Life after Brutal Betrayal


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"You've been the perfect gentleman. You haven't tried anything which you feel you would regret. You'd never force yourself on me. I hope when you are ready we can court. I have very little experience but Sheila does sex therapy to help couples. I'd go there with you to help build a great sex life between us.

"I do know, I'd never dream of doing anything like Melinda. You'd never allow such an act to go unchallenged again. You'll be open to true love. We can be good for each other."

She kissed me passionately. My toes curled it was so hot. My cock responded. As she released me, she smiled, "I think he's ready for a comeback."

Anne asked for where the towels where, as she needed a shower. After I showered we'd go for a walk and grab brunch somewhere.

She used the main bathroom and I my ensuite. When I came out she wasn't very happy, "What man doesn't have a hair dryer for his overnight lady friends?"

I caught myself replying just as she began laughing. I picked her up and laid her across my knee. I spanked her bum six times over her skirt. She smiled, "Thank you. I needed that. He's quite a big, solid cock isn't he?"

We had a great day. We walked for quite a few miles, hand in hand. We shared a lot of kisses. We had brunch and then an evening meal. Whenever I focussed on my childhood, she'd tell me, "He was an adult who abused you. A child who protected himself as best he could. He's the only one at fault!"

Afterwards she collected her overnight bag and set off home. As she kissed me, she said, "I'm so tempted but we need to wait until you know your true feelings."

I kissed her back.

The next day both were in before me. Over coffee, I set out what I wished to achieve this week. Melody smiled, "I'll help as much as I can. When my secretarial duties are free, I'll set up new scans or whatever you need."

I nodded, "Melody, apart from your secretarial skills do you have any others? Anne never told me she was a maths genius at first. If you have other skills we could use, I'd be happy if you wished to use them."

Melody smiled, "I can use CAD programmes so I could draw changes to plans you need."

I smiled, "That would certainly come in handy. Some plans are so well used, much is almost indistinguishable. With the scanner and your skills, we could revive those, print new ones for the client. It would be a win-win for both. Draughtsmen earn more than secretaries so we'll settle a salary for that and pay you that enhancement when you're doing that. If it becomes more full-time, we'll need a new secretary."

Anne smiled, "The real John is coming out. This is the happiest you've been in the last few weeks. The question is whether or not we'll need a new secretary before nude secretaries day."

I laughed, "Melody when you have time, practise on the CAD. Once we're all happy we can add your skills to our website. That should bring in more work for you."

Melody was smiling, "I'll do that. What has made you so happy?"

I looked at Anne and she nodded. I gave Melody a brief history lesson and how it had been found that my being sexually abused by my uncle had been the catalyst for my accepting my wife's adultery. I was struggling with why I hadn't told anyone at the time.

Melody looked at me, she spoke firmly, "John, you're putting a thirty-year-old man's experience, challenges and putting them into a six-year-old boy. The six-year-old doesn't have that knowledge. He coped the only way he had. He had no other option. You need to forgive yourself. Only three people deserve no forgiveness, your uncle, your former wife and her bastard."

She hugged me.

As she turned away, she hit her head with her hand. She raised her skirt to show her stockings, suspenders and a lovely blue satin bikini pantie. She turned and her bum is outstanding. My cock appreciated her tease. She smiled seeing his response.

She spoke, "Simon was so happy with the lingerie we bought he was happy if I flashed you once but I have to tell him all the details later. Maybe he'll like the result and say I have to do it again. I know nude secretaries day has him in agony."

Anne was smiling as she raised her skirt. She had the same panties on. How?

I did focus on work. Melody kept me hydrated. Soon it was lunchtime. I asked Karen about how big a spanking Anne should have and if I should wait for the courier. Anne was so red. Gary, who normally sat next to us, suggested he could come along. He'd always loved her bum. She was even redder.

I spoke firmly to Karen, "What about here tomorrow at lunch? She'll have no bra and I'm sure many will wish to see her famous bum."

Karen looked at her. She appeared to be in thought, "I wonder if that will stop her nonsense of always needing a spanking if she feels she's done something wrong, no matter how minor. It's not as if my husband or I ever lifted a finger to her. We do have a narrow bench you could lay her across so her bum is easily accessible. We could tie her hands and legs so she doesn't squirm."

