Life after Brutal Betrayal


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As January ended and we entered February, I was feeling very nervous. The subject of nude secretaries day seemed to have been dropped. It wasn't raised and I thought they had dismissed the idea as impracticable. My nerves reduced as each day passed.

On the 5th of February, Brian and I were left totally bewildered. We were in the rest room having our first coffees when all the women came in together. That in itself should have been a hint. It had never happened before.

When they took their coats off, all were naked. My cock was striving to overcome my zip to get out to view them for himself. I was unaware, I was breathing heavily. Brian's face showed his shock. His breathing was a struggle as well. He looked at Lesley as though she had never mentioned this to him. A few minutes later Alison came in and took off her coat. She was naked as well. "Sorry," she said lightly, "I had to change after Donald left. I just sent him a photo of me as I arrived here." She laughed.

I knew Anne's body was amazing but this was the very first time, I'd seen it totally naked. Her eyes were so bright and happy. She kept looking at my cock trying to escape. She licked her lips. Her hair lightly caressed her breasts. Her nipples were sticking out as her areolas darkened showing she was being aroused. Her bare pussy looked like it needed resuscitated. Her pussy lips were darkening.

Lesley's breasts were a good "c" cup. Her areolas were smaller but her nipples stood out proud. She was trimmed which showed she was a natural brunette. Her pussy lips were highly edible.

Penelope was amazing. Her breasts looked a "d" cup. Her areolas were large and very pink. Her nipples were smaller. She had a landing strip and bare pussy lips. Derek must love spending time between her thighs with his tongue as they looked so inviting. Penelope spoke softly, "I'll get to the reception. We have three groups coming in today. Derek says he's going to come to lunch with us. He couldn't believe his eyes as I dressed for today!"

Heather was standing nervously. She smiled as I finally spoke, "Wow!. I knew you were all beautiful but this is beyond any fantasy I've ever had. I thought as no one had said anything in the last few weeks, you'd decided against it. Alison said she had felt so empowered. I can see some of that in you all already.

We went to start our work. Anne gave me a big hug as she went to her desk. It didn't help me as she rubbed her mons over my cock. He was still twitching minutes later.

At 9am a group from a firm looking to do business with us arrived. It was three men and two women. Anne, Heather and I took them into a client room.

Anne spoke, "I know you were told this was national nude secretaries day before you booked this date. I hope you are all comfortable with us as we are. We are being filmed which goes to other clients who have agreed to pay so much for viewing us. There is no sound so our deliberations will not be broadcast."

One of the women, Joyce spoke, "You appear comfortable is this normal for you?"

Anne smiled, "No. It started as a joke but when we looked at how we could support the hospice, it grew. I've never been naked in front of anyone before. I was so nervous when I arrived this morning.

"Alison had done this at Hydra two years ago. She had gone to give a presentation on behalf of a client not knowing it was NSD. They gave their presentation in the nude. She said it was the most empowered she'd ever felt. Since then, she feels that empowerment whenever she is doing presentations. It was her suggestion.

"She said within 10-15 minutes she felt that this was normal. I've found that as well. It feels quite liberating. John and Brian have been limping around all morning.

"Heather is an intern, learning how we work and will come work fulltime when she qualifies in the summer. This was optional for everyone but all have come to work today naked to support Penelope.

"We'll raise around £40000 today."

Heather smiled, "It was very daunting but I've felt more relaxed as Anne said. I feel safe."

Jeff the boss said, "I knew but it was a very pleasant surprise when we entered to be met by Penelope. I've heard of places doing this like Hydra. All report a positive effect on the women and the culture within the firm. Maybe we should consider this Joyce. What do you think?"

Joyce blushed, "Let's get today's business done first."

We began the meeting. We showed how we could work with them to help their designs and management of projects. Heather spoke up fluently. She had been looking at their future plans and showed how some minor changes would be of benefit to them.

Joyce spoke, "How long have you been an intern?"

Heather answered, "I've been here since the beginning of November. I do sixteen hours a week which is paid. John had shown me so much which have helped my studies as well. Brian and the others have helped as well. The whole office looks after each other. Having said that, I haven't spoken out like this before. I'm shocked to say I do feel more self-confident like Alison said she was."

