Lily's Condition


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Lily became aware of a looming apocalypse. Not a climax. Her entire world had become a continuous orgasm. This felt more like the end of that existence. In a mindless state of fearless certainty, Lily raced toward it. She reached it, and threw herself forward. She flew off of that cliff and tumbled into space. There was a sudden immaculate peace. All sensation in her body was gone. Her muscles were limp. Lily's eyes fluttered open as the world returned to her.

"Lily, Lily, my dear." It was Jessica's voice.

All she could manage was a deep heaving sigh.

"You were amazing my dear," Jessica cooed, "can you sit up?"

Lily could. Her bonds and her sensors had already been removed. She felt no pain in her chest. She noticed that her udders were completely drained. Was her treatment over already? Her head throbbed as she sat up on the table. She pressed her fingers to her temples.

"You're dehydrated.' Jessica said, already offering a cool glass of water.

Lily grabbed it with shaking fingers and gulped it down greedily. The relief was immense. She handed the glass back and tried to stand. Her legs were shaky. She planted her foot on the floor in a warm slick puddle and it immediately slipped out from under her. Jessica was there to catch her.

"Don't worry about that. We'll clean it up later. Can you stand? Can you walk?"

Lily noticed that the nurse was giddy with excitement.

"What happened?" she croaked.

"What. What happened? Lily, oh Lily dear, you were incredible!" the nurse beamed. "Your milk production was off the scale! We captured everything, a full sensor readout. Everything! We have a full brain wave readout, so we can correlate your sexual arousal and orgasm with the flow and density of your milk expression. Lily it was everything we could have hoped for."

Lily understood this to be a good thing. She nodded feebly.

"Oh my, but are you alright?"

"Shaky. So... It was so intense."

"Oh I'm sure, my dear. I saw the whole thing. I daresay that would have killed a lesser woman!"

Lily saw genuine awe in the nurse's face. Then she looked down at her glistening thighs and the puddle she was standing in.

"I made a mess didn't I?"

"A trifle, my dear. Let's get you all cleaned up. I'll take you to the shower."

There was indeed a shower. The exam room had its own private attached bathroom. Lily had simply never noticed. Jessica guided her onto a bench inside the shower and Lily rested. She sat and let herself recover in the steaming hot water. When she had fully regained the feeling in her toes, she stood and showered in earnest. It was cathartic. Lily felt as though she was washing herself clean of all lust and tension and stress. What was left behind was just Lily. Lily at her most pure and clean and healthy. She was floating in the wonderful dreamy afterglow.

She toweled off and found her bag waiting for her on the counter. She dressed and walked back into the exam room where Jessica was waiting with her supplements. There were five today, and her shake was bigger as well. The doctor was there, and he ran her through some standard questions. Once he was certain that she had truly recovered, he reverted to the same giddy exuberant delight that had filled Jessica. In her post orgasmic bliss, it was easy for Lily to share in their excitement. It seemed as if her treatments had finally taken a turn for the better.

As Lily walked through the waiting room, Natalia stopped her. The receptionist had overcome yesterday's bout with embarrassment She seemed her usual confident elegant self as she asked if Lily to join her for a coffee. Lily had no classes until early that afternoon, so she agreed. The two women left the office and walked to a corner coffee shop. Natalia was a statuesque figure in her designer suit and heels. Beside her, Lily was dressed in sweatpants and an old hoodie that covered the sports bra containing her ruined breasts.

Inside the shop, Natalia took them to a small side table and ordered two coffees from a passing waiter. As she sipped hers, Lily looked around, feeling more and more out of place. Everyone but her seemed to be dressed in expensive business attire. Natalia, however, seemed perfectly at ease. She made pleasant small talk, having nothing but good things to say about the doctor and the practice. Then she got to the point.

"I'd like to discuss your financial troubles." She said bluntly.

"I lost my scholarship." Lily explained. "I'm on the hook for a full semester's tuition, all at once."

"I know. The doctor had me look into compensating you for your participation in the study. But the amount we're discussion would raise some ethical concerns."

"Bummer." Lily said. She had assumed that it would not be that easy.

