Life on the Farm Ch. 02


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Dad said, "I hear the beaches are great and I was told there is a pool and a club house, and even a dance club."

Mom said, "Right now we all have chores to do. Let's get them done and then you two can drive in to town to the mall to get some stuff you will need."

The siblings got their chores ready in record time, as did mom and dad too. It was noon when dad said, you kids go get showered, here is my credit card for you shopping and a list of some things you might need to get.

The two started upstairs, as Ginny went to the bathroom door with Ron tagging behind her she asked Ron, "Where do you think you are going, I'm first."

Ron said, "Oh... I ah.. "

Ginny whispered, "I'll make it up to you. Believe me I will miss you in the shower."

Ron went to his room while Ginny showered, when she was done she came to his room wrapped in a towel and said, "It's your turn." Flashing him a smile, she fumbled with her towel and accidently opened the front of the towel fumbling with it some more and dropped it to the floor. Ron's eyes went wide.

About that time their father came up the stairs getting his own eye full of his lovely daughter from behinds, seeing her bend at the waist to pick up the towel he said, "Oh my. I bet you didn't expect that Ron."

Ginny was now beat red and ran off to her room. Ron Said, "Not at all." Shock his head and both men turned adjusting themselves as they went their own way. It was the first time Paul ever saw his daughter naked since she was maybe eight and he noted that she was a very pretty young lady now.

Ron got his shower, wrapped him in a towel quickly going to his room to get dressed he runs into him mom in the hall giving her an eye full of his upper half. She asked him something about making a list of chores, and where something was kept. Ron answered" It's in the garage, up on the top shelf" He motioned with his free arm and about that time Ginny came out of her room opening the door right into her brother's bare toe. Of course we all know what happened, the towel fell to the floor. No really it did, Ron in pain bent down quickly, his face planted right in his mom's cleavage.

Ginny exclaimed, "What the hell first I show you and dad my naked self and now I see this... Brain overload!!"

While retrieving the towel Ron said, "What the hell this hurts, not like I care if you see me anyway."

Mom was lost said as she was turning around, "I well I got to get that .. You kids sort this out."

When she turned Ginny said, "What the hell, mine was an accident."

Ron replied, "Mine too, now help me to my room,"

Ginny put an arm around her brother and helped him, sitting him on the bed, she bent to look at his toe. It wasn't bad, just a little red, she said, "its not bad, not even swollen, unlike this. " as she reached up and grabbed his cock.

Ron said, "My toe feels better now, just stop that or we are going to get caught. Right now I want to do it again. Seeing you got me horny earlier."

Ginny said loudly enough, "I think you will live, Sorry about rushing out of my room, I was just excited for our vacation."

Ron replied, "Let me get dressed and we will go."

Ginny stayed put and watched as her brother pulled on his boxers, Ron said, "Show's over" She flashed him her breasts and left the room and went downstairs to wait.

Ron came down in about five minutes, said sorry about earlier to his sister and said their farewells to their parents. Taking the jeep out of the garage and heading into town they make it about 2 miles away and Ron remembers he forgot the credit card and list his father gave them. They turned around and head home; pulling into the drive the pair walks to the front of the house through the open garage door. They turn the corner into the living room where they are greeted with their mom bent of the arm of the couch with her shirt off, her bra around her waist, and jeans down on the floor. Their father was pounding his cock into her, time after time after time. Their mom's breasts were a decent size and giggling with each stroke. Their Dad was the first to see them; he pulled out of their mom shooting his cum all over her ass as the kids watched in shock.

Paul said, "Honey, Macie, we have ah... Company..." With that their mother pulled her jeans up quickly and covered her chest.

Macie, their mom, said, "Well Looks like we are pretty even now. I think almost everyone has now seen everyone naked."

Ginny laughed, "This has been one screwed up couple of hours. But you got a point mom. We just forgot the credit card." With that Ron picked it up and the two turned and left for town.

In the jeep Ron said, "Now that was funny. I don't ever recall seeing anything more than mom in a bra once, and dad always keeps his junk covered."

Ginny replied, "Yeah, I can see where you get your find penis from too. I think your cock is bigger than his."

Ron said, "Why think you my dear lover, I'm glad you approve of it. You're breasts are nicer than moms, nice and perky. The two of them fit together really well."

Ginny said, "That they do. It's hot out, do you mind if I take my top off?"

Ron pulled over and said, "Not at all."

Ginny pulled her top off, Ron pulled his cock out and without another word being said Ginny slide her shorts to the side and sat over on her brother's lap saying, "Don't take forever, just DO ME!" and in a mousier voice "Please."