Joyce smiled, "I could see your confidence building as you spoke. I'm going to try this." She stood up and stripped off. She had a good body, lovely pert "b" cup breasts and a tidy bum. She had wispy blond hair on her pussy.

The meeting continued for another hour and a bit before we finished. We had managed a lot more than either party had thought possible.

Joyce summed it up, "I would never have believed this worked but today has shown it does. Everyone, not just us naked ladies, were so engaged in the discussion, we made so much more progress than we thought possible. Certainly, my recommendation will be we use your firm. Jeff, I'll speak with our secretaries about this."

Joyce was a bit reluctant to put her clothes on before they left.

I congratulated both Anne and Heather for the way in which they had contributed to the meeting.

Lesley, Brian and Melody had the next meeting.

I just survived my coffee break as Anne, Heather and Jennifer negligently kept allowing their legs to open showing their lovely pussies to me. All laughed as I limped to my office. I wasn't helped as Alison came in to discuss further increases in staff which we would need if the three meetings here today brought more business. We were getting more enquiries all the time.

Melody had had two video calls about the CAD possibilities and those were highly positive. Alison said she'd deliberately leaned over the big table exposing her rosebud to the client who almost signed there and then. Melody had laughed between the calls to Alison, "Simon might not last the night!"

At 11.50am Donald, Simon and Derek arrived. Derek about had a heart attack as he entered and saw Penelope. She had to use mouth to mouth to revive him. Donald had to run the gauntlet of brazen pussies before he ended up with Alison. He was limping. Melody gave Simon such a kiss, he almost combusted. Whatever she whispered in his ear, he blushed.

We all headed for lunch. I was glad we'd booked our table as there was a queue outside. For a fifty-year-old Karen has a thirty-year old's body. My brain must have limited oxygen as I never thought all the girls would just take off their coats. They'd had no clothes as they arrived so why would they be dressed.

Gary was really impressed. He praised all the girls. Karen's staff were awesome even the very shy Eve. I was enjoying the sights in front of me. Anne cuddled into me and said, not too quietly, "My nipples and pussy are so cold after walking here. Will you heat them up for me when we get back to the office?"

I about had a heart attack! Penelope said the same to Derek. You didn't need a mind reader to see that Simon and Donald were up for that as well. Melody and Alison would be happy. Brian would attend to Lesley's needs.

We reluctantly returned to the office though most reluctance came from those who weren't in the café but only heard of the bountiful delights on display there. I did my best to ensure that Anne was no longer cold. In fact, most heard her three orgasms.

The others looked suitably warmed as well.

Penelope showed our 2pm guests into the client room. It was Gerald Crichton and Richard Wilson whose firm we had spotted problems with the integration of the new plant. They had brought three others. Two Marjorie and Helen were going to spend time with Melody, Anne and Jennifer going through some CAD issues and other plant modifications.

Heather, Lesley, Brian and I were going through future proposals to see if we could spot potential problems and have them addressed at an early stage.

Penelope came through with our coffees.

Richard, Gerald and Emily thanked her. Richard asked Lesley, "I am surprised to see you both naked as I know it's NSD. How does your husband feel about you doing this?"

Lesley smiled, "Brian, how do you feel?"

Richard blushed.

Brian spoke softly, "When I first heard about this at our job interview I was highly sceptical. As we worked here and saw how close everyone was and how they looked out for everyone, I relaxed. I knew she wasn't in any danger. Our previous place of employment, she'd have been assaulted. It was always her choice. I didn't know until today she was going to support Penelope. All have.

"Alison had told everyone of how she felt so empowered when she accidentally came upon NSD at Hydra. She and her client gave their presentation nude at it added to the charity pot. She feels she has benefited from that experience ever since.

"Lesley and I have spoken about it. I was in a client meeting this morning with her and she spoke out more than ever before. As we talked each of the staff have found that their self-confidence has risen so much. I love Lesley and I'm so pleased for her. I only hope I survive the night."

Emily blushed.