"However, I do have another option. A business proposition, if you'll hear it?"

"Of course."

Natalia took a sip of her coffee and prepared to give her pitch.

"What do you think of the doctor's office?"

"Like I said, I'd be lost without them."

"Not the practice, what about the office itself?"

"Well, it's beautiful, downright decadent. Did you decorate it?"

"I did, thank you, but that's not my point." Natalia said. "What I'm getting at, is that the office is so luxurious because the practice caters to a particular kind of patient.

Lily remembered Claire saying something similar before her first visit.

"Rich people." Lily said.

"Exactly. Wealthy patients expect an extravagant and expensive level of care." Natalia continued, "As the receptionist, this means that I spend all day networking with all manner of wealthy and powerful people."

"Ok. What does that have to do with me?" Lily asked.

"Do you know what the wealthy and powerful people like to spend their money on?


"Things that other people cannot buy." Natalia let this hang for a moment. "Every one of the doctor's patients has tried to hire me away from the practice. And every time I decline, that only makes them try harder and offer more."

Lily found herself wondering why the beautiful receptionist had remained so loyal to the doctor.

"So, wealthy and powerful people are always looking for something rare and exotic to spend their money on. I have a network of these wealthy and power people, but I have nothing that I am willing to sell."

"So you're looking for something to sell?"

"Yes, and you, Lily are producing just such a commodity, every day, by the gallon"

Lily was taken aback.

"You mean my, my milk?"


"I thought you were donating it. You know, just giving it away?"

"I am." Natalia said. "I'm coordinating donations for all the women in the study. I've had to branch out. We're stocking the maternity wards of hospitals across three states. I've had to arrange couriers with refrigerated trucks to deliver it all. It's been frightfully complicated, and the supply is outstripping the demand"

"Well then why would someone pay for something you can't even give away?"

"That's exactly the point, the practice can only give it away. As a donation. But we can't sell it. That makes it rare and almost unobtainable. Especially yours."

"What's so special about mine?" Lily asked.

Now it was Natalia's turn to lean in and whisper.

"Lily, do you think there are many twenty year old virgins out there pumping out fresh breast milk?"

Lily sat back. She was starting to understand what Natalia was suggesting. It made her queasy.

"I did a little market research yesterday after your session. The demand is definitely there. In three hours I was able to run the price up to $100 dollars a pint. We would control the supply. And with a lab tested and certified product, I think we could easily double that price."

Lily was stunned. When Jessica had finished with her yesterday, she had filled a three gallon bucket. Now she was trying to remember how many pints there were in a gallon. Was it eight or sixteen. Either way, it would mean a lot of money. For selling her breast milk. To unknown strangers who would use it for...

"Is this like a creepy sex thing?" she asked.

"Honestly, I don't think so." Natalia said.

Lily shook her head, taking a deep breath.

"I don't know. It seems super creepy." She confessed to the receptionist. She was thinking of the smirking dean.

"I think that a lot of your potential clients are interested in some kind of miracle tonic. There was one customer yesterday who poured a sample of your milk right into their coffee. It didn't strike me as sexual or perverted. But that's not the point anyway. These people get their thrill just from being able to obtain something that no one else can have."

"Who are these people?" Lily asked with genuine wonder.

"You will never know them, and they will never know you." Natalia answered with perfect seriousness. "They value their anonymity as I'm sure you do. We send samples daily for lab testing as part of the study, and they will get the results certifying the purity and health of your milk. They will know your age. But they will know nothing that can lead them back to you."

"Except that I'm a virgin." Lily added trying not to blush.

"We can leave that out if you'd prefer." Natalia said. "No one knows it yet. I only mentioned it because I think that detail can command a higher price. It makes your milk more rare an exotic"

Lily was still on the fence about the whole thing. She liked the idea of remaining anonymous. She supposed that detail about her virginity would not really matter. If, of course, she decided to take Natalia up on her offer. She still had a lot to think about.

"What about the babies?" she asked.

"What babies?" the receptionist said.

"The hospital babies. The ones that need my milk. The ones we're donating it to."