Anne's jaw was wide open. Her eyes showed her shock, even a hint of excitement. Melody said calmly, "It may work. Depending on how many buttons she has unbuttoned, much of her breasts will be visible. Should she be naked apart from her suspenders and stockings? They frame the target."

I thought Anne was going to blow up she was so red. She stammered, "This is for work only. Not here. Maybe I don't need a spanking after all."

Karen hugged her. She was laughing. All the way back to the office Anne was speaking about how we'd embarrassed her. Melody said softly, "Anne, don't make it more than a bit of teasing. You don't need spanked. If you are intimate with someone and roleplay you can have a play spanking. Loving, being held is far more sensual, pain is not a turn on."

In the afternoon I found box five had two plans which needed enhanced due to use. Melody played with them. They were ready mid Tuesday morning. No flashing that day. The café was very busy, some disappointed there was no spanking. Anne's bum had a lot of followers. In the afternoon I was sent off to see Sheila with a kiss from both of them.

Sheila and I discussed last week's revelation and how I was responding. I told her about the support from my friends and Melody's insight. She agreed with Melody, I was trying to rationalise my thirty years old knowledge into a six-year-old boy who hadn't that knowledge. He'd done what he could do to protect himself. He buried the abuse.

We discussed this until I saw the logic behind that argument. She did some more hypnotherapy which didn't find any more hidden angst. She reinforced the relaxation techniques. I was quite positive when I left.

I spent an hour in a relaxation class at the health club. It helped as well. The technique to free and focus the mind. To find a good place when times were difficult.

The week flew by. I was in a better frame of mind than I could ever remember. Anne and Melody kept me on my toes. The banter was light-hearted. They made sure I was happy. No more teasing though to my disappointment. Melody did say, Simon had reacted well when she showed him how she had teased me. Their dinner was late. He's still agonising over the nude secretaries day. Just talking about it, revives him. She thinks he wants her to do it. She's playing him.

At the weekend, Anne and I spent some time together. It wasn't a date, just a coffee. I did learn more about her. I knew much of her body but not her. She was highly intelligent, funny, caring and incredibly nice. I found myself loving the time I spent with her. I had thought I could never feel anything for another woman again.

She didn't offer to sleep over and I never asked. I wasn't a crying wreck. I did speak about how I was healing and looking positive.

Anne asked, "What are you most looking forward to?"

I held her hand, "Being on a proper date with you. Learning more about you. I'm loving my time outside work with you. Sheila seems to think I'll make quick strides now I can stop beating up my six-year-old self. Soon, I hope we can court properly."

Anne smiled, "I would like that. I may make an appointment or two with Sheila as I don't have any sexual experience. I haven't spoken with anyone about my desires only how I don't want someone only interested in my breasts. I can see it being helpful, allowing me to speak more freely and understanding why you may like something I'm not sure of if I've even heard of it."

I kissed her, "Let's take our time. We don't have to do the whole sex guidebook in one sitting. Sheila is looking to how I speak and listen so I can communicate better. That's the secret to a good marriage, a good sex life. I'll ask her about seeing us both. I found I hid so much I wanted to do as, over time, I rationed how much enjoyment I gave Melinda. I wouldn't want to ration you. I would want you to have all the pleasure you could have."

She kissed me so hard, I thought I'd explode. My cock certainly loved the feel of her body so tightly held against mine.

As we spent much of our weekends together I took her to visit my parents, Alan and Denise. She enthralled them as she did me. Dad did blush when she hugged him as we left. Many do, having those breasts held against them for the first time. I did.

Our work continued to evolve. I had Anne work with me through some of the authorisations so she could have input as well as understand the process. I showed her the legal frameworks I had to adhere to. She did the first two sessions of her course. She had several nodules from her degree which meant she didn't have to repeat those.

Melody's CAD skills were excellent. A number of clients had her redefine their plans. She taught both Anne and I easier ways to manipulate the screens to enhance our abilities to view many complex issues.

