Little Packages Ch. 03


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"But she knew I was nervous so she stopped and told me this was a gift. And I knew it was, and I felt like I was letting everyone down by being so silly, but then she corrected me," she said. Then Ashley did her best Rachelle impression.

"I have seen many people come in here. Men with their girlfriends or mistresses. Or women with a man's credit card. And they mostly end up buying the things he wants," Rachelle via Ashley said.

"But your daddy wants you to come here and explore. Discover what you like. Yes, you can buy things as a little girl or a kitten, but you can also try other things if you want. And he asked me to help so you'll be more honest with yourself and not scared of letting him down. He will not be disappointed in your choices. It is a gift. Take advantage of it," Ashley said, giggling as she stopped with the French accent.

"And it snapped me out of it. And we just played for that time and it was great. I tried on things I never would have and looked at lots of toys. And yes I bought 'little' things and pet play things. But I also bought some other things too I want to try," she said.

Now that was intriguing. And definitely what I was hoping for.

"I'm glad," I said.

"But that tail freaked me out. I wanted it, but putting something up my ass... I mean, pretty much every guy I've been with wanted to fuck my ass so getting that tail was a thing. But she convinced me to get it.

"So, to answer your question, she whispered to me to go home and put the tail in right away. If I waited it would get in my head. If I was bold I would get fucked harder than I have ever been in my life.

"And she was right," she said, with a small laugh. "But god I was so scared when I came out of the bathroom. If you had laughed I would have died."

"I will never laugh at you like that," I said. "I thought it was a clip on until I jostled it and you squeaked."

She covered her face with her hands. "Oh god I squeaked?"

"Little bit."

She rolled back on her side and I was amazed again how lucky I was.

"Look, all you ever have to do is ask if you want to try something. I may say no because it's not my thing..."

"Oooooh, such as?"

"Well if you wanted me to piss on you I'd probably say no to that," I said.

She bolted upright in the bed with a mildly shocked look on her face.


I nodded.

"Oh god, why?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea why. Never really researched it but people are into it. And that's cool. It's their thing and if they have someone who enjoys doing it with them then who am I to judge?"

"I guess..."

"Kitten, this is my way of saying anything you ever want to try or do, all you have to do is ask and we'll talk about it and decide if we're good. Ok? The worst that one of us can say is 'no I'm not comfortable with that.' And then that's it. Matter closed with no anger or guilt. I promise."

She smiled. "I like that. Ok.

"But, you know, that goes for you to, daddy. You can ask me for things you want to try."

I laughed. "Kitten, you're a horny 19-year-old geek girl who has a kink for older men, loves role play including being little and a cat. If I wanted more than that it would make me the greediest motherfucker alive."

She covered up her mouth with shock and then started helplessly giggling. Once she calmed down, she crawled on top of me and lay there looking down. There was nothing sexual at the moment; just a little girl lying on her daddy.

"You can always be a little more greedy, daddy. I think I trust you not to be too weird at this point," she said.

"Cool. I'll have the clown outfit waiting for you the next time you come to Kingston," I said, desperately trying to keep a straight face.

It fooled her for about two seconds.

"Asshole," she said, grabbing a pillow next to my head and began smothering me.


Montreal - Four Days until Christmas

If it hadn't been for the realization that my Christmas gift was still at her apartment, I'm not sure I would have ever convinced Ashley to leave the hotel room. She didn't want to leave and was perfectly happy to walk around the room naked. I tried persuading her to model some of her outfits, but she wanted to pace it out and leave me some surprises. Which I appreciated, but it was a little bit frustrating wanting to see what else she had.

I was beginning to realize just how big of an introvert my little girl was. She was perfectly happy to spend time with me. Saturday evening and most of Sunday, she was perfectly happy to talk about movies and tv shows she liked, or show me some of the designs she was working on, or just rest her head on my lap while we watched a movie or some tv.

And, of course, we had sex again.

But at any mention of going out and grabbing something to eat, she'd get pouty or distract me. There was going to have to be a larger conversation about this at some point, but the night before we parted for Christmas wasn't it. Even I wasn't that oblivious.

However, when she realized my gift was still at her apartment and that, yeah, she really couldn't show up in Saskatchewan wearing a mini-skirt and heels, she grudgingly admitted we had to go back to her place to pick-up a few things. But then she wanted to come back to the hotel right away.

It's also when she realized she could either put on what she had worn on Friday night or one of the 'slut' dresses she had bought. I watched her wrestle with it until she finally grabbed one of her bags and went into the bathroom. When she came out she was wearing a black pleather dress that stopped several inches short of her knees and flared. It had a zipper down the front and also managed to push up her tits. Oh, and fishnet stockings. Of course

"This is my least slutty option," she said, amused at the look on my face.