"Lily, there are now twelve other women in the study. The total daily supply is more than meeting the demand. I'm having trouble finding hospitals to stock. It would be a shame to have to just dispose of it. Especially since it could help you out of your financial trouble"

"Are the other women selling their milk?"

"No. They are more than welcome to of course. In fact, if we proceed, I suppose that I'll have to make the same offer to them, in the interest of fairness. But I doubt that they will take it."

"Why wouldn't they?"

"Well they are all older women, married, with children. None of them are facing the financial trouble that you are. And they could not command the price that you can. Once you factor in expenses, they might actually lose money if they tried. I think they will all be happier just to donate and not deal with the headache."

"Is my milk really that special?"

"Well, no." Natalia said. "I've seen the lab reports. It's perfectly healthy, perfectly nutritious breast milk. Completely normal. But we can market it as unique and exciting."

"The twenty year old lactating virgin." Lily said.

"Exactly. The rare and unobtainable commodity."

"Is this even legal?" Lily asked.

"Absolutely. I'll have it all taken care of."

Lily could not shake the image of the dean, His cold lizard eyes staring out over his coffee cup. Taking a sip after flavoring it with her precious milk.

"I'm still not sure." She said. "Is there any way that we can weed out the creeps?"

"Every woman's dream," Natalia said with a laugh. "I wish I could tell you yes, but once we sell it, we don't have much say in what they do with it."

Lily thought about that.

"I could try to profile the client pool. I can prioritize those who seem to be looking for health benefits over the fetishists. But I can't make any guarantees."

"Can I think about it?"

"Absolutely," Natalia said. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Take all the time you need, there's no rush."

Tell that to the dean, Lily thought as she stood up to leave.

"Thank you," she said, "for the coffee too."

"My pleasure, of course." Natalia stood and clasped Lily in a friendly hug.

"I'm always here if you need anything."

"Thanks again," Lily said, her mind now nothing but a frenzy of questions, but none that the gorgeous receptionist could answer.

That afternoon, Lily could barely concentrate in her lectures. She could feel her breasts starting to fill with milk. White gold? she wondered. She was completely lost in her own thoughts and had completely tuned out the professor when she heard him call her name.

Lily jolted back to reality. The lecture hall had been dismissed and her fellow students were all packing up and heading for the exits. The professor called out her name again, looking for her a midst the crowd. When she raised her hand, he motioned her to come down to the front. He did not seem pleased.

"I'm sorry to have to do this." He began, "In fact, this should be coming from the bursar's office, but the dean-" Lily shuddered at the sound of his name "wanted me to inform you about a discrepancy in your account."

"I know about it." Lily admitted.

"Very well." the professor continued. "You'll have to square it with them. All I can tell you from personal experience is that students with outstanding balances are usually removed from the class roster after the first week. I'd hate to see you dropped over some accounting nonsense."

He waved his hand as if tuition was some trivial matter not worth the consideration of the academic staff. Lily deeply wished that were the case.

"Don't worry professor, I'll take care of it." Lily said, putting on her best fake smile.

The professor smiled genuinely in return. He said that he was glad to hear it, and formally welcomed her to the class. That night, her finances were all that she could think about. With so little time to square her account she had precious few options worth considering. She showered, and prepared herself for bed. Her swelling breasts were secured in their satin wrap. She had just gotten into bed, laying on her back and staring up at the ceiling when she heard a chirp from her nightstand.

Lily feared a call from the dean's office, but was instead delighted to see Jessica's face staring at her from the screen on her bedside box.

"How was your day?" the nurse asked. "Did you behave yourself?"

Lily was surprised to realize that, since leaving the doctor's office that morning, she had not thought of sex once. She supposed that she had too much on her mind.

"Of course I did." she said.

"That's wonderful, dear. I think we've found the right approach to your treatments."

"I think so too." Lily admitted.

"Shall we get you ready for bed?" the nurse asked.

Lily had completely forgotten about her chastity belt. She wondered if she really needed it today. Her morning session had easily been the most powerful sexual experience of her life. Combined with the incredibly fulfilling miking from Jessica the day before, Lily thought that she might be sated for a while. Then again, she had repeatedly proven that she could not be trusted at night. She retrieved her odd leather belt from her bag.