By mid-September, I called a full staff meeting. Alison and Donald also attended. I laid out our problems. We were in high demand. If businesses who have expressed interest in us, went ahead, we'd need to add more staff. Initially, a new secretary as Melody was now using over half her time on CAD as so many firms had reduced or sacked their draughtsmen. It would only expand. As Anne increased her training she'd spend more time on authorisations than error checking. I thought we'd need two error checkers very soon. It wouldn't be bad if they wished to train for authorisation status when they had suitable experience.

I looked at Anne and Alison, "I've no doubt you planned all this so who do you have in mind?"

Alison laughed, "Busted. Donald knew how good you were. He saw everything which has happened workwise. After the reasons came out for why you were so down, you've turned yourself around. In the last three months the true you has come out. Everyone loves working here. Your clients have nothing but good things to say. I made an overview, projection, as I've been around you. The speed of increase has even shocked me. That's down to all of you.

"I have an error checker I know would be very good but needs variable hours due to her responsibilities looking after a sick mother. She's not working at the moment because of those issues. I have another in the final year of university who would be happy to be an intern at the breaks with a view to work here after finishing.

"I picked this building as from what Donald said, you would attract many clients. This floor has adjacent office space available for you to expand into. I think Anne knows a secretary who would be ideal.

"You have missed out one thing. When Anne's pregnant, how are you going to cover her?"

I gasped. Anne gasped.

Anne blushed as she said, "I know we've been courting but we haven't even had sex yet. He's not made any attempt to seduce me. We're taking it slow so to suggest me being pregnant is premature."

Alison laughed, "Anne, John everyone can see you love each other to bits. Anne will complete her course. In your future you'll have to factor children in. I'd add another checker with a couple I know who are looking for part-time working."

Donald said, "Okay, now he's truly busted us. Let's talk about the important things. The office christmas meal and nude secretaries day."

Melody laughed, "If I'm going to be CAD, I only have to decide if I want to join in. It will depend on how you were thinking of raising money."

I hadn't a clue so looked at Anne and Alison. Anne spoke softly, "It was just a joke to begin with to wind John up but I've spoken with some whose firms do it. Like Gary said the staff pay so much from their salaries. We don't have that staff to make a big contribution. Daniel gave me a suggestion. If the new secretary agreed, both Alison and I would join her. Daniel would enable our computers to allow our clients to see us working in the nude. They would pay a fixed fee based on their numbers of employees. From soundings I've taken, many would be keen to support our charity effort."

I was concerned, "Can you stop them recording you? I wouldn't want anything on the internet that would be harmful to any of you."

Anne smiled, "Daniel says it's possible but we'd add that to the contracts with those firms. It's scary but apart from standing outside the office shaking a tin, I don't see another option. In February that's not appealing either."

They all looked at me. I laughed, "I'm not involved. I never envisioned anything like this. It has to be your choice."

Alison laughed, "There is a national nude day in July. You could join in then."

I went red. Donald went red. Melody smiled, "That sounds interesting. I'll have to speak with Simon. I think I know how to get his approval."

Donald asked about a christmas do, "Do you want just a meal or a meal, some entertainment?"

I said, "I'm open to suggestions. I have no preference. Anne may prefer something which doesn't include dancing as she may not like wearing casts over the festive period. What about our office hours during it?"

We discussed it. We settled for Karen's café at night. Partners were included. The firm was paying. We'd go on for a drink elsewhere.

The next week, along with Anne and Melody, I interviewed five people. I included them as I saw we worked as a team and I wanted to ensure however big we became, we still had that ethos.

Penelope was the first. She was interviewing for the secretary's job. She had her qualifications. She had left her previous employment only as they moved to another part of the country as they couldn't expand at a reasonable cost here. Her reference was excellent.

I asked, "I assume Anne or Alison told you about the working conditions here. I see your wedding ring. Is your husband happy with those?"

Anne blushed. Penelope answered quietly, "We spoke about the daily tease, Tuesdays and Fridays and nude secretaries day. Derek had some concerns but I assured him both Alison and Anne said they were purely voluntary although they wished me to seriously consider the nude day as they wanted to raise a lot of money for the hospice. They couldn't join in if I didn't do it.