"I can't wait to see the rest," I said. She grinned and we started collecting things around the hotel room. She grabbed everything from her shopping spree and collected two of her larger gifts. I figured she could take the jewelry with her back home for Christmas. At least she'd have something to open Christmas morning with her mom.

After a lot of stares going through the hotel lobby, and dragging a lot of bags and boxes, we managed to get a cab to her apartment. Ashley...Kitten forgot to mention she lived on the third floor and there was no elevator. My knee was singing and she looked mortified.

"I'm so sorry," she said, opening the door to her apartment. "This place is a hole. Gillian and I are going to look for a nice place for next fall."

I thought she might be exaggerating, but it really did have a "hey, I'm a poor university student and this is all I can afford" chic to it. She unlocked the door and walked into the apartment. We stepped directly into one room that contained the kitchen, dining room and living room. The couch appeared to be from the last century and there was no TV. The kitchen table was mostly covered with different kinds of fabric and an ancient sewing machine.

They had made some effort to decorate for Christmas. There was a small tree in the corner with some decorations, some lights in the window and cheap cardboard Santa and reindeer on their bedroom doors. I could understand why she was reluctant to bring me back here.

"Ehhh, it's not so bad," I said, moving aside a pile of fabrics on top of the kitchen table so I could lay down her gift. I looked back at her and she had her hands on her hips, giving me a look.

"I lived in some dubious places in my university days. This apartment is no better or worse."

"I know," she said, disappearing into her bedroom. "It's just an awful apartment for how much we pay, and the landlord does nothing to fix things when they go wrong. You can see why I want to spend every weekend at your house."

I could sense her coming back into the room and turned around. She'd put on a Santa hat in an attempt to bring some festiviness to the place. She looked adorable.

"This is so sad. Can you give me 10 minutes to pack and we'll go back to the hotel?"

She looked miserable, so I wasn't going to torture her by keeping her here longer than necessary.

"We'll open our gifts, then you can pack, and we'll head back, ok?"

She nodded, but still looked unhappy as she came over to the couch with a large box wrapped in Batman Christmas paper.

"Next year, Christmas at my house. Just the two of us. We'll decorate it to the nines and get a stupid big Christmas tree for the living room. Sound good?" I said.

She had an odd look on her face as she sat next to me.

"Next Christmas," she said softly. "I wasn't even thinking about next Christmas, but you're already planning for it."

"Sorry," I said. "Force of habit. Always planning ahead."

She looked at me, like she wanted to say something, but instead distracted herself by thrusting the gift into my hands

"I'm freaking out about this. I've never really given you a gift, so I really hope you like it," she said.

I took it from her and gave her a kiss. Her eyes were wide and I could tell she was very anxious about the gift. It would be mean to torture her, so I started tearing into the wrapping paper, pulling it aside, to find an old Amazon box. I glanced over at her.

"I had to put it in something," she said.

I opened the box and could see layers of clothing. Of course she made me something; she's a designer. She makes her own cosplay. I pulled out a heavy brown woolen cloak that looked like there was a hood. Then a white tunic, a brown belt, and pants. I realized what it was.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi," I said with a touch of awe. I looked at her. "You made me an Obi-Wan cosplay. Ashley this is..."

"Well, you said that because of your beard and stuff it would be hard for you to cosplay, and you weren't wearing spandex and I know you said Dr. Doom would be fun, but that's waaaay beyond my abilities right now, and then I remember Obi-Wan and I knew I could make that and I hope you're not disappointed..."

I put the box down, grabbed her shoulders and brought her in for a kiss. As usual when she was babbling it took her a couple of seconds to realize that she was being kissed, to stop talking and just enjoy it. I pressed her back on the couch and she wrapped her arms around me. Eventually, we pulled apart for air.

"I absolutely love it. I love that you made something for me. Thank you," I said. She beamed.

"Try it on to make sure it fits ok."

"You just want to see me strip," I said, beginning to remove my clothing. She gave me a smile that indicated that if it wasn't the plan, she was at least enjoying the show. Unsurprisingly, everything fit perfectly. She either had a good eye or snuck into my closet when I wasn't around. I went into their tiny bathroom, her apologies for its condition trailing after me. I looked in the mirror and had to admit I looked like a pretty good Obi-Wan.

"You did a great job, princess. This will be a blast to wear around comic cons. Are you going to go as my Slave Leia?"

I got a look.

"Wrong movie. But you might be able to persuade me to wear the classic white dress with some cinnamon buns on my head if you're good," she said.

"All I need now is the lightsabre and I'm all set," I said.

"Shit!" she yelled and ran into her bedroom, re-emerging a few seconds later with another, longer box. "I didn't bring it out with the cosplay because I thought it would be too obvious and then I forgot completely."