Heather spoke, "The thought of today had me both aroused yet terrified. I wanted to support Penelope and raise the money for the hospice. It helped my grandfather so much. We all came in together for mutual support. Within fifteen minutes, I felt such a freedom. I have felt that empowerment I thought was a myth to help persuade us to do it. I spoke up more than I ever have in our last meeting.

"It helps all who have been here have been gentlemen and supportive. One of their female staff stripped and said she'd found the same empowerment. They're considering it for their company next year."

Crichton spoke, "Well, I have to say, it certainly brightens a meeting."

We got down to the business in hand. Lesley and Heather looked at their plans as we discussed their ambitions. I have to admit the sight of their naked bums and occasionally flashing pussies did distract momentarily. Heather was conferring with Lesley. Lesley motioned her to speak to all of us.

Heather spoke calmly, firmly, "If you can come to the table, I'll show you what we think may be highly beneficial changes to your plans."

Heather and Lesley explained that moving the proposed new power station to a different area meant shorter runs for power, all the electric, gas and steam. This cleared an area which was large enough for the proposed extension to be built on one site and easily connected to all the necessary other parts of the plants.

Richard asked Emily to gather the other two as this would mean changes to what they were looking at. Heather said she would bring them in.

Crichton said, "This has certainly been a very informative meeting. No one at Brights or Wilson's had seen that route. Maybe there is something in this NSD."

Lesley laughed, her breasts shaking wildly, "There is. Heather is normally so shy. She'd spotted it but wished me to confirm she was working it in properly."

All of the other group came in. I was surprised to see the two from Wilson's were naked as well as my staff. Marjorie said, "Emily, you should try this. The experience has been amazing. I've felt so able to speak my thoughts instead of hiding them."

Helen laughed, "You're always the brave one. Come on. You'll really enjoy it."

Emily looked at the others before she stripped off. After ten minutes Melody said, "Let me scan this and we can work on the big screen. We'll cut our nipples on the paper the way we're leaning over."

We sat at the table as Melody and Jennifer manipulated the design. It would need further work and details measurement but it did look feasible to make those changes. Melody them overlaid the designs the other team had been working on. A couple of tweaks and they blended well. It was possible but more detailed work would be required.

As they were leaving, all were saying how productive a meeting this had been.

Emily spoke quietly, "I thought this was nonsense. Marjorie and Helen would never strip off yet they did. The way they spoke was so different from normal. I did feel that empowerment. I must admit seeing the men appreciating me both as a woman and a colleague was something I never expected. This has been amazing.

"So much more than normal has been accomplished."

Richard said, "I agree. I had written this cheque out for you to add to your charity collection. It's been worth that and more."

As they were leaving, Derek came in. He hugged Penelope. Penelope smiled at all of us, "This is Derek my husband. I think I gave him his greatest fantasy today. I'll have to think of some way he can reward me when we get home."

We all laughed.

Richard said, "I've never enjoyed a reception area as I did today. You are a very lucky man. She is highly efficient and professional. Bloody gorgeous as well but you knew that!"

He shook Derek's hand as they left. The other girls had been loathed to put their clothes back on.

We had a brief meeting in the rest room before heading home. I gave the cheque to Alison. She whistled, "£10000."

I thanked them all for a fantastic day. Penelope said, "Both morning clients have confirmed they wish us. Melody has four new CAD contracts. Seems her bum is the talk of the town. Five of our existing clients have said they have more work coming to us shortly. If the last meeting is anything to go by, we'll be very busy.

"How busy would we be if we were a nude office?"

Derek looked at her with such shock on his face. She kissed him, "I never expected to feel this energised, so alive. Those I've been in video calls with were so happy, so complimentary I felt fantastic. I may have flashed more than I thought at times. I know Brian never saw the desk he hit as he saw my soaking wet pussy. I'd moved before I saw him there. He may have seen my panties at the christmas do but this was far more. Lesley will take care of him later, I've no doubt."

Donald and Simon had come for their wives as well. All the men limped out as they couldn't leave without teasing us some more.

I took Anne to her flat. She dropped her coat as she entered the block of flats. We walked up the three staircases to her landing. Three women coming down the stairs looked shocked. Anne smiled and said, "Nude Secretaries Day." I was following watching that amazing bum. She walked straight into her bedroom.