Lily tightened her cuffs and then positioned herself so that the nurse could see her slip on her belt and pull it tight. Jessica suggested small adjustments to increase her comfort, and provided much needed encouragement that eased Lily's mind. When she was properly fitted, Jessica tapped a device on her end, and Lily felt her locks engage. She carefully laid herself back down on her bed. The nurse wished her a good night, and the screen went blank. Lily looked at the camera on her bedside box, and was comforted knowing that Jessica would be watching until long after she had dozed off.

Lily was in a backstage dressing booth at an upscale gentleman's club. A tall woman with beautiful exotic features bustled around her in an expensive business suit. Lily was not a cow tonight, but she was dressed up as one. Her massive swollen breasts were barely contained inside black and white spotted bikini top that was a poor imitation of the beautiful skin she had when she was in her pasture. She wore a cowprint g-string that was pulled uncomfortably tight between her ass and stretched taut over her pussy.

Her exotic attendant danced around her on long shapely legs as she touched up Lily's makeup and adjusted the cow ear hairband she was wearing. Finally, Lily was pronounced ready. She was pulled to her feet. Lily was wearing ridiculous platform heels and white fishnet thigh high stockings. Years of gymnastics training did not translate to grace atop stilettos and Lily tottered as she was hurried out of the dressing area. Before she could adjust herself, her elegant attendant pushed her onto stage with an encouraging smile.

The lights were insanely bright. Lily felt sweat stand out immediately on her skin. The crowd was in darkness, but she could sense that it was large, and intently focused on her. Music started to play. She started to move with the beat. As she danced, her breasts bounced up and down on her chest. There was no pain, and she found the sensation quite pleasant. The audience was enraptured.

Lily looked offstage and saw her exotic attendant wildly gesturing encouragement. She motioned with both hands to her own exquisite breasts then gave Lily a thumbs up. On stage, Lily tugged at the drawstring between her breasts. The crowd gasped as she untied her top and flung it aside, fully baring her huge tits for the bright lights. Unsure of what to do next, she turned back. The receptionist urged her forward. Lily stepped to the front of the stage where a long sturdy pole ran from floor to ceiling.

She could make out faces in the crown now. They looked at her with rapt interest. Lily tried her best. She let her body sway in time with the music. She shook her massive tits. She slide her body up and down the pole. When she looked back out, the men were still there, but they seemed less interested. One man looked offstage for the next dancer. Another checked his watch.

One figure was still watching her intently. She recognized his cold eyes and predatory grin. He seemed to be enjoying her impending failure. Lily felt panic. She must not lose the crowd, but was unsure how to keep their attention. She looked offstage. The receptionist was frantically gesturing, but Lily could not understand her meaning.

Lily saw the pole, and was struck with inspiration. Without thinking, she sidled up to it and let it slip between her huge stripper tits. The crowd gasped as Lily wrapped her breasts around the pole. She squeezed them together, and her faithful udders released a massive torrent of milk that sprayed high into the air before falling on the eager crowd like rain.

Cheers erupted from the thrilled patrons. Money began to shower the stage making Lily feel like honoree of a ticker tape parade. She beamed and squeezed her udders. Her milk showered the excited crowd. She caught sight of the cold eyed predator. He was scowling. While everyone around him was dripping with rich white milk, she had not wasted a single drop onto him. He slunk away into the darkness and was not seen again.

Lily's song ended just as her breasts were drained. The crowd was in an ecstatic uproar. She took a victory lap around the stage. Lily skittered backstage on her ridiculous heels with her deflated udders flapping about and her arms full of cash. The other dancers were staring at her in awe and her tall exotic attendant wrapped her up in a warm tight hug.


Lily woke up to a soft chiming sound coming from the box on her nightstand. She was dry, unmolested, and still safely locked up in her belt. She tried to sit up and failed. She looked down at herself and wondered if even her gymnast body was strong enough lift the increased weight of her now ridiculously expanded chest. She would never find out as long as she remained bound. With her wrists locked to the belt at her waist, she was completely helpless and immobile.