I took it from her, expecting it was going to be a lightsabre like you might give to a little kid. When I unwrapped the box I discovered how wrong I was. I'd wanted a lightsabre for years, but when I lived in Toronto there was never enough space to justify buying one. Now I had a high end lightsabre. The kind that people would duel with at comic cons. I knew how much they retailed for. I pulled out it and, sure enough, this was a replica of Obi-Wan's lightsabre. It was easily a couple of hundred dollars.

This was an expensive gift. The lightsabre, the fabric for the cosplay and all the work she put into making it. Part of me wanted to scold her for spending so much money on me when I knew money was tight for her. But it would be a dick thing to do.

Instead, I put the box down, went over and picked her up, and gave her a spinning hug, making her squeal. I put her down and gave her another kiss.

"I love it," I said. "I always wanted one and would never pull the trigger on it. So thank you. You're amazing."

She was beaming and practically levitating off the floor.

"I was afraid you were going to lecture me on spending too much. But I'm good at being able to cut some corners here and there. Besides, I really wanted to do this for you," she said.

"I'm glad you did. Now I just have to wait to wear it to a con," I said. "Hey, go open your gifts."

She'd forgotten there were things for her to open. I find there are two kinds of women when it comes to gifts. Meticulous unwrappers and shredders. I was glad she was a shredder. She grabbed the first box and began tearing the paper off. I wasn't surprised she picked the smaller one first. I knew she was dying to see what was in the large box, but she was all about denying herself.

Once she finished with the paper she saw it was a Scarlet Witch figurine. She laughed.

"Nice," she said. "Am I going to get one of all my cosplays?"

"Maybe," I said. "That's not actually a bad idea. Or maybe just the ones you used to seduce me."

"So that would be all my cosplays then," she said, sticking out her tongue and being a brat. She then looked at the large box. "I'm nervous about what this is, although I can tell you didn't wrap this. This is a much nicer job than what you did on the figurine."

"You're not going to get less nervous just looking at it, Kitten. It doesn't bite, I promise."

She began picking at the paper and then, finally, her will power dissolved and she started to shred the Christmas paper. The new sewing machine revealed itself.

I know nothing about sewing machines. But I went on some cosplay forums and said I wanted to get a good new sewing machine for my cosplayer girlfriend. This one pretty much was the top of the list. Also, I was awesome for wanting to do this for her, which was good to know.

She said nothing and with her head lowered and her hair covering her face, I couldn't really see her reaction. She walked around the table, touching the box gently like she was afraid it was a mirage that might disappear.

"I hope it's the right one. If it's not and you need something more industrial or sturdier or other sewing terms, I can return it and we can shop for the right kind for you," I said after she went about 30 seconds without saying anything.

"It's the nicest gift I've ever gotten," I heard her whisper. She looked up at me and I could see tears in her eyes. "I can't believe you bought this for me."

"It's what you do for someone you love, princess," I said. The words came out, and it then took me an additional few seconds for me to realize what I had said. Then I smiled because I realized I was perfectly ok saying it because it was true. I was in love with her.

Her eyes got wide and the next thing I knew she was flying across the room and slamming into me hard enough to knock me back onto her old couch.

"I moof oo too, addy," she said with her face buried into my chest. I laughed and hugged her harder. Eventually she tapped my shoulder to let me know she needed to breathe. I let her pull back. Her eyes were red and she still had tears, but she looked radiantly happy.

"I love you too, daddy," she said.

"Good. Because it would be awfully sad if it was just me," I said. I shook my head. "We're in it deep now, Kitten. You ok?"

"Never better," she said, and we were perfectly happy for me to sit on that ratty couch with her sitting on my lap and her head on my shoulder and just enjoy the moment.


Montreal -Three days until Christmas.

After the drama at her apartment, along with a spontaneous 'christening' of her apartment that involved one of her neighbours banging on the wall and telling us to keep it down, we eventually got her packed up and staggered back to the hotel.

The next morning, we grabbed some breakfast, checked out, and made our way to the airport. The glowing mood that had sustained Ashley for the past 12 hours evaporated once we arrived at the airport and she checked in. There were flights going to Toronto every hour, but I wanted to make sure she got away to Saskatchewan safely first. That meant I had another couple of hours to kill.

"This sucks," she pouted at the departure gate. "I never really wanted to go and now I really, really don't want to go. Can we just skip the flights, go back to your house and, like, not leave until school starts."

"It's barely a week. We'll meet up in Toronto, take the train back to Kingston and you can stay at the house and roam around naked to your heart's content," I said.

That got me a small smile. "I am absolutely going to take you up on that.

"Still, a week with my mom," she sighed. "At least I can do this to her."

She turned her phone around and showed me a picture of the two of us from the other night at the pizza place. Gillian had snapped it and it was Ashley snuggled tight into my chest while I had my arm around her. She looked radiant. I looked like a goofball, but a very happy one.

When I raised an eyebrow and asked why, she simply said, "Oh, I've been waiting for this. You know you're older than her, right?"

