. I may not need new panties." She held up her secret Santa.

I spoke warmly, "Well Penelope, that's one diary entry firmed up."

We all had a drink to celebrate the wedding to come. We discussed a lot of general stuff.

Later Derek asked quietly, "I can see why Penelope loves working here. There is a warmth about everyone which just pulls you in. Penelope has teased me like she's teased John on occasions. It certainly lifts your spirits. She's torn over nude secretaries day. Can you explain it to me?"