He slid into her waiting hole for the second time ever. Knowing he wasn't going to last long, he asked, "You want me to pull out when I'm getting close."

Ginny said, "oh.. oh... that might be a good idea as I won't.. geez.. have your ... inside me all arrrrrrgggggg I'm cumming." With that Ginny came bringing her brother to the brink before pulling off and taking his cock, wet with her own juices, into her mouth swallowing every drop of his cum.

"Okay, drive my good tasting brother! We got shopping to do.", Ginny demanded.

Ginny remained topless until they got close to town, only once having to cover up when they passed a guy on a farm tractor. When she decided to put her top back on she asked Ron to pull over for a second, she got out lowered her shorts and peed on the side of the road. Ron did the same, except Ginny wanted to hold his cock for him as he peed which proved to be harder than is sounded. He kissed each of her nipples in turn as her top went back on.

They arrived at the mall about 4pm, and went and did their shopping. Each getting some new swim wear. Ginny talked her brother into getting a pair of speedos and in turn she picked up a G-String. They also picked up so new sleepwear not that either planned on needing it, but just in case. They hit the drugstore and picked up a couple travel sized soaps, shampoo, toothbrushes, etc.. The pair went to the "Lingerie Secret V" store and Ginny let Ron pick out a teddy and a new bra and panties (yes underwear was on the list). The lady at the counter told Ginny she could try them and pointed her to the "co-Ed" dressing rooms. Ron followed to the door and was about ready to sit down when Ginny took him arm and said, "Come with me."

The dressing room was surprisingly big, and had a small couch in it I guess for people to wait. Ginny said, "Set over there, and no peeking."

Ron sounded rejected, "Are you sure I can't peek just a little."

"Yes, now close them." She commanded with a scrunch of her freckle covered nose.

Ron grabbed her head bringing her freckle covered face closer and gave her a playful kiss on the lips and said, "Okay if I must." Then he obeyed her.

When he was allowed to look Ginny was standing in front of him stark naked saying, "I got the one I want, now you can pick one of yours."

Ron found it hard to pick anything that would cause her to cover up her wonderful body but he managed to pick out a red Teddy and matching lace crotch less panties. He said, "Try these!" and closed his eyes.

Ginny giggled, "Silly, you can watch I just didn't want you seeing the one I picked for you."

The outfit Ron picked was a winner; both kids loved how it looked on her. Ron ran his hand between her legs, feeling her wet pussy and thinking how nice this type of access would be. They got the outfits paid for, and went for the last thing on their list which was no easy find, they needed something cool but dressy. Ron picked out some Bermuda shorts and a flowery print shirt with orchards on it that made him think of his sister's private parts. Ginny picked out a couple summer dresses; one came just about 6 inches above her knees, the other about 6 inches below her knees. She figured a lot could be hidden under the longer summer dress and the short one was a good tease.

Around 8 they were done, Ron called the house and got his father who said, "Son, sorry about earlier, we didn't .."

Ron cut him off, "It's okay.. forget it."

Ron's dad surprised him, "If you guys are too tired to drive, you can grab a dinner and get a room for the night and stay in town, I know it's kind of late."

Ginny heard this saying, "Good I'm hungry!"

They thanked their dad, and went to a steak house where they both teased one another under the table. The food was great and they were very content. They got a room with a single king bed, and went out for a movie at the local drive in. They made out in the back seat of the jeep and watched about 30 seconds of the movie. When it was over, The couple next to them taped the window which Ron rolled down while he still had his other hand cupping Ginny's breasts give them a show.

The guy said, "Nice rack, but I want to warn you, the security guy saw you two and is headed over this way, so I suggest getting a room."

Ginny offered, "We already have one." Looking over at their car Ron saw the flash of a totally shaved pussy lit up by their trucks dome light. Ginny and Ron got out and to the front seat, and drove back to the hotel where they saw their partners in crime in the truck pulling in right ahead of them.

The couples formally introduced themselves Kim and David, they went in got their room while Ginny and Ron were waiting at the elevators. David said to Ron, "Cute Girlfriend I love red heads."

Ron responded, "Thanks, She is truly the love of my life."

David said, "That's my Kim too, we've know each other forever and just started really dating about a month ago."

Ron said, "That's cool, Hope you guys have a good night. I see you got right next to us."

David said, "Yeah that was the only room open."

Kim and Ginny had their own chat, basically the same things Ron and David talked about.