It had never occurred to me to ask how old her mom was. The mildly stunned look on my face made her laugh. She told me I was almost five years older than her mom. Wow.

"Look, we're better than what we used to be; that she sent me a plane ticket and invited me to come home for Christmas is proof of that. We love each other, but I'm not sure we like each other much. And this," she said waving the phone in her hand, "coupled with telling her how old you are will drive her nuts."

She cackled with glee.

Mothers and daughters. It was best not to get involved.

After more hugs and some tears, she finally left to get on board her flight. I moped my way over to an airport restaurant and grabbed a late lunch.

I was in love. I'll be damned. I never thought that would ever happen again. But it felt good. I glanced at my phone and scrolled through photos of the two of us. I was grinning like an idiot in almost all of them.

That's when my phone vibrated and a little bar flashed across the top. It was an IM for my mom.

"Looking forward to seeing you in a few days!"

As much as I was going to miss Ashley, it had been more than six months since I last saw my parents. I was doing better back then, but they were still nervous about me heading out east by myself to a new town and house. I might be nervous telling them I was dating, but I was going to be glad to be in a good mood. That alone would ease their worries.

"Can't wait to see you and dad as well," I replied.

"Sooooooo, a little bird told me you might be seeing someone.

"Looking forward to the details."

I was going to kill Meg. I was going to kill her, and do it slowly, and then plead insanity, which I will totally be able to get away with.

"Really?" I replied. "Who told you that?"

"Oh, I never reveal my sources," she typed.

Oh I'd get it out of her when I was there in person. And then I would spend Christmas figuring out how to dispose of Meg's body.

"But...Helen was here for a visit when I found out and I might have let it slip.


Helen. Beth's mom knew I was dating again.

For fuck's sake...

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AndebyAndeby25 days ago

I came for the sex, but stayed for the characters, Great story so far!

SatyrDickSatyrDick2 months ago


"Let's put it this way, and excuse me for going philosophical for a moment, but do you believe there's an order to things, or that it's all just chaos?"

She looked more intrigued than confused. "For life, the universe and everything?"

Anyone who quotes Douglas Adams was always going to get a break from me."

ANY H2G2 references automatically renders a chapter 11/10!!!!!

oldsage_1oldsage_13 months ago

Oh you do like your cliff hangers! Hope you have finished the series before I get there! It's going to suck having to wait on chapters.



AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This series has totally sucked me in. It's nice having locations that I know.

Our lack of actually having the charge of "vehicular manslaughter" was very distracting for me, unfortunately. Logically, i know it's the easiest way to describe the situation. Emotionally... Totally butthurt that this does not exist here. It's a very difficult series of charges to add up to an equivalent. (But it still falls short).

unbaiserunbaiser9 months ago

There's little doubt that this is one of the best, if not the best, series on this site. Every sentence is well-considered and serves its purpose in the development of the growth of the story. The sensitivity of the writing is evident throughout.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Time warped again. Great writing. I’m not really into any of the fetishes in the story, but I am invested in the characters. Amazing writing, I have had real tears several times.


I am SO ENJOYONG this series...the pace is just right...the communication between Ashley and Ben is setting the right example for readers...anyone reading this should LEARN "something" from their interactions...

I know of a couple who were into the "little" play arena; they were incarcerated at the County Jail I worked at. The toll it took on them, being apart, is now very apparent to me (as it 'kinda' was at the time); we read the inmate mail...some of the stuff was really risqué and nasty...SHE seemed to be the more aggressive one to the officers, especially when she was reprimanded/disciplined for trying to talk to him...I realize she was protective of him, as Ashley is here with Ben...too bad they both went to prison, for long terms, and were gonna come out as sexual offenders with registration requirements...made bad decisions with kids involved in their "play"...

Maybe I should not talk about that...MY POINT IS that this stuff DOES happen in reality (not just a fantasy story like this). Judging them kinda fell into my view of them, mostly because of the molestation issues; what I am saying is that what people do on their own, do not hurt anyone else, be considerate and respectful...somewhat discrete...

A few readers here have issues with the 'tail' and the swinging aspects; okay, have an issue, keep them to yourself and go on. This is a fantasy...if that is not your thing, then leave it alone...some of the rest of us may have ideation about this...(???) Do you understand my point?

Going on to next chapter...the family thing is going to be entertaining, if nothing else...see how Ben's family, & Beth's mother, take the whole thing...I think it will be just fine!


oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

You have beef really good at keeping this going, not into pet play but a goo story well written

StrixalucoStrixalucoalmost 2 years ago

I am not bothered by the swinging talk alone. It seems probable they will never go to the club.

bigurnbigurnabout 2 years ago

A little too much time and detail on the kitten scene, for me and this style of relationship has no room or reason for swinging. JMO so only 3 stars

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