"I added they had said he could meet you so he would know I was perfectly safe. Alison and Anne gave you a glowing reference. He'd like that. He does like me teasing him and sometimes others may see a bit more than I wished but as long as he knows you won't be groping or abusing me, I think he'll be happy. When I mentioned, I would have to buy some better-quality lingerie, he told me that I seldom wear any teasing lingerie. In fact, he doesn't like most of my underwear. He would be happy for me to buy some as long as I tease him as well."

Melody laughed, "Simon was the same. I only tease John occasionally and Simon gets the benefit when he comes home."

Anne gave her the contract. Penelope said, "The salary seems high. The rest is very good as well."

Anne smiled, "John wants people rewarded for their efforts. Good quality lingerie and stockings aren't cheap. The office dress code as you can see is professional. Stockings and suspenders are preferred even if he won't confirm that. Would you have any interest in any other part of the firm. Both Melody and I started as secretaries but had skills we're using to better effect now."

Penelope smiled, "I'm afraid not. I enjoy being a secretary. I did manage the three managers' business diaries, making sure they attended meetings with the correct information, travel documentation and so forth."

I smiled, "That sounds perfect. As our diaries grow we've been finding it difficult to keep on top. Anne will have to travel due to her studies. We may need to visit clients so your skills will be handy. Many will come here if locally based. If you are interested, when can you start?"

Penelope said, "Anytime you need me."

Anne looked at me, "Come on Penelope, we'll treat you to lunch. It's braless Tuesday so you'll see how well behaved he is. You can start tomorrow."

We all trooped to Karen's where I was teased mercilessly. As we were about to leave our seats, Karen leaned down to me, "Are you leading Anne on? She's falling for you."

I looked her in the eye, a difficult task when I knew what those breasts were almost like. The way she was leaning, I'd see her nipples and more. I replied, "We're taking it slow. Sheila thinks I'm ready for the next step. She's going to speak with both of us. She'll let Anne know how to see if I'm having any flashbacks. Once Anne speaks with her she may not want me."

Anne was mad. She came up to me and gave me such a passionate kiss, I'm sure steam came off me. She was angry, "John - stop beating yourself up. We know the cause. Forgive yourself. I'm going to use Sheila to help us both.

"Mum, I'm not falling for him. I love him like I've never loved anyone before. I couldn't have fantasised about a more caring, loving husband. I see his love for me in his eyes as he looks in mine, the way he looks at me when he thinks I won't notice, the way he cares and looks out for me. The way he teaches me the job. He's been hurt badly. I'll never hurt him. He knows it but he's still frightened. We'll make it and Alison will show us the wedding invitations she's been hiding."

She kissed me again. Melody, Penelope and Karen stood with their mouths open.

I was stunned throughout the walk back to the office. I did manage to focus on my work. At four pm Anne said, "Come on. We're both going to see Sheila."

Melody was very happy. She whispered in Anne's ear. Anne blushed but seemed happy.

Sheila wasn't surprised to see us. Both she and Anne said Anne hadn't contacted her. Sheila said quietly, "John, each time we've spoken recently the demons have been pushed further and further back. When we talked about the future, you seldom mentioned your work. You mostly talked about Anne, how she was wonderful, how she'd supported you. How you were so drawn to her. You phrased everything to avoid using the word "love."

"Anne is clear as to her feelings for you. If you met Anne, without your baggage, what words would you use to describe your feelings for her?"

I looked at her before I looked at Anne. I began softly, "I love you. I've never felt such love for someone. I didn't think I was capable of ever loving again. You aren't my fantasy, you're far more than I ever thought possible. I don't deserve you."

Anne was happy as I spoke but her face clouded into fury as I finished, "You are everything any woman would want. You put yourself down because of your past. You're beyond it, you have grown so much as a person in the last five months. If you don't give up those negative bits, I'm going to have to spank you!"

I was shocked. Sheila laughed, "We'll have to get the story of why she loves being spanked. She is right. You've grown so much as a person. Both personally and professionally. Everything I hear is so positive. Give up the ghosts. Anne will never be other than a loving wife.