When they closed the door Ginny leaped into Ron's arms, "I've wanted to do that ever since the movie ended. Did you see those two? I caught a glimpse if her pussy when the truck door was open, it's totally bald. Do you think I should sh..."

Ron cut her off, "NO I do not I love how the red hair looks."

Ginny said, "Well with that G-string I might have to really trim it down."

Ron said, "Speaking of red hair" He then proceeded to undoing her belt, and the button on her shorts, and with one movement they were on the hotel room floor, followed by her shirt.

Ginny not to be outdone, had Ron naked with is cock fully extended in no time. Lying on the bed inviting him over, Ron heard something behind him. The dividing door opened and there stood David with Kim on the bed naked behind him. David was in shock staring directly at the fire red patch of pussy right before his eyes.

Ginny said, "What the hell is up today. Seems like every fucking person in the world is getting to see me naked or showing me their junk. Just get the hell over here Ron and make love to me."

Ron moved on her and was inside her in a heartbeat. They started out missionary and her legs made it up over his shoulders. Ron was going at her fast and with long strokes, she came and about 30 second later Ron grunted, filling her up with his cum. When her got off of her and laid over on the bed, his cock still erect and sticking proudly up in the air. David and Kim were both standing naked at the door watching.

David broke the silence, "It was open and I thought it was a closet. I guess I was wrong, but WOW you two are hot." David was kinds a skinny guy, his cock was small compared to Ron, maybe 6 inches hard. Kim was kind of flat chested, with puffy looking adolescent looking nipples and hardly any actual breast meat. She was totally shaved bald below the waist, and it made her look like a 12 year old, even though she was 18.

Ron said, "You guys look like you enjoyed the show anyway, we've never had anyone watch us before but today has been a weird day with people being exposed to us."

Kim said, "You want to watch us? We've never actually done it before."

Ginny said, "Sure. Let's do It Ron."

With that they went over to their room and looked over as if asking for guidance. Ron said, "You don't have to let us watch we can close the door."

Kim said, "To be honest we've never done it before, either or us."

Ron said, "Looks like you got a good start. You look pretty excited and David here looks about ready to burst his cock out at the seams."

Ginny added, "Kim, just lie back on the bed, and open your legs."

Kim did as she was told, Ginny licking her lips, at the first pussy she has ever seen. Watching David climb between her legs, rubbing his cock on her slit, he slid quickly into Kim. Kim let out a little cry of pain and David stop worried he hurt her, Kim said "Slow down a second please, it hurts ... my cherry, you are my first I told you." About a minute later Kim added, "Okay, start again."

With that David started up again, It was quick and he was done in no time. Kim Said, "That's okay little brother next time will be better."

On that note, Ginny and Ron backed out the door closing it behind them and returned to their room and made love again. This time it was soft and slow. Ron brought his sister to orgasm several times that night before they both fell asleep. At about 9am they heard a slight knock on the door connecting the room, Ron Said, "It's Open."

In came David and Kim, Dressed this time. Ron and Ginny was somewhat covered by the top sheet of the bed. Ginny sat up, her breast visible with her unkempt red hair flowing down to almost her nipples. Kim said, "You heard me last night didn't you, are you guys disgusted?"

Ginny said, "No, we were kind of shocked. We enjoyed watching a lot. We were not ready for that secret. But it's okay."

Ron Said, "If you two love each other the world can deal with it. To us it looked like you do."

David said, "I can't imagine life without her, it's like we are just made for one another. I know Kim would never hurt Me.:

Ginny surprised me, "David, Kim, We have a little secret too. Ron and I are brother and sister too. But it stays here. No one needs to know right now."

Kim said, "You guys are beautiful together. We were not going to get a room or do anything, but seeing you guys being like you were inspired us."

Ginny said to Kim, "I say your beautifully shave pussy in your truck and knew you were as horny as me too. It's so great to have found the love of my life!"

Ron said, "Your secret is safe with us, maybe we can double date sometime. But for now we have got to get showered and get home. We are going on vacation Friday and we were just in town shopping, we live out in the county a ways."

Kim said to Ginny, "I love your Red hair, it looks so sexy the way it falls on your boobs."

Ginny got out of bed with her sopping wet pussy dripping down her legs saying, "Ron, it's really a tiny shower I don't think we both will fit in it."

Ginny jumped in and left group chatting, when she got out and dried off Ron was standing in the connector door watching something. She came up behind him, sneaking a peek over his shoulder saying, "Your turn in the shower." Ron moved allowing her to see in, "Wow he looks like he is enjoying himself Ron To you get into eating my pussy like that, I never notice because I'm busy enjoying it."