She held me, "Wash you cock and then we're going to sixty-nine each other to death. The looks from everyone, their desire and appreciation for me have me so aroused. I never expected to feel like this. I could fuck you all night and still want more. Three months to our wedding. I don't know if I can wait. I've never felt such arousal. I want you to experience all of me."

I went to shower, a wash wouldn't be enough. I'd been so hot during the day. I don't think my erection had ever gone done. I was lying on her bed when she came back from the ensuite.

She kissed me gently, "I've prepared my bum if you want anal. I've never been naked with you before. I've always had my knickers on even if you pushed them aside to eat me. We've used that to stop us fucking."

She kissed me harder before turning to the sixty-nine. Her mouth just devoured my cock. Her pussy rubbed itself over my chin, nose and forehead as she literally fucked my head. I stuck my tongue out to caress her as she moved around on my face. My cock was shouting his pleasure. She had him almost at her throat. Her tongue was licking him gently then feverishly as her hand caressed my balls and bum.

I held her still as I put all my effort into licking her clit. I was drowning. A finger entered her bum but she never stopped tonguing me. I added a second as I held her clit between my teeth to let my tongue abuse it. Her bum bucked as she drove me deep into the pillow as she came like a train. I realised my cock was in her throat as he came. Every part of me felt I'd cum.

We lay still for a few minutes before she started again. I was fucking her pussy with my tongue as I slid those two fingers in and out her bum. My cock was soon shouting, "slow down or I'll cum again!" I couldn't remove her pussy from my face to tell her. I tried to furiously fuck her pussy with my tongue. She moved so I rimmed her. Her clit was on my chin. She was grinding herself against it as she exploded. She slid back and my nose became impaled in her pussy. She was bucking as she fucked my nose.

My fingers entered her bum again. She wasn't for slowing down. My cock was screaming, "I'm cumming!" as I exploded yet again. She sat up as she used my face as her personal dildo. She came again.

She moved so we could cuddle.

She spoke softly, "John, I liked your fingers in my bum. It's yours if you wish. You can have my pussy as well. I'm still so aroused, I'll cum again and again."

I moved down until I was between her thighs. I did stop for a few minutes at those breasts and she came from my attentions there. I started to lightly kiss and caress her pussy as I caressed her thighs. I used my tongue to lick her from her anus to her clit. I took it slowly. Listening to her arousal as it rose. I backed off and let her down before starting again, a bit more firmly.

All I could hear was "John, John, it's fucking amazing. I'm not on this planet. Every part of me is about to cum."

I continued, watching her pussy lips darken. She was flooding my mouth. Her hips were rising unconsciously trying to keep my tongue in contact with her pussy. I had my two fingers in her bum as I attacked her clit. It was like I'd lit a touchpaper. Her body jack-knifed half a dozen times as she came. She held my head still as she rode my face to another orgasm.

I moved to the side as if I moved to kiss her as we were, I'd fuck her. My cock wasn't happy with me. My brain neither.

She stroked my face. "John that was amazing. I want you to take my bum. I want to feel you against me as we make love."

She slid a pillow underneath her and took a bottle of lube out. She caressed my cock and made sure he was well lubed. She put more into her bum. She pulled me to her. "Take me!"

I'd never done anal. I knew a bit as Sheila had spoken about it with us. I took it slow. She was very tight. It took a few minutes before I was fully in.

Anne was stroking my face, "I love the feeling of you in me. I can see your love for me in your eyes. I don't see that in a sixty-nine. Just take me as you want to."

She was kissing me and her hips were moving. At first I was consciously trying not to speed up, to pull out too far but all too soon I was having serious screams of delight coming from my cock. I was kissing Anne and then her breasts as I pumped away. I was glad my exercise regime had made me a lot fitter or I could have died. As it was my watch was showing red as my heart rate rose and rose. Finally, I couldn't control myself and I just went for my release. I don't know how I had anything left to cum but I felt I'd emptied myself.

Anne held me tightly to her, "That was amazing. I loved it. I love cuddling you to my breasts as you cum."