Ron Said, "The taste is divine, but what I really great is how you react to it. I'm going to shower, we got to get home."

Ginny stood and watched for a few minutes, then closed the door and got dressed. Ginny and Ron departed the hotel room with one last peek in on Kim and David who were now engaged in making love. Kim was on top of David; her body looked slim and like it was built for exactly what she was doing. They left their cell phone numbers on the dresser for them.

In the jeep on the way home Ginny said to Ron, "They really are a nice couple, she looks so young."

Ron said, "I'm so glad to have you, she was cute, but you are just totally hot. I love everything about you."

Ginny said, "You are too kind, she got lucky with him, I don't think she could handle a cock the size of yours."

Ron replied, "Ginny, I love you, and you know how to make a guy fell GOOD!"


Prologue: I'm not sure where this is headed.. My writing happens as I'm typing.. I planned on this chapter, someone getting hurt needing help with personal needs, but I liked how this turned out, so maybe that line will go into another story. I thought about the parents coming home early and catching the kids in bed, but that's not where I wanted this story to go. I'm not into swinging so the kids didn't trade off, I think the virginity of Kim and David might have been overboard and started to delete that part. We do know right now that an aunt and uncle is coming to watch the farm, and we do know that Ginny has a g-string and summer dresses to play with. We shall see where it goes. As I hit submit I have hard plan for it.

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AkpervertAkpervert3 months ago

This is a sexcellent story. I bit rushed - from 'first glance' to nearly swapping with another couple in a couple of days is...too fast.

And someone is going to get pregnant (if they're not already there) if something isn't done about that right now.

I know I'd LOVE to have a firebush - I've never been lucky enough to get one.

They're sexperimental enough, and have been in the situation a couple of times already, to think about a bit of water sports. And anal is surely in the future - he's 'touched the subject' already.

Oh, and still way too many spelling and other errors. Most of them are way too obvious to overlook.

But keep them cumming, er, coming. I'm enjoying them.

bshell47bshell47almost 4 years ago
I do like the ideal of Kim and David sharing.

At least fooling around a little.

Rather that having sex with Aunt and Uncle having sex with them.

MoM and Dad ok.

prop69prop69almost 5 years ago
I thought adding the other a little soon, but just watching was OK.

What about birth control pills? I hope you add these later.

Beautiful love story. I am looking forward to the next chapter and the vacation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
REALLY difficult read!

Spelling, punctuation, dialogue, etc - all VERY random.

prop69prop69over 5 years ago
Hot story

Can't wait to read about the VACATION.

Work on grammar

kentishtonykentishtonyover 5 years ago
Keep this Story going, good submission

Great length of story keeping us interested as it goes along.

Let them catch the Aunt and Uncle having sex in the hot tub when they return, then maybe a weekend away with the other couple later. But for now let's see what happens on their vacation. Plenty of time and space for them to be alone and maybe get caught by their parents.

Great work

SexlessStiffSexlessStiffover 5 years ago

The story started ok (story-wise) but went downhill after they had sex. See goduck's comments; I understand you would rather write than polish, but it certainly does take away from the finished product.

kingswedekingswedeover 5 years ago
Family only

You need to keep this story line as FAMILY members only. The aunt and uncle thought is good for when they get back from the vacation and catch them. Maybe in the pool or hot tub.

MhouserMhouserover 5 years ago
Doing great

You're doing a great job just don't add anyone if the parents find out let them be ok with it. Love is love

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
FYI Prologue

A) A prologue appears at the beginning of a story. An epilogue appears at the end of a story.


B). A prologue an introduction to what is going to happen in the main story. I think the term you were looking for is afterword.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
keep it up

keep this up keep it going but add the other couple as well as the parents in it make it longer than 2 pages tho

cincy4fun6cincy4fun6over 5 years agoAuthor
I like

I like watching.. not as much in the swapping. The new couple will not be major players I added them as a night out, and a fantasy of my own.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Next chapter

I see the couples meeting up at the same island vacation, and they explore things further with each other, you could also mix the parents of both couples in and let it get really wild if you wanted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I like it.

-Keep going You do not need to be an English prof. to write a story that people like. Look forward to the next chapters. Double dating to cover each couples activities? Mom and Dad involved? Whole family discovery of nude living on the farm? CFNM for Paul and Ron? There are lots of ways to go. Just do what feels good to you and everyone else can read it or NOT.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A great chapter

I like the way the story is going and I look forward to reading the next chapter. Thanks for your time and imagination. 5*